The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 28, 1938, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tht OUEGON STATESMAN, Salts Oregon, -Saturday -Monday May 28, 1933
Healthiest 4H
Clubbers Told
Finkenliagen'a Grocery Is
First in Booth's new
Business Block
LEBANON In an elimination
contest of 300 4H members Dar
line Reilly of Crabtree won the
Mountain States company 4H club
summer school scholarship by be
ing adjudged the healthiest Linn,
county 411 club girl by Dr. G. E.
FoTtmiller, county health officer,
and Mrs. Jean Faeh, count j
health nurse.
In the boys division Robert
Cate, Splcer, "was first. DeLoss
Cunser, Lacomb, second, Gerald
Warneke, Gore, 4th and Bryce
Bartruff, Lacomb, fifth. -
Darline Rellly and Robert Cate
will represent Linn county In 4H
club health contests at the state
Mrs. Dale Curtis has closed her
school at East View and has been
reemployed for the fourth year. .
. Occupy w Block
Dr. Joel C. Booth's new brick
and concrete block on Main street
is nearing completion and Finken
hagen's grocery store Is moving
in.! Others occupying the building
will be Dr. Arthur Fisher of Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. Elliott recent
ly of Portland who will establish
a confectionery and ice cream par,
lor; M. D. "Davis, realtor; Mike
Schenck, cleaning establishment
and Benz and Ilindman's dress
making shop.
Dr. Fisher is a graduate of Jef
ferson Mimical school of Philadel
phia, Penn., and has served as an
interne in Good Samaritan hos
pital of Portland the past year.
Mrs. Fisher -is a daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. "Dolph Reeves of Leb
anon and spent all her life here
except her college years and her
residence In Philadelphia. They
will come to Lebanon July 1.
Infant I Burned
Graveside services for Allen
Dale, the three weeks old son of
Mr. -and Mrs. Earle Sheppard of
Sweet Home in charge of the Har
ry C. Howe funeral home were
read by Rev. Kimball of Sweet
Home Thursday afternoon.-
The Sigurd Landstrum jewelry
More and photography gallery dis-
plays a placard of 2t African
: . . i j I
vie, mmea ana u, ,.
Glszer, a Lebanon young man en-
Kaged in missionary work at Kaya
Haute Coted Ivo'oir, West Africa.
The display is attracting wide at
tention . '
Leasue Holds Election
The last meeting of the year of
the Girls' Junior league led by
Lena MeUler, dean of girls, was
held Thursday afternoon In the'
Mayer. Park with mothers and
members of the senior class as
Officers elected at the business
session were president, D o r I s
Kirk; vice-president, Dorothy
Bohle; secretary, Marjorie Strin
ger; treasurer,. Ruth Zimbrlck;
Hi? Sister chairman, Marjorie
"Wilson; senior representative,
Marjorie Ashby; Junior represent
ative, Ua Bahrke; sophomore rep
resentative, Ruth Schackman. Na
dine Nichols is outgoing presi
dent. .
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thomassen,
former Lebanon residents, are
here, from Gladstone where Mr.
Thomassen Is engaged in real
estate and reports sales as highly
Scouts' Mothers
Are Entertained
DALLAS The Boy Scout
Mothers club was entertalrcd at
the home of Mrs. .Harvey Car
penter - Monday afternoon. A
business meeting was held', with
the president, Mrs. Harry Pih
kerton, presiding. Plans for fu
ture work of the club were dis
cussed. !7 . -
Tea was sered by the host
esses to Mrs. J. 2. Johnson, who
was a guest and to Mrs. V illiam
Rohrs, Mrs. Coon Rudy. Mrs.
Harry Pinkerton, Mrs. V. Ray
Boydston. Mrs. C. W. Smltrt Mrs
Myrtle Smith and Mrs. Hulda
The next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. Cecil Dunn
June .
Returning to Portland
SILVERTON Mrs. Grace Dav
is; " who has . been employed at
the Ekman funeral home Kr the
past several monUs. plans to re
turn to her home at Portland in
the near future. .
Grangers News
Ceorre Meier was hostess to the
Brush College grange home eco
nomic club. A 1:30 - o'clock
' covered dish luncheon was serv
rf . Uri. C. L. Blodcett. chair-
msLn- announced that the club
had won a, 411 club scholarship
f OSC summer school in the
recent state contest-and .will se
lect boy or girl from the local
4H clubs to attend. Mrs. Lydia
Lehmen of Salem was special
guest. ... - -
- ' Salem grange No. 17 nieet
Katnrdav night at the Auburn
rrinolhouse. Program . features
will Include a talk on social hy
win bv Dr. Vern Miller; two
reels of motion pictures on sub
jects relating to part time xarm
' inr- a disnlar of mounted noxious
weeds and discussion of methods
of. eradication: and discussion oi
nrranlsation of a juvenile grange.
The rrouo also will discuss the
matter of Inviting the 193 state
,Mnr convention to meet in
The portion of the meeting
open to the public will start at
: 30 o'clock. , . :'
Monmouth arrange will put on
the third and fourth degrees for
. "candidates- from Brush College
and Falls-City granges Saturday
' y nlrht. at 8, o'clock in the . Moo-
- rfouth grange hall. ;
Traffic Takes
Refusing consolation, three-year-old Shirley Rozolnshaf cries con
tinually in her bed. In a Chicago hospital following the death of her
mother in a traffic accident. Shirley and her mother were struck by
an automobile at an intersection, and the girl is expected to recover.
Happy Hour Club
Meets at Detroit
DETROIT Mrs.; Glenn Charl
ton pleasantly entertained the
Happy Hour -club at her home
Vednesday night. Mrs. Boyd
Rassmussen and Mrs. -Gilbert
Pruitt assisted. Clever - games
and contests were enjoyed with
ll.. T m am uonrt 1r an1 A.fra
m Evans winning first
prizes. i
- The man features were the
nw,c,ntatin nt m oni a beau-
tlful birthday cake in honor or
Mrs. RiddelL
Twenty five juests enjoyed the
occasion. The next club meet
ing will be held at the commun
ity hall the night of . June 8.
Kenneth, young son of Mp. and
Mrs. Russell Hammon, is 111 with
measles, i
Co-op jDeal Gets
Strawberry Pool,
Lacomb District
Laughlln company of Albany re
ceived the' berry pool of the La
comb Berry association in cen
test with three bidders Wednes
day night.) The pool was Bold on
a cooperative basis, preventing
price fixing. A later meeting will
be called j to sell the blackcaps
which promise a heavy crop.
San and Oliver Gunderson are
very busy; spraying fruit in the
vicinity for the second time, es
pecially fighting t h e coddling
moth. J
Members of the Garden club
and other flower growers, have
suffered a loss by having some
of their choicest shrubs taken
away in the night.
Ruff Hiatt, an aged resident of
the town ,who specializes in old
fashioned flowers, has a fine set
ting of zinnias of many varieties.
Women Tie for
Prizes on Putts
WTOODBURN The regular
Women's j day of the Woodburn
Golf club was held Thursday
afternooni with 'uncheon served
at 1 p. m. in charge of Mis. M.
D. Henning, Mrs. Sumner Stev
ens and Mrs. Keith O'Halr.
Mrs. M. D. Henning and Mrs.
Frank Proctor tid for the prize
for the least number of putts
which was a feature of the day.
Both had 14 putt3 for 9 holes.
These Southern Belles A re Tops at
When It comes to having comely co-eds. Louisiana
State university at Baton' Rouge needn't take
. ack- ieat to any school. Students there showed
their ability-to pick 'em when tliey. selected Barn
Her Mother
.' J'-.'-'-.'.-'' v:..f'' i; Y.';V--.' .
Year Committees
For Club Named
STAYTON Mrs. John Fisher
newly elected president of the
Women's Community club, has
announced the standing commit
tees for the year and the club
concession at the Santiam Spree
has been planned. Mrs. Gabe De-
Jardin, Mrs. George Duncan, Mrs.
Hal Cuffel, and the members of
the finance committee, Mrs. W. N.
Pintler, Mrs. H. A. Beauchamp,
Mrs. Dave John and Mrs. Kenton
Thompson are in charge : of tha
The club wilt hold a series of
garden parties during the summer
with Mrs. H. A. Beauchamp, Mrs.
James Say, Mrs. W. N. Pintler,
Mrs.; Eugene Spaniol and Mrs. C.
A. Beauchamp as hostesses.
Following are the ' standing- commit
ter: Membership. Mrs. Gabe DeJardin,
Mra. Fred Berger. Mra. A. M. Doxler and
Mra. Hal ("uflel; child welfare. Mra. W.
A. Ioglis. Mra. B. A. Schaefer, Mra. Wen
del Wed die. Mra. H. F. Cbitwood and
Mra. George Duncan; house, Mrs. Rot
Hnghes, Mrs. A. C. YanXny, lira. Pe
ter Oeidrirh and Mrs.. Ernest .Kegimbal;
library, Mrs. Everett Gardner, Mrs. How
ard George. Mra. Frank Sen lies, and Mra.
Mattie Bruce: finance, mentioned above.
Tear book, Mrs. C A. Beauchamp, Mrs.
li. A. Hpraker. Mrs. Conrad Neibert and
Mra. Eugene Spaniol.
Awards Made at
Class Exercises
HUBBARD A large crcd of
relatives and i patrons of the
Hubbard school gathered at the
unfinished gym Thursday night
to participate in the commence-'
ment exercises. There were 19
high school graduates and 19
eighth 'grade promotions to the
high school. . This was the larg
est graduating class in the his
tory of the school. ?
; Professor S. Stefenson Smith
of University of Oregon brought
the address on "Our Democracy
at Work"j stressing the value " of
the new deal. ; 1
The following awards and
trophies were announced; Sopho
more class, the Inter-class competition-;
Ralph Gant. the Silke
baseball trophy (batting average
.467); Max Mojmaw, outstand
ing all ; round student, : the
Charles Knight trophy; Doris
Boyd and John Nuheim. gifts
from the Woman's club as the
two outstanding students : in
scholarship; Carl Poffinga, prize
for the best essay on a f iven
subject; the grade school, cup
for winning the Marion county
grade school ; track meet.
- Dean Coaker,
- Houston, Tex
: ittz, or lyjuie,
Rhoma Mo eliiike
Hired at Suver
Arlene Gregory Is Bride of
Elmer January; to Live
in Corvallia
SUVER Miss Rhoma Moehn-
ke has been hired to teach Su
rer school next year. She ,i has
taught at Berry Creek, a few
miles west of here, the pas' two
Bonnie Jean Flicking r and
Elaine Smith took part In a
dance revue "Aladdin and His
Wonderful Lamp" by students of
Mrs. Dorothy Craven in Inde
Miss Verle Harris has returned
to the . home of her parents., Mr.
and Mrs. E. G. Harris from Mc
Dermitt, NeT., wnere she taught
school : the past year.
Starts Irrigation
Ralph Kester Irrigated hi La
dlno clover for the first time
thla spring Mas day and Tues
O. A. Rice is moving to small
acreage at Yamhill where he will
raise garden. Mrs. Rice will re
main , here to care for their
Meet After 44 Years
Miss Maude Parlin fron Wis
con sin, cousin of Mrs. John Rid
ders, visited at the Ridrs home
Tuesday and We Jnesd .y. Miss
Parlin is a school teacher and is
on a tour of the states. The
cousins had not met in ab.ut 44
Miss Arlene Gregory, dsugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gtfgory,
of Wells, was married to Elmer
January of Corvallls at Lorgrlew.
Wash.. Mav 7. Hershel Reed
and Mary Henderson of Corval
lis were witnesses. The newly
weds will lire in Corvallls
Russell Bolter, who has been
with the US army siatioi-ed in
Hawaii, has come to epnd 4
weeks with his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. D. J.' Bolter. He has been
gone three year,s.
Class Night Held
At Aumsville High
AUMSVILLE Students of the
graduating class of the high
school gave their class night
program Wednesday night r the
gymnasium : Class prophecy,
Merle Jones; da history Bud
Killinger;,solo, Fern Lewis; class
will; Lillian Gulliford: original
pantomine, Dorothy Burnham;
class poem, daeldon Barry;
"Chimes of Spring," trip; study,
"When the Lamp Went Out,"
Bud Killinger. Maxine Albus.
Wendell Gentzler, 1 Lillian Gulli
ford, Montana Wilcox; sole, Vir
ginia Darley; original reading.
Zelpha Hudson.
Awards presented were For
scholarships, Marian Perry and
Montana Wilcox; activities. Hal
don Versteeg and Vivian Ash
ford. Merle Jones presented the
key and award; a group of
charming little girls presented
the class motto; Mrs. Fred Steln-
er, in Denair oi me community,
Presented gifts to the terchers
wno are leaving . me Aumsvuie
scnooi iacuuy: aiiss x-.t-oeiw
Smith, Mrs. Neil Klefer and T.
C. Mountain.
Closing Activity
Wslsral 1anic
l Ul OU1UU1
PERRYDALE The high school
ctnonfo win hnld harcalaureate
services Sunday at 8:15 p.m. at
the church. Rev. Tiffin will give
the (nvncatlnn. and there will be
two numbers by the choir, solo
hv T.nrain White and th'e sermon
by Rev. Walter Duff. - '.
Thursday night, June z, me
commencement exercises will be
held with the address by Roy
Hewitt of Salem and former
teacher here.
Friday there will be a commun
ity picnic with covered dish din
ner with Mrs. Levi McKee in
Teachers for the coming year
will be Robert Haberly and Miss
Jordon. both reelected ; Wayne
Jordon of Monmouth, who, will
teach the Intermediate grades and
Miss Malsle Burt of Newberg will
renlace Marjory Stewart. Mr
Hamstreet will teach the coming
year neaT Mt. Angel. Teachers
here will receive ten months pay
Louisiana U
right, V 20-yearold hrunet.: from
as ineir moivoeauuiui iutul -
gave aeeond honors wDiono renc au Jvw
jju ...
It Boomerangs
Last . November Judge David
Evans, Waukesha, Wis, launched
a boomerang inquiry into slot ma
chine, vice and liquor conditions.
Today he is under Indictment,
along with former District Attor-;
ney Herman Salen, above, and
Sheriff Walter. Liskowitz on
charges of having conspired to
evade the law and having a part'
in a slot machine ring.,
Primary Students
Earn Certificate
HAYESVILLE For the fifth
consecutive year the primary
room has completed the require
ment for the Oregon Children's
Book League which is that each
child enlisted must read a stand
ard book each month.
This year the award, was a
large gold seal certificate of the
state of Oregon signed by Gov.
Martin, Harriett Long, state li
brarian, and. Rex Putnam, state
school superintendent.
The children who heir od to
achieve the award as fol'ows:
Marilyn Wyant, Waldo L'i.ruh,
Dolores Martin. Stanley Clark,
Jerry Benson, Miry Mowry, Dor
othy Wulfmeyer, Herbert Newr
ton, Joyce Henderson, Virginia
Komyate, Jeanette baucy, uean
Lummis and Bobby Carrow. -
Exercises Held
For Two Glasses
TURNER Cloverdale, Craw-
forri and Turner1 senoois neia
eiehth erade commencement ex
ercises In the Turner school aud
ItoTium Wednesday night, with
Mp Marv L. Fulkerson
I .v. nrirtresB and Dresenting the dl-
i loma8
The nroeram
High school or
chestra: Invocation, rl. &. uona,
welcome. Standard Framer; vo
cal trio, Betty. Peetz. Luella Webb,
T?nti Rones. Fernal Gilstrap ai
the nianoi. "Character," Wiihur
. -Rottv Poetz; readme.
I I ,11 . - - J '
Ned J e n s o n ; "Codes," Robert
sorenson; torus by Tumerclass;
Introduction of classes, by Froi.
I L.J. Uhrhammer,
Class "roll: Turner. Ruth nones
Vera Sears, Hazel Larsen, Luella
Webb, May Locken, Beuy. x-een.
Morris Miller. Robert borenson,
J Tommy Evans, Stanford Prather,
Crawford. Millie WIrtanen. Ned
Jensen. Eugene ; Swain. Clover-
dale, Giaays sunaenanu, nuu.
Joint Graduation
Exercise Staged
AUMSVILLE Graduation ex
ercises were held for the grade
school Tuesday night, with this
program given: '
March, Mrs. Fred potter; salu
tatory. Forest Lane; solo, Ray
mond White; class prophecy. Cla
rice Harms r class will. Max uai-
laghan; valedictory, Wilda Keith;
address, Rev. Eugene Hawkins;
presentation of diplomas, John
Smith. -
Three schools participated and
graduates were: Aumsville, Wilda
Keith, Norma Wilson. Clarice
Harms, Forest Lane, Melvin Nlch-
ol. Max Callaghan, Granvel Sheets
and Raymond White.
Rocky Point, Lyle Montgomery.
Macleay, Victor Selman, Mar
garet Bran ton.
Wesir Salem News
WEST SALEM The" tout t b
"ouarterlv conference held tn Ford'
Memorial church Tuesday 'night
extended ; a cordial ' Invitation to
Rev. K. ' K. Clark . and family to
return for, their sixth year., Du
ring the present pastorate exten
sive repairs have .toeen made on
the church and parsonage. oa a
Grove chapel has more" than dou
bled Its financial, support. . Lyle
Thomas, treasurer, of Ford Me
morial, stated that the workone
among,, the children and young
people had not been excelled ' by
any other pastor.'. ;
Dr. Louis Marin, district super
intendent., expressed his apprecia
tlon of the pastor and his family
and - the fine cooperation ; given
him.: Rev. Clark Is second in the
district In time of service". : .
Miss Josephine Tandy Is spend
ing several days visiting friends
in Seaside. - - - "
Mrs, .Lillian Turpin entertained
the members of her shower club
Thursday agternoon. A" miscella
neons 'shower was giveA the hosW
The streets In West Salem are
beinr oiled this weekr- -1
f A nita nlintinc- of shrubs naa
t Wen" pIaced"arouHd-tne' city halL"
Largest Class Is
Awarded DidI
13 Seniors From Aurora in
Group;. Grade School1
Has Exercises
AURORA Graduation e x e r
cises were held Thursday night
at the Canby union high school
for a class of 72, the largest
class In history of the school.
. Graduates from Aurora were:
Frances Groh, Edith Crlselt, Dor
othy Armserong, Richard Hill
Opal " Burkbohter, Robert and
Roberta Colvin, orothy Bland,
Be mice Brady, Donald Strrtford,
Gilbert . Hunt, Oaphne Bauman
and George Kraus.
The Aurora grade school held
graduating exercises Tlursday
night. , Eight received diplomas:
June Swan, Lola Valter. Dunald
Cruishank. Robert Hunt. James
Stansbury, Lorraine Frederick
son, Jewel Smith and WJliam
Cole. , ,
The school held the annual
school picnic Friday.
Teachers. Are Named .
. The teachers for the feming
school year are Nels Anderson of
Sherwood, Miss Serena "In-cn of
St. Paul, Miss Jjrothy Gerlach
of Canby, and Mifia Bernita Hunt
Tissue A M A IF
S50 Sheets 11 MINI O ' 2
lid J 23c
146 N. Commercial St.
Pure cane in bulk.
Salad Dressing and
Qt. Size
Sunny Coast Jell
All Flavors
Standard, size
-. rZ-T. - caso
Borene Granulated Soap
2 large
,Nr;;,MIv?afi' a
moving to Salem. . ; -
, Mrs. W. O. Fry has ' accepted
a position , in the Hubbard
achooL .
; Cash prizes for the best post
ers airmail week were awarded
to Mary Lu Durette and Rwsetta
DyFoon. and . best essay Lucille
Grim. These prizes were, award
ed by Mrs. Reed, postmisirss.
. Edith Crisell, one of high
school graduates, won a ecnolar
ship to Llnfield college.
Old Blacksmith
Going Under Axe
GERVAIS William llsup
and Laurence Harrison ar tear
ing, down the blacksm'th sht p at
the corner of Third and G streets,
which has stood there for about
58 years and has been used as
a blacksmith shop almost all
these, years, 'It. was built by
George MIckel. an employe -of the
Southern Pacific company.
; MIckel had a shop iT the
Fairfield district before build
ing this one. A. Nibler worked
for him about a ".ear 54 vears
ago when he wis a younr boy
It has changed I ands Jtveral
times, the last owner bein All
sup, who bought it from Cbown
Brothers 13 years ago. .
Best Patent, Fisher's
Sperry Drifted Snow
Both For
; AH
4oz. Bottles
8-oz. Bottles
Oregon or
l tall
5) cans
eoojnq est aw ona MOHOO
i ib:.
a TO 50
2 lbs..
Dallas Students
Elect P. Dickey
Assembly Prexy
DALLAS At h special assem
bly held on Wednasday aftejnoon
student body officers for Dallas
high tchool for next year were
; Preston Dickey, president;
Alvin Kroeker. vice-president;
Constance Rutledge, secieiary:
Betty Smith, treasurer; Clifford
Smith, sergeaat-. t arms; Bill
Blackley, yell .eader; La Von
Ford, song queen; Bruce Ferry,
editor of the Perriscopo and
Mary Helen Do lghton, marager
of the Perrlscopa.
An amendment to the corstitu
tion authorizing ihe award. ng of
letters for wrestling also passed.
Preceding the election, cups
which had been won in various
activities were presented the stu
dent body. Coach Pwight idams
presented the oaseball " letters
and Robert Kut "h the trr ck let
ters. Supt. R. R. Turner presented-pins
to the merabfrs of
the typing and sh5rthu.nd teams.
Robert Kutch awarded pire to
the members of he debate team
and Miss Hazel Henry. Mi&s Es
ther Green well. Ralph Murphv
and- Donald Gabbert printed
pins to those winning tht-m in
the declamatory contests.
Phone 4010
jC (o)
1 10c pkg. Armour's Assorted Cheese
1 10c pkg.-Snowf lakes Crackers
Post Toasties Deal
2 Post Toasties
1 Huskies .
Small cans, (tl ffj
case, 48 cans.. Vilo)
2, (3
Sliredded Wlieat Biscuits
100 whole wheat.