Crowd Views School Event Joint Graduation Exercises Held at Hopewell for Eight Districts HOPEWELL, The Hopewell United Brethren church Satur day night was filled to capacity, estimated crowd of 450, of rela tives and friends to witnt&a th eighth grade graduation ct 31 students in the rroup of eight rural schools.. Art Xirkham of Portland, radio annouurer, gave the address to the c 1 a a s on "Choosing a Vocation." . . The program included the Vfi cessions!. Hopewell lZ-piece or chestra under direction of Guy Earl; invocation, Kev. V. A.. Bal lantyne; several numbers by the Seventh Day Ad rentlst chorus; two numbers by the Hopewell vocal trio; .Mrs. Lloyd Stethens. Mrs. Stanley - Sargeant and Mrs. Gilbert Halstead;. Lynn Oubeer, county superintendent of whpola, presented the diplomas; reces sional by Hopewell orchestra. Class lists Given Included in th claaa by aehoola: Tatr lew. Helen Collin, LaU Com p ton and Grand Island. Gwsa Dooglaa. Vern Vert. Wand Chandler, Ptggj Lafley nd Lcma WHt. HnMwxll trr arid Bill) Loop, Leon ard Uickeraon, Doroth Murray, Hen Janirn and Kdnaio Wood. ruaantdale, Maria Edward. rn ill F-honr. Mary Roth Kirkland, Mark Mix and Barbara Sweeney. - Cnionrale, Verla Terry. Edith Reed, Lrnnt Ktoutenbnr and Jnanit Milford. Webfeot, Lloyd Iloldredf nd Darjrl M. Wheatland. Let Fields, GeorgU Mich- al mi Htn Rehaff-r. Yamtoo. Myrtle Humphrey, Emm Kerne and Jamea Canteel. r Hal Campbell's Niece Will Marry Violinist, London Despatch Says SILVERTON A recent Associ ated Press dispatch from London was of particular Interest to Hal Campbell, local band leader, in that it made mention of his niece, a daughter of his late sister. The niece, Nola Nicholas, was referred to In the following item, "Yehudi Menuhin. 21-year-old world-famous violinist, announced his en gagement today "to pert, red-headed Nolrf Nicholas, 19, daughter of an Australian millionaire." Campbell came to the United States jrom Melbourne, Australia, after war and has lived at Sil verton most of the past 10 years. Oakdale Women's Group Meets at McComber Home OAKDALE - The Oa' dale Woraans club met at tin home of Mrs. Isla McComber Thurs day afternoon. The grou adopt ed unanimously the resolut-on on the motion pictute bill. Mrs. Hattje Bronm was honored as the oldest mother for Mothers' day with a handkerchief shower, Mission Society Meets DAYTON r The Dayton Chris tian Missionary society with 12 members present Thursday after noon held the May meeting at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright. Mrs. Roy E. Will con ducted the devotionals and Mrs Earl Coburn was lesson leader. New Five-Cent Piece Designer : i - V i tf. ! - v. ': ' . i- X . -Sk. ' - X- ' - .v J" " - , '-- . 1' ' t i ,- - - i ' ' - ' v California Days Hot, Says Wilson Airs. L. L. . Shields Hostess at Tea in Honor of Burns Visitors Charlemagne's Crown for Hitler? JEFFERSON V t r g 1 1 Wilson arrived from Red Bluff, Calif Saturday for a brief visit with relatives and friends. He reports the temperature was 98 degrees in the shade when he left there. The- Townsend club will meet Wednesday at a p.m. ' at the Masonic .hall. There will be a speaker and reports by the dele gate who attended the Townsend convention at Corvallis. ' Tea Honors Visitors . ' A delightful afternoon was tpent at the home of Mrs. L. L. Shields when she entertained with a tea Friday at her home . In honor of Mrs. Leo Mars and Daughter Marilyn of Burn who are visiting . Mrs. Mars' . mother, Mrs..Evalyn I. Wall, j The tea table was centered with a bowl of .white ro3ebuds and tapers. Mrs. Gilbert Looney and Mrs. Harold Wynd poured; and Mrs. Bernle H. Kyllo of Eu gene : and Mrs. H. B. Thurston assisted in serving, Returns to Seattle Mrs. Ora Wood, who has been making -an extended stary at the home of her mother, Mrs. Julia Ann 'Vaughn ana Miss Flora Vaughn, has returned to her home In Seattle. Another daughter of Mrs. Vaughn, Mrs R. A. Golden, of Portland, Is a guest at the Vaughn home. The Mlllersburg school south west of Jefferson closed Friday. A program was presented In the forenoon, followed by a picnic dinner at the noon hour; Eighth grade exercises were held for Nnes Mudgett and Alvin Kreger ckn Til an tn entr Malison Jun- CENTRAL HOWELL The program for the all-day pic- Ior. high school m Albany this rne. at the school Saturdav included: & meetincr of the home- fall Mrs. Earl Murdock recently . . ' , . ' " . I suffered several cracked ribs. customary ice creaa treat. in a bad fall at her home two Mrs. Robert Janz, president, presided at the homecom- miles southwest of here. ing meeting. Amusing parts of a history which is being 1 i n -c com piled -by Mrs. Clarence Sim- :-;r-. -.. , f i Winner of the natlontJ competition to select a design for the new Thomas Jefferson nickel was Felix Schlag of Chicago, shown with a : plaster node! of the design be submitted. Ernest Werner Earliest Pupil out J For Central Howell s Homecoming Henry Voth Accompanies George Voths on Trip To Miilwestern States SALT CREEK A daughter, Darlene Rosella was born Tues day to Mr. and Mrs. Will Vll wock. : They have two boys. Henry Voth left with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and. Mrs. George Voth of Dallas for Enid, Okla. They are going by car through W'yoming and will return the southern route. Mrs. Anna Vilwock with them. planfl to return Junion Women's Club Names new Officers , Installation 3Iay 23 SILVERTON Officers elected at the Junior jWomans club In clude: president, Blllie Schultal ber; vice president, Lottie Skip per; secretary, Peggy Johnson; treasurer, Lola Larson;, historian, Virginia Bee. j - Installation ceremonials will be held May 23 with the Woodburn Junior Womans club as guests for the evening. j mons and Mrs. Clyde DeSart were 5a LJllIdren ItCCeive read.- ' ' Ernest Werner went to school here In 1883, which was the ear liest of any present at the meet ing, . D. J. Steiner, who taught here In the late nineties, was tbe earliest teacher present. First Holy Communion i At Mt. Anel Sunday MT. ANGEL Tlfty-three little Four I children received their first holy community families with the rec- I communion at St. Mary's Cath- ord of three generations attend- ollc church at 8 o'clock Sunday ing the same school are the De- morning. Most of the youngsters Sart, Ramsden, Wood and Stef fen were from the first anl fcecond families. , grades of St. Mary's school. About 400 children of all ages todr part Charles Carr Home Is f SJSl? $ ' X Scene of Club Meeting m the procession that formed at tlta ctrsct tn tria rrinrph u a x i. u ine ivroweiaeen pi--Mn rn.nt nrrcita club members were pleasantly a88j8ted by Rev. VinceJt K.-ppert entertained at thehome of Mr. ud Kev Patrick Meagher At and Mrs. Charles Carr Thursday - m .v. -hiMren .eriihlAd mgm. rana wngnt won nign ,n f benediction and enroll- BH.-ur3 an unugu uu -mo. iuju D-1 ment in the scapular, vvnieri won low. xnrs. raui Ln dershausen, Mrs. Wlllert and Mrs. Alex Crulckshank were special guests. Ramon that Adolf Hitler intends to climax his Napoleonic career by crowning himself emperor of Germany were revived recently , when. Hitler removed the Emperor Charlemagne's crown and sword from Vienna to erlin. Well informed authorities could ascribe no reason for the removal of the historic treasure than that at some future date Hitler hopes to found a nazi dynasty by enthroning himself as Adolf I of Germany and Austria. It was regarded as significant that the fuehrer lost no time in taking action against members of the Hapsburg clan when Austria was annexed to the reich. The crown, shown above, is set with priceless emeralds and sapphires. Bond Issue Voted At Salem Heights SALEM HEIGHTS The elec tion held at the community hall Monday to vote bonds in the sum of $9000, for the erection of an addition to the schoolhouse, car ried by a vote of 24 for to 3 against. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dan Whitesell and Mrs. Alice Sarff, aunt of Mr. Whitesell, motored , to Pasco, Wash. Saturday, where Mrs. Sarff entrained for her home in Browerville, Minn. Mrs. Dorothy Hammer of Ta coma visited her mother, Mrs,. George Willson, who Is still con fined to her ed with illness. Mrs. Lawrence Anderson and mother, Mrs. Jerry King, left by motor Wednesday for several weeks' visit in San Francisco and other California points. Visiting in Midwest SILVERTON Mrs. R. L. Gour lie left Sunday for several weeks visit in the midwest.' She will vis'.t brothers at . Milwaukie and Ells worth. Wis., and will call on old friends at Dover, Plaineview and Rochester, Minn. Mrs. : Gourlie has not visited the midwest for IS years. .: Fiesta and Trade v Days Successful DALLAS A large number of people from surrounding . com munities were In Dallas Friday and Saturday for the fiesta and trade days sponsored by loca merchants. Special merchandise bargains prizes and a free picture show at the Majestic theatre Saturday aft ernoon made the fiesta especial ly attractive to residents of Dal las and surrounding communities Over 40 Dallas businessmen co operated in the plan. Ivan E.. War ner was chairman. Evergreen School Will Close Work on Thursday WALDO HILLSl-Evergreen school will close Thursday with a picnic. M. E. Welch, prwclpa the past year, resigned last week to accept other work and - Mr, Nelson of the Swegle faculty be gan substitute work Friday and will finish the year. r- Craduates Number Five EVENS VALLEY This year' graduates from the eighth grade included Ruby LeRud, Lela Todd Floyd Langser, Arnold Herigstad and Neilan Dodson. ruitland School Closes Thu Two-Cent Stamp rsday icmc for Community to Be Held Wednesday Honor Lively I! FRUITLAND The Fru'tland school will hold craduatlon ex- o'clock. The graduates " are: Lena Gerlg and Doris Runner. Tho nrnrram Will include: Snlntatnrv. Lena Gerig: vall- dlctory, Doris Runner; voca aolo. Ravmnnd Geriz: niano solo, itovu Hoa tetter: recitation. Robert Smith: accordion solo." Ln Gerig class history, Lena Gerigi cias will, Doris Runner; narroonicH band selection; iddress ny uev. Robert A. Hutchinson of tne e irev Congregational -jhurch; reaaing by Doris Runner. - nonald David; vice- Th dlclomas will do givtn uj rcu" T,.r. m . a r I a 9 A. , m VI a TV Mrs. C. A. Yergan.. The puonc presiaeni, .. . I ink VathlAPn RT is invuea. - . ' ' v.- trl.h. . , i ni I rmnT Leon Feavy, jerry Tne annual biuuui ivu T tn- be held Wednesday, with com- Merriman: treasurer. JaJe" Je f iu.1 bah . Hrrv Bowen. Dofia Matheny ill 1. J U Utuctr w I bjvm - - - games. The community.: is n- i and janei uuuura. vited. A surprise birthday patty on On. of the new presidential series, this two-cent -tamp of John Adams roes on saie i tot?Jn?X Those of Martha and George Washington already have Deen saucu. Roy Lively iwas given at his bom Slllllllier DCaSOU Monday night: Those present uuumivi. Opens for i'ark Teaching. Post at Scio Is Filled wpro- Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Mor aan. Mr. and Mrs. George -fica- ens. Mr. and M. Joe jc and Eunice and Vernon Johnson, I jstt VER " FALLS A cowded Ernest Gerig, Joyce Lively ana I ac ,t .ne silver Falls Mr. and Mrs. R. G., Lively. I tjta nark Sunday marked the farlv opening for summer plc- nf.irAra and tourists. Much ln- trt In shown in the aauiuonai Improvements of the txw group employed in the area. Flshinsr Is rather poor a the water is high and often muddy, only a few are catching the limit. SCIO A mold TurnbulJ of UaaJ T Irfan ttaa Kofin aftlaOls) tA I aawu ill! vi u v teach the 7th and 8th grades at Big Day s l'rogram 18 bull attended Washington atate Arranged for Closing college and is a graduate ot Ore gon Normal school at Monn.outn. -MarlnrtA S MpRpn. CerVSiS. will teach the Scio 5th and 6th 1 MA CLE AY M a c 1 e a y school rrados neit vear. Miss Nlesen will hold, closing exercises Wed- v-aa hoH vin vears' teaching I nesdar. with an all-day program experience, is a graduate - oi planned including me n cue- Northern Normal Industrial ment program ai u a.iu. crhnni in Aherdoen. S. D.. and I d dish dinner at noon: crarnree of Oregon Normal school. Mon-j vs. Macleay ball game in tbe aft mouth. Charles Sikstrdm also I noon. ... i. n. tonchr elected to in- Crabtree was aeieaiea oy struct in social science and boys' leay 17 to 6 a week ago. l'very- physical education in the high I one Is invited to attena. school. - ri ntrior tMiticm. "all re elected, complete the staff. They Floyd Fox jr., Honor Of School al Macleay are: Iris Cutsforth, Ruth Houser, Frieda James, Dorothy Clausen, and J. H. Tumbleson, principal. The latter three are high school teachers. Guest on Anniversary SILVER CLIFF Mrs. Floyd Fox was hostess Saturday after noon for a pleasant birthday party Nominations Are Held in honor of Floyd Fox, Jr.s, t v . ti i c i l birthday, uuests were oene oor By Junior High School I don Mulkey. Marie and Robert Charpllloz, Richard Fatten, l,u- RILVERTON Students nomi-1 cille Jaquet. Agnes Jean uaroy. nated for officers in the Junior Merlin Darby, Guy Scott, France high school Include: president. Fox, Clifford Keith Scott and the Raymond Dahl, James Olson, Flo- honored guest. ' School Picnic Held ; HOPEWELL? A full attend ance of patrons of the district attended the all-day picnic clos ing the Hopewell school Thurs day. A basket dinner was served. Hopewell school won a 4 to 1 score game of ball with the Union- vale school in the afternoon, tojdisOtrxi LHjQcrasaS 'MM CCDMIPAmADBILlE VAILUJE $3 306-Coil, Mammoth Hotel : VarJt Bring You Sensationa t Savings on Steeping Luxury Sleeping luxury such as you'd never think possible at j Wards LOW price! All the famous hotel mattress! comfort of 306 deep coils, quilted sisal pads, felted . cotton, damask ticking 7 inches thick 1 ' S3 a Month, Down Payment, Plus Carrying Charge . 11 M CD M IP IE C I A m I Famous Quality! Reduced 55 SitnaallS ILimimge Here's your chance to save on a Simmons studio I Get every sleeping and lounging comfort feature! Posture-right metal back, restful arms ! Big pillows I Opens to double bed or 2 twin beds! I $4 a Month, Down Payment, Plus Carrying Charge - , a-i. . - . - 1 -" Si Easy front pull-out opening wtA bedding comportment ii.miws i nTC . -" . a . T l , a a a v j - cniiai with white. ooj i rw ; wbv. ehiaen feathers, tl .QO KK lexers. 1JjO lixJ la. ixe.- I ic3, Mice iv " . . Extra- I leathers. 1 - . i ,-Ar. 6 ;;Y j ( . i.. waiting tight around ? the comer. nearly a million stores where cigarettes are sold s , you'll find that friendly white Chesterfield package. TTj i I t . r t - I fulfil j. .tte I Chesterfields are made of the best in-. gredients a cigarette can have.., mild home-grown tobaccos, aromatic - Turkish and pure cigarette paper. "Chesterfield's milder better taste will give you more pleasure than any cigarette you ever smoked. nr 1 I 111 i t i I 1 r 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I W i l I It t m , m M i-iv-i 155 N. LIBERTY PHONE 3194 Ccpjrriabt mt, LMcrrr t l4vt 1 wt . Co.