PACE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, August 4, 1938 Huckleberries Attract Many Donaca Is Erecting Second Business Building at Lebanon - LEBANON The huckleberry crop In the eastern part of the county ia said to be unusually heavy and many horseback par ties are making overnight trips to Snow peak bringing in from 20 to 40 gallons a trip. People of this section count as much on this luscious fruit as on the cultivated . berries la their fields. ' ' Miss Laura Bruce has returned to Lebanon from Minnesota where with her brother she ac coin pan led the body of her moth er for; Interment. They stopped In Colorado for a visit. The Albany band directed by Loren Luper played Tuesday night at Newport field to recipro cate for the concert given by the Lebanon boys at Albany . last week. """" Starts Second Building ' J. M. Donaca is erecting his second building on his lot on Grant west of Second street; ce ment has been poured for the 35x10 combination block includ Ing a service station, garage and repair shop. - Ed Fitzgerald is the contractor; the' building will be occupied by Smith and Pierce. The Linn and Benton house wives vacation camp closed Sun day with a dinner in which the families of the S9 women in camp Joined. Long Bow camp on the Santlam river above Cas cadia was constructed by CCC boys and was voted by the va cationists as ideal and plans are afoot to meet again next yean Mrs. Roosevelt Sees Grandson Harry L.' Riches ; Are Son's Parents SILVERTON A ".nine pound 14H ounce son, born lafe Tues day afternoon, is being announ ced by Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Riches of Silverton. Mr. Riches is Marlon county agricultural agent. This Is the second son and sec ond child born to the Riches. The baby was born at the Silverton hospital and bother mother and Infant reported doing nicely Tues day night. Roberts Folk Return ROBERTS Mrs. Henry Bruce, with her two children, has Just returned from a two weeks' visit 1 . I. V r r it.u ucr yircun, xur. buu jura. P. Krainlng of Walla Walla. - , J .. - c - Mm"- i Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr, and Mrs. Roosevelt . ' For the' first time Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, wife of the president, sees her new grandson, the child of Franklin D, Jr., and the former Ethel duPont, at a Philadelphia hospital. Mrs. Roosevelt la shown . with son Franklin outside the hospital. - Bear Doing Damage but Hunters on His Trail SILVERTON HILLS Bear hunters have been making an effort to track down a bear which has been doing damage to cattle In the grassy flat district. To date only the tracks and the damage done by the animal have been seen. Vacation Extended. SILVERTON HILLS Will Bailer will: remain for another month's visit with relatives here. Bailer had 'planned to return to his work at the blind school of crafts in San Francisco, but re ceived telegraphic message that his vacation had been extended. 3 Grangers' News BRUSH COLLEGE - A 7 o'clock no-host picnic supper will be held Friday night at the com munlty g r o v e for the August meeting of ' the local grange. MACLEAY An interesting program, including a. lecture, has been arranged by the new lectur er, Hayry Way, for the grange meeting Friday night. mm. a ww m i At r r 4 V I 1 Qgfe ft OKNSATIONAL. new Select-A- : Speed Calrod cooking units in the new, 1938 Hotpoint Electric Ranges bring 1 more speed to electric cookery snd produce; actual savings up to 64 in cooking costs. This amazing new cooking unit offers a choice of 5 pre cisely controlled cooking heats. You choose the exact heat required for any cooking op eration, without doubt or guess work. Cooking costs now bit a new "low." Yvmn W mf (mm sa hottowt wrrs SOXCT-A-SKES CAUtOD SELECTA. SPEED CAUtOD Ho ipoin t' t rmroJutioitm mry tooking unit. $ 4if tfnt cooking mpmadm. - nov I JUL mm EXCXUSIVELY AT SALEJI SILVERTON ALBANY Free Parking for Our Customers Albany's Postal Receipts Increase ALBANY Postof flee receipts for Albany show a gain .for July thisyear over those of 1937, of $2.25. July, 1937, the receipts were $3,622.16, while for July this year they were $3,684.41. Postmaster. Hockensmith pre dicts a possible $50,000 gross to tal for the year. ALBANY Sunday, August 14. has been set as the date for the annual reunion of the Rodgers clan, with the meeting to be held In Bryant park, Albany. A basket dinner will feature the noon hour. The original R-igers, Eli and Hannal, crossed the- plains from Missouri in 1864, settling on Rod gers mountain, east of the pres ent townsite of Sclo. All descend ants and their families are expect ed to attend. - Cecil Harrison. Shedd. is Presi dent of the association! Vernnn Arnold, Lebanon, vice-president; and Mrs. Jess L. Rodgers, Albany, secretary. Music Galore Is Promise for Fete 25 Floats Already Entered , for big. Parade, Flax , Festival Days MT. ANGEL There will be no derth of music at the ML Angel nax reauvai August 12, 13, and 14 for at least 12 . bands from surroundlnr towns and Portland will take part in the grand floral ana industrial parade set for 2 p. m. on the second day of the celebration. - : - . Twenty-five float entries have been, filed already with Frank Hettwer, parade chairman. The &a.iem unernans,- Kewberg Ber riahs, Portland Rosarlans and the iwvus late uenis nave accepted invitations - to , march in the ' pa rade. .' ' - .- ; With the help of Oregon State conege a complete and most In terestinsr exhibit nf th fin n dustry in all its stages wiU be uispwiyea m ine city nail. Proflrram Ia Varlxl Although nrimarllvdesienad to attract attention to the rapidly growiag nax industry in JLhe Mt. Angel district. th flar fontlral will offer visitors a wide variety or entertainment features, in cluding a carnival, fireworks. Flaxville vaudeville. h n w a. dances, aueen coronation eer moniai, "Flaxtown Frolics" a comedy presentation by. 20. pro fessional actors, a. Vdtf net parade, and the new bicycle ball rame. in which the niivon ail nae Dicycies. ; . xne annual festival is . spon sored bv the hnftinpfta mn and flax growers, with Joe Keber general cnairman. : $25,000 Damag Suit Is on File DALLAS Clarence Gorton filed a $25,000 damage suit in the circuit court here Wednes day against George Mitchell and Eugene Shnttleworth. Gorton also asks $600 special damages. Gorton alleges that Shuttle- worth operated a car beloneine to Mitchell in a careless and neg ligent manner and at an excess ive rate of speed causine a col lision between, the car of the plaintiff and defendent, and re sulting in serious injury to the plaintiff. The accident took place on the Salmon river cut-off in Polk county on June 1, 1938, at 11 m. Gorton Is suing for $25,000 general damages and for $500 damage to his car and $100 dam age for the loss of time for the car which he uses In the truck ing business. Arnold Weston, Brother Of Salem Minister, Is Guest Speaker, Church SILVERTON Arnold Weston, brother of Charles Weston of Salem. ComnlAteri thnuutiv lecture course at PaiMrr pn. costal church at Silverton ; Tues- oay nignt. Weston, who' has Just returned from 5 V, years ahroad. - dntv large audiences. Four of his years away from his native coun try was spent on the Ivory coast of French West Africa, at the Tenkodogo mission station. Wes ton spent a y e a r and half in France, learning the French lan guage. From Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Weston will rn tn Pasadena.: Calif. - - . Reference Section of . Silverton Library Has I 240 Questions in July SILVERTON Th rrnM department in the Silverton pub lic library is rapidly gaining in popularity and durinr Jnw a questions were attended, t Much of. tne material used in this de partment Is . made available through the services Af th 'T1 girls employed at the library. - jujy s report shows the total circulation at 1261: 32 nw r.ii. ers; and doners to Include Mrs, Edson Comstock, Hal Campbell. Bonnie Jean McPlke, Mrs.' James A. Scarth. Mrs. H. B. Latham. Mrs. H. R. Irish, Mrs. R." A- Cowden, Mrs. C. A. Reynolds. . Dayton Woman 111 DAYTON Mrs'.- Harry Sher man, who has been sllchtlv In disposed for more than two weeks but under a doctor's care. Is worse and the last few days is connned to her bed with an attack of sciatica rheumatism. tWnaaal Lm a m at Lobs; Terms Easy Payments' " - " Abo F 1-3 A Leans mac G nODEniG, Inc. Gnardiasi Bids. Phone 4108 'Witched' Wells Dug Successfully In Liberty Area LIBERTY Now Is the best time of the year to dig wells. according to Glen Robertson, who has Just finished two weUs in this district. At this time of year when water is low and some wells go dry, a well digging that strikes a good water 'supply is bound to be a good well. Both the wells were "witched" by Robertson before digging ever started. The two new wells were dug for M. Stewart and for V. A. Ballantyne, for the latter on his new place. The Stewart well is 28 feet deep, the other 23 feet deep, each 46 inches in di ameter. One well has over 11 feet of water already, the other over 4 feet over night and still rising. Robertson and Orville Hamann dug the first well in 2&4 bourse and the second in 24 hours, fin ishing the last on Saturday. Robertson states that he has always been successful in "witch ing" for water in his home town of Pea Ridge, Ark.- Seized inHitch-Hike Death . -'-wy:::! - :k ----- fA Mrs. Panline AJdmg ajid Robert Thompson Seized by poUce at El Dorado, Kaa, Mrs. Pauline Aldinger, 19, of Canton, O., is said to nave told police her companion, Robert Thomp son, 18, also of Canton, shot and killed Francis Welker, a cattle buyer, at Moriarty, N. M, because "Welker got fresh". Mrs. Al dinger, who had fled from Canton recently with. Thompson following quarrel with her husband, hitch-hiked' to California and was return Ing: horns when the incident occurred. Police held the couple for " New Mexico authorities. Robert Edwards Hurt ( In Automobile Mishap; Is in Salem Hospital TURNER Wcrd reached J Ar thur Edwards that his young son , Robert, member of the CCC camp at Detroit, had a serious accident Saturday night- in that region.- - - While riding with a group of young people, he was thrown out of a rumble seat, falling some distance down an embank ment, fracturing a vertebrae and a probable skull fracture. He was brought to the Deaconess hospital Salem. Subordinate Granges in Marion Are ; Urged to Blake Displays at National Session in Portland This November Each Marion county subordinate grange was urged to prepare an exhibit or display for the national grange gather ing in Portland in November at the business session of-Pomona grange council held Wednesday at Roberts, President Rex Hartley presiding. Fifty grange leaders attended. All granges were invited also to send candidates to Rob- Oerts Saturday night for the first and second degrees. Club supper will be served at 6 o'clock on the Roy Rice lawn, with conferring of degrees to be in the hall across the street. . . Ten of the 16 granges. An keny, Cbemawa, Fairfield, Macle ay, Red Hills, Roberts, Salem, Stayton, Turner and Union Hill, were represented. Drill For National W. R. Dallas, Red Hills grange, was appointed chairman for a rose drill to be presented by Mar ion Pomona at national grange. Pomona Master J. nO. Farr report ed for the' masters' group and called attention to the state con ference October 5 at Silverton Hills. The next grange, council session will be with Salem grange Decem ber 7 and next Pomona will be at Ankeny October 19. The Wednesday program in cluded: account by Mrs. Jessie Williams, Red Hills grange secre tary and also state junior leader of the Farmers Union, of the 10 day Institute held for FU youths at Estes Park, Colo.; violin solos, Philip Blankenshlp, Roberts,; ac companied by Mrs. D. B. Kleihege, Chemawa; readings by Mrs. Clara Minard, Roberts. Frtiitland Circle Will Meet Today FRUITLAND Sometime In September the Portland General Electric are going to build a new line to a few families in the com munity. Those who will receive service by it are K. O. Runners, Alfords and Slocums. The Women's Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. P. J. Eggler at 2 o clock Thursday, all mem bers and new residents of the com munlty invited. Mr. Greenfelder has sold his farm to William Gilman and Mrs. Millie Schutt has sold her farm to Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hunt and son. A tew of the community attend ed the camp meeting at Jennings Lodge Sunday, Including the Ffed Gerlg family. Mrs. Anna Girod is staying for the week. . Birthday Party Honors La Rose Lovelace, Also Lametta Cozad, Age 10 SWEGLE Mrs. J. C. Simpson was hostess for' a birthday party Saturday afternoon at the Wink enwerder's honoring her grand daughter LaRose Lovelace on her ninth birthday, and Lametta Co zad on her 10th birthday. A group of LaRoses schoolmates when she attended Swegle school were in vited. Guests were: A'Delma Jane Lake, Pansy, Wilma and Winona Deas, Doris . K 1 1 e w e r, Luella Dalke, Joan Lake, Joan and El eanor Smith, Lametta Cozad. Marylynn Lovelace and the hon or guest. Mrs. Emma Miller returned to her home here Saturday after spending the . past six weeks at tending summer school at the Uni versity of Oregon. She Is the new intermediate teacher in the Swe gle school. Miss Alma Stauffer will teach at Frultland. Give Rotary Program SILVERTON The ML Angel Flax Festival committee was In charge of the Rotary program at Silverton Monday. . The group gave some promise of what is in store at the approaching festival. Undergoes Operation SILVERTON Mrs. P. D. Pfaff of Mt. Angel was reported as resting easy Tuesday night fol lowing a major operation at the Silverton hospital Tuesday morning. Improve Farm Home. UNIONVALE A cement walk 24 inches wide and 180 feet long was poured Friday at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Delbel, between their house and barn. -. Plan Natty Uniforms SILVERTON The Daughters of Veterans of Foreign Wars are purchasing material . for their uniforms, which "are to be white with blue" lacing, blue collar, belt and culls.: Blue overseas caps will complete the costumes. TAKE LIFE EASY FROM NOW ON . . . fouj-co&t GA S HE A T no u ! Gas heat Is ideal for every size of home I O) Plan now to be realty com fotabie next winter with auto matic (as heat. Be rid of on sven beat of ashes, dirt and soot. Bask In effortless warmth. Such comfort Is definitefy not expensive because as heat ing rates are so low that aa (Ives the cheapest automatic heat. Gas heating equipment costs less, too. For Instance, a gas conversion burner for your present furnace Is priced as low a I1C9JW Installed. Don't delay. Investigate and Install automatic gas heat nowl Ash for. Free estimate' of the cost of heating your home with gas. This scientific estimate Is given without charge or obligation. Ask for It today! Pohtland Gas & Coke Co. 136 S. High St. . Phone 5919 GAS hecfr hones fester, better, cheeper! . tHIWJSW UtUHHtWl "NATURAL COIA DRINX AS VTMIAI1NG AS DELICIOUS TEA OR COFFEE. aim mbhmi m w vest a . Lj&) ill f fffWCff I . r V 4 ,TT Rowleys' Golden Wedding Honored Four Children, Daughters, Present at Surprise i Celebration DAYTON Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rowley of near Dayton who were married August 1, 1888, were honored with a surprise golden wedding: party Sunday when 23 members of the family gathered at their home for a family din ner. ' - They sre - the . parents ol four children all girls, all present. Eight of their 12 grandchildren and three of five great grandchil dren were present- Sunday. - .Mr. I Rowley was 72 on his wedding;" anniversary.-- He-' was born, in Iowa and ,tame with bis parents to' Norton, Kans.,-when 10 years of age and then to Nebraska several . years later where he married Miss Ida Mason at Orleans, Neb. - - In Dayton 47 Years In 1891 they came to Dayton where they have made" their home, since. Mrs. - Rowley, 67, was also born . in Iowa. '.- Their , daughters ara Mri. Anel La mm, Portland ; 31 r. : Henry reshour, Dayton; Mrs. John . Heaven,'' Portland ; Mn. Jesaa White.' Beedport, who with their huband were ' present 8undy, also the following trandchiidrenj Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamon, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Harrey Hampton and two daugh ters, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. PanI Pot ter. McMinn yille ; Vernon Laman. Port land: Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Lyman and daughter, Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Freshonr, Daytoil; Miss Betty Deffen- bansb, Portland; (Jack .White, Heedsport. -1 f r . j rarmers Union News Orchard Heights Club WiU Hold 7th Annual - Homecoming August 7 " MEHAMA j-The seventh annu al homecoming of the Orchard Heights Community will be held Sunday, August 7, at the Luther Stout picnic ! grounds. Covered dish, dinner ill be served. This club consists of old schoolmates and friends of the Stouts. Harley Johnson - was given a surprise birthday dinner at the Johnson home Sunday by mem bers of his family. Jensen Goes to School BRUSH CREEK Reuben Jen sen, son of Mrs. Anna K. Jensen, left. Sunday for, Eugene where he will attend the. post session of summer school. Jensen has been teaching at Astoria. Girl to Solbergs MARGDAM Mr. and Mrs. Ar- den Solberg are announcing the birth of t 6 pound daughter. born -July 25. LIBERTY The Red Hills junior Farmers union members were host -for a surprise "wel come home" party Sunday at Riverdale - park honoring . the juniors and leader Mrs. . Jessie Williams, who attended the all state camp at Estes Park in Colorado recently. Aurora Ships Peas To Southern Mart AURORA - Last week 700 sacks of Anrstria . peas were shipped: from the H. J. Zeigler and r taken by truck to Portland, - and from t here by boat, through the Panama Canal, to Alabama; ; . , : . Tha Mapiewood grange hall one half mile east of Aurora fcas been completed and was de dicated Saturday night with a' supper and dance which drew an Immense crowd. The problem now confronting the organization is lack of parking space as the grange expects to hold dances every Saturday night. , r, .and "Mrs. CjC. Stansbury of sponane, wno a iew months ago bought the E. C. Diller place, have sold to Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Fountain and are moving back Stayton Cannery Starts Bean Run STAYTON The 1938 crop of beans from the West Stayton ton cannery, which is running dally now. . Indications are that there will be a bumper cop this year. According to George A. Smith, manager, the b'ot wind and weather did no material damage to the crop. ; According to a survey taken last year for a eovernment bu reau, more . than 8. 00 pickers were employed and if. is expected this summer will be Increased by. 55 per cent. indications were the growers would not receiver as much for their beans this year as last, when a price of 170 per ton for the beBt quality was quoted. Garage in' new Home SltVERTON-Gross Pontlac garage Is moving from its pres ent location on Lewis street to the Custer Rosa buildiner on West' Main. The building is be-" ing remodelled prior to the move by Hugh Range, contractor. II V s-' v.y '"a M I 1 V x Stevens- Brown Introduce ... r New Optical Service ii Notvi Your Glasses Are Guaranteed to Fit or Money Refunded! . Stevens-Brown introduce an entirely new optical : service to men and women of Salem who are in need of perfectly fitting glasses. Now your glasses must be correctly fitted to your absolute satisfaction ... they must do all the. things Stevens-Brown registered optometrists say they will do to improve your vision ... they must be styled correctly . . '. and entirely satisfactory to you or your money is refunded. Wear your, new "Personality", Glasses on a 30-day trial offer and be convinced; beyond any doubt that your Tersonaltiy" Glasses are correct in every way. We can of f er this new service with confidence because past patronage has proved that when the Stevens Brown optometrists prescribe glasses . . they are prescribed correctly and to the utmost .satisfaction of the wearer and at lower prices, with no extra charge for credit. ;- . - DR. HARRY A. BROWN v - REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST . BUY TERSdNALt&9 GLASSES ' On-Easy Terms ' FREE REPLACEMENT OF BROKEN LENSES - WITHIN ONE YEAR Rimless Glasses Excepted STEVENS - BROWN 184 N. Liberty , Near Court