The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, July 29, 1933 PAGE ELEVEN Summer Shopper, rinds Id e as In Window" ' Window aaopjp'iY?fia Its pleasaror even on hot, sunshiny days. . Shops : sno summer clothes, picnic - cce; rU hot weather food and sou tealr gifts for aummer tourists. V REACH TOWEXS appear In one Slem shop window frequent ly and are Just aa gd Tvc win ter use aa summer. Pretty com fartable to use as a beach reW tn summer but ttmm for wrapping aroaud on for winter warmth oetween shower aad bedroom. - PLAID BREADBOXE3 match garbage cans, eoadtmeat contain er, waistbasketa . and prove a wonderful gift for a young bride fm her new apartment, or a sea soned housekeeper la a remod eled kitchen. PICNIC PAPER GOODS In clude practical non-absorbent paper plates, cups for hot - bev erages, paper forks that are Ions enough to eat with, and good sturdy spoons. Napkins are In expensive and some are In at tractive colored designs. HAND BLOCKED luncheon sets are shown In one store, very Practical for any-time use. fine for a gift to yourself or a friend. A LARQB SALAD BOWL. Pot tery and 15 inrhea arrnaa U In spiration and excuse enough for '.Informal entertaining where .a salad Is the menu. Piled' high " with 'a" mixed vegetable combi nation guests and family could ask for no more, but frequently. " ANOTHER , SALAD BOWL,, this time fin. wood, la wisely un finished inside so oils will pene trate and give fine flavor' to salads. . The outside is decorated, fork and spoon match, J ,. . OREGON JTJNIPER makee but tons -especially fine 'as souvenir gifts of the state, A DOOR . LOCTC display in ' a hardware window , reminds . the -sightseer ' to add this to a list of birthday gifts for Papa. V-He might' enjoy Installing a shiny new. knob tor; the front door. ST7MMKR SHOE specials are usually good buys. New shoes for hiking, gardening or house work" are important for foot comfort as broken down shoes usually take the arches with them. - ! - THERMOS BOTLES are on display Just About everywhere, sense have 4 graduated bakelite ops included. No burned mouths like we used to get with the metal kind. CAMERAS APPEAR at under a : dollar, excellent idea for youngsters or for those who don't take- pictures seriously .except a few weeks of the year and lose cameras in between times. .Herch er s Icirket 2360 Fairgrounds Road . Phone 8414 Do Your Shopping Where Prices Are Reasonable Every Day in the Week " - '. . . :-: , . . . ' ! . , - We Carry a Large Selection of the Very Best Produce Obtainable I Plan tor Peach Canning, Soon r To Be Ready Peaches are liable to sneak right Into our markets and catch the family cannera unawares, bat If there Is plenty- of .sugar on hand, jars aplenty and .a few fav orite recipes collected, : the . peach canning season can . be, begun on a minute's notice. '' i Peeling peaches Is one of the big Jobs la canning the fruit, an added task not necessary in- the simple preparation of berries and apricots and it compares favor ably with pitting cherries, a Job that all eanners would i like to skip. : . .-, - ! Several enterprising women in Seattle decided ' to - can peaches without first removing- the skins. It became qnlte a trick in that city, ooaao households swearing by the simplified method, others go ing back to the job of skinning Ihe peaches with the aid of boil ing water. The method is an easy one. You merely wash Off the peaches, put them whole or halved in jars, cover with a up-for-cup syrup and process in the oven for 68 minutes or in the hot -water bath for 25 minutes. -' ' If the open kettle method is used, the skins slip even -before the fruit is done, and when jars are filled the skins are easily picked from the syrup with a fork. t f " ' f i . - When the cold pack methods are. used the skins are loosened in cooking, and may be removed as the fruit Is served. The flavor of this type of canned peaches is really fine, the color is attractive because the pink that is found close to the skin adheres to tire peaches, giving a rosy color. But some caaners just can't get used to the skins being left in the jars. About varieties some of the early white meated clings are con sidered excellent eanners by the growers although not : usually known to be good for cooking. Hales, those large rosy faced . peaches that come in large sizes are used most for canning and eating. If tree ripened they are excellent ; though those shipped green are apt to be woody. Mod erate sized Hales are best for canning because they have richer flavor, and pack to better advant age. Slappies are fine eanners, though not particularly good looking and not such good eaters. The slappy peach is usually more expensive because there are fewer grown, but the fruit is delightful in flavor when canned and looks fine la the jars. Good also for preserves' but not for pickles. Elbertas are preferred by many for canning and for eating. They are moderate in size and - price, come in the mid part of the sea son and have good flavor. Today's Menu 'Green apples will be the pie to be made in a cheese crust. Grapefruit-cherry salad Poached halibut cheeks - -Broiled tomato slices ' Buttered potatoes ... . .Green apple pie. For the salad to go on the grapefruit segments that have been arranged on lettuce. . mix small pieces of maraschino- cherry with French dressing. . Dip the thick tomato slices In flour and broil fa butter, ' Sweden Offers Potato Dumbling Dish Here's another of those fine' Scandinavian recipes .promised for these columns and this time it's a- recipe translated directly 'from a Swedish cookbook for this writer by a friend. POTATO DUMPLINGS 1H liters potatoes (approxi-. mately cups) 2 hectograms white flour (ap proximately 14 cups) 1 tablespoon salt . 1 egg - "- y 3 to 4 hectograms bacon or pork (1 cups) 1 small onion hi teaspoon pepper j Cook " potatoes, mash and add aalt and egg and flour to bold to gether. Shape into small balls with- the hands, fry until done. Make hole in the center of the ball of potato, pet salt pork and onion fn the center, cook in salted water until they come to the top, or. about 10 minutes. Serve with but ter or slice and fry when cold.' Be carerui not to burn when first cooked. Coffee Ice Cream ;Uses Quick Method Another recipe for .using Ice cream powder is this one that In cludes strong coffee for flavor ing. . COFFEE ICE CREAM 1 package unflavored ice cream powder 1 cup sugar 1 cup water 2 cups strong coffee 1 cup evaporated milk Combine ice cream powder and sugar, add water and coffee very gradually, stirring until dissolved. Then add evaporated milk. Freeze In freezer. Makes about 1 quarts coffee ice cream. A liter Is- approximately 4 cups. A hectogram is approxi mately 3 ounces or 14 table spoons of flour, or 7 tablespoons of fat. No Sugaring "When Icing Made Like These -t. " . ' ; The active research work being done In the culinary uses of gly cerine have revealed many things of Interest to housewives. One is the nse of this liquid as a guard against Icing going to sugar. Here are several recipes whkh include glycerine. HONEY ICING cup strained honey 1 egg white 1 tablespoon glycerine Dash of salt . Boll honey and glycerine to the soft bail stage. Pour slowly over stirny beaten egg white to which the salt has been added. Beat un til stiff enough to spread.- . YUM TUM FROSTING j t cups brown sugar J 4 cup water . ' -. 1 tablespoons glycerine v 2 tablespoons butter . cup chopped nuts Boil sugar and water and gly cerine to soft ball stage when test ed in coll-water. Remove from heat, add butter and blend well. When sugar mixture is cool "beat until creamy, add nut meats and mix well. If too stiff to spread add a little more glycerine and mix welL K ' ' ' ' . MAPLE PECAN FROSTING ; cup maple syrup 2 tablespoons granulated Sugar 2 tablespoons glycerine . .. - 1 egg white . - - M cup broken nut meats Plsce first four Ingredients In top of double boiler, over boilinx water and beat until stiff enough to stand in peaks. Remove from hot water, beat a few seconds longer and add nut meats. COFFEE ICING SUPREME U cup butter 2 cups confectioners sugar 1 Vt tablespoons, dry cocoa 2 tablespoons glycerine 2 to 3 tablespoons black coffee, hot . Cream', butter and glycerine. Add dry Ingredients and enough hot coffee to make the right con sistency. Beat well. CARAMEL ICING cup butter 2i cups confectioners sugar M cup caramel syrup 2 teaspoons lemon Juice 2 teaspoons glycerine Vx teaspoon vanilla Cream butter and glycerine; add augar and mix together thor oughly. Add caramel syrup, lemon juice and vanilla and beat until thick and smooth. Spread on cake. Make caramel syrup by melting 1 cup granulated sugar over a slow heat. When melted and boil ing add M cup water. Stir until dissolved. Remove from heat and Use as needed. 9 3 mf TASTE SO xmtrwffiR.,. josTWMmjm) ' BassassaasssW ' Takes less than 15 minutes aft your fruit is prepared! TarOliORE long, tedious boiling! With Certo, you boil XN your fruit juice only V4 minute for jelly one minute for jam! Think of the saving in time and work ... in less than IS minutci after your fruit is prepared, you can make, pour, and paraffin a whole batch of jam or jellyf Ball AGAIN MOtt CtAfSZSI Due to that short bou, no trait juice goes off in steam as it does by the old, long -boa method ... So you average It glasses of jam or jelly in- -stead of 7! You get better tatting jam and jelly with Certo, too... because with that shorty minute boil, none of the flavor boils away! '' - NO Raft- or Faiicxzi When you use Certo, you get per fect results from argr fruit even sUawberrjes and pine applcl No costly jam and jeCy failures! M5ft2.M mi nan book ITLfJifu Look for book of v 7 lastsdredpes under fhe . f r r-- label of every bottle of i C" 7 this pure fruit poetia. v;-.--.'.r.. Certo Is a product of CT:-''- Gasvaral Foods, J 351 State Street Galem'c Retail Paclitng Plant And watch lagging summer appetites disappear. . You will like the rich flavor and tenderness i of our beef. It is cut from Choice Young Eastern Oregon Cattle. All sizes and plenty of cuts to chose from. REGULAR PRICES NOT "SPECIALS 0 Moimi Steaks ... a . . Sugar Cured tits IT C77 u (B Small. Ones Cottage Roil Ba,con Emk;: W&M. 3-MM JOWLS No' Tricky Bargain When You See It In Our Ad 7V So ; Pattern FLOUR Kitchen Queen Crown Produce 49-lb. Bag E2S CORNER STATE & COMMERCIAL Orders $2.00 and Over Delivered Free PHONE 6606 FLOUR Crown Best Patent 49-Ib. Bag E3ILACES. IPEJPPJSR . Ground Black. Pound Cello Bag KKSjEiSISIiDnSIKI Mustard Jar' pn(SEILISS iiestFood3 Bread BoMer' xtM- jarE ipiriP(5)iss New Gems 50 lb. bags if n o 0 0 Another Fresh Bake, Pound Slightly Salted 2 ib.boXHG(3 mm L) a&bOX ILQG ' f Fresh and Crisp J Reg. 15C pug. . " Bf ANNE ADAMS" V ' 't. Be a great "social success, with a dress or two like this to your sredit! Pattern 4552 has that elusive something which guarantees Mohs and ahs" of ad miration at afternoon parties. And every ( detail of tt will come from your needle so easily! 'The gath ered bodice panels and high waisted skirt panel may charm ingly form a color coiftrast with the rest of the frock. The puffed top sleeves may be brief, and nipped in with two sparkling. but tons or long and smooth to the wrists. Notice how the yokes widen the shoulders and minimise the size of the waist and see how softly the belt ties . at the front. All so chic in any good-'looking- silk orv synthetic light or dark! :"s Pattern 4S(2 is available- in "misses' and women's sixes 14, 1. IS, 20. 32. 34. SC. 38, 40 and 42. Size IS takes SU yards 39 inch fabric . , - ' Un WtmZM CENTS (ler la - ( mr ttampm (mIh pnirmd ) far , tbw Abb A4m pat Mr a. Writ Stately SIZE. KaiiC. AOOSCSS sad TILI KOMBCit. r-vaat a tyl te4r tat immmtr I Tha writ at Mr 1 INKt ADAMS 8UDMHU FATTEJIS fiUOK. It's (UWi wit SiBta m how Mlrr mm4 mar r Saw ta taak yacn tiaiakcr, . mmt tiiaraa ' taw to aa rrertlf drcsaa4 far avary aoauacr arttiBS, aBatnt aoalit r BaBBiit. Uoa't d- Uj ia temiiog for taia faariaatias : aaak. Ba4 auka 7 aaaaa atri k Jar saw aaaiawr ciataaa. PBiCE 0 bok nrwE! crsTs." ruics; - or pattebk rirrEES cents. , BOOK A5t PATTEK.1 TOGETUEB TWEXTT HVI CXSTS. Seas yawr wrscr t Ta Oraga . 8uteMB. rattara Dapartaxat. n n 8-oz. Cello Bag WIHIE AITHED Try Them With BaaS : pttgS. 22 3 ' ; : ; . . ... . . - - - ! SUdyAEa Fine Granular , 25 lb. btlg QSaSg : EQBr.3BIL ;g"v:: 3 packages SQ3 2 C5 Et. E El. IL. rorMnch.: can Qo". iPIIHE APPLE Sliced in Heavy Syrup ' VA Size Tin ElAPEPQtUII'i? ; cUEJIKSE Cd FE.EEdG 5PPEE Mountain Grown acuum Pack Pound Tin Vacuum Packed aW tl - ' Delicious When mm Bacon Squares Swift's Dixies SHORTEUfnO CarstenV Snowcap Cottag ;e Cheese Cherry Lane" or Red Rock i vp. ago : FRAtlliFURTERS . no. ZCn GROUND DEEF , Fresh : SAUERKRAUT 7hile II Lasts RIbbonettes 25-oz. Package E5G . Granulated Soap Giant Size Package 45g P QD &&r Q 4.Q5g ,1 Golden BanUm S&Ot?XjI Go" Brand 3can.2SG JYillet Sauce f-os. Bottle IIj ii LesUe'a X-lb. Carton S cartons H j G FLOUR BonneviHa - All Family Purpose 4Mb. Bag '