i i H il PAGE EIGHT 27 Polk 4H'ers Going to School Croup Largest in History Registered From That County " DALLAS The "fcrgest 4H club delegation eyer io Utend 4H club summer school !rom Polk rt.unty baa -been TegUtered this year , states W. C. Leth. Polk county agent, who togetaer with Jcsiah Wills, county school superintend ent, has charge of 4H club work ? In this county.' "Twenty seyen H club mem bers will attend this yar from this county compared whd 12 which was the number attend ing last year- A large number of there at tending hae wen scholarships offered by a number of proups and IndiTiduals in the county as follows: . ; , Get Scholarship ' From the Falls City PTA. Les lie Frink; Oak . Grore rnge. Ruth Farmer; Pomona grange. Margaret Carmichael; Brain Col let grange, AUin Ewing: Mon mouth grange, Bobby Loience; Rickreall grange, Nancy Adams and Albert Riney; FalU City grange. Elizabeth KaUiiiner: Dal las Veterans of 1'oreign Wars. Elmo Blackf and Ruth Van" Ors del: Dallas chamber of com merce. Robert Gregg: Eari Rich ardson. Perry CTjichael: I?rnsh College Home Efonomics club, Coryden Blodgett; Monmouth Home Economics c 1 a b, Lucille Houk. Others who will attera are - 'o7Z McClendon, Lyle K-o er, MelTin Selauder, Carl Hi own and Carl Llnegar, all on scholar ships from the ..937 stat fair; Dorothy Scharf, Erelyn Jtomigr Zelma Allen. Betty Fmmtn Irene Knower, Margaret Domes Shirley Mack and another mem ber from Perrydale. Mr. L tr ha been scheduled to assist n the handling of ..hose attending summer school during the first week of it and therefore be out of his office d a r I n r that time. The date of rummer school Is June 6 to June 17. Pet Parade Will Move at 11 a. m. SILVERTON the annnsl pet parade of the American Legion will begin at 11 o'clock Satur day morning at the city park Judging will begU at 10 o clock The arrangement has D3en made In order to give entrants an op portunity to take their pete home before attending a fre irutinee at 2:30 which the Palace thea tre Is arranging for all partici pants of the parale. F. M. Poweil Is general chair man of the parade. Silver Cliff Women's Club Plans Picnic for Mitl-Junc at Springs " SILVER CLIFF The Silver Cliff Woman's club held the last .meeting of the season Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Geneva Hub bard. Plans were made for the annual club picnic June 12 at Wilhoit Spring. A pleasant feature was a gift shower honoring Mrs. Ed Ander son (Muriel Charpilloz) of Port land. The meetings will be resumed the first Thursday in October. Ted Russells Here LIBERTY Mr. and Mrs. Ted Russell of Klamath Falls arrived Tuesday and will be house guests for about a week at the C. W. Btacey home. Russell teaches in the Klamath. Falls high school. Infant Is Buried SILVERTOX Graveside serr ' Ices were conducted at the Sil vertoa cemetery Sunday after noon for the Infant son 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edwm Conrad . WHILES IS 0&9S EiSIS'ELtr 162 N. Commercial St. Phone 5151 t Strawberries LETTUCE Oregon's Finest Local, solid, h head .. . & V POTATOES ;; , Creamers PEAS flQ lbs. .. 15C From The1 Dallei No. 1 large. ! 10 ib, 19c Fn"-Lr' LEMONS CABBAGE Dozen HQs TLlilijt SilLir Morton'. 2 for FREE Serpent Balloon j CERTO Pen-Jel 2tor.l..d5C iCc Free Salad Fork " : " SALMON c PANCAKE Crown, , A Alaska pink, fn 9-lb. pkg. . .. I. ... OSS No. 1 tall can Tomatoes - Q,rn - Peas FLOUR String Beans , O Otfrt Kitchen QueenrA ym 1) cans ' iS C 49 lbs.. i Whsre President's Son and His Bride Will Stay '-Li n Workmen are completing1 the new ultra-modern home at Nahant, Mass., where John Roosevelt, son of the president, and his bride, Anne Lindsay Clark, will spend their honeymoon following their wedding' J 300 Folk Attend Dayton Services DAYTO - Decoration day services were largely attended at Dayton Monday.) Rev. Velton Patten of the Baptist" c h u r c h delivered the address Jtt the park program and the march to the Brookside cemecery was taken part In by school! children and all patriotic organizations. At the cemitery. Rev.. C. C. Rarick of the Dayton Mtnodist church, dellver-id f the address. Mrs. Will Lectbaad placed the wreath on the monument ol the unknown soldiers and sailors. A gathering estimated at more than 3 00 attended. Strawberry Growers J Hope for Good Rains to Develop Late Fruit LIBERTY Strawberries are ripening here and ) some picking for commercial purposes will be going on by the latter part of the week. The recent hot weather has been rather hard on the fields and if It continues will cut down the yield materially. A good rain is past due to keep up continuance of blossoms and proper develorv ment of the smaller berries. Con tinued dryness will not develop the last of the fruit set on. Fruit buyers seem eager to buy strawberries here now. where a tew weeks ago they were con spicuous by their 1 absence. . Five cents Is being offered for Mar shalls. I Aurora Pastor Attends Presbyterians' General Meet in Pennsylvania - AURORA In the absance of Rev. J. W. Hood, minister of the Presbyterian church, who Is at tending as a delegate, th gen eral assembly of tr-e PresbyUrian churches in Philadelphia the young people of the congrega tion are in charge of the serv ices. ' ' J : Rev. Hood will visit in Uinois and Minnesota, and on his return home, visit his mother In Cali fornia. He will be abeen. two weeks. i : . Morley Is Improved SILVERTON Clarence Mor ley, who has bean quite ill dur ing the past two weeks, is much improved. E. W. Garver has been substituting for Mor!cy at the Tucker and Morley p.arket during the latter's illness. Th r U Howard Cole Accepts . -Call to Dayton; Will - Succeed. Rev. Stanley DAYTON Rev. Howard Cole of Salem, a student at the Northwest Bible cchool at Eu gene, has accepted the call of the Dayton Christian ; church, succeeding Rev. Arthur Stenley. resigned. Mrs. Arthur Stanley, teacher In Dayton school will complete her school this " week and Join her husband en route to tnt east and southern states. Model Airplane Contest Closes At 6 p.m. Today SILVERTON The mode! air plane contest sponsored ny the Sons of the American Legion squadron will close at "6 p. m. Friday. The co-test committee Will place all entries on display before Judging. Headquarters is at the Starr hardware. All models will be Judfrei Fri day night after the contest closes and tests for flying models will be held Saturday, at 5 o'clock on the school grounds 'ollowirg the show for the pet paraders. Ac tual, flying tests will be made for speed and endurance. An invitation is extended to the public to witness .he flying tests. Will Reside in Salem .,ScliaTMr' Hn(1 Mrs. Albert Bberhardt will make their home near -Salem for the present fol- rtB, Weddinff tr,P ' San Francisco. Los Angeles ani Cali- ?Kn,Int.S interest Mrs. -berhardt. formerly Mavroi De lang. win again teaeh at Vidan uirlTex,ertWla 8ister- Mre Will Ham Wlrth. also plans to leach. SUGAR PURE CANE 10 lbs.. 50c 100 lbs. .. $497 CHEESE KEIXOGG'S CORN FLAKES 5c Each COFFEE PAT FOR THE COFFEE AND NOT THE CAN PEARSON'S MONET' SAVERS Special, lb. 15c 23c 27c Best, lb. ... 2 lbs. 45c Hills Bros. or-. M.J.B 1-lb. cans.. CANNED FOODS OF DEPENDABLE QUALITY Peas (No:' 4 size). Green Cut Beans, Golden Bantam Corn, Tomatoes, r ran. C - Case, $1.98 ". w i wm t -- ' (Pi I... ... V. I PAY CASH at PEARSONS OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. v. . y. -a-.-: in June, The bnde-to-oe is a Boston girL The house overlooks the sea, and is surrounded by a high wire fence to prevent possible trespassing by" the curious ; . Foster Proposing Dayton-Salem Bus PLEAS ANTD ALE A bus line from Dayton to Salem over the Dayton-Salem river road f :t con venience of the public is being agitated by George Foster of this locality. A construction crew is grading and laying .concrete culverts In the r short cot across the late Charles K. Spadiding farm to eliminate two corners in the Dayton-Salem Toad. The brush in the right of way has been cut and is being burned to make way, for grading and cavsed a false fire alarm to be sent In Wednesday morning when brush was burned near the Clarence Crawley residence. Elsie Herring Namra President of Pleasant j Hour Club at Dayton DAYTON The Dayton Pleas ant; Hour Reading club, at the annual election held Friday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Orr C. Goodrich, following a 1 o'clock luncheon, selected Mrs. W. O. Barnard as president; Miss Elsie Herring, vice president; Mis. J. W. Lorett, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. J. E. Proffitt, correspondent. This was the last meetln; until next autumn. Mrs. Orr C. Goodrich and Mrs. Clair Reid attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. John Crat terp 70, at Hodscn's chapel in Newberg Tuesday. Burial was at Chehalem Center. The widow er, i one son and one . datghter, survive. J ) Girl to Curtisses PIONEER A Laby girl. Lelta Maydene, was bo-n to Mr. and Mrs. Burt Curtiss May SO She Is the second child. ARSON' CORNER NORTH COM3IERCIAL PHONE 7335 MILK Morning or Armour's. Tall cans. Per fan W C CORN BEEF Armour's, per can... 17c OUR GOOD TABLE QUEEN SALAD DRESSING -Quarts, each JELL POWDER Drum Major, assorted fla vors. 25c e pkgs. DEVILED MEAT No. M'u. 3 for EOc PEANUT BUTTER In your container, 27c 3 lbs. NUCOA 2-Ib. 37c package package Oregon. Friday Monunz. at Silverton Quelled SILVERTON Disaster threat ened the house into which Mrs. Lela Shepheri is moving when fire broke out o- the roof Wed nesday noon. The local depart ment answered the call and was able to check the fire before much damage was done. The tire started from sparks flying from the chimney. No one was at home when one of the neighbors noted the small blaze in the., roof and turned in Ue alarm. This Is the tbird fire the de partment has answered in ' as many days. The first was the disastrous; barn fire on -be old Grinde farm Manday. . The sec ond was the fire at Harry Wheel er's Tuesday, where a minimum damage resulted from a cb.mney and roof fire. Grace A. Hudson Dies at Jefferson JEFFERSON Mrs. Grace Al len Hudson, 78,. died Wednesday night at her home north of Jef ferson, following a paralytic stroke during the afternoon. She was 1orn in New Pork, October 20,. 1859, and for.' the past 28 years she has lived on one of the Steiwer tracts north of Jefferson. Mrs. Hudson was an ardent worker in the, Jefferson Tbwnsend club. Surviving is her widower. Brick M. Hudson. ; Funeral arrangements In charge of E. E. Howell. Directors Yamhill Flood Control Project to Meet Tonight at Grand Island WHEATLAND -A meeting of the board of ' directors of the Yamhill county flood control comprising the Wheatland and Grand .Island, districts will be held Friday night at the Grand Island schoolhouoe, Carl Fiancls, attorney of Dayton, rpeorts WV ' M. MacGibbon, United States assistant district erneer expects to he present, or center with Mr. Franch before the meeting, to examine title1 and easements of lands adjoining the proposed S140.000 flood control project. ' Tryphena Rebekahs Hold , Elections; Anniversary Event Set for June 8 SILVERTON-r-Regular election of officers; of Tryphena Rebekah ladge resulted: 'Noble grand; Mrs. Jessie Raines; vice -grand. Mrs. Rebecca Barber; secretary, Mrs. Bessie - Goetz; treat urer. Mrs. Inea Olsen. The birthday anniversaty Is being planned ior June . S. with committees to include entertain ment, Mrs. Maybelle Gar, Mrs. Clara Helmke, George Busch, and Eruce Bennett; i refreshments. Mrs. Jessie Raines, Mrs. L. E. Inman and Mrs. ICarence Reed. Reunion of Crawfords Is Held at Zena Home ZENA Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Crawford were hosts to all of Cliijnnev STOR & CHOIEKETA STS. FLOUR Every day adds a few more satisfied customers who now use FARMER JOE HARD WHEAT FLOUR. 4 9-lb. ' bags . $1.15 and Highland Chief Hard Wheat Flour, ' 4 9-lb. bag $1.23 $1.27 Kitchen Queen, 4 9-lb. bag.... POTATOES No. 2's. 50 lbs. . -29c PORK AND BEANS Armour's, ZVt cans, 3 for 25c CANDY BARS Assorted, 3 for DOG FOOD Per can 5c BEANS Small whites, 10 lbs. U-- 39c '30c . . June 3, 1938 the descendants of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Crawford at a reunion held at their Zena homo "Monday. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Crawford and chil dren, Audrey, Alwyn and A)etta of Salem; Mr. and Mrs S. D. Crawford and -daughter. Gladys of Spring Valley; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hardy CrawforC and daughters Jean fend Mrvrjorie Anne; Miss Wilma Crawfo.d. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Haldeman and Kay, Wilma Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. W. ;N. Crawlcrd of Zena. Cream Cheese lbs. 29 c 146 N. Commercial St. F aLt mi vy Instant Postum Large Size Can ' (3 IF IF IS GOLDEN WEST One lb. 2dC 3 lbs. ishers Blend Flour Sperry Drifted Snow w Softasilk Cake Flour, large box . . . 26c Bisquick Served All Day Saturday With Strawberries Oregon Millt Case Price 2.87 tall 7pn cans J L CO J Ovaltine, small ... . .33c Ovaltine, chocolate . .33c Ovaltine, large . . . . . ,59c Ovaltine, chocolate . .59c JUMBO LEMONS 39c doz. Mutton Chops a rJutton Legs lb Ashby Clan Has Reunion at Dallas DALLAS A family reur on of the Ashby family was :nJd in the Dallas city park recently. Honored guests were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Archibald and family, who returned from Costa Rica where they had made their home the past two years. Thse pvaeat were hi o' p 1 " ( NEW MARKET j L n f 4-oz. Bottle 8-oz. Bottle us w EM 3-lb. pail . . . . . . 1,0 caes PRODUCE DEPT. SUNKIST NEW Potatoes ORANGES doz. 25c 10 .b. MEAT DEPARTMENT - ESc EQc Kr Mrs. B.' Arckil1d sad f-ilr, Mr. snd Mrs. J. B. Akbr, Mr. ad Mr W B. Kaoww 1 Umttr. Mr. sad Mri. Robert A ah by. Mr. and Mr.. Hobert rreoIl. U t S!m; Mr. mni Mr.. Bubrrt Awhhj sd daughter f Bend; Mr and Mrs. Henry Kicbter sad family sad Mr. sad Mrs. Fred aahby and ayde ArcWbaU, aU t Portland Mr. and Mrs. Claad Aabby and AmUT MrT O A- Archibald and Mr. and Mri. aM'Ca4rcia cf Alb.n,; Mr.. Hei A kibald ad daufhter Janice of Eu t?' Mr. and Mr CHntoa Arehih.ld nS WlV of .Wedford: Mr and Mr,. William B. A.hby of Iud;pendnr : Mr ,r,A Mra. E. Plnm-er- of Mrdford and M aad Mr.. S.nford Archibald of Granta Jfaaa. Salad Oil Pure Vegetable Grade A 1 gal. 77 c Phone 4010 Crown Best Patent $1.44 49V Sack . Kitchen Queen . . . . $1.27 49's sack 100 lbs. C&H Sugar $5.07 100 lbs. Pure Cane . $4.97 10 lbs. Pure Cane . . 50c Imitation Vanilla Factory -Deal Combination Deal 2 KELLOGG CORN FLAKES 1 HUSKIES 1 us ;44 49's Sack 2, 2ic Large Pkg. (f Snowdrift Shortening 6-lb. pail . . . . . Crystal White Soap LOCAL PEAS . is 0 lbs 23c Bacon Squares ib. Ec Beef Boil ib. ec i