The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 15, 1938, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, Jane 15, 1938
Howitzer Outfit
Leaves for Camp
Captain Elburn Sims Is in
Command Wootlburn
Guard Unit
WOODBURX Howitzer com
pany, 186th Infantry, with Cap
tain Elburn' Sims iu command,
sntrained Jit 8:30 Tuesday morn
ng, for 'two weeks training at
Tamp Clatsop. While there they
will be awarded a blue' and gold
streamer!, by Gen. George A.
White for passing a satisfac
tory rating for federal inspec
tion. Those leaving are:"
Captain Elburn T. Sims. 1st
L.L. Eveielt J. Hughes, 2nd Lt.
Harlow C. Dixon. 1st -Sergeant
Kenneth- C. Schooler, Sergeants
Harold R. Gilbert, George D.
Jones, John P. Jones, Joe M.
Kirsch; Corporals M e 1 v i n G.
Block, George S. Jackson. Ralph
L Lntx, Vincent I. Williams,
Walter C. Wymore; Prts. 1st
:lass Howard P. Thompson, Bill
B. Wengenroth, Paul J. . Bonn,
Charles ii. Cornwell, Ofe-1 D.
Harr, William O. Hastie, David
R. Jackson. Chester P. Lavier,
Leo G. Miller, Marvin C. Miller,
Ralph Nelson. Ben F. Reeser,
Beuford W. Todd. Francis G.
Warring Walter K. Wengenroth.
Pvts. Steven J. Bauman, Ray
mond R. Bibbyr Walter W. Bow-,
sr. Stuart E. Campbell, Clair W.
Clark. EI mood E. Combs. Max
H. Craig, Charles II. Craver, Paul
E. Earley, Bill VFMcek, Loren
D. Gagner, Joseph F. Hetters
chied. Elmer C. Hill. John L.
Holm. William W. Kins. Ger
ald ' A. Kruplska. Earl K. Lee,
Marvin F. Morisky, Harland I.
Nelson, Louis Olson. Richard L.
Potts, Charles J. Shaw, Melvin
H.. Sprouse, Merlin A. Sprouse,
James A, Steffen. Leo D. Stef
fen, Leo D. Steffen, Keith L.
Tweedie, Lester R. Wampole,
Dick C. Whitman. Anthony J.
Zak, Jamps RIggi. .
Approximately 3600 men will
be in the camp, the largest in
the history of Oregon's national
Fire Victims Are
Presented Shower
JEFFERSON' Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Redmond, who lost all
of their household goods, in a
recent fire, were given a miscel
laneous shower Friday afternoon
at the Methodist church, spon
sored by the Ladles Aid and
Missionary society of the Metho
dist church and others. Re
freshments were served by Mrs.
George C. Mason and Mrs. Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stephen
son and family of Portland and
Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart of
Vancouver, spent the weekend
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. M. S. Stephenson. Two of
Martin Stephenson's children
will spend the summeT vacation
with their grandparents.-
Mrs. Raymond Colgan Is get
ting along nicely following an
operation last week at the Sa
lem general hospital.
Injuries Befall Turner
Party, en Route by Car
For Vacation in Idaho
TURNER Mr. and Mrs. E. JL
Giistrap and daughter Fernal.
and Mrs. Gilstrap's mother, i Mrs.
Margaret Orr of Eugene, j who
left last week for a visit jwith
relatives in Idaho, were in an au
to accident near Pendleton ac
cording to word received here.
Fernal had two arm bones
broken; the rest had minor bruis
es. The party will return from
Pendleton after car repairs are
made and the injured are able
to travel. i- "
West Salem News
The theme of Kingwood Amer
ican Legion auxiliary for June
is peace, with the emphasis upon
a better understanding among
the people of different nations,
aays ''Fidac Chairman Mrs. II.
Boening, who has been active
in spreading the message of
peace as manifested by Fidac, an
interallied organization to main
tain, foster and develop that
spirit of . comradeship which was
manifested by the allied soldiers
on the battlefields of the World
She points out that during
these last dark months when
war clouds seem to hang low
s over Europe, the men of Fidac
have been on guard. Meetings
have been held and the spirit of
friendliness has been practiced
by the member countries of Eu
rope. Much has been accom
plished by the combating of false
news and the skillful handling
of "misunderstandings." The
sincere desire" for peace and
open minded wlllinftnesg to meet
the other fellow half way on the
road to peace, surely can not fail
to help bring about "peace on
earth, good will toward men."
"Fidac really aims, through
careful study to find out the
causes of possible War and then
to work toward the elimination
of such causes. Truly may we
say 'blessed are the peacemak
ers. "! she adds. '
Each year Fidac takes up one
or more European Fidac Coun
try and studies- something, of its
customs, problems and aspira
tions. This is accentuated by
exchange of letters, photographs
-and postage stamps, along with
lectures, pictures, etc.. pertain
ing to this country. This year
France has been the special
country under consideration.
The Fidac. made up of World
war veterans of 11 countries,
has a membership of approxi
mately 8.000.000. Every Ameri
can Legion member as well - as
every auxiliary member become
automatically a member of Fi
dac '
The Ideals of Fidac are lofty
and their alms universal In their
scope. ' Fidac is a doctrine of
mutual friendship and respect for
the governments of other na
tions and is essential to the main
tenance of peace and goodwill.
Hoover May Wed Star's Mother
w.ilMk ... -mL.j. -T-r- niif -- ---- i - m tfrtii' inlVn
Mrs, 1a E. Rogers, mother of Ginger Rogers, film star, may become
the bride of Chief G-man J. Edgar Hoover, it was reported recently
In New York City. When asked about the possibility of a wedding
soon, Mrs. Rogers said, "It's np to him." Hoover, it was learned,
telephoned her Immediately upon finding the body of James Bailey
Cash Jr.,1 In Princeton, Fla., recently. Hoover's picture, decorating
her Xev York apartment, is shown at Jlrs. Rogers elbow.
Parish Planning
For July Picnic
Maresh Suffers Injuries to
Leg When Part of Tree
Strikes Member
ST. LOtTIS The men and
women of j the St. Louis parish,
meeting Sunday made plans for
the annual chicken dinner to be
given at the St. Louis picnic on
July ID. r
Mr. Maresdi of this parish met
with a severe accident last week
while he was working in the
woods. He was cutting down a
tree when .accidentally a part
of the tree fell on his -"leg. He
was taken to a Salem hospital
where his i leg was placed in a
Tvo Men in Hospital
Jeff LeUrun is in the Portland
general hospital this week.
Charles Cole was operated on
last week j for a ruptured blad
der. He is in a Portland I hos
pital and) is getting along as
well as can be expected. ;
Tommy Ferschweiler returned
to his home, here for the sum
mer months. He is a student at
Mt. Angel college and the old
est son of Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Ferschweiler.
Robertsons Hold
Annual Reunion
TURNER The annual Robert
son picnic was held Supday at
the- Masonic hall and grove, with
an attendance of about 150 out
of the family roll now contain
ing about! 350 names. This is
one of the oldest clans in the
state, with reunions regularly
held for nearly 25 years.
' E. W. j and Jane Robertson
came to Oregon making their
home near Turner in 1868 from
Nebraska where the older of the
19 children were born; and
where the first wife died. Three
children survive and were pres
ent Sunday: Mrs. Rena Barzee
of Corvallis, who is president; I.
L. Jtobertson of Milwaukie, his
torian; and Clarence Robertson
of Salt Lake City, whose1 wife
was also present. ;
Orval Robertson of Albany is
secretary and Wilma Appleman,
treasurer.) Several of the chil
dren and ,4heir families have
lived at TuSner In past years.
Th3 present descendants here
are A. B.j and L. W. Robertson,
grandchildren; Margaret Robert
son Fowler- and Albert Robert
sen, great grandchildren and El
bert Wayne and Ronald Duane
Fowler, great great grandchil
dren, j
Stay ton Woman
Gets OES Honor
STAYTON Mrs. Howard
George, worthy matron of Aca
cia chapter. OES of Stayton, wag
chosen to deliver the response
to the welcome at the opening
meeting of the grand lodge in
Portland 1 Monday night. She
represented the chapters of the
order outside Df Portland.
This was the first time a
members from one of the smaller
chapters jwas. chosen to appear
on the program. Mrs. Hazel In
gram of The ; Dalles, worthy
grand matron, selected Mrs.
George for : this honor. .
Curtis Frenches Visit
LIBERTY Mr. and Mrs. Cur
tis French of Cottage Grove are
spending j part of their vacation
here at the home of her parents,
Mr. and' Mrs. Mason Bishop.
French is attending University
of Oregon summer school.
Attention Grocers
Dug r.2a gg
Thursday, June 16 8 P. M.
Salem Chamber of Commerce j
Discussion of Anti-Discrimination Act and how it will
affect grocers. Also plans for organization will be pre
sented. ; : l':.
Reserve this date and be at the meeting. Important
business to be transacted.
Farmers' Union
ZENA The Spring Valley
Farmers' union held an inter
esting meeting at the last meet
ing until October, at the Zena
schoolhouse. John Schindler be
came a new member. ! ! ;
S. B. Dodge gave an excellent
Tesume of the three-day state
convention held at Sheridan in
May. R. C. Shepard, S. D. Craw
ford and S. B. Dodge were dele
gates. L. H.-McBee, president-of the
Polk county Farmers' ? union,
who attended the convention in
Oklahoma City, spoke at length
on the cooperative hospital there
which started with 200 beds and
now has 2000 beds. This hospi
tal is directly under, the manage
ment of the Farmers' union.
Ed McClure spoke briefly on
the convention and Seth Dodge
suggested a junior organization
in this local which was voted
upon favorably.
Three Birthdays
Honored at Party
MACLEAY Mrs. H. E. Mar
tin entertained informally a
group of close friends at her
home recently honoring Mr. Mar
tin, Mrs. ; John " Knighten and
Mrs. Robert Craig on their
birthday anniversaries and her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. M. A. Wells, on their wed
ding anniversary.
Assisting Mrs. Martin were
Miss Rose Perry and Mrs. Mar
tin's niece, Miss Jean Biers, who
was flower girl at the Wells wed
ding. Others present were Mr. and
Mrs. H. D., Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs.
M. M. Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Mil
ton Kephart. Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. C. Tekenburg, Mrs. Fannie
Ramsden. Mrs. Grace Whittig,
Mrs. Stella Culver, Robert Craig
and Harry Martin, jr.
Roy Carter Rites
Held at Stayton
STAYTON Funeral services
were held Friday for Roy Carter,
39, victim of an accident at the
Heater logging jcamp. He was
crushed by a log.
Carter was a resident of this
district all his life. He was born
October 12, 1898, in Sublimity,
moving to Stayton several years
ago. . He is survived by his wi
dow, five children, Irma, Verla,
Iris, George and Robert; ; his
father, Ira Carter, of Stayton,
and the following brothers and
sisters: Mrs. Edith Geer, of Her
miston ; Mrs. Sylvia Gupton, Los
Angeles; William of Lyons, Mrs.
Belle Heater. Clifford and Frank,
all of Stayton.
The services were conducted
from the Weddle Funeral home
with Rev. W. H. Lyman officiat
ing. Interment was in the Lone
Oak cemetery. ' ' '
Notices Are out;
For School Meet
TURNER The annual school
meeting for district No. 79 Is
called June 20 at the school
house at 8 p. m. to elect one di
rector for three years and clerk
for one year. ;
school meeting in this district is
scheduled for 1:30 p. m. Mon
day, June 20. t t
Flaxarians Will
- !
Be Formed Soon
Farmer's Day Also Planned
as Summer Feature by
Mt. Angel Club
MT. ANGEL With the flax
festival just two months off,
members of the Business , Men's
club were told at the meeting
Monday that the Flaxarians
would . be organized shortly and
that the regulation linen suits
will be available at small cost.
Ed. Unger and A. J. Beck were
appointed a committee to organ
ize the club and solicit orders
for the suits.
Mr. Golden, representing Sam
Slocum, who hag been engaged
to handle ' this year's festival,
outlined the program for the
three-day celebration, August
12, 13, and 14.
Ed Unger, a member of the
St. Paul rodeo association, in
vited the town to help St. Paul
celebrate July 4. .
Talk Farmers' Day
It was suggested that the Busi
ness Men's club hold a "Farm
ers' Day" program and Ed Un
ger, Otto Oswald and Ed Stolle
were appointed to submit plans
for such a Program.
fpn June 2? the club will meet
in the hall of the Mt. Angel
cooperative creamery at 7:30 p.
m., when the creamery's special
brand of ice cream will be . the
main item on the menu. .
linn Folks Stage
Reunion at Hood
Shelburn School Meeting
Called for 8 p. m. on
Monday, June 20
SHELBURN Mr. and Mrs. C.
D. Trexler, Mr. and Mrs. C. Os
born and Ira Trexler were at
Hood River Sunday where they
were Joined by Dennis Trexler
and family for a reunion.
Charles McClain received word
Monday of the death of his aunt,
Mrs. Susan Nash of Buena Vis
ta. Mrs. Nash is the last mem
ber of a pioneer family.
At 8 p. m. Monday, June 20,
the voters of this school district
will eiect one director for a term
of three years and a clerk for
one year; also consider the
1938-39 budget.
Jlrs. Giffen Seriously 111
Mrs. James Giffen is seriously
ill at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Anna Carter, near Mill City.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. M.
McClain have spent the last
few days in Albany with their
daughter, Mrs. Alvin Meritt,
who Saturday underwent a maj
or operation at the Albany hos
pital. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hobson of
Castle Rock. Wash., spent last
week with Linn county relatives
and also looked after their farm
Installation Held
By Rainbow Girls
DALLAS The Naomi assem
bly. Order of Rainbow Girls, held
public Installation of officers Sat
urday night. The new officers
were installed at an impressive
ceremony with Miss Mary Ellen
Dalton, retiring worthy adviser,
as Installing officer, assisted by
Miss Mildred Eastman, Miss Le
anna Severson, and Miss Margaret
Those installed included Miss
Margaret Lindahl, worthy advis
er; Miss Ruth Pleasant, associate
worthy adviser; Miss Maxine
Helms, charity; Miss Beverly
Branch, hope; Miss Martha Jean
Kurre, faith; Miss Frieda Schmitt,
love; Miss Patricia Stock well, re
ligion; Miss Patricia Erickson,
nature: Miss Louise Scott, immor
tality; Miss Betty Denton, fidel
ity; Miss Evelyn Watson, patriot
ism; Miss Martha Jean Plummer,
service; Miss Constance Rutledge,
confidential observer; Miss Bon
nie Grow, outer observer; Miss
Hester Linn, musician; Miss Bet
ty Smith, chaplain; Miss June
Dunn, choir director, and Miss
Nadine Gerard, drill leader.
Following the installation cere
monies a dance was held in the
Knights of Pythia hall. Guests
were present from Salem, Albany
and Corvallis.
Sweet Briar Club Is
Guest of Helpers for
Picnic, Brush College
Briar club of Wallace Road was
guest of the Brush College Help
ers for a picnic at the local pic
nic grove Thursday.
- Members of the guest club
present were, Mrs. E. E. Smith,
president, and her young daugh
ter. Mrs. James Imlah. Bernice
Imlah. Mrs. Willard, Mrs. Dud
ley Gibson, Mrs. C. C. Chaffee,
Mrs. W. C. Franklin, v Mrs.
Charles Glaze, Mrs. A. E. Utley,
Mrs. Leland Wendt, Mrs. C. L.
T. T. Lam. V. D. O. Chan. If . V
Herbal remedies for ailments
of stomach, liver,' kidney, skin,
blood, glands. & urinary sys
tem of men & women. 21 years
in service. Naturopathic Physi
cians. Ask your Neighbors
about CHAN LAM.
Dr.Cfran Lata
393V4 Court St., Corner Liber
ty. Office open Tuesday & Sat
urday only. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
6 to 7 P. M. Consultation, blood
pressure, ft urine tests are free
of charge.
US Medical
- -' si , !.
V A .V- I wsT ' . - - 1
( " ' " V ' k ' " " " ' ' i
Held recently in San Francisco was a convention of the American Medical Society, which drew thous
ands of the nation's most eminent physicians and surgeons to its sessions. Also in the city at the same
time, the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, and the American Ophthalmological Society, at
which hundreds more, and medical men, were concluding convention sessions of their own. Above, Dr.
' Frederick Warnshnis (left) of San Francisco, greets Dr. Herman Kretschmlr, famous Chicago sur
geon, to the convention. ;
Bold Silver Fox
Visits Havernick
Field in Daytime
was after 9 o'clock Sunday morn
ing, William Havernick thought
he was "seein things" at night.
As he walked around the bend
of the creek flowing through his
farm three miles south of Silver
ton, he saw a beautiful silver grey
fox in his clover field a few feet
Havernick says the family dog
has barked a great' deal at night
the past few , weeks and 15 of
the hens from his flock have been
killed.. Frank Egan reports tracks
in his tomato patch- in the low
ground near and destroyed many
Le Roy Rue, son of Mr.- and
Mrs. K. O. Rue, arrived home Sat
urday from Minneapolis, Minn.,
where young Rue was graduated
last week from Augsburg college.
He will spend the summer here.
Norman Rue and Everett Dickman
left Tuesday for Camp Clatsop.
Purvine Home Is
Scene of Reunion
ZEN A The annual Purvine
Daugherty reunion was an event
of Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. M. Purvine at Zena. A
picnic, dinner was served. New of
ficers elected were Ralph Lea bo,
president; Allen Purvine,. vice
president; Blanche Daugherty,
Tboe present were Otis Ray Dough
erty, Mr. and Mr.'lewey Miller, Agnes
A. Daugherty, Earl Kayler, Charlea
Daugherty, Chrii Sweitzgable, Louis
Daugherty, Mr. and Mrs., tteorge Daugh
erty, Blanche Daugherty, alt of Molaila;
Mr. and tin. M. D. Leabo, Mr. and Mra.
Ralph Leabo, all. of Aurora; Mr. Dane
Purvine, Beth Puryine, Julius Purvine,
Mr. and ' Mrs. Allen Purvine and tons
Harry, George and William, Mr, and Mrs.
George Graves, Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
Breeden arid son Reed, Mr. and Mrs. A.
G. Byers, Mrs. I.etitia Purvine, Mr. and
Mrs. Orley Brown and children Elva, Ed
ward and Clara, all of Independence ;
Mr. and Mrs. Percy- V)lis, Jordan Pur
vine. 's
Charles H. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Sawtell, Miss Norma Shoemaker,
Mrs Lottie Turner, all of Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. L. G. Rood and daughter Bev
erly Jean of Oak Grove, Mr. and Mrs.
Winston Purvine and son Clive of Eu
gene, Mrs. Rose Broncushio, Mr. and
Mrs. JackKon Purvine,-Mrs. Greta-Hiatt,
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dotson and two
daughters. Miss Joan Remington, Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Cohen and son- Albert, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Remington and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Remington, Ivan
Rood. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Barker and
son Sammy, 8. H. Barker. Miss Margaret
Purvine, all of Salem, and the hosts, Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Purvine.
325 Court Street
TTOTil Fd i I N i Vi U K
m w- B SI sm - s m SSW SSH BSB s m
n r
. . -. - ,
: If
1 I -!
1 fi.. S.
I I r zr--yl
Leaders in SJP. for
Jef ferson'g Townsend
Club Meets Tonight at
Masonic Building There
JEFFERSON The Jefferson
Townsend club will meet "Wed
For Father's Day
- I tel III Y
IMast shave as close as
the finest blade razor.
2 Must do so the first time
used ... no "breaking
in" or tultional period.
3 Must not Irritate even
the most delicate skin.
4 Mast be sturdy, easy to
clean and must not
'spray' whisker-dust.
5 Must shave fast from
the beginning.
Gives Yea Greatest Savings b Frigidsire
Historj!-Cense m and SEE PR00F1
It's amazing how many ways you can save with
this sensational new 1938 Frigidaire! Because its ' .
NEW Silent Meter-Miser cuts current cost dttpest
in history 1 And keeps food taftr ... makes ice
cbeaptr . . . runs quiet, trmbU-rtt year after year! -
What's more, you enjoy such thrilling conve
niences as NEW "Double-Easy" Quickube Trays
throughout ... NEW Moisture-Seal Hydrators , ..
NEWLY STYLED 9-Way Adjustable Interior ...NEW
Close-Bar Sliding Shelves and dozens more ex
clusive Frigidaire features! Don't put your trust
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new 1938 Frigidaire will save you mort in
evtry way, every day!
jr . PRICES X &l
(124.75 1P
Appliance Specialists
nesday night at the Masonic hall.
The program will be presented
by the men. Everyone Is in
vited. '
Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson
have spent the weekend at Cam
as, Wash., visiting at the home
of Mrs. Henderson's cousins, Mr.
1 and Mrs. Harry Dixon.
IFncGft n ua S a H e mm
att Stteveuas - E5i?WGn
An Electric Shaver With Courage to
Say ''Perfect Shaves From the First or
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Complete "With Two Heads
1. A shaving head for MEN:
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Both Are Speedy and
All Roto-Shaver" asks is five days to prove itself! Clip the
coupon below and we will send you your Roto-Shaver imme
diately. Use it for five days and unless it wins your complete
approval return it and your money will be instantly refunded.
184 N. Liberty St., Salem, Ore.
Mail Order Dept.
Please send me a Roto-Shaver with" the understanding
that if it does not meet all 5 of tha conditions listed I
can return it within 5 days and get my money back.
Inclosed Find Check
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C. O. D.
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Credit Jeivelers & Opticians
184 N. Liberty
I 0fffleitinnoderfauff Endwm.
2. TV
Phone 6022
Polk Republicans
Line up for Fall
Guy Newgent Is Named as
Chairman of Central.
DALLAS Polk county central
republican committee organiza
tion was effected at a largely at
tended and enthusiastic gather
ing here Saturday, when Guy
Newgent of West Salem was
named secretary.
I "We don't want any propa
ganda, we want a clean cam
paign right down the line."
Chairman Newgent urged upon
the party members, reminding
them that the republican pri
maries were an excellent exam
ple of wholesome campaigning.
The committee made plans for
its next meeting to be held In
the city park at Independence
Wednesday, July 13. A basket
dinner will be served and pro
gram features will be arranged.
All candidates are Invited.
Plans for an educational cam
paign prior to the general elec
tion in "November, to be carried
out through a series of meetings
all over the county, were also
Zena's Vacation Bible
School Opens June 20
ZENA Of- special Interest to
the young folks of this and ad
jacent Tommunlties will be the
vacation bible - school to com
mence Monday. June 2w, at the
50c WEEK
- coupon: - -
Address .
-y ....
So UrOe Current v "
Saves up to 25
evfn the curreTr00 d
lism e.k..-,. " COId-niaking mCch-
included! A.,7 m.0v,nS Pts,
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nly Frigidaire Has it!
FrieidVf' ck,. pryioaf