Tlit OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon,; Friday Honing, JuJi a; J i Harvey McLain Is Visiting at Scio ated from i Scio hla school and from Willamette onlTersity. Sa Boy "Pirated Return Home on Borrowed Yacht Albany will be discontinued dar ing August. Tuesday afternoon. Oeary Gravel Coating Placed on Rural Road UNI ON VA L E The new stretch of TJnlonvale road, to eliminate two corners across the late Charles K. Spaulding farm and adjoining- stretches of the old roadbed is . receiving a heavy gravel treatment with jk large' crew of truck hauling 2000 yards, of gravel from the Louis Will gravel bed. lvia. For 10 rears he has been I July 2S, will b the last meet teaching In Chicago, visiting Ore ing- until September. First aid classes given by the Red Cross and also instructed br Mrs. Apm gon every w years. His mother has been bedfast at the farm home near Snelburn BCIO W. H. (Harrer) Me LJtln and family arrlred a few day ago from Chicago to spend a few week' vacation with Ore gon relatives and friends. McLain la a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. McLain of the Shel burn community. He was gradu wUl be completed July 29. i from an Illness ox inree years' duration. . ' Extremely warm weather had ant MMimu) In Chfcae o when the 1; McLains left the Windy City, bat near-torrid heat was wunessea at times on the western drive, P. A. McLain reported. , Cigarettes Tobacco "One Lb. 69c Geo. CAEM r njewmXrket Washington FOn DECT QUALITY VAUU icin Domino Carton Tobacco One Lb. Close Out 162N.Com1. ,1 Phone 5151 Fresh Cantaloupes :19c $ jumbo siz PtQttS Same High Quality as Last Year Grown by Roy Will CORN Grand Island, aa Dozen C SPRY Shortening Bring Your Coupon Get 3 lb. can SALMON Happy Vale Pound cans 10C SUGAR Pure Cane 10 50c lbs. Corn Flakes 15c Kelloggs Sale Best Foods Products Demonstration f) I- lil- V Complete Picnic Plans r i .1 . Best Foods Bread & Buter Pickles 29c jars Corner IT'S COFFEE S & W, pound 25c 2 pounds Pearson's - - Money Savers Special, H5c pound Best, pound 23c 2 for 45c Sanka or Kaifee Has:, I-lb. can 35c S&W Fine Teas for Iced Tea H-pound ; Black -,r ,. , 20C 'Vpound "SUA Black ' s oup Val Vita brand. 15H-oz. , cans, uose out p( price, per can L. p' Canned Vegetables Don't Forget Your Weekly Supply of Peat Corn, TomaSoes and Green Bcara D cans 22 Case $1.38 1 " FA C'ASH'iatPE ARSON'S LB. LEMONS Fancy Sunkist, Dozen i I9c Grand Island T fn Burbanks, 10 lbs. 11 CJ CRACKERS I Krispies - 26c lb. box COOKIES Sunshine 25c 15c pkgs. COFFEE Golden West 3 lb. can .. 7lC 1-ib. can 26c Tuna Flakes can . 1 lie PINEAPPLE Del Monte , IVi. flats, can 10c 8-Page Booklet Th Pirii .-! y - ..v a I J U1UU fli Vaii. rv..., ti t Games. Trirk. t- Supply t Best Foods " "ST-, oanawicn spread iff. Pints' Wt. Quarts J Quarts Best Foods Mustard With Horseradish 9c Jar PEAR GASH STORE North Gmmecrial & Chemeketa Sts Phone 7335 OUR BUSINESS TO SAVE YOU MONEY ON FOODS BROOMS 1 - . - Extra Good Values 29c 39c 69c Pork: and Beans Armour's 2 Cans 3 cans " ' 2pC FLOUR Good old Farmer Joe Hard wheat is sure going fast at rn 494b. bags C Highland Chief Hard- wheat. No need paying any more for quality flour, rt1 494b. bag . Kitchen ;? mm Queen, 49 lbs. yiltiS SOAP Crystal White 10 bars 32C Candy Bars Z for i... .... iLIC Fruits and Vegetables We always have an abun dance of the best obtain able at money saving prices. J K: An adventurous excursion wMrti 27 when three -outha from Long Beach, Cat, "bor rowed" the yacht Tlr ntml hv T-ar iroint I. and sailed away for the South Seas jwjwu iw, pui m at ruerio Amity Principal; Is ISenoiLslv 111 AMITY J. B. Thflmii. Smith Hashes teacher in the (Amity high school, and Soren Sorensen were In Portland- Tuesday to rin- It Prinelpat A.-N. Arnold of the Amity high school who is seri ously 111 there In a sanitarium Mr. Arnold, las nerer recovered from the flu which he had early last SDrtnc. Mrs. Arnold and children are In Portland. Mrs. Ernes Una PrunV nil ter. Miss Pearl Grores. left Tues day for a two weeks vacation trip to British Columbia and Alaska Miss Bemie Jean. Weatfall lft Tuesdar for San FTani-Jr ; tn spend the remainder of the sam mer : with her mother. , Polk 4H Leaders .Meet, Rickreall RICKREALXr A meetinr far the Polk county 4H clnh, lead ers was held in the grange hall Tuesday afternoon with Miss Helen Cowgill assistant state club leader In charee. She vu as sisted by Miss Bern ice Snider. bne instructed the leaders about judging ' and demonstra tions at the coming fair. Leaders present were Mrs. Leo Kathriner. Mrs. Lor in e . Frlnk. City; Evelyn Romlg. Freda Jen nings. Bethel; Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. Alpha West, Greenwood; Mrs. Mary Adams, Rickreall. SUGAR 10lte 50c 25 ibs. :$Ie25 100ibS$3.97 Peanut Butter Selling a ton per month. we Keep our supply fresh ana good. ; i 3 27c lbs. Table Salad Dressing and Spread : Real: Quality. Itera at a Saving . . Quart jars. 25c each-. Mason & Kerr Quart Jars Dozen VU2 Jar Rubbers 1CC dozen Corn Flakes Albers 3 pkgs... ... Ec SOM'S v:.- tart . u.. ended when they vauarte, Mexico. Julius Erie, 45, Hurt . Seriously by Hit-Run Driver Near Rickreall DALLAS Apparently the Ylctim of a hit-run drirer near Rickreall late Wednesday, Julius Erie. 145, was brought to a Dal las hospital suffering: fractured hip and possible internal Injuries. Erie, a transient, came south from I Portland. Single Log Seen At Scio Will Cut About 7000 Feet SCIO Another "Oregon tooth pick" was ' photographed on a heary logging truck on Main street I in Scio a few days ago. The "sapUac" came from the,! or- est foothills east of Scio and was being taken to Dallas for manu facture Into lumber. n The log was 32 feet in length and measured 6S inches in di ameter at the smaller end. It would yield approximately 7000 feet of lumber or eight cords of fuel wood, experienced timber men estimated. Thousai of such logs hare been trucked through Scio this summer. Laudahls, Missionaries to West Africa, Arrive for Visit With Parents : ELLENDALE Mr. anA Mrs. Henry 'Laudahl and family arriv ed Tuesday night for a visit with nis parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Laudahl and brother Walter and Kenneth and families. He is missionary of the Full Gospel cnurcn to Liberia, West Africa. They left their two oldest chil dren In Minneapolis. Minn., while on tne zieid. a young son was born to them there. They were on tne neld four years and "will return to Africa this fall. Mrj. and Mrs. George Freezes bought the J. H. Laudahl home and have moved in. The Lau dahl family built another house on ue place. j Lebanon Folks Purchase North Dallas Business SALT CREEK Mr. and Mrs. W. CI' Osborn 6f Lebanon bought the North Dallas rrocerr last week land have nut in a full line of groceries and are ready for business. He was mail carrier of the star route there for seven years Marriage License Given DALLAS A marriar Hchiim was issued by Countr Clerk r?ri S. Graves here Tnesdav tn wii- Dam C. Snyder. It, laborer, New port ana Marjorle Stalnaker, 17, domestic, independence. 2360 Fairgrounds For Sale 1936 L.W.B. Dodge Track m A't conamon. Frice We are not ruanlng n wied car lot and have owned this track fcinre It was aew, bat have no farther use for it. J Mexican coast guardsmen apprehended them and they were taken home In custody of Owner Foote and Mexican Consul Ernesto Romero, right. The boys are, left to right, James Henninger, 17; Lyl Tara, 17, and William Grace. Jr.. 15. Beet Harvest Is Begun, Jefferson JEFFERSON fulling of beets has begun in this district. They are being delivered to the can nery at Woodburn. Some grow ers who irrigated their fields re port a good crop; others who had no irrigation system, say their crops aro only fair- The contin ued hot; dry weather is injurious to truck gardens as well as crops in general. Miss Mar jorla Fontaine, who has been 111 with typhoid ferer, in the Albany general hospital. was able to be brought to her home here. George peeper of Roseburg was a caller at the home of Rer. and Mrs. A. P. Layton. He is an old time friend of the Lay tons. Other relatives at the Lay tons the first of the, week were Mrs. Layton's sister, Mrs; R. Young, and their son. H. R: Lay- ion ana Mrs. Layton and . son Keith of Portland, and their daughter, Mrs. L. Wieresiek and son Robert of West Linn. Drouth Is Tough On Garden; Blooms LIBERTY Flowers and vege table gardens here are having tough going7 this summer due to the drouth. Early flowers and shrubs bloomed quite luxuriantly! nut many gardeners are having to worfc hard to keep alive their raa nowering plants. Lawns and gardens where some system of Irrigation la available are still looking lovely although the gardeners claim things are not doing as well usuaL 0 Missionary Society . Name Mrs. Fisher Delegate to Confab DAYTON Twelve memhm attended the monthly meeting of tne Dayton Evangelical church missionary society held Tuesday at tne nome or Mr. and Mrs. ErnesL. Wilder. Mrs. L. A. Robs- ner was lesson leader and Mrs. Charles Hadaway conducted the devotionals. The next meetlna- will he at the home of Rev. and Mrs. F. Fisher. Mrs. Fisher was eh aa delegate to represent Dayton at the; annual convention to be held at Jennings lodge Julv 27 to August 7. Knitting Gas sea of WPA Will Recess Next Tuesday BtJiu jumunr classes iMn. sored in Scio by the WPA ant a. rected by Mrs. Winona Agee of RoadPhone &414 0575.CO Close Out 146 N. Commercial St. f - Phone 4010 STQ)jPPjf A fT pfeULT BIHA 16 Oz. Package railMlli! i Pog0a - esq IF II (S) ILJ CR0WN BEST PATENT Hrdwheat KITCHEN QUEEN, 49's sack Jl. $1.27 Ival SEIISS I 6 boxs to carton Large size package .UL.......25C f Pint size ' . JCC bXYPQL, large size pkg. . . , ; . 19c i vc A q C"?V C" For Those Lovely IHlIcJML; ; pr Too C & H . ;i01bs.52c, 100 lbs. 5.07 Pure Cane 10 lbs ARMOUR'S Tomato Juice Salad Dressing fflEAfflLE PILLSBURY Calic Floiir I Ml ONE OF snafi cash pri7fsi 2 cans for . . j v.. Sunkist Lemons IPs 25s doz. V MEAT DEPARTMENT DEED" DUE, :GnnJNIiDj: GILIKSEED DAWi PIUQE ILAQD . : ;E-3r.aE Or.3EII3E)-DA5Kr n&. 50c9 100 lbs 4.97 15-oz. and Spread Cheft Special Quart Jar Libby's Fancy Sliced White 1 pkg. . . . 23c Measuring: Pitcher With Each Pkg. tor DRY PACK VEGETABLE DEPARTBIENT ; New 'Potatoes AO ib8. 17c Fruit doz. DEEP 2 C taisi-' redeem them 3 lbs. 52c No. Vt Size Flat Tins .33c Whole Wheat Pound Salad Time The Dalles Tomatoes 1) lbs 2D. SOG 25G wl. HD. 2SG Hbco SQg K G 'ft f ""r.l