The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 10, 1938, Page 9, Image 9

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omaice and Drama Provide Etftertaiiiiiieiit at! Theatres Today
TJie OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, July 10, 1938
Spencer Tracy
Star at Grand
Loretta Young Teams With
Him in "Man's Castle,"
Outstanding Drama
Without doubt the most poig
aat aud mowing rove story erer
brought to the screen, Columbia
"Man's Castle," - yesterday pre
aented Spencer Tracy and Loret
ta Young: to tk Orand theatre
audiences la one of the moat
poignant motion pictures ol all
time. Both Tracy, who won the
1938 Academy award, and Miss
Young have appeared in acores
of excellent films: "Man a Cas
tle" ranks easily with the great 1
est. '' ,. -; : ., cr.-r -
Director Frank Borzage Is
equally responsible lor the pow
erful appeal of a homely lore
story told' amid tawdry, squalor
filled surroundings. Borzage's
deft . touches - and . the artistry
Uh which the two perfect Play
er inrprnrM iRpir rnist rvnr nin
the production- a Bathos and
oving force which sweeps the
spectator along with it in a flood
of emotional appeal.
Tracy is . seen as a shiftless,
homeless vagrant, and Miss
Young as a hungry, helpless waif
whom he rescues from the streets
ttd takes to his ramshackle tin
shanty in the riverside 'dumps.'
Footloose and irresponsible, he
sooa becomes restless under the
restraint of living so long in one
place, and he tells the girl he
doesln't love her and plans to
leave her. She, happy , in the
home she has, tees her world
trumblink beneath her. f
The girl announces that she is
boo;) to begome , mother. But
that ineanfenotbing to the vag
rant, except that he must now
profide the money to care for
boti before he can leave. To
get money he attempts a robbery
and! tails. But the results of that
failure straighten out. the tan
gled romance of these children of
poverty. - 1
Exceptionally capable players
support the st a r s . Mar J or le
Itambeau, Glenda Farrell, Walter
Connolly, : Arthur Hohl, and
Diqkie Moore are among the ac-
nr vnn ann nriutanr nprrnrm.
aaces to a Dnmant mm.
arleyr Welcome
Events Arranged
Due in State on Thursday
and Will Be Feted in
i Number of Cities
Portland, juiy 9-p-ore-
i gont democrats, from Ontario to
i Portland, laid a trail of welcome
f fori James A. Farley, postmaster
general, fho is scheduled to ar
rive in the state on July 14, en
route to Seattle to the convention
i of the Young Democratic clubs of
', the: nation.
Arriving at Ontario for lunch
eon;', Farley will be taken in an
.automobil ecaravan to Baker,
topping at Huntington. After a
dinner at Baker at. which demo
cratic leaders are expected to ap
pear, Farley will meet Willis Ma-
) honey, candidate for US senator.
Te Call Boar d
Today The Hurricane" .
!w.lth Dorothy Umour,
John Hall and Mary Astor.
Wednesday "Stand In"
with Leslie Howard and
Joan Blondell.
Friday Double bill, "Roll
ing Caravans" with John
Indent Eleanor Stewart ,
and Harry" Woods and
Nell Hamilton- and Eve
lyn Venable In "Holly
wood Stadium Mystery."
Today Loretta Young and
Spencer Tracy in "Man's
Wednesday Victor McLag-
lenr Oracle Fields and
' Brien Don levy In "We're
Going to Get Rich." '
Saturday Eric Linden and
Jean Parker in "Romance
of the Limber Lost."
Today Wallace Beery and
- Maureen O'Sullivan in
"Port of 7 Seas" and lat
est "March of Time."
Thursday-Double bill. Gin
ger Rogers in "Having
Wonderful Time" and
I "Young; Fugitives' vwith
f Robert Wilcox.
Today Double bill. Wayne
; Morris and Priscilla Lane
in "Men Are Such Fools"
and Charles Starrett in
I "Law of the Plains."
Thursday Double bill, Paul
Muni and- Bette Davis in
-Bofder Town" and Ed
i ward Q. Robinson in "A
i Slight Case of Murder."
Today Sonja Henie and
' Don Ameche in "Happy
! Landing" and Charlie Mc
' Carthy and Eddie Bergen
r comedy. .
Tuesday Double bill, Ju
dy Garland, . Allen Jones
and Sophie Tucker in
"Everybod. Sing" and
Melvin Douglas aid Vir
ginia Bruce in "The Re
turn of Arsene Lupine."
Frlday--Clalre Trevor, Ml
chale Whalen and. Phyllis
i Brooks in "Walking Down
" -; Ttroadwav" and four acta
Eastern Circuit vaudevile.
Saturday midnight pre
t!pw Jimmie Carney in
"Something to Sing
Lovers in "Man's Castle
" v
" yv(:.:..;.v....'.-:-:-.-:.:.;:..
? ' - - i - x
v. J
Loretta Young and Spencer Tracy
Castle, ' playing today at the Grand theatre.
John Deal, Wallace Beery and Maureen O'Snllivan have the leading
roles in "Port of 7 Seas," the
atre today.
-:-.. - " - i 5'-"'. A
7 '
Whether it's on the screen or In private life, Wayne Morris is PrisclUa
Lane's boy friend. They're co-starring in ; "Men Are Such Pools,"
; showing today at the Capitol theatre. ;
Henry L. Hess, candidate for gov
ernor, and other political figures
of the state. -:
Leaving Baker by train, Farley
will stop briefly at La Grande at
9:15 p.m., and will arrive here
the morning of the ISth for a
breakfast at the Aero club, lim
ited to 250 guests. He will spend
the morning in conference with
party leaders, departing at 1 p.m.
for Seattle. I f
: Meantime, republicans planned
a reception of their own for form
er President Hoove ron his jour
ney back ; to Palo Alto from a
Canadian fishing trip. A dinner
will be held tor him at the Uni
versity dun ; next Tuesday night
and on Wednesday he will confer
with party leaders at Medford.
Postal Clerk Charged
With Tampering Mails
MARSHF1ELD. July 9-;p)-Justice
G. N. Bolt, acting United
States commissioner, bound Da
vid Henry Ward, 21, Bandon,
substitute postal clerkt over to
the federal grand Jury on a
charee of tampering with the
mails. Ward was accused of open- f
mg letters aaaressea 10 vne
of Bandon and extracting money.
Cherry Tonnage Record
Reported at The Dalles
THE DALLES, July. 9 -(A)-A
record-breaking harvest of 060
tons of 1 cherries, exceeding the
previous high in. 1936 by 2009
tons, was reported today by co
operatives.. Most of the tonnage was bar
reled, and 221 : ears of 20 tons
each were shipped.
13 Miles of Nickels in
Portland Parking Meters
PORTLAND, July 9-(JPi-VoTt-land's
counting machine ticked off
the millionth nickel to be ran Into
parking meters since March 7 to
day. The S50.000. if sUcked up.
would reach' 595? feet, or 12.8
miles If laid edge to edge, or haw
ever else you want to figure It
if you do.
play the romantic roles In "Man's
featured picture at the Elsinore the
Battleship Oregon
Fund Status Told
Dan J. Fry,8-state purchasing
agent. Issued a certificate Satur
day to the Oregon battleship com
mission showing that approxi
mately $53,660 of contributed
and state funds now are avail
able lor moving the battleship
to its new moorage in the Jef
ferson street - park.
The battleship Is now located
at the east end of the Broadway
bridge. i ,
In addition to these funds the
commission will have $25,000
appropriated by the federal
The total cost of moving the
battleship and arranging the
moorage was estimated at $79,
000. LaGrande Cuts Debt
LA GRANDE, July f -(A3)-' La
Grande's indebtedness has been
reduced from $850,000 ten years
ago to $389,604.71 at present, Ed
Ford, city manager, said today.
j Mat.
1 r s
i I (' ;,;
J ' r -':1a
Wallace Beery
Is at Elsinore
"Port of Seven Seas" Has
Notable Cast; Lure
of Sea Theme
Trite Is the phrase "nothing
new under the sun," bat Holly
wood sent the theatregoers some
thing new when .they produced
"Port of Seven Seas, now play
ing at the Elsinore theatre.
Starring Wallace Beery and
with a splendid cast including
Frank Morgan, Maureen O'Sulli
van, John Beal and Jessie Ralph,
the picture presents an entirely
novel theme.
. At the gruff, but understand
ing father and owner of a water
front tavern. Beery is outstanding
as usual, and hi dramatic work
with Frank Morgan is equally as
enjoyable as their comedy.
Romance is supplied , by Miss
O'Sullivan, who rushed back
from London where she appear
ed in "A Yank at Oxford" with
Robert Taylor, to do this pic
ture; John Beal, who was last
seen in "Double Wedding," and
Frank Morgan. No that's not a
mistake. Morgan does something
entirely new in screen characteri
zations and turns romantic and
dramatic with outstanding re
sults. The story concerns "a boy who
is torn from the arms of his
sweetheart by the lure of the sea.
He promises to return and marry
her In three years. In leaving
he also breaks his father's heart.
In the meantime, another suitor,
twice the girl s age, asks for her
hand. At first she refuses, then
agrees to marry him when she
sees the happiness it will bring.
She's still in love with the boy,
but feels they'll never be happy
if his love for adventure is great
er than his devotion for her.
He returns to find the girl
married. He damanda that she
leave her husband and go with
him. His father makes him see
that it would be impossible to
break the old man's happiness,
so the boy returns to his first
love, the sea.
Morris and Lane
Stars at Capitol
"Men Are Such, Fools" Is
Vehicle of Pair Who
Are to Wed Soon
The screen's youngest "Mr.
and Mrs." team, Wayne Morris
and Priscilla Lane who are
plighted, incidentally, to become.
such a team in real life within
the next year cornea to the
screen of the Capitol theatre to
day in "Men Are Such Fools,
the second of the plcures in
which the Warner Bros, studio
cast them opposite each other.
The unmistakable popular ap
proval which greeted the young
couple's first appearance as a
screen team in "Love, Honor and
Behave." made it inevitable that
the studio should give the public
some more of what it so evi
dently likes.
"Men Are Such Fools" Is an
other tale of the efforts made by
a young couple, genuinely in
love, to solve a problem of hu
man relationships which tor a
time seriously threatens to make
it impossible for them to achieve
a happy wedded life.
Although the picture is packed
with lively and amusing inci
dents, it has a serious underlying
theme of wide general applies
tion, for . the problem which
threatens to part the young con
pie who are its chief characters
is that thoroughly modern one
of whether wife should con
tinue to work outside the home
after marriage.
To support the young featured
team, the studio supplied a cast
of unusually capable players, dis
tinguished by such names as
Humphrey Bogart, Hugh Herbert,
Johnnie Davis, Penny Singleton,
Mona Barrle, Marcia Ralston,
Donald Briggs. and Gene and
Kathleen Lockhart.
Tiro Million Bushels of
Wheat, Gilliam Prospect
CONDON, July 9 -(-Prospects
of a two million bushel
wheat crop In Gilliam county
were seen today by some observ
ers as harvesting got underway..
Tne average crop , runs about
1,400,000 bushels. Stands In the
northern part of the county are
expected to average 20-25 bu
shels an acre.
i zr.ui's greatest r.rn
rvwrn tn nix
e2SEje cssnr
usnzx rru'iirvAa ,
a Mmtrm 0 Mwy
Mwyr Httmn
Romance in the South Seas v
.v" .. . . . ... .'
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t .....
: '.
- -: yi:
Jon Hall and Dorothy Lamour are
Sea island idyll pictured here from Samuel Goldwyn's "The Hurri
cane," the powerful, romantic
The Lone Ranger'
Serial at Capitol
14-Chapter Film . Version
of Radio Characters
Story Opens Soon
For the past four years '""he
Lone Ranger" has been one of
the most widely listened-to radio
programs in the country. The
shrill cry of "Heigh-yo, Silver"
ts familiar to millions of listen
ers, young and old, all over the
United States. The dashing and
mysterious "Lone Ranger" has
become ' practically a member of
thousands of households through
his nightly visits by way of the
Now, he is coming to the
screen! Republic Studios are
starring him in the most ex
pensive and exciting , serial ever
produced "The Lone Ranger"
the first chapter of which wilj
open Sunday, July 17 lor three
days at the Capitol theatre with
14 consecutive chapters every
Sunday. Monday and Tuesday for
14 weeks.
Just as his Identity has been
kept unknown on the air, so will
It be on the screen. .Always
masked, the start of this remark
able serial will be known as
"The Lone Ranger." His fea
tures will not be shown until
the final chapter.
The story of "The Lone Ran
ger" is laid during the reclama
tion of Texas immediately follow
ing the Civil war, and is said
to be excellent screen-fare for
the entire family. .
Much Work in -Prospect
Creation of 62,500.000 man
hours of work in producing lum
ber and other wood products nec
essary in the new PWA spending
program was predicted today by
PWA officials. The lumber will
cost approximately $65,000,000.
it's Funny! :
But It's True
nunc rum . puny siisimi
si Mr as. a wi
And Hit No 2
. n i i : ' Jin
r I L i
. 9
the charming figures In the South
drama at the; Hollywood theatre to
"Hurricane" Film
On at Hollywood
Jon Half, Dorothy Lamour
Are ; Stars of Island
Romance-Drama I
Samuel Goldwyn's long-awaited
film version, of "The Hurricane
the famous novel from the type
writers of Charles Nordhotf and
James Norman Hall, who wrote
"Mutiny on the Bounty," arrives
at the Hollywood theatre today.
"The Hurricane" Introduced an
important! new Btar 1 John, Hall,
the handsome young man of the
magnificent physique, whom
Goldwyn selected over leading
Hollywood names to play i "Te-
the native hero of the
who made
year os so
her screen debut a
ago as the native heroine of
"The Juingle Princess." appears
opposite I him as the South Sea
belle, Marama, and "also" scores
a triumph in a difficult role.
Goldwyn has given the I film
a great cast, including Mary As
tor, C
Aubrey Smith, Thomas
Raymond Massey, : John
Carradine and Jerome Cowan.
- - 0My
Sonja Henie Play
At State Theatre
'Happy Landings' Presents
Variety of Settings,
Maximum Comedy
Happy- tidings are la the off
ing for the Sonja Henl fanst
"Happy Landing," a show
aglow with Joy-laden wonder,
winging from gay Norseland fes
tivals to New. York wlnter-Unte
spectacles, comes to -the State
theatre today, j - I
This 20th Century-Fox musical
start Sonja Henie with her "One
in i Million"; sweetheart, Don
It tells the story of a song
writing band leader (Cesar Ro
mero I who flies across the Atlan
tic for a publicity stunt and
comes down In a Norwegian fog
bank almost in the middle of
a folk festival known as a
"Bride's Fair." The custom
which ttarts the trouble Is a
rule, that it a young man -dances
twice with the same girl at the
party, he has proposed. '
The band leader, a little bit
amused because one lovelorn lit
tle girl Is giving him plenty of
his favorite . food hero worship
dances twice with Sonja Henie.
That starts the silvery, sumptu
ous show on its way. t (
Don Ameche, the filing baton
wlelder's companion, knows there
Is little or no sincere Interest In
Romero's attentions, inasmuch
as he is very much engaged to
an American girl played by Ethel
Merman. From this point on a
whole new world of happiness
ovens for film fans. '
Service Station
Robbers Sougbt
EUGENE. July 9-iP)-fT w o
youths, described as about IS
years of age, held up a, Eugene
service station early Saturday
morning and escaped with over
$'0 in cash, It wa sreported to
day by city police. t
The hold-up served notice on
local authorities that the I crime
wave which has swept this com
tnunity the past three weeks was
Today Monday - Today
Continuous Today - 2 to 11 P. M.
Dmnr tamavr,
Jm Hall, - Mary
AMor. C Awfervy
Sattk. Trom n
ra of Mvfin
Added News, Cartoon and
"March of Time
"1 mi i. ! I uwmmmmmmmmi UMSit i
Every day's news has soin sort of
"extra" you don't want to! miss! Be sure
of knowing all the goings-on, by writ
ing or phoning us your vacation ad
dress. We'll be glad to forward your
paper every day, all summer.
Just dial 9101, or drop in at Tlie
Statesman office, 215 S. Commercial,
and we'll do the rest. !
2 focl Only 2 5c
Oregon Statesman
Radiant Sonja
" . i.
;. . .
Radiant beyond Imagining, Sonja
Henie Is reunited with Don
Ameche in "Happy Landing,"
music hit at the State theatre.
not at an end. Police Chief Carl
I . Bergman said tonight he ex
pected an arly arrest In the case.
Retail Sales Are
Sbowing Increase
PORTLAND. July 9-UP)-Dun's
renew Bum mmj ruiic nnu re
tail hardware sales showed sharp
Increases in the past week. Other
retsll sales rose slightly.
Sales in larger food markets
went up 8 per cent. The public
showed much interest in new
automobilea and semi-luxury mer
chandisers reported Increased ac
tivity. Tha lumber Industry, be
set 'by labor difficulties, and re
tail and ; wholesale collections
showed no change.
"i.' t ' " f 1 1
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