pace-two The OREGON STATESMAN, SHen. Orrson, Thursday Morning. August 4, 133S Dewey's Case Hit by Order Counsel for Ex-Tammany Boss Jeopardizes Case ,!.-, Against Rackets NEW YORK, Aug. 3H)-Conn-sel for James J. Ilines, the erst- while powerful Tammany boss ac cused ef participating in a rastj poller rackets conspiracy, obtain ed a court order late today put ting la lie b of the prosecution's ' case in jeopardy. - -; Upon 'motion of Lloyd Paul Stry-er,' H i n e a lawyer, Justice Ferdinand Pecora directed Dist. Atty Thomas E. Dewey to show cause tomorrow irhy erldence based on the lone bill of particu lars he filed yesterday should not be barred. " - 's . - That bill charged, among other things, that accused policy con spirators not specifically Identi fied "intimidated. Influenced or Wibed' public officials, including former Tammany Dist. Atty. vil- liant C Dodge; City Magistrate ' Hulon Capshaw, and the late City Magistrate Francis Erwin. Stryker contended this specifi cation was "indefinite, ragu and full of generalities, as were others, and thus that all should ' be 'thrown out because they had not set 'forth the "specified facta" which the court bad directed that the bill must contain. . ge asserted that Dewey bad put-, forward "innuendos Instead of '- the flat accusations be bad been directed to offer, mentioning especially the prosecutors state- - meat that not only Dodge, Cap shaw and Erwin had been. im properly approached, but that "others, the names, of whom are not ; presently known," bad .been likewise UTOired. Navy Investigates San Diego Crash - . - ft - t I . " H . I ? - ''I ! i - Six-Month Birth Kate Above 1937 594 he'ported in Period for - all County; . J87 Born in June ' More births bare been report ed In Marion county for the. first six months of 1938 as compared to the same period a year ago according to the June report re leased yesterday by the Marion county department of health. For June there were 87 births, 44 male and 43 female. For the six month period there 694 births and recorded for the same period ,- year age. Death Rate. Increases Deaths Increased slightly with 433 tor six months in 1938 and 422 in 1937. For June there were 64 deaths, 40 male and 24 fe- ' male. Communicable diseases in cluded cancer, ' 77, apoplexy,' 9, heart disease, 8, kidney, 9, and one maternal death. The June ' communicable di sease report showed that there were 13 chicken pox cases, 1 ery sipelas. 9 influenza, 14 measles. 2 meningitis, 6 pneumonia, 1 scarlet ferer, 1 small pox, 1 tu berculosis and 1 whooping cough. There were three deaths due. to pneumonia and 1 ' tuberculosis. 9 HtAy&i00iLU Clark Is Seen Hope for 1940 Rush Holt Says" Victory in Missouri Tribute to "Independence". . WASHINGTON. A us:, i - m Rn Ponnott P1..V. " -"--- a uierwueim- fng renominatlon In Tuesdar'a democratic primary in Missouri prompted one of Ms senatorial colleagues to- declare, todn- it,. wmrjt la an outstanding possibil ity for president in 1940. senator Rush Holt ( D-WVa ) uiuuui ir uib independence of thought and action." and said it "put him in a position for im portant consideration for the de mocratic presidential nomination" two years hence. .' Clark, with the backing of the two major democratic factions In Missouri, snowed nnder two on. ponents. both of whom swore leo per cent allegiance to President itoosereit. Clark bas . onnoad some aaministratlon policies. : Holt was not the onlT adminin. tration critic to rejoice orer th Tuesday returns. t Former Got. Reed said at Par. sons, Kas., be would challenge the course of the Rooserelt adminis tration as a "menace to the coun try that must be changed "if our form of gorernment is to be nre- Democratic Got. Walter A. Hums was nnonnosed In th . a " w jvansas gubernatorial primary and SUte Sen. Payne Ratner won th republican nomination: Sen- George McGill, .a Rooserelt sun- porter, iriumpned bandUy in the democratic senatorial primary. Rooserelt supporters rlewed as farorable to their cause- th t-a. uiu in West Virginia, fourth state to hold primary tests Tues day, in the nlr three- districts' witn contests. nro-admbiitaffsn jncum Dents were renominated. xney were Representatlres Ram say, Edmjston and Johnson. Announce Grades For Gty Dairies Fire Sweeps Thousand Acres of Oregon Timber t - X- '1 t - u Following in the. wake of parching; weather, this forest fire raging out of control laid waste more than m mwuna acres oi raiaaDie umoer u northwest Tillamook county. A loggia g company working the property was forced to stop work and fight the fire. Photo shows cdama of smoke rising thou ands of feet abore the blistering infers o. - ; jj dditioo Crediting Workers - ficcounis rinisnea BUFFALO, I Wyo Aug. S-JPS -Roy Wight, 18, came to the office "of Dr. John Hynds com. : plaining he had - something in his eye. . , . - The physician removed the obstruction and discorered It a gold nugget; Wight said he bad been working in sv mine. In accordance with the Salem While aaral. authorities recently sought the causa ! of a plane crash which took the Urea f two mn. funeral amusements wr mnri for the bodies of the victims. A third man, Ariation Cadet J. A. m"k ordinance applying to dairies Porter, pilot of the torpedo plane, landed uninjured after a para- uPPlring milk within the City of chute Jump of a few hundred yards. Photo shows US nary salragers S1111. the following grades are lutoiing we wrecaage trom San Diego Bay. The dead were Kara! uuuuul:ru oasea upon results of Ariation Pilot J. O. Rose, 27, of San Diego and Radioman J. R. Pyf fer, 22, of JVew Cumberland, Pa. - ST. PETERSBURG, Fla,, Aug. S-CPy-This haren of deep sea fishermen and their tales bad a new story today of a water spi der that caught a three-inch gold- fish in a lily pool. Barcelona Raided By Rebel Bombers! BARCELONA, Aug. 3.-(P)-Aided by the light of- new moon, insurgent planes raided Barcelona tonight for the third time since bombing of the Cathedral of Bar celona July 19 -y Roaring orer the capital twice in a spectacular a 1 1 a c k-fire bombers plunged their cargoes squarely Into the city,; spreading destruction through many, of the central streets. The city was blacked out at 19:40 p. m. by an air. raid alarm effectire for three hours. "For , the first time since the early stages of the war, the capi tal's aearcblights ; succeeded in picking out the attacking planes aiyi Illuminating them during their passage orer the city. . 562ebShs wSe Old Bathing Suits i same period a . O , Sought for Stunt Salem Cherrians want a collec tion (of old bathing suits the older the better, and the more moth;' boles, the better, too. The Cherrians, usually a sedate marching unit, are goings in for comics, or at least' one comic stunt, at the Taft Redhead round up this Saturday and Sunday. - The ' antique suits, (models back to the tarn' of the century would be perfect), are part of the f stnnt only the Cherrians can't muster enough suits of the ancient rintage. Hence the appeal to the public. Suits should be left today or tomorrow at the chamber of commerce building, on North Liberty street orer Bishop's store.. Myers Will Leave Relief Committee 119 Join US Army To Break Record Major H. D.' Bagnall. army re eruiting officer, 323 Main Post office building, Portland, an nounced yesterday that during July 119 men were enlisted in the United States army by the main office and eight sub-stations of the Portland recruiting district, corering Oregon and parts of Washington and northern Cali fornia.: .: : , : This enlistment breaks all July records for the district, next high est being 114 a year ago. : More than 750 applicants were interviewed and examined during the month, and only 119 were found to be mentally, morally and physically qualified for ' enlist ment, Major Bagnall said. : New Trial Motion Is Denied Grerman ; i - PORTLAND, Aug.5 5-ffV-Ciri cult Judge Earl C La ton ret te of Oregon City today refused a mo tion lor a neV trUl for Fred W. German, Portland realtor con ricted of larceny by embezzle ment. German- was eonrlcted be- to risit bis mother whom be bad a charge. of mbesallng S0e from not seen for many years. ( Valdemar rienstead. - Rev. Ai J. Jensen Galled in Nonvay Rer. A. 'J. Jensen,. 4 8.' former pastor or the Pentecostal Church of God in Salem, died July IS in Norway, according to word recelr ed h e r e . Surrlring are a - son, Enoch in Washington . and a daughter, Ruth, in Norway. Rer. Jensen was a former mis sionary to China, to which, coun try he planned to return af tar learing Norway, where be went Jefferson Myers, Portland, for sererai years a member of the Multnomah county relief commit tee, has resigned. : Governor Charles H. Martin announced yes terday. The gorernor indicated that be would not appoint Myers success or until later in the week. Asked why Myers resigned. jorernor Martin said: "He bad plenty of reason for retiring from this committee.' Gorernor Martin refused to comment further. ' f Ex-OSC Student Head i Is Principal Engineer CORVALLI S, Aug. C.-(p- nenas oi jonn H. Alexander learned today of bis promotion to principal engineer of the war de partment. Alexander, who was president of the s'ate colleee stn dent body in 1923. is stationed at Conchas dam in New Mexico. Lions Picnic TodayJ The Salem Lions club will hold a picnic at Hazel Green at 5 o'clock tonight in lieu of its reg ular noon luncheon. Teams cap tained by James Cooke and Dr. Estill B rank will play a ball game at 6 p. m. and dinner will be serred at 7. Wisconsin Folk Here i FRUITLAND Mr. and Mrs! TP. J. Egglar bare as their rueata for a week or so. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Meyer and daurhtera Alice and Marian of La Crosse, Wise. Mrs. Merer is Esrrlar'aJ sister. ; ; Diphtheria Reported ABIQUA Lois Thomnson small daughter of Mr. and Mrs -an i nompson, is reported as baring diptherla. This In the first case reported in this district ' for Jong; time.. 'T Widen Coast HighrVay GOLD BEACH, Aug. sstate mgnway crews began widen ing the; coast highway:; through uoia Beacn today to eliminate bottleneck conditions. - Five Youths Burned to Death in Car Crash ::-.-,-itx:-e J Tbe fire-twisted wrectape of this automobile was the pyre Tuesday for fire schoolboys, burned to death when they were splattered with gasoline following a crash into a ml vert on the Old Oregon Trail near Union. Theyvwere Identified mm Barton Boshman, 15, his bt other, Clinton, IT, John Foley, 17, LeRoy Foitw, 10. and Robert Mjrrk-k, 13. Cliaton Bahuiaa wan a Condon high school student. AU Others, wi'Ji t&e exception of llyrlck woe La Grande hl&h school students. (Associated Press Photo.) . inspection of dairy farms, analy- aia vi mna samples and general compliance: Grade A; pasteurised: Capitol dairies, Curly's dairy. Dare's In- uepenaent dairy. Hazel Dell dairy. .ueaaow urore a airy,, Salem Sani tary uairy, and Waldo Hills Guernsey dairy. Raw: Pine Tree dairy, Capitol dairies, V. L. Cool er, -ureamiand dairr. CnrWa j . . - - uiry, jjare s independent dairy, Foshay dairy, Bruce Fox dairy. J a a - -r - . uuuaes aairy, Hazel Dell dairy, Hurley dairy, Lewis Judson dairy, Keizer -View dairy. Maple dairy, McMillin dairy, Meadow Grore dairy. Radiant dairy, Salem Sani tary aairy, A. c. Spranger dairy. Snider dairy, Squier dairy. Sun shine dairy. Valley Farm dairy. uu vam ituis uuernsey dairy. Inspections of farms, of which 231 were made during the first six months of 1938, corer free dom of herds from tuberculosis, contagious abortion and udder in fections, general cleanliness a. teurizing and bottling plant risits totauea ii and included inspec tion of pasteurizing processes and of the employes; samples of milk tested included 189 Grade A and 263 of B Grade milk and allowed 3000 bacteria count per cubic centimeter of pasteurized milk and a count of 9000 fr raw milk. August Rally of Ladies9 Aid Societies in Salem SILVERTOX Mrs. Alwt Grinde, president of the district Women's Home Missionary . weiy oi tne aietnodist churches, reports that the August rally will be held August 12 at tha KMr Methodist church, at Salem.. Asleep on the Wheel , ' PORTLAND. Ore.. Aur 's'-iffL uiukorist nas uozea at the wheel, but it remained for Rich ard Victor, 17, to go to sleep while riding a bicycle. He was treated at the Emergency hospital for - multiple bruises suffered when be dozed while peddling uuwn a -roruana street. i. - "i , Oil Fire Loss Heayyte CONCORD, Califs Aug. S.pV- timjvmM wriBUI swept tb Concord pumping plant of the Associated Oil company, destroy ing a building and equipment alued at 325,000. : . i , - . Fall Fractures Wrist A fall at her home yesterday resulted in a fractured wrist for Mrs. Lala McLaughlin, of 1924 Water street. She was nospltal laed at the Salem General about S o'clock last night, ISocial ' Security ' Board's big Bookkeeping ' Job Done for 1937 The crediting of each employe's wages receired. during 1937 to nis social security account un der the old-age Insurance sys tem is now completed, the social security board announced yester day through Ben O. Lipscomb, manager or tne Salem office. When the board, working at the rate or orer a million a dar. fin Ished recording the wage items cesses she called said the spider clung to a lily pad, held the fish's mouth and gills aboTe the water until It died, then began to eat the catch. Mrs. H. W. Bryan reported finding the half-dollar-size spider renortd n i - f ioV it .nht th. fi.i, witJreportd hy employers for 1937, the world's largest bookkeeping Job. - . Since the amount of each em ploye's old-age Insurance bene fits will be determined by his to tal wages receired in employment corered by the system, a sep arate wage account, identified by an account number, is main tained for each one of the many millions of workers under the system. A lag of about 6 months will always occur between the end of the period for which wages are reported and the recording of employes wages in their ac counts. The bureau of , internal revenue requires approximately three months for auditing the reports, and about the same time Is required for the . board's bu reau of old-age insurance to com plete! the recording of wages. BELTS VTLLE, MdM Aug. 8 (Jf) They're prepared to "freeze chemical fires if they should break out in the nation al agricultural research center here. In the hall outside the chemi cal laboratories there hangs a large red fire extinguisher. An attendant explained that should a chemical catch on fire the extinguisher is turned on It emits a gas which turns into dry ice. 16 UCC Employes Let Go, Economy Sixteen employes of the state unemployment compensation com mission were released yesterday as an economy measure. There are now less than 100 persons employed by the commis sion as against more than 200 six months 'ago. Officials indicated that other reductions in the operating staff would be made later. Late Sports Aug. l-iaFlrst SEATTLE, night game: Portland ... . . .1 S 1 Seattle 10 14 1 Darrow, Miller 7), Shealy (7) and Cronln; Barrett and SpindeL Six Boy Scouls . Scale Jefferson I ! - ' - Difficult Pinnacle on Peak Also Conquered During . . Camp Pioneer Trip A fire day hike up Mt. Jeff, erson acd to the top of the rin nacle was made by six Boy Sconts who bare been at the scout camp. Camp pioneer. The boys, who are the first scouts to make the top of the Pinnacle cn Mt. Jefferson this year, in cluded Robert Day,, leader; BUI CU,, Harold Bmlth. Harry Jones, Jack Gibson and Daniel Ross, anchor man... The first day ther stopped at Marion lake tor lunch and then went to Hunt's Core for tha bight. Tuesday they reached timberline and Wednesday start ed up ML. Jefferson. , The trip was alow because of thin air and the sky a little basr from fore.t firs. The bora registered at the top. 10,495 feet abore sea lerel. and took from places fourteen to twenty in the book. The scouts started down the mountain about 2 o'clock and camped at timberline that night. Thursday morning they hiked down from timberline catno to Hunt's Core and rested until 4 o'clock that afternorn. Late that day they climbed Lizard Ridge and went to the Lake of the Woods. Frldar moraine they left for Marlon. Lake where they at lunch and arrlred at Camp Pioneer ai t o'clock. l-()-Second SEATTLE, Aug, night game: Portland ............. 4 f 1 Seattle ....1 1 ' (7 Innings) Radonlts and Dickey; Turpin and Fernandes. - ' i LOS ANGELES, Aug. Oaklami S IK S Hollywood ............ 9 li 1 Joyce, Lindell (5) and Rai mondi; Osborne and Breniel. SACRAMENTO, Calif.. Aug. 3- (AV-Nlght game: San Diego 1 C S Sacramento ...........9 14 1 Ward. Pillette (5). Snellen back (8) and Hogan; Freitas and Franks. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. l-OPh- l.os Angeies .....z z San Francisco 4 12 2 Llllard and Collins: Koupal, Ballon (S) and Sprlns. Yegg Forsakes Land, , Cracks Vessel's Safe PORTLAND, Aug. 3.-()-A thief turned to an ocean freighter for loot today. Captain Cameron D. Simmon reported the Portmar'a safe had been robbed of $890. McAIpins, Terhun And Joneses Meet SILVERTOX Members of the MrAlpIn, Jones and Terhune clan met Sunday for their annual reunion with three of the chil dren of Henry ' McAlpln who crossed the plain and settled in the Waldo Hills, present. These were Robert McAlpln, Margaret Jane McAlpln Terhune and Polly Ann McAlpln Jones. Mrs. A. J. Stimpson of Port land was elected clan president. Mrs. Karl Haberly of Sllrerton was reelected, secretary. Next year's meeting will be held on the last Sunday in July at the Sllrerton park. W. A. Terhune of Portland, presiding president Sundsy, is a retired Southern Pacific employe and lire d at Sllrerton during 1909 and 1910 while employed by that company. Coogan Is Denied Hearing by Jury LOS ANGELES. Aug. t.-VPf-Jackle Coogan, inrolred in a legal dispute with his stepfather and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bernstein, todsy : was denied a Jury hearing of his demand for an accounting of the money be earned as a child star In motion pictures. Superior Judge Reuben Schmidt ruled that the suit Is to determine a matter of law, not a question of fact, and that it therefore would be beard without a Jury. The trial was set for Nor. 14. Obituary Little In this city August 1: winiam W. Little, aged 82. Late resident nf RCA Qm1. 1 - . - I - uvuiu -ni.Bi.reo is nr. Tired by daughters, Mrs. Lore Marlels and Mrs. Ira Bnach-. both of Salem; son, Willis C. Lit tle of Klamath Falls: two rrand. children and three great grand children. Funeral annonntemont later by the Walker .Howe funeral home, . . 7 i ' -t "JQemodeL your home WITH A FIRST NATIONAL FHA LOAN" frry meter method. Our hear- I r v -' - - Vv HV fS. ing aid specialist will he tiHriiAV ' -VT.Wll rV SK J 1 ! here Monday, Ausrust 8. J ' J" ij JP ! Optometrist O Complete Optical Serrice I fir "g?--"- ' '" lr 'f ' : : 1 379 SUte St. .Salem - " ' - ' ''''' ' ''' at w ' : .i . .r - i I I . " -. - II nsaa-BsawBBasl t )n ' X. I. aav A. , O. Ckaa, D. Herbal remedies for ailments of stomach, li rer. kidney, skin. blood, glands. A urinary sys-, tem of men A women. 2 1 years. in serrice. Naturopatble Physi ciana. Ask your-'Neighbors about CHAN LAM.. 1 . on. ennn nm CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 193 Court SU Comer Liber ty. Office open Tuesday A Sat urday only. 19 A. M. tn 1 P. M. to t P. II. CousuItaUon. blood pressure. A urine tests are free of charge. - , 1ROOF1MG Willamette Valley Roof Co. o Walter F iell o : . Add to Us comfort, volue - orid attractiveness! Now is the time to make those needed improvements fo remodel, report, add extra rooms, a new heat- ing system or other con . veniences. y ' The First National Bank offers Jong-time.FHA Modernization financing on existing structures up H ERE'S HOW YOU OBTAIN A MODERNIZATION LOAN X. Secssw ZstUmmU mi Ceef , vawi pttm frmm yr ttnimj 4reWc I 2. See Tie Flnt HmtUaal Bsmk Ms- bf l w ----'-- nthm CerOfTcace mi Cutefetfeai " l tU b-W Tlsea) ttssA. yfsjr MtrrsC9r Tkm First HsUmmml Baa tbe pmy CASH, Ne CMorf . . . Urn fca CW! ZxampUs or mooienization f inancinoi (t TOUI IMPtOVIMINTS COST $200 $I7AS b $e.ia IsfsUIV " f too hup wot se a ocrosffot to soeaow jvom this samk I 1 fMWx OF PORTLAND - hVMl 3 "Fir National Bank West of the Rockies' m t M s i e o s t A t Diosir 1 tAMCi COSFOtATION