mt jrt -til- ?.th?M n-tO s?'3 sKfctfSBl'ATa KOaSSO .The, CfREGON ST ATSS1AN Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, May 28, 1938 PAGE NlNpT uiy ail ell it smami'-vLJiass State ified. ectedl ito d. " Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUslfle Advertlsla Single insertion per lis 10e rhree Insertions pel Use 10c Sit Insertions per Use SOc One month per line 31 00 Minimum charge tec Copy rot Utfe pas aerwpted " lbs em. log Wore public Hue for ctaaatfic-ftow. Copy rcelc after this tlm will b rum nmtot th tM-dlac To 1-U CUut - The natmtii Mtumit no finan cial responsibility foi errors which may apt ar In advertisements pub lished H tta column, sad tn rt where Una paper la at fauM will re print that part of " advertisement la which lh typographical aalsiats occurs. Tha Statesman renr tha right la ratart usattonahl dvrtt4ns It further rrve tha right tc place alt dvnt'.ea under tb prop elaaalfloatlon. -BLIND", ADS which gi"t only a box number care of Statesman must be answered by letter. We cannot glte any information, as to do so would destroy their purpose. Livestock TOP miCKS paid far old nor and cowa tot to frad. Call HIS. FREE WS ptc- op oead and worth less horsa cowl sheep Tat col tact. PREK WK uK-m up dead and worth Ira aorss. cowa. Tel U coUacC DEAD AND worthies hot, cowa. picked us fiee Ph. collect $41 L Salm M-itKmerv Hand was ntgiMnerv BABY CHIX N. H. North Slem Hatchery. Red. VV. L. Phone 6S75. Help Wanted EARN 810 WKEKLT OR MORE. Oruw mualirootna In celiac, abed- We buy lc -lb., year round bmdneae Mr. 8 made 110 In few weeks- spare time Established 1931.- Write for KREE Bh WASHINGTON MUSHROOM ISD. Dept. 408. SOI 2nd Ave, Se attle. Wa. MEN AND WOMEN 18 TO WIU select several to prepare as fingerprint and crime detection ex perts. Writs bos 786, car Statesman. Help Wanted Female WANT GIRL, or woman, take com plete charge household. Apply l$"5 Broadway. WANTED MIDDLE-AGE lady to care for elderly lady In out of town home. Box 789, care Statesman. Situations Wanted DRSMKR. Mrs. Adaett. Ill Marlon. christian YOUNG woman want tvrxrttcal nursing, 821 N. Commercial. NURSE WISHES practical nursing. tan snow iirai ciass fwntuc. 6160. EXPERIENCED LaSALLE trained bookkeeper and accountant desires po aKion. Lefs discuss your needs, my quaiuications. ru io.j, guinN WANTED BY 20 year old expert enred girl, hour or part time work. Phone 41 PAINTING, KALSOMINE, 60c hour. IS veara In Salem. Box .Si. care Statesman. uiu U'lVTS -rrk Em. In farm and tractor work. Clyde Hein, route t. - box buiem. For Sale Miscellaneous cash nit irad fa used furniture ratuces, heater, radloa, machinery too la ate. Woodry and wooary bucii r phone i-1 I 0 1610 N. Summer In Ho- irwooa CUSTOM HATCHINU. Iby cincka started chlcka 12 varleliea Baby chirks sd TL I11K2. le's Hatch ery NEW TKANSKEH filea $2 60. Copy -holder. $5. Postsl seal. $2 50 Electric Burroughs addtng machln. $65 W selL rent, lepalr typewrltera. adding machine and cash iglstera Roen. 456 Court. Phon 6771. WINDOW BOX and bedding planta finest selection. Also vegetable planta Jay Morris, florist. Phon S637. ELECTRIC ROASTER barbecue machine. 'Gas gnl!.. 3x2. Inqulr 479 Court streeL . BELCREST LOTS, best location, cheap, to - settle estat title Immedi ately. W. R. Wlnslow, Jefferson, phon 43F4. TOMBSTONES, Imitation granite. $ up. Made to order. Guaranteed far life. J. Strlckwerda. Pacific highwsy between Manning corner and . Wa eenda. Address route 1. Brooks. - SPECIAL NEW modern house trstl r. numerous bulltlns. scientifically constructed. 16x6x9 ft. 1118 Sixth street. West Salem. NEW HAMPSHIRE cockerels, di rect from N. 11. Phone UF12. B. F. Kdwarda, - - HOUSEHOLD Hoyt . FURNITURE. 462 INTERNATIONAL 30 hous truck, acrommodat 4 people, burnt plywood finish. Cheap. Call cabin I, Rlversid auto camp. West Salem. FOR SALE. Lucy M. four place 14 ft. step plane, cuatwn built in hocartr boat auarter deck. 25-15 Win cheater carbine. 12 ffaug doubl bar rel Ithtca. small diamond ring, electric Insert hot water neater, uon aiaaison ervice sts tlon. 2H H. P. stationery Just overhauled. Rout raa engine. 4. box 160. ALL KINDS bedding planta special trl-es. at E. Furrer greenhouse. Rout 4. bos 411. Salem. LATE MODEL electric range, $63. Phon 47. ADVERTISING Western Adrertisins Representatives Fenaer-Hall Co.. Ltd. - Saa Francisco. Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Adrertlslng Representatives Brrnnt. Griffith A Brunson, Inc Chicago. New York, Detroit. Boston. Atlanta Entered et fa tottolfict at 8alem Oiron. as Second Class Matter. Pb Itakeit ererw morning erewpt Monday. ifnis otfic tit South Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Ratea tn Advance Within Oregon : Daily and Sunday 'llo. 50 cents: 2 Mo. $1.50: S Mo. $2.50 I year $5.00. Elsewhere SO cents per Mo. or $(.00 for 1 year in advance Per copy 2 cents. Newsstands 6 cents. Bv City Carrier: 40 cents a month. $7.20 a year tn ad vane tn Marion Md adjacent counties. For Sale Miscellaneous WAKINS PROD. 680 N. 17th. 7105. GENUINE CH1CKERING - bib! grand piano. trmlioKany out. Must be aold at once. Bargain. "46 Alar Ion. I RADIOS 8.95 8.95 3S used radio Victor. Zen it ha. I Mil.ttr. PhJIcoa. Stewart-Warners. etc. Your pick S.5 while they last. See Mr. Jans, radio department. GEO a WILL MtrSIC STORE UPRIGHT PIANO, good condition, $50 See at 113S Jefferson. ORANGE N lth. PERSIAN kittens. 1195 COCKER SPANIEL puppies. Phone MFJ. i FOR SALE A girl- bike in good condition, or will trade for bathtub or won! 05 S 1th. Trade Miscellaneous TRADE IN i your brukc n. discarded Jewelry for your graduation watches and Jewelry. Sit N, Commercial. DO YOU need money for graduation! Cash paid for discarded and broken Jewelry. 211 X. Commercial. Wanted Miscellaneous WANT WAI-NUT and filbert meats also Id shell Stat Cafeteria. For Kent Rooms SLEEPING ! ROOMS. $3 and S10. Near capitoL Phone 9497. WEL FURN. room' near capltol building. 0 iChcmeketa St. 5529. LADIES. PH SITS. 9 N Cottage DESIRABLE SLEEPING room, pri vate en trance, close in. Tel. 977. NICK SLEEPING R 154 N. Church. COOL. COJIF. rm. 660 N. Coml. VERY DES1R. room. 771 N. Cottage. LARGE ROOM with dressing room. $12. 235 N. Capitol. Room and Board SUMMER RATES. Close In. P. 1767. CLOSE IN. 191 S. ComX Ph. S517. EXC. RMS.; and board. 404 S. High FOR 2 men. Close In. TeU 14 82. RM. BOARD. 2IS S. Winter. 6217. BOARD. ROOM. 2I Slate St. For Rent- Apartments riSHEK A PTS-. furn. and unfur nlMhed Heated garag. A pleasant place U live i Oak 8U RM STRICTLY modern apt, fire place, automatic heat, furnished or un furn. 141 N. I4tb or call .6524. TWO ROOMS on first floor.! Also Ingle rm.. kitchenette. ISO S. Cottage. 2-RM. FURN. Adults. 4& Ferry. SMALL State. APT. 1 Adults only., 2183 ! VACANCY; ROBERTS apartmenta FURNISHED APT. 1010 Oak. NICE CLEAN futn. apt. with bath, lights, water, garage. Adults. 2455 State. " I 3-RM. FURN.-1335 State. NICE 2-RM. furn. apt. 255 Center. 2-ROOM FURN. apt., lights, water and Maytag, it 12. 1620 Ferry.. . NEAT 4-ROOM fum. apt. Pleasant, quiet. Garage. 105 River street. NEW 2-ROOM furnished court apt. with private bath, laundry, garage. Bus service. 1815 Lee street. 3-ROOM APT. for rent. Adults only. 009 feagtnaw street. NEWLY DECORATED 4 -room apt. duplex. $22. Call 5214. in 2-ROOM PVRTIALLT furnished. 267 S. Chutch. JUST VACANT. 4-room furn. apt. Upholstered furniture. 701 N. High. NICE FURN. apt. Adults. 590 Union. 3-ROOM APT. 444 S. High. NICE. FURN. apt. 156 S. Church. FURN. APT. 581 N. Church. FURN. 3-RM. apt. Fireplnoe, electric I range and refrigerator. Ci. Phone 4847 or 4232. - Jlr - - i lwM1JV' rUUlUrUUt-J- CLEAN 2-ROOM apt. $71 N. Church. For Kent Houses FOR RENT Modem 7-room house with garage at 250 N. 14th street. A rails bl May 15. See owner at 296 N. 14th street. t-RM. "HOUSE. Inquire 255 Division. BEAUTIFUL MODERN - furnished home. 2 bedrooms. Rout 2, box -77, Salem Heights avenue. 6-ltOOM MODERN house. $32.50. Ksrdwood floors, attic. 1120 Jefferson. MOD. HOUSE near Capltol. P. 4581. 4 ROOMS, bath. gar. 1S65 N. Coral. RENT NEW 7 -room suburban home. Close In. Beautifully landscaped. Large back yard. Fruit, r re water. 13a. Call 1906 Center. aa--s-eS-lJS(i -ROOM MOD. house, mostly well furnished. Very close in. Will rent for 3 to 6 months. 22S Oregon Bidg. S-ROOM J SUB.. i acres, spring water. 6 -room furnished. 415 Ferry. 820 HOUSE, furnished. 6 room a $21.S0. furnished apt.. 4 rooms. $32.50, strictly modern house. S rooms un furnished. Vacant June 1. For rentals see BechteL 341 State. t HOUSES with acreages. Close In. 2266 Turner road. Call -Sunday only. MODERN HOUSE. 2180 Maple Ave. Call at 2236 N. Chuich St. -- -- -- - -- - i i M-irin.njxj-iji CLOSE IN. mod. S-rm. furn. hous. Sleeping porch. $32.50. Phon 6194. For Rent OFF1CW ! ROOMS, 181 State street Inqulr room 100 Tel 1711. HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rent H. L Stiff FurnMur Co. CARS .TRUCKS U-Dilv., Ph. 7048 Wanted to Rent WANTED 2 bedroom, modem, furn. or unf urn. I house by responsible pri vate party. Box 78S, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate - - ! BRAND NEW -4-room cottage near new senior h rh. For quick sal ONLY $1709. Se it at 79S N. 20th street. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtor 344 Stat Street . Phon 9261 1 Money to Loan j H arry "Val" Valentine . MANAGER OK Personal! Finance Co. WILL ARRANGE R RANGE TO LE $100 ON TOUR $5.45 Monthly Repays $75 Loan Includes Alt Principal and Charges Cor It Months No Fines, Fees or Deductions LOANS f 10-1300 ON FURNITURE AND ENDORSED NOTES . AUTO LOANS UP TO $500 Personal Finance Co. 511 State Street at High Phone 1191 License For Sale Real Estate LOTS, MTTS " S ATTRACTIVE BUILDING lots loca- I ted In Roaedal and Kays second addi tion, northeast Stlem. North of Mar ket st on pared St.. son. . ort pave ment. $250 $10 down, JH per monin. SEE US BEFORE BUY BUY YOUR W. FL G RA BENHnRST CO- i REALTORS 124 S. IJbeity St. Phon C4CI. CASCADE TERRACES U Half acrea bearing cherries, wal nuts, wonderful -lew of Salem, Mt Hood. Cascades. About 1 miles te downtown. A superb residence addi tion. Well tnacadamed atreeta, city water, electricity. Tracta 4i0 up. easiest terms. See this beautiful tract. Call 2412. C A. Robertson, owner. 2 CREEK LOTS Very close In. First market. Phone 6989. time on the -UlTU'1iLiuijuiim rnir-ir' -V-1 1 J-'' 1200 DOWN buys 4 -room fur nished house, frlgldaire. oil heat. Price 12500. John Johnson. 6744 or 6175. DISCARD WORTHLESS RENT RECEIPTS Buy thia fine 7 -room home, well built and In excellent condition, jood lot and th prettiest oak tree In Salem. Price onlr 12800. Can b shown at your convenience. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS It MILLER. Resltors 244 State Street Phon 9261 ' SPECIALS : 10 A- mostly cherries. South slope. 6 miles out. Electricity, good buildings. nmma nronertr. S2S00. Terms - S A. Good plastered house, family orchard, aortne. electricity. miles out. 11250. Terms. . 14 A. 6-roora house. Mostly prunes. 7 miles out. Electricity. All-year creea. S 2 .00- Tmu 15 A. Level land. In path of Irriga tion ditch. 5-roora house, good barn. ether buildings, electricity. ; $3200. Terroa ' HAWKINS & ROBERTS. 402 State 7-ROOM HOUSE, strictly modern. double plumbing, excellent location. paving paid. Will consider trade, lei. 8860 or 17F2. ' .; OWNER TRANSFERRED To another city. Five months ago he bouaht this attractive new modern home, located In Salem's choicest resi dential district. Built by local out-! standing contractor. Now Is must sac rifice before June 10. Make appoint ment by calling J. W. BRASHER f 212 Oregon Bid. Dial 9411 or 9572 BUILD YOUR OWN HOME ! NIc east front lot, east Salem, par- i Ina- and sidewalk paid, concrete foun dation for house. 6000 ft, of lumber. soma windows, beautiful gumwood front door, 1000 bi Ick, 300 ft, moulded casing. 6 gaL paint. 2 gaL stain, ISO ft. 12 In. shelving. 50 lbs. nans. 3 rous heavy building felt, some moulding and miscellaneous, all for $500. Small payment down, small monthly. A. J. Flint. 1864 N. Church, pnone 39ZO. 2 ACRES, new modern house, 3 bed rooms. Will take light car or truck ss first payment. Rout 3, box 77, Salem Heights avenue. 5-ROOM MODERN horn In Engle- wood. Hardwood floors, nice garden and trees. $2600. Terms. Phon S5S0. 81900 Good 7-room plastered old hous cn Falrmount HilL Beautiful corner lot. all kinds of fruit. Phone S580. 10 Dowii 5-ROOM MODERN, north Salem, automatic heat. 14300. 5-room modern, north Salem. air conditioned. $4500. 5-room modern, north Salem, wood furnace. $3750. 5-room home, snap. $2200. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. S ACRES, improved, electricity, gas. telephone. Terms. 1 H miles city. Owner route 7. box 62. - ' NEW 4 ROOMS, 2 bedrooms, bath. oak floors, garage. $2400. Terms. 7-room plastered.- basement, fur nace, garage, fruit, pavement paid, on bus line. $2400: $200 cash, bee -F. GR1EPENTROG 1940 McCoy Street Phone 4954 5-HOOM HOUSE In good location. all modern. priced right. Terms. j -room house. North -Summer street. Priced $2600 less than it sold for at on time. , . Have some good acreages for sale.' CHAS. HUDKINS. 275 State. Ph. 9494. $1800 WILL bay dandy duplex in fine location or 3 houses on large lot with Income of $4 8 per month. ROBERT F. BUDROW. Real Estate 12 Ladd A Bush Bidg. Phone S96S CLOSE IN block near Capltol and university. Trees, pavement, fine for court, apartment or bomes. Only $3500. Also lot on 24th street near State street. $375. terms. Owner 765 r Rural avenue. Phone SS54. ! i MODERN COUNTRY -bungalow on S. River road, 3 miles from -city. Phone 9623. ,. i t i NEAT 4-ROOM bungalow near State on 23rd St. Cash price only $1700. Se ALFRED DUMBECK. 147 N. Com! St. IF TOU can use a strictly mod m house in N. Salem or semi-modern house in N. Salem, see me. These places must be sold. Terms. ' H. C Shields. Oreg. Bidg. Ph. 890! Kxchance Real Estate - ' ' -' ' TRADE ' ' i Hav you dear acreage 'or hous In Salem to traaV for modern apartment house? Five 3-raom apt. Automatic heat, refrigerators, etc. Income $150 pr month. Phone S580. - f A 20-ACRE commercial '. orchard. Cherries, peaches, pears, apples, full set. full bearing, fully equipped and Irrigated. Also 160 acres of good tim ber near Silver Creek falls for stock ranch near Salem or Salem lncom property. 1236 N. 16tb street. ' EXCHANGE ' J7 acres. 23 cultivated, youn or chard, fenced, 6-room house, nam 30x20. Take town property in trade. Price 12300. See ALFRED DUMBECK, 147 N.Com'I St. Money to Loan TO LEND TOO NOTE Second Floor New Bllgh Bid. Room 119 S-122 M-165 Salem, Ore. FHA LOANS 0 ON EXISTING construction t0Ji oa new construction. J. F. ULBICH CO. 162 State Street Phone 172. CASH LOANS PEOPLE'S FINANCE COMPANY" Room 201. First National Bank Bid. M-220 State License S-21S 8AFE INVESTMENT FOR YOUR SAVINGS: BUT First mortgage loans on REAL ES TATE. Loana now available, tn amounts of 9500 to $3000.' nets you m to S per cent, semi annual Interest payment. Examine the security your self. CHILDS A MILLER. Inv 244 State Street Phon 9201 Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used car. Private money at very low ratea No red tap 1 to 20 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 111 S. Commercial SL. Salem. Ore. Phon 9168 Lie. No. M l 52 FEDERAL HOUSING lean a build refinance home a business prop. Ratea 1 Abrams El I la Inc. Masonic Bidg PERSONAL LOANS BORROW FROM Salem's oldest largest Independent company your oroblema will receive personal consid eration 'before and after the loan Is mad. Interest on unoald balance. No fees It Quick Courteous Service W Solicit Your Account. General Finance Corporation tit t Commercial St Salem. Or. Phone 9168 Uc No. S-118. NORTHERN LIFE INSURANCE MONEY I 1 S $ to loan, low Int. ratea Best of terms. PROMPT ALT11UN See Us Before Borrowing CHILDS A MIIJ.ER. Inc. 144 Stat Street - Phone 9211 SEE F. G. Delano. 290 N. Church. for Benjamin - Franklin loan to re finance, build, moderoiz or purchase Th most popular- loan In Oregon. MONEY TO loan on good real estate, Charles Hudklna 871 Stat street. LOANS FROM $10 UP Ws Mak All Types of Loans Payment Schedul to Fit Your Income Prompt Courteous Service STATE FINANCE CO. Child A Miller Office 244 Stat St,. Salem, Ore. Phon 9261 . License No. S21S - M ZZZ For Sa le Farms FEDERAL LAND bank farms Priced rleht. Term. Se W. S. Bart lett. Secy. Treaa 216 Oregon Bidg. Phon 7127. 69 ACRES Howell Prairie- farm. 1- room house and good oara, iamny orchard, about Vi in cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber, priced real low at S7000. 75 acres. 70 acres In cultivation, nai anc in umber. Oood 4 -room nouse. electricity. A real snap for $2600. -40 acres, all in crop, stocked and equipped, grade B dairy. 6-room house. electricity and water system, not far from Salem. Will trade for city prop erty or timber land. KOSTE1N Si AWLl'H, I ISC 110 Va N. Commercial Street BEAUTIFUL 40-ACRE farm near West Salem Country club, on highwsy. Very nice house, electric water sys tem, creek, large barn, tile silo, chicken house and other buildings. All In crop and a very reasonable price. CARLETON E. LANE. Realtor 323 State St. Ph. 8622, Eves. 4075 4 ACRES on Silverton road. 6-room modern house. Oil heat, lots of fruit and berries, nice barn, chicken house. Price $4500, wltb good terms. CARLETON E. LANE. -Realtor 233 State St - Ph. 8622 Eves. 4075 Acreage 1U ACRES, new-4-room house. In closed porch, 340 ft, river frontage. $ miles from Salem. Price ,1100. Roy J. Rice. 212 Oreg. Bidg. Ph. 9411. 40 ACRES. 20 acres good tlmber.T room house, good roads to place. $800. $300 down. Or wiU trade lor tea i em 1 property. K. A. ruRKrt - It. X. 1853 N. Capltol Suburban SUBURBAN HOME H acre tract on paved road, rioa to city limit. 4-room house, city water land electric lights. Pric $1200, cash 1200. - balance like rent. Another acre tract with shack house. Price $600, cash $50. balanc monthly. See Mr. Bart lett with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 244 State Street Phon 9261 IN THE EVERGREENS 1 acre, nearly new 4-room house on the bank of Willamette river I miles from Salem, garage, small bam. This place Is really priced to sell at $1200 with $500 down. Call Mr. Bartlctt with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtor 34 4 Stat Street Phon 9261 MONDAY'S SPECIAL Here Is the place yon . are looking for. Extra choice 1-acre tract, rich dark 4oam soil, creek, fruit and shad tree, new 2 - room house not quit fin ished Inside: Has electric ngnts. water system, garden In. good road. Just outside "of city. $200 down, balance like rent. Price way below value. See Louis BechteL 311 State street. - Lost and Found LOST BLACK cocker spaniel pup, 4 months old. Finder please phone 9541 or call at 1710 N. 17th street. -"- -i-nriiiiviAAAAnAJiAiv LOST BLACK keytainer. Monday. st or near postofflce. Reward. Phon 1332. Lees tatcnary. For Sale Used Cars '37 Ford "SO" Coupe JUST LIKE NEW MAN'T OTHER BARGAINS TO CHOOSE FROM VAIJLETST MOTOR CO. j LOT MARION and LIBERTY, . " -i - -irrj-j-irL"-LnanjT. The Best Truck Buy 'InTown Two-Day Special - May 28th and May '31st 1933 FORD MODEL "B" PICKUP Completely overhauled. New paint, good TWO-DAY SPECIAL PRICE $245 riERRALL-O WENS CO. Sir 'The Home of Dependable DODGE and PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRUCK DIST. . it- i SS5 S. Commercial Phone Si NEW USED CAR PARK CHURCH , . : PHONE For , Quick Sale 1936 DeLuxe Ford V-8 ; Coupe Fin condition, rood rubber, police type spotlight, heater, defroster, radio, twin swipes, horns ! and tall lights, extra good brakes, i good upholstery, new, battery recently Installed. For sale by relative of i owner who had to return east by train. $390 TERMS Inquire 215 S. 23rd St Phone 8103. Business Opportunities NEW GROCERY, confectionery, cof fee shop. Living quarters. Illness cause of sale. Box 784, care Statesman. S20O PER MONTH Income. $5500 eauitv. ideal setup. leaves owners time free, increasing value. Reason for selling leaving Salem. Box 754. Statesman. ! OUR CLIENT savs sell this well established liKht lunch and confection business. SDlendld i location, maaing money. Living quarters. Low rent. Step right In and start i making money. $900 cash will handle. Balance easy monthly payments. ' See DELANO or muojj, zo JN. tjnurcn. BOARD AND rooming house, close In. 2 bathrooms, basement.- rurnarre. fireplace, double garage. $3500. Also furniture and equipment in a . board and rooming- housw nnd lease on mag, MELVIN JOHNSON. Realtor 725 Court Street I Phone 3723 - '. SMALL CONFECTIONER T AND LUNCH Outstanding downtown location. This Place pays well for two people who wre not sirara oi tiara wuia kiiu uuuet' stand the business. $ GOO. J. W. BRASHER I 212 Oregon Bidg. j Dial 94U Resort Property OCEAN HIGHWAY frontage. Tier- ra Del Mar popular new beach resort. $1 down 11 per week buys choice business or cottage' sites. "4. price on many repossessed lots. Abundant na tural shrubbery. 7 miles ocean" beach. stores, cottages. 70 miles from Salem. 3 miles, north ox ; W oods, Tillamook county. Owner on property weekends. M. Pollock, 2C2S NE 30th Ave- Port land, Ore. , , . . Personal LON EI. Y t -WORTHWHILE- sweet I heart., husband, wife for you. Bos 175 I.A Aneele CONVALESCENT HOME. 1720 S, Winter. i I WILL not be responsible for bills contracted by anyone except myself. Mabel L. Smith. a AFTER THIS date I will not be responsible for any debts contracted under ' the Joint name of Boone A Wright. Signed, F. N. Boone. GORDON FLEMING, psychologist and numeroiogist. Nationally known and reliable. Readings daily. Hotel Marion, room 829. j Ioans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire t Hawkins Roberta . WANTED $2000 loan on real estate. splendid security, . Box 712, care Statesman. . Business Cards la this directory ran ea m monthly basis only. ftatet 1 per line pr month. Auto Brakes Mike Paaak. 9701 South Com ma rchvl Archery TAUGHT FREE. TeL 9140 for appmt Uicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W. Scott I4t S Com l Ph. 461$ Body & Fender Repair FOR BOD? A FENDER Repairs Ante Trim. Seat Covers, tllaas reidarement Auto Painting SEE th Hen-all Ow n Co. 138 8 Co-iV St Phone 8109 8KB OUS for auto body, fender, red I tor repair. 265 Ferry. Phon 1837 Chimney Stveep rELKPHONB Milt R K. Northn .Chirofiraclors DR. O L SCOTT. PSC. Chlropractoi ISO N. High. Tl Ra S7S1, Excavating EXCAVATING OF all kinds Ras ments dug. Dtrt hauled r moved. Diet for sale. Salens Sand and Craval Co Phon 940$ i Florists Braltbaupt a lit Court Ph. 6904 W. SALEM Florists. 1400 Edgcwate Laundries THE NEW 8 A I. KM LAUNDRY - THE WIClUkR LAUNDRY 268 & Ulsh TsL 9 US For Sale Used Cars LOW MILEAGE CLOSED MONDAY imw(WWWwvwwwWWww rubber. Regular selling price fSSS. Used Cars and Trucks" ST. ACROSS FROM STATE THEATRE 5S35 SPECIAL - 9 37 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Touring 2-Door Sed., recondi tioned. Heater, trunk, first class condition Many Others, to Choose From ORVALS Used Cars Center Church Sts. Phon 4702 Open Evenings and Sundays BARGAINS 1936 Chev. Master Sport Sedan $395 1930 Chev. Master Tojrn Sedan . $65 1934 Chev. Master Sedan . 295 1934 Chev. Master, Tudor - 875 1935 International Pickup J 450 1938 Ford V-S 4-Door .. 295 1927 Model T. 4 new tires . 20 CARTER MOTOR CO. NASH and IaFITETTE DEALER Used Car Lot at 240 Center Street 1935 V-8 de luxe Ford couoe. Lots of extras, radio. Must see to appreci ate.' Cash talks. 1630 S. Cottage. Wanted Used Cars 2 LARGE LOTS as down payment on ias Plymouth. Tel. .4517. ' . Transportation TWO PERSONS want ride east about June 1. Share expenses. Both drive. Box 206. Stayton. Ore. Ph. 7142. DRIVING '37 V-8 to Nebraska flrat of week. Take one to three.. Share expenses. Phone 66F13. DRIVING TO Mitchell. S. D., June 2. Can take 1 or 2 passengers Share expenses. 385 U Bellevue. Phone 4678. Financial 4i WB HAVE never paid leas than this rat on savings nd Investment a Insured to S6000. Mutual Federal Savings St Loan Assn Phon 4944 141 S. Liberty For Sale Wood FIR OAK. Phon 1380. Ashcraft. DRY 2nd GRTH- O. T. knots. 0700. DRY 2nd GROWTH. Ph. 117F12- SPEC1 A L DRY wood. TeL 8364. OLD FIR. tad grth fir. Or en $170 CnARANTEED DRY WOOD coal. TeL 6000. Salens Fuel Co. Trade and Cottac. OLD FIR : dry slab, $5.50. Ph. 7005. MILL BLOCKS. Is. Id, $4.60. S112. Directory Lime GOLD H1IX llm W 411 vr 11 farm. 814 N. Coml T4. 8821. - Mattresses SALEM rLUrr-RUO and Matlf Factory. NEW - HATTRKS1 mad te I order. oM remad: earpat clean log. sis ina: fluff rue weaving. 8 llth m wu bur. Tel. 844 L OTTO T. SWICKER Eat. 1911. CAPITOL ftKDIHNO CO. Phono 40t Nurseries FULL UNI asm- stork. Phone SSI1. H. L PMrey Nturssry Co- 14 court Si. . Printing FOR STATION KRt enrda pampblata progianta book or any kind f print me. call Th Statesman Piloting D partment. SIS U. ComisrlaL Tle phon 9I0L Stoves rtEPAIKS FOR range, btra elrrula rra P. J Hppnr $61 Chemekaia Transfer CAPITAL ; CITY Tansfer ; C. 8H -stal St. TL 171A Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Gat onr ratea - FOR IjOCAL mt distant tranafei stor aga burner oIL rail llll. Irmi rransfr Co.- Trucks t Portland dally Well DriHins R A. WEST. RC S. Ba 448 T, II0F6 Chftoe A. Push. 1116 Mrtl. 9316. For Sale Used Cars ' , V SPECIAL ' 1934 Stndelaker Six Tudor $395 This Is aa exceptionally fin car. Color gunmetal. Low mileage. 1937 Chev. L. B. Truck $725 " This ear has only run OO miles. Looks Ilk now. McKAY CHEVROLET CO S2S Center Phone Silt OPEN EVENINGS wwwwwwwW)Wwwwmww Doolittle Honest Values - - Square Dealings Today's Goodwill Special ,1937 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe The dark green finish is perfect. The Interior Is like new. The actual guaranteed mileage on this car is less than 7000 miles. It carries a new car sruarantea. SEE IT TODAT ONLY $S76. - MANY MORE GOOD VALUES TO CHOOSE FROM DOOLITTE'S USED CARS North Commercial at Center . For Sale Wood 18-IN. OLD FIR. $5-$5.50.-Ph. 9456, 16-IN. OLD FIR, $5.60. Ph. $592. WOOD BU YERSJniOTrcE1J1J1JX 600 cords old fir and second rrowth. right on hlshway, 12 miles north. Phone 6580. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Phone 9560. NOTIOT TO CREDITORS NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that I bare been, by the County Court of Marlon County, Ore Eon, appointed administratrix of the estate of MERYL W. SMITH, deceased, and have Qualified as sueb. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are re quired to present them, with proper Touchers, to me at 214 United States National Bank Building-, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date here of: 21 May. 1938. . RUTH M. SMITH, Administiatrlx. Allan V. Jones, .Carson & Carson. Salem, O-tgon. Attorneys for Administra trix. M 21. 28.; J 4. 11. . - NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY. (Probate Department.) No. 1674 In the matter of the Estate of William S. Dustin, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, as Administratrix of the Estate of William S. Dustin. has filed her FINAL Account and that Friday, the 10th day of June 1938 at the hour of 10 a.m.. Is the time appointed by the Court to settle the said Estate, all Objec tions, if any to be heard at said time. Dated and first published May 7, 1938. Date of last publication, June 4, 1938. . Amanda J. Dustin, Administratrix. W. D. Freeman. Attorney. M7-14-21-28-J4, Gross W i h la h VAs I6 P Is t " - . VS, . ii" !!IllZi-lIII 3ft 3? HO M2 3 HH H "11 1 I iH 1 1 Br EUCENE SUEFFER HORIZONTAL 1 herb cnlti- eated for iU fiber o land mea sure SW-period ' 12 genus of swans ' IS bellow 14 transgress 1 5 soperiority 18 raised 1 Old English eonrt 20 consumed 21 yellow ' bucle 23 perennial plant 26 unit 27 support for, - . the topmast 30 bad 31 old horse , 32 clever . - (colloq.) 33 impost . 34 hard stone of a fruit , " 25 missile weapon 38 river island ' 87 beverage 38 native of Scotland 41 rememorixes 45 incon sistency 48 lubricate 49 solar disk 60 reaseJ to beat lkrnids 61 contorted -factor or determiner 53 -profound VERTICAL 1 lex covering 2 Jewish - -. month 3 be dull and spiritless 4 triumph Herewith is day's puzzle. o-te. S g f T A S ALT a" C O IIHiHi C t-0!.Li:liS, AeAARTlSAN BTlii.llI!t?: LSillA-R H MUL AT t oouS liS.c 1L15?.XE 2pjcPATe N T Rani "Hi REoll 1UI. Bf For Sale Used Cars 410 N. Commercial - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iirvvvvvvvvAAjC - Phone 6I4C NOTICE OF HEARING OF OB JECTIONS TO FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE HEREBY - IS GIVEN that THE UNITED STATES NA TIONAL BANK . OF PORTLAND (Oregon), as the duly appointed, qualified and acting executor of the last will and testament and estate , of FRANK COMSTOCK. deceased, has duly rendered and presented for settlement and filed in the County Court of the Coun ty of Marion, State of Oregon, a final account of its administration of said estate, and that Tuesday, the twenty - first day ol June, 1938, at the hour of ten o'clock la the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of said court in the Msrion County Courthouse in the City of Salem, County of Marlon, State of Oregon, have been duly fixed and appointed by said court as the time and the place for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement there of. Dated and first. published the twenty-first day of May, 193 8. THE UNITED STATES NA TIONAL BANK OF POR LAND (Oregon), as Execu tor of the Last Will and Tes - tament and Estate of FRANK COMSTOCK, Deceased. CARSON & CARSON, Attorneys for Executor. May 21-28-J. 4-ilrlt Genuine Russian Dinner Is Served ME HAM A Mrs. Earl Wolfklel entertained friends from Tort land Wednesday with a genuine Russian dinner at her home. Those therei were: Mrs. Charlotte Myers, MrsJ Pauline Smith. Mrs. Lillian Graigwier, Mrs. Lillian Christenson. Mrs. Nellie Hosley all of Portland and the I cstess Mrs. Wolfltlel. - School closed Tuesday earlier than was first expected here. A program given by the children was presented to a large attend ance of parents and friends. At noon a basket dinner was served. The teacher has not been hired. ord Puzzle . 6 crest of mountain -range 6 -rriY -- 7 making s . predatory incursion S ..' sea exle 9 Arijrlo Saxon do mestic servant ,10 cereal grass 11 dill 16 appraise 17 tone in Gnido'g scale 22 brother of Odin 23 steep 24 the kava 25 combine 26 cereal grass 27 dressed pelt 28 organiza tion to foster Ter rrtoriaiism 29 moisture on planta 31 aalt of nitric acid thesolution to yester 32 originated 34 mixed type 35 fish sauce 36 Siamese com 37 range in 38 flat-bottomed boat S9 stiff elastic fiber 40 exclusively 42 paradise - 43 religious . ceremony 44 not any 45 seire ' suddenly with the , AM teeth fci , 47 tatter W 1