PAGE NINE Easy to Find What Yon Want Quickly in tfe Classified. The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, July 9, 1938 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single fnsrtion per Una 10c Three insertions pr 11ns 20e Six insertions per line 3tc One month per Hue 11.00 Minimum charge ., ..,',. ISc Copy tor this page accepted until C :30 the e renin hfor putlic-Uon toe claairk-at ion. Copy rcH4 Iter tills tlm will be run under th heading, "Too Lata" to Clas sify." The Stat man mumM no finan cial raapuna UU1 ly tor error a which may appear la advrtinent pub Halted In Ua columns, and In caaaa rhir this papar Is at tault will re print that part of an adverliseanent la which tha typographical mistake occurs. Tb Statesman reserves th right to ract QusstlonatO advertising: It further reserves tb right to plac all advertising- under th proper claaaif lea t loo. "BLIND" ADS "which tire mly a box number care of statesman must be- answered it letter, we cannot give any information, as to do so would destroy their purpose. Livestock DEAD AND wortatea borne, ewa, pic Had up fre Ph. coiled IL len - M-nigmrv Rand Wka Wj L. HENS. Trapoeat atk. P. SS30. 2-YR. OL.O heifers. Ph. 6 If 15. Help Wanted EARN fit WKEKLT OR MORE. Qruw mushrooms U collar, abed. We buy SSa itx. year round bualneaa . Mr. S made ISIS la few weeks' apare time. Eoiabliabed 192L -, Writ for KREB BOOK. WASHINGTON MUSHROOM INO, Dept. 408; S01 Sad A Se attle, Wa EXPERIKNCKD MARRIED farm er. C. A. Hoover, tVs mllea N. E. of Brooks, t VIOLIN TEACHER wanted for out of town to teach beginners guaran teed aalary and permanent. Write 305, AUaky Bldg, Portland. Help Wanted Male MAN TO distribute circulars, hand bills, and samples for ua la .your to tality. We pay by tbe thousand. You o no selling. No EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Muat be honest, reliable and neat appearing-. TRANS-AMERICA V ADVERTISING DISTRIBU TORS. Box 748, Milwaukee, Wiscon sin. YOUNG MAN. 30 to 25. .muat be Seat a Intelligent Commission. Ph. 47 after 7 p. m. . WANT MAN for part time work for room and board. C S. Whitcomb, Rt I, Box 22S. - - Help Wanted- Female LADY ACTIVE In Sunday acbool or church work to visit mother. Position J months. Salary 380.00. Write. Give phone and church. Box 865, States man. TEACHER OR woman, equal team ing to travel, 25-40. LaaderalUp. Balary 91 20, future. State training and tele phone. Box 858, 5i Statesman. Situations Wanted DRSMKR. Mrs AdsetL 1120 Marlon. DRESSMAKING, 140 E. Lincoln Trucking anywhere, reaa 2354. EXPERIENCED SERVICE station attendant, local references. 1258 N. Fifth. Tel 8879, r ir Sale Miscellaneous .' i " ' " -. i MT. vVILD blackberries, It.OO; roungberrlcs. ?5e. C A. ZlellnskL Ph. 44F11. HOUSE TRAILERS built to order. Borne used Se King. 419 N. Front. Upholstering, furniture, repairing. A. U McDowell, 435 N. Winter. 9C53. W ATKINS PRODUCTS. 680 N. 17th. Phone 7805. OFriCE FURN. a eqp. from West ern State Grocery a Ursa ham bank desks, chairs, files, typewriters, add ing machines, scales, calculators, now at our stoi. 458 Court. Roes Type writer Ex. t CASH OR TRADE FOR USED furniture by the F. N. Woodry Auction Market and . Holly wood Furniture Co., located at 1410 N. Summer St. In Hollywood. WCKDRY AND WOODRY AUCTIONEERS PH. 8110 8 H P. Evtnrude motor with boat. 35. New 12 boat. 825. 604 N. 14th St. STUDIO COUCH, cheap. Thomp son, 760 N. Church, rear apt- OFFICE EQUIP., oak roll top deak, 4 chair, coat rack. Inq. 221 Oregon Bldg. . ' 1917 COVERED WAGON trailer bouse, 1870 N. Cottage. ELECTRIC ROASTER. barbecue laohine. Inquire 479 Court St. . ENAMEL TRIM range like new; 320. 1760 S. Liberty. CAMERA-CONTEX 3. Somnar lxJ. FracticaUy new. 1225. 21st. HOSPITAL UUQUETS, funeral sprays, pot plants, jay Atoms. iorts Phon 8637. USED FURNITURE, 161 S. 14th. BELCREST LOTS, inq. 200 S..230. USED LEONARD refrlx.. good con 4 It Ion. terms only 83.99 per mo. Good Housekeeping Inc., 453 Court, Ph. 961 1. - TOCNG BERRIES FOR sale. Ph. tFll. Rt. 4. Box 373. 1 mi. south 12th St. (unction an new highway on Fad- ry Rd. . ' ...... POMORAN. PUPS. 1376 S. CapltoL ADVERTISi:-0 Western Advertising Representatives - Feager-HaU Co- Ltd. esn Frsnciaco, Los Angeles, Seattle Eastern Adverting Representatives Bryant. Griffith a Bruason. Inc- Chicago, New York. Detroit, . Boston, . Atlanta Entered mt te Poatoffic t Salem, vrevn. Setxmtt Class Matter. fv liaSed - ererv Inorming sxcpf Mtmdav tutuNi fce. tu South Commercial Utreet. i - - . SUDSCRIPTIOM RATES: Mall Subscription Rate In Advance Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday: Mo. 60 ceats : 3 Mo. 3 1.50 ; 6 Mo. 32.60 ; 1 year 85.00. Elsewhers 50 cents per Mo. or f00 for 1 year in advance. Per cony 3 cents. Newsstands 6 cents By City Carrier i 60 cents a month. 3T!2 a year tn advance In Marion For Sale Miscellaneous auto marine motor. See at Iowa Ma- cnine etnop, -quick sale ZO. FOR KALK Vi-lii, tars nil it,. pta, 25c: jelly Jars, ISc any mix. 2358 suction ota, one otoca o. Ol ee st Wanted Miscellaneous WANT WALNUT and filbert aiae la eil Mate Carvterta, ii)ii WAOTED H-TY-WT Vl nina nu. Rocka. New H. and other bary Weed. Tear aruad market. Tel. 131 FX. Leea Hatchery. ( ,. WiNTEtV BARRED Rock hatching eggs. See Willamette Valley Katxbery, 41S S. 21th. Tel. 6619. ... - WILL. GIVE plan excellent care In mv home and uf null mm tnm ;TeL 71. : i - . Miscellaneous - CUSTOMER S FREE parkins. Stirr a. : . . , , For llrniRooim SLEEP. RM, bath, pr Irate home, near atat bldg, 625 N. 14th, LADIiCS PH ttTt. 698 N Cottage- COOL SPACIOUS aleep R. Prlv. en trance, ph. 6917. , VERT DESIR. R, 771 N. Cottage. PLE A 8 A N T ROOM overlooking creek. Near at a to bldgs. Tel. 9639. FURN. HSKP. S4.SS wk. Bleep. tZ.Be wk. Near state, bldca, 11 S. 14th. Ifl CELxM FURNi 'room'"' to " rprl vats home. Tel. 4442. 15 J N. 13th. Koom and Board ETC RMd and board 40 & HI aft. BOARD 4 RU, 1237 Court. Ph. S9C9. ROOM, BOARD, laundry, $5 wk. and up. S23 S. Hlch. BOARD AND larca room for 2 gen tlemen, 332 N. Church. TeL 4375. . ROOM AND board In private home, 137 N.t Winter St. RM, BD. for lady. S41 N. Cottat. YOUNG MAN to abar large bed rm. Exc. board. . Very reaa. Inquire 1120 Marian. NEAR STATEHOUSE,' rm. and brd. for 2 or flI4t Union. Ph. 697s. " EXCv BD.. eingie or double, new mod. home. Shower a. 650 .Marion. For it-nt --Apartments ' I-RM FURN. Adults S4( Ferry. SEE FISHER a pta. Modernized, newly decorated and roomy. You'll be delighted. Oak and 3. Commercial. 2 RMS. Adulta. S Winter. 1 R BATH, kltch, 2005 N. CapltoL 1 A 2 RM. apta furn. 430 N. Liberty. 2 R. FURN, 9 N. Cottage. FURNISHED APT, Hawthorn Court, adults. 1000 N. Capitol. CLOSE IN. modern 4 room fur nlshed apt., adulta only. Tel. S490. 8 ROOM FURNISHED modern first floor apartment,; adulta. 335 Division. LOWER FRONT turn. apt. cheap. 7S0 N. Churchy ,:. - , STRATTON APTR. 1 R. apt., also 1 aleeplng rm. FH. 384Z. For Rent Houses COTTAGE. T ACHATS. Ph. 47F2. MODERN CABIN'S by day. week or mo. Grocery meats. Shoen'a Cottages, nL S. oi Salem. l M.WwJMWMwMMW. 3 RM. FURN. cabin, adulta 8840. SMALL. NEW fiv room house. available July 15, 826. Call at Box 45. Sunnyvlew Jive., turn left oil Market Street. I " MOD. HOUSE. 625 Belmont T. 7952, 6-RM. FURN El. Refrlg. ..Very clean. Adults only, 827.50. 12 blks out, 3- rm. furn., 2-2 people, north, t?S. 4- rm.. 318: l-rm. 2 "4 A 820: 7-R-. 350. . . BUDROW REAL ESTATE, Ph. 6965 MODERN HOUSE. N. Summer. I bdrms., srsllsble July 15th. Inqulrs 1433 State.. i For Rent EXCELLENT FRUIT- snd graxing farm for rent. 2 miles east of Inde pendence. Inquire 255 Division street. Salem. Ore, x.-.'-i CARS. TRUCKS. U Drive. Ph. 7046. OFFICES ROOMS 381 at street. Inquire room 200. TeL 3713. " HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rent. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. . PASTURE FOR 160 head eheB:VI Townsend. Gervals, ; Ore. Wanted to Rent WANTED 4 OR 5 R. house, reas onable walking distance from pen. f none eeu. For Sale Real Fstate BUILT AS a demonstration horn 2 years ago, ; Elec. dishwasher, elec. hot water, elec range, tuea into oratn boarda. Exceptional finish through out. Owner must sell to accept em ployment in Portland. A rare bar gain,. - ) 1660 N. 19th BUIIJDINU LOTS GOOD IjOTS on nared street, excel lent location, Prtc 8500. 326 down. 810 per month, ' W. U. GRABENHORST COL. ! REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 8IC8 LOTS LOTS ATTRACTIVE BUILDING lots lo cated lq Roaedai and Kays second addition, eortlieaet Salem. North of Market street on paved street. 3500. Off pavement. 3250; 310 down, 310 per month. SEE US BE FORI- YOU BUY TOUR LOT. . , W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. . I Realtors 134 & Liberty Street Phon 8468 A 5 ROOM HOUSE at 1844 North Fourth St. The house is built among large oak trees making a wonderful shady yard. Look over thUt location and if interested com in and talk with ua about It. The price la 02600. Down payment and terma can be arranged. J. F. ULRICH CO, REALTORS 362 Stat Street Phone 8872 S RM. MOD. hse. Beautiful, spacious wooded grounds. Priced to sell. Terma, WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 167 8. Liberty Phon 7118. - - I A REAL SNAP V s TIUS t ROOM horn located close In on Court St., lot 46x160 feet. Price reduced to- 3200, 2350 cash. baL 335 per month to Include Int. at 6. BUY THIS AND SAVE ON RENT. W. H. GRABENHORST CO, i REALTORS 124 a Liberty St. Phone CMS 32100 CASH WILL BUY thla attractive 4 room home all in good condition, with larg lot 90x100 feet located In th business one, located on paved St., and bus line, Two bedrooms, - oak floor. A REAL VALUE AT THIS PRICE. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, i REALTORS 124 , XJherty St, . Phon 6468 Money to Loan Don't Be Financially Embarrassed ! Tt Is always very ambarrasalna to be abort of cash. But some peopl bealtat to borrow because they think It la oven more etnbar raaaing to ask for a loan. Wall, it isn't at Personal. . Loans Up Personal Finance. -Co. IIS State Street at High ! Second Floor New Bllgh Bidg. Room Sit Pnoaa 1191 Llcenae 8-122 M l S Salem. Or. S10.00, $25.00, $50.00 and up to $300.00 LOANS TO HELP YOU PAT TJP OLD DEBTS , FINANCE YOUR AUTO UP TO f 500 MEET EMERGENCIES CONTRACTS REFINANCED . REDUCK INSTALLMENTS 1 PAYMENTS REDUCED BUT THE THINGS YOU NEED EXTRA CASH " ADVANCED " PAT TAXES . WHETHER CAR . 18 PAID ;. FOR OR NOT i The easiest, qulckeit, most bnsiness-Uks way to solve your financial prob lems la to bring your troubles to ua Hers you will find the most liberal method of borrowing. LET US HELP TOU TODAY - - - 20 MONTHS TO REPAY PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. I. Rm. 201, First National Bank Building Salem, Oregon: - - - - -Phone 444C S-213 State License M-220 For Sale- Keal Estate VIEW TRACTS i ASK US about them. W acre for 3900. 1 full acre 11500. SEE Mrs. Ellla with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 21 HOME SITES, on paved road, near school, 10 mln. drive from Salem. Geo. N. Tbompaon, RL 2, Box 102, first bouse west of Kelser school, south aide of road. TODAY'S SPECIAL WELL BUILT S room modern home, large attic, basement, furnace, fire place, corner lot, reduced in price to 32700. Let ua show you. : SEE Mrs. Ellla with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtor 244 Stat Street Phone 92CL , TRANSFERRED ; WILL tak 82. SOO for borne. Coat 82250.00 to build 4 yra. ago. Box 854, Statesman. LARGE, WOODED lot, Engiewood dlst. Only 3800 cash. Ph. 7113. 31950 BUYS 8 ROOM house, lot 103x100,' large shads and fruit trees. 3200 down. 32S month. Paul Plnson, 211 N. ConunerciaL TeL 8054. LOOK, 8275 DOWN WILL BUY this modern 5 room plastered horn with full cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, garage, paved s, east front, near school, located in E. 8alm. ThUi house has been newly decorated ion the Interior and baa' a new roof. Price 2760, bal. 326 per mo, to Include tat, IMMEDIATE POS SESION. W. H. GRABRNHORST & CO., REALTORS ? 134 S. Liberty St. PhonS 1438. A CORNER LOT. 60x100 feet loca ted in a fine residential district, on the southeast corner of the intersec tion of North Church and D streets. Improvements In and paid.- Price tL 800. " ! - 1'J ' J. F. ULR7CH CO.. REALTORS StZ Stats Street -. Phone 8S72. ' FOR BA1" or "tradel for acrwagev room roodern house: except basement. Small payment down, balance like rent. , By wner. 2360 rW. Nob H11L 8 RMS.. BASE., plast, close in, 31. 00. 8 rm. plasty base., fume- gas, gar big lot, fruit, berries, 82250, 8200 cash, bal. too. For bargains see F. Griepentrog. 1940 McCoy St. Ph. 4954. H- ACRE, 325 DOWN and 37JIO mo. See Freetag at 482 N. 18th. BRAND NEW, 83500 3400 cash, ha la nee like rent, modern hardwood floors throughout living room, fire place, kitchen with all the built Ins, breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms, hallway, bath, full banement, pipe furnace, ga rage, -rnrd fence, sidewalks In, all paid. Move right in. : ' Also aame house on paved highway Just outside of city limits, same price and terms, brand new. Nearly V4 acre ground. - ' . New 6 room brick home : with un finished attic for 2 rooms, ! fireplace, hardwood floors, gst furnace, hot wa ter hester. garage, nearly - acre, 33600 f 50(1 cash, balance like rent. , New 6 room furnished house.' ga rage, no basement, very nice, 32500 JiOO rash, balance SZ5 per mo. See CLIFFORD HAROLD . With N. J. LINDGREN ' 175 & High Street Phone 8890, Evenings 2488 - Exchange Real Estate TRADE t ROOM house with 3 room apt. Upatalrs for smaller bouse. Owner 930 Broadway. EXCHANGE FINE MODERN home in Monmouth for Salem home. SEE Mr. Ellis with CHILDS a MILLER, Realtors 244 SUte Street i - Phon 9261. Wanted Real Estate SMALL SUBURBAN home on rent terms. Box 852, Statesman. - For Salt? Farms FEDERAL LAND 'bank farma. Priced right. Terms. Se W. S. Bart lett, secretary treasurer. Sit Oregon building. Phon 1127 COAST DAIRY FARM 160 A. 6 ML FROM Pacific ocean. Grade A barn and milk house, chicken house,, brooder . hous with capacity for 2800 chicks, with electric brooding equipment. Owner's home,, bath, toilet, electric refrigeration. - laundry room with stationary tubs and electric wash er. Modern tenant house with hot and cold water. All buildings have 1 elec tricity supplied by hydro - electric plant. Gravity water piped t all buildings. This is a gentleman's estate, complete in every detail. Price 39000. Will entertain trade. See J. W. Brash er, 212 Oregon Bldg. 13 ACRES ON GARDEN ROAD . MILK TO city limits, some ber-J nes and nuts, 1UU cherry trees, lair 5 room house, automatic water sys tem, good soiL Pries 35700. cash 81500. balance 6 or consider good Salem houne as part. , t . SEE Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS a MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street . Phon 9281 J FINEST OF chance for Irrigation, 42 acres, good soil, laying along river, yea r round creek through , plac. all under cultivation, young cherry orch ard, bulldmga. Trad equity for 20 acres, Mrs. Davis, Rt. 6. Box 60. Acreage FOR IDEAL homesttes. select dis trict, trees, fine view, all utilities, 3376 up, tie Pr not Call 6413. - Resort Property MUST SELL equity In home. Depoe Bay. Box 854, Statesman, Personal LONELY? -WORTHWHILE" sweet heart, husband, wile for you. Box 76. Los Angelea . . - WIDOWER WITH good horn wants to correspond with lady between 36 and 40 yra, P. O. Box 143. Salem. Money to Loan Our main requirement Is Just your abtylty ts repay small reg ular amounts , Tou won't be asking as a favor. to $300 emu LOANS PEOPLE'S FINANCE COMPANY Rm. 201, First Nst'L Bank Bldg. M-220 SUte Llcenae S-213 FHA LOANS S0 ON EX18TINU construction 90 on new construction. J. F. ULRICH CO. 382 Stat Street Phone 1873 Auto Loans Roy H. Simmons lit 8. Commercial St Salem. Ore. Phon 9148 Ue. Na M-158 QUICK CASH LOANS ALL PLANS General Finance 7 Corporation 128 S. Commercial 8L. Salem. Or. Phon 9141 . No. S-128 .OUR AIM la to help peopls when they need help Get that extra rash you"need now without a lot of red tape, or comakers. ioo loan, is.!- per montn tor za months, other amounts In proportion. Up to 3500 on cars. STATE FINANCE CO. 344 State Street Salem, Oregon, Lie. NO. S-216M 222 Phon 1261. Private Loans . $10.00 to $300.00 Jf YodNeed Money - ' tor- any wortbwMIe pur- pose call at - our office. We will gladly help you with your problems, -"how- ver great or small. - Borrow from us ss you : would from your best friend. Here you will find the aam friendship after . the loan is made aa be fore. You will doubly en Joy the flexibility of our KDirmcnt nlahs. SEE US TODAY NO OBLIGATIONS People's Finance Co. Room 201.- First National Bank Bldg. Salem. Oreaon Phon 4446 S-213 State Llcens M-220 'sslsaif4se94lafc FEDERAL HOUSING loans build, refinance homes, business prop. Rates. A bra ms a Ellis. Inc Masonic Bldg. MONEY TO loan on good real estate. unaries Hudklns, . 275 State street. Saa9sasajSS4ja0jas SEE F. G. Delano. 290 N. Church for Benjamin Franklin loans to re finance, build, modernise or purchase. i am most popular loan in Oregon. Financial Jgf tti HAVE never paid less SY V than this rate on savings SsBBfSsi f and Investments, insured to 83000. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Ass'n Phon 4965 143 a. L4oerty s- Loans Wanted Tl fill ST iVI , mm ' TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay " lnieres- W. H. GRABENHORST A CO ni ii ."rniis , S r IK., , Phnn. C44S LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing inquire at Hawkins- a - Kooeris. Rnainess Opportunities INVESTIGATE LARGE first class a. M W-s---i rlna-i 4m alar Vwvi 1 H- Always full, good income, newly furn. Owner taking over large hotel In Wash. Must sell at once. Price very reas..;- f idi rrrnv T.ixts 470 N. Com"! Ph. 8822: Eves. 4075 ACTIVE GROCERY ' Tiorxn t50 DAILY. Clean, attract ive, live location, 2 100 cash. H. P. GRANT-C H. SANDERS 623 Court St. Phone ,8741 Automobiles' NOW WRECKIXO 29 Chevrolet 29 Ford and others. ' GENERAL REPAIRING Price that will appeal to you. ED LI NELL, Mechanic 828 Auto Wrecking and Garage For Sale Wood DRY 2nd GROWTH. Ph, 187F12- SPEC1AL DRY wood. TeL 3264. PHONE B FEN WICK. 4527 for good- sec growth wood. MILL BLOCKS, lge. Id, 84.60. 6833 GOOD DRY 4 ft. second growth. 1 cord lots 812. pa. iiso. -. MWM . Wood. sum. prices. Ord er now. 4158. FIR, OAK. ash. Gracn. 6370, NO. 1 DRY old flr.,3S.e0i 4-ft, t-2 Keil and sudin, pn. S61S. WOOD, "ALL KINDS. TeL S80. DRY 16-INCH old flr. 5. Dry 4-ft. second growth, 84. TeL 94a6. Wood Sawins WOOD SAWING. Sproad. Ph, 8883. I For Sale Used Can WELCOME! "Veterans of Foreign Wars" WHILE VISITING IN SALEM VISIT OUR USED CAR LOT Located7 just across the street from the State theatre. We may have just FORDS 1921-Ford Coach in excellent mechan ical condition good rubber, . a good looking, and a good car for . t22S. 1135-Ford Tudor Sedan, .A-t meoban leal condition, exceptional up holstery, ahowa care it8.0 1937-Ford Deluxe Coupe, low mile age, radio, whit aidewali ttrea. . dual horn a, banjo-type steering wheel; a car that look and run like new, for only -f C4S.00 CHEVROLET'S 1928-Chev. Coup t48.00 1928-Chev. Sedan,' good mechanical condition, a real buy for 1930-Chevrolet Coupe, wire wheels, looks and runa good tUS OO 1932-Chevrolet Sport Sedan, new paint good rubber, a real buy for only iut285.00 DODGES 1924 Dodge Coupe nothing anlcer In the city, low mileage .8595.00 1137 Ddgo 4 -Dr. Tr. Sedan many extras, looks and runs like new i. $795.00 HERR ALL - OWENS CO. "The Home of Dependable Used Cars and ,TtTicksn ! DODGE and PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRUCK DIST. i j ' sas Konth Commercial Phone 3169 ( NEW USED CAR PARK CHURCH ST. ACROSS FROM STATE THEATRE PHONE 6335 i - ' -r"srViOri.-ojii -- ------ Specital 1838 CHEVROLET MASTER De- LUXE TUDOR SEDAN. EQUIP PED WITH RADIO, HOT WA TER HEATER AND GOOD TEAR t-PLY DOUBLE EAGLE TIRES - eeS'-8S 1936 .Plymouth Sedan, trunk, ra dio and beater , , 1938 Dodge Sedan " " 825 1930 Chevrolet Sedan " 146 1930 Chevrolet Coup 135 1929 Ford Tudor ' , 125 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM CARTER MOTOR CO. Used Car' Lot at 240 Center Street -SPECIAL ! . FOR SATURDAY A MONDAY! ONLY 1936 Tetraplane 4-Door Touring Sedan THIS CAR HAS A RADIO A HEATER AND THE ACTUAL MILE AGE IS LESS THAN 15,000.. t . ALSO A FEW MORE GOOD BUYS 1937 Plymouth Touring Sedan 1338 Plymouth Touring Sedan 1932 Chrysler Sedan 1925 Chrysler Sedan, trunk 1933 DeSoto Sedan 1933 Plymouth Sedan 1934 Bulck Sedan. 1334 Ford Coupe ItS 4 '.Ford Sedan . And the prices are right See them SALEM AUTO CO. 4J5 N. Com'L Phone 4(73. Our - Used Cars Are All Inside Under Cover '28 4-DR. DeLUXE Plymouth Sed, large trunk, radio, heater. Excellent condition. F. C, Rock, 2210 Chemeke- ta. Ph. 9674. 1922 DeSOTO COUPE, good condi tion. 1845. Mill. 38 PONTIAC SEDAN, good shape. Must sell at once. Will take best car or offer for equity. Box 855, States man. 850 EQUITY IN '29 Model A Sedan for 835. Joe Jackson. Rt, 7, Box 32 6L, Salem. U mt east I of Totem Pol on 99. WantMl-Used Cars CASH FOR your car. phon 5814. Transportation YOUNG MAN will drive car east for. transportation. Ref. exch.. Allen Arnold, Rt, 6. Box 625. ' Bus in ess Cards' In this directory run on a ' monthly basis only. ' Rate: SI per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Fansk, 275 South CommerclaL Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott. 147 8. Com' L Ph. 4518. Body & Fender Repair rOR BODY a FENDER Repairs. Ante Trim,' Seat Covers, Glass replacement. Auto Painting SEE th Herrall Ow ens Co, 235 S. Com'L St Phon 3189. Brushes WHITE HOUSE Brushes. Ph. 8724. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450. R. -V Northness. Chiropractors DR. a L. SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor. 268 N. High. TeL Res. 8752. -: ', Excavating - EXCXVATINO Or sin kinds, Baee menta dug. Dirt hauled r moved. Dirt for . sale. Salam Sand and Gravel Co. Phon 9408. . s , Florists Breitbaopfs. 447 Conrt Phon? 8906. W. SALEM Florists. 1400 Edgewatar. ' Lime - GOLD HILL lime 98. We deliver to farm. 324 N. Com L TeL 8828. For Sale Used Cars what you want - t. rMsuvioa lt3S-P1ymouth DeLuxe, 4 -dr. Tr. Se dan, completely overhauled a ' real buy for only I485.00 MISC. 1928- Puntlae Sedan , '.,,.? 1929- PontIae Sedan ,,,..? 1929-Oak. Sedan -T 1929-Uudaoq, Sed. I AND A 191S Willys 77 Sedan In A-l condi tion, good rubber, new : paint for -,. . ,, fgss.oo PICKUPS A PANELS ; 1 9 29-Ford Pickup, new paint . 7 1930-Cbevroiet Rdst. Pickup, good t 1934-Ford Pickup In A-l Condition . for only . . ..f 310.00 ItSC-Ford V-8 -ton Panel looks and runs like new 465.00 TRUCKS i " - 1934-Chevrolet )-ton. I W. base, duals, new paint a real buy for , : ..3395.00 1934-Ford V-8 lH-ton. L. W. base, duals U ,.g39.00 1934 Dodge 1U to 3-ton, L. W, base, exceptional rubber low i mile age. A real buy for only 1 495.00 1930 Ford Coach, $95.00 Terms i ORVAL'S Used Cars Center A Church St, : Ph. .4702 Open Evenings ; i Drive Out And1 Save Special Today 1926 Plymouth- 8edan. trunk, radio. beater, good tires, . mecnan ically , Qnly 343S MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM "Wallace H. Bonesteele Inc. Portland Hwy. 1 blk. N. of underpass OLDS WILLYS GMC TRUCKS 128 Ford Sedan (as is) $45.00 ORVAL'S Used Co Center A Church St ' . Ph. 4701 House trailer, 9x14, builtins, good tires, stove, $95. Terrns. ORVAL'S USED CARS Center a Church St. - TeL 4702 Open Evenings - 30 6-CYU BUICK Spt Cpe. Motor good.-.New finish, 155. Call BJ40. 1932 CHEV. COACH with radio, elec, horn, will, sell cheap,' call at 1028 Broadway. ; 28 CHEVROLET COACH " SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNT on equity - In practically new car for quick sale. Inquire 655 Chemeketa. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Ore. gon. No. B 23340 In the Matter of -Benjamin F. West, Bankrupt, To the creditors of Benjamin F. West, of alem. In the County of Marlon, and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. ' NOTICE . IS HEREBY 3IVEN that on the 8th day of June, 1938, the said Benpamin F. West was Dir ectory Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 263 S, High TeL 9126 Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-RUG snd I Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRES3 I mad to order, old remade : carpet denning, sis Ing; fluff rug weaving. 8. 13th a Wil bur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. Z WICKER. Est. 1911. . -;---''- S ? -;-' CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phon 4068. Printing J FOR STATIONERY cards, pamphlet a. programs, books or any kind of print ing, call Th Statesman Printing De partment, 216 S, Commercial. Tele phone 9101. Radio Service BOB SINGLETON. 157 8. Lib. 7118. Stoves REPAIRS FOR ranges, htrs, circula tors. P. J. Heppner, 262 Cbmkta, -Transfer CAPITAL CITT Transfer i Ca 226 State St TeL 7778. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get eur rate- -'.v- -- FOR LOCAL or distant transfer stor age, burner oil. call till. 1 Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks t Portland daily. Well DriUinfT R. A. WEST, Rt 8. Bx. 646. T. 110F6. Chester J. Pugh, 2125 Myrtle. 833A Wood Sawing R B. CROSS. Ph. 8178 or 7219. . . . For Sale Used -Cars DOOOTTLE-PONTEAC J i Goodwill Used Cars HONEST VALUES SQUARE DEALINGS COME, SEE AND COMPARE THESE FINE HIGH-GRADE USED CARS 1937 Bulck 4 Series 4-Door Touring.Sedaa sees art 1937 DeSoto. 4-Door Touring Sedan, radio, beater 1938 Pontlac 2-Door Sedan, radio, heater ' ' 1936 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan, dark blue 1826 Plymouth Coup if in little car 1925 Ford Sport Coupe like new throughout 1934 Chevrolet Master Sport Coup Dootittie'o NORTH COMMERCIAL AT CENTER 4sjsSjsSjs-s-SS m aaiaa-siaia--ai---- - - -- s -. WELCOME VETEI4NS OF, FOREIGN WARS I. . . . .. .. - VAIJLEY MOTOR CO. .Lot Marion and Liberty duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the first meeting of his cred itors will be held at Room 225 la the United States Postofflce Building In the City of Salem, Oregon, on the 20th day of July, 1938, a( 1:15 o'clock In the after noon, at which time the said cred itors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact - such other business as may properly come before said meeting. ' WILLARD L. MARKS, Referee In Bankruptcy. Jly NOTICE OF FINAL BECT1B Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned as filed In the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ot Marlon, his duly verified final account, as the Ex ecutor of the last will and testa ment and estate of Mary C. Bum- rardner. ' deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 2nd day of August, 1938, at the hour of ten O'clock a.m. of said day. aa the time, and the County Court Room la the County Court House at Salem. In Marlon County, Ore gon, as the place f or h e a r 1 n g aid final account and all objec tions thereto, i i ', Dated at Salem, Oregon,! this 2nd day of July, 1938. ISAAC S. I BUMGARDNER. - Executor jot the last will and testament and Estate ot Mary C. Bumgardner, De- CCftS0-i ' i WALTER S." LAMKIN, Attorney for Executor, t Salem, Oregon, j Jly 2-9-18-23-30 Washington Folk Visit "at Mehama MEHAMA Rer. and Mrs.' E. K. Bailey of Cosmopolls, Wash., have been visiting friends In this community this j week. -They held services in the Mehama church Tuesday and .Wednesday and at West SanElam Friday. V Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wagner en- Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 16 11 20 23 2H 2& 27 i 32 33 3 36 3S 3J v? 6 7, VA liy EUGENE SUEKFEU HORIZONTAL 1100.000 rupees 4 resinous substance 9 salt 12 wrath 13 Greek letter 14 hasten 15 pertaining- . . to punish ment 17 having a handle 19 taunts 22 fiber of the palmyra palm 23 otalgia 25 choose i 28 sound made by donkeys 29 tidal flood ! SI note of the scale 32 lubricate 33 ox-like ' animal ' 84 anchor bi 85 plural i suflix -SS rhastly 27 Russian inland sea SS light cross stroke in printing 40 loud out- ; , cries - . 42 fool . 43 shallow goblet 44 valve of the heart i 47 ancient - Roman ofScial 50 eggs ' 61 malt liquor 54 din ; 55 affirmatives 65 praying figure - -57 mineral spring VERTICAL 1 edge of a wound 2 metric measure of area " Herewith It the day's puzzle. - S -iX!X !. 15 M 2. 2. ! Er,ii!. S , H. E. ric i W 0 i S. . JL T :c ' L s &:!; Mi li!il pLS.HX !. A3 a! lIJ Cssirlfsx, 1916, at SJa For Sale Used Cars 796.00 893.00 446.00 896.00; 865.08 295.00 finish Used STREETS ' PHONE 8648 Saw Gray Last Pictured above is Marsrsret Dartt, ' last person to see King: D. Gray, cameraman slain in Los Angeles,' alive. Said to have been mentioned in a letter found in the slain man's pocket, Miss Dartt will be an im portant witness In tha case. tertatned the followlnj guests re cently: 'Mr. and Mrs. Keith Phil lips, and Jimmy Keith,. Mrs. Iva' Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Willard John-.; son, and the Giles Wagner fam ily. '.. .: 7 . '--I Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Walsh are visiting friends and relatives at Gold Hill where they both lived before moving here. II 7 21 22 2 2$ 27 30 31 21 2H 37 HO HI H7 HO HI 2 C3 m S7 middle 4 pertaining to the colon ! 5 mystic ejaculation 6 Hebrew ' letter 7 Turkish commander 8 Means of Alumina- ' tion . . 9 -stone of clayey - -origin 10 river island 11 sheltered i - side ' . ! 16 asidt i 18 auction 20 possessiv j pronoun 21 having maf de mer i 23 trees 4 , 24 ascend 2 6 transpa rent 27 oriental weights i SO devout j K3 mammal 84 persons appointed to represent others I solution to jester 38 teller of falsehoods , 37 among 29 lists 41 wide awake 44 extinct flightiest bird 45 climbing plant 45 Italian ' . household deitr 48 once around a track 49 Greek letter . 62 linguistic . stock of I Gold Coast Negroes S3 printer's measure s t Ssstaras BTS-tosla, UML YZA 1 7777 V3 and ja- counties