PAGE NINE What Yoii Want Easily Foumd GlasgiiSed oin This Page The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, May 18, 1938 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per Una 10c Three Insertions per line -20c Sii Insertions per line ,3frc One month per line l 0 Minimum chart 38c Copy for this page accepted aatfl :8 th evening before pblkcet,loe for classification Copy received . after this - time will be run endet the heading. "Toe Late to CUe ify- . -, The Statesman aasumea no flnan elai reeponnrrbUtt for errera wbtcl may appear In advertiaamenta pub lished tn Us columna and to caaaa where this paper ts at fault wttt re print that part of an advertisement In which -the typographical mistake occura The Statesman reserve the right te retert um tnnjili advert tatng It further reserves the right te place ait advert la lng under tb proper classification, . "BUND- ADS which fire only a box namber care of Statesman mast be answered by letter. We cannot aire any Information, as to do so would destroy their purpose. Livestock ' TOP PRICES paid for old horses and cows foi fos feed. Call 111, collect. FREE WE pics up Oead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4111. col lect r ; ' FREE: VV a pKk up Oad and worth less corses, cows. TeL ' "'jf- DEAD AND worthless horses, cowa picked up free Ph. collect 641 L Baiem -ntgomery Rend Wka ,S6xaaa BABY CHIX.: N. H. Reds. W. L. Korth Salem Hatchery. Phone ."I5.' W. U PULLETS, 7 wka. Ph. 5975. U,jru,XJ'iJsjijs " BROWN MARK. Weight about 1450. Good worker, gentle. Priced reasonable. J J. Thompson, route 5, Salem, Ore. Phone 27F3. Help Wanted EARN 3 WEEKLY OR MORE. Grow mushrooms tn cellar, shed. We buy 30c lb., year round boslnesa. Mr. S made (trie in few weeks' spare time. Established 1$3L Writ for FREE BOOK. WASHINGTON MUSHROOM IND, Dept. 401, 2019 2nd Ave,. Se attle. Wa. TURKEY PICKERS report to reg ister. Marion Creamery Sc. Poultry Co. Help Wanted Male HOUSE TO house salesman. Phone Help Wanted- 'Female EXP. WAITRESS. State Cafeteria. GIRL AS helper. Phone F3. OIRL WANTED for housework. TeL 5820 Write box 76, Statesman. GIRL TO assist with housework and small, children. Permanent, position. Phone 1905; - WANTED HOUSEKEEPER . for 1 month. Two adults.. Must be able to drive car. Harris, rt. 4, 'box 363. Highway 99 south. Situations Wanted DRSMKR. Mrs. AWtt. 11 Si Marlon. TOUR HOUSE painted. 13 months to pay or 60c hour. Phone 4494. 1 For Sale; Miscellaneous CASH OR trade for used furniture ' ranges, beater, radios, machinery too:, etc. Woodry and Woodry auctioneers, phon i-1-1-0 111 .N. Summer la Hoi ' ly wood. - - - Tftftnrrnnnnnnnnnnriiirrri' CUSTOM HATCHING, baby chicks. L started chirk a 13 varletiea ,Bby : chtcka aexed Tel. 133 FX, Lee's Hatch- - ary - - - " ' BLACK DIRT, fertilizer. Phon 7005. u'.i" iinriri ' Lr n nnrrn -inrxrij far-a NEW TRANSFER file, $2.50. Copy holder, IS. Postal scale, $2.60, Electric Burroughs adding machine, $65. w sell. rent, repair typewriters, adding machines and cash registers. Roen. 45 Court, Phone IHt WINDOW BOX and bedding plants, finest selection. Also vegetable plants. Jay Morris, florist. Phone 8637. . . SET 20 volumes "Book of Knowl edge," Majestic radio, vacuum cleaner good as new. 136 State street. rrrrM-yWM-M--r-ii-i i-, -i- - -- " irsicn lumber, windows, stall a. comp, roofing, fireplace mantel, cabi nets, drawers, cedar columna, barn and . garage doors with tracks etc University and Bellevu. ainxiTLrtniiiiMr" -i - - BARRED ROCK hatching eggs from high producing blood tested f.oct 10c do. Miss Rose berry, rout 1 Brooks. PEAT MOSS fertiliser. Phon 697$. RFnniXQ AND window box plants In profusion at Breithaupt's, 311 East Miner'. - '; ..'n" FURNISHED TRAILER house. 7H bv 14. Will sell reasonable or trade for model A. Art Voelach. 1179 Elm. "West Salem. n.n.-ii-LWjxA-ruw"'i-'ii' i- - -- -- -- - GAS RANGE $12, wood $10. P. 8219. 100 LB- Ice box. Good condition. 1735 S. High street. SINGER PORTABLE, electric, A-l condition. $21. a76 S. Church. ' Wanted" Miscellaneous WANT WALNUT and filbert moats also tn shell State Cafeteria, Miscellaneous TtDIO SERVICE. Complete radio re . factory radio service msn All work don to the customer's satis faction or no charge. Crosier Radio A inn)inM Co. Robert Singleton, 157 S. Liberty. Phon 7113. ADVERTISING Western AdTertlsinr Representaures - TVns:rHall Co.. Ltd. San Francisco, Is Aagales. 8eatU Eastern Advertising Representatires Bryant. Griffith A Branson. Inc. Chicago. New York, Detroit. Boston.' Atlanta TmtmA at t PoatofW ef golem. Orroun. a Second Class Master. Paa- l,;irl even morning ecejt Monaay. i;usies offic ta South Commercial Btrteu snBSCRIPTlON RATES: Mall Subscription Ratea in Advance Within Oregon: Da'ly and Sunday, Mo. 50 cents; 3 Mo. $1.60 : Mo. $3.50: 1 year $5 00. Ill sew he re 50 cents per Mo or $6.00 for 1 year in advance. Per copy 1 cents. Newsstands K ceats. !t (Carrier: 60 cents a month. t 20 a year tn advance in Uarion and adicent counties. For Rent Rooms DOWN STAIRS sleeping room. Close in. 33 4 N. Winter. Tel. 4897. LADIES PR 1171. 696 N. . Cottage FURN. RIL, desirable. 416 Oak. Phone Silt, t 1 y-pj DE51RABLR SLKEP1NU room, pri vate entrance, close In. Tel. (977. NICK 8L4CKPING B, 254 N. Church. ,A1 ivrMjhifaiwJiru'X0- SLEEP. RM. Men. 635 Chemeketa, MEN'. 1433 State. Tel. 9364. Room and Board CLOSE IN. 593 a ComT. Ph. 5587. EXC RMS. and board. 404 S. High "-""'J"""'i''"i,aJ'a RM. AND BD. lady. 141 N. Cottage. fc"j-"'j"'"'""'''- ti- n,i "sirnijiruir FOR 1 men. Clone In. TeL 5412. - - i Tr" rrori irijLruuLr jnn CLOSE: IN. Reasonable. Tel. S77. RM, BD. 1547 Court. Phone (353. RiL, BD. Reason, rates. 1112 Mill. For RentApartments FtSHRH APTSL. fum. and tmfur nished Heated garag. A pleaaant place to Uve S3 Oak St. DUPLEX APT. 954 N. Winter. $3 4 RM. STRICTLY modern apL, fir placa. automatic heat, furnished or un fiirn. 145 N. 14th or call 534. 2 R. FURN. APT. Ph. 3723. 3 RMS. Bath, gar. 2005 N. Capitol. TWO ROOMS on first floor. Also single rm.. kitchenette. 250 S. Cottage. aassassaaSasiassasaat 2 AND 3-RM, furn. 1188 N. 4th. FURNISHED. 8 month. 332 Water. SU. APT. Adults only. 2183 State SMALL. APT. 1335 State. FURN. APT- Also sleeping room. 633 Ferry street Monterey apt. APTS. 600 N. Capitol. Reasonable. , 3-ROOM MODERN furn. apL, 830. Phone (744, Johnson. Evenings 6375. 3 ROOMS, lights and water 'paid. Garage. 117.50. Downstairs 5-room flat. L'nfurn. J 2 7.56. Phone 7113. PATTON APARTMENTS, furnished. 322 State street. Adults only- Ph. 6244. I-EM. FURN. Adults. 645 Ferry. 1 OR 2-RM. furn. apt. Also 1-room rum, kitchenette and bath. 404 S. HigU f 3-RM. APT. lot N. 13th. CLOSE IN 4-rm. furn. apt. Private bath, garage. 1047 , S. Commercial. ONE 2-ROOM apt., furnished. S. 14th street. 255 For Rent Houses 2-RM. FURN. Cabin. Adults. 8840, - - - -i iis"sirsiunjnj'xrxixrji 5-ROOM I MODERN house. turn. Sleeping porch. Frig. 2 blocks state house. Furn. bouses. $20 and $25. north Salem. Phone 6194. FURN. HOUSE for rent. Ph. 3723. FOR RENT Modern "-room house with garage at 250 N. 14th street. Available May 15. See owner at 291 N. 14th street. ; BEAUTIFUL MODERN furnished home, . 8 bedrooms. Route 3,' box 77, Salem Heights avenue. - 4-ROOM i PLASTERED house with sen-ice station, 7 miles out, $15 per month. Phone 9497. 1 FOR RENT -room house at 2205 S. Church street, $30 per month. CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 Stat Street Phon 9261 4-ROOM i HOUSE f or ' 3 months. Available May 21, 270 N. 23rd. P. 5855. MODERN HOUSE, 3 bedrooms. North. Immediate possession. Ph. 7113. NEW DISTRICT, new home, mod em, e rooms, $40 or lease. H. P. GRANT - C. H. SANDERS 529 Court i Street Phone 6744 9-ROOMl HOUSE, furn- close In. $40. 8 -room house, close' to new state house, double plumbing, suited for boarding and rooming house, $35. 5 room duplex, close in, $25. 5-room modern house, close in, $30. 7-room house, basement, large lot, $25. Rich U Relmann, 167 S. High street. For Rent OFFICB ROOMS. 181 Stat street. Inquire roam 20ft Tei 871$. HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs te rent H. U Stiff Furnitur Co. CARS .TRUCKS U-Drive. Ph. 7041 FURN. TRAILER house. 1320 Lewis. STORE BLDG. Fairground Rd. 4516. Wanted to Rent WANTED BEST furnished. cooL quiet apt. for $17. by May 26. Adults. Car. Box ?l. statesman. COUPLE WANT to rent weU furn. mod. home. Exc. references. Ph. 1266. GARAGE FOR RENT. 295 N. 16th. For Sale Real Estate BUSINESS CORNER. 1317 SUte. SALE BY OWNER. Modern 6-room house and 6 acres, with teU mil from Salem, S41S. Take house in Salem up to $2500. Balance gis.fce mo., including interest. 1128 Edge water. West Salem. ' LOTS. LOTS ATTRACTIVE BUILDING lots Iocs tad In Rose dale and Kays second add I Uon. northeast Sclera. North cr Mar ket sL. oa paved at-. $500. Off pav mmt 8250 SIS down. II oeri month. SEE US BEFORE BUY BUY YOUR LOT. i . W. GRA RKSHORST 41 COL. .1 REALTORS 134 8. Lfbity St. Phone, 6461. 1 BARUAIIv Close In on Stat street. 5-room, modern home, lot over 80S feet deep. Hardwood T too fa. xnreniac ana rur- nace. 83UOO; $fiO down. Phoo 65b CASCADE TERRACES Half acre, bearing cherries, wal nuts, wonderful! tew ef Salem, ML Hood, cascades. About i miiea to downtown, a supero restaence avaai tion. Well maradamed streets, city Water, electricity. Tracts $-450 up. easiest terms. thia beautiful tract. Call $413, C A. RoberUen, owner, 2H ACRES. Yrult, berries, auta shrubs. 7-room modern bouse. Just eu? dty limits. Will take car or truck as part down payment. Balance $25 per month. I tout a i, box io. saiem. N. COMMERCIAL- ST. Beautiful 5-room bungalow, hard wood floors. I bedrooms, bath, full basement, furnace, built-in trays, ga rage ahed tre, nice yard. Very neat ana rirun. rna - . w handle. Good terms on balance. C! A RLETON E. LANE 333 SUte St. Ph. 862S Ere. 4075 BEAUTIFUL- NEW English type 5-room bom en en of the nicest street ta NtB Salem. Hardwood floors, automatic heaL full basement. awnings, lawn and shrubs In both front and bacX Lot to 60x137. 1700 North 18th. BEAUTIFUL LOT. Walnut Park. Price S65 cash. CARLETON E. LANE. Phon 407$. Money to Loan I Harry "Var Valentine ; - i AT Personal Finance Co. WILL LEND YOU - $100 . ON TOUR NOTE $5.45 Monthly Repays $75 Loan - Includes All Principal and Charges ' No Fines, Fees or Deductions -Also Loans 110-1500 on Autos, Furniture and Endorsed Notes See Val First 518 SUte Street at High Second Floor New Bltgh Bldg. Room 119 . Phon 3191 ' License S-122 M-165 Salem, Ore. For Sale Real Estate VIEW TREES MODERN If you're looking for a pleasant place to live see this fine little home on Cascade drive. Entirely modern with automatic on heat, etc., 3 bedrooms. For sale or will trade for coast prop erty. For information call 8502. 1 ACRES of Salem's best view prop erty. Overlooking the city. Ideal home sites. $3500: good terms. Phone 6580. MOD. HOME. 3 bedrms. 450 N. 19th. 2 ACRES, new modern bouse. 3 bed rooms. Will take light car or truck as first payment. Rout 3, i box 77, Salem Heights avenue. EQUITY IN apt. house for sale or trade. Box 765. care Statesman, i SPECIALS 20 Av mostly cherries. South slope. 6 miles out. Electricity, good building. Income property. $2800. Terms, t 5 A. Good plastered house, family orchard, spring, electricity. , miles out. $1350. Terms. 14 A. 6 -room house. Mostly prunes. 7 miles out. Electricity. All-year creek. $3500. Terms. ); 15 A. Level land, tn path of Irriga tion ditch. 5-room house, good barn, other buildings, electricity. $3200. Terms. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. 402 Stat FIVE ACRES EAST All new buildings, splendid well and water system, fine soil. Priced to sell at $3300. We are anxious to show this. Call Mr. Bartlett at CHILDS St MILLER, Realtors 344 SUte Street Phone 9261 ON COAST " Grocery stock and futures, $1200. On highway 2-pump station, groc ery, cabins. Lease fixtures. $1000. 14 A., new 3 -room bouse, $1350. 1 A., north of Salem, all planted to fruiL 3-room unfinished house. $1000. 5 A.. 3 miles east of Salem. Good modern building, to trade for house in Salem. . 150 A.. 65 cultivation. Good build lnga. Will trade for city property. A. C JENSEN - CO. RICE . 228 Oregon Bids. Phone 3414 NEW BUSINESS building for sale or lease. Six stores gross over $300 per month. The price is right. See it. ROoEKT . buurow, Keai bstate 12 -Ladd A Bush Bldg. Phone 5965 Pattern If you're not as slender you'd like to be, here's a remedy that should make the Simmer gayer and happier for you. , Or der Pattern 4691 today and make up the charming- frock wo pic ture here. It's a news Anne Adams design calculated to make yon look slimmer and younger and to keep you -ool at the same time. From dawn 'til daik its panelled front, youthful collar and handy pockets will look so smart you 11 be proud ia wear this dress anywhere. Choose lightweight cotton, ponget- or batiste in a spaced print .: . be sure that it will launder easily. 1 Pattern. 4691 is available in women's sizes 34, 36, 38. 40. 42 44. 46 and 48. Size 36 takes 4 yards 36 inch fabric. Illustrated step-by-itep sewing- instruction! are included to guide yoi each step of the way. send rrrrxEs darts tiso ta celot ei . stamps (ceias prefarrad) fat this Abb Ada sis pattern, writ plain ly SIZE, HAMS, ADDKES1 - SJ STYLE HUMBXB. j Zraas ap fer Bnaroer! Order year eepy ef uta srsw ajxhe . aosjii PATXXSB BOOK latmeaiataly I Leara bow t aav a smart war avwestaar wardrobe that s faaaien-right. acoaaaii. cai. sy te atakel riasaiai a vaca tion T & tha active and ipectator snorts eaUlta. sfteraeon skears. ' - lung finery I Staylag fceame? Hava flattering ereh tracks sad gay soa- stylesl ITattery fer bride and grada- ate . . . cetteos lor Tot aae J union PK1CE OF BOOK PIFTEXS CENTS. BOOK AND FATTEBN XOGETHXB TWENTY riVE CEHTS - - Send year order ta Statesman, rat- tarn oepaxtaiaat, aaiesa. wr. ; '.-I H- I dfdf) j J 4691 oney to Loan FHA LOANS 80 ON EXISTING construction 90 on nw construction. J. W. ULRICH CO. 862 Stat Street Phon 1671. SAFE INVESTMENT FOR YOUR SAVINGS: BUT First mortgage loans en REAL ES TATE. Loans now available In amounts of $500 to $5000. nets you H to per cent, semi-annual Interest payment. Examine the security your self. CHILDS A MILLER. Inc. 344 Stat Street Phon $261 Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO bur new or used cars. Private money at very low ratea No red tape 1 to 20 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial St Salem. Ore. Pbon 9168 Lie. No. M-15J. FEDERAL ROUSING loan a build refinance homes, business prop. Rate a orama a tuna lne at asonte Hlda PERSONAL LOANS BORROW FROM Salem's oldest A largest Independent company your problems will receive personal consid eration before and after tb loan 1 mad. Interest on unpaid balance. No fees A Quick Courteous Service Wa Solicit Tour Account. General Finance Corporation 126 S. Commaretal St Salem. Or. Phon 9168 Lie. No. S-I3S. NORTHERN LIFE INSURANCE MONEY I S t t to loan,' low Int. ratea Best of terms. prompt action , See Us Before) Borrowing CHILDS A MILLER. Inc. 344 SUte Street Phon 9261 SEE F. G Delano. 290 N. Church. for Benjamin Franklin loana to re finance, build, modernise or purchi Tb most popular loan tn Oregon. MONEY TO loan on good real estate. Charles Hudktna. 1TI Stat street. ' $ SpSOO. We Make AH Types of Loans Payment Schedule to Fit Your Income "Prompt Courteous Servic STATE FINANCE CO. Chllds A Miller Office 344 State St., Salem, Ore. Phone"9261 License No. S Z16 M zzz Loans To Help You PAY UP OLD DEBTS MEET EMERGENCIES REDUCE INSTALLMENTS PAY TAXES - BUY THINGS YOU NEED - OVERHAUL YOUR CAR REPAIR YOUR HOME The easiest. Quickest, and most busi ness-like way to solve your financial problem is to bring your troubles to us. HELPING FOLKS IS OUR BUSINESS APPLY TODAY NO OBLIGATIONS People9 s Finance Co, Room 201. First National Bank Bldg. Salem. Oregon Phon 4446 3-213 Stat License M-220 For Sale Real Els tale A REAL BUY 31650 7-room plastered house, bath. 1 bed rooms upstairs, large living, dining. kitchen, toilet down. Laundry trays. woodshed, new garage. East fronL 975 N. 17th. H. P. GRANT - C H. SANDERS 52 Court Street Phon 6744 2 VACANT LOTS in anod location. 176. A - splendid corner lot on Market street. Paring and Uxes paid to date. P. H. BELL. 429 Oregon Bldg. Phon 1121 "aasass,M,aa 8-ROOM HOUSE, suitable for ant a Well located. Full price 32600. Will 51 down payment with some money. f. h. weir, realtor - s Auto Brakes 212 Oreg. Bldg, Ph. 411 - ' - - Mike Pank. 17$ Sooth Commercial 5-ROOM MODERN bouse, complete ly furnished. Will sen at an attractive - A rr Tift-w price and Immediate possession. xaacaj , F. H. WEIIL REALTOR TAUGHT FREE. TL 9841 for appmt ! 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 , , BEADTircr" Bicycles 1 S VVh rPlL1,,,L,f,t'. ZJ1?- BICYCLES. NEW and raoondltlenad senhle 7ce bouht very Harry W. SctU 141 S. Com t Ph. 4616 CARLETON E. LANE. Realtor : " 331 Stat Pbon 3622, Eve. 407$ n 1 o. re 1 tr Bod- & Fender Repair Kxchange Real Estate rOR m rRNnKR R,n ant rrrTTivr Trim. Sat Covers, Ulass replarennent. i Owner will1aijLi ! mt AvXo Painting 8KB tha Herrall Ow- cashor' SromoS Co. t I QX St Phen. 1.41 bungalow. Hnus In A-l. condition and " - . . - Pnllr t,,rom, Fl"?, tUt,on1 8E OVa for ante body, fender, radla- JVXS- JL1 I75?:Tr0rt" tor repair. 265 Kerry. Pbon 3831 gaa: $2200. Will show any time, See Mrs Ellis with 1 ' CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors '' rt. 45 - 34t State Street , Phone 4ll Chimney Sweep For Sale Farms'-" TKLEPMonk 4 it,; -, e worthn. FEDERAL UNO bins fanna ! m.t- a Prlcd right Trma See W. 8.. Bart- tJlirOpraCtOrS lett. Secy. Treaa 116 Otgon Bldg. . " Phone 7137. DR. a L, SCOTT. PSC Chlropraets - " ' ' - - 356 N. High. TL Ra $761. . Acreage -.,!..." ": 8 ACRE view tract. Salem Heigh ta ExcaValinS ' and $1000 cash for good bouse. - i - - 1 A, good '.ocatlon. Keller district, EXCAVATING OF a a kind Rs $350. - meats dug. Dirt hauled r moved. Din .660 A.. Good son. A fine wood and for .sal. Slo Sand and Gravel Ca. grazing proposition, $1 per A, - . - pbon $41. L J. CRIXTKNDKN - O. D. BLISS - - - : ' 172 S. Liberty ..... ,""4U1ACRES,"" cren' tarmesv4l ' TloriStS " ' j room house, electric lights, good barn. . Price 81700: 3300 down. Bretthaupta 441 Court. Ph. 894 3 lots in Kay second addition. Price i $1250. Term. , Rich L, Betmann. 17 S. High Street. W.' SALEM rTorlsts. 149 fCdgewatez. For Sale Used Cars DOOUTTLE Neio Cars 339 N. High YES, WE'RE IN BUSINESS TINUE. BUY YOUR CAR DENCE. SQUARE DEALING HONEST VALUES. We Need Used Gars Now High Trade-in Values on Both Netv and Used Car transactionsBuy Now and Save. Low Prices Portland Prices and Better ' . ' , For Example: 36 Pontiac 4-Door Tour. l oeaan Very " clean. , Original blue finish. In terior has new car appearance,'- 90 tires. .Mechanically OK. $595 34 Dodge DeLuxe Coupe This car is a honey. Must be seen, to down. , , . $3 75 OTHERS A fine stock of like values . . . Come We will continue our past square shooting policies and ask you to patronize DOOLITTLE MOTORS Acreage 2 MILES north, lust off 99E. Beau tiful 6 -acre tract. 1 acre cherries. grapes and berries, family orchard. balance in cultivation. Modern 6 -room house, oil heat Lots of shad trees and shrubbery. Reasonable down pay ment. lasy terms on balance. CARLETON E. .LANE 333 SUte St. Ph. 8622 Eve. 4075 - -- -- - -y-1 i-injir-uuu"Lruuun- U A.. 3 rooms and bath. Close in. Near bus. $1450: $400 -down. V A- 3 rooms, -electricity, trees. SS30: S100 down SIS rtmr mnnt-K. K A small house. 8750: 115 down.1 ft 1 I, has mnn4h " saw j.-. a. u. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 1ST S. Libert Phon 711S ACREAGE S acres near Kelzer school, fine building sight, running stream, price $7ao ; $zae cash. For a few days only $900 full price. New 3-room house, V acre good gar den soil, near pen corner. See ALFRED DUMBECK.147 N. Com'l St Suburban SUBURBAN HOME Vt acre tract on payed road, close to city limits. 5-room house, city water and electric lights. Price $1200, cash 8 zoo. balance like rent. Another 4 acre tract with shack house. Price $600, rash $50. balance monthly. See Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS St MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phon 9261 Wanted Real Estate WILL. BUY 6 acres fruit, nuts Or berries close to Salem. 3 bedroom house preferred. Mrs. C K. Sanders, 1160 North 18th. WANT 3 to 5 A. in Polk countv. Will pay cash to $1000 or wilt consider unimproved land. IL C, Shields, Oreg. BMg. Ph. 8902 WANTED .TO BUY modern 5-room house not over $3500; $500 cash. Phone SiZZ. Resort Property MY $100 OPTION on cabin site and pioneer membership In Devil's Lake Rod and Gun club for sale at discount vr wi, uu cueiv car. s, care Statesman. fit 1 L n , . Biwiness Ortnortunities CAFE. GOOD year around business. money maker, clear, building and equipment. Will takt small place nea. good town in trade. Owner retiring. $1250 full price. Owner, Dlxl Cabin v-aie. beasia. ure. wiw. - - - l-ll,niru-u-u-u-LrLrLn INTEREST IN bulldinr rnmmnr Small amount cash or lot or plot will be considered for H. Interest. Worth Investigating. Box 763, car Statesman. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at tiawaina m Roberta. $600 LOAN. Have seven times this amount ia Statesman. aecurlty. Box 759,, car Business Card la this directory rua em . monthly bast oaJy. Bale f I per I la per month. For Sale Used Cars - - PONTIAG i Used Cars N. Coml. at Center AND INTEND TO CON FROM US WITH CONFIA o riW nT r Gunmetal original finish. This car treated with kindness by original own er! It shows no wear. - 54-75 be appreciated. You can't turn this one It's really OK pay us a visit ... See for yourself. aijeaa SALEM AUTO C0.fS Specials 1928 Durant Sedan Runs extra good $45, Full Price SPECIAL NO. 2 1927 Buick Std. Cpe. New radio, heater, etc. Runs like a top. Full Price, $65 1936 Ply. Tour. Sed. Low mileage. Looks and runs like new. (Two to choose from) 1936 Dodge Tour. Sedan A real bargain at this amazing . low price $595 Also See and Drive the ' New Plymouth Road King Today SALEM AUTO CO. TWO LOCATIONS 435 N. Com'l t Lot Court St Church ipen .evenings 36 FORD V-8 COUPE. TeL $10$. Financial 4;' WE HAVE never paid less than this rat on saving nd Investment Insured to I ssooo For Sale Wood WOOD. $1.50 cd. up. 2380 Broadway! FIR OAK. Phon 3380. Ashcraft- DRY 2nd GRTH, O. F. knota 6700. DRY 2nd GROWTH. Pb, 137F12. SPECIAL DRY wood. TeL 3354. DRY WOOD, aU kinds. 960. GOOD 16 IN. old fir. $5.60. Ph. 6033. OLD FIR. Snd grth fir. Oraen 6370 GUARANTEED DRY WOOD coat Tel. 6000. Salens Fuel Co. Trad and CotUg. OLD FIR : Ary slab. $5.50. Ph. 7005. MILL BLOCKS, lgft. Id., $4.50. 6833. Lost I and Found LOST BILLFOLD containing 140. driver's license. Return 1258 Leslie street. Receive ' reward., F. H. Crist. Personal LONELY T TWORTH WHILST sweet- heart, husband, wife for von. Bos 871 m Angeles. HILLSIDE! CONVALESCENT home. I Reasonable- ratea. 1720 8. WinUr. Phon 451T. 8 , WILL PROVIDE good bom at rei- sonabl price- for elderly Udles. 1760 i. cnurcn. non atz. Directory Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY !$ & High II Tel $138 I Lime GOLD HILL1" llm 98. W dallvwr t farm. SZ4 N, Coma TL S8ZS. Mattresses SAIXM FLUFF-RUG and Mattr Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad t order, old ram ad ; carpet cleaning. l ngt nun rug weaving, a ntb St wu bur.. TeL $44 L OTTO W. Z WICKER CAPITOL DKOUINU CO. Phoo 4M Nurseries FULL IJNB narsery atoca. Phone $811;" H. Paarcy Nuraary Ca. 145 Printing FOR STATION Ell Y. irfla pampbiota Drocrtma books or anr ki kind f print ing. caU Tb 8 talesman PrUitlng De partment. $1 8. Commarelai, Tl ohon 1L -i - Radio Serrice RAY MOORE. 461 Court. Phon $611. I S loves REPAIRS FOR rana. Mr clrcula tera P. i Heppnor 263 Chemaketa I Transfer CAPITAL I: CITY Tanafer Co. 121 SUte St. TeL 177$, Distributing, for warding and atorag our specialty. Oct enr rates. . --- FOR IvOCAL or distant trartafr tor ga burner oil. call SISL lairme Transfer Co. Trucks t Portia ad dalla Well Drillin; ft. A, WEST. RC . Bs, 44$. T. 11F For Sale Used Cars STILL HOLDING THE LEAD IN Outst4anding Buys . 1937 Chevrolet Sedan 4-Door Master DeLuxe, driven only 8,000 miles. VALLEY MOTOR CO LOT MARION and LIBERTY aaaaaa - i--ii-i-a'-Va---V'ar McKAY AS USUAL OFFERS BARGAINS IN o.k:d used cars 1937 Chevrolet Master Town Sdan. 1936 Chevrolet IeLuxe Town Sedan.. 136 Chevrolet Master Sedan 1934 Studebaker Coach 1937 V-60 Ford Tudor.. 137 Plymouth DeLuxe Ooud I Any one of the abov cars ar beautiful cars and in excellent mechanical shape ... fully guaranteed. We McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center Phone 8188 OPEN EVENINGS 9a liniwi a . i 1 1. in. I )q rubber. Terms or trade for Iano! aaa cv. ism, afternoons. . BArjAIN. 1933 ligiit Hudson Brougham. Trunk.- new Mint, motor rebored and in top condition. 3275.- Pltone 7820. PONTI AC 4 -door sedan, cheaply owner. 1260 Center. WILL TAKE cash or- older model car for my equity In 19S7 Plymouth seaan. Keai bargain. Private rarty. See It after 6 p. m. 1230 Third street, yvesi baiem. WWWWWWWM)WMlwW GOOD CHEV. S couna. t(5. 101 N 16th. - NOTICE OP APTOIXTXISNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, tor the County of Marlon as Ad ministratrix of the estate oi Le- land C. Wellman, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such administratrix; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby noti fied, to present the same, duly verified, to me. at the office of Walter S. Lam kin. my attorney. 205 Oregon Building, Salem. Mar ion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 11th day of May. 1933. EULA, WOODS, Administratrix of the Estate of Lei and C. Wellman. deceased. Walter S. Lamkln. at torney for Administratrix. Salem, Oregon. M 11. -18. 25; J 1. 8. ; NOTICE OF CALL SALEM ELKS llOND? Pursuant to resolution adopted May 11, 1938, by the Trustees -ax sacs, -aaa vri7Ssuv a-TV I. IV TC as hereby given that bonds No. 151 to 225, inclusive, are called for payment June 1, 1938, and notice is nereoy given to ine noiaers of all said bonds, being numbers 151 to 225, inclusive, to present aid bonds for payment at the office of Ladd & Bush Tru3t Com pany, Salem, Oregon, for payment on June 1, 1938 . and that said bonds will cease to draw interest after June 1, 1938. Salem Lodge No. 338, I M 18 B. P. O. ELKS. Cross Word Puzzle " M 33 3W 36 37 s' Wl. 111 m 1 i-i y Uj KUUENE S11EFFER 40 valuable (4 postpone 15th century 65 denoting HORIZONTAL 1 con-essential ft bUliard shot 11 feminine title (Spanish) 12 holder of a lien 14 exist 1 5 ta ntal urn : . - chemical symbol 15 worthless leaving; - 17 eodfum: chemical -' tyTnbol . IS cut off t , 1 20 rot ' 2P-rotatinff piec 24 Greek rod of war- m.. 25 floating 1 vessel 4 27 Turkish k ' - magistrate - -' 23 royal succession . . SO mora evil - 81 class ef vertebrata t 82 naught : 83 cloth - 85 bigoted 23 so be it S .American -linden cloth 41 dance step 42 woodland deity 44 peck 45 ounce (abbr.) 46 grain 47 near 49 Dick ell - chemical symbol 50 allow as deduction 82 kind of type Herewith is the solution to yester day's puzzle, . a-ia 11 CafADvAL O artJLIeEZ D AMI? RC a;VX Z t. g. : vyao I 5.i5.Ll.i QlHp? AMANJTAT0 ototc t u e u l t a pi e :;t.e p g r .;H g I ; ; tMssttsiil ay Bias I For Sale Usetl Cars ' "' lrm-V-fJfmJJrlJ-J-yk .$25 . 65 . 45 . 45 . 55 645 also have some low priced cars 430 N. Commercial NOTICE OF SALE No. 2797 In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, In the Matter of .he Estr.te of Julia F. Harritt, deceusea. NOTICE IS HEKEUY OiVEN that the undersigned, as Ad ministratrix de cnla noa with the will annexed of the above entitled estate, will on Friday, the 10th day of June. 1918, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M , at the West door of the court bouse In Salem. Marion County, Oregon, sell at public sale all of the following described real prop erty, to-wit: Beginning' at the Northeait cor ner of the Robert Godfrey Dona tion Land Claim No. 71 In Town ship 7 South, Range 3 Wtfct of the Willamette meridian.. Polk County, Oregon, and running thence North' 15 06 chains; thence North 18 45' East 4.16 chains more or elss to the renter of the County Road commonly called the Wallace Road; tbence North 25 West along the cen ter line of said road 4.80 chains more for-less to an old dlrision fence; thence West 19.23 chains; thence South 20 chains; tbence East 17.63 chains more vi lens to the point of beginning snd containing 35.60 acres more or less, in Section Sixteen (16). Township Seven (7) Fouth, Range Three (31 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Polk County, Oregon. Said sale will be made for rash to the highest bidder, subject to the order of confirmation of the above entitled CourL Dated this 10th day of May, 1938. This notice Is published once a week for four weeki successive ly in the "Oregon Statesiian." a newspaper published In Marion County, Oregon; the date of the first publication l May llti and the last is June 8th, 1938. MYRTLE LAWRENCE. Administratrix d bonis son C.T.A: Estate jf Julia F. Harriett, deceased. Page and Page. Attorneys. . Si Salem, Oregon. M 11. 18. "257J 1. 8. 20 univalent atoms 11 dish of green herbs 13 East Indian nettle 19 household god 21 -consumes 22 proclaim 23 prominent arterial trunk 25 red cedar 27 secretion of marine xoophytes 29 Japanese coin ' 20 protsber. anc 22 simpleton 83 taste 34 astonished 2S appropriate 35 covertly sarcastic 37 pertaining to whales 39 subse quently 42 trlut 43 rank 46 doit 43 Hindu cymbals 61 exist 1 2 pronoun 3 Chines weight final cause VERTICAL 1 recollection 2 within 3 in no manner 4 toward the mouth 8 Egyptian ' sun god 8 disguise 7 ethereal 8 soak 9 upon