The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 15, 1938, Page 5, Image 5

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    Ttt OREGON STATESMAN, Salea. , Oregon, Wednesday Blorntngr, June 15, 1933
Local News Briefi
To Build $3250 Hone A ;
building permit, calling for the
erection of -x 13250 one-story
dwelling and garage at 1195 Co
lumbia street, was yesterday pro
cured at the-city building Inspec
tor's office by Mr, and Mrs. A. L.
Ebson. Other permits were to:
lone Reyrolds, to alter a 1 H
story duelling at 2350 Myrtle,
$100: C. McEihoney, to repair a
two-story dwelling at 770 North
Capitol. $2b0; Northwest Outdoor
Advertising Co., to erect a bill
board at 2 23 8 Fairgrounds road.
$25: Mary Boeschen, to repair a
oue-story dwelling at 1335 State,
$5U; Ella Lucas, to repair a 1
story dve'ling at f45 North 18th.
$S. 5; Sophie C. Spears, to reroof
a lH-etory dwelling at 346 North
13th, $60; L. Mickelson. to re
roof a lH-story dwelling at 1610
South Commercial, $50; North
west Outdoor Adertislng Co., to
alter a billboard at 2055 Fair
grounds road, $25; A. J. Hams
berger, to alter a two-story dwell
ing at 1825 North Summer, $404.
Berry Tickets Order them now
from The Statesman Publishing
Co., 215 South Commercial St.
Valley Pairs Licensed A Sa
lem couple. Virgil R. Htcketuler
and Anna Nlssen have . been is
sued a marriage license from the
bureau at Vancouver, Wash.
Other valley couples obtaining
marriage licenses are Major J.
Baughn and Helen Hammon.
both of Detroit; Aubrey Groah.
Sllverton route 1. and Ruth rf.
Hanson, Woodburn route 2; Arlo
Cornell of Sweet Home and Peg
gy' Brown. Ridgefleld, Wash.;
Kenneth W. Bell and Esther
M. Hambley. both of McMlnn
ville; Lyle Wirfs. Dayton, and
Florence Emily Kuhl, Newberg.
and Lyle B. Ferguson and MarJ
ori filler, both of Mill City.
Read to Speak Here Mem
bers of the Salem Community
Chest executive board and council
of social agencies will meet at a
Joint session at the Chamber of
Commerce Friday night at 7:30
o'clock to hear Ralph Read, sec
retary of the Portland Commun
ity Chest. He will discuss the re
lationship of the chest and , coun
cil of social agencies and relation
of the chest to the community.
Brown Sisson, president, will pre
side at the meeting.
For lowest rates on farm fire in
surance tee Wm. Bliven, 215 Ma
sonic building. Phone 7906.
t Tire Blows, Car Ditched
When a tire blew out on his auto
mobile near the juncture of Lib
erty road with the Pacific high
way sauth of Salem yesterday af
ternoon. Fred 'A. Marine was
creed to pile his machine into a
telephone pole to avert collision
with a big double-deck bus. Luck
ily, neither be nor Mrs. Marine,
who accompanied him, was hurt.
The Salem first aid car crew
treated the couple,
Social Workers Meeting The
Marion county association of So
cial Workers will meet Thursday
noon at the Argo hotel for lunch
eon. Mrs. Gertrude Lobdell will
lead a discussion on reading ma
terial available 'on the magazine
stands. This is the last meeting of
the group until fall.
Doesn't Stop, Charge , City
officers yesterday arrested Valrea
P. Fischer, 1970 South Cottage,
and charged failure to stop at a
stop stre t.
Robert J. Gillon. at the resi
dence. 19 4 5 North Cottage street.
June 11, at the age of S8 years.
Survived by widow, Mrs. Grace
T. Gillon; daughter, Mrs. Mabell
Stevenson, and son, Charlie Gil
lon, both of Salem; four grand
children and two great grand
children also survive. Services
will be held from the Clough
T.arrick chapel Tuesday, June. 14,
at 1:30 p. m. Interment Eel
crest Memorial park. Dr. Graver
C. Birtchet will officiate and E.
L. Wiedcr will give the ritual
istic service for A. F. & A. M-,
Salem lodge No. 4. '
Vida Short, late resident of
Spokane, in this city, June 12, at
the age of 63 years. Survived by
husband, Francis E. Short of Spo
kane. Shipment made to Spokane
by the Walker & Howell Funeral
home for service and interment.,
John H. Crump, at a local hos
pital June 11, at the age of 82
years. Shipment made to Medford
by Clough-Barrick-company.
Lambert Feskens. at the resi
dence, Rt. 6, June 12, at the age
of 65 years. Survived by widow,
M . Catherone Feskens; sons,
nto e of Silverton, Martin of Ev
erett, Wash., Peter, Cornelius and
Lambert, Feskens, Jr., all of Sa
lem; daughters. Mrs. Elizabeth
Kupperian of Dickenson, N. D.,
Mrs. Cornelia Feckner of Bonner.
Mont., and Miss Mary Feskens of
Salem. Twelve grandchildren also
survive. Services will be held from
St. Joseph's church, under direc
tion of Clough-Barrick company,
Wednesday, June 15. at a. m.
Recitation of Rosary Tuesday at
S p.m. at Clough-Barrick chapeL.
Grant Rolfe. late resident of
Jefferson, In tbls city June
at the age of 73 years. Survived
by two brothers. Warren and
Wesley Short of Fairmont, Ind.
Funeral announcements later by
the Walker & Howell Funeral
home. 1 .
at flair
Linden V. St. Clair, 39, at the
residence, route live, June
Survived by. mother, Mrs. O. ' B,
(in t Portland. Funral an
- UU11BJI - - -
nouncementa later from the
Clough-BarrtCK company. .
OLSON, Florist
Court & High Ph. 7166
Coming Events
Jane -O A n n a a I school
meetings nod elections.
J uly 4 -American Legion
July 9-l:t State convention,
. Vetrrans of Foreign Wars.
Riches ion Vacation County
Agent Harry L. Riches is taking
his annual two weeks vacation in
much the same manner of the
postman who goes on a hike dur
ing his yearly respite from work.
Riches.' captain of the Silverton
unit of the national guard, is
spending the period with his com
pany at the annual encampment
of the Oregon national guard at
Camp Clatsop.
Fancy shoes cleaned 25c, shines
10c. Across from Elsinore.
Festival Tonight The Jason
Lee ME church Epworth Leagues
are sponsoring a strawberry fes
tival at the church from 7 to 10
o'clock tonight to raise funds for
the Epworth League Institute ex
penses. Shortcake and ice cream
will be served and games and en
tertainment are scheduled for the
lawn and! fireplace room. Carol
Clark and, Floyd Banmgartner are
in charge of the affair.
i t
Conference in Seattle Sever
al. employes of the Marion county
relief office are planning to at
tend the 6 5th national conference
of social workers which will be
held in Seattle from June 26 to
July 2. William Monroe Hamilton
and Douglas McKay plan to at
tend the (community chest con
ference which precedes the social
workers conference and is held in
conjunction with it. j
Lutx first j 1276 N. Lib. ra. $592.
Visit Industrial School Mem
bers of the state board of control
Tuesday were luncheon guests of
Mrs. Clara Patterson, superinten
dent of the state industrial school
for girls, j Members of the board
are Governor Charles H, Martin;
Secretary of State Snell and State
Treasurer Holman.
Townsend Club - 4 Rev. Gor
don Fleming will be the speaker
at tonight's meeting of Townsend
club No. 4 at the Highland school.
There will also ! be a Dutch auc
tion of a quilt. The public is in
vited to this meeting which opens
at 8 p. m.
t i
Eerry Tickets Order them now
from The Statesman Publ?hlng
Co., 215 j South Commercial St.
Firemen Called Twice C I t y
firemen were called to check a
chimney blaze at 125 Lefelle and
to put out a grass fire at 1077
Broadway, both within an hour of
each other late yesterday after
noon. ! ,
Richmond Clinic Today at
Richmond school the Marion
county health department Is hold
ing a clinic for children of pre
school age entering classes next
fall. Appointments may be made
at 53S8. I
Dutch BoT Faltt Mathis 474 Veny
In Forestry Service Gordon
Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don Black, and a student in for
estry at Oregon State college will
be stationed at Priest Lake, Ida
ho, for the summer months.
To North Dakota Mr. and
Mrs. Nels Olen and Mr. and Mrs.
David N. Anderson and son, Stan
ton, left i Wednesday morning by
automobile on a vacation trip to
Norbeck, S. D.
Perfection Is Topic- "Perfec
tion" is the topic for the Unity
class, meeting In the Marlon hotel
tonight. Miss Olive Stevens is the
leader, j '
750 Berrypickers
Needed Here now
Strawberry growers could use
more than 1000 pickers immedi
ately. John E. Cooter, federal
farm placement officer with head
quarters I in Salem, announced
yesterday. .
Approximately 750 of these are
required j in the Salem district
while the remainder are needed
in the Gresham vicinity.
Cooter said that while the 1938
crop was not as large es in many
previous years the quality 4 was
good and there was a demand for
the berries. Canneries were said
to be having a difficult time get
ting enouglr berries for canning
purposes, '
In many of the fields, pickers
are given free camping privileges
and other concessions.
McKcnzie Utility
District Is Asked
Preliminary petition for forma
tion of i the McKenzle people's
utility district was filed in the
offices of the state hydroelectric
commission here Tuesday.
The proposed district would ex
tend from Vida to a point approxi
mately two miles beyond the Mc
Kensie bridge. Officials said the
area embraced In the petition vir
tually was the same as that voted
on and j defeated at a previous
The preliminary hearing to dis
cuss the merits of the district will
be called by t h e hydroelectric
commission within the next 30
days. t :
Eatiralydona away with tV
oav-awfical ana-thoda. No
coi&Btnwat to hem. No
4 lima (ram work.
What wo bo moam lor
thouaaooaof othoia cia
do foe y Lrm what it ,
pocialiata who are loaf priancea ta
taia particular Lino ol work.
TKEI BOOKLXTCan or wro for
it. Vtry iatmrmmtimg m4 tmnractirm.
v b mm A rWaail Avo
TalocBoao EA 391 Portland. Ortoa
Deny Damages;
In Auto Case
Libel Action Is Settled
out of Court Day
Before Trial
A circuit court jury late yester
day found for the defendant in
the $5578.41 damage action
brought by Gertrude i Zahara
against G. Brand 11. The case, in
which the plaintiff alleged she
was struck by the defendant's car
on October 1, 1936 while standing
on the edge of the Chemawa cut
off road, was one of several being
tried here by Circuit Judge Carl
E. Wimberly of Roseburg. ;
The libel action filed ' against
George Putnam, local publisher,
by Steve Roseman of the Evens
Valley district, ; originally sched
uled to go on trial before a jury
this morning, was settled out of
court late yesterday.
Roseman asked $5000; general
and $5000 exemplary or punitive
damages for an article appearing
In Putnam's paper which he alleg
ed damaged his character. The de
fense denied malice in the publica
tion and pleaded mistake.
In place of the libel action trial
of the damage case of Swain vs.
Oregon Motor Stages will begin
before Judge Wimberly at t:30
thl3 morning.
Circuit Court
Eena company vs. Frank E. and
Dorene Lee Tobey; default judg
ment for $503.41 principal and
sale of real property under attach
ment. Portland Mortgage company vs.
L. E. and Hulda H. Bradford, Jo
seph H. Albert and Ann Bitzer;
complaint to foreclose mortgage
on part of 1 to 5, block 28, Salem,
with 58-foot frontage on North
Commercial and 115 feet on Un
ion streets, site of Marion apart
ments: judgment against defend
ants Bradford for $16,617 princi
pal on mortgage given in 1927
asked. ,
City of j Salem lien foreclosure
sale returns with defendants and
amounts for which city took over
nine lots as follows: Ethel A. Du
gan, $521.97; Lester W. and
Irene Gumm, $145.54; Maude P.
Royal et al, $401.25; Bernice De
W e e s e, administratrix, et al,
$344.01: W. D. Moreland et al
$926.58; J. W. Knapp and Vina F.
McCoy, $773.35. . i '
Carolyne Ethel Edlund vs. Hen
ry August Edlund; return on ex
ecution showing $25 recovered.
Bernice Nelson vs. W. L. Mc
Dougal; execution for $870.99.
Universal Credit company vs.
O. F. Sayles; undertaking of $1.
000 for $500 claim and delivery.
Mae Grazen vs. George Grazen;
return on execution showing none
of defendant's property in hands
of United States National bank or
Portland or Ladd & Bush.
Ladd & Bush vs. Nellie Crock
ett: execution returns showing
nothing obtained.
Benjamin Franklin Savings &
Loan association vs. H. L. Moore
et al; sheriff's return showing
property sold under foreclosure to
plaintiff for $1655.38-
K. A. Bersie vs. B. B. Bersle;
complaint for divorce and custody
of minor daughter based on alle
gation defendant deserted in Feb
ruary. 1932; couple married Jan
uary 19. 1928. at San Francisco.
Trnck Insurance Exchange vs.
Truck .Insurance Exchange of Los
Angeles; answer asserting defend
ant has been licensed to handle
only truck insurance, that it has
transacted business In c o n f 1 1 ct
with that of plaintiff; demurrer
to complaint. ,
Credit Bureaus, Inc, vs. L. B. L.
and James Senter; a n s w e r of
L. B. L. Senter making general
denial. ,
Alvis DeGuire vs. Claude C and
Ala E. Moon and -Ladd & Bush
Trust company; complaint for
$2100 judgment and mortgage
foreclosure. I
Evelyn R. Harris vs. Mabel L.
and Paul Traglio; transcript from
US district court of $11,409.91
judgment for damages. :
W. P. and L. M. Crier as Grler
Brothers vs. Earl Pearcy; sher
iff's return showing attachment
of lot In Fairmount Park addition,
Salem, In connection with $140
suit. ..
Probate Court l
. Norman L. Allport estate; final
oraer granted administratrix.
John W. Stanton estate: order
for hearing July 23 on final ac
count of Eunice A. Chute, admin
lsirainx, snowing $482.20 re
ceived and paid out. :
John Everett" Chambers estate:
order for hearing July 23 on final
account of Emma Raman, admin
istratrix, showing $252.44 re
ceived and paid out. i
Josephine Annlezate estate: or
aer ror bearing July 16 on final
account of Blanche- Isherwood, ad
ministratrix, showing $223.64 re
ceived and paid out.
Lee Tate estate: order confirm.
Ing sale of 325 acres of land to
Tony T. VanHandel and others for
$6135.10. j
Marriage Licenses
Leo Ralph Hawley. 21. service
station attendant. Medford. and
Ammta Blanche Jones, 19, house
Keeper, BrooKs
Municipal Court
Albert Brand le. drunk: forfeit
ed bail of $10. ,
W. C. Black, allowing passen
gers to ride on the outside of his
car; forfeited bail of $2.50.!
- ma? "lliP fir
- "V'
f7 1 1 1 ; j 1 1 V H i (g-o- BURNS)
1 J Mat-Eve.
They're Looking for Trouble
t": V
Harriet Hilllard, little Billy Lee,
their heads together In this scene from "Cocoanut Grove, the new
comedy coining Thursday to the Elsinore theatre. -
Martin, Campaign
Head Talk Plans
No Statement Forthcoming
From Long Conference
With Edgar Smith
Edgar W. Smith. Portland,
president xt the "Reelect Gover
nor Martin Club of Oregon,' was
in conference with Governor
Charles H. Martin here for more
than an hour Tuesday.
The; conference followed
Smith's return from a trip to east
ern Oregon where he was said to
have conferred with democratic
Neither Governor Martin nor
Smith would make any statement
regarding th3 conference but in
dicated that it had to do with
the future course to be pursued
by the governor.
Urged as Independent
Following Governor Martin's
defeat for renomination at the
recent primary election he told
newspapermen that he was being
urged to enter the November gu
bernatorial contest as an inde
pendent candidate.
At that time Governor Martin
said he would issue a statement
later. ,..
Friends of Governor Martin In
dicated that this statement might
be forthcoming within the next
few days.
Governor Martin said he had
received more than a thousand
letters many from republicans
urging him to run as an indepen
dent ' candidate for reelection at
the general election.
Smith was manager of Gover
nor Martin's state headquarters
during the primary campaign.
Wallace Sprague
Oberlin Graduate
OBERLIV. O- Jnn 14 Wal
lace A. Snrasrue. senior at flhcrlln
college from Salem, Oregon, is
among tne zbb students in the
uoi per oi Ari inn s nAia nhn
were graduated todav with th'
ciass or. XV3S witn an AB degree.
r ormal activities of the 105th
In "new Stand
Charlea Duval, meat market man
ager for Safeway and tta pre
decessors, Skaggs and Pay'n
Takit, In the downtown' store
for 17 years, now transferred to
5 - Safeway Hollywood location.
iiiiiiaiiinnawa :
ym tkUo yo
;; : ', v. -U. r7i? T ''
t !
i ,
Eve Arden and Fred MacMnrray put
The Call Board
Today Family night, "Dead
End", with SylviA Sidney
and Joel McCrea.
Friday Double bill, "Gun
Lords of Stirrup Basin"
iwth Bob S'eele and Wal
lace Ford aad June Travis
in "Exiled' in Shanghai."
Today Double bill, Gloria
Stuart and Michael Whel
an in "Island in the Sky."
and Smith Ballew and
Heather An el in "West
ern Gold."
Saturday W a r n e r Baxter
and Freddie Bartholomew
in "Kidnaped." .
Today Double bill, "Crime
School" with Humphry
Bogart. and the Dead End
Kids and Laurel and
Hardy in "Swiss Miss."
Thursday Double bill, Co
conut Grove,' with Fred
. MacMurray and "Dinner
at the Rltz" with Anna
bels. .
Today Double bill, all
color, "Gold Is Where
You Find It" with George
Brent and Olivia DeHavil
land and Franchot Tone
in "They Gave Him a
Thursday Doable bill. "The
Divorce of Lady X" with
Merle Oberon and- Bob
Baker in "The Last
Today Fred Astair. Gracie
Allen and George Burns in
"A Damsel in Distress."
Friday Tex .Ritter and his
horse. "Flash" in ; "The
Mystery of ' the Hooded
Horseman" and four acts
' eastern circuit vaudeville
on the stage.
o o o o o o o
annual commencement which be
gan .Friday ended today iwith the
commencement address in Finney
chapel by Dr. Alan Valentine,
president of the University of Ro
chester. Sprague who. has a major in
history is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Sprague. He has been editor
of the college paper. Other honors
which he has received are election
to Phi Beta Kappa, placement- In
the highest, ten of his class on the
senior honor list, award of the
Comfort Starr prize scholarship in
social science, and of the Austin
fellowship in history at Harvard
university for next year.
Gaiser Will Take
Part in Institute
Silas Gaiser, superintendent of
Salem schools, is to lead one of
the conference groups at the Insti
tute on education. July 18-19. at
Reed college., Portland. These con
ference groups, led , by various
prominent educators and adminis
trators, are to supplement the
lectures by Prof. T. V. Smith of
the University of Chicago. Prof.
Smith, widely known author, lec
turer, and commentator on the
Chicago round table, KBC, has
been recently nominated for con
gressman by the democratic party
in Illinois. He will thus interrupt
a political campaign, in order to
lead the Institute discussions on
the topic "Education in a Demo
cratic Society.
-.-sYiftsmw f. tBWaMraT--fai
voa btfe tNl'
"Guest" Issue in
Car Crash Suit
Supreme Court Says Alan
xrr r ? v? i
Entitled to Sum
An appeal of Safeway Stores,
Inc., and II. M., Howard,, from a
$29,000 judgment in favor of
Henry Albrecht, plaintiff, made
by Circuit Judge Calvin L. Sweek
of Baker county, lost in the state
supreme court yesterday as the
court affirmed the judgment.
George and Thomas Melvln were
respondents in the suit.
.Albrecht alleged that he Buf
fered permanent injuries when
an automobile operated by How
ard, district manager for the
Safeway Stores, collided headon
with a car driven by Thomas Mel
vln. Albrecht was riding in the
Howard car at . the time of the
accident. No damages were found
against either of the Melvlns.
"Guest" Issue liaised
' The appellants contended that
the trial court should have de
clared as a matter of law that the
plaintiff, while being transported
in the Howard car,, was a cuest
and that it was error to submit
to the jury the question of the
status of the plaintiff.
The, court instructed the jury
that whether tne plaintiff was a
guest or a passenger at the time
of the accident depended upon
whether he went merely for plea
sure or for company for Howard
or whether he went for the. pur
pose of assisting Howard in the
performance of some service.
It was brought out at the trial
that Albrecht assisted Howard in
doing some work " while on the
Other Opinions
Robert S. Bailey, administrator
of the estate of Bernice F. Bailey
vs. John . W. and Rose Opp, ap
pellants. Appeal from Jackson
county. Motion for rehearing
Joseph W and Lawrence C.
Marshall, appellants,- vs. Charles
R. Frazier. Appeal from. Multno
mah county. Suit involving invest
ment of trust lunds by trustee.
Opinion by Justice Bailey. Judge
James P. Stapleton modified and
care remanded for new trial.
Earl T. Jones, E. D. McKee and
F. .R. Fortner, acting for stock
holders of Bank of Commerce of
Wasco, appellants, vs. Mark Skin
net, state superintendent of
banks. Appeal from Sherman
county. Suit, to enjoin Skinner
from paying Interest to deposi
tors. Opinion by Justice Kelly.
Judge Carl T. - Hendricks af
firmed. Albert C. Stephan admitted to
bar from District of Columbia.
'Clean up Rivers'
Governor Charles H. Martin
yesterday issued a letter urging
the citizens of Oregon to observe
"Help Clean Up Our Rivers"
week. June 19 to 25.
The observance is under the di
rection of the Stream Purifica
tion league or. Oregon.
"I urge all of our .citizens as
individuals and community
groups to aid in this worthwhile
program,' Governor Martin said.
"We must conserve our rivers and
streams for recreation and the
maintenance o ineaitn.
"While this vitally affects each
and every citizen as an individ
ual, the proper solution is depen
dent on community action. There
fore I particularly urge participa
tion in the week's program on the
part of cities and towns and civic
organizations. .
Humphrey Bogart
Wendy Barrie - Claire Trevor
Allen Jenkins
News and 2 Comedies
Gilmore Leader
v. ...
$ "
ill , . '
v. -
George R. Bogne, who this week
became branch manager for
the Gilmore Oil company In the
Salem territory.' He previously
was In charge of special sales
work in Portland, and was
formerly a football star at Stan
ford jnniverstty.
Assailant Strikes
Girl, Takes Purse
City police said last night they
believed the man who late Mon
day night hit Ruth Cole, state de
partment employe over the head
and escaped with her purse and
$10 in change was the same who
last week attacked another Sa
lem woman as she was getting
into her car In front of her
Miss Cole was attacked from
behind near the intersection of
12th and Chemeketa streets. She
told police she glimpsed the man
as she passed him . and hurried
to get on by, but was knocked
semi-conscious by a blow on the
head which left a wound requir
ing medical attention..
Last week a Salem woman
started to enter her car In front
of her home when a strange man
approached and cuffed her about
the head. In struggling to get
away from him she Injured .her
head on the car door. She be
lieved her attacker to have been
after money.
Fine Is Remitted
In Jackson Case
Governor Charles H. Martin
yesterday remitted a fine of $200,
imposed on Inez Cook who on
June 14, 1932. pleaded gujlty in
Jackson county to unlawful poa
session of liquor. She was fined
$200, sentenced to serve 30 days
in jail and to pay costs of $4.50
The woman served her jail Ben
tence- but has been unable to pay
the fine which was suspended for
one year. The remission was or
dered so as to remove the cloud
from a title to certain real prop
erty transferred from the woman
to another person.
if a
It's Coo - Coo - Nutty! ! It's a Joy-Mad Jamboree!
Last Times
I r J mwamim nimamwti . jC.
fcv x j miui twatw faifig i IX
II Myttcry and Thrills with II
II AND Glamorons II
George Brent
Olivia Dellaviland
I" "f '-rf . I I
Rector Suggests
Change Impending
Democracy Challenged by
Fascism, Communism
Kiwanians Told
Possibility t h a t the so-called
"modern age" is drawing to a
close with some great change im
pending in the near future was
suggested by Rev. Lansing Kenip
ton, rector of Trinity Episcopal
church in Portland, in a Flag day
address at the Salem Kiwanis club
luncheon Tuesday noon.
Democracy is challenged by
fascism and communism, the
speaker said, and unless it is shot
through with idealism, democra
cy becomes what Carlyle de
scribed. "Jesus Christ and Judas
Iscariot with one vote each. The
triumph of materialism plays into
the hands of. dictators, permit
ting them to offer security, osten
sibly as an equal exchange for
freedom, by ignoring spiritual
Each of the various "ages' of
history has reached its height
just before its death. Rev. Kemp
ton said. If the present era Is to
be prolonged, it will be through
Individuals' j willingness to accept
a. share of responsibility to up
hold institutions which interpret
life spiritually.
Tom Hill, King Bing of the
Cherrians, offered some sidelights
on" that organization's success in
the" Rose Festival competitions, in
which their float and their march
ing group won first prizes.
Roseburg Driver-Suicide
y Identified as P. J. Pierce
State police here Tuesday Iden
tified the man who recently com
mitted suicide at Roseburg while
being pursued in a stolen auto
mobile as Paul Joseph Pierce. He
shot himself through the head
with a pistol, the officers said.
, Pierce recently was arrested at
Seattle charged with assaulting an
aged man. He later was released.
Certain-teed Roofing
Free Estimates
Wm covers ztfuL' z&rumS
474 Ferry Fh. 4642
1 H swi c. i
A New Kind
of Enter-
f i
3a,e'0t tainment
- XV ) nr
Today 2 Hits
G:45 tSJL
; . A GUN"
Spencer Tracy
Franchot Tone