PAGE NINETEEN You Caik -Save Time by Meadiiig;1tlie Qa Ad CaFefiilfy Tli OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning June 3, 1333 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 C2a Ufle Advert lain Stasia Insertion per Una 10c Three Insertions per Una -0 Six Insertions per Una 30 c Ona month per Una .. 11 00 Ulnlmam charge ... , ?6 Copy tor this pas accepted untU :Si lb .Ins before puMtcatloc for elasatrtcaiton Copy rclv" after t tin will b rua unde th heading. "To Late ta CUa alfy- The Statesman aumaa flnan- clai ra-ponaiblHty rot error wnicr may appeal In advertisements pub lished in Ita columns, and In ease where this paper Is at faun win re print thai part of an advertlemt (a which tha typographies- mistake Th Statesman rarvs th right ta retort jui ad vert lain H further reserves tha right t place all advertising under W proper elaaalftoatto -BUND" ADS which gt only a box number care o! Statesman must be answered by letter. We cannot gise anj information, as to do so would destroy their purpose. Livestock FREE W a pirw up end and worth leaa horaea. eowa. i . .-- DEAD AND worthless hor sea cows. Clcked uvfree Ph. collect tin lontgomerv Band Wka BABT CHIX. N. H. Reda. W. L. North Salem Hatcnery. rim - POULTRY MEN. Buy direct from the grower. I nave cnuiw " . c?.b.i. wrhAi!tui in as lem for $28 per ton or In leas amounts 1 1.45 per cwL Sack average aboet 14 lb. C B. Johnson, owner and grower, rout Help Wanted atru-itl OR MORE. Orow muitiroamt In cellar, enee. w buy JOc lb., year rouno Kwnw - c ' ttia r ni man time. Established Writ for tE BK)K. WASHINUHIW Bunn.-. 1ND, Dept. 60S. ibis zoo aiUa. W . Help Wanted Male LOCAL MARRIED MAN WANTED . mt , UK ur nf MM. One who can furnish A-l local references owns car, and wno is win l" ,T, ior nis uuui , ui 7 . r j waterproofing, houH lobulation and rooting, of iimB fira Tk. man !f4l will DC tbOr Willi ....... . - - . ki. Mil riven every OD- portunlty to make money. Apply from WILLAMETTE VALLEY ROOF CO. - 34S IH. 10I1II1CI I mi, fiwiciu TURKEX PICKERS report tor work Friday, a. m. Marlon Creamery A roultry co. Help Wanted Female LADT TO assist In boarding house and dining room work, inquire uoi 5 2, Statesman. WANTED WOMAN for companion of elderly lady. Rt. 7. box 403 Salem. . ti -t rinn i VIST Vnr inter Tlew call 7061 between 12 and l nooii Situations Wanted DRSMKR. Mra Adxett. 11SS Marlon. V1duvti Sfi K A LSOM IN & 6c hour It years In Salem.; Boa J$7, cars Statesman. - - i WANTED ODD jobs of all descrip tion. Phone 7401. For Sale Miscellaneous CASH Oft trade fat used furniture rangea neater, ninio mniii. .w ta Woodry and Woodry. auctloneerra. phone $-1-1 16lt N. Summer la Hol lywood. cnuTriU hatcHINU. baby chtcka, started chicks. 12 varletlea Baby chicks saxed Tel. I33F3. La'e Hatch- ry'., .,n . ,-J . lr.-.r- L.Ln.n n n'-innr $S FOR your old mattress in trade on any new Inner spring mattress. New low prices on real quality mat tresses. ' UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORE 4J Court Street Salem NEW TRANSFER files,: J.6t. Copy holder. $5. Postal scale, $2 60 Electric Burroughs adding machine. $S5. ws sell. rent, tepatr typewriters, adding machines and cash- registera Row. 456 Court- Phone 6773. Ci--- ELECTRIC ROASTER barbecue machine Gas grill. 3x2. 10 restaurant eooths. Inquire 479 Court street. : . INTERNATIONAL 30 houss truck. sccommodat4 people, burnt plywood finish. Cheap. CaTT cabin 9, Riverside auto camp, west aiem. Ttrr TIV Jl RT at ra wherries. 3c lb. Bring container. You pick. 8 miles on Sllverton highway. H. P. Hansen. . FT. ADRIANCE -binder, new drapers, $25. 4 ft. Champion mower. $15. John A. Main. ir u . nrfrr Tlr4 $42(0 to $69.50. Six models to choose from. Tne biggest values we liavs ever seen." UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORE 439 Court Street Salem ROW BOAT. Nearly new. Bargain. 804 N. 14th street. GASOLINE ENGINE washer, new. Terms. $5 per month. Nelson Broa, Ine, 355-391 Chemeketa street. STRAWBERRIES. Tou pick. 4c n v Gimlari mnra 1. hox 434. 1 mile east. south Of Kick Back service station. . MflDKRN HOUSE trailer, nice one. Sacrifice, Cecil Sargent, V mile west Liberty, pnons sir .. PIANOs GOOD condition, $75. 1690 S Cottage. ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Fenger-Hall Co.. Ltd. San Francisco, Los Angeles. Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant. Griffith Branson. Inc, Chicago, New Tors, Detroit, Boston. Atlanta , 'aaBgsH n Entered at (As fomtoffic at Salem Oregon, as Second Clast Matter, fo iitked every mvrnin a except Honda a. Vueineee office tli South Commercial : street. - ' - - v SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mail Subscription Rates In Advance Within Oregon: Ually and Sunday. . HI a. fiO cents: S Mo. $!.$: Mo. $1.50: 1 year $5.00. Elsewhere 5ft cents per Slo. or s.w tor i year in advance. Per cor? 3 cents. Newsstands 5 cents. By City Carrier: 60 cents a month. $7.20 a year tn advance in Marlon autd adjacent counties. !'. Salt- Miscellaneous FIXE GAS ranee, $22.50. Voss washer, $19. Good wood range. $18.50. White porcelain m on tag wooa range. Universal wood range. Good used elec tric ranees aa low as $10. 2-burner oil stove, 33.50. See these bargains at Salem's Wetlnhoue headquarters' TGATEK RUSH CO. 1I N Commercial BUT UPSTAIRS and aavs. Tou prove It by flfrnring with IXPSTAlttS H UKJMiYUKJU BllJKB 43 Cowrt Street Salem GRUNOW REFRIGERATOR, dem onstrator, never been sold. Save $40. EH A FA terma nelson Uros., inc.. 355-3)1 Cbemeketa street. TRAILER HOUSE, roomy, conveni ent, cheap. Wm. Braun. Camp Joy. Routs t, box iZliK. , SPECIAL. UNIVERSAL electric range. New, .flat top, u porcelain. I13M.S5 value; only WS.Sb. K.H a- r A terma Nelson Bros., Inc., sda-391 Chemeketa street. USED EIC. refrigerator. $49.50. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 4S3 Court Street i Phone 6tl iass.aaMwwP mm Mc LTNIMENT gives permanent re lief for ecxema, piles, inflammatory rheumatism. 12.50 bottle. No samples. Kt. 1. Mr.Nulty. S7 6th Eugenr. Ore. outfit, good condition. $40. ; Ph. 991. USED FURNITURE. Florence 11 circulator, mahogany sec. desk, bird's eye saanle vanity, dresser and drei iiur table, ref intehed. Treadle sewing machine, like new.- UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORE 439 Court Street Salem REPOSSESSED VOSS washer. Sell for balance due. Just take up pay ments where .former owner quit. Nel- aon Brotk, Inc 355-331 Chemeketa SU Trade M incellaneous TRADE IN vour broken, discarded wlrv tnr entir arm dilution watrhea and Jewelry, zu w. ummcrciai. Wantel Miscellaneous WANT WALNUT and filbert nwat slao In shell Stale Cafrtarla DO YOU need money for graduation? Cash paid1 for discarded snd broxen Vewelry. 211 j N. Commercial. WANTED TO RENT factory built trailer house; for 3 months. Tel. 6994. WILL CARE for , elderly ladies In Rood home. ; Reasonable. 17a0 f Church. I WANT TO. BUT good used pool or billiard Uble. Address J. P. Schmidt. 163 South Commercial street. Salem. For Rent Rooms LADIES. PH &(7$. tit S Cottag DESIRABLE SLEEPING room, prt rate entrance. rlos In. Tel. 6377. NICK SLEEPING R 154 N Church VERlf DESIR. room. 771 N. Cottage. SLEEP. RM. 814 Center. Ph. $683. SLEEP. RM. 2009 Center. Ph. 8529 QUIET ROOM. 2630 Brooks. FINE ROOM, fine bed. Modern home near pen and hospitals, t'ftone iivs. Room and Board SUMMER RATES. Close In. P. $767 CLOSE IN; 698 S Com L Ph. 5587, . MMWMWWwaVwWwVMWwaAAMAAr EXC. RMS. and board. 404 S. High FOR I men. Close In. Tel. S4 82. RM, BOARD, 215 S. Winter, 6317 For "Rent Apartments 4 RM. STRICTLY modern apt, firs- place, automatic heat, furnished or un Mrn. 145 N. 14th or can 6aZ4. TWO ROOMS en first floor. Also Ingle rm.. kltrht-nette. 350 S . Cottage. 2-RM. FURN. Adults. 645 Ferry. NEW 2-ROOM furnished court apt. with private bath, laundry, garage Bus service. 1 SI Lee street. NICE FURN. apt. Adults. 590 Union. 3-ROOM APT. 444 S. High. NICE, FURN. apt. 156 & Church. FURN. APT. 681 N. Church. CLEAN 2-ROOM apt. 674 N. Church. APTS.. FURN. or unfurn., $5.50 up. 1310 S. 13th. 2 OR 3-ROOM, furn. 770 S. Coro'U VACANCY. The Devereaux .' pts. SML. APT. Adnlts only. 2183 State 2 FURN. I APTS. 355 Bellevue. MODERN 3-ROOM furn. apt. 660 N High. Ptione 637a after 5 p. m. NICELY FURN. apt. for ladiea 696 N. Cottage Phone 5678. FURN. 3-ROOM apt. Also base ment rootruillss N. Fourth. NICE. QUIET, clean, furnished. Prl vate bath, lights, water, garage. 2455 state. , t ; ... 2 AND 8 ROOMS, furn. 1440 Waller. TWO 3-ROOM a pts.. nicely furn. Private batn. Z4s Marion. CLEAN NICELY furn. 2-room apt Private bath. Clos In. 755 Ferry. CORNER ; SINGLE apU beautifully furn. Leslie Manor. 310 Leslie street. fDftO PITOV . n. ta A first noor, ttnfuraished, $15. Tel. 4419 Ivan O. Martin, t ; 2 AND 3-RM. furn. 639 N. Liberty. NICELT FURN. 1-room apt. Em ployed lady, 66S S. Summer. 1-ROOM FURN. Suitable for 1 per son. Lights. water, Maytag. $8. 1620 Ferry. t . ... 4 -ROOM FtrRN.. new furniture, $30 per month. 594 N. Commercial. FURN. SMALL apt. for one, $9.5 month. 624 H X. Capitol. 4ArMAtaSafrpArVyVMMWisj NICE 2-ROOM furnished. 1010 Oak. "SINGLE APT $" 6.3" waten" 3 APTS.. turn. 353 Bellevue. 3-ROOM MODERN furnished apt. FTlgidaire, electric range. 2380 Fair ground road. Tel. 7532, 2 AND 3-RM. fum. 640 Marion. FURN. AND unfurn. apta. 633 Ferry, SEE TTTITirr? .r,!. Mivtmtu(l nwiy decorated and roomy. You'll be aeugntea. uhk ana s. commercial. 1 RitH kltchentte. furn. 633 N. High. 2-ROOM CLEAN f furn. . apt. with garage. 760 N. Church street. TWO GOOD bedrooms for gentle men, $13 and It month. Garage, $1.50 inontn. 'lei. , 6513. NEAT 4-ROOM furn. apt. Pleasant, quiet, uarage. 10S River street. ONE 2-ROOM apt, furnished. 155 S. 14th street 4-RM. FURN, 1880 Nebraska Ave, i: Money to Loan Harry "Val" MANAGER OF Personal Finance Co. " WILL ARRANGE TO LEND TOU , $100 ON TOUR NOTE $5.45 Monthly Repays $75 Loan Includes Ail Principal and Charges for 18 Months No Fines, Fees or Deductions. LOANS SlO-f 300 ON FURNITURE AND ENDORSED NOTES AUTO LOANS UP TO 500 Personal Fi Sll State Street at High Phone 8191 For Rent Houses FOR RENT Modern 7 -room bouse Ith garage at 250 N. 14th street. Available May 15. Sea owner at 396 N. 14th street. ' 2-ROOM FURNISHED cabin. 8810. sasss,awessssasaessesesejssjs MOD. 6-RM. 1135 Jefferson. P. 7871, asMasaaaisgasasahsSsaassMiseiBSStaSsaSSieS 4-ROOM MODERN. Phone 4320. HOUSES, 4. 5, 6-room. Ph. 4954. 5-ROOM MODERN furn. duplex. Water, garage, $27. 1125 . Jefferson. RENTING VERT desirable t "-room house, close in. Will exchange loca tion. Want 6 or 6-room house. N. Win ter, N. Summer or N. Capitol pre ferred. Phone 7068 or 3059. I RENT NEW 7 -room suburban home. Close in. Beautifully landscaped. I.arge back yard. .Fruit. ree water. Call 1906 Center. 4-ROOM FURNISHED house, $12. Route 3. box 295. SUB-LET furn. 7263. 6-room modern bouse. Call $25 A MONTH, double fireproof furn. On garage, 3 bedrooms, partly Mill SL near Willamette U. Ph. 9810. 8-ROOM HOUSE close to new state house, double plumbing, anited Tor boarding and rooming house, $35. f - room modtrn house, close, in, S3. 4 -room strict Iv modern house, hard wood floors, $32.50. Phone 8632. Rich L. Relmann. 167 S. High street. MOD. 7-RM. house. Phone 1 8860. MODERN HOUSE, hardwood floors. furnace, garage, walking distance. 525 Belmont or phone 9aZ. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, 881 State etraet Inquire room 20S Tel 3718. HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rent H. L Stiff Funrture CO. . ; CARS TRUCKS U thlve Ph 7045 FURN. TRAILER house. newly painted, $6.50 mo. Shade. 1320 Lewis. FOR LEASE, tourist camp. 289 S Commercial. : ! STORE BLDG. 178 S. Commercial. : Wanted to Rent PARTY WANTS to rent or sublet furnisiied apt Box 793 Statesman. WANTEU TO LEASE tor lTi S years a 3-oearoom name, aurrounamns and appearance more Important than nrice. Must be near a grade scnooi. In your rply please give address of property. P. O. box 709, Salem. For Sale Real Estate SALE BY OWNERS Sacrifice our beautiful home. Vene tian blinds, thoroughly modern ; in crerr wav. A-l condition, ixjveiy gar den, choice shrubs and flowers. Com plete sprinkler system taiso lurnisn- r.n). M ust be seen to De appreciaieu Will take part cash, part trade and terms to be agreed on for balance. Mra E. Roman, 1155 N. Summer street. Phone 7852. LOTS, MTS ATTRACTIVE BUILDING lots loca ted In Rosedale and Keys second add! t Ion northeast 8tlem. North or Mar ket sL, on paved t.. soo. orr pave ment. 1250 810 down. $10 per month SEE US BEFORE BUY BUT TOUR LOT. ' W. FL ORABENHORST A CCX. REALTORS 134 S. LIbeity SL Phone 646$. SPECIALS 20 A mostly cherries. South slope. 6 miles out. Electricity, good buildings. Income property. $2800. Terms. S A. Good plastered house, family orchard, spring, electricity. miles out. 31350. sTerms. 14 A. 6-room house. Mostly prunes. 7 miles out. Electricity. All-year creek 3500. Terma . 15 A. Level land. In path of Irriga tion ditch. 6-room house, good 'arn other buildings, 1 electricity, $3200 Terms. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. 42 State FAIRMOUNT HILL HOME I Fine 7-room English type home, large corner lot. Place easily worth $6500. For quick sale will accept $5250 with $500 down, balance like rent. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9261 BARGAIN 7-room plastered home, 3 hed rooms. Corner lot 64x116. Walnuts and dif ferenfklnds of fruit. Nice homes sur rounding. Only $1900: $100 down, Phone 6580. . . . i BEAUTIFUL 4-BEDROOM home In Englewood district. Fireplace, hard wood floors, furnace, etc Nice Inclosed yard with fish pool, outside fireplace, lots of shrubbery and shade trees. $4250. Phone 6580. - INCOME PROPERTY Owner living In home and present income is 132.50 per month. lsou, . One acre, new 5 -room hotrte, strict-. ly modern. Garage,. Landscaped. A bargain at $3600. Can be bandied on small down payment. Balance on FHA terms. . R. A. FORKNER - H. T. UEBER 1853 N. Capitol $250 DOWN . Balance $25 per month will buy this reat 3-room home with oak floors, nice east front, garage, good location In S. Salem. Prk-e-$2100. A GOOD IN VESTMENT. NOW RENTED FOR $22.50 per month. See W. H. GRAB E.N HORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 648$ acrifice Forced liquidation. Wonderful large home in good repairs, good location. Call at office, no phone information. HAWKINS m ROBERTS, INC BEST BUY In city. New 8 -room shake house, nice large living roo-n, hardwood floors, beautiful9 kltchan with nook, full cement basement and turn ace, beautiiul lawn, garage, lay ments low as $23 per month. Owner leaving town. 1635 Jefferson. Tel. 3212 MUST MOVE. Will sacrifice 7-room house, 4 bctirooms. 680 N. 14th street. 1 block from new. high echooi. Make offer. Phon 728. - Money to Loan Valentine Co. i Second Floor New Bllgh Bid. Room 119 License 8-122 M-165 Salem. Ore, FHA LOANS 80 ON EXISTING construction' 99 on new construction. J. F. ULR1CH CO. 362 State Street Phone 1673 SAFES INYI5STMENT FOR YOUR SAVINGS: BUT First mortgage loans on REAL ES TATE, Loans now available in amounts of $500 to $6000. nets you 5 V to 6 oer cent, eeml annual Interest payment. Examine the security your ill. CHILDS MILLER. Inc. 344 State Street Phone 9261 Auto Loans Roy H. Simmons 436 S. Commercial St.. Salem. Ore. ' Phone 9168 Lie No. M-162 FEDERAL HOUSING loan a build refinance homes, business prop Rates Abrnms Eilia Inc. Ms some hiqi NORTHERN LIFE INSURANCE! MONET t s t to loan, low hit. rates. Best of terma See Us Before Borrowing , CHII Ia A MILLER Inf. 344 Stat Street - Pbone 9261 SEE F. GL Delano, 290 N. Church. for Benjamin Franklin loans to re finance, build, modernize or purchase. The most popular loan In Oregon, MONET TO loan en geod real estate. Charles Hudklna, 7S Stat street. LOANS FROM $10 UP Ws Make All Types ef Loans Payment Schedule to Fit Tour Income Prompt Courteous Service STATE FINANCE CO. Chllds A Miller- Office 344 State SL, Salem, Ore. Phone 9261 License No. S216 - M 233 araa1sa4AeAAfysi0aayaVBAAs,M Loans To Help You - PAT UP OLD DEBTS , MEET EMERGENCIES REDUCE INSTALLMENTS PAT TAXES BUT THINGS TOO NEED OVERHAUL YOUR CAR REPAIR TOUR HOME The easiest, quickest, and most busi ness-like way to solve your financial problem la to bring your troubles to us. HELPING FOLKS IS OUR BUSINESS ' APPLY TODAY NO OBLIGATIONS People s Finance Co. Room 201. First National Bank Bldg. Salem. Oregon Phone 4446 S-212 . Stats License M-220 QUICK CASH LOANS . - ALL PLANS General Finance Corporation 136 S. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. Phone 9168 ... Lie No. S-13S For Sale Real Estate 3-ROOM HOUSE, good large lot. Garage. Walnuts and fruit trees. Price $930. Terms. 5-room house. Basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. Pavement and walks In. Only $2700. A beautiful suburban home, 6-room modern house. Basement, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors. Shade, rockery. Priced at $4000 for quick sale. 1 acre, close In. 5-room modern house. Fruit. A nice view of Salem. Price $3500. - We have 170 acre farm, 70 acres cultivation,- creek and springs, 2 sets of buildings, some beaver dam. 30 acres in clover. Water piped to buildings. All crops are good. Would make good dairy ranch. Will sell at a bargain. 1 erms. . 5 acres, north on highway, 5-room house, 200 ft. frontage. A good buy at $2630. Terma VOSBURGH - GRANT J Masonic BIdg. EXCEPTIONAL CASH buy. 6-room close In home, lot '42x165 ft. $1600. Can borrow on the property. H. P. Grant - C. H. Sanders. 629 Court SL $200 DOWN" Will buy a 6-room mod em house, , nook, fireplace, hardwood floors, basement, furnace, laundry trays, garage. P. H. BELL. Realtor 429 Oregon BIdg. Phone 8121 Exchanee - Real Estate EXCHANGE What have you to offer In exchange for Medrord or Ashland property! See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 926 TRADE FOR GOOD INCOME PROP. A modern furnished apt. bouse. Con struction cost over $16,000. 4 furnished apta., one unfurnished. Income $150 per month. Will take in clear house or acreage . around Salem. Price $11,000. Phone 5580 - TRADE v Have a nice 6-room home in Holly wood district for $2600. Will trade for 6. or 7-room modern home close to school. Pbone 6580. 2 2. ACRES, lovely new house, 3 bed rooms. Will trade for small town prop erty. Route 3,' box 77, Salem 'Heights, Ore. For Sale Farms- 4 ACRES on Silverton road. 5-room modern house. Oil heat, lots of fruit and berries, nice barn, chicken house. Price $4500, wtth good terms. CARLETON E. LANE, Realtor 470 N. Com ! St.- Ph. 8622, Eves. 4075 IDEAL SMALL FARM AND COUNTRY HOME 3 miles east of Salem, 26 acres of good, well drained land, all year creek across entire tract, several springs, family orchard, 1 Vi acres loganberries. Land In clover, wheat, oats, with "ad- ditional ground for corn. Fine bottom land pasture. Good 5-room house,- bath, electric water system, 2 poultry houses, barn, etc.' For particulars- as to gale or trade see Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER.. Realtora S eta t to treat Pbon 9261 155 ACRI3 farm or 75 acres in Douglas county. Inquire 1317 State St FEDERAL LAND bank farms. Priced right. Terms. See W. S. Bart- lett, secretary treasurer, zis Oregon building. Phone 7127. 337 ACRE FARM Located 10 miles north on the main Pacific highway. All good land - and nearly all under plow, buildings. Price $70 per acre. Terms. A REAL VALUE. Wi H. GRABENHORST A .CO. ' Realtora 134 S. Liberty Street Phone S4C8 350 ACRES north of Kelser. 5.000 cords of wood, balance in cultivation. rair buildings, electric water system. paved road. Look this Place over and make me an offer; . CARLETON E. LANE 470 N. Commercial Phone 8622 5 ACRES, north. Just off 99E. Mod ern nouse, lots or cherries, grapes and berries, family orchard, lots of nuts. oil, heat, automatic hot water beater. Price very reasonable, v CARLETON E. LANE 470 N. Commercial - Phone 8622 H OF AN acre. 2 block a from bus linn on paved road. 6-room house, bath. lights, .barn, chicken house, good soil. .-au; sago down. 22 A.. 2 miles from Hubbard. 6-room house, bath, lights, 12 A. culti vation. 2 Av beaver dam. 100.00 ft. saw timber, caterpillar tractor, plows. a inc. z cows, excellent soil, snrinar. $2100: $1000 cash. $1500 to Loan Will Divide MELVIN JOHNSON. Realtor 72 Court Street , Phone 3723 Acreage 40 ACRES, close In. berries and fruit, $5000. 674 N. Church street ONE ACRE with 5 -room home. Fire place, nice ; lawn and several Royal Ann cnerry s trees. Just out of city. zuvu ; ssuu down. Phone 5580. SMALL ACREAGE and 6-room rood house. $1900; $100 down, balance easy terma west saiera Real Estate. LISTEN We have 160 acres, some timber. Joins river, rood road, no buildine-s. Will sell for $10 per acre or trade for house and pay difference, f See Mrs. Ellis with -CHILDS & MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9261 YOUR OPPORTUNITY Here Is a fine 30 -acre tract $ miles from balem. ideal to. subdivide Into 10 acre tracts, fair set buildings, on ne jo acres, about 3a large cherry trees, good crop, also pears, annles. walnuts. filberts. Crop all in on cultivated land. Tice $4300. Only $800 cash required, Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street , . Phone 9261 10 ACRES, close In, good for aub- atvraing. une-nall cash. Price $20JJ. 40 acres, 5 acres in prunes. 4 -room house, electric lights, good barn. $300 uown. i-riee tivu. 10 acres all in fruit. Will furnish lumber for small house. $100 down. SlZOOj Acreage norm or Salem, $300 per acre. Very easy terms. Will furnish lumper lor small house. Phone 863 Rich I Reimajn. 167 S. High street. 108 ACRES, 9 miles from Salem, on paved road. 4 -room house, barn 30x30, tented, 1000 cords of second growth nr. cnicaen house, $3a per acre; 5650 UUWfl. , 22 li A.. 2 miles from Hubbard. 12 A. cultivation, 100,000 ft. saw tim ber, 2 ' A. beaver dam, 5-room house. oHtii, jignts, caterpillar tractor. plows, disc, etc., 2 good cows. $2100; eioira uown. y a., c DiocKs rrom bus line. 5-room house, batlv- lights, chicken house) iiuih wn. azoau : lauv down. MELVIN JOHNSON. Realtor 7Z& court Street , Phone 3723 Suburban NEW, 7-ROOM suburban home nrepiaees, all modern. Route 2, box 5SA. rb96Fll. R R. Hansen, owner. KiKsitieK Opportunities OPPORTUNITY. FOR someone f. siring part time work. Must sacrifice established route 5c candy bar vending macnine. located in and around Salen. Might - consider trade for eonlfv in house or acreage. Box 795, care States man. d ALitr.s, a mues rrom Salem on payed road. 6-room house, lights, store building, lunch room, 2 gas pumps and laBf. iiu: si zoo rash. 5 MELVIN JOHNSON. Renltoe 72a Court Street , Phone S72.1 Ixans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at nawkini KODtrtS Financial WE HAVE never paid less than thla rat on aavlngs and Investments. Insured to 5000 Mutual Federal Savings ft Loan Assn Phon 4944 , 142 S. Liberty St. For Sale Wootl FIR OAK. Phon 3330, Ash era ft. DRY 2nd GRTH, O. F. knots. 8700 DRT 2nd GROWTH. Ph. 137F12. SPECIAL DRT wood. TeL 3354. OLD FIR. 2nd grth fir. Graen 6370 GUARANTEED DRT WOOD coal Tel. 6000. Salem Fuel Co, Trade and Cottage, v ,- Business Cards In this directory run on a monthly basis only. Rates SI per line per month. Auto Brakes Ulke Panak. 216 South Commercial Bicycles B1UTCLES. NEW and raeondltlamed Harry W Scott Ml A Coma Ph. 4616 Body & Feniler Repair FOR BODY FENDER Repatra Aute Trthv Feat Covers, Glass replacement. Aute Painting SEE th Herrall Ow ens Cow 836 a Com'L Bt Phne 8169 Chimney Sweep TKI.EPIIOXIB 4450. R Northnesa Qiiropraclors DR. O. L. SCOTT. I"S:, Chtmpractot 256 N. High. Tel Rea 8764. Excavating EXCAVATING OK all kinds. Base ments dug. Din hauled r moved.. DUi for sale Salem Sand and Gravel C. Phone 9408. Florists Brellhaupta 447 Court. Ph. 1901 W. 8AICM Florist a. 1400 Edgewater Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 268 a H la Tel, 0136 For Sale Used Cars AN OUTSTANDING CAR 1937 Chrysler Imperial 4-DOOR DeLUXE SEDAN. RADIO, RADIO, HEATER. I :E NEW . . . IS aLI $ioi,s UAJM LIKE NEW VALLEY. MOTOR CO. LOT MARION and LIBERTY sSaeaasaaai aj m Wwaasiaaas a a- - yaV-K-(-,rMJW-w-t- ssaa al a as as m as a,-,. -t-y-rfxfj-fyy ONE DAY SPECIAL June 3rd . 1936 Chevrolet V2-Ton Panel Completely overhauled. New paint. Excellent rubber. A real buy. Formerly priced at $545 Our One-Day Special Price $495.00 HERRALL-OWENS CO. The Home of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks DODGE and PLYMOUTH 235 S. Commercial Phone 31 .. NEW USED CAR PARK CHURCH PHONE 5335 seslsSsaaaiaaaa t lSia.a.ftyv. i fmfmmmmmmmmgyyg DOOL-1ITT1LE GOOD-WILL Honest Values - - - - Today's 1936 PONTIAC 6 Beautiful gray finish - Mohair upholstery like new - Built-in trunk Very low mileage - Has radio, beater - Mechanically OK - This Is truly a beautiful car. ONLY $625. I Doolittle's - i' N. COMMERCIAL at IrVrWrfwWrWrVVMwVwVwVwVwVwVVVVV Otto J. Wilson You get a better Used Gar Buy from your Buick Dealer 1937 . 1937 Nash Sedan, equipped with radio heater and overdrive $8KS 1937 Chevrolet Coup 675 1937 Terraplan Sedan 695 1936 1936 DeSoto Sedan $725 1936 Bulck Coupe 645 1936 Graham Super Charger bed. 695 1935 1935 Bulck Sedan ... $535 1934 1934 Dodge Coupe ....... $395 1934 Terraplane Sedan sea 1934 Chrysler Sedan 865 Many low price cars from $12.50 to $100 to choose irom OtoJ. Wilson 38$ Commercial Fhon 5431 1929 GRAHAM coupe. Hydraulic brakes, " overdrive. 38 license. Best offer over $25 cash takes it. Nelson Bros., inc., appliance aept., -hi Chemeketa street .. . . . . 27 CHEV. coach, -license, motor Al, fair tires. 1250 Falrmount. 25 PACKARD coupe, Mrs. O. Sraulding, route 3, Homestead road. Last house on hllL For Sale W4od OLD FIR: dry slab, $5.50. Ph. 7905. MILL BLOCKS. Jge. Id- $4.50. 6832. 16-IN. OLD FIR. $S-$5.50. Ph. 9456. 16-IN. OLD FIR. $5.60. Ph. 8593. WOOD, $3.50 cd up. 2380 Broadway. OLD FIB, $4.50 cord. Phon 3673, OLD FIR, $5 cord. Phone 9660. Lost and Found LOST, COIN purse containing two $5 bills, small change. Reward. Tel. 6264. Personal LONELY? -WORTHWHILE" sweet neart. husband.' wtf for you. Box 876 jn An'gelea... . ; GOrtDON FLEMING, psychologist and numerologlst. Nationally known and reliable." Readings dally. - Hotel Marlon, room 339. OPENING JUNE 6, day nursery for children.- Reasonable rates. 1035 High land avenue, Salem, Oregon. MWM.Nii i VAN SLYKES Hillside Convales cent home. Phone 4517. 1720 S. Winter, Directory Lime GOLD HILL 11m .W deliver to farm. 834 N. coral is- ssis. Mattresses SALEM FLUFK-RUO and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made te order, old remade; crtt cleaning, ats Ing: fluff rug weaving. 8. 13th A Wll bur. TeL 844 L OTTO F. ZWICKER Est IIL , r- ..- ' v .,- v. CAPITOL RKDOINQ CO. Phon 404 Nurseries FULL UN 8 nursery stock. Pbone 681 L H. L Paarcy Nursery Co, 346 Court BL - - Printing FOR STATION'KKT. earda pamphleU progtams. books ei any kind of print tng. call The Statesman Printing De partment. 816 a Commercial. Tale Phone OltL Stoves KKPAIltS FOR ranges, fatre eircula tera P.. J Happner $63 Chemeketa Transfer CAPITAL CITY. Tansfer Co. 3t State St. TeL T778. Dlstiibullng. for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates FOR IjOCAL or distant transfer stor age. burner on, eall 3181. liirmei Tranafer Co. Trucks te Portland dally Well Drilling R A, WEST. Rt. . Bf. 441 T. 1I0F6 Chester J. Pugh. 8186 Myrtle, 83. or Sale Used Cars HEATER. LOW MILEAGE. THIS CAR ... IS ALMOST NEW and DODGE TRUCK DIST. ST. ACROSS FROM STATE THEATRE -:4 PONTIAC USED CARS Square Dealings Bargain 2-DOOR SEDAN - " . Used Cars CENTER PHONE 6646 Don't Wait! See These Buys Today 1937 Studebaker Sedan .$775 1937 Plymouth Sedan . 725 675 625 695 595 350 145 125 95 65 50 193 Oldamobil Sedan 1936 Nash Sedan 1936 Dodge Sedan .:. 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1933 Oldsmobile Coupe 1930 Chrysler Sedan 1929 Ponttao Sedan ... 1928 Hudson Sport Coupe UZl irSUlCK Loupe . ,..... 1927 Chevrolet Coupe . See these cars at our two locations Salem Auto Go. 435 N. Com"l SL Lot Court A Church Phone 4915 Phone 4673 Personal I WILL not be responsible for any debts accumulated by Zula N. Warr,i after June 2, 1938. Signed EUis Warren. 'Transportation WANTED TRANSPORTATION .nt by college student. Experienced drh-er. References exchanged. Box 794, -am Statesman. NOTICE OP HEARING OP - ; FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE I S HEREBY GIVEN that the Final Account of Mari etta R. Allen, as executrix of the estate of George E. Allen,, de ceased, ' has been filed in the Cross Word Puzzle 7"" 2 3 h 5 s 7 o i to II I:Il-:l!EI 2H 30 31 32 33 ' lll - -Z. k liy LUUENE SliEFFER HORIZONTAL . l-ajtod . 4 bark of the paper : mulberry. 8 New ' 1 Zealand timber tree 12 peculiar 13 street . -urchin 14 newspaper paragraph 15 woman who has lost her husband 17 narrow . fabric X9 symbol for sodium 20 peace 21 fashion 22 Turkish - headdress 23 animal 24 broad 25 destiny . 28 like 27 South American rodent 28 insane . 23 make up tha mind 81 shipworm 84 unit JS5 cause fatigue 18 Hebrew name for . 3od 37 languish 89 buffoon 40 the kara 41 fragment 42 additional 43 Biblical name 44 mother 45 subtle - emanation 46 palm 48 cheese 50 mine entrance 52 born 53 following 54 unaccented 55 beast of ; burden . Herewith Is day's puzzle. r - .LA.tX.iii; MOTRe JNHAROT iltl..:j.. . E . . Z L t . LTlTE5 N2lNlZZl ..i.iu !.. S5i!.E2i s l l s m;e g i nor SSI. B County Court of Marlolb County, State of Oregon, and that the th day of July, 1938. at the hour of lOtOO o'clock A. M. of said day, has been duly appointed by such court tor the bearing of objections to such Vine I Ac count and the settlement 'here of, at which tlms any perun in terested in such estate mty ap pear and file objectioni there to. In writing, and ontot.l the same. Dated this 3rd day of June, 1938. MARIETTA R. ALL r? N, Executrix of the estate of Ceorge E. Allen, deceapd. OTTO K. PAL'I.US, Attorney for estate First Nation al Bank Bide., Salem. Ogon. Data of first nublicailon. Juno S, 1938. Data of last publication. July 1,1938. J 3, 10, 17, ti; Jl 1. NOTICE OF FINAL ItHAItING In the County Court of the Ftate of Oregon for Marion County In the Matter of the Estate of Alex Moisan, deceased. NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN that the final account of H. V. Compton. Executor cf the estate of Alex Moisan, deceased, has been filed in the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, and that the 6th day of June, 1938, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.m. has teen appointed by said Court for hearing of ob jections to aatd Final Account, at which time any persons interestej in said estate may appear and file -objections thereto in writing and contest same. II. V. COMPTON, Executor of the Estate of Alex Moisan, deceased. Keyes & Page, Attorneys for Executor, 306 U. S. National Bank BIdg , Salem. Oregon. May 6. 13. 20. 7: June 3. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF HALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GiVEN " that I will., on Saturday, June 11, 1938, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marlon County Court House in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction tn the manner provided by law for the eale of real property on execution, the following described real prem ises, to-wit: JLots 7, 8, 9. 10 and 11, Block 4, First Rlverview Park Annex to the City of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon. s Said sale will be by Yirtue of, an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of : the State of Oregon for Marion County la that a u i t heretofore pei.dlng therein in which City of Salem, a municipal corporation, is plaintiff, and B. L. McGil christ, a widow, and Lad a and Bush Trust Company, a corpora tion, as executor of the last wHI and testament of J. L. Quirk, sometimes known as John L. Quirk, deceased, are defendants, the same being Clerk's Register No. 27169. Dated and first published May 13, 1938. A. C. BURK, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall, Deputy. M 13, 20, 27; J 3. 10. VERTICAL . 1 pull along V after 2 fatty 5 large -V antclop 4 game at marbles 5 guffuc: per taining to 6 tower like temple 7 dwell 8 tear. 9 by 10 doctrine 11 surprise 16 beast 18 myself 21 rodents 22 lose color 23 craze 24 walk through -water 25 cost of 27 Jiquid measure 28 only this and nothing more 30 young hor?e 31 period in history 32 contrivance 33 palm leaf the solution to yester- 35 long-drawn speech 37 female persons 38 decree of th sultan 3 ethical 40 sphere of , action 42 Greek letter 43 birthplace of Abraham 45 Danish territorial division 48- r-consumed 47 bronze in Roman antiquity 49 chopping tool KkM 8i be 51 within