The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 07, 1938, Page 7, Image 7

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    Society Clubs
Featores -of Interest to Women
t - - , -
Vegetables Lend
To Ingenuity
Vegetable found in local mar
kets lend themselves to Ingenuity
la cooking or In old favorite
ways of preparation and the va
riety is great. -
New peas, which are beginning
to be down in price can be
stretched with new carrots to a
few to go a, longer way. Or
cream them with new potatoes
to serve on crisp toast.
Carrots are excellent with
chopped chives, mix with green
celery in I a butter .sauce or are
fine e erred plain with plenty
of pepper in the butter.1
r Green beans go with bacon, I
or mixed with a sour milk sauce j
And conked slowly until done.
- Cauliflower makes a fine show- i
ng and may be served -with
cheese sauce or topped with j
creamed peas or carrots.
New potatoes are big enough
to brown with the roast, or small;
enough to drop whole into deep
fat and cook.
) .CeUry is so good it's ecictllent;
as-is. v j
;' Tomatoes may be stuffed with
fesh crab meat ' for salad, then
topped with a shredding of new
spinach. j
And speaalng -of spinach, try
some of those fresh young leaves
shredded with new oi.ions and
radishes, to be topped with olite
oil French dressing and served
as an ice cold salad. ;
Egg plant has. appeared more
frequently in the past week or
so and makes a good showing
fried or stuffed and baked.
Cucumbers go with their com
panions, -new onions and toma
toes. . r . j
Among the fruits to look like
: I" "Ve1 ! II
MAXINE BUREN Women's Editor.
Two Recipes from
: Experts Handy
For Home Use
Styles Food
I caa't understand it. According to the tea leaves you're
supposed to be on an ocean voyage right now! .
spring are fresh pineapple, ski- .. " M J ' ...
m-i, K..f ,i..,n Whether the fortune teller Is right or wrong, a brown checked surah
places, there's the little brown velveteen jacket trimmed all around
With the material from Which the shirtwaist frnrV was cut. T-instirV
and hanky go Into triangular pockets on the skirt and, no. matter 1 cup crushed pineapple (with
now traveled you are, tne big, little-girl bow at the neck and Juice)
vnanei s oeret wui maite you iook naive. uopyrlgbt, 1938, Es- 1 cup sugar
quire Features, inc. .
to fine guests. With fresh straw
berries and powdered .sngar they
make a delicious dessert cnp.l
; Strawberries from Louisiana
are showing red and tasting lus-'
clous. On sundaes, in shortcake
and as a topping for custards they
go a long way.
Rhubarb Is another standby
that's still with ns. Fresh straw
berries stirred into lhubarb sauce
make an interesting combination; I -
sliced bananas add flavor to the Smart Bridge Fetes
rhubarb sauce. i
Limes add flavor to lemon Held at Sllverton '
. From : a national magazine
published for home economists
come several excellent recipes.
They are signed favorites from
experts and may serve your fam
Ily with just what they want.
. First Is quick one-dish meal
using leftovers;
(Serves 5)
2 cups potatoes (cooked and
.sliced) !
1 12-ox. can corned beef
1 cup onions (sliced very thin)
3 hard cooked eggs
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
. 2 caps milk
4 teaspoon salt
Pepper and paprika
1 cup cheese (grated)
ihk cup buttered bread crumb
In a greased casserole place
alternate layers , of potatoes,,
corned beef, and onions. Cut
the eggs in two, crosswt a. and
push into the mixture, cut side
up. Make a , white sauce of the
butter, flour,! milk, and season
ings. Add he: cheese to the
.sauce and pour over all. Sprinkle
buttered crumbs over "he top and
bake in a moderate oven (-375
degrees) fori approximately 30
minutes or until browned and
heated through. S u e W. Ro
truck, Oberlia, Ohio.
And a top ranking favorite with
homemakers Is:
(Serves 8-10)
H cup butter
;" 1 cup sugar
j 2 eggs
IK cups graham cracker
crumbs (ground fine)
; 2 teaspoons baking powder
j 1 cup milk ,
r cup walnut meats
In the Valley Social Realm
Breakfast! Dish Includes
Chipped Beef i
- SILVERTON j- Unusually at
tractive decorations marked the
Cream the butter; add the su
gar and blend well.. Add the
well beaten egg yolks. Combine
ground graham, cracker crnmbs
with baking powder and add al
ternately with the milk. Add
Slate Cameron. Mrs. R. B. Dun- the walnut meats and then care
can. Mrs. Clifford Rue, Mrs. C. R. fully fold in the egg whites
Wilson. Mrs. Nelson Adams. Mrs. which have been beaten until
Edward Ekman. Mrs. Lee Alfred, stiff tut not dry. .Pour into a
Mrs. Earl J. Adams. Mrs. H. V. greased 8x8-inch pan and bake
Carson of Salem. Mrs. Wendell in a moderate oven (350 degrees)
Heath, Mrs. Foster Cone. Mrs. H. ,or 35 minutes. r-0 make the
E. Johnson.. Mrs. Eross Ross. Mr- topping, dou pmeappie sugar
two smart spring bridge lunch
eons at which Mrs. Charles A. R. A. Fish and Miss Mae Service! together to the thick Tup tage
... L. t,...,v. (approximately 8. minuses). Chill
A breakfast for chilly May Xfr INDEPENDENCD Mr. and f.JLJS-
mornings will include a chipped 7" . " ,T Mrs. Clarence Charbonean in- " ' llu rerir . ,
beef dish and tomato Juice. Here hostesses, at the Reynolds home rlted gue8ts to their new home 1 "ady to e srve. Cut i n sau a re.
Thursday and Tiaey. on sixth street Sunday night for Kr . T,
L.?. b..k. of 1,U from JX'- f".U wU'aW HX.kWKT"; .V.Mte
the seven tables carried out a covered buffet table. ' ' . p , ,
different pastel color acheme. - c 9!? were: Mr. and Mrs R Potato Joins Cabbage
BIdn fMThUI"ay,f a,r W. Cravenl Mr. and Mrt Clar- In Rich SoUD
re Mrs. William Ferrln. . Mrs. a x,,rwVMt Mr. r.n. , i 1
cup (34 ozs.) dried beef.l ohn Eldf ?d 'Mr8- H-w rice J. Bulter and Mr. and Mrs.- Diced raw potatoes, onion and
I. I hammer of Portland. Mrs H. B. paui R Robinson. rabbaee mix to mke an excel-
1 can condenesd cream of mushJ Latham. Mrs. . L. McGinnis, j , v lent family soup for evenings or
room soup I I' Mrs. Frank Syring. Mrs. C, W. JEFFERSON Mrs. David H. noontime meals. Here are the
t enp milk. ' ' Keene, Mrs. J. E. Stranix, Mrs. L. Looney was hostess to members proportions, the recipe .uses
4-5 slices toast. - I I E. Eastman. Mrs. Arthur Janz, of the Mothers' club of the Meth- evaporated milk.
Ixfen th hnttir in A'aanrenan Mrs. P. L. Brown. Mrs. William Qisi church Tuesday afternoon POTATO AXD CABRAGE SOUP
and aante the dried beet until v ooaara. Mrs. ran hudds, Mrs. at: her home north of Jefferson. ; 2 tablesp
curled then add the- cream of E. Kieiasorge. Mrs. A. P. Ry- Mrs. Fred Barna presented an
mushroom soup and mll.i Mix an. Mrs. Elizabeth Jamie, Mrs. article on personality by Dr. Hen
(a the menu:
j Tomato Juice .
Frizzled beef In mushroom
Sauce on toast .
Hot tea with milk
1 tablespoon butter
Ja LnJ Mjk V IJyJ u J
p ; SUMMER ,
m, - ' - . 1 !
If - - m . . ijj . i- V f
Suggestions For
: : : i , : : : : -
II f ' ' :' i!
to S.
and heat.- Serves 4 vmiam service, Mrs. james ry! C. Llsk. and a general discus-
cins, Aira. a. aicuianxiaan, sion OI ine lopic was enjoyea.
Mrs. I. L. Stewart. Mrs. J. C. Cur-- A short article by Dr. Ada Hart
rie. Jin, H. WJ Preston. Mrs. H.
R. .Irish. Mrs. Walter Bryson. Mrs.
George Hubbs. Mrs.- Henry Pritz
loff. Mrs. P. Ai Loar, Mrs. John
Ballantyne. Miss Emma - Adam-
A pie that's a lot easier on the son. Mrs. Tom Anderson.
scales and the b u d g e t than Invited for Friday were Mrs.
Date Cream Pie Fine!
Dessert Dish 1
s butter
"4 cup chopped oalon
3 cups water
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups diced raw potatoes
2 cups chopped raw cabbage
Arlitt. "Stiidvlnfr Your Own : 1 tall can evaporatea mil it
Child." was read by Mrs. C. J. s Cook onion slo ly in butter
Thurston. until yellow, i Add water, salt,
1 potatoes and cabbage and cook
AMITY ; The Woman's Civic until Just tender, about 20 min-
Improvement club will meet utes. When ready. to serve aaa
Tuesdav afternoon at the home milk. Serve "rery
hot with
1 1 Vt cups milk
I Cup stoned dates
1 egg
I teaspoon vanilla
Yield: 6 servings.
would seem from its flavor is this Rholia Ceoley. Mrs. Ray McKee. of Mrs. F. Chase Jhomns at chopped parsley, a aasn oi papr-
date cream uie. Rich, and ohj Mrs. Robert Webb. Mrs. James 2:30 ocioct. After tneiregmar n or iouiea .ra
so good! 1 j Hollingsworth. IMrs. Sam Lpren- meeting the club will sponsor a
ten. Mrs. Theodore Lorenzen. suver tea ior me oeoem oi iu
Mrs. Earl Hartman, Mrs. Elgin Amitypublic library. Horteases
McCleary. Mrs. I Sylvan McCleary, Wl be Mrs. T. W. Dickey, ; Mrs.
Mrs. W. P. Scarth. Mrs. Norman O.i E. Roth. Mrs. Heward btrout
Eastman. Mrs. j Urlin Page, Mrs.
J Few grains salt f Lowell Brown. Mrs. Otto Aim,
Stew dates in a small amount Mrs. George Towe, Mrs. Gertrude
of water until sort and cooked , .
dry Rub through a colander and . ! 1
add beaten egg. salt, vanilla and Cabinet DoOTS UD Hiffh
the heated milk. Pour into an , i 1
unbaked shell, and bake like a Are Useless
costard pie, in a moderate oven
until set.
and Mrs. C. L. Allison.
SUVER Violet chapter of the
Royal Neighbors of Suver with
Mrs. E. E. DeArmond as oracle,
entertained the district conven
tion at the Odd Fellows hall tn
Monmouth Wednesday. Six cou
ples were present "and the at-
Wall cabiaeta with doors should tendance exceeded
have the handles within easy with 15 present.
reach Bd that does not mean
standing oa tiptoe. HigL cabt- DALLAS Mrs. William Young
seta axe out-mod ei. it being coa- entertained the members of her
ceded at Ion last that reaching sewing dab at her home on Wed-
Frlrrun of veal la. the Sun- upper shelves by means of steps nesday afternoon. Fellow Ing - an
Today's Menu
day meal ; as planned for
weekend. j -
Salad of greens
Creamed asparagus on
: Baked noodles I
i Canned frnita j
i Angel cake !
Fresh pineapple cup
Friccassee of I veal
New Celery I
New peas and potatoes
. Chocolate icebox cake
Sliced fresh tomatoes
Tuna fish buns
Boiled potatoes
Peppered carrot
; Strawberrv whJp
-1 cup powdered sugar
1 box strawberries
1 egg white
, Whip with rotary or electric
beater until very fluffy (20 min
utes or more) serve in a dish
surrounded by lady fingers. May
top with a soft custard.
Sadie Roth I Hired
for Third Term as
Silver Cliff Teacher
the is hazardous aad very, very fa- afternoon of sewing a delightful
tigning to the homemaker. Some tea Hour was enjoyea. Mrs. v. v.
builders enclose the vpper spaces, Grant assisted the hostess t in
totally Ignoring, them. serving.
Cross Stitch Bluebirds
' '
ctrvpu fT IW Xfisa Sadie '
Roth teacher at the Silver Cliff You'll enjoy embroidering col- lustrations of stitches; materials
schooL has been rehired for her orful bluebirds and tulips In easy needed. '
thi-d term according to school stitches. Pattern 1475 contains a .Send 10 cents In stamps or coin
board members. transfer pattern of 2 motifs Ctt x (coin preferred) for this Pattern
T : jimmie Skirven. grand- 84 Inches; i2 motifs S x tt to The Oregon Statesman.-Needle-son
of Mr and Mrs. 2ames Mul- Ipches; 2 and 2 reverse motifs craft Dept, Write plainly PAT
Kv la seriously "l la SUrer- x U inches: and 4 motifs 2 TERN NUMBER, your NAME and
toTntspItal x 1H inches; color schemes; U- ADDRESS.
The Ideal Gift for
Mothers Day, May 8
qgqg in
ffio Qnoiu
Your grocer is now tak
ing orders for this popu
lar Mother's Day gift
cake. Baked from a fam
ous Betty Crocker recipe,
Roses-in-Snow is a deli
cate T-rhite cake, light and
moist, covered with
sweet, shredded cocoa
nut ;
Baked hy
In a Clean Bakery
Nelly Don wash fashions are different! They 1
are distinctive for their smart fit as well as
style. Buy Mother Nelly Don frocks for
Mother's Day . . . what could be finer?
A new big- shipment of Nelly Dons just ar
rived and are on special display. COTTONS,
LINENS, RAYONS in classic lines, softly
tailored, expertly fashioned for your every
summer's wear.
Make your wardrobe of washables a Nelly
Don and be sure they launder correctly , . .
no shrink, no fade . . . always just like new!
Just Try One On"
HURRY! A Rare Sale -of
Sheets That Exceed Government Specifications
PEQUOT Sheets and Pillow
Made Stronger - - Wear Longer
63 x 108 . .. .....
72 x 108... ...
81 x 99........
81 x 108 ...I...
r 1.39
42 x
A Set of FOOD
. . .'Makes a splendid itt. Too
may purchase them at Miller's
In all the sites required tor
home use. An Indispenslble ar
ticle for your refrigerator.
Notions Dept.
Large Ovals and Squares - - 20x20 - 14x24
Here's a sale of large, modern, tramelets mirrors for
decorative as well as practical purposes. Etched de
sign trims. A special purchase sale
that brings them to you. at way less
than regular price.; Gift Shop.
(Shop Our Cift Khop for Mother's
Day Gifts)
urposes. Etched de-
The "FIVE" Leading Brands of Hosiery!
from Le Gant
Here Today!
Swim SuiU
Now on
Display !