The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 09, 1938, Page 7, Image 7

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salcia. Oregon, Thursday Morning June 0, 18SS
Diver Aids in Search for Boy
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Cascadia Man Is
Injured at Camp
Helen Pyle Gets Honors in
Large Class at High
School in City
LEEANON" HSDital entries
were John Hacker, Cascadia, em
ploye of Heller and GMrallon,
suffered & fractured le Mon
day while at work; Melrin Leach
of route 1. fractured riirht arm:
Mrs. A. Fromhert, major opera
A, daughter was born to ; Mr.
and Mrs. Frank D. Mayer at the
Lebanon hospital June 3. Miss
W. w. Paine, an aged lsdy of
the north side had her right
arm fractured by a fall at her
home Friday.
OES Initiates One
A coTered dish dinner I pre
ceded, the last meeting of the
season of Marguerite Chapter No.
60, order of Eastern Star at the
Masonic hall Monday night. Ini
tiation of a new member featured
the meeting. Mrs. Arthur Donat
of Los Angeles -rs a gutnt.
Mrs. H. C. Pyle was tn Port
and Friday to attend the grad
uation of her daughter, Helen,
from Jefferson high kcLooL
Helen was one of the 47 cut of
a class of 317 to receive ac honor
certificate for excellence In work
and one of the 24 out of 2100
Portland high school graduates
included in an Invitation to a
banquet in honor of pup! out
standing throughout the ; four
years. : .
Miss Jessie Skinner will pre
sent two groups of piano pupils
In recital at th ME church
Tuesday and Thursday nights.
Wednesday night negro ungers
from Portland will put on a
program at the church. c
C. McPherson, well knowr saw
mill operator, Is seriously 111 at
his home.
Search 'for the body of James Bailey Cash, jr., kidnaped Pr in ret oh.
Fla child, turned recently to bayous and swampy creeks in the
vicinity of the Cash home. Although for a week hundreds of
volunteers hare been scouring the underbrush for miles around
the city, no trace of the kidnapers or the boy has been discovered.
Photo above shows a diver preparing to go down in a bayou in
search for the child s body. ,: j
Four Couples Hold
Joint Observance
.-. RICKREALL T h e wrdding
anniversaries of tour couple In
one family which fall on the same
date is the occasion for a cele
bration each year. Due to the
fact that Walter. Hill is ill a
change of plans were msdi and
the dinner was served in the
garden at thejW C. Hill house
Sunday. The anniversaries are
those of Mrs. Hill, her two troth
crs and her son, and this one is
the 27th for Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Hill; the 19th for Mr. aid Mr
Walter Vaughan; th6 irah for
II r. and Mrs. Fred Vaug'oan and
the 6th for Mr. and Mrs. E.
N. Hill. Other euest were A.
Hill, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Vurghan
and Mrs. Brown of Baker
Ralph Demp3ey left Saturday
to enter his fiftb year in the
forestry service. He will receive
his mail at Obrien, Ore., but
will be located wiih the Gasquet
ranger station Ju?t over th Cali
fornia line.
Gentle Addresses
Valsetz Graduates
VALSETZ Thomas Cel-tle of
.Monmouth delivJiei the address
at this rear's graduation' exer
cises. Claude Burthfield was the
only graduate of the high tchool.
The 17 eighth graders who
received diplomas wire: Betty
Lou Bullis, Bobby Bullta, Jean
Farrell, Patricia Frazef. Lester
Douthit, Maxine Reiser Inex Kel
logg. Lois Ray, louls Rhodes.
Wesley. Rhoades. Annette Tull.
Effie Turner, Reggie Turner.
Betty Jane Williamson Calvin
Yoeman, Virginia Wallace and
Marjorle Hendrlckson
Miss Grace Forster of - Dallas
and Miss Marie DodUl o Port
land are conducting a two-week
dally vacation Bioie school. About
30 children are attending; the
You can get this $iJ.$o
set of California pottery
Ask for details
Sea Any Dezler er
' N
ley is chairman of general ar
rangements for the annual straw
berry festival dance sponsored by
Union Hill grange. His assistants
will be C. IT. White and J. S
Steinbergerw .
The dance will be Saturday
night at the grange hall. A nomi
nal charge will include lunch aft
er the dancing. Mrs. W. F. Krenz
is hostess chairman.
W. S. Jack Bids
Public to View
Canterbury Bells
ports that j his Canterbury bells
will be at their bst Saturday aft
ernoon and Sunday, and anyone
who is interested in seeing them
are welcome to d so. - Mi Jack
has over 200 piaat of th? bells
and many of them are dcuble,
Mr. Jack is a native Sil'citon
ian, born 74 years go on the
pioneer Jack farm near here. He
grows flowers onl' for the tleas
ure of it, and .1 few years ago
his lawn attracted considerable
attention when it became known
he put salt on it.
Mr. Jack formerly had a wide
collection of iilie3 but he teports
that a fungus growth has ."Ktered
his lily beds and this ycr the
lilies are a complete faila-e.
Vieskb, Jones to
Enter State Schoot
Mrs. Fred! Viesso ani Mr, and
Mrs. Bert Jones Will go t Bend
over the weekend to attend the
shoot of the alem Gun club
Viesko has stan.ed to heed his
57 acres of turnip seed ani will
combine later when the ft a In is
ready. f
Shearing of sheep will he com
pleted in
Mission Bottom this
Attend Graduation
' UNION VALE George Artrim
accompanied by his daughter
Mrs. Tom Lawrence, witnessed
the graduation of his graidson
George Penrose at the Oregon
State college Tuesday.. .
Religious School
Ending This Week
ST. LOUIS Religious summer
school will end here this week.
The daily attendance averaged
around SO with West Woodburn
children also attending.
The Sisters who taught here
are Sister M. Regina, Sister M.
Margareta and Sister M. Lucille
of St. Mary's, Bearerton. Sister
M. Lucille was a former teacher
here and taught eight consecutive
The men and women .'of tne
parish will ; meet In . the ..parish
hall next Sunday at 8 p.m Com
mittees will be formed and plan 3
made for .the annual St. Louis
picnic to be held in the parish
grove Sunday, July 17.
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OSC Students Are
Home for Summer
Shrine Makes Los Angeles Mecca
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Rlission Society
Selects Officers
missionary meeting of the Chris
tian church elected these offic
ers for the year: President, Mrs.
Robert Terhune; rice president.
Mrs. Charles Hart; treasurer,
Mrs. M. A. Hatchings; assistant
secretary, Mrs. Lee Wells; treas
urer, Mrs. Ernest Powell, litera
ture chairman, Mrs. Guy Aup
perle. Mrs. Irrine Wright was
appointed as one of the group
leaders. Mrs. Ernest Powell was
elected to represent the local so
cieties as a member of the nom
inating committee to nominate
the state officers at the conven
tion at Turner July 1.'
At this meeting the local ro
clety celebrated its 25th anni
versary, which was organized
May 18, 1115. Mrs. Sallie Tan
dy gave a brief history of the
first meeting. Mrs. J. L. Sher
man, now of Dayton, was the
first president, and: Mrs. Lester
Conser the first secretary.
Hess and Ray Gill to
Address Fourth Crowd
SILVERTON H e n r y Hess,
democratic nominee for govrrnor.
and Ray Gill of the state grange,
will be the speakers at a Fourth
of July picnic tt the Silvcrton
park. The picnic is being spon
sored by the Oregon Common
wealth Federation, and J. E. Hos
mcr ia making local arrange
ments. . . - - - . V
Home at Liberty
Razed by Flames
LIBERTY Another disastrous
fire occurred here Saturday aft-. .
erhoon when the seven-room homo
of the R. E. Kennellamily burned
to the ground. The house stood
across the road from the Vitae
Mrs. Kennell, who was at horao
at the time, succeeded in carrying
out some of the downstairs furni
ture, which burned up in the yard
The house was rather isolated and
therefore there were no neigh- i
bors to assist as soon as fire was
discovered. 'Some woodcutters
nearby arrived on he scene too
late to assist.
About $500 Insurance was car
ried on the house.
wi"-'- .. -.7. JL
Thousands of red fezzed Shriners took possession of Los Angeles yes
terday as the sixty-fourth imperial council seion of the Mystic
Shrine began. Nobles from nil parts of the nation paraded , with
patrols, bands and dram corps from railroad stations to hotels as
signed them. Above, Potentate Reginald P. Faithful of Aloha.;
temple, Honolulu, is greeted by a bevy of grass skirt welromers.
News of West Sal em
DAYTON Harry and Lester
dark -who have attended Oregon
State agricultural college at Cor
vallis returned o the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Riley
Clark, Saturday.
Miss Madalene Rossner, Day
ton Mutual telephone central
operator has bea off duty two
weeks because of poisoning Mrs.
Ernest Duzan is substituting for
her. . : f
The annual grange sermon was
preached Sunday at the Methodist
church by the pastor. Rev. C. C.
Rarick and aboat 40 members
of the Webfoot grange attfnded.
Miss Stilwell is the delegate
and Ray Albright is the alternate
who will represent the Methodist
church at the annual conference
this month. f
Work Scheduled ,
For Next Month
On Flood Control
WHEATLAND Good attend
ance, of the boird of dinctors
of the Yamhill county flood con
trol Willamette river project and
citizens, wag on hand for the
meeting held- Friday night et the
Grand Island schoolhousa Carl
Frances, attorney of Dayton, re
ports. . s '
The work, for which $140,000
has been appropriated foi the
Grand Island and Wheatland
area. Is expected to begin- next
month. - I
Leave for 411 School
dlgo, Louise Will and Harold
Culp 'of the district and Rus
sell Sargeant of the Ho; ewell
district but who attended fchool
here last year, all left Sunday
morning for Corvallla wh'-re they
will attend the 411 summer
school session. '
Cherrian Specia;
Rose Festival
Leave S. P. Depot 7 A. M.
iday, June 10
Return Regular Train
Roirad Trip ! o0
WEST SALEM special council
meeting was called to discuss
further Improvement of the
streets. It has been suggested to
oil Rosemont street but no action
was taken.
A surprise birthday party and
dinner was given K. K. Clark,
pastor of the local church, Tues
day night. A program of im
promptu numbers followed. Mrs.
Phil Hathaway presented the pas
tor with a gift of money. About
50 attended.
Ernest Stanton of Portland
spent the week visiting -at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Phil
lips, his aunt and uncle.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pattison
and son of Portland are visiting
at the Robert Pattison home this
week .... ..
Ladies Aid Meets
The Ladies Aid of Ford Me
morial church was. held Wednes
day afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Elmer Rierson. The nominat
ing committee announced that all
the officers had agreed to serve
another term. Mrs. Elmer Rier
son, Mrs. K. K. Clark, Mrs. Frnk
Forester and Mrs. Phil Hathaway
will serve as hostess for a silver
tea in June.
Lunch was served by the host
ess assisted by Mrs. Dickson. The
next meeting will be the first
Wednesday In October. Seventeen
women attended.
Miss Ella Brown and Miss Ruth
Shipler Jointly entertained the
eighth grade graduating class at
a party at the home of Miss
Brown Wednesday night, follow
ing the graduating exercises,
There were 26 in the class. Miss
Lillie and Margaret Shipler as
sis ted at the refreshment hour.
Homer Kuhn was the honor
guest at a surprise birthday party
Sunday night. A 6:30 lunch was
served on the lawn by Mrs. Kuhn.
Forty-two relatives were present
Picnic Is Finale
To School Studies
DETROIT D etrolt schools
closed Friday with an all-day
community: picnic and ice cream
feed on , the school groun&s.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Wralter Shelby
of Vida were in Detroit over the
week-end looking . for a suitable
place to live. ' Shelby is the new
high school principal here.
A. V. Fisher, county roadman
here, reports the county equip
ment shop, that has been built
on the property purchased re
cently ,by the county, is ready
for use and all work in trib road
district will be handled from this
Point now. The county h?.s also
had a gas pump installed,.
Mrs. Walter Brinkmeyer and
grandchildren, Henrietta and
Billy Bob Burgln moved to the
BTinkmeyer'a newly purchased
home at Carlton. Mr. Brink
meyer, who was SP agent here
for IS 'months Is now at Swiss
home but he expects to be In
Carlton soon.
) m i
BUM!! OfiBHiK!
for that '"
A Safe Deposit Box for the valuables you leave be
hind and Travelers Cheques for the money you
take with you.
D. W. Eyre, Manager : 1. C. Smith. Asst. Mgr.
PHONE 4151
ON THE AUU taaa of Am HiiV
Muoal Poo L Htwnk. SuiwiT VklS AU
Greyhound serves all vacation
playlands and national parks
with frequent and convenient
service. Co one scenic route,
return another. Stopover wher
ever you wUh. Enjoy the comfort
of Greyhound's smooth-riding
Super-Coach. Save money on
Greyhound's low fates.
Examples Lew Fares .
1-Way Rndtp
Klamath Falls $ &90 f 10.15
San Francisco 11.65 18.00
Los Angeles 16.95 26.70
Reno . . 12.40 225
YgV For Only:
Raw Linseed Oil, Bulk
Why pay more for linseed oil
when Sears' brings you the
highest quality obtainable at
this low price. Bring- your
own container. '
DuIIt Wood Turpentine
Guaranteed to be genuine
steam distilled wood turpen- .
tine, this is one of the valuer
Sears offers you in this
month of sales.
Scars New Wallpaper
V " ml
Typical of Sears values for
this month. Wallpaper in a
wide variety of new patterns
and for every, room in your
Enough Material for
26x24x10 Foot House
Paint your house now at these May Sale
prices I This offer Includes 4 gallons of
Master Mixed House Paint. 2 quarts of
turpentine, 1 quart of linseed oil. a 4
inch brush, an inch sash brush, one
pound of putty and a putty knife.
Auto Top Comb!nation......35c
Make your car top attractive again with
this May Sale offer of a pint can of
top dressing- and 1 -inch brush.
Sears House Paint..gaL 3.C0
A new principle in paint making saves
you 13 your paint costs. An exclusive
Sears product. -
2-Inch Enamel Drush....25c
A leader In quality and value. 100
pure black Chinese bristles, hard rubber
set. A May Sale special I
4-Hour Enamel.MMMMMM.Pt. 60c
A high-gloss finish' that is washable,
flexible and durable. Will not crack,
chip or peeL One coat covers!
1 Coat Flat Paint .gal. 35
One coat of Super-Service Flat Paint
will cover any surface regardless .of Its
condition or color.
Sears Floor Paint . ?t. 67c
An inexpensive floor paint that covers
old surfaces well, brushes . evenly and
dries overnight,-:
Seroco Gloss Ename! 2.95
A porcelain-like : washable gloss finish
for walls and woodwork that is easy to
apply and economical.
MOO Ft. House Wire White Receptacle 2-ln. Switch Box
No. 14 gauge
Equal to any
wire on the
Split Knobs
Porcelain re
ceptacle with
open termin
als. Save I
Socket Cover
. . . t
vr airin izea (
finish. Remov- ,
Joining boxes.
No. with
with 10 penny
nalL For open
Switch Cover
Porcelain soc
ket cover fits
3 VI -in. ouUet
box. -
G alvanlzed
switch cover.
A May
3-Inch Tubes
P e rcelaln.
May be used
with 14. 12 or
10 gauge wire.
4-ln. Blank Cover
O alvanlzed
blank cover
for outlet box.
14 Gauge Wire
100 FT.
Triple braid
wire. For out
door use only.
Children Half Fare
188 8. High Ph. 0919