PAGE TEN Th OREGON STATES31AN, Salem, -I Oregon, Friday Morning, July 29, 1938 - " " - v- v, , 5 s an d F Society . . s Homemaking Styles .. Food st to dineii' Music MAXINE BUREN Women's Editor. ?. f (? L, , ' r Pirates Theme jtLer smiled - - - (ftetcAen Camp Santaly This Week New eatinres of iMefe Mrs. Princehouse Honored at Luncheon - :. Mrs. Verne Robb was hostess for - a delightful affair yesterday afternoon in the gardens of Mrs. Ivan G. Martin on South High street., The party was arranged -in compliment to Mrs. -H. H. Princehouse, jr.. and guests were ' bidden to a one o'clock lunch eon followed by neyeral hours of contract. " " IndiTidual tables were set on the lawn for the' luncheon "and centered with summer flowers. Assisting the hostess were . Mrs. Joseph Felton. Mrs. H. H. Prince house, sr.. and Mrs. A. A. Hager. Corers were placed for Mrs. II. H. Princehouse. Jr.. Mr. Ken neth Murdock. Mrs. Harold Duns inoor, Mrs. Henry Thlessen. Mrs. Iran G. Martin.- Mr". Warren Uaker, Mrs.. Millard Allen. Mrs. Joseph Felton. Mrs. H. H. Prince tiouse, sr., Mrs. La Verne Young, Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer, Mrs. Maurice Heater, Mrs.- Franklin Princehouse. Mrs. A. A. Hager. Miss Rose Marie Kromberg and Mrs. Verne Robb. Eagles Social Cluli Holds Meeting - Willamette auxiliary FOE met Wednesday night for business and social meeting with Ethel Can-others presiding. A class of ten candidates was Initiated to membership. These were Evelyn Kerps. Edith Berry, Ruth Cappg, Dorothy Jones. La Verne Proctor, Laura- Beecroft, Mrtie Eckles. Mabel Jenkins. Frankle Caswell' and Marjorie Moore. The annual Eagle picnic has teen postponed to-August 14 and the social club picnic will be at Olinger field August 10.. At a recent drill team meeting Suzanne Pruitt was ; reelected president. Other officers elected; were Ellen Moore, first lleuten-' ant; Ida Wesely, secretary-treas-urer; Lucille Bressler. custodian and Gladys Cooper, team repre eentatlrei . - ' Congregational Young People at Camp A group . of the younger boys and girls from the First Congre gational church hare left to at tend the Congregational training i i f ' . I ) c jLfi i r ' i M till !' -ti 0-"' . 1 - "We had both 'read the same book on letting the other, person do all j the talking so you can imagine what happened!" The trusting little blonde is retiring after a quiet too Quiet eve ning, many shades bluer than the soft azure chiffon of her gown. Its bodice, of softly gathered Alencon lace is rose-beige as the dawn of a new day. Our brunette is less trusting of fluent authors even her. Empire gown of "nude" chiffon reflects her greater sophist! ; this . wees, ; camp ; Santaly is t known as the Pirate Ship "San- tiam." In the pirate band are such notorious leaders as: Cap tain Blood, Miss Racbael Tocom; Captain Hook, Miss Lillian Pot ter; Captain Long John Silver. : Miss Jeanne Oeder, and Captain ' Kidd. Miss Marion Wyman. Tuesday -evening each pirate : in camp built a ship which was entered In ship building contest. First prize was 'awarded to "Speed" a motor boat, entered by Mary East. Second prize went to "Cobweb" a sail boat, which had a cobweb, for a sail. , This boat was entered by Nancy Wallace. Third prize was won by "Sea Moss a sail boat, which also was entered by Nancy "Wallace. Honorable mention went to "Susle-Q"- a viking ship, en tered by Katy Griffith. .'The following pirates are aboard the "Santiam" this week: Joan Beakey, Miriam Beck, Jeanne Busick, Mary East, Mar garet Jane Emmons. Wanda Grant, Katy Griffith. Ruth Ann Larsen, Pat Leary, Marian Lee, Marcia Moore, Sarah Ann Ohling, Georgia Roberts. Roberta Rog ers, r Jean Rowland, Leotaclare iVlbbert, and Nancy Wallace. Leaders for this week are: Miss Helen Bocker, camp direc tor; Mrs. I. L. Darby, camp mother; Mrs. C. W. Emmons, nurse; Miss Rachael Yocom, Miss Jeanne Oeder, Miss Lillian Pot ter, and Miss Marian Wyman. In the Valley Social Realm bara RIckettsv Ray Yocom and Lyle Brown. . Mi Flavia Downs, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Downs, will re turn to Salem this weekend from Portland where she has been at tending the summer session of the University of Oregon. Miss Mabel Downs of Portland will arrive in Salem this weekend to spend a week or more at the Downs" re sidence, - Miss '.' Carolyn Brown was a luncheon hostess yesterday after noon in the gardens of her home in compliment to Miss Elizabeth Overlman of Portland, a bouse guest at the Brown home, and Mrs. A. M. Leonard of Denver, who is visiting at the J. Lyman Steed residence. " Mrs. Almlra E. Hale and tier daughters. Miss May and Miss Laura Hale, are enjoying a sev eral weeks trip at ' Yellowstone National park and Idaho. They are expected to return the end of next week. v A Pythian picnic will be held in the city park at Dallas on Sun day. Coffee will be furnished by the Dallas Pythians. A program is being arranged for all Pythians and friends who wish to attend. ' Mr. and Mr. W. W. Row braugh have just returned from a week at the beaches. They went MONMOUTH Miss Verna Tit tle, daughter of Mrs. Dora Tittle, cation. Satin strips hold the draped pleats of the bodice, and edge i became the bride of Mr. Claire tbe deep oval neck line. Copyright, 1938, Esquire Features. Inc.-slura,Tani L r""uf,B l , , pretty home wedding Monday at 2 o'clock. atthe Tittle home. Rev. E. C. Hicks read the serv ice before a group of about 25 relatives and friends. Paul Lau ner, Sheridan, brother-in-law of the bride, sang "At Dawning," accompanied by Miss Dolores Bracken, the bride's cousin, who played the wedding music. Miss Tittle wore an afternoon gown of white silk and a corsage of gardenias and rosebuds.' Her sister. Miss Lyla Tittle; was maid-of-bonor. A reception followed. After a short trip Mr. and Mrs. Sturdi vant will be at borne at Park dale where he is engaged in fruit growing. Mrs. Sturdivant is a teacher in the Parkdale school. She was graduated from Oregon Normal school and has taught several vears. including two years in tbe state school for the blind at Salem. CLUB CALENDAR . . ' Sunday. July 81 ' Michigan picnic. Fairgrounds 1 p.m., program, 1 Friday, July 29 Salem Woman's Press club, with Mrs. Fred Zimmerman, 573 Statesman street, 1:30 dessert lucheon. t s Shipman Reunion Held At Dayton Descendants of James and Jane Shipman "met last Sunday at Dayton park for a reunion. There are only three living of cine children of the couple who arrived in Yamhill county from North Dakota in 1885. The three living children are camp at Camp Adams, near Ore- "Weekly Musical PrOSTam Charles H. Shipman of Salem. gon city Mrs. aarit wcAiiisier . -1 - - Wallace Shipman of Hood River, of Corvallis, formerly of Salem, is At Llbraryl and Thomas D. Shipman. of Pow- the camp hostess. 'I ' " 1 ers Sixty relatives attended the Attending from here are Miss A popular program of victrola reunion.'-From Salem were C , Patsy and Miss Eileen Hutcnfn-' music will be beard in tbe music h Shinman and Donna Mr and iuu, iuiuiuj cij, iii93 xur- ruuiu i lots saiem yuuiic norary Friday,' July 29, from 11:45 to 12:45; The program:- Symphony So. 5, from the New Vorld -Philadelphia Bympbony Orchestra ir. ii j . i f I Hosa Jf onteiia Polonaite in E Major.. Serrei Rar h-naoinoK Ueditatlon, frnm Thais Massenet Mischa lmin II TroTatora . . . Verdi Miserere (Caruso and Alda) Home to Our Moaataios (Homer and Caruso) Scherio from Uidsammer N ! (k t ' I Dream i L Mendelssohn Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra la the .Night . .Schumann : Harold Baner Serenade ; Tonselli i Beojsmin Gifli Selections from ,Tbe Fortane Teller - h . i.- i -' Herbert - -Vietor 8aloa roap The fourth period for fifth and sixth grade girls at Camp Santaly will open 'on I Sunday. There are three or four; vacancies and any girl wishing to register may do so by calling the.YWCA. i Miss Eleanor Fnndman enter tained with . an informal bridge party; last night at her home in compliment to Miss -Edna . Breed ing of Wenatchee, Wn.. who is her house guest for several days. - f . Mrs. B. Cavanangh of Chicago, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. Rowland for the past two weeks, will return home the first of August. i ' . ' MJsai Uetty; Pearl Foster and Jack Foster of . Wenatchee, Wn., MrsT Russell Shipman, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Shipman, Mr, and Mrs., Jess Lattorello, Ray and i Alice, .Rufus and Donald Sell, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Steward and i ..Foster Vernon, Willis Shipman, Harry Shipman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sohn, as far south as Florence and in-- have returned to their home f ol eluded the Tillamook beaches in lowing a visit at the home of Mr. their trip. . . and Mrs. Ray Yocom. LiM Richard, Harold and Delbert. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott of Neah Kah Nle will be weekend guests in the capital of Dr. and Mrs. David Bennett Hill. The Scotts two sons, Lewis and Gor don, have been spending this week as guests of the Hills. Miss Violet Rhoten of San Jose, Calif., is visiting in Salem as the guest of Mrs. John Rhoten. Miss Rhoten has been in the north and is enroute home. Bliss Peggy Halght of Spokane, will arrive in the capital Sunday to spend a week visiting with friends. Miss Haight is a Willam ette university graduate and a member of Delta Phi. Mrs. G wen Gallaher McCnl lough is in Berkeley, Calif., this summer where she is taking' ad vanced work at the University of California. Mrs. Earl Lawliss, Miss Martha Lawliss and John Lawliss of Compton, Calif., are visiting for several days at the home of -Mr. ' and Mrs. Wayne' Barham. t ' i - Sirs. Harold Berg ( Yvonne' A n- rranc) of Lodi, Calif., is in the ORCHARD HEIGHTS Miss Hazel Whitaker and Miss Fern Willerllng, both , of Rembrandt, Iowa, have been guests here of relatives of Miss Whitaker. Sunday Miss Whitaker became tho bride of Dale Lady, also of RembradU' The double ring cere mony, with Rev. J. E. Milligan officiating was solemniied In a garden setting at the home of the bride's uncle, E. W. Cannoy, at Keiier. They plan to make their home Jn Oregon and will reside in Salem for the present. JEFFERSON Mrs. Karl Stei wer was hostess at a kitchen shower Saturday afternoon at her home north of Jefferson, honor ing Miss Elizabeth Looney, whose marriage to Clifford Johnson of Raymond, Wash., will be an event of Aogust. - INDEPENDENCE Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Walker were hosts for a swimming party followed by a .garden turkey dinner on Sunday night. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Craven, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Dyke and the hosts. AURORA Mrs. C. S. Mareland entertained her bridge club Wed- ILOV7 3S)Otf EIOrJE Completely Furnished Upstairs Furniture Store : i Yeater & Rush j ' Better Bedding Store T Ileider Electric Co. -j :' c' Tallman Piano Store! i . CHARLES LOSH, BUILDER - . Located on Duncan Ave. . . v Just North off Silverton Road - ' - ' - . ; CAPITOLA ADDITION Hours Open, 3 to 9 P. JL Sunday, 10 A. M. to 9 P. JL , WM. BLIVEN, Realtor : . " - BIrs. Martin in Charge . capital for several weeks visiting nesday, with a 1 o'clock dessert with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. luncheon. The traveling prize waa H. Morley. : . : won by Mrs. P. O. Ottaway. "EicK These Laura Wheeler Thoroughbreds in Simple Stitches 43 O O O o -kj-l Ala They're winners- for smart pil low or picture decoration. Fun to. embroider in single "and ' outline stitch. Pattern 1674 contain a transfer pattern of one head 7 z 11 inehe s and one 8 z 12 U inches; color schemes; materials needed; Illustrations of stitches. -. i .Send 10 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman. Needle craft Dept. Write plainly PAT TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. QUICK CLEARANCE ON BROKEN LINES AND ALL ODDS SIZE RANGES! COME TO MILLER'S TODAY & SATURDAY FOR BIG BARGAINS! : HERE ARE, A FEW OF THE MANY ON SALE! COTTON AND RAYON REMNANTS on sale today and Saturday Main Floor V2 P"ce EVER-FRESH FOOD GUARDS to protect your food. On sale in Notion Dept. Beginning at ....... . 49c WOMEN'S HOLEPROOF HOSIERY, First Quality: Sheer, Semi-Service and Service. Wanted shades. Pair .... 79c LARGE NOVELTY DECORATIVE MIRRORS in Special Closeout Sale. Round and square, etc. Each .... . $1.29 PEQUOT SHEETS in this Mid-Summer Sale at generous 'discount. Size 81x108, on sale.. . ... $1.39 32-PIECE LaBELLE PATTERN CHINA WARE in this Special Clearance. Priced L .. $4.63 WOMEN'S WEBFOOT SWIM SUITS 9 suits only, of bright brown, in size 38. Excellent style.-.. . $1.95 HICKORY GIRDLES in two-way stretch elastic. Three lengths. White, with garters. Notion Dept....;. , . 79c LE G ANT GIRDLES AND FOUNDATIONS in all the sizes J plus expert fitting, in this sale, special purchase numbers, at V2 Pri" MEN'S WEBFOOT jSWIM TRUNKS. All wool with hitch belti, supporters. 'Wanted colors .... ..... $1.95 VACULATOR COFFEE PERCOLATOR, 7 cups. Comes with electric plate, cord, etc. Reg. ? 4.95. On sale in Gift Shop r MEN'S FANCY LISLE AND RAYON SOCKS. Wanted colors. All sizes to 12 i .... $3.50 19c LARGE 51x51 NOVELTY TABLE CLOTH with six 12-nch Napkins. Made of shimmering rayon in smart colorcom binations L - jL2 for $1.00 BIG THIRSTY BATH TOWELS. Colored with npVel design. Buy these and save money! . 5 for 7 YARDS OF FINE (80-SQUARE) F CALES in wanted prints. For school AST COLOR PER ...7 yds. for $1.00 $1.00 REGULAR QUALITY PIQUES, BROADCLOTHS, SUIT INGS, in smart prints, fast colors, tc, . 3 yds. for j $1,00 CREPE LUNCH CLOTHS ir 54 and 45-inch squares, novelty floral patterns. For nook, etc. 2 for $1.00 ODDS AND ENDS OW FINE KID AND DOESKIN GLOVES in white, brown, black and tan. Per pair $1.00 LACE AND CROCHETED GLOVES in summer shades. AH sizes in the group. Buy now and save L.'2 pairs for I $1.00 FINE SILKSyRAYONS AND ACETATES in this final j Clearance Sale today and Saturday . 2 ydsrfor I- $1 .00 MEN'S PACER HOLEPROOF GARTER SOCKS. All sizes, i. Discontinued: numbers from reg. 55c quality.. pairs for ( fj)REN' $1-00 CHILDREN'S SLACKS, SWIM SUITS, PLAY SUITS, sizes from 3' to 15 years. Choice ; :.. !$i.oo PLATEAU TABLE MIRRORS with etched edge patterns. A fine bargain at this pric " , , ,. .In:'" $1.00 WHITE AND 'COLORED TEA TOWELS in large, fine quality Choose now 1 Notions-.........: ..10 towels for j $1.00 MEN'S ALL WOOL SWBI SUITS. Values to $6.95. Speed style . ; ' ' ; ; ' ' $1.00 WOMEN'S WOOL COULOTS for vacation wear. All sizes Second Floor. Choir -. : ;. ;.. ;,, ,: 1 '; $1.00 dilar ays oday and Saturday ome ook ome 'nes! ave On Your Vacation earing arel and Other Needs ! ! r J V 1 n umM, M jy? -