The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 12, 1938, Page 9, Image 9

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Drama Romance and Comedy to Be Featured at Theatres Today
Th OREGON STATESMAN, Solera, Oregon, Sunday Morning:, Jun 12, 1833
Crazy Comedy
On Grand Bill
Joan Blondell Starred
in Play Rivaling
Deeds for Fun
"There's Always a Woman,"
Columbia's current contribution
to the cockeyed comedy cycle
comprising "The Awful Truth."
"Theodora Goes Wild" and "Mr.
Deeds Goes to Town." will be
on view at the Grand theatre for
a three-day engagement.
Co-starred In this gay new
romantic comedy Is the ncrean-
team of MeWyn Douglas and
Joan Blondell. anDearinr togeth
er for the first time. Douglas
""won his comedy spurs in "Theo
dora Goes Wild" and repeated
In "I Met Him in Paris" and
I 11 Take Romance." Mtss Blcn
dell has been garnering laughs
from the screen for many years
with most recent appearances in
"The Perfect Specimen" and
The plot, briefly, concerns the
mad antics of a be wilder in sr
young blonde wife who starts
out to prore to her detect! re
husband that she. t.. can h
Sherlockian sleuth. This wild-
eyed situation arises wh.'n Doue
las bequeaths his defunct Private
detectiTe agency to his snirited
wife and returns to his former
post with the district attorney.
Soon afterwards a murder oc
curs in which friend hanhanri
finds his investigations consider
ably hammered by the counter
mores made by his wife, repre
senting the accused. Affairs for
the harassed Douglas reach usch
a state that he must obtain a
warrant to search his own heme
for an incriminating letter ob
tained by Joan and wanted Ly
the police.
Mary Astor and Frances Drake
are prominently featured in the
SUDDOrtinr cast, which Include
Robert Paige, Jerome Cowan and
Thurston Hall.
Medford Packers
Ask Lower Wage
MEDFORD, June ll-dty-kn.
executive session of the wage con
ference board. Attorney Porter
J. Neff, chairman, will be held
next Wednesday evening, to com
p o s e recommendations to the
state welfare board, on the. re
! quest of the Rogue Hirer valley
fruit industry, for a reduction of
the mlminum wage of; women
workers in fruit packing plants
from 35 cents to 27-1-2 cents
per hour.
, " The conference board was
named by State Labor Commis
sioner C. H. Gram, and is com
prised of three representatives
each of employers, employees,
and the public.
The request for the - cut was
" filed by the Fruitgrowers League;
Inc.. and the Rogue River Valley
Traffic association. Orchard 1st a
also filed a brief at the hearing
today. .
Ten witnesses testified at the
session. Orchardists and pack
ers maintained, "unless pear and
apple production can attain a
basis of reasonable profit, the
industry Is doomed."
The Call Board
T o d a y "The . Buccaneer"
with Frederic March and
Franciska Gaal.
Wednesday Family night,
"Dead End" with Slyvia
Sidney and Joel McCrea.
F?T8ay Double bill, "Gun
Lords of Stirrup Basin"
Iwth Bob Steele and Wal
lace Ford and June Travis
in "Exiled in Shanghai."
Today- Joan - Blondell and
Melvyn Douglas in
-There's Always a Wo
man." Wednesday Doable bill,
Gloria Stuart and Michael
Whelan in "Island in the
Sky." and Smith Ballew
and Heather Angel in
"Western Gold."
Saturday Warner Baxter
and Freddie Bartholomew
la "Kidnaped."
Today Double bill. "Crime
School" with Humphry
Bogart and the Dead End
Kids and Laurel and
Hardy in "Swiss Miss."
Thursday Double bill,. Co-
conut GroTe" with Fred
MacMurray and "Dinner
at the Rltx" with Anna-
Today Double bill. "Let's
Make a Night of It" with
Buddy Rogers and "Hunt-
ed Men" with Lloyd Nolan
and Dioone Quints la
Tuesday D o u b 1 e bill, all
color. "Gold Is Where
You Find It" with George
Brent and Olivia Dellavil
land and Franchot Tone
in "They Gave Him a
Thursday Doable bill. "The
Divorce of Lady X" with
- Merle Oberon and Bob
Baker in "The Last
Today Joan Crawford.
Spencer Tracy and Ralph
Morgan in "Mannequin."
Wednesday F red A stair.
Grade Allen and George
Burns in "A Damsel in
Distress." ' -
Friday Tex RItter and his
horse, "Flash" in "The
Mystery of. the Hooded
Horseman" and four acts
eastern circuit vaudeville
on the stage.
In American Debut
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Lovely Franciska Gaal, star of the
her debut on the American screen
Uuccaneer". which opens today at
: . . . r - . s
x . 7 -.
-' -. i
A scene from "There's Always a Woman, clever comedy, featuring
. Joan BlondeU and Melvyn Douglas is showing today at the Grand
theatre. This picture shows the
ment, Douglas, is seems would
Compromise Due
On Flood Control
Agreement May Be Made
Between 2 Houses on
Sore Points '
WASHINGTON, June ll--Groundwork
for a compromise be
tween the house and senate on the
9375.000.000 flood control bill
was being laid today with indi
cations by Chairman Whittington
(D-Miss) of, the house conferees
that an agreement would be
reached. i
The chairman's prediction was
made after! a conference with
President Roosevelt, although
Whittington' would not disclose
what form the compromise would
take or what the president's
wishes were.
The house has rejected senate
amendments pertaining to local
contributions on projects, among
which was the big Willamette val
ley flood control program. The
bill authorizes a $375,000,000 ex
penditure for the projects but ap
propriates no money.
'Other conferees',: among them
Senator Copeland (D-NY) and
Representative Seerest (D-Ohlo),
indicated the conference commit
tee protably would meet over the
weekend to compose differences,
A senate I amendment at issue
would put control of power pro
jects in the federal power com
mission instead of the army en
gineer: as the house wished. The
Today, Sloaday and Tuesday
Continuous Today 2 to 1 1 P. M.
Frederic March
Franciska Gaal
Added News and Masical
1 J
Hungarian stage and screen, makes
in Cecil B. DeMille's epic "The
the Hollywood theatre.
stars In a one-sided romantic mo
rather read the newspaper.
house would " authorize the gov
ernment to reimburse local gov
ernments up to 70 per cent for
the cost of land, easements and
rights-of-way, while the senate
proposed that the federal govern
ment assume the full cost of re
locating utilities and highways
and require local governments to
pay only 30 per cent of the cost
of such operations as ditch-dig
ging and channel improvement.
Whittington said the president
originally suggested the house
proposal on local contributions to
retain the principle of local par
ticipation in such projects.
Meet to Consider
, Power Plant Sale
Chairman David O'llara of the
city council public utilities Com
mittee has Invited the Salem wa
ter commission to meet with his
group at the city hall Tuesday
night to discuss the latest bids
for purchase of the water depart
ment's hydroelectric plant on the
mill race. . v , ; . ; ' i
The Portland General Electric
company has offered to pay $12,
000 for the plant and ; $25 a
month for use of the power ditch.
The other bidder, H. B. Read, ahs
proposed to pay $14,000 in the
form of $1000 ; cash and the
balance in power for street light
ing.' I ,
& Pins
and the
Kids !
Slat or Etc
I jiii
ml ll
' Crime School'
Powerful Play
Elsinore Feature Indicts
Unthinking Juvenile
Court Methods
Sometimes amusing, sometimes
tragic, and always exciting,"
'Crime School," the Warner Bros.
picture opening today at the Elsi
nore contains a powerful indict
ment of unthinking, brutal, out
moded methods of dealing with
juvenile crime.
Effectively utilizing the talents
of the six New York boys who
became famous in both stage and
screen versions of "Dead End."
as well as such adult players as
Humphrey Bogart and Gale Page,
the latter a beautiful newcomer
to the screen from radio, the new
Warner picture makes a strong
case for its basic theme that the
old type of boys' reformatory is
in fact a "Crime School."
The Btory, written by Crane
Wilbur and made into a screen
play by him and Vincent Sher
man, makes the six "Dead End"
boys the storm center aronnd
which this fight rages. Bogart,
for the first time in his screen
career playing a hero, is the
idealistic commissioner., and he
plays his role not only with sym
pathetic understanding but also
with the vigor and aggressive-!
ness demanded of a character
who successfully battles not only '
stupidity and prejudice but also
political hypocrisy ana crooked
Remarkably true-to-life per
formances by the six boys hare
much to do with making the pro
duction both entertaining and
morlng. Lew Seller, the director.
eridently knew Just when to let
the boys take the hit in their
teeth and when to rein them in.
That he was a good choice for
director Is proren by the picture
Itself, and therefore it is not sur
prising to learn that he spent his
own boyhood in an environment
similar to the home neighborhood
of the boy characters in the
Historical Drama
Is at Hollywood
DeMille's "Buccaneer Is
Drama of War
of 1812
A thrilling and soul-stirring
picture of Americas struggle
against England during the War
of 1812 is presented by Cecil B.
DeMille in his latest historical
epic, "The Buccaneer." which
opens today at the Hollywood
theatre with Frederic March in
the title role.
It is a mighty panorama of a
crucial period in hisUry, showing
the burning of Washington, the
Louisiana of the picaresque Cre
ole days, and the defense of New
Orleans by General Jackson.
March is seen as a pirate who
turns out to bo a hero when he
realizes that his adopted coun
try, the United States, is in dan
ger of destruction. HU sweet
heart, Margot Grahame, a New
Orleans bell.', stimulates, his pat
riotism by insisting that he be
come respectable before . their
Although ha helps Jackson
win the Battle of New Orleans.
he loses both his respectability
and his swee their; when the eo
ret gets out that his men de
stroyed the American merchant
"Corinthian." on- which Margot's
sister and many other prominent
cititens were passenger-.
With Jackson's aid, March
escapes and goes into exile on
his flagship, 'Raven." Fran
ciska Gaal, the only survivor of
the 'Corinthian," whom he has
Tea Garden
i Now Cader Ifew
Best Chinese Cook In Town.
All Kinds Chinese Fancy
. Thoroughly Renovated
"s . Clean Kitchen
We serre only the best
- Chop Soey, Chow Mein,
Noodles, and Sokl TakJ;
also American Dishes.
Special Fried (Colored)
Chicken 45c
Best Coffee. MJ.B,
Pork Chop Soey . S5c
Pork Chow Mein for one S5c
Pork Chow mein for two 50c
Large Pork Chow BIein
for three ,.75c
Pork Fried Rice . 83c'
Ecg Fooyongr S3c
We specialize in banquets,
clubs and parties.
Free Delivery Within
Reasonable Distance,
Open Until 1A.M.
Sundays & Holidays 4 A. M.
162 ft N. Commercial St.
Salem, Ore., Phone 5747
, ' II TOP
i. ? MMSA-
Z 5
i IF
"Crime School" Is
! (
-Boys are manhandled In "Crime Schools, a daring expose of old-style
reform, showing today at the Elsinore theatre. Pictured above are
Billy Halop and George Off erman, Jr.
I 1
A scene from "Hunted Men,
" i
to the Capitol, theatre, today. Lloyd Nolan plays the leading role
and is supported by Mary Carlisle and Lynne Overman.
made his maid-of-atl work; goes
with .him, and on the deck of the
ship fce realizes for the first
time that sh fs the irirl he really
loves ' . '
In4 the. supportlnj cast are
Aklm Tamiroff, Iaa Keith, and
Walter Brennan.
Eagles r to
Benefit Dramas
Willamette Aerie of the Eagles
will- present the Salem f Civic
Players in a benefit show in the
old, high school auditorium Fri
day night, Jnne 24, to raise
funds to send the local lodge drill
teams to the state convention at
Klamath Falls June 30, it was
announced last night. .
Both the men's and the. wom
en's teams hold hopes of captur
ing the state championships this
yaer, the . latter, to repeat their
performance of 1937. j
iri?ni5)iiG nnntt snaow
From Tally-Ho to HtDe
Ho When the Exclusive
"400" Set Goes Night
7 Clubby!
vons -Today
3 to
.f rftrnv rcfp
Tbsre no bigger
See Them on Skis and Hear Them Sing;
Smashing Drama
new Paramount film, which comes
Portland Lad Wins
r4H Speaking Meet
CORVALLIS. June ll-(JP)-The
championship" of the Oregon 4-H
clubs public speaking contest went
today to Allan Parker, 16-year-old
Portland boy, who also won a
trip next, month to Pullman,
Wash., to compete In the nation
al event of the American institute
for ' cooperation, which meets
there. v
Parker, speaking on the ques
tion sponsored by the institute,
"Why youth should be interested
in cooperative movements?" ar
gued that study of such more-
ments should be encouraged be
cause they could be made the so
lution of problems "that now
strangle our nation.
. if!c fi vrr I'm
2ND Mil-
thca ths gns ia t'-.dr tends!
Chrtma i. Carl HmMt
: ':.:
Gangster Picture
On Capitol Screen
"Hunted Men" Is Thriller
of Mobsters . Last
Fight With Law
A thrilling drama of a gang
ster's last stand against law and
order, . when he takes refuge In
a small suburban home after
the police have driven him from
underworld haunts, is the dra
matic background for "Hunted
Men," the new Paramount film
that comes today to the Capi
tol theatre. -
Lloyd Nolan, last seen on the
side of the law in ' the recently
released "Tip Off Girls." has the
top role as the swaggering gang
ster who struts his stuff before
a hero-worshipping boy, - and
makes love to an unsuspecting
girl. Paramount has surrounded
him with an excellent- cast of
supporting players headed by
Mary Carlisle and Lynne Over
man. ".. ''.'
The story deals with Nolan's
attempt to erade the police when
he takes refuge in Lynne Over
roan's home. While hiding out
there he is taught a bitter les
son about the mistake he has
made of his life when Overman's
young son, Delmar Watson, who
doesn't know his true identity,
idolizes him and makes him a
member of his ."Junior G-Men."
This reaches under his hard-boiled
veneer and when the police
finally locate him, he is more
than willing to surrender so that
he can start life anew.
J. Carrol Naish is seen in the
supporting cast as Nolan's un
scrupulous lawyer who turns
against him when- the police get
too close for comfort, while An
thony Quinn has the part of No
lan's gangster henchman, miss
Carlisle is seen as , Overman's
young daughter, who," with her
girlish phllsophies, helps effect
the regeneration of Nolan..
County Republican
Interest Develops
(Continued from page 1)
F. Pound and Lewis Judson have
been mentioned as possible candi
Under the' new law providing
for a commltteewoman in e ach
precinct, it is required that the
county vice-chairman shall be a
woman. Mrs. R. L. Wright, ap
pointed by Chairman Murphy to
head the campaign to see that
there were candidates -for these
precinct commltteewoman posts.
has been mentioned for this of
fice, as well as Mrs.- George Moor
head who has been an active re
publican worker.
Chris Kowitz, who has been
state central committeeman - for
Marion county, is reported not to
be considering candidacy for re
election to that post. Retiring
Chairman Murphy is a candidate;
whether of not there are others
out for this position was not def
initely known Saturday.
A new congressional district
committeeman will also have to
be chosen, as George Rhoten who
held this office will not be a mem
ber of the county committee.
Fred J. Tooze, sr., is expected
to be a candidate for reelection as
secretary of the county committee
and there may be other aspirants.
- ' -
Breeding Place$ of Sin
Become Dangerous Men
Killers! Timely
Contin- I 1
1 nil- 'jft-t- iiH '.'OKw-.-
W bm w tons scan . w rw w b.
V f nw' -giawviniiM.n Wy w
y VSS WhcHaBWSajMvAFMNiikMirhM
Plus Second Smash Hit .
A Star Crammed Masical Fan Show That Will Blake
You Shout With Glee
. -
With Delia Lind - Walter Kin? - Eric Blore
Love Team
Spencer. Tracy and Joan Crawford
starred together for the first
time in ''Mannequin" featured
today at the State theatre.
'Mannequin' Billed
At State Theatre
Crawford and Tracy Are
Starred in . Rapidly
Moving Drama
It was a happy choice" that ro
mantically teamed Joan Crawford
and Spencer Tracy for -the first
time in "Mannequin." which opens
today at the State theatre.
As Jessie Cassidy, a shop girl
who fights her way up from the
New York tenement district to a
multimillionaire's penthouse. Miss
Crawford has a role that is rem
iniscent of her portrayals in
"Dancing Lady" and "Possessed."
pictures that won her wide popu
larity. Never more beautifully
gowned by Adrian, she sings
charmingly a'.new popular hit.
"Always and Always." and rises
spiritedly to every dramatic occa
sion, particularly in scenes with
The acting versatility of Tracy
ceases to surprise. He seems to "fit
any part handed him as though
made for it. This is particularly
true of his characterization -as
John Lt Hennessey, rugged and
two-fisted, who rose from the
docks to own a line of ships.
Full of unexpected twists, the
story opens with Jessie's marriage
to Eddie Miller as an escape from
her tenement surroundings. The
part of Miller is played by Alan
Curtis, Metro.- Goldwyn - Mayer's
newest leading man discoverer,
who displays exceptional promise
in the difficult role of a weakling.
When Miller proves to be a cheap
crook, Jessie leaves him, deter
mined to live her own life. Hen
nessey, who also loves Jessie, re
fuses to let her. and they are
married. Miller sees an opportun
ity to blackmail Jessie, which fails
when Hennessey goes broke. This
gives Jessie the chance to prove
her love for Hennessey in a smash
Shols Fired on Front
Only to Dispatch Dog
Shots that were fired on Front
street at different times Satur
day night were fired by police,
called to. kill a dog which had
been bodly Injured when . run
over by a automobile. After one"
supposedly fatal shot had been
fired, another officer was called
back later by persons who said
the dog had gotten up and was
limping about the neighborhood-
Where Bad Boys
and Kids Become
. . Sensational!
n m1