XT-,'?- The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning, Jane 1, 1928 PAGE NINE Yotul Caii Save Time hj I Carefellj heading Class Ad tMe i Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising - Single Insertion per line 10c Three Insertions per line I0e Six Insertions per line 3 Oe One month per line 1 00 Minimum charge 16c Copy for this page accepted until :39 the renins before iu Mica Hot for classification Copy reee1e after thl time wilt be nil undo the heading. "Toe Late to CU stfy.- The Statesman usumti no finan cial responsibility for errors whicr may appear In advertisements pub lished la Ita coiumna and In ease where tbl paper la at fault will re print that part of an advertisement la which the typographical oalatake occura The Statesman reserves the right le reWw-t questionable advertising It further reserves the right t place all adverting under th proper classification. "BLIND" ADS which glvf only a box number care ot Statesman must be answered by letter. We cannot gle any information, as to do so would destroy their purpose. Livestock FREE Wa pK-a up dead and worth Uaa raea cowa Tel 7979. collect. DEAD AND worthless horsea, eowa. picked up free Ph. collect !. !ry - - - j r.-u-.- - - ninr PHIt N. IL Reds. W. L. North Salem Hatchery. Phone 6975. Auctions nmnvsAI.il Furniture, piano, . Thiiralar. June 2. 1 :30 p. Hi lt 63 State street. The furnishings of the home of A. II. iooie. r. . Olenn Woodry, auctioneers. Ph. alio, Help Wanted t-iRN 111 tVKKKLT OR MORE. Grow muBhrooma Id cellar, ahed. VYe buy 30c lb, year rouna oune a ...-.. mi in few weeks' lir( ttme. v-.-hii.iw- ilt. Write for FREE II, x kC WASH1NUTON MUSHROOM IXl), DepL 408.. 2019 lod.avi, ee- allle. W. Help Wanted Male WOOD CUTTERS to cut and peel white fir. See 1 A. Windom, near Roberta TXJjUUaaJair a.eaaeskaaaaas'aa' LOCAL MARRIED MAN WANTED Between 3 ana a yea,r ui c. r.imiih A-l local references. wna car, and who la willing; to work for his dollar, to aell asbestos siding, waterproofing, house Insulation and roofing. Selling experience not neces The man selected will be thor oughly trained, and given every op portunity to mane money, -n-vv'i W1LLAMETTK VALLEY ROOF CO. 319 N. Commercial, aaiem Help Wantel Female t nr TO assist in boarding hou and dining room work. Inquire box ?2. ' Statesman. . - n n n n n i- i- - n --------- WANTED HOUSEKEEPER. 1335 K. Capitol. Phone 6173. fn-r WANTED WOMAN for companion of elderly lady. til. i, dox Situations Wanted DRSMKR Mra AdselL 1139 Marlon kiirse WISHES practical nursing. Can show first class references. Phone $160. ll.,.--ru--r,--. puxtixg. KALSOMINE. 60c hour. IS years In Salem. Box 7$J. care Statesman. i n ri annruvwwvi"ii . WANTED HOUSEWORK by woman pnst middle age. Small wages. Mary SwenwOTd, route 1, box 354, lalem. -Miscellaneous CASH OR trade for used rurnltur.. ranges, beater, radloa machinery. toOik eta Woodry and Woodry. auctioneers, phone 6 t-l-0 111 N. Summer la Hol- i5W.xitij-r--.-- --U-I--:-.- -i-rxn-n..nr.r-L-----.r-i-CUSTOM IIATCHINU. baby chlckk tarted chlcka 12 varieties. Baby cl.lcka seied Tet I13K2. Lees Hatch ery vi.jf nnnrin..VJ . . -- NEW TRANSFER files. $20. Copy holder. $5. Poaial scale. $2 50 .Electric Burroughs adding machine. " aell. rent, tepalr typewrltera. adding machines and cash registers. Roen. 45$ c?urt- WINDOW BOX and bedding planta finest selection. Also vegetable planta. Jay Morris, florist. Phone $37. vriTTBIfJ ROASTER barbecue machine. Gas grill. 3x2. 10 restaurant booths. Inquire 47S Court street. DELCREST LOTS, best location. i uttla estate title Immertl- w. R. . Wlnslow. Jefferson. l'hone 4 If 4 hit WPW rlnrnr baled. S 1 0. A. "J. Sharp, 'routa 7. Joining Ilaxel Green school. virLruuvifUvvi-iir -i- - ---'"" SILK. CHEAP. Heater, aiomag range, colled. C R. Christie. Phone S3 Kit. INTERNATIONAL JO house truck. mmn.lit 4 neorjle. burnt plywood inih rviD. Call cabin t. Riverside auto camp. West Salem. ALL "KINDS bedding planta. special prices, at E. Furrer greenhouse. Route 4 r DOX 111. Mi COCKER SPANIEL puppies. Phone SK3. STRAWBERRIES. You Pick, 4c, p. E. Sandera route 7. box 434. 1 rnlie east. "A souin ot ajcji tm.m. c station. .... MOOERN HOUSE trailer, nice one. c..,-ifice. Cecil Sargent. U mile west Liberty. Phona 61F3. c)rejaon$tatesiaaa ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Fencer-Hall Co- Ltd San Francisco. Los Angeles, Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant. Griffith A Brunsoa, Tnc Chicago. New York. Detroit,. Boston. Atlanta r-ntrrtd at tkm roatoffle at Salem Oregon, a Second Class Hatter. Pko everw mamina exempt Monday. humxnete afice tl South Commercial titreeU RTIBSCR1PTION RATES J - Mall Subscription Ratea in Advance Within Oregon: Laiiy ana oununy xr,, to cents: $ Mo. $1.50; 6 Mo. $2.50 1 year $r. 00. Elsewhere (0 cents per fo. or $6 00 for 1 year In advance. xer copy S cents. Newsstands $ centa By City Carrier: 60 cents a month. 17 20 a year tn advance tn Marlon and adjacent ecejntiea. Trade -Miscellaneous TRADE IN your broken, discarded lewelrv for your graduation watches and jewelry. 211 N. commercial. Wanted Miscel laneous WANT WALNUT and filbert meat Iso In shell Htate Cafeteria. DO YOU need money for graduation? Cash paid for discarded and broken lewelry. ZII I. Commercial. WANTED TO RENT factory built trailer house for 3 months. Tel. 5994. For Kent Rooms LADIES. I'H 1(71. 9 N CotUge DESIRABLE SLEEPING room, pri vate entrance, dose tn. TeL $977. NICK SI.KKPINU R. 254 N Church VERY DESIR. room. 771 N. Cottage. 2 NICE ROOMS, near state bldg. 1151 Chemeketn. Phone 4530. Room and g.trage, $10. Room, $7.60. 1767 A street. SLEEPING ROOM, private entrance. Garage. 447 Srlpplng street. sleep, rm. $14 Center. Ph. S683. SLEEP. RM. 2009 Center. Ph. 8529. Koom and Board SUMMER RATES. Close In. P. 8767. CLOSE IN. 591 S. Com L Ph. 5587. EXC RMaiand board 404 S. High FOR 2 mea. Close In. TeL 5482. Rll. BOARD. 215 a Winter. 6317. DESIRABLE ROOMS and board In private home.i 1387 N. Winter street. ROOM. BOARD. 1547 Court St. For Henl Apartments FIStlKk A PT3.. furn. and unfur- nlahed Heated garage A pleasant place to live 338 Oak St, 4 RM. STRICTLY modern apt, flr a. ea aiifamatla KMT riirrtlKni1 Af lira. I m . e swt aaew 1 1 at a tiu. l Iiui w I -------------1 t.i.-L .. ten a rn,,-& I 2-RM. FURN. Adults. C45 Ferry. NICE 2-RM, furn. apt. 255-Center. NEAT 4-ROOM furn. apt. Pleasant. quiet. Garage. 105 River street. new i.room furnishl roart ent. 1 with private bath, laundry, garage. I y". r,.V-. .r: -"n n r ne a.Ae-Ia I aa fttpat 1 2- ROOM PRT1ALLT 267 & CUuich, furnished. I NICE FURN. apt. Adults. 590 Union. 3-ROOM APT. 444 S. High. NICE. FURN. apt. 158 & Church. FURN. APT. 581 N. Church. tr . . nnswt . e k- I A PTS.. FITRN. or unfurn., $5.50 up. ijio s. mu. 2 OR S-ROOM. furn. 770 S. ComX VACANCY. The Devereaus i pts. SML. APT. Adults only. 2183 State. 2 FURN. iAPTS. J55 Beilevue. MODERN 3-ROOM furn. apt. 660 N. High. Phones S37- after 5 p. m. NICELY KURN. apt. for ladies, 696 N. Cottage Phone 6678. FURN. S-ROOM ant. Also base ment room, ill 88 N. Fourth. .-ti tr- rftvp .u r.niEh Pri vate bath, lights, water, garage." 2455 si,t i 2-ROOM. CLEAN furn. apt. with garage. 760 N. Church street. 2 AKD 2 ROOMiS furn. 1440 Waller. TWO 3-ROOM arts., nicely furn. Private bath. 248 Marion. . . n r-wwr.. i CLEAN NICELY furn. --room apt Private bath. Close in. 755 Ferry. r-r .-i-r? ervr.ip tuoi.iif.iiiv r.,rn T.ii. Mm,r nin T.an t rf I u i - -,-l-j-u-u- - -j- -ji -. I 2-ROOM Fl'RN. apU S20. 4 rooms. first floor, unfurnished, $15. TeL 4419. Ivan U. Martin. 2 AND 3-RM. furn. 6S9 N. Liberty. NICELY FURN. l-room apt. Em ployed lad) 666 S. Summer. ONE 2-R1I. apt. furnished. 253 S. I4tb street. For Kenl Houses with gnraee at 250 N. 1 1th street. Available May 15. See owner at 236 N. 14th streeL MOD. HOUSE near CapitoL P. 4581. 5-ROOM PARTLY furnished house. Inquire 1220 N. Summer.' -2-ROOM FURNISHED cabin. 31f. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN home on Croisan creek. PIone 3414 or 9879. MOD. -RM. 1133 Jefferson. P. 7877. 4-ROOM MODERN. Thone 4320. HOUSES. 4. 5. 6-room. Ph. 4954. 5-ROOM ! MODERN furn. duplex. Water, garage. $27. 1125 Jefferson. WILL LEASE modern furnished home. 3 belrooms. electric range and FYigidalre, J45 month. See Mrs. Mar tin with WM. BLIVEN. "REALTOR. 2 IS Masonic Bldg. Phone 7906. RENTING VERY desirable 7-room honse. close in. Will exchange loca tion. Want 5 or 6-room house. N. "Win ter, N. Summer or N. Capitol pre ferred. Phone 7068 or 2059. S-ROOM HOUSE, close to new state house, double plumbing, suited f"r boarding and rooming house, 33a. - room modern house, clow in, f 30. Phone 8632. Rich L. Reimann, 167 S High street For Rent OFF ICR I ROOMS. 381 Ftate street Inquire room 200 Tel S7IS. HOSPITAL BEOS and wheel chairs to rent H L Stiff Furn' lure Co. CARS TRUCKS U Dilve Ph J045 FOR RENT. S acres and 6-room modern house. $25. Winnie Pettyjohn, Realtor. 477 Court street FURN. TRAILER house, newly painted. $6.50 mo. Shade. 1320 Lewis. For Sale Real Estate SALE BY OWNERS Sacrifice' our beautiful home. Vene tian blinds, thoroughly modern tn every way- A-l condition. Lovely gar den, choice shrubs and flowers. Com plete aprlnkler system also furnish-lr.a-a. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will take part cash, part trade and terma to be agreed on for balance. Mra E. Roman. 1155 N. Summer street Phone 7852. ' FOR SALE Beautiful country home. 25 acres of fine sandy loam soil, wortn $10,000. Owner offers quick deal for $7800. Ask as about It. . See Mr Ellis with CHILDS MILLER. Realtors rven RfViMQ fi floor. AisolS250U. easy terms, ur win u&b bhiuu 44 State St re - Phone 92$ 1 Money to Loan Harry "Val" Valentine MANAGER OF Personal Finance Co. WILL ARRANGE R RANGE! TO LE $100 ON YOUR S5.45 Monthly Repays $75 Loan Includes AH Principal and Charges for IS Months '. No Fines, Fees or Deductions LOANS. $101300 ON FURNITURE AND ENDORSED NOTE3 . AUTO LOANS UP TO $500 Personal Finance Go. 518 State Street at High Phone 3191 License For Sale Real Estate lots, i-trrs ATTRACTIVE BUILDING lots loea ted In Rosedale and Kays second addi tion, northeast Silem. North of Mar ket at on Daved St.. fsoo. uri pave ment. $250 $10 down. $t per, month. SEE US BEKORE BUY UUY YOUR I 1XT. W. H. GRA BEN HORST CO.. REALTORS 134 S. Uhetlf St. . Phone t SEE THIS i 835 North Liberty street. Especially well built 6-room bouse, oak floors in living room, dining room and hall, sunny kitchen with lots of built-ins, 3 bedrooms on mam Iioor, oasemeni, furnace, fireplace. Lot 180 ft. deep. Room to -build 2 rental houses. Price only $3700. Liberal discount for casli I equity auotn tJv. See Mra fc.nis witn CHILDS a MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9281 hACRE. TRACT AT CITT LIMITS IntAtinn. reoair viti.lt rwir.rwPatenrervsre0m!pr1c; i - . V " " , . ' e Tl-lrv - - - - - - - - - - n . . . i. Rvirmrii or contract aa Dan. CHILDS MILLER, Realtors X 344 State Street Phone 92 I wwwviwww I CASCADE TERRACES . Half acrea bearing chemea, ' wai-1 nuts, wonderful lew of Salem, ML I Hood, caacaoea. auoui I muea downtown. A superb residence addl-I uon. " 1 .T... t.! u . OW M IC I . C UVUlbllJ vv w wa- .t-t terms. See this beaattful tract. CaU 8413. C. A. Robertson, owner. SPECIALS 20 A mostly -denies. South slope. miles ouL Electricity, good buildings. I Income Drooertv. $2800. Terms. 5 A. Good Plastered house, family I nn.ii.nl mrins wt rlrlt v. C m Ilea I ... tiKA 'r.m. I .... I 14 A. l-room bouse. Mostly prunes. I 7 miles out. Electricity. All-year creek. S2500. Terma. lion ditch. 5-room house, good Sara. other buildings, electricity. $3200. Terms. HAWKINS A ROBERTS, 402 State 3 NEW HOMES, very modern, latest I features lu built-lns. New low price. See them before you buy anything else. W. A. CladeH, 143 . TeL 4277. - 18th. I ONLY $.1000. Completely furnished lovely moaern home. Right ? on tli bank of the McKenzie river at itain- bo. 48 miles east of Eugene. Own water system. Beautiful scenery. Good fiahing. F. H. Ott, Rainbow, Oregon. 1 ACRE, 4-room, plastered. Garage, bam, fruit, berries. Good. $2000. Terms. 2 acres, 4 rooms, garage. $l8a0. I Trade and terms. II - acre, 5 rot acre, 5 rooms, fireplace, oak floors. On pavement - and bus line. 0Q. See F. Griepentrog, 1940 Mc- -" " LrJT US buna you a rooacrn dhck Hie aweiung. a rwimi, narunuuu ikhjis. automatic lurnace, on any auw 101 t 'our. cnoosmg t-nce complete. aoouu. oee xurs. - smxh rim 1111 t ji. BU YEN. Realtor, 215 Masonic Bldg. s:o lkjw r wii nanaie a e-room modern house.-Nook, fireplace, base- ment, lurnace, launary irays, KarjiKe. Excellent terms on the balance. : P. H. BELL. Realtor 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 A 2-BEDROOM and a 3 -bed room fully modern home, $2500 each. Very reasonable terms. Both In fine ' loca tion. Good condition. Kuoc.rt.x r. oui-.ri.w.v, jirai "wi. 12 Ladd Bush Bldg. Kxrhangi Keal Estate f "VEHReht Ta'w .V SZ. I Prlred right. Terms. See W. S. Bart For Sal Farms " 4 ACRES on Silverton road. 5-room modern house. OH heat, lots of fruit ! and berries, nice barn, chicken house. Price $4500, with good terms. CARLETON E. LANE. Realtor 3J3 State SL Ph. 8622, Eves. 4075 iss iPPR ifarm or 75 9r,i in Douglas county. Inquire 1317 State St. irWnJVftrtAJT-n ij-i. -trir rVXAAJUlrtj inATur BEAUTIFUL 40-ACRE farm near West Salem Country club, on highway. Very nice house, electric water sys- tern, creek, large bam. tile silo, chicken house and other buildings. All in crop and a very reasonable price. CARLETON E. LANE. Realtor 333 State SL Ph. 8622, Eves. 4075 Acreage 4 ACRES, close In, berries and fruit. $5000. 674 N. Church street, ESPECIALLY DESIRABLE 5-acre tract bearing filberts, walnuts and I cherries. 10 minutes drive on paved road. 50 full bearing walnut trees, 2u0 filbert trees 12 years old. Phone 7834. 22 ACRES. 2 H miles from Hub bard, 13 . cultivated, 2 acres beaver dam, o-reom nouee, ; iignts, rencea. creek, 15 cat. tractor, 2 cows, plow. disc, harrow, logging equipment, 100,- 000 ft. saw timber. $21UU ; H cash. $1500 to Loan Fire Insurance MELVIN JOHNSON. Realtor 723 Court Street Phone t 3723 4 0 ACRES. 5 acrea In prunes, 4 room house, electric lights, good barn. 1300 down, ince sivuu. 10 acres, all tn fruit, will furnish lumber for small house. $100 down. Price $1200. Acreage north of Salem. $300 per acre. Very easy terma. Will furnish! lumber for small house. Phone 8632. 1 Rich L. Reimann, 167 S. High street. Hnsiness Opportunities OAKbKi anu grocerv ioun- lam. raji weu. ixrurea ana norx. Busy location. A money maker for some one. Total price $3800 ; $800 down, $50 per month. Good lease at $35 month. ;- . K. H. STAMBAUGH 212 Oregon Bldg. Phone 9411 0mi0tt szoo f kk mii.n i h income, aa.o equity. Ideal setup, leavea owner's time free, increasing value. Reason for selling leaving Salem. Box 754. Statesman. I LUNCH. DRINKS, popcorn, can dies. A real "hot spot location. Small, lust riaht for two people who under' stand the business. $600. Good terms. J. W. BRASHER 213 Oregon Bldg. Dial 9411 Money to Loan TO LEND TOO NOTE ' Second Floor New BHgh Bldg. Room 119 S-122 M l 65 Salem. Ore. FHA LOANS 807. ON EXISTINU construction I mn u..in,.ii. I J F. ULRICH CO. I IS. ouill OLrcei riiwiw ...... .... y FOR YOUR SAVINGS: RUT First mortaaea loans an REAL ES- I TATE. Loans now available in I amounts ot $500 to $5000. $5600. nets you I . . , . m . iw.tmm.m I navmenL Examine the -ecirlt, rour- self. CHILDS 4 MILLER. Inc. 344 State Street Phono 9281 Auto Loans m a. ew n a Mtn es n rs e.r a money to buy new or used cars. ivate money at very low ratea No I Prl a tar i to zo momns 10 repay. Roy H. Simmons I n s rnn.m.rri.i st suin Ore I Phone i$ Lie No. M-162 I y- FEDERAL HOUSING loana butld Abr-mT Sm" lrX"Mac Bid7 - . l a DeA'l rLtibUlSAL LUAiHO I rDonni nnu ni.. I largest Independent, company your I problems will receive personal constd-1 eration berora ana arter toe loan ! made. . . I paid balance. I ourteous Service I Interest on on No fees A Quick Courteou We Solicit Tour Account. General Finance V, Corporation 11S R rommcrrlal St Salem. Or. Phone 916S Lie No. B-1IS. KOKTHtUN ui-b isuKAivi.a MONET I' a i a' f . w . . - .. " . lo loan, low int. rates, tsesi oi lermrn. PROMPT, ACTION See Ua Before Borrowing CHILDS MILLER, Inc. $44 Sute Street A Phone 92I SEE F. G. Delano. 190 N. Church. for Benjamin KranKHn loans to re finance, build, modernize or purchase. The most , popular loan lnOregon. MONET TO loan on good real estata Charlea Hudklna. 275 State street. LOANS FROM $10 UP We Make All Types ot Loans Payment Schedule to Fit Your Incomej Prompt Courteous Service STATE FINANCE CO. " " l... st "A, ,-,- rtr. Ph(1 344 State St.. Salem. Ore. Phone S2$i License No.; S 216 M 222 Loans To Help You PAY UP OLD DEBTS MEET EMERGENCIES REDUCE INSTALLMENTS PAY TAXES BUY THINGS YOU NEED , OVERHAUL YOUR CAR REPAIR YOUR HOME The easiest. Quickest, and most busi ness-like way to solve your financial Droblem la to brine vour troubles to us. HELPING FOLKS I S OUR BUSINESS APPLY TODAY NO OBLIGATIONS PiopWs Finance Co. Room 201. First National Bank Bldg. Salem. Oregon Phone 4446 3-213 State License M-220 Business Opportunities NEW GROCERY, confectionery, cof fee shop. Living quarters. Illness cause of sale. Box 784, care Statesman.' MAN TO handle new type legal venauis machine route, bpare or tun 'r2e- No selling. Permanent. Can make f W V )Cv;aif , & 7 t SU 0 1 1 iriUilCU. 1 Fully secured. When replying state 11 " nav available, i-or inter- I .writ .PO. 790- care Statesman, FOR SALE, light lunch and Ice cream parlor on busy downtown street in baiem. Here s a real buy. Living quarters. Shows good profit. $1000 down. Total price $3000. E. H. STAMBAUGH 212 Oregon Bldg. Phone $411 I xans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at HawKins Roberts. Financial "4 WE HAVE never paid le than this rate on savings irw) Investmenta Insured to 15000 Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Assn Phone 4944 142 S. Liberty faL . For Sale Wood FIR OAK. Phone 3380. Ashcraft. DRT 2nd GRTBU O. F. knota $700. DRT 2nd GROWTH. Ph. 137F12. I SPECIAL DRT wood. TeL $354. OLD KIR, 2nd art h fir. (Irneii $370. cntRANTKKl) T)RT WOOIW coat r.i coaa R i.n irsiI r"m Trade and cnMini OLD FIR; dry alab. $6.60. Ph. 7005 MILL BLOCKS, tge. Id, $4.60. $332. 16-1N. OLD FIR. $5 $5.50. Ph. 9456. 16-IN. OIJ3 FIR. $5.60. Ph. $598. I , ALL KINDS- dry. . Tjel. 6663. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Phone 9560. WOOD, $3.50 cd up. 2380 Broadway. OLD FIR, $4.5$ cord. Phone 3673. Wantetl Used Cars 1 LA ROE LOTS as down payment oa 1936 Plymouth. TeL 4517. Lost and Found LOST LADIES' Elgin wrist watch. I i Reward. Phone 3840. -s0s.vsj J LOST SAT. sight. Pair shoe roller I I skates. Reward. Phone 66F13. 1 LOST - POTV nura rnnlslnlnr ln $5 bills,, small change. Reward. TeL I 616- I Personal LONKLYT "WORTHWHILE" sweet- I r.eart, nuahand. wife for rou. Box !7 I i Angeiea. I GORDON FI.EMIVO Tvohnlrt1t t and numerologist. Nationally known J MnadHnen! ,Radin Hotel ! eTVaaii- riii f f n n opening JUNE 6, day nursery for children. Reasonable rates. 1035 High iana avenue, Salem, Oregon. NOTICE OF SALE ; No. 2797 In the County Court of the State or Oregon for Marion County, In the Matter of -be Estcte of Julia F. Harritt. deceteea. NOTICE IS HEREBY GlVEN that the underslp-nprl an Arl. m,atBtri a. - ... . . v. uvuia uvu niLU nuueuu ui ine aoove i iilicu cai.aic. Will UU r nuaj. I the 10th day of June. 19tS. at I1"" "our OI iu: ju o CIOCK A. M., at the West dOOr Of the Court- house in . Salem, Marion County nr -n vn ,n " to, a air OaiO All VI I th! following described real prop- erty. lo-wit: i Beginning at the Northeast cor- ner of the Robert Godfrey Dona- J t ion Land Claim no. 71 in Town- ship 7 South, Range 3 st of I -" " .. ii t.m v no 7tcuuiaU , a ui m County, Oregon, a n d running thence North 15-08 chains; thence North 88" 45' East 4.16 chains more or eiss to the confer f the County Road womaonly canea the Wallace Koaa: tnence North 25 West along the cen- I t f a m on - AAUG We. OUIU UOU V.OV VUOIIW I more or less to an old division fence; thence West 19.23 cbains; East 17.6S chains more or less to the point of beginning sndh,,. BOn -11 the real nronerty containing 35.50 acres more pr less, . in Section Sixteen (16), Tnwnshln Sevan IT Pnnth Range Three (3) West of the Willamette .Meridian, in Polk IZ Zu tt "1 ,1. Louniy, yregon. Said sale will be made for cash to the-highest bidder .subject to the order of confirmation of the above entitled CourL Dated this 10th day of May, 1938. This notice is published once a week for four weks successive- I , 41. - . .. ! i ij- iu iuu wiSuu oioira. iu, a I npwsnanpr nuhliahed in Marion I . , At. tv. I . T, ' , I iirst puoiication is may ni l auu tne last is june sin. iss. MYRTLE LAWRENCE, -9 Administratrix de bonis non C.T.A. Estate if Julia F. Harritt, deceased. Paee and Page. Attorneys, Salem, Oregon, M,jll, 18, 25, J 1. 8. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion as Ad- ministratrix of the estate ol Le - land C. Wellm'an, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as I such administratrix; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notl- tied to present the same, duly TerlTIed, to me, at the office of Walter S. Lamkin, my attorney, 205 Oregon Buildmg, Salem. Mar- Ion County, Oregon, within six momns irom me aaie w mis notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 11th day of May. 1938. EULA, WOODS, Administratrix of the Estate of Leland C. Weiiman. deceased. waiter s. Lamgin. at- torney for. Administratrix. Salem, Oregon. M 11, 18, 25; J 1. 8. NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S frALE tBr virtue of a mortraee fore- closure execution. Issued by the 1 Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County in suit: "No. 27102, IRENE DODD WELLER. as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and Estate of EDWARD N. WELLER, Deceased. Plaintiff, t. CHESTER G. MURPHY, as Executor of the Business Cards la this directory run on - monthly basts only. Rates ft pr line per month. Auto brakes Mike Pa nek $7$ Aouth Commercial Arcbery TAUGHT FREE. TeL 9S40 for appmt. Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW nd reconditioned Harry W Scott. 141 S Com l Ph. 4$ 16 Body & Fe ruler Repair FOR BODY FENDER Repairs Autc Trim. Peat Covers. Glass replacement Auto Painting SEE the Herrall Ow ens Co.. 235 8 Com l. St Phone XI6S SEE GUS for auto body, fender, radta tor repairs. 265 Ferry. Phone SS2T CJiimney Sweep TELEPHONIC 4$a R E Northneaa i Hiiro praetors OR O U SCOIT. ISC, Ctlroprsctoi 256 N HUth Tel. Bee ?. Excavating EXCAVATING OK all klnda Kase ments dug. Dirt hauled ei moved. Ditt for aala Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Phone 940$. Florists Bretlhaupt a. 447 Court. Ph. $04 W. SALEM Florists. 1409 Edgewater laundries TIIK NEW SALEM IJtUNDRI THE WCIDER LAUNDRY 2$3 & High . TeL 913$ Last Will and Testament and Estate of RUBY FLINT HUCHES, n.. o a i tjvt. xsr ITI.TNT. ' T FREDERICK W'IISON F Ij I N T, t-t'-. T-rr- tt nnnirpv Buu -uv . ,v,. enrl hla wife. ALICE C. ROCKET; Defendants, therein pjnding, on1 t ma riirafterli I shall, on WUVA W Saturday, July 2, 1933 at Xen o'clock la the forenoon, at the nnr nf the Marion CrtUntT """" . . . Courthouse, saiem, Marion vouu- a. nil r.nKl I A Q Tla-'t ifJ IJ res" for cash, all right, title, interest and estate had and possesd by ceased, and said defendant, and oil ph rT flnV of them. on. ot since February 21, 1925, in and to tne following-described premises, to- Lot numbered & inre) ia Block numbered 16 (sixteen) of the City ot Salem, Marion County, Oregon, according to the duly recorded plat thereof now of record in the of fit e of the Recorder of Conveyances of and for aald county. A. C- BUKK, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. n - n n . r. H, - No. 9811 CTTATIOX Uv vuv. (MiliNTV COURT OP ' -' ' THE STATE OF OREGO, FUR the culmi ur biaiuw In the Matter of the Estate of Mary E, Eckardt Wildfeng. deceased. To Eldon R. Eckardt and Levi VV I1UICUK. IN THE NAME OP THE STATE QP OREGON: You are hereby commanded to appear In the county Court of the State of rtrecron. for the County of Marlon the Court House in Salem, Ore- -on within 28 days from the date B?n.w" . 8 "V,, To show cause. It- any -4P r h A TITOf Till 11 1 IC8.L10U Ui . LUW 0Ttt whv an order should not lo..t-. r th above entitled es- I belonging to the above entitled L.at - f tri-wlf An undivided one- I r V " - ti.i, en I Town of North Salem, Marion I rnilIltT a.. hail interest, in wi hl clt,tion t- .erTed on you . Aar n. tll Wnnnrahla J. C. stegmtind judge of the above ! . if mja -T,t.rrl entitled Court, made and entered on the 31st day of May, 1938. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said court. Affixed this 31st day of May, 1938. TJ, G. BOlERi County Clerk. Br H. C. Mattson, Deputy. Date of First Publication, June 1. 1938. Date of Last Publication, June Iaa . m d t oie. a 1 Jfo. 9810 ORDER ix THE COUNTY" COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR the county: 0"F SIARION. In the Matter of the Guardianship of Samuel P. Eckardt, an in sane nerson. This cause coming on to be J heard on petition of the guardian for an order authorizing tne saie of the ward's real property herein, 1 And it appearing to the court that it is necessary to sell said real property and that it would be beneficial to the ward that said real property be sold, and the court being duly advised. it IS ORDERED. ADJUDGED AND DECREED, that the next of kjn of said ward, to-wit: his son, Eldon R. Eckardt, appear before this court on or before Monday the 11th day ot July, isso, to show cause, if any exists, why a license should hot be granted for the sale of the ward's interest In sari reai property, to-wit: In Lot j tirrlr fi9 Town of North Salem. Marion County, Oregon. And It appearing to the court tnat said Eldon R. Eckardt Is not within the State of Oregon, IT IS ORDERED, That this i order be served upon him by pub Hshlng a copy thereof In the Sa lem Statesman for three succes- slve weeks prior to said date of hearing. J. C. SIEGMUND, Judge Dated May 31, 1938. I Date ot First Publication June 1, 1938. I Date of Last Publication June 29, 1938. J 1-8-15-22-29. Directory Lime GOLD HILL lime 96. We deliver to farm. 124 N. Com I TeL 182$. Mattresses SAI.KM FLUFK-RUU and Maltres Factory. NEW MATTRESS made te order, old remade: carpet cleaning sis mi: fluff rug weaving, a lltb Wtl bar. Tel. $44 L OTTO F. ZWICKKR Est. 1911. JA PITOL , 11 El Jill. NO CO. Phone 4064 Nurseries FULL LINE nursery stock. Phone Hit. H. L. Pearcy Nursery Co $4 uourt BU Print in? HXR STATION Kit T earda pamphlets progiama, books or any kind ef print mg. call The Statesman Printing De iwrtrrtent. 219 8. CommerelaL Tela I. hone 9I9L Stoves ltKI'AIUS FOR rangea blia. clrcula era. p. i Hewpnee 363 Chemlieta Transfer CAPITAL v CITf Tansfer Co. Ill State SL TeL 7773. Distributing, for- warding and storage our specialty. Get our ratea FOR I.OCAL or distant transfer stor age. burner oiL call 1131. I Jirrne' Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally Well Drilling H. A. WEST. RL C Ba. 44$ T. 1I9F9 Cheater J. Push, $125 Myrtle. 93$$ Ready for the "Enemy" i 4 ) $ yM Jo f i A' iV I Mil ;" DA4.xM lLr;fVa.1 T. T Any TlViiCVUU eUtlrWtU A'WVIf M eMf a-fc - ef w of the army's most modern anti-aircraft units. The scene was staged as part ol the extensive air maneuvers along- the Atlantic coast, ia -which m a. A. Brain Given WS , -th ii V' I . - r 1 t y0$ s- -s- Sitting urn In his bed at Children's Hospital, Washington, D. C, is 2H year-old Alden Vorrath, whose skull was split open by surgeons to allow the brain normal expansion, and a steel wedge inserted. In time, doctors say, cranial crevices will be closed and the child will be perfectly normal. Gross Word Puzzle 12 13 VA1 Is 16 17 YA& 1 l' " - 25 26 27 2S 2r SO 31 32 3& 37 HO HI HZ H6 HI HQ HI 50 51 52 53 57 """"" 55 56 57 " " 61 1 1 w? I I wA" r By EUGENE SHEFFER HORIZONTAL 1 wolframite if stretch or strain 8 pronoun - 12 negro tribe in the - Cameroons 13 cry f . Bacchanals 14 Indian 15 recupera tion 17 masculine name IS ent off the final syllable 19 mode of standing 21 melody 21 pronoun -25 sphere ZS old weight for wool 23 leaf of a- corolla $3 peruse 35 hard-shelled fruit 87 spirited 18 insect 40 return a ball in ' high curve 42 tinging : insect 43 symbol for samarium 44 give tips on race horses , 4S means of Oluminatioa 50 cut closely . 64 obve tree 55 ruffle 68 on of Jacob 59 arrow ; poison 60 palm leaf 61 between thirteen and nineteen 62 Chinese -money of : account 63 pale Herewith is the solution to yester day's puzzle. . ttritUM, !(. hr V A an nAn ih BQri7 Is 0T1 "Elbow Room 99 VERTICAL 1 concern 2 son of Adam Z places - 4 go back 6 hail! 6 the heart - 7 officials of the Isle of Man 8 playhouse 9 wind instrument 10 narrative 11 rodents 16 room ins - harem 20 cratuity 22 electrified partids -; 23 -matur T , 25 Anglo Saxon money of account 26 kind of cloth 27 exclamation f disgust SO small flap 81 air hero 32 alkaline solution 34 contempt 36 also S9 split pulse 41 iry measure 45 definite article 46 young horse 47 on the sheltered side 48 field of granular " snow 49 prepare for 1 publication 61 declare openly 52 -membranes 63 dash 56 feminine name 57 seat of a bishop's authority alas rmtmtm SrwUcata, Ua. 1 I c