1 - 7 lAGE TWO The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Mornin&y July 8, 1938 Conventio ii to Open Saturday 1:1 i ' " ' Grand Parade, Exhibition at Sweetland Field on V Tuesday Highlights - (Continued from Page 1) Major B. F. Pound, Captain Mil lar B. Harden, and Wilbur C. Cav ender. Frank Millet, of Marlon post, and a torner member of the marine in the Boxer rebellion, will officiate ' as - chairman of floats. f While the annual encampment will of fk tally f open on Saturdar, July . that day will be deToted principally, to i the registration of delegates and guests and. a grand bal) at Crystal gardens in the eve ning, and the formal opening will take place on Monday morning. Ju!y 11. amid the1 blare of trum pets and , the ' play ins of Che na tional air. by the trumpeters and band or the 7th U. S. infantry, of Vancouver barracks, which will be the official band and bugle corps of the convention. On Sun day morning. July 10, 'memorial services will be held by the V.F.W. tai the auxiliaries at the Ameri ca Lutheran church, to which the public Is invited. Chairman Ci'jV. Richardson of the memorial service committee, announces tint ' pleted the details of which will be pabusnea later. Monday Afternoon Cooties' Show Time After opening ceremonies, at the) court house square, Monday morning, and at the Grand theatre until noon, the balance of the day wi be taken over by the Military Order of the ' Cootie, which will furnish entertainment of a wide and varied nature until 10 oclock. when a bizarre parade will be staged, culminating In a big "scratch" at the Fraternal temple at which a large coterie of "a-ray- backs" will be elevated to the ex alted degree of full-fleded "coot ies." On Tuesday, July 1 J, the yet erans will furnish a specially ar ranged program otatunts and fea tures during the day, for which Hih street, from Stat to Court, will be roped off from 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. The parade at 7:30 p. .m. will be the climax. ;; On Wednesday, the closing day of. the convention. Chairman Dave Holzman of juvenile entertainment committee,, will transpire the Pet parade In which thousand of boys and girls of the Willamette valley Aref Your. Funds Earning Less Than ;- 4? : : This Association Has Always Paid 4 Individual Accounts Insured up to $5000 Exempt From Normal Federal Income Taxation Nnvest Before July 10 to .receive earnings from j July 1. Spanish General Dines at Front I - f ( . . 'fit S. i s ! s: s ! ;-4 nST!,1 1eI ArmnU- P"co's commander on tne CasfMlan front la Cn. U j. . . . - - . i aI a i I 1T-' umins; an me battler ront. k tJbe,,ortmiM of with his men and dines TlZVZtl whreTerit is possible. Although the fare Is none too filf'i 1 sreneral eats with conTlnclng pleasure and inelades that and state will disnlar wM leiy or nets, noils and other hob bies to the edification and ment ot the public. In this heroic gesture Chairman Holtxman la en JoTinc the whnle-hrtAd tion of the playgrounds author ities, lusiot and the local theatres. -Tasen all In" all." says Gen eral Chairman Onas 8. Olson.- It is going to be the biggest and best convention In the hiatm-r f the state eranlsation. and if there is anytnin that has been over. looked by the encamnment mm. mission and the Salem Ttahli which will contribute to that end l am sure that nobody has men tioned it. Delegates, guests and visitors to Saism -durtnr this con vention wui go away with the con- Ttcuon imi n asm job well and thoroughly done and will vonrh for the- authenticity .of Salem's reputation as me city, or hospitality.- . ; t - Auburn School to Get Federal Help WASHINGTON. July Three Oregon school projects have been declared eligible for WPA funds. They are; Auburn school, near Salem. $2, 006; Gooseneck school, near Buell In Polk jounty, S140S; Union high school at Holbrook. $30,4S7. A headquarters station for the slate highway commission at For est Grove was approved for f 3,- 981. President Leaves On Western Trip (Continued from page 1) through the Panama -canal and back to Pensacola. Fla. The occasion for the first ad- i dress of the tour will be a cele- Oration at Marietta, Ohio, tomor- row of the 150th anniversary of : the settling of the northwest ter i rltory. The president arrives at Marietta about 9 a.m..EST., and leaves about 1030 a.m The time of the speech has nJt been announced definitely, but it will oe broadca3t natjonavy. Later In the dsr.-the nresident will drop ApjriL to ?Kentucky, wuere ue is expeciea.iq leave vot ers in no uacerralJity'; about his aesire Tor ren'omlnation of Sen ator Barkley. democratic leader. He will make a major talk at Covington between 3:20 plm., and 4:20 p.m EST. This ad- aress also will be broadcast na tionally. ; The Auburn school project con templates the addition of a fifth room. The district recently voted to ; issue warrants to finance its share. Six Initiative Bills Come up Four- Amendments, ' Three Referendum Issnesv to 4 . ; Appear on Ballot , (Continued, from Page 1) the Townaend National Recovery plan as an amendment to the fed eral constitution. Filed by Ors on Townaend organization. ., - - " Providing maximum' annuity of S100 a month-for all persons who have attained the age of 65 years," provided they shall not en gage in any gainful pursuit. An aunity would - be financed by a two percent transaction tax. . with certain transactions exempted. In itiated by 'Elbert Eastman. Port land. 's:;.r;L . Prohibiting the uses of seines and other fixed appliances in .the Columbia river. Filed by Oreon Wildlife council. " Placing the sale of all alcoholic beverages in atate liquor stores and transferring tour percent ot receipts of state liquor control board for scientific research. In case of violations liquor commis sion would be liable for damages. Initiated by anti-liquor league of Oregon.' Three proposed constitutional! amendments and one bill were re ferred by the 137 legislature. These were: I Allowing the governor 20 days Instead ot fire days, after final adjournment of the legislature. to approve or veto, bills. Repealing the double-liability provision involving stockholders in banking corporations. Fixing the maxim compensa tion of legislators at $S per day, instead ot S3, and limiting the length ot regular legislative ses sions to 50 instead ot 40 days. Special legislative sessions would be restricted to 20 days. Presid ing officers.' including the pres ident of the senate and speaker of the house, would receive two- thirds daily pay additional. Requiring both men and wom en applicants for marriage li censes to submit to physical ex amination. Provides that physi cians certificates shall. show ap plicants free from contagions or infectuous venereal disease, eni- lepsy. feeble-mindedness. Insan ity, drug, addiction or chronic al coholism. Blood tests would be required. The physical examina tion is now limited to men. Legalizing Lotteries To Be Voted Upon V Another constitutional amend ment would legalise certain lot teries and other forms of gam bling and gaming, and authorizes SAT JTM P'" -"II,1, h Federal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 130 So. Liberty SU Pieree Still Hopeful PENDLETON. OfeiTjnlv T -Congressman Walter M - THorr has not abandoned hope for the umauiia rapids project despite President bRosevelt's adverse de. tion, he said today. ' Standley & Foley, Inc. Take pleasure in announcing the asso : ciation with our agency of - Mr. Elmer J. Scellars Mr. Scellars has been local represen- tative for the past 18 years of the Hardware Mutual Companies. He has a broad knowledge of the in surance business and will welcome the opportunity of continued service 4 to his friends in his new location. Standley & Foley, Inc. Room 13, Ladd & Bush Bank Bldsr. - Phone 5876 J General Insurance Agency It's GOOD BEEF Time at Salem's Leading Hk 17rS. Commercial I Phone 8757 It pays to bay the best meat for health's sake, and It pays to bay tbem at Mc Dowell's Market for the sake of your budget. We draw your attention to a few of the'good buys of today, tomor row. and every day . J . POSrll Qg IlOaSt No Shanks JLgC Pi?2nSo EliQ Iloll lb. 27c toconDacIiG Heavy lbiEGc-20c j J Heavy Bacon Squares, our own make.!.. .10c ; The old adage says: The proof of the padding Vvs the eat tg. The same Is true with meats such as yoo can obtain at BleDowell's Market ami yon need only to try oar Break ;fast Bacon once -with French toast' on the side -to Join oar jhost of bacon enthusiasts. The price? Only 25c ;; pound. !Get yours today and guarantee yourself a perfect breakfast tomorrow. . - - ,-'.: Liver, beef or ' . pork, sliced, lb.-.! 12c Beef Pot Roast, Fresh Side or Salt Pork, lb. Ribs, lb. ilaOW Sirloin Steak, lb. Hamburger or r Ground Beef, lb. iijC Veal Stew, lb. 1 IOC Pure Pork Sausage IS one better . 1 0 lb. .... 10C Pure Lard, kettle rendered, lb. .. 10c Pork Backbones or Pigs' Feet, lb. 5c Smoked Hames We are of f ering i i f m yea our very best, Ih. jlu. -lL & 4U2 ; OPE.V SATURDAY FXTIL 7 P, M. FylcDowelFs Market yn7) vim? m1 m Again Maytag demonstrates its ability to lead in wasVeT value, quality and performance. This new model 18 Maytag combines modern beauty with a wealth of practical features and new im provements that give it a distinctive place in the washer world. YouTI agree that its price stretchef the value of your dollar, and youll never miss the easy payments. 1 6isnG TUggcJ v MM IIFQ ! ' W r B. W tm V RIod. 80 Maytag CSG.5Q Mod. 82 Maytag With pasoHne motor. C50.BG Late Model Mayt With balloon rolls. ID0.GD Any of these May tags may be purchased for -as little as $1.00 down and $1.00 per week. the state exclusively to license thenu Forty . per cent , of license tax would go to municipalities, 10 per cent to public fairs and ex hibitions and the remainder! for old age security. Filed by Frank B. Watson and a number of other small merchants. . 1 The two referendum measures are directed at anti-gambling bills approved at the It S7-legislative session. One was known as senate bill No. ' 17 and t was" introduced by Senator ' Carney ' of Claekamas county. The other was house bill No. 15 9. by Bepresentatlre Han nah Martin of Marlon county. ' These bills outlawed slot ma chines. ;pinball, dart and other similar games. . ' Referendum petitions I against these bills were sponsored by Os car T. Olson and others of Port land. . "J ' ' Death Weapon Found LOS ANGELES, July I 7-JP)-The automatic pistol used to kill King D. Gray, once a leading film eammeraman of Hollywood, was found by police today In a vacant lot ten blocks from where the man's lifeless body was found. 7 i Patton Property (Continued tyom page 1) said it would cost $41,000 to re produce the same house today. That theproperty "is "particu larly valuable because It Is adap table to" so many' purposes' will be maintained by the defense In support of Its claim of a higher value than admitted by the state, Carson declared. The jury consists of Myra A. Fischer, housewife. Victor Point; Lloyd. A. Lee, poultryman Eagle wood; Jennie McClellan, ' house wife. West Stay ton; Rose If. Ma gee, housewife,- geotta -alilsf Jo seph J. Bowler, farmer, Croisan; Lulu B. Mother, housekeeper. Sa lami EUa -MJ Vlck. housewife, Sa lem ; Laura1; A. Jackson, ' house wife. East Hubbard: Ole E. Cox wick, retired, Salem; Robert B. Sears, salesman, Salem; Jessie M. Crawford, housewife, Salem; and William Zosel; farmer. Liberty. Elizabeth P. Jones, Chemawa. was excused from -jury duty by the court while by challenge Jessie I. Wilson, .Norrls J. Reasoner, An-etta- E. Smith, Bess T. Gille and Fred E. BrieUke were dropped from the list for the instant ease. Before the trial began. Judge L. IL' McMahan ruled against a defense assertion that the state was responsible for attorney fees. To cover complications that might arise in this connection, however. Assistant Attorney General Dev ers offered to stipulate that $3000 was a reasonable sum for attorney- fees." Carson and Ross have asked for a $1500 fee apiece. Pevere said he would object to any testimony as to prices paid by the state In purchases of prop erties, surrounding the Patton corner.' Ho also said he would filo his formal replies . today and that they, would deny that the price asked '.for .the Patton prop erty wat a reasonable market value.' t ;:- . j i r-T I Phone n a - - 0939 1 DuBain Fur Shop VlnNew Location 442 Stale St. - Upstair Restyling Repairing -. Cleaning Storage Although the trial was slow in getting under way, Devers pre dicted it would 'teach the jury by Saturday. Next week the capltol commission's condemnation ac tions against the 4 Frlzsell and Boeschen properties along North Summer street will go to trial un less settlements on one or both are reached beforehand. T. T. Last, M. D. a. Chto, M. D. ilerbal remedies for ailments of stomsch, liver; kidney, skin, blood, glands, st urinary sys tem off men A women. 21 years in service.-Naturopathic Physi cians. Ask your Neighbors about CHAN LAM. on. ennn unm CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 393 M Court St., Corner Liber ty. Office open Tuesday tc Sat urday only. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. to 7 P. M. Consultation, blood pressure, ft urine tests are free of charge. - Edward G. Stubert v5 U4lf beck H hit leybeed steys, tkt aeeenl eaeeethre keed f Hie Sremderd OA Ofnpeny of In- dlMf wriret from kit presidentlol offices! ;! ."AkotJt fifry veers oj I keeon my kesMiees ex perience et morning paper delivery bey m Jyrecuie, " rw spena severe i Hours every week 4ey merainf delrvering my papers, fe korne foe brook fast end rhen off to tehee!. Tkor work wos good for kne. It taught me) roflpoMibiltry, enterprise J self jOaipt2ti and It tterted mo on kobitt of liking herd trork wkkk kevo kelped me elf rhreufk my business jmrH ; . , I f ' "i rtollao rhot ownditloM todoy art coiuiderobfy different. Tkoro are mere people eveUcklo to do the work that needs to be dene, for one thing. But young meet must get o start In earning their own wey nd I don't know o mere wkotosomo eb for a young :ttte to atort with, provided ko h strong physicelly." SILL1N3 A DEFINITE RESPONSIBILITY Requiring Honesty, Courtesy, Tact, Regularity, Punctuality, brings its ! biggest Teward in later yearsas attested to by thousands of rriewspaper boys of bygone day's. ( f i ...... -j. ,-;,,, ,!,, n-iit--;. , - n . , . -T- - f m v.""Tr'Yr IT?' i I i ' "A J t 1 - I COLUCTINa' 4::-:;., , - " i ' ' ' ' I . .. i - i - eixesev so 4 a start in earning their own way, and I don't know a more wholesome job for a youngster to start witit." . Soys Idwerd O. Seukert, President of tko STANDARD OIL COMPANY of INDIANA t ir Tj 171 S. Commercial St. . ; Phone 8757 - , 325 Court St. Phone 6022 ."- - ..r.--v.i. r : i - D B So