PACE FOURTEEN T7Y7 T7 r7 r? special purchased merchandise we will offer Our manufacturers are cooperating with us in this special event shipping us large quantities of fine merchandise at greatly broken lines from reduced prices which will enable us to quote prices that will ulated from the-heavy pre-Easter selling; bring out ins. 1 ' ' " - - - - .71' : ' - ! ' TB uittuuiT aiAicsaiAir. saiera. Oregon, aunaay morning, may i, wacr j j - ; v - " ' . - - n n n v Pfp 1 Wvr fir l .i ! ' - . , M ii ;r l i v v ji i it : 'I . : i I Along .with this the different departments war nay acciuu the crowds and give voii unheard of barea sue oeini 11 May i DC Mostly dark colors; two, three and four-thread. Regular - $1.00 values, slightly imperfect. While they last 2 pair 1.00 Keen High Hose included hi 'the lot. - I ' - IP LJ One hundred fine dresses ranging from $14.50 to $3930 in prints and plain colors. These dresses will go quickly so come early. v Hand Blocked Linens Washable Silk Spun Rayon American Golfer ' Cotton Laces . All the Very Latest Patterns, . .Styles and Creations cii QyQ HE3 57 To introduce our "Jewelry De partment we are going to offer our spiders, bugs and gadgets, sold at $1.25 regularly, in this sale for, only- Special Purchase Large Size Gowns Made from our wonderful Bim- berg material. Sizes up to 44. They are a special value at $2.95. Go in This Sale While They Last at nnacn Come and get them. Complete close-out of hundreds of colors and patterns. Reg. 35c and 50c Values at Onlyt for m ism From Henry Hadad of New York V . - I s n , i : - These are a very special promotion, $2.95 and $3.95 House Coats One to a Customer at only 5 u Fifty Dozen Gowns, Slips CV7 1. the new shades, hundreds of pairs in the lot. This is our factory promotion. I :Vf- j Values Go at- - ' '' -"!, ' : J I 1 -, . B - i ; 3 pairs S2.00 (Slightly irregular.) and Pa jamas in Plain Color and Flowered Materials Lace N trimmed and tailored, a wpnderful value, special pur chase for1 this sale. Go at 0 Si Special purchase sale, imported lace trim and tailored styles, all colors and fizes. Our regular S3 .95 values go at - 1 i ) ovri ): I i K fir i n i All imported fabrics, sport and fur trim styles. We have 1 selected; a complete line from our regular stock for. quick I disposal. Do You Need a Comfy Pair of Selby Arch-Preservers 1 Laird-jScliober Foot-Saver No all sizes in every ptyle. Be here early for selection as these won't last long. Really- $10 to i$12 values. To close out short i lines and odd lots 3.0 XL & 0 . including models from most famous designers. Every sale hat bears its orig inal price ticket $5X0 HATS now . $7i0 HATS now . . $8J5 HATS now . . $10.CD HATS now . i . I7oDc?Scg In Scaso ii I Odd lots and short lines. But we are sure you can find something that will please you and in just the right style and color to , go with your new enscm hle. These are all regular $7.85 and $10.75 shoes. Black "rf Brawn - Navy - Parisand falcnt,Qfogon EARHART & ALDRICH Custom-Made Garments Regular 13.95 values at . - .. . r :4 j - - - .. If"."' . . ....)' - - ,.. Regular 12.95 values at -9Sc GIRDLES, $15 and $1-50 ralaes fco at'Li. yalr7 Stretch Comets, $3.50 at only - 0fl95 Exclusive Agents for the Famous JCellogjr Health Belta 75e BRASSIERS special at. SSLff1? to be specially -v. iiA wis saje at 03.50 to 07.50 , f C9s