The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 18, 1938, Page 6, Image 6

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    Society . . Clubs
Dinner Party Is
Arranged for
Miss Rankin
Mr. Frank H. Spears enter
tained with a smartly arranged
dinner party lat mrrht at ber
- Chemeketa street comnli
ment to Miss Maxine Rankin wTm
.has recently announced her wed
ding date as "June 18 to Mr. Ro
bert Needham.
, "Guests were seated at one.
long, table and Indiridual table
centered with mixed bouquets of
spring blooms. Pale blue and il
er place cards camrlng out the
bridal motif marked places for
The evening hours were spent
Informally and the bride-to-be
was honored with a miscellaneous;
shower. Guests were members of
the St. Cecelia , Guild of which
Miss Rankin is a member.
Coters were laid for Miss Max
ine Rankin. Mrs. W. I. Needham,
Mrs. Russell Catltn, Miss Sybil
- Spears. Miss Eleanor Fundman.;
Miss Esther Baird. Miss Virginia
Williams, Miss Shirley Evenson.
Miss Dorothy Kibbe, Miss Ma
bel McCulloch. Miss Margaret
Ross, Miss Patty Otten. Miss Hel
en Langille, Miss Harriet Weber,
JUiss Barbara Benson. Mrs.
George H. Swift, Miss Josephine
Cornoyer, Miss Marie Patton,
Miss Barbara McLoughlin and
Mrs. Frank Spears.
a - a
Mothers Are Guests of
Legion Auxiliary
Capial unit No. 9 of the
American Legion held its regular
business and social meeting Mon
day night at the Fraternal temple
with the war -mothers and
mothers of unit and post members
as special guests. A program was
presented by the unit which in
cluded numbers by the orchestra'
from the Oregon state school or
the blind, directed by Earl San
. ders. Members of tlrt orchestra
were George Hudson. Bernon
Monflls, Robert Mealy, Art Wat
son, Warren Honey, a vocal solo
by Robert Mealy and the tribute
to mothers was given by Irl Mc
Sherry, ruitar solo by Richard
Barton, Jr., and a. talk on the
origin of the poppy by Mrs. Leon
After the program refreshments
were served In the dining room.
Guests from the War Mothers
organization were Mesdames
Clara Farmer, Matilda Nadon,
Nettle Schram, Carrie Lindsey.
Minnie Humphreys, Mary H.
Cleveland, Mable Lock wood. Jen
nie Martin. Em He G. Hendricks,
A. A. Lee, Effie Dunlop, J. J.
m w TV 1 1 1
,ianman, nose nageoorn, v. n.
Peterson, Addle Mills, Addle
. Curtis, Mary S. Ayers and Mrs.
Cook. Other mothers of u n 1 1
members present were Mrs. G. W.
Eggan, Ed Blessing, Floretta
Smith and Mrs. J. A. Reynolds.
Guests -from, out of town were
fr Alfa Hall and Mrs. Daisv
Haugen of Silverton. Mrs. Ruth
N. Tnssing of Lebanon, and Mrs.
Eva Smith from Newport.
Capital unit of the American
Legion auxiliary wishes to thank
me many yoiumeer worien .on
the poppy sale of Wednesday and
Thursday. Those " organizations
which are- famishing volunteer
workers are the War Mothers,
Salem .Woman's club. Salem
Heights Community club,. Daugh
ters of Union Veterans, Daugh
ters of the American Revolution,
Salem Women's council. Fraternal
Drriar at thn Frl aiiTlllarv
Women'. Relief corps, and the
medical auxiliary. .
Mrs. Ulen Seeley, chairman of.uiiinnai tomposit
poppy poster committee, an
nounced that Donald Stoudemeyer
of Parrlsh Junior high won first
place in the Junior division' in the
department of Oregon contest.
. iuu iuier win os koi . 10 lue
national convention at Los An
rr I . . Ji. , . .
geles ta compete for the national
Etotka Club Feted at
Carl Home - P
The E street home of Mrs. H. G.
Carl was the scene of the Etotka
club meeting Tuesday afternoon.
Assisting hostesses were Mrs. J.
H. Johnson and Mrs. E. J. Don
nell. Mrs. Clifton Ross and Mrs.
Emil Carlson were in charge of
the program which included a
song by Mary Burt and a piano
number by Eunice Johnson.
The tea table was centered
with a bouquet of mixed flowers
and yellow tapers. Mrs. J. H.
Johnson and Mrs. E. J. Donnell
presided at the urns
Those nresent were Mr, v.m
rarienn v nw riav f 7 v
J rnnell Mrs William Fntrea,
, J". ?i , "I?
Mrs. Georre Va'k Mra a t
Spinsters Next Year
When the Spinsters met t the
North Summer street houue of
Miss Josephine McGilchrist Mon
day night they elected Miss Mar
. rare Rimm. .. rr0.M0,
'coming year. Other officers are
Miss Doris Drager vice president-
Miss Marv Hammond, secretarv
... - -
.MISS Josephine MCGilchriSt treas-
. .- -
Miss Simms is well known in
the capital and a member o' the
Parrish Junior high school fac-
ulty. Miss Caroyl Brad en has
ably rerved as president of the
organization this year.
a m
ZvsT-'t'rr: lmette university, campus. Elev- ess and Walter Dry. watchman of lard Marshall and Mrs. Wolcott soloisU for tonight will be Bet- vallis yesterday to visit with Miss
Miss Gertrude Smre wh ' en bTe bn nxsen from the the shepherds of the White Shrine Buren. ; ; ty Starr, popular Portland mezzo Sally McLellan-at the Kappa Al-
Md lfcklon Mri S B Gillette " 'dusting, class of this year. of Jerusalem presided at a meet- soprano. Kendall Teistnger. tenor. pha Theta house. , ;
Mrs J H - Johnson Mr' sinirt ' an Alford Powers of the Unl- feg at Masonic temple on Monday Hostesses Arrahein'' d Bartis Preston, baritone. . - . . ,
Johnson Mrs EJuie'lienfMr ty , of, Oregon wiU be the night. Mrs. Miller Hayden. Junior OSiesses AITangUl M Belling at for Mrfc r0tUm ' .Bd .
XT- vr "' mest speaker. The recently elect-s past worthy high priestess and Bridge Luncheon adults and 15 cents for students, daughter. Mlsa Pattv otten. were
- Mr. and Mrs. Ieon Hanson have Woman's club which meets in the who is president of the Alpha Psi noon at her South Church street ic will be . by the quartet com
Mrs. S. C-tleer, president of the had as their house guests. Mrs. clubhouse at 2:30. "Daylight Delta Mother's club, will be Mrs. home in compliment to Mrs. Don- posed of Mrs. M. J. Butler. Mrs.
Salem. Woman's club, has received, T. H. Cannon 1 and sons. .Vera Moon" by Forrest and "Three A. L. Lindbeck and Mrs. Robert aid Stuart and Mrs. J. C. Vande- Margaret Crlder, Dr. Geoige c!
a letter from Mrs. Mabel Need- and David, of Wmatchee, Wash.. Daughters" by McKee are tha Erady. rert of Bend who are visiting in Knott and Phillip Schweiz.
ham, secretary of the Mill City, and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cnnon books to be discussed. ,1 the capital this week.' : . A 6:30 o'clock dinner will p re
Woman's club, stating that the of Vancouver. Wash. Saturday '. Mrs. Verne Miller entertained . cede the meeting.
Mill City club has gone on record night Mr. and Mis. Hansen en- A hooje guest of Mr. John H. members of her bridge club at an Mrs. Kenneth Mardock Is la Monday night. May 23 Adah
as favoring Mrs. Hannah Martin, tertalned'a group of their friends Bagley, Jr., this week is Mrs. Har- Informal affair tt her FairmouxtPowers. Oregon, this week -visit- chapter member have been ln
for president of the Oregon Fed- with, a dancing party rt their, old Teale and daughter, Patricia hill home last nht. Supper was ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. vited to meet with Amity chap
cration of Woman's clubs. home followed by a late sapper. Ann, of Klamath Falls. ' -; served at a late ur. George Varney. ' ter at Amity, .
' WrdueMUx, May IH
East Division of Ptesrvter-
isn church with! Mrs. u. O.'
Clenxnt. 345 North 17th n it.
2:30 p.m. ' .
FOE social dub with Mrs.,
R. A. Erixson on Liberty roHd,
, 2 p.m. - -
Royal Neighbors Sewing'
club, no-bost unhfon atVair--grounds
cabin. I
.Swtet. Briar vluh. with Mrs..
Rar Binegar. 2 p.m. j
South circle of the First
Christian 'church, with. Mm.
Guy . Drill. 918. North FiftY
street, all , day. j : ;. ' .
Maccabees. 8 p. m., KP hall.
Junior Maccabees, 4 p. m.
KP Ball. ;
South Central
Methodist church.
circle First
with Mrs. L.
B. Rawlings, route 1, Gervais
1 p. . luncheon.
Weit Central i circle First
M e t h o d tat church, dessert
luncheon at ,1:30 o'clock with
Mrs. O. Russell. , ,
' Women's Missionary society;
First : Evangelical church
p. m. In the church. ;
Tlmrdsj-, ljr 19
Lions ' auxiliary. 1 i V unch
eon at Godfrey's j
Friday. May 2l U
Salem Council of Cl'urch
Women. First Christian church.
all day. ,1
Hollywood Merry-Go-Round,
with Mrs. Lulu Starr, 2 . p. m.
Merry Minglers with Mrs.
Harold Woodburn, route 7, 2
p. m. i ' ..
Women's Faculty cluh of .
Willamette university, dnner
at Quelle. :30 p.m.
Fidelis class of First Baptist
church with Mrs W. II. Mc
Aninch, Route 6 box 35HS. 2
p.m. Meet at ichurch 1:?0
p.m. I t
Book Review section, S-iI5m
Womans' club, at clubhouse.
2:30 p.m. I
Chapter G. PEO with Mrs.
Sylvia Leonard, 940 North 19th
1:30 p.m. I
Friday, May 20 ' .
Missionary society of the
First Baptist church, Mrs.
Elmer Conn, 220 East Wilson,
2 p. m. j
Unitarian Women's Alliance
with Mrs. Fred Weil, 1610
"Court street, 2:30 p.m.
Womans' auxiliary to St.
Paul's with Mrs. ,U. G. Shipley,
771 North Cottage street, 2:30
P.m. I
Hal Hibbard auxiliary bocial
meeting with Mrs. Mark Ba
ker, 825 North Cottage, 1 p.m.
Decree of Hon.v social meet
ing. Pythian haii.i 8 p.m.;
Monday, May 23 1
OSNA district meeting. ' 8
p.m. at - Deaconess N u r s e s
home. ) J
Delta Gamma tlumna. with
Mrs. Silas Gaiser. 825 North
Winter street, 8 p.m.
Two Pupils Presented
" xctJl1.
-vf,-. rtTti vamnn mrin nrapnr
two young pupils, Miriam Becke
and Marilyn Wyatt, in piano re-
clta. tonight atf her studio on
South Church street at 8 o'clock
Following is the program: :
Pr.lud)l c mia Back
Sonata c Major 4. Moxart
MilTn WT,tt -1
a,.,.-...- n.,h
Sclftf gietto . i-
Mrnuet ;
Sonata O major ,
Mirim Becka
j ' -
: . Miriam Back, piano
Tb Banntcd Haase
On the Stairs :
In the Dnngeoa!
. The Three Beara.,.1 ..
' Baby .. !
Mother Bear ' " 1 '
Father Bear 1
Marilyn Wymtt
Prelude Op. ZS -No. 7-.
........ i---- -irauawui
Miriam: Becke
Cradle Sons -f Seka.a.
PUTine Ta i .scinnaan -
To, a Toy Soldier i t.i...wrner
Voc.t Inj y
when Son ia Sweet . .San good
The Little Brown OwI ...Sanderson
Mi!dred Wyatt. Marilyn Wyatt, piano
Original Composition
At the Sea -horc...
...,, r.. . Becke
Wind in the Pinea
Sea Gull. f
The Sea (
:." Miriam Becke
Two Pianoo j
Siri! i -Tine ....
Ae Maria .
-- -""-Be5
Marilyn Wvatt. Miriam Becka
T-1 -t . tr- -a r 1
rill leta JVappa lUeiTlDerS
To Entertain at Dinner
Tonight the Central Willam-
Vall.e? of Phi Beta
PP v entertain at dinner at
the First Methodist Episcopal
church honoring the newly elect-
ed membr of Alpha Kappa Nu,
ed officers of the. Phi Beta Kappa
association of the valley ara, Miss
.Eve T. Knower, president; Mrs.
.R. G. Doege. vice president; Dean
Olive M. . Dahlt- secretary-treas
urer. . . ; f
Miss Ardel Yadoa and ills Del-
.la Wlllard of -Willamette univer-
etty will be guest speakers today
t the regular j meeting; of the
omna Foreign- Missionary so-
ciety of the. Leslie church. The
op1c wui D .world Cinienship..
HI a XT O . - . Ar c .
" ' -.vest sovu
.Wlnted Will be the tirttfR fnr tha
weeing and will be assisted by
Mrs- s. a. uws, Mrs. A. w. Metz-
Ker "d Mrs. E. D. Roseman. Mrs.
John Ulrich will lead the devo-
tionals and Mrs, C. A. Downs will
introduce the program.
ihAi..tiA. hnnfta... nn tha U7n . th. w-tnv man nrioar. ai i ura HA-r inninn &i m wiu c.i.M ..nH-. . - . . . . . n
Honors Visitor
In Capital
Interesting guests ia the .cap
Itol are. Mr. . .and -.Mrs. Eugene j
Gerhke of San. Antonio. Texas.
They plan to be here 4hia-week ?
and are dividing tbelr time be- ,
tween PortHnd and Salem. While j
in the city they ara visiting with I
Mrs. Gerhke's uncle, Mr. Herman f
Pasto. Mr. and Mrs. Gerhke were J
recently married in San Antonio
and are now on their wedding
trip. They- came north by way of f
Californ la and will return
through Yellows'ne and DeqVer. ;
Monday night a erouw honored f
Mr. and Mrs. Gerhke with a din-
ner at the .Golden Pheasant. Cov- I
. ers were placed'for Mr. and Mrs. '
Eugene Gerhke, Mrs. Fred Brat- ?
sel. Miss Hazel Shutt. Mr. Herman
"Pasto and Miss Hattte BratieK ?
r Later that evening Miss Hattie !
Brafzel Invited a group of friends '.
to her home to meet Mr. and Mrs.
Gerhke. ; Several . hours 1 of cards ,
were in play and supper served at
a . late . hoar. The hostess was ,
assisted by Miss Hazel Shutt.. . f
Those bidden to honor Mr. and i
Mrs. Gerhke were Miss Helen Mc- j
Elroy, Miss Hazel Shutt, Mr. and j
Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mr. and Mrs. I
C. G. McElroy, Mrs, Fred Bratzel. P
Mr. Clark Van Orsdel, Mr. Her-;
mm Pasto, Mr. Norman' Northrup J
and Miss Hattie Bratzel.
' . i
Modern Teacher's Club ..
Feted at Dinner
Mrs. Ann Ulen Bell entertain-
ed the Modern - Teachers' club
Saturday night at her country
home near Rickreall with a 7;
o'clock dinner.
A social meeting and election I
of officers for the comfng year
followed the dinner. Thf new
officers are: President, Jenne
Sigurdson; vice president. Car
malite Weddle; secretary-treasurer,
Vida Miller; reporter, Grace
Present were: Thel ma McDon
ald, Jenne Sigurdsbn, Vida Miller.
Louise Erb, Carmalite eddie.
Ethel McCoy. Grace Richards,!
Ruth e. Butier. Neii Hiuicker.
Grace Klampe. Alma Stauffer.
Helen Butler and the hostess.';
Mrs. Bell.
The club studied art work the:
past year with Mrs. Bell as their
Art Center Reception
Heads Named
The reception being held
K Safi6.- AAlCr"l
: : ; T;V , . . c.,
many civic minded clt zens of s.a-
" " J
aided in raising funds to make
the center a reality. Everyone in-
terested Is invited to attend the
affair which is scheduled for the
Salem chamber of commerce on
Thursday nlKht Mar 26. '
Mrs. Harrv Collins, sreneral
chairman, has announced com-
mittee heads who will work with
members . of civic organizations
and other townspeople to mage
the reception . a successful affair,
Barclay Newman heads the com
mittee In charge of publicity; Mrs.
Ora F. Mclntyre is in charge of
contacts: the fialem Garden rfub
contacts; toe aaiem uaraen aaa
Wi" J,?,6 J.I.m"V M"'
ueorge Alien wui aireci me pro-
gram arranKemenis; me uiumi-
. . j i i -
.in k in t
David Bennett Hill; Miss Jul to
Query is in charge of the recep-
tion rooms. r
-w,.ti' ,Ho" ,rom 73.0 to':i
o'clock and the reception will be
Informs -
.jwtt 1
Miss. Cook to Marry
Portland Man
Announcement is being made
.v.' . ,
ol u "'.."V "T,
coming marriage ci aiiss -vainryn f
Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
M. Cook, to Howard Bur-ell of
Portland. . The wedding will be
an event Of June 4 at the First
Methodint clinreh narsonaeA with
Rev. James E
Milligan o'ficiat-
ing at 6:30
o'clock a recep--
w at the home of
tion will follow
the bride's parents. f
Mis3 Cook attended "Salem
schools and Is well known in the
n -i - l..-
the public utilities commission.
Mr. Burrell received his cduca-
tln in T lnfelM
is now in
" .rp":
with Miller
and Tracy where the couple will
make their home.
- ;
White Shrine Meetin 2
On Monday i
New officers, Miss Constance
other past officers, were in charge
of the refreshment . hour. White
and yellow were used as the dec-
ratine scheme. .
5 -Miss Constance Kantner will
leave on Thnrsdav.for Ontario to
attend .the international con ven-,
tion of the. White Shrine ot Jem
salem. ;
w " -
Vnnea belomrinar to the Oreeon
State Nurses association district
three are to send ballots to Miss
Grace Taylor according: to m-
. .. . I . . . . L 1
ivrmauvu issoeu oj ins rcirirj.
Tlia mootfnr nf the asanoiatioB ia
scheduled for Monday at the Dea-
coness hospital nurses home
8 o'clock.
- ; - -
Miss Etc Knower will review
two books tomorrow at the book
review section of the ' S a 1 e m
tuLe- Smiled
'. VJ i - .
. v . v
T7n vH wit ir
' V.
; "I'm going out, mother. Do you mind if J leave my
husband with JouT 1
Let us all nod our heads in approval of the little wife who gives as
much thought to her husband's welfare as to the details and
grooming of her clothes. The silk polka' dot frock, she wears for
daytime, knows its 38 requirements, for, although tailored and
smooth of hip. it has that loose and easy look. Shirring under
shoulder yoke and bows at neck and elbow add to the soft effect
. of this shirtwaist classic. Copyright, 1938, Esquire Features, Inc.
WPTTT Afpmlipriin Ta
w V u iieniDersnip lea
Tuesday- Afternoon
Members of the WCTU held
membership tea yesterday after
n00n at the hall with Mrs. J. J.
Nunn presiding. The devotions
i were led by Mrs.: Mattie Mam- Green park. Bussea will leave the
I men and the financial secretary, school at 4 and all members are
i Mrs. Luelia Baker, gave, a re- invited to attend and may brinr
rort. a guest.' The committee in charge
Mrs. Gertrude Lobdell, mem- of the picnic includes Miss Min
. ber of the city council, gave a ne Qgura. chairman. Miss Mar-
10 talk n t ti nronosMl (ommr- t t- . . , r
housing conditions in Salem
ir in rs- tiannaa-aiar-
tin. state representative, re id and
expiamea me lurincouiiiiE . tegis- .1.... will alui tt.nil th nicnln
Utre measures, to be voted on ."!! " , aStend plcntIc'
Miss Vivian Benner san two "The annual Hme Economics
8oio numbers and Miss Margaret clnb Style how will be an event
wonderlick played several piano of vvednesday. May 25 in the high
selections during the tea hour, achool. auditorium. There will be
ih. ftrt muttnir tn jnni, will wo performances this year in
ho n Mnr mhdAni
A regional WCTU conference will
be held in Oregon City Tuesday
and Wednesday of this week
Leisure Hour Club at
Fry Home Today
. M. Daniel J. Fry. sr., Mrs.
W. Steusloff. andMr.. Kittle
Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, sr., Mrs
Graver, are entertaining mem-
. . ...
horn of the Leisure Hour clnb this
I . I . -. - . . . , v
at the Fry borne on South High
street.- The afternoon hours will
be- spent informally and spring
owers win be used about the
guest rooms. -.
Those bidden aret Mrs. D. T.
Barnes. Mrs. W.1 W. Moore Mrs:
Franic-a'ower. Mrs. jonn a 1 Deri.
Mrs. W. Beverldge," Mrs. Max
O. Buren. Mrs. H. J. C. Clements,
Mrs. J..- W. IJaviS. Mrs. U. A.
Hodge. Mrs. chanes, wener, miss
it., r s a.mii
.7 ' u"'
ton. Mrs. . jnuion u wejer. aits.
George Pearce. Mrs. U. G. Ship-
ley, Mrs. J. H. Scott and Mrs.
R. E. Lee Steiner.
Will Wc Toto,! at
" " -
Beach Today
J i
' Mrs. Frank Chapman and Mrs.
Wallace Carson are entertaining
their bridge club membei" at
the beach cottage of Mrs E. G.
Patterson at Neskowin today.
Luncheon will be served at noon
and cards will be in nlav during
tha aftornoon. Additional r nests
will be Mrs. Raymond Bonusteele.
Mrs. Frank Deckebach. Mrs. Wal-
ter Socolofsky and Mrs. James,
Humphrey. ....
uiud memoers maaen are Mrs.
Kenneth Wilson, Mrs. Kenneth,
power, Mrs. George Weller, Mrs.
Kenneth Perry, Mrs. John Caugh-
Mrs. A. L. Adolphson and Mrs.
Verden- E.- Hockett are entertain-
ing with a series of smartly ar-t
-ranged affairs this week in com-
nllmpnt tn a ' larre rrhnn of S1.
lem matrons. : . .
The hostesses are arranging 1
o'clock luncheons to be followed
by several hours ot cards at the
Anolnhson home on Tt at root
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
afternoons. Bouquets- of spring
flowers will be used as the decor-
. J .... "
ante uoio.
ea- Mothers of Alpha Psi Delta fra- Friday afternoon at 2 . o'clock at Homer Dodds, Mr. Phillip St hwel
at ternity men have been invited to the home of Mrs. Elmer Conn at ger, Mrs. Clarence Harvood. Mrs.
an Informal tea this afternoon at 220 East Wilson street. Mrs. Skiff c. A. Fratzke, Miss junetta
im noise 01 jirs. wuuam u. fan-
lips on West Lefelle street. Call-
ing hours are from three to five
o'clock. Assisting Mrs. PhilliDS.
Women? Editor-
- - - fate h
Home Economics Club
Picnic Today
Members of the Home Econ
omics club of Salem high school
will enior their annual spring
picnic this afternoon at Hazel
anoV " U Mis. Marglrl
et Crowley and' ..lis. Margaret
ciendening. Mrs.) T. W. Creech
and MlM Marian" Gary, club ad-
the afternoon and evening. All
ciotnes tnat wiu be modeled are
mad T atudenU in the Home
Economics department.
Miss Evelyn - Hine and Miss
Millicent Kauffer won, the prize
for the .best theme for the style
show. The committee includes
Miss Lois Wilson, chairman. Miss
Doris Windsor, 'music; Miss Ma-
V'r; ""V
m in . .mirA.tin
" ' " - - " ""'v-"'
mibm muuceni
Kauffer. nromnter: Miss Sarah
"ng. programs; - Miss Marie
Green, stage settings.
National Guard Dance
. , - .
Friday Night ,
. Vv ' ...
- - .a .uv
u lue annual apona
dance sponsored by Company B.
-."- J wc6va- .--
hvui uu, wmtu ,wu m uu
at tha irmnrr ITrMav nlo-Vit
' c"
band will furnish the dance mu-
sic. - . '
Tickets are available by con- JUUncneon oaiuruay
tacting any member of i the Ore- Members df tne Salem branch
gon National Guard. Patrons and American Association of Unlver
patronesses for the affair will be Bity Women will meet for lunch
Colonel and Mrs. Carle Absams, eon Saturday at one o'clock at the
Mayor ana rars. v. ivunn ana
Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Wolf
Songmen's Concert at
Waller xlall loniffht :
Those attending the Concert' to-
nieht at Waller hall given hr the
WiUamette university Songmen.
will hare the re of seeinsr
them in their new costumes, made
in Cossack style in dark maroon
mm trimmed m gold. Whllethey
bave given many out of town con-
certs, this will be the first time !
8en ani heard. this year before a
The concert is scheduled for 8:15.
Irs. F. R.. Leonard will eater-
tain the -members of the chapter
g, PEO at hef home, 84Q North
.111.' itrut rttn.'ari a at 1 1A
o'clock for a dessert luncheon.
A Mothers' day program will be
given and Mrs. Mabel Cooler ia
in charge or music.
- .. -
Mrs. Mark Skiff is to be speak
er at the meeting of the Mission
. . . . . .
ary society, of the First -- Baptist
Church which is scheduled for
wm speaa on ner inp 10 Mexico.
, .
Mrs. George Otten' entertained
informally at tea'Monday after-
st to
What ToW ear at
Is Appropos
It won't be long now before U- - and green peppers 7
eal debutantes are lolling in the a"a LhmiWed
bo$ .arid, of the Tillamook beach- Grham f Hbert roll
es. Uking on the invigorating air Graham rnoert ron
of Breltenbush springs, comlng ad banana halves w 1 1 n
home .from Crater Lake with an onnalae or marln-.te in
unexpected collection otjunburn French dreSsing and Just before
or JxsT-flnding excitement In the TlnK rQlt or sprinkle -tth co
golf course near home, , conut " "
$ut summer costumes are def- Mftka the veM frlcaaw . M
inately In lhe feminine mind right wou,d chIcKen browing Jhe
this minute, and its a question of meat cubeg nice:T. use a can of
whether to wear a backless tennis
dress or three quarter length
slacks that are first cousins to
shorts., -
Travel folders are already out,
Oregon is colorfully displayed in
tne pages 01 iob mSuw-
rampblet. raiiroaas ana oi
ler Just about anything to get you
to go somewhere. . : K', r
You ; may be going to see the
f fjords In Scandinavia, buck the
bullets In China or lou on tne sun
lit decks of a South Seas going
liner; but if you are, or Just plan. Roll nuts and crackers to
to go south or west a few miies. . getheruntil very fine, add date
you'll still want to be chic in the that have" been, cut up, then
very best in sports clothes. Be- marshmallows that are quartered:
cause women now-a-days make moisten with cream, makf. in
something out of sports clothes, roll and cover with 4 cratkers
with seldom appearing in the gar- that have been crushed. Let
deu or at the beach In last year's stand for several hours in a
evening sandals or afternoon silk cool place and serve .with whip
print, ped cream.
Shorts and blouses match this .
year, and are even more popular H j Lo,, Includes
for active sports. Pleated shorts
of washable materials (say brown Strained Honey
pique) go, with a short sleeves :. .
tailored blouse of white pique old cookbooks tell many reci-
trbnmed in brown buttons. Eias-; Des for hand lotions, some, of
ti; .bands keep the blouse from
riding up.
A pleasant playsult is a strik-
ing outfit shown in smart shop
windows. A one piece blouse-and-
shorts suit is made of multicol-
ored flowered cotton. Over it is
worn a navy blue pique Jumper
with broad buttoned waist band
and a full, gathered skirt.
Dirndl are still in high sports
style, one is of printed linen and
is topped with a clever burlap
Jacket, edged and lined with the
Suede is the fashionable trim
for less informal sports clothes.
".'w,;1"1 l.t.Z
uue pair uaiiwa; 10 iue uisuwaier
short mark.
New Glass Bricks Make
More Daylight
A smart women's wear shop in
a large eastern city advertises to
,Z. V iVn . r-ith Z,
rooms are walled with glass
bricks. A mighty. Important con
venience that will probably be a
feature of future storebuildings.
Magazines show many homes with
brick walls in places where light
is needed and Salem glass dealers
display the bricks in ' their win
dows, so soon we'll be se e i n g
shops here featuring; their own
personal daylight. -
iirs. JVennetn Uaiton
Is Hostess
Mrs. Kenneth' Dal ton invited a
group of friends to an evening's
piano program at the studio of
Mrs. David Eason last night. She
was assisted by the Legion auxll-
Ury quartet which include. Mil
dred Wvatt. Vida Lou Starr. Ar-
, . ,
nra 7,i
The program presented In
Prelude and Faroe ia F flat. 3ach
Sonata (Walditeia) Opr. 53....BeeUioTn
allefre caa brie .
Adasia Molta
Sonde Uerretta-Mederata "'.
' . - Piane .-- t "
The IUnd H RaehmaaiBoff
The jiifhUnxsls Tachaikowafcy
On a a.
Etude op. 5. No. l
ft Op. 10 Na. s
Tittle White Donkey a minor
AAUW to -Meet IOT
. , .
First Presbyterian church. The
regular1 monthly business meeting
with 'Mrs. Phillip Barrett, presid
ing, will follow.
Dr. R. Ivan Lovell of the his
tory department of ' WillametteJ
university, will be the guest
anealror and his nhiet win ha
"Prnhlem nt fantral v,, -
Those wishing reservations for
th lnnrhMtn .VinnM nrm
Schreder. 7825: or Mrs. Lestle J.
Sparks. 3291. by Friday noon.
Mrs. Robert Shlnn. Mrs, Victor
R. Grim. Mrs. nan MoTiian
her house guest. Mrs. J. C. Ven-
- Portland visitors yesterday.
In the Valley I
Qa-v A-? ril n 1
night" will be observed bv order
of the Eastern Star on Tues
day night. May 24 at the Masonic
halL A . snecial . eeremnn anil
degree ,ia being planned with
the following taVlnr tart xtra
Schweizer, Mrs. Joe Rogers. Jr
Mrs. O. Calef, Mrs. M. B. liianchl
Mrs. Forrest Chambers and Mra
Paul E. Rohi nsnn. Snsrlil mn.
Today's Menu
Veal fricassee is a delightful
main dish for dinner today.
Banana coconut salad
17ai rfih miiahrooma
mushroom stems with he liquid
included , and add chopped green
pepper that has been.sau'td in
, Fresh spinach is pressed Into
1 ftnd turned on the Hates
to serTff as the vegetable
1 small . box gra'iam crackers
pound marshmallows .
1 package dates
pound filberts : ;
1 cup top milk or. commercial
which are excellent. The rub Is, ,
that they usually amount to more
in cost than- buvinr a reasonable
commercially made mixture but
many women still like to make
their own lotions, it's a n 1 ee,
8pring passtime.-Some-of the In-
gradients for the following will
nnrchaaed at the drug store.
4 pound honey -
4 egg yolks .
pound oil of sweet almonds
14 pound bitter almonds
1 dram attar of bergamot
1 dram attar of doves
Rub together the honey, egg
and almonds stirring constantly.
then add the perfumes. Quantity
may be reduced.
Fruit Salad Dressing
Is Rich, Sweet
Heavy cream, marshmallows
and egg yolks, no wonder this
recipe is rich and delicious!
, . . . . ,
4 egg yolks
U cup vinegar
Vt tablespoon dry mustard
3 tablespoons sugar
24 marshmallows
1 cup brokennutmeats
1 pint heavy cream
Beat the egg yolks and vinegar
together, then add the sugar and
mustard. Cook over hot water
until thick, stirring constantly,
Cool, then add marshmallows cut
into small bits. Also add the nut-
meats, and finally the -c r e a
whipped stiff. Mix all complete-
Iw mwxA r... .f ... ,! mr,A
' "v.
lettuce combinations.
Fresh Limes Make Fine
Dessert Flavor "
Freah llmaa 1wV attractlwa tn
market displays and prove of gpring-meals. Here'a an appetixer
value as a flavoring for desserts, plate that U ulta elegant whea.
Be sure that you include the attractively arranged,
grated rind, when using limes, be- NOSEGAY.' APPETIZERS
cause most of the flavor snuggles ; Arrange Norwegian sardines -so
close, that you fall to get the . (drained from the oil) like the
best in taste with the mere Juice, spokes of a wheel on a serving
umk wAiiLuiv uu jiulbsk :
4 cup lime Juice
4 cup orange Juice
Grated rind of a whole lime
20 marshmallows
3 tablespoons sugar
Melt marshmallows with
the -
rind and orange Juice in a-double
boiler, add lime Juice and cool.
Fold in pint whipping cream
and freeze without stirring.
v- .. . a .a
Appetizers Include
Tiny Sardines
An appetizer that is arranged
in flower form is suitable for
Daily May 15 -October IS
Examples: ROUND TRIPS'
., Btaalafl Touri Coach
Chicago . . . . ... . $33.33 . 574x0 jssxo
DesMolnes , . 10 J5 , CS SI ZiSZ
taswCtty..... 75 J3 tU5: 54.43
St Paml . . . . . . . 753 - SU5 - 54.40
St. Louts . . S5.C0 - 70.10-- S1X0
' Touriat Tooriat
'Wd Standard Coach : Coach
Kew Yorl, . 414313 $124.53 $12143 $ 173
issou. . . . 143.73 ' 133. -113.43
Auanxa. ... 117X5 1C3.75
andanaU . . 1C3J3 8313
D8rclt.;.. 1373 81.13 Orleans . 123.73 fiata
TtilKlelphla. 133.43 123.18 1CS.43
Washington . 138X3 12133 184.80
fajTP ,.c " eoachca. Tawlat
mmnbcTom. Twh Caal . touriat
i jll"0 Aese famous thju
Conditioned I O Clf I Cf2tfl Vu PogArB
a . - wsiIWHw IT. PAUL
North Coast Lmited Empire Builder
" f . , I .... " i n-1
- 111 - t n ra r- ii 1 ' t i
Bananas Appear I
As Dessert or
Vgetabh .
" Bananas bake withrcurrint. Jelr
ly to jnake dtnert. -- The dlsh.
when attractively r-a ! e.
makes a tmndnom appea:ahce.
and! all those -vbo are entnusias
tic about .odked banaua, will
find it mighty . easy td take. -I1AKED
H cup ielW
cup boiling water.
2; tablespooiticold water
lj teaspoon Jouttr -1
teajspoon lnion' Juice
1: tablespoon AFrowroot
' Remove "skirf'-frftm bananas
, put in a glass (viking diah and
bak!e until sofu
Roll In of sprinkle with pow
dered sugar, lay carefully on a
dish that has been Hied with,
macaroon erumbj and turround-
with the current jlly s.uce Beat;
thef Jelly and add water, thicke'
with arrowroot ( or cornstn r h "if
necessary; that has been put in
the water. . Add butter and Jemon
and cook until slightl? thlci -enrd.
And here is even a suggestion
fori bananas to be combined with
spinach as a veiable dish. The
flavors blend to make :'.a; sii"pri!
Ingly delicious hot dish The
"Florentine' meaus with sy'Lach.
So sometime Just try:
pounds spinach V - :
S tablespoons melted butter
3 tablespoons cream . or un
diluted evaporated milk
1 tablespoon jiineed onion
4 teaspoon 3alt
. cup grated American
cheese - .
4 firm yellow bananas.
Cook the spinach,- drain and
chop coarsely. Add 2 tablespoons
bfl the butter," the cream, cnion.
salt and 2 tablespoons of the-
cheese. Spread in a shallow paa
about 6x10. Peal the bananas,;
Place crosswise on. the spinach:
brush the bananas with the Te-
maining butter and aprinklo with
a ittle salt. Sprifekte remaining,,
cheese over splnch and bananas.
Bake in a moderate or en of 375:
degrees for 20 minutes or until
bananas are tender. Allow half a.
banana served on ' some . of the -
tplnach for ach serving. Serves-
8. 1
one to serve on ihe dinner plate .
with a hot meat, a vegetable and
a generous salad. - .
Melted fat or oil
4 medium bananas A 7
cup flour I
Fritter batter
For shallow frytng, have J Inch
melted fat or oil in frying pan.
For deep-tat frying, have kettle.
k to full of melted tat or .
Oil. Heat fat to 375 (nr until a.
1-inch cube of bread will hrowii
in 40 seconds.) Cut r ben ansa
crosswise into quarters halvar
or 1-inch, thick, pieces-.- Ran
pieces - in "flour, then- dip intor
fritter batter, completel coaU
'nJ tb banana with the hattac
Shallow fry or deep fat fry in tha .
i0 ' '1 . V . m,nu r
uijn u auu icuucr. ui a l ii un lid'1
aied paper.. Serve very hot.
6-8 servings.
Fritter batter: Sift together 1
" "--f
run atlrtaka ei.,,.. 1 ...... a..a.
1 J iMIAAnni Mil an
- tea-t
spoons baking powder. Com bin
1 erg," well beaten with H cu,
milk, and add gradually to dry -Ingredients,
stirring until, batten
is. smooth. Then stir in 2 tea
spoons melted fat or oil.
dish: pot a band: of - thinlv sliced
pimiento around eah - three sar
dines; in center place small lemon
cut into four wedg shaped sec
tions, being carerul not to cut
through at bottom: open sections
like the petal of a flower, and
place a bright radish In center
"Filtration" - makes the
perfect -brew in coffee.
7515 h-ht
Crsater Comfort,
Economy, Pltaturt,
"Train Travel
Teariat aa4 guaoard Slaaa.
Hth Vow arit,a n..i -o
wtlaa.C.Ua.Lan Cars.
- StaakaaJS
M t
!-a 1 ft -
I I . - l .
" .