The OREGON STATESMAN,. Salem, Oregon, Friday .3Ibrning, Jane 3, 1938 PAGE SEVEN Record Class Has Diplomas Fulkerson Commends Mt. Angel School for Outstanding - Work ; T.'. ANGEL Mrs. M-.ry 7 L. tulkerson, eounty school super intendent, la awarding di;.amas to the SO eighth srkde srarluates of St. Mary's school .W-l'i-eday afternoon, said j was the !srest class graduated Irom .grammar school ln Marlon county In all the yetrs she has :erved as iup-, erinteivdent. ' v- Mrs. Fulkerson based h,r ad vice to the class motto. "We "atld " for Character, not for fame." She. cotumndwl the school for lta-3plendid activities in all Jines of. work as $c pre sented baseball awards 41! schol arships and penmanship certifi cates. Leo Grosjacqnea. aptj' n of the St. Mary's; baseball' nine, re ceived the bronze plaque awarded to the school for wtnninjr the Marion county zrade school. base ball championship and .Amanda Eutchheit. captain of the girls team, was presTJted vrlti the Marlon county girls ,. Softball championship pl-tque. Win Bfholarshlps Francis Meidl ' an i Dolores Hauth won thi . 411 summer school scholarships. V Twenty six pupils were award ed student' certificates 'or pen manship; ,19 j received fifth and seventh grade penmanship awards and 1 1 were pres;nted with pen manship Improvement awards. The program: Opening ciorus. 5th, '6th and j 7th grades' gradu ates' x march, piano ni violin, .Miss Rozella' B I e m an . Miss Marjorie Dekler; salutMory, Reuben Miller; , class history, Josephine Sprauer; tribute to the constitution, Gerald Oardis. Robert Gorman, Albert Frank, Lucille Gilles. Monica Skonetzni, and Lillian Die'il; son?, lo.raine Meaden,. Dolores Nbner. Jean Mackie. Dolores fanth: valedic tory, .Veronica Da la; adi'-ef.s to the graduates, 'lev. Cement Frank; address and awarding of scholarships. Rav. Vincent Kop pert: awarding of diplomas, Mrs. Mary, L. - Fulkerson; farewell song, graduates. i 1 t ... i Dedicate Gymnasium - Earlier 'in the day, father Vincent officiated at deduatlon services for the gymnasium re cently completed for the use of the school children. "( Mayor' Berchtoid an s the members of the school board at tended, the mayor and Father Vincent each addressing j the youngsters briefly, - West Stayton Clubs Enjoy Joint Picnic at Park in Stayton WEST STAYTON The Birth day club and members of . the Quilting club enjoyed a iiicnle In the Stayton pari Wedntsday; a basket lunch was servd. Mrs. H. L. Stewart was pleas antly surprised by the members of the quilting club when she was presented a gift for her as sistance as dinner hostess the past; season. ; mm inooDers IT COSTS NO MORE TO TRADE AT WESTERN FOOD MARKET n e f FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY MORNING STAR Sales on this coffee are consistently growing. More people are discovering each day its quality is excellent and are coming back for more of this delicious blend of fine, fresh roasted coffee. Ground fresh to order and sold with a money-back guarantee. j 2 1bsJ for! lb. J53 AIRMAIL Good quality, low price coffee. Also ground fresh to order and sold with a money-back guarantee. lb. Golden West Wb. tin 26c I PRODUCE ; ILESIT WE Large Solid Heads Q 2 Tl(g 2 for Pks8- sx FRESH TOMATOES 3 lbs- Shortening OLEOMARGARINE 2 lbs. for .4 lbs. for . as Fruit Pe Bulk Qt- Per Gallon ctm ...... 1.10 Sugar and Milk Get Our Prices Before You Buy ,7" Bulk "T" Peanut Butter 2 19c CJ Arm and Hammer, f aoda l ib. Pkg. .. ... DC Instant Postum 1 39 c Deviled Meat i 3for ICC No. V4. Tins 1 ' PEAS, Oregon Upland, No. 2 rt w cans, good quality, each.... .1... vv Per Case $2.33 j CASTLE BRAND Guaranteed Montana hard wheat. 49-lb. bag Per bbh, 4 sks. EVER RIGHT Oregon hard wheat. 49-lb. bag Per bbL, 4 sks. I RED WHITE AND BLUE Milled of choice Blue Stem wheat, fully guarnteed. i ; i s 49-lb. bag Per bbL KITCHEN QUEEN 49-lb. bae0 j Corn Flakes fffc gc TOILET -SOAP, Armour's assorted,! Miona Palm, Fine Arts or No. 99, f ; (medicated), 4 bars forz JLVC; PALMOLIVE OR f CAMAY, each.. L I. U C LAUNDRY SOAP, Big f bars E't Boy or Economy White, U for BORENE, granulat- - Lge. ed, small size-..... fAv pkg. 7311 : BUCKING HIGH PRICES TISSUE j WALDORF OR ZEE 3 rolls J IflC SOFTASILK 1000-sheet rolls 6 for , H 25c . i f r if f l f i i i ii r i i INDEPENDENT GROCERS 100 Home Ouned Isaak Bros., Owner 137 South Commercial Street : j Phone 7311 Rumor Romance for Vandeibilt i v . : .-. ' , f ::;- - -y.. j.v.'-i' ;. .:;.::::V , , , " - H - , I " " " ' - , , - . ', ? V" :.:.-: y--- . :-. 'y - 1 A " ; - i ' ' ' ' J " " I ' 5, 1. t . - f I t Frequent appearances together cf Alfred Gywnne Vanderbilt, young society bachelor and sportsman, and the charming Manuela 'Hudson, daughter of an old Ban Francisco family, have lent credence to ru mors that they may be Cupid's next prominent victims. Ethel Stanard Is Reelected by Club WOODBURN The regular meeting of the Junior Woman's club was held Wednesday night at the city library with Mrs. Ethel Stanard presiding. This was the last meeting of the club until fall. Election of officers featured the meeting with Mrs. Stanard being reelected president. Other new officers are Justine Hunt, first vice-president; Mrs. Wanda Cochran, second vice-president; Mary Jackson, secretary; Zoa Lowthian, treasurer; Mabel Nas- lund and Jean Freeberg, execu tive board members. The commit tee selecting the year books In cludes Marjorie Faulconer. Agnes Maricle, Gelta Mae Hunt and Dorothy Austin. - LebanonFair Is Under Way Uncle Joe Alley to Revisit Scene of Battle at Gettysburg LEBANON Lebanon looks like a city arrrred ver nght as the tents, amusement standr and devices' and concession buildings are - In place on . Sherman street, east of Main, for a con t'r noils show during: the strawberry fair. ; The - fair stirted Thursday night with a colorful pageant at the athletic field of Lebanon high school with-" the crowning : of Queen Nadlne, attended by her eight princesses. Ardis. Springer of Shedd; Reva Hughes. Sweet Hom; Virginia o-ker, Albany; La woe Sander, Ilalsey;. B.anche Garrett, Brownsville; Etho! May Murphy, Harrisburg; Ef lyn Kendle. Scio; Marian Rit hard son. Tangent- The university band o Eu gene, Albany band and musicians of other nearby towns will Join the local bands in providing mu sic during the two days- of the fair. - . ' - Teacher, Reelected Mrs. Dale Co rti has beD re elected teacher of Stolz Hill school which clojed Friday with a picnic, program and . sports; the women, of the community ar ranged . the picnic in honor of Mrs. Curtis.- : feature of the Methodist women's WFMS meeting at the tome of Mrs. D. Cormier Wed nesday afternoon was an eddress by Miss E. Ernestine Coles, teacher of English and art at Kealakekua, Hawaii. M13S Coles was called from the islands by the death of her mother in Al bany a few week sko. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kammer er, who have spent several years in Corrallis, have moved back to Lebanon and built a modern home on their .plot south of town. . Going to Gettysburg . ' ,J. II. (Uncle Joe) Alley, J01 years old April 4, a Civt war veteran, will be the guest of the government, July 3, at' Gettys burg, Pa., on the 75th anniver sary, of the renowned battle at that place. E. E. Taylor, well known Lebanon man. has been ai point ed to his care, luring the trip and return; thjy .wilt leave by train in time to enroll at Gettys burg. June 29. Transportation, b o a r d and everything that fen to provide a comfortable and pleasant trip will be provided by the govern, ment for both Mr. Alley and Mr. Taylor; . The Mountain S t a.t e" s Power company is replacing three blocks of two inch wrought iron pipe aloof Second street north o Rose with four inch cast iron water )nains - nnder the supervision of Superintendent L. McClaln This will Increase the water volume. Yergen Home Is Scene Club Meet - AURORA The Aurora Wom an's club met Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. G. A. Yergen with Mrs. John Klster, assisting hostess. Vhe main event of the afternoon was a meet in teresting report of the sat- fed eration held at- Pendletm, by Mrs. W. B. "Stoner, delegate. Guests of the club wero- Mrs. H. " Dixon. Mrs. 'ATillis Malthieu and Mrs. Ray, Yersen, Miss Patri cia Yergen and Miss Carmi Otta way. The annual club picnic will he held June 15 in the pik f Miss Julian, if noc rainio? with lunch at 12 o'clock, and it rain ing In the Knights of Pythias hall with a 7 oVlockdinnpr Hus bands and families are InvMed. This was the last club meet ing, until Octobar. with ..more uniform pressure. , Nine nreri are employed. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. ClPili are enjoying, a family reunion with their sons, James of Toitland, Reed of Klamath Falls and Huntington of Salem and their families. Their daughter Flora Jean, was one of? the Lebanon high school graduates Tuesday night and with har .mother will take a trip with Mr. Clar as he travels through Washington nest week. : Pro-America Unit Will Meet Today, Wooflburn WOODBURN The Woodburn unit of Pro-America will meet at the" home of Mrs. L. M. Bitney Friday at 2:30 o'clock with Mrs. H. W. Grass as hostess.. Miss Esther Hettinger and Miss Alma Trulllnger will lead the program and roll call will be answered with politics in the news. . . All women who are Interested are Invited to attend these meetings. WATCHES CLEANED $1.00 to $1.50 All Work Guaranteed CLAUDE MIX Buslck's Market - 470 N. Coral MARKET. BASKET 347 State Street G. Reiling A Sons Shop Here and Save Phone 6713 Free Delivery on Orders f 2.QO and Over 'set: --.MB'AWB State spected Pot Roast lb. 2S Meaty, Young Beef Beef Roast lb.ES Your Choice of Shoulder Cuts Pork Roast lb. Eg OR RUMP No Shank Leg of Veal EtEMi Milk Fed Round or Swiss Steak lb. SQc Pork Sausage 21bs.2pc The Best in Town and Then Some Cottage Cheese pint H Fresh and Creamy Fresh Daily GARDEN FRESH - - Vegetables AT LOW PRICES Friday, Saturday " and Monday Only Lettuce Local Solid Lge. heads 2 for j) garmges Juicy Navels Thin Skin - dot C Li 1 1 !J Fine ", Eating , Romes or Delicious 5 lbs. AGs GRAPEFRUIT ' iffSS&L fir S5c onions -SriTSi u. iOc TH7T?rTC Local No. 1 Fresh Tops UH.H.10 for Beet Greens ... 2f bun. 10c it Mm Fancy Texas solid ripe, fine slicing-, lb .. ....., .... Sc 3:ibiVdGo Our Blend COFFEE "A real treat." Lb. . . I5c JELSRITE Fruit Pectin Excellent for jam t or jelly. Bottle ... ilUS 3rd n r?(5 i nMTii i vr (tstrm) . m. m n a h a ssi CtSA&sue, jocc &ittA& Dcuf ) CORNER COURT AND HIGH STS. This store is open from 7:30 A. M. to 10 P. M. every day, in eluding Sundays and Holidays. NEXT DOOR TO GRAND THEATRE Low Cut Prices on Nationally Advertised Products .... Showing You a Substantial Savings , . . We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities 3s Sail Hleipatiaoa 41 v ITonffimG 2i? Stommaoliii 3 pkgs qq McKESSON'S i BURNTONE for Sunburn, large tube 39c RUBBER GLOVES Rough finish, pair 19C . Colgate's , Perfumed Soaps . Lavender, Carnation, Violet, White Rose . 2 for liC WRITING PAPER In Travel Kits, 24 sheets, and 24 envelopes 29c MOTH-PROOF BAGS, full size. 19c SCOTT TOWELS, 150 in roll.. lie BOOK MATCHES, 50 books in carton... 9c REMEDIES Scholls Corn Pads ..........!......... 31c 30c Bromo Seltzer. ...M.....25c 60c Alcaroid ...49c 70c Sloan's Liniment ...........58c 50c Lysol ...... ..........43c 75c Listerine Antiseptic ...........59c TOILETI1IE0 50c Santiseptic Lotion ..45c 60c Non-Spi :......49c 65c Pond's Face Creams.....'. 39c 50c Dreskin ....... ........ .......39c 35c Odorono ..........31c 60c Angeles- Rouge ....49c 50c Howe's Beauty Lotion... .....39c TOILETniES Vantine's Bath Oil ....! 49c 25c Mavis Talcum.. . .19c 50c Milkweed Cream ................39c 35c Cutex Nail Preps.... .......31c Coty's Perfumes, dram.. .......65c $1.00 Hoppers Rest. Cream........79c $1.00 Louis Phillippe Lip Stick 84c DENTAL NEEDO 60c Calox Tooth Powder. ..43e Pure Bristle Tooth Brushes.. 10c 25c Dr. West Tooth Paste. ...19c 40c Pepsodent Tooth Paste.l 33c 50c Ipana Tooth Paste ..............39c 60c Corega .....:.:.:-....'..............-.44c 40c Sqnihbs Tooth Paste .. ....33c $15 PETROLAGAR 89c $1.25 VAN-TAGE i bottles $1,93 M.D. TOILET TISSUE 3 roiis 25c FRENS Sanitary Pads, 12s 2 boxes 22 YOUH FILL2C DEVELOPED IN 7 EtOUCG GHAVING NEEDO 50c Burma Shave ........ .... 37c 35c Lifebuoy Cream ...... ..;....23c 50c Molle Cream... .r..:.-.....-....39c 35c Ingram's Shaving Cream 29c 50c Aqua Velva ... 39c 4 Star Blades ......10c 5 Gem S. E. Blades.......-...........27c HA1E1 PriEPG 60c Drene Shampoo ...... - ..49c 50c VitaUs ...... .......................39c 25c Lovalon :.. 19c 75c Fitch's D. R; Shampoo 59c Pure Castile Soap, S1.00 Lucky Tiger Tonic ...79c $1.00 Kreml Tonic .:...;.......-..:.-79c PICNIC SUPPLIES Plates, Spoons, Forks, Cups, Wax Paper, Napkins Icy Hot VACUUM BOTTLE Quart size $1.19 15c Prince Albert Tobacco Sieberling BATHING CAPS All styles. flCCto Cigarettes Camels Luckies Old Golds Raleijfhs Carton E.E9 Let Us Fill Your Prescriptions Our Service-is Accurate and Economical Easttmmasa gflllmms att Lwest3: Fguoes Fresh Strawberry FOUNTAIN 01 , Sandwiches, Fresh, Crispy Sal- ioned Limeade, Ice Cream Soda J Tk shrimp, iruit, Lemonade or plain or f A - Orangeade IOC toasted tC JOS JQC AVW JUMBO MILK SHAKE 10c I Kotex f2f Scl Kleenex :JSTaQc.