Salem Society "Folk - Busy Entertaining Visitors And Enjoying Trips . Chief news is found in the coming and going of Salem residents. .Eastern visitors go west, westerners travel east, the remainder stay near home with an occasional holiday to beach or mountains. j Mothers find their friends at Olinger or Leslie pools these warm summer mornings where little ones are chap eroned to their swim classes. Parents return in the eve ning to enjoy a swim by themselves. i : ; Arriving from the east today will be Mr. Frank H. Spears,: jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Spears. Accom panying him will be his cousin, Mr. John Kaul of Holton, Kan., and Mr. William Salisbury of Minden.La.. a classmate of Mr Snears at the Harvard law school. Mr. Salisbury will be here for several weeks and Mr. Kaul will spend the re mainder of the summer at the Spears home. Part of the time the guests will be entertained at the Spears beach home at Neskowin. The travelers motored across the con tinent and are coming up the coast. i . Mr. D. W ' Eyre is the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ford at Neskowin. ' - - Leaving Monday for a two weeks outing at Crater lake (will be Mr, and Mrs. Asa Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and Mrs. Lola Bellinger and Miss Jane Bellinger of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tavlor are the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs Rex Adolph at Neskowin where they are spend ing te month of July. . f Mrs. Hugh McCammon of The Dalles, who has been visiting in the capital this week, has returned to her home, i Friends of Dr. and Mrs. John Morrill Ramage who have been in New Orleans for several years will be interested to learn that they will arrive in the capital the latter part of July to make their home where Dr. Ramage will open his offices. Dr. Ramage has completed his interneship at New Orleans and is a graduate of the University of Oregon medic al "school. The Ramages are going north to Minnesota and will come; west by way of Yellowstone National park. Dr. Ramage is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Ramage. ! Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooley and her children, and Mrs. A. F. Marcus are leaving today to spend several weeks at their beach home at Neskowin. I " Recent guests at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. William H. East and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Carlson have been Mrs. John II. Ferguson and her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ferguson and son, John, of Burbank, Calif. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clark and son Alan of Portland. Mr. Clark, Mrs. Ferguson, former Salem residents, Mrs. East and Mrs. Carlson are brothers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Perry and daughter, Susan, are leaving today for Neskowin where they will spend the com ing week, i N j : " Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Covert of Lansing, Mich., will arrive in the capital this week to be the house guests of their niece. Miss Helen Breithaupt. The visitors will be at Cutler City with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Breithaupt during part of their stay. j Mr." Fred C. Ritner and his daughters. Miss Cleo Ritner and Mrs. Walter Baker of Corvallis are leaving today for a motor trip to Canada. Victoria and Vancouver, B. C. They plan to be gone a week, i ! Miss Margaret Mulkey has been visiting the past week at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. S. A. Riggs, and mother, Mrs. Fannie Mulkey. Miss Mulkey is enroute to Los . Angeles where she will, make her home and has accepted a position. - I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shinn, Miss Bobbe Shinn, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith, sr., and Miss Sally McLellan are spending the weekend, at Timberline lodge. Is . Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Breithaupt will spend the next fort night at Cutler City where they have taken a cottage. Miss Helen Breithaupt will accompany her parents and return this weekend. - . 1 Drill Team Wins Trophy At Convention Th La Drill team of Wfl lamette auxiliary. Fraternal Or. der ot Eagles In competition with, . other drill teams of the state won tint place at the conrention held recently at Klamath Falls. . This Is the second successlTe , r' 'or Willamette auxiliary' y team at state convention and they brought back the three-year traveling trophy iwa led by .Willamette Aerie last year and a permanent trophy was given them by Klamath Falls auxili ary. : The team Is captained by Mrs. Elvin Prnitt who was awarded a medal for being the best ladies drill captain. Mr. L. A. Hamilton !s their instructor. The team per sonnel Is as follows: Mrs. Elvin Prultt. Mrs. Judson Lressler, Mrs. Percy Cooper, Mrs. John esely. , Mrs. Homer Shoesmlth. Mrs. Harvey Prultt. Mrs. P. F. Wilwent. Mrs. Ray Moore, Mrs. Minor Lewis, Mrs. Orval Graham. Mrs. Ramsey Miller. 'Miss Mary Collar. Miss Ada Collar. .Miss Marjorie Prultt, Miss Pauline Prxybllla. Miss Anne Przybilla. Miss Hilda Draun, and Miss Margaret Rannells. Reports of the contention were made at a meeting pi the auxll ' -y lary held Ut Wednesday, by delegates, Mrs. Sibyl Roberts and Mrs. Hazel Marshall. Twenty-four members 'attended from Salem. Plana were made for a meeting of the social club at the moun-t-'a cabin of Mrs. Pearl NIckols bote Mehama. It was announced that cars would leave Fraternal temple at 10 o'clock. Ralrm : Rebekah lodge . will meet Monday night it 8 o'clock, for the regular business meeting and installation of officers, which will be under supervision of Mrs. Lenora. Kriesel, district deputy president, and her grand mar shal. Wilda Siegmund. All visit ing Reoekahs are welcome to at tend. v ' The ! repnblicaa women's unit of Pro-America will meet Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the -Senator hotel. Mrs. Hannah Mar tin. Mrs. Ruth Rulifson and -Mrs. M. M. Ma gee will lead discussions on . measures to appear on .the November ballot. Mr. Bert -Macy will talk on the new reorganiza tion bill. All republican women are Invited to attend. , The American Lutheran guild will meet in the social rooms ol the church on Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock, a special musi cal program is being arranged by Mrs. A. Sholseth. Mrs. J. Finden, Mrs. N. Neslin and Mrs. G. Han son are hostesses for the day.' The Pennsylvania society will -meet at the home ot Mr. R..M. McLaughlin at -1495 North Lib- erty street on July 15 at S o'clock.' Missionary Society Has Installation . i . The missionary society of the First Christian church met on Thursday for a regular business meeting with Mrs. Vina Ralston installed as president, Mrs. E. L Swanson as; vice president, Mrs. Harry Hunt as secretary, Mrs. Ethel Brooks as associate sec retary, Mr. A. D. Wagner as treasurer, Mrs. Mabel Flint as literary chairman, Mrs. Irene Wirt as world call secretary, Mrs. Mark Ellis as temperance secretary, j ; A candlelight service was led by Mrs. Bi F. Shoemaker and Mrs. W. H. Lyman sang. Mrs. William Meira led devotions and a playlet was given by Mrs.' Mabel .Robinson and Miss V. Henderson. jKev. Walter Givens from Bremerton, "i , Washington, was a special guest and took part in the program. . ; J" ' New Arrivals, Greeted -By; Capital Folk Being greeted as new arrivals in the capital are Mr. and Mrs. William A. McAfee and Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Schoen. The Mc Afees formerly "made their home in Lewiston; Idaho and have one son, William.' jr. Mr. McAfee is manager of the Standard Oil com pany here, t 'Mr. and Mrs. Schoen have mov ed to Salem from Klamath Falls and have three young boys, How ard, Orville rnd Donald.. Mr. . Schoen ' has recently purchased Mad sen's Bakery. ; - . . r- y Mr. and 3Irs.. Robert Forkner just returned from Seattle where they have been visiting their foo ter daughter. Mrs. R. J. Strain and her family. Accompanying them from Kelso was Mrs. Urban Fisher who will remain as their guest for a' week. Mrs. Strain la the former Frances Cnster. , - Miss Roth Geer aad Mr. John Cattrall are motoring to Corval lis today where they will attend the wedding of Miss Doris Davis -of Corvallla and Lt. Maynard C. Schults. U.S.M.C., which will be solemnized In Westminster House on the campus at 4:30 o'clock. Miss Geer will be a member of the wedding party. .- i The Stay ton Garden clnb Is fo be "host to ! the Salem club at a picnic lunch t on Thursday at 2 p.m. in the Stayton park. Mrs. Paul Bales at 8372 will take re servations. . ; The Polk County Public Health association will be entertained at a garden tea "at the home of Mrs. B. O. Schucking on Thurs day, July 21. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Roth are spending the weekend at the Roth beach home at Neskowin -" - ........ ' ! ). " . . "if' hi r . : . (. , . .-....-. .- , . ...,:. t .. - ...r, " .... i ' ' ' - . f ; - -..- . . - i " w if - -- -'.V . I - v- v 'x :. : :::o. . . I . , .x..:!. : i. s : : - w' - I . ; ' ' ' , - t f . t , " , - v ..... - ' ' . th n . . '. &Us-iJv N;S'v.Xf-"V Seen and Heard By JERYME UPSTON BOX VOYAGE luncheon on JTuesday for which Mrs Grover C... Bellinger was hostess in hon or of her daughter, Laneta, who la leaving the end of this month for London where she will marry Dr. Terry King.1. . The couple will honeymoon on the continent for a month before returning to the states . . , The party was also the occasion of Lanva's : 21st birthday . . . The table was cen tered with a boat on a mirror with streamers extending to each' place where nosegays marked : places for the guests ... The place cards were miniature boats ... Laneta wore a sheer print of burgundy with tiny white ; flowers and lace collar and cuffs ... Marguerite Smith, who en tertained for Laneta on Thurs-: day, wore a gay print - of blue, orchid, yellow and pink on a navy background fashioned with full skirt and binding of taffeta; around the bottom . . . Bobbe. Smith, a popular coed at Oregon State college, wore a georgette print with a deep red background -made dirndl style . . v Mrs. Rob- ert Joseph; an ardent golfer; wore : an attractive yellow sports frock ... Ruth Jean Garn jobst, an other golfer, ! home for the sum-r mer from Mills wore chartreuse i crepe and attractive necklace and : bracelet of coin. . w PICTURED in The Chicago Herald and Examiner the latter : part of June ws Mrs, Palmer Dawes (Mildred Roberts) with her .husband and father-in-law, Rufus Cutler Dawes . . . They! were photographed in the Dawes' Evanston home following a tea' given in the young couple's honor by Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Dawes . , . They stopped in Chicago enroute; to Newark, Ohio,' where they will reside. , I , ,.; ; '; i HOME for the summe? months Is Frances Laws, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1.Jj. Lawes . . . In June she graduated from 1 the Prince " school at Simmons college. Bos- ' ton . I. . Frances is very Impressed with the east and - thinks ( there is nothing like New York city . . ; She spent quite a Jit of her time with' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marcy (Mildred Kester) and . Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moser (Margaret Not ion) . , . Carl has an assistant professorship at' Columbia and Mildred graduated in January from i Barnard, :a woman's col lege , T , Dave is working toward his. doctor's degree and will be teaching in New York next year.; TRAVELERS and there have been many already this summer; . . Conv iitions have been In centives for many with interest ing trips preceding and follow ing their destinations . . . Mr. and. Mrs. David Wright attended the Kiwanls ' International con vention in San Francisco . .. Mrs.; Wright remarked that she saw more fur coats in the bay city than she saw in Salem all win ter . . . People from Georgia.' South Carolina, Arizona and other southern states didn't' expect to fini such chilly weather and fog so spent most of their time try ing to keep warm ... The dele--gates were taken on a 'boat trip around the bay and it was Quite chilly with the ocean breeze com ing in . .' . A certain party was looking for a man from Arizona on the boat and in answering ty said he was probably in the boiler room . . . Preceeding ' the Kiwanls convention was the Rotary International and medical association conventions attended by a number from Salem. Mr. and Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead and sons have re turned from Los . Angeles where Mrs. Moorhead attended the na tional tuberculosis association convention at the Hotel Bilt morei . ."A few highlights seen' by the Moorheads ... They visit ed the Planetarium in Los An geles which fascinated them all . . The lignt of the different stars Is thrown on a dome represent ing a real picture of the stars in a 24-hour period ... The Plane tarium is in darkness while a lec turer gives a detailed explana tion of the stars . . . The Moor heads saw Harry Mills, a former Salem man who plays a, half-hour organ concert every day at the Barker's where 11 stories of home furnishings are housed . . . They also went out to the Hunt ington library on the Huntington estate which has been turned over to the state . . . .The origi nal painting of Blue Boy by Gainsborough Is found there and other of his paintings, also the original of George Washington by Stuart ... There is also a mu seum of original manuscripts . . . The estate is lovely with a cac tus garden and a real Japanese tea garden ... Admission is only by ticket. . INCIDENTALLY . . . Over the weekend we saw Jean Holllng worth of Portland out golfing with her fiance, Ralph Nohlgren . . . Chatting at the clubhouse, Ruth Field Mimnaugh, who is in Salem for the summer months, and Avery Thompson, who had Just finished a nine . '. . Mrs. Merrill Ohling shopping one warm day and looking very cool in a chic natural linen frock with tucked skirt and short jacket with green and brown rick rack trim . . . with It she wore a leg horn hat, carried green purse and green mesh gloves . . . Mrs. Homer Smith, sr., talking with Mrs. William Hammond and daughter, , Constance - Ann, was smart in royal blue with match ing picture hat with two huge flowers of pink and blue perched In front.. . - . UP NORTH in White Salmon, Wash., is quite a colony of Wil lamette university graduates . . . Having law offices together are Ralph Barber and : Edgar Can field . . Ralph is a nominee for district attorney In that , county and the November election will tell the story . . Mrs. Barber, the former Margaret Faxon, is a busy honsewife taking care of young Jndy and finds time to be president of the Junior Woman's club in White Salmon . . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Jr. (Gladys Hanson) who also live there are former Salem residents . . . Herman Estes whose home is in White Salmon graduated this year from Willamette uni versity law school and will take the Washington bar this month and may" practice In his home town. The Gilbert Studio and Craft shop Is holding its exhibit of the month from the 11th to the 19th. Among the pictures being shown are a group of sketches made by Monroe Gilbert during the Spanish-American war, a large oil by Erich .Lamade of the Salem Art Center, .. a ' group of small oUs by P. J. Rennlngs, and several by Ralph Gilbert. A cordial in vitation is extended to all who are interested In art to attend; hours are front 10 to S.--1 Mrs. Janz Will Entertain at Road's End Mrs. Saul S. Jans. Is entertain ing with a series of delightful af fairs at her beach home at Road's End this week in compliment to a group of Salem and out-of-town matrons. On Tuesday Mrs. Janz will hon or members of her bridge club with a luncheon and afternoon of cards. Guests will be' Mrs. John Jelderks, Mrs. G. W. Ross, Mrs. Donald Toombs, Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead, Mrs. Ruskin Blatch ford, Mrs. Virgil' Moorhead and Mrs. James Hardie. Bidden on Wednesday to bridge and luncheon are Mrs. L o u 1 a Lorenz, Mrs. Hugh Hull, Mrs. Klony Smith, Mrs. Ralph Kinzer, Mrs. George Mischler and Mrs. Ty ler Brown of Salem, Mrs. Hal Cuf fel of Stayton, Mrs. Ewlng Keen of Denver, Colorado, Mrs. Earl J. Adams, Mrs. Lee Alfred, Mrs. Jack Fish and Mrs. Erroll Ross of Sil verton. 1 A similar affair will be held on Thursday and the guests will be Mrs. Don Hendrie, Mrs. H. W. Llb by, Mrs. Can Soos, Mrs. Percy Blundell, Mrs. Glen Frum, Mrs. Clarence Collins, Mrs. Russell Beutler, Mrs. E. E. Thomas, Mrs. ' Frederick Hill Thompson, Mrs. O. I. Paulson, Mrs. Gail Jones and Mrs. M. J. Wilbur. Eastern Guest Honored At Reunion Party v The home of Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hockett was the scene of a family reunion last Sunday, the occasion being the visit of Miss Inez M. Tyler of Rochester, N. Y. who is here as the: guest of her mother, Mrs. Ella M. Tyler. Present were:" Miss Inez M. Tyler, Mrs Ella M. Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Reaney and Grace, Orma, John and George Beard sheare, Mary Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hock ett all of , Salem; Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Tyler of Bremerton, Wash ington; Mr-and Mrs. R. E., Tyler and family of Lebanon; Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Tyler and . June ot Eugene; Mr. and Mrs.. Ralph Hinkle of Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. George Summers, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Tyler of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Tyler ot Marsh field. ' ' ' . '' The Gardens of Mrs. Iran G. Martin on 'South High street will be the scene of the Junior Wom an's club picnic Tuesday night at seven o'clock for members - and their guests. Miss Helen Way heads the committee In charge and assisting her are Mrs. Wayne J. Page, Mrs. Joseph Young, Miss Hattie Bratzel and Mrs. Joseph Felton. .: I ' -a. .--4 ' Sirs. J. M. Johnson will be hos tess to members of the Northwest division of the First Presbyterian Ladies' Aid and friends on Mon ; day afternoon. A covered-dish luncheon will be server at 1 o' clock. Mrs. Johnson's home is at 1160 North Winter street. The St. Tiacent de Paol cbarch will hold a benefit card party at parish hall on Tuesday night at 8 .o'clock for the Frennan , fam ily whose house burned recently. There will be an old time entertainment- during- the evening :- -- BRIDE . AND BRDDE-ELECT left, Mrs, Harvey Haw-f ley, the former Olga Janik, who was married at a churcH ceremony on Tuesday night. She will make her home in Port land. Right is Mjss Laneta Bellinger who leaves soon for London where she will meet her fiance Dr. Terry King. The couple will be married there and tour Europe for two months. j ' (Photos by Jesten-Miller.) Tea !on Tuesday Among 7 - . !- i .v Activities For The local auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will be hosts to other auxiliaries throughout Oregon during the state encampment which is being held here until Wednes day of this week. Mrs.' Ward Wolfe, local president, is also chairman of the auxiliary's encampment committee. Registration will be held today and tomorrow and a . . joint memorial service will be N T B 8 j I Grand theatre at 10 o'clock when By MAXIXE BUREN , presentation will be made in Quite, refreshing 'is the exhl- I the 8tate es8ay contest, bltion of work done by students , , At 1 o'clock the opening auxil at the Art Center in the old high i,7B,8nnft Wi" bfhSIa school building. Paintings are! Elk8, temPe nd ,tht .na"onaI noticeably i bright in cojor. with Pre8ident' M"; La,urIe of no limitation having been put I 0aVnd?ai,fB,,WAllvbVr!; on either j color or subject. i sented.- At 6 o'clock theof f icla , , , . I . . encampment banquet and ball will ? J' attractive to the eye, with the artist assisting in mak ing his subject clear by the no nation "motor boat" writtei written across the craft's bow. t A polo player, done by one of th most nromiaine students at the Center, is a striking paint- ing. This is done ill the special style of that young artist who has several other subjects on display. A Jaunty drawing, done nicely in color is one ot a lone rides, the young artist has caught the swing of ;i a sidewise position. which a tired rider tssumes to rest hi. back. Nonchalantly the painter has thrust an arrow through the high hat of the cow- boy, leaving it to the imagination ot the viewer whether some hid- den savage has used him as ; a target or ihe's humorously done it himself. i Also at the Center is a selected group of paintings done by Call? fornia arUsU in the WPA- art nrnWt. The worv i. dlatlnetWal givmg Salem audiences a. taste or wnat moderns are aoing wun color and : form. . ' Josephine Joy has offered two of the most outstanding paint- ings in the group. There's one picture "Magnolia Blossoms" and SS?'' -VihiTJf111'' 10 flT w.. l Jr r til l2St-'jL was another of the paintings that is a noticeable -interest In art in I .l 8V VJtl1 a ftl .J a group r of per sons " terested Ui painting, drawing or Just looking andf talking about art. The group will grow in size and influence. : 'W :" ';'''' " ':-:'.' ':' Odd how Salem folk hate tak en to this project, ; when - we scarcely were aware we . had tal- ert amongst us. . ' - . Mrs. C.i S. Pratt will entertain the Woman's Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church Wednesday afternoon at her home on North Liberty street at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Bertha Darby is the leader ot the society and the sub- and Mrs. Frank McColloch who ject is Africa, Miss Pearl Apple- formerly made their home In Sa gate is In charge of the devotions. lem. The McCollochs have a new Tea will be served in the gardens home and the party was a house late in the" afternoon, v .-,:.. v -.warming-- - ' ':X .' , 5 1 J . .: C? 'Planned : : mpnient held at 8 clock tonignt in tne American Lutheran church with Rev. Oliver J, Gill, department chaplain officiating. " On Monday a breakfast is plan ned for 8 o'clock in the Marion hotel anTt a joint meeting '.will be held with the veterans at the begin at the Marion hotel. There will be a recess during the Monday afternoon program wnen state officials will - act as nosts ar a reception in tne new state house. Tuesday's program includes me- mortal services at 10:30 o'clock uauonai ana ficers luncheon at department of- the Golden msKiii m boob. : From 3 until 5 on Tuesday af- ternoon a tea has been planned for members f the auxil- f81?" V1 .women- The affair will be held in the gar- en of the C. P. . Bishop home at 765 Court .treer and all Salem women are Invited .to attend. - Ia ihe ,recTlg .iine ' WilL b1 rs A MaJ.tlnJ Earl sJell Mrs. George H. White, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mrs. Beatrice Sha- aoin, department-president, Mrs. Laurie Schertle, national presi- rr-". Wednesday s progranv includes ZjJZ'J01 " PldenU of the auxiliary, fol- .lowedby-nomlnatloa and electloa- n tt tji j Wen House rlanned at IVarm TJnmW - ' : tf f11 fuulc "The fWoman' Christian Tem- tne Children's Farm Home In corvallis today in celebration of t insnect the - eottaee and son's dependent children which te 8upporte1 by women of the t b - , fc provlded f0r tho who.wteh to bring a program will be given by the children ahdvSenator Homer An gell who will give an address. The home Is ' a unique insti tution, with over a hundred acres of farm land, giving tLe chil dren - opportunities of - outdoor life. -. , - . "ri .' Mr. and- Bfrs. Dan McLellan motored- to Portland . last night to be the dinner guests of Mr.' Mrs. Lin foot F.Tttprtnins AtHomev Committee beads of the Salem Business and Professional Wom en's club met at the home of the - . - tirnit.m 1 (nfnnt presiueui, Bio. i. . Friday night to select committee members for the ensuing year. Re freshments were served by the hostess at a late hour. The club Is planning a picnic for July 26 at the Dallas city park with the McMinnyille club. Mar garet Langdon is in charge of the affair ,ira Uda Bineenheimer is v arranging the club float for the yFW parade on Tuesday. " The committee heads and their members as announced by Mrs. Lin foot are as follows: Bulletin, Luella" C a 1 1 1 n , chairman. May Cleveland and Ola Clark; Cheer and Contact, Luella Kaighan, chairman; Clo Johnson and Edna Lucker; education, Sophie Ander son, chairman, Aita Rleck and Carolyn Wilson; emblem, Char lotte Possehl. chairman, .Rose Wilkes, Mrs. Idelmant Laura Hala and Phoebe McAdams. Finance, Lydia Wooten, chair man, Hulda Liedstron, Ethel Parr, Maude, Eckman, Maude Ranseyer, and Ellen Carl; health and recrea tion, Lois Stein ke, chairman, Jlianlta Holmes, Ruth Moore, Bes sie Barrett, Catherine Varley, Mil dred Oleson, Ruth Cole, Elizabeth Stockbausen, Hazel and Gertrude Roeneke, Ruth McAdams and Syl via Martini hosDitalitv. Margaret Langdon, chairman, Ruth McAd ams, Letltia Abrams, Susan Varty and Juanita Cassilleus. 1 International Relations, Lois vim. ....m . and Mildred Oleson; legislation. Dr. Ethel Riley, chairman. Merle Dlmick. Grace Elisabeth Smith and June Phlllpot; membership, Louise; Bryan Purfley, chairman, Nellie iJo IIarshili, Rose Wilkes, Hetta Field, Ruth Moore, Mabel Savage and Frances Welton; mu sic, Esther Hagedorn, chairman, Arbutus Barhyte, Billie Herbster, LaMoine Clark and Gretchen Kraemer. 4t, Grace Gillian, chairman, Maude Presnall, Mirpah Blair, Ora MacKenzie, Ola Clark, Mrs. W. H. Byrd, Elaine Steingrube Hunt; nominating, wmirrea iier- . rick, chairman, I Ida Bingenhei mer and Helen Breithaupt; pro gram. Dr. Gussie Niles, chairman, Dorothy Cornelius and Mona Yo der; publicity, Dorothy Cornelius, chairman, and Helen Breithaupt; puhlic relations, IldV Bingenhei ,mer, chairman, Josephine Gray, , Winifred Herrick Josephine Ev ans; research, Edna Purdy, chair man. Edith Bakler. Effie Arehart and Grace Taylor; transportation, Blanche King, chairman, Julia Webster and Emily Howard.' Mrs. Johnson Hostess To Baptists . ' Mrs. ' .Clarence Johnson , was hostess on Friday afternoon to members of the Women's Mis sionary society of the First Bap tist church at her country home. Mrs. - Clyde Crawford led devo tions, Mrs. Lee .Cross was In charge of the program and Mrs. Robert Fromm played two accor dion numbers. The guest speaker was Mrs. Stanley Clemes, mission ary from India. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. C. L. Parmenter, Mrs. L. S. McClintic, Mrs. Walter Lottis and Mrs. Nathaniel Isaak. Those present were Mrs. Ro bert Fromm, Mrs. E. A. WTimer, Mrs. Lee Cross. Mrs. Walter Lot tis, Mrs. Nathaniel Isaak, Mrs. C. L. Parmenter, Mrs. Elmer Conn, Mrs. W. McLaren, Mrs. Llspia Dourls, Mrs. Mattie Clark, Mrs. Leon Lambert, Mrs. Stanley; Clemes, Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. Clyde Crawford. Mrs. C. H. McCullah, Mrs. Floyd White, Mrs. L. D. Wyatt, Mrs. Annie D. Cox, Mrs. Jennie Hicks. Mrs. Earl Hat field, Jean Hatfield. Laurlne and LaVelle Cross and Rev. Irving A. Fox. . Miss Bellinger Will Be Honored at Affairs Miss Laneta Bellinger, daugh ter of Dr. and Mrs. Grover C. Bellinger and one of the season's popular bride-elects 'will be com plimented at several affairs dur ing the next week. Miss Bellinger will leave the latter part of July to sail from "ew York for Lon don where .'she will become the bride of Dr. Terry King.' "Wednesday Miss Emlyn Griggs will entertain with two informal affairs ' for - the" -leasure of M iss Bellinger. Eight have been bidden for luncheon and in the evening Miss Griggs will be hostess for a supper to be held In the garden at the Victor Griggs home on South High street. Thursday night Miss Edna Mathis and Miss Max ine Gahlsdorf have invited friends c the bride-elect to dessert sup per and evening of bridge at the Mathis ' home on South Church street.-- ' URS. WARD WOLFE, local pres ident of the Veterans ot For eign. Wars anxillarr and rhalr- mem which is beine held In Sa ' . j ' '.' s - . lem this week. (Kennell-EIlis photo). , , . . . .. .