The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 18, 1938, Page 3, Image 3

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    - i 1 .
- j - : " : ; ' The OIIEGON STATESMAN, Saleo, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, May 18, 1933 PAGE TURlic
'- - '. - - "V -
Band, Soloists
Return Home
Dr. Francis" Townsend Is
Scheduled Speaker for
Berry Festival
LEBANON Tired but nappy
the Lebanon :high school band
and soloists reach-d home with
ieports of worthy achievement their contests. Of the region
al groups from Montana, Idaho,
Washington and Oregon, the Le
banon and Medford band were
the only entries In class B Both
received second and there. was no
first. The goal to be reached
was based on the record of the
high school band at IIobr. Ind.,
end no contestant reached that
The high school girl3 quartet,
Sena Edwards, Mary Fredr,icks.
Edna May Myers i nd Lois Bow
man received first award. Lois
Ginther and Marion Sundley
gave a graphic report of their
trip and program before th r dult
study class taught by F. A.
Sikes Monday evening.
Iahney"' Speaker
; Willis Mahonjy,. democratic
candidate for US senator, rpoke
before a large audience et the
Legion hall Monday night with
groups from Lebanon. Uromb,
Mill City, Albany and Sweet
He was introduced by Francyl
Howard of Albany, editor of
Greater Oregon.- He stressed the
unemployment situation; 1 onne
tille. farmers' problems and other
rublic questions of importance.
lie was interrupted often by a.
prolonged ajplause.
" Dr. Townsond Coming
Other candidates Speaking were
Senator Stringer, Mrs. Aiarian
, Nagel, A. J. Larensen, Fred Har
' rison and T. W. Munyan reryond
ed, Mr. Munyan divided his al
legiance between the political sit
uation and the strawberry fair;
he is the fair contact man and
announced the crowing ot the
Queen Thursday night, June 3.
under the flood lightr 01 the
athletic field; the big parades
Friday with the distribution pf
; the "biggettt strawberry short
cake !n the world" beginning at
noon Friday. He also announced
that Dr. Francis E. Townsend
of pension fame would speak be
fore an -estimated audience ot
. 15.000 Saturday. '
Postmaster Merrill Smith an
nounces that air . mail week has
resulted In an increased bale of
air mail stamps and more letters
- and packages : than . formerly are
beingsent by the fast route.
At a school meeting at Tlerlln
to vote on "Shall the children
of the district tro to Lebanon
schools this fall?" the qu stlon
was decided in' the negative by
- a vote of 25 to 4.
Catholic Daughter
Unit Has Election
WOODBURX C otrt vlctroy
No. 731, Catholic, Daughters of
America met at the home of
Mrs. L. Simon at St. P?ul.
Election- of officers featured
the.meetinr,all .being re-elected:
Mrs; 1 Elizabeth - - Davidson, grand
. regent; Mlas" Marie ' Maajfil. "vice
regent; prophetess, Mrs." J, Wol
heter; lecturer, Mrs. Hlvin. Da--"bois;
historian, Miss Enustine
' Nathman; financial secretary,
Mrs.: Jehn . Hanraban; . treasurer,
Miss Mary, Hershberger: -Monitor.
Miss -Irene . Sowa; ' sentinel Mrs.
Estella Tremaine; .t.hre' year
trustees, Mrs. Mary Stujfct and
Mrs. M. A: Warring; trustees for
two years., Mrs. Lucy ,DeJardin
nd Mrs. Fay Kuensting; trustees
for one year, Irs.-KlizabetJi Glatt
and Mrs.. Margaret Miller; crgan
lst, Mrs. Irene Mcjiillip. .
Graduation Event
Slated on Friday
H AYES VILLE The eighth
grade graduation exercises here
will be h;ld Friday at 8 p. m.
with the following program:
Processional march, Dorothy
Lewis: song by class; salutatory,
Margaret Kimble; class introduc
tion. Donald Berryhlll; plem, Viv
ian Richter: class will. Jack Men
nls; valedictory, Kenneth Robert
son; accordion sool, Charles Mow
ry; address. Prof. Frank Chllds,
Willamette U; presentation of di
plomas, Charles Andresen, board
chairman ; . acceptance, D a r r e 1
Wooldridse;. recessional,. Doro
thv Lewis. - '
The class Is composed of Ella
Mae Stottler, June' Parker, Rob
ert -Peterson, Ruth Zurlinder,
Kenneth Robertson, Jack Mennls,
Margaret Kimble, Vivian Richter,
Charles Love, Darrel Woold ridge,
Charles Mowry, Donald Berryhill,
Harland Pervis.
Social Night Slated
Wednesday for Lodge;
Bazaar Plans Startetl
SILVERTON The - A r 1 1 ans
lodge will hold a social night
Wednesds.y with Bert Swanson to
be in charge of arrangements.
Families of the members are to
be special guests. Officers will be
nominated for the Artisans May
Plans are already, underway for
the autumn bazaar of the Arti
sans Woman's club. Mrs. Chris
Beugll, president, has named s
her committee Mrs. Charles Walt-,
man. Mm. WTllliam Ilannam, Mrs.
Ray Davis, Mra. Verlln White an!
Mrs. Bert Swanson. -
Sparks, From Flue Cause -Minor
Fire at Vaughans
;": RiCKREALI Sparks from the
kitchen flu caught on the back
porch, on. the; J. .F." Vaughan hom
at noon Monday. " The bmxe was
discovered by Mrs. Herman Amps,
a neighbor, and Charles idams,
another neighbor, quickly pot it
out. Quite a space of shingles
was burned.
i 1 r 1 - " " . . . . .... . ..
Golden Gate
- ' . f
yn&L Ail
With approximate building eosts totaling S 10,000,000 to date, 1030 Golden Gate International Exposi
tion officials announced recentlj that work on the man-made island in San Francisco bay is about
70 per rent completed. Among structures already finished are the twin Elephant Towers, mammoth
: stone figures flanking the Portals of the! Pacific, main entrance. In the foreground Is a portion of
the "Port of Trade Winds," already a mecca for bay region yachtsmen. To the left Is the causeway
leading from the San Francisco-Oakland bay bridge. The horseshoe-shaped structure is the Admin
istration building, and looming In the background Is the 40O-foot Tower of the Sun. UN photo.
munity club met at the school
house Friday night- Election of
officers were; postponed until the
second Friday in October. Dr. H.
C. Epley of Jefferson gave a num
ber of readings and also led the
community singing accompanied
by Mrs.' Olive Potter.' Guitar num
bers were played by Mr. Lyons of
Aumsvllle and Mr. Keiper. Naomi
Chamberlin played a piano num
ber composed by Dr. Epley.
:' HAYESYILLE A fair-Blzed
crowd enjoyed the splendid mov
ing pictures; of European counT
tries presented by Dr. Labon
Steeves at the community club
Friday night. Political "speeches
were made by State Rep. Hannah
Martin and W. Zimmerman, who
spoke, for his son, Howard Zim
merman. I . '
Hershal Robertson was reelect
ed president of the club for the
coming, year. Other, officers" are:
D. Janien, vice-president; Mary
Pervis, secretary: Mrs. B. Willis,
treasurer; Oscar Noren and Har
rison Hartzel, sergeants.
. J. Kennedy, principal of the
school,- gave' a short talk on 4H
club work. "Mrs. F. Martin pre
sented the 4H Sewing club girls,
who gave a short program.
lege Community club will 'hold
the.' May, meeting Thursday, night
Instead of Friday' because 'of elec
tion. - Plans - will - be '. completed
for the annual homecoming," June
4. Mrs. ; , Charles Glaze is in
charge. .ot a .miscellaneous . pro
gram which will Include , mem
bers ' by the' school undoi the
direction of the teachers.".. Miss
Edith Ross and. Miss Margaret
Blood and
selections by local
ACBURX The ! Auburn Com
munity club -will hold tho last
meeting of the y e a r at " the
schoolhouse Friday.. -
SUVEROfficers electei for
the community club Friday night
were: Maurice Dodson, president;
Mrs. W. J.i Kerr, vice president;
Mrs. H. F. Coney,, secretary-treasurer.
The club picnic wilt be
held the second Sunday ir. July
at Helmich park:
Mrs. Wea Kester announced the
program of two: plays: "Using
the Telephone." by Eula Spencer
end Dora (Miller and "Sending
a Telegram,," Lorena Ridders.and
Marvin Rock. -
elected at
HOWELL Officers
the community club
meeting Friday uight were Ray
mond Werner, president; Eugene
Kuenri, vice president; John
Tweed, sergeant-at-arms; Lucille
Roth, pianist; Roy Rutschman,
song leader; "Mrs. Clarence John
son secretary-treasurer.
The usual eager crowd o? can
didates for office was present so
each was assessed five cent for
a minute's talk with the amount
doubling itself with each minute
adde. Candidates speaking were;
Edwin Keech, George Duncan,
Walter Fuhrer. 'Leroy Hcwlitt,
John Steelhammer. -
A program was given! with
the feature a skit, "Aye ! Tank
Aye Want . to go Back to Swe
den," by girl pepettea of S'.lverton
junior high.
Shadows were auctioned by
Amos Coohouse. ) Entire proceeds,
amounting to $13.35, which will
go for 4H club scholarships.
Hills Community club program
Friday - night drew one ct the
largest - crowds of the year.
Mrs. Robert ill. Mortoa was
chairman fori these numbers:
guitar duet, Raymond and Allene
Beard, pupils of the Mlsslnger
studios: vocal solo. Max gcrlber,
accompanied by -Mildred H?bbs:
a beautiful showijg of films of
Oregon wild life, including pic
lures from Silver Creek Falls,
shown by Mrs. George K. Moore
head. Royal Neighbor drill team
from Silverton cave a 30-minuto
demonstration. , ; ': "
v ; Six Get Diplomas
school has six eighth grade gradu
ates this year - to include Vera
Tolmsoffj Ltterne Anderson,
Fred West, Milton Foote, Kenneth
Mires and Joe Ross. I
Exposition Nearing
Portland Doctor
Believed Drowned
MEHAMA Local parties and
Salem : police were Tuesday
searching the Santiam river here
for the body of Dr. A. Bertschin
ger of Portland, . believed to have
downed sometime late Monday. '
Dr. Bertschlnger. . who often
visits Dr. C. C. Carroll here, had
gone fishing alone on the . San
tiam river about 4 o'clock Mon
day . afternoon. He phoned Dr.
Carroll that he would fish down
to the bride at Mehama and spend
the night here with Carroll.'
When Bertschlnger ' failed to
appear, the local doctor became
alarmed and this morning spread
the alarm. A search along the
river banks netted Dr. Bertschln
ger s fish pole, caught in the
branches about a quarter mile
above the bridge at Mehama, and
where there are steep, slippery
rocks. " . - .
It is presumed that the I Port
land man, while trying to disen
tangle his line, stepped into the
river, which is . swift at this
Nazi Seized
Sergeant Samuel B. - Edgeman,
. "acting sergeant major of the
" Thirties Infantry at i the San
Francisco Presidio, who faces
Court mart 11. He is accused of
i' stealing confidential army re
I ports. The sergeant assert edly
- admitted taking the documents.
: saying he had taken thera home
to work upon. Long known as
-: a "model soldier, . Edgeman
served as staff sergeant of the
: Thirtieth Jni antry In Tientsin,
China, from 1920 to 1929. He
: was placed in the guard bouse
' pending court-martial. The doc-
t uments concerned personal
matters. IIX phofo.
;wt "S,NIri -'ml
t al
rangers .News
- IUCKREALL. The members
ef the grange met Sunday to have
pictures of the degree team and
tableaus taken. A dinner was
served to about 50 persons at 1
RICKREALL At grange Fri
day night, Wes Elliott was elect
ed as alternate delegate to state
grange at Klamath Falls, June
13. A 4-H scholarship to sum
mer school at Corvallis was re
ceived from , Busick's on sales
slips. A check for a scholarship
from the grange was issued.
Those to be sent will be decided
upon later. - , - ;
Sixteen candidates were ini
tiated by the Rickreall degree
team. From Falls City were Ross
and Helen - Bowman, Ethel and
Tony Casta, James and Shalie
Dickinson, Mildred and Virgil Da
vis. Brush College, Margaret
Blood, Edith Ross, Scott Wilson;
H. Harold. Mr. and MrST Ralph
Shepard. Rickreall, Arlene Voth;
Ray and Oakley West.
Eighty-nine were present at the
refreshment tables. Visitors night
was reported to be held at Fort
Hill on May 18, and the card
party at the home gTange hall
Saturday, May 21.
Talks were by State Grange
Treasurer Glen -Adams who out
lined the grange's program for
remainder of the year. Masters
Wilson ot Brush : College ana
Barnhart of Falsi , City. ,
. ;w " .
Rites Today for
DALLAS Mrs. William Black-
ley died at" her home In Dallas
Monday night. -
Elizabeth . G. Taylor was born
in Glasgow, Scotland. She was
married to William Blackley on
February 6, 1918. During the
World war she served In the Wom
en's Royal Air Force. In the fall
of 1919 she came to Canada with
her husband, residing in Manitoba
and Saskatchewan until 1922
when they moved to Salem. Since
that time she has been a resi
dent of Dallas where she was a
member of the auxiliary of the
Carl B. Fenton post of the Ameri
can Legion.
She is survived bv her husband:
one son, Villiam Weir; her fa
ther and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Taylor of Vancouver, B.
C; Tom and Bert of Regina, Sas
katchewan, Cana; James, John
and David of Vancouver, B. C.
Funeral services will be held
at the First Presbyterian church
in Dallas Wednesday morning at
10 o'clock with Rev. Walter Duff
officiating. Cremation at Mt.
Crest mausoleum, Salem.
Nelson Sisters
And Disneys Win
SfLVERTON The largest
crowd, was out at the Saturday
night amateur Bhow sponsored by
the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Nelson sisters and the Disney ac
robats of Corvallis were winners
of first place, with Orval Beards
ley, singer of Salem, winner of
Saturday night's showing will
be the finals, i
Henry Dahl to Dispose
Of Hubbard Blacksmith
HUBBARD Henry Dahl, - the
local blacksmith who was taken
seriously- ill "Wednesday with
signs of Intestinal fin and taken
to a Salem . hospital, returned
home much relieved. Dahl will
not be at his shop for a week or
more. Mr. Dahl has not been well
for some time and on account of
his ill health Is selling his black
smith shop and Implements. :
i ; - i .
! New Arrival Is Boy
Theodore Riches are reporting tho
birth of a e-pound 14-ounce
daughter Sunday night at the Sil
verton hospital. This is the Riches
first child. Mrs. Riches will be
remembered by many as 'Miss
Beryl Ottaway. talented violinist.
... .
1 ' ' - ' 1 , - s - - 1
1 A A
xuurw earnings
Bring $629.20
Christian Giurch to Hold
Banquet Tonight for
new Members
ALBANY What Is undoubt
edly, the largest sale of weaning
pigs to be maue in this county
was that of Saturday, when 100
weanlings .were sold at the Ben
Sudtel auction .house.
The purchasers were Bernard
Brothers vof Mclnnville. end
large farm operators of Yamhill
county. The pigs sold for $629.20.
ALBANY -I Closing the meet
ings for the year, the Albany
high school will sponsor the pro
gram for the Northlyn commun
ity club Friday night. Frank
Bennett, city school superinten
dent will speak.
Banquet Is Tonight
ALBANY The annual ban
quet honoring new members tak
en into the church during , the
past year will, be held at the
Christian church Wednesday
night. A fitting program is also
to be given. . ; ' ' ' :
During the year, closing with
May 15, 75 members were added
to the cTiurch roll.
Maple School Wins
ALBANY For the third
consecutive year. Maple school
won the PInos club trophy by rea
son of reporting the greatest re
duction in fire hazards in the
homes of pupils during the year.
Presentation of the cup was
made by Floyd Hopeman, presi
dent of the Lions club. Fire Chief
Don Hayne accompanied Hope-
man and gave a short talk on fire
prevention, i
ALBANY - Grover C. Nance,
Linn county treasurer, received
word Monday of the death of his
only brother, Duward Nance, on
May 11, in the Philippines. Du
ward Nance was in the United
States army and had only been in
the Philippine; since January,
Previous to going to the islands
he had been located at Fort Lew
is. The body is being brought
back to the States and will be
buried in Altema, Arkansas, his
former home. , .
Winemanis Owner
Beaver Dam Land
Jones of Brooks has sold a tract
of beaverdam on Labish to Mr.
Wineman of Labish Center, The
tract is in this district for several
years, was rented to K. Mh. and
George Kimyo for market gar
d e n i n g. ' Mr.' Rassmusson - of
Brooks ' has ' a fine onion crop
growing on the tract now. '
Mrs. Adolph Kittilson and Mrs.
Edward Dunnigan, Jr., were joint
hostesses at the Kittilson home
for the last meeting of the Nemo
Sewing club of the season. Of
ficers, elected were:"' president;
Mrs. Henry .Rassmusson; Tice
president, Mrs. Alexander Bishop;
secretary-treasurer, -Mrs. Louis
Wampler. Mrs. W. G Davis Is
the retiring; president.'. Special
guests were: Mrs. John Tweed.
Mr. Plane.' Louis Wampler and
Adoyph Kittilson.
Y;.. -..
Logging Crew Is
: Building Bunkers
DETROIT Silver Falls Log
ging company has a crew of men
putting in gravel bunkers . hear
the river at -Idanha. The gravel
will be used to keep the logging
roads in good condition.
The Detroit grade school held
May festivities Friday afternoon
Evelyn Losey was crowned queen
of the May, her attendants were
Mary Lou Neilson, Barbara Lee,
Cathrine Fryer, Vivian and Ilene
Losey. '
TTT7 V -i , - I
lias ever
Your first Lincoln-Zephyr ride will
Ie something youll remember for e I
lon,g time. The reason' is that the t
Linooln-ZephjT is designed,
entlr than any car ever
uniqne construction gives a ride its I
1 unusual as the performance and econ-
, omy of its V-12 engine ! Try this ride at
your Lin co la-Zephyr Dealer
Accused of Theft
; .. . Ji
"- ' ; o 1
. - f .
- ,
r'r, (V
An attempt pat a Nazi putsch in
Rumania was defeated when Zalea
Corneliu CoJreanu, head of the
Fascist Troh Guard" and bitter
political enerfiy of King Carol, was
arrested with 80 of his followers
. and charged with conspiracy.
Silvertlm Woman
Plans Ocean Trip
SILVERTON Mrs. Gertrude
Slade Cameron, local music teach
er, will leave May 28 on the S. S.
William Lmckenback for Boston.
The trip will-take her through the
Panama canal and up. the Atlantic
seaboard to Boston where she will
spend the summer with her son
Bill. .1
As a farewell gesture Mrs. Cam
eron was honored at a gift party
at the home? of Mrs. G. W. Hubbs
with Mrs. E H. Banks and Mrs
O. K. Cole assisting hostesses.
Attending were Mr. Oameron, Mr.
George Steelhammer, Mri. C. R- WiUon,
Mrt. C.i W. Kene, Mrs. W. P. Scrth,
Mr. Jck Cur-y, Mm. P. A.' Lor, Mrt.
Elijibeth Jme, Mn. W. U. MfUinnn,
Mrt R. E. Kteintorce. Mrt. J. C. Morley.
Mrt. Irene Mori ay Franke, Mrt. h. C.
Eattman. Mrt; John T. Hoblitt. Mra. I.
L. Stewart, MN. Lucy Wray, Mra. G. L
Barr. Mra. Hubert -JUnnean, Mra. J. J
Bchlador. Mri Reber Allen. Mrt,. B. G
Bectton. Mra J R. A. MeClanathan, Mra.
W. . Satchwell, Mrt. Edwar Ekraan,
Mra. Carl Bta&iey, Mrt. H..R. Irish. Mrt.
3. P. BalUnty ne,. Mrt. H. W. Preston,
Mrt. Boy Motley. Mrt J E gtranix. Ma
rie Baelme, tH"ri DeGulre, Mae Serviee.
Mra. Gordon McCall and Mra. T- P- Kla
teifenj ! the latter two from Portland.
Leonard McCoy Is
Oratolrical Winner
MARION This community and
Marion Farmers union" local were
elated bvef Leonard "McCay, "mem
ber j of Marion' juniors, winning
in the county oratorical contest
held at Bethel Sunday. Ke will
now participate in the state con
test; held during the state; Farm
ers'!;! union convention at Sheri
day next week. He is a student
la Aumsvllle high school. Mrs.
Homer Smith. Is leader -of the
Marion a?id " Aumsvllle" Junior sj"!
i Mrs.' I.E. Anstrum of Ci-.dillac;
Saskatchewan, is ihe'' house guest
this weel of'their old neighbors
in Cahad;'Mr. and 'Mrs. Selmar
i Picnic Set Wednesday...
MACLEAY School - will '- close
here " Wednesday, May 18, with
an Hall-day picnic atthe school
hoUse. iThe 4H clubs will ex
hibit thir completed work and
put on an achievement day pro
Imprbve the coffee and
you -improve the meal.
"Ffltration" does it. .
'tben-BmLt .
Some Lincoln-Zephyr Featnre
123-inchvwheelhate i .' .110 TLV. Lincoln,
built V-12 engine ... 11 to 18 miles per gal .
Ion . . . rettful riding and handling eate ...
6 body types, including 2 smart convertibles.
boilt. Its
i -
Keizer 8th Grade
Graduation 19th
Dr. V. D. Bain to Deliver
Address ; Program
, Details Told j
KEIZER The eighth r r a d e
graduation exercises will be heldn
in the, Chemawa .hall Thursday
night at S o'clock.
Program: selections by Keizer
band; processional,' Betty Pierce;
welcome and roll call of class by
David Melsen, master of ceremo
nies; class poem, Alton Shannon;
prophecy, Nellie Pearmine; will.
Chester Emmert; violin solo, Nel
lie Pearmine; "Thoughts on Grad
uation," Dorothy Smalley.
The . speaker,- Dr. V. D. Bain,
director of curriculum and ele
mentary education, will be intro
duced by David Melson; presen
tation of diplomas, Lloyd E.
Mrs. Lester Pearmine will have
charge of the fliower decorations
( ) c . ya
Y0U ""e A c Cos
l r ;
. , - - - -
Cash Iwyer Plan-
""""MM"-'"Jtn)t)tawt1 ' a,
- -- -. " v
ism- t .
trie it for tfca Scdaa
iUastrated and iadndca
transporUtiom cbarft,
-taiet. rat, il and wkt
tidt-wtU Urea
Members of the class are Alton
Shannon, Dorothy Smalley, David
Melson, Melvin Dornbusch, Alda
Pickell, Dorothy Green, - Eileen
Mitchell, Nellie Pearmine. Vera
Mitchell, Nina Varbell. Dorothy
Murphy, Armond Carrow, Lewis
purcell, Mary Davles, Chester Em
mert. "
W. Clauser Honored
At, Surprise Affair
On 80th Anniversary
' II AYESVILLE A group of
friends and neighbors surprised
W. Clauser at his home Thursday
night and helped him"- celebrate
his 80th birthday .
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. H. Robertson, Kenneth and
Bernlece, Mrs. Elsie Frey. Alvin,
Marcelle, Adelle, Alden. Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Powers. Mr. and Mrs.
W. Ray, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kau.f
man, Mr., and, Mrs. F. Martin,
Lester, Erma and Dolores, Mrs.
Liphart, J.. NIelson, G. Brand:!,
Oscar- Noren.- Mrs. W. Noren.
Jackie and Jimmie Mennls and
the honored guest.
""V ""Wane, ""y for
w,a. rnhkiS
a e
oidist mnotui unk
- wkt of rut loans"