Tht OREGON STATESilAN, Sale Oregon, Sunday Morning, May 1, 1938 PAGE THIRTEEN Listed iia the Classified i Find Wliat You Want Ouiickl I II Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 ! fJlMsaifled Advertising Single Insertion per line Three Insertions per lies Sli Insertions per line One month per line Minimum charge ,: Copy for this peg accepted onto .34 the veiling before t'mblleatiog fee eln4flottun Copr - rtttl after trite time will be run undi the heading. To l-ata U Clu sify." i The Statesman same no finan cial responsibility for error whtcb raif appear In elvertlsrinta pub lished In Its rotumns, S'mI in rase where tlia paper is at f.uit will re print thai part of en advertisement in which the typographical mistake occur. The Statesman reserve the right piac ell dvertl".ng orwWr th uropee classifies; tWm. tt further reserves the right t It retort Questionable edertta1ng !-BUND" ADS which ie only a boi' number care of Statesman must be answered by letter. We cannot gie any" information, as to do so would destroy their purpose. - Livestock TOP PRICES paid for e4d heraend torn for fos feed. Call SI is. collect- tmrv nrc . m worth. I KREE wa pics wp Bead ana wortn- lessborses. cow a sheep, tci, tsss. cot tact. . FREE WK pick up dead arid worth less borses. cows. Tel. ists. con ecu fsrrrimv'jfvi DEAD AND worthless horses, cows. picked up free. Ph. collect Mil. aiem ateatgomery mna n . j k Help Wanted EARN . $30 WEEKLY OR MORE. Grow saushrooros in cellar, 'abed. -We bu 20c lb., year round bun! nets. Mr. 8 made $(19 in few weeks' spwre time. F.tabltahd 1931. Write for FREE BOOK. WASHINGTON MUSHROOM IND Dept. '408, 2019 2nd Ave., Se attle, Wn. Help Wanted Male WANTED EXP. service - atatlon man. Phone 6815. PintTAKER wanted for shipment of milking cows to' California. Will ship May 2. Phone 3353. RELIABLE MAN take care store route. Distribute, collect. New pro- rliu-ta. No aelling. Earn excellent week ly income. B. W. Nut Co.. St." Paul, Minn. SALES MANAGERS.' Clothing di rect to consumer. Wholesale prices. Exclusive territory. Brighton Clothes,, 174 Fifth Ave., New XorK. Help Wanted Female GIRL FOR housework,. Experienced tvith babies. Phone 747. LADY TO take Interest in apt. . house. Particulars 292 S. Cottage. - es,ssassMeswMsw'Ssss"ssssswiawss NEW KIND of work. Earn $14 to 13' weeklr besides youri own dresiies and lingerie free demonstrating glam ourous frocks worn by movie stars. No Investment. No canvassing. Fash ion Frocks. Inc., Dept. K-2JB,:. Cin- cinnatL Ohio. ADDRESS POSTCARDS at home. We pay 2c per card. Everything sup plied. Details free. Dorothea Cosmet ics, B-607, Hynes, Calif. Salesmen Wanted AMAZING ' NEW dynamic electric arc welder. Works off 110 volt light socket. Welds cylinder blocks, fenders, frames. Does industrial repairs. Eas ily oDerated. Sells on minute aemon- rtration to mechanics, repairmen, f irms, shops and factories. Retails ci7& mm5ltt. You make bUr profits. Write for free Information. Dynamic Welder, 2224F Silverton RdV Chicago, I1L Situations Wanted PAINTING AND kalsomlnlng by ' job or fOc per hour. Phone 2723. in 1 n n ,,-"-.---- -- - - - HANDY MAN wants odd Jobs, all kinds. 267 S. Church. - CAPABLE WOMAN with child wishes ' houaekeeplng, city or country. Box 724, Statesman. ' DRSMKR. Mrs. Adsett. 113 Marion. For Salt- Miscellaneous rsfiH OR trade far used furnlturv "."l'rv'LU I gflQ. we vwi j wssv ' . - Shn 6-1-1-. 161 N. Summer la ilot 'wood. riot rmPKS. N. H. and W. L. North Salem Hatchery, r-iwwie s..i -r:::: v:,,,VL:r'r- r:::; - .t.rtxt. chicks. 12 rartetles. Baby chicks sesed TeL 122F2. Lee's Hes tCK DIRT, fertniser. Phone 7006. RAISE SOME good R.I.R. fryers your back yard. Get started chicks. HeT'.! TerfoS V street, moni . r riOP HV. r,.w ISO. 4056. .. . t r u Rlactrlc ""'Vl IXi.T.-hi.. : 16S. War Durrvutto " , . setU rent, lepair wpewnicii, machines ana casn regiatcra. swwi, 456 Court. Phone 6773. un rriMs J s wr.KK3 OLD White Leghore roosters. Gehring"s hatchery. Silverton. BLACK DIRT.-tertUtser. Ph. Ttef. n n n nn LiTrurjsji Lrinrni.n isqi 1 1 r .sssausr 4 -KM. HSE.. easily rn-ved. Located 1216 S. Lfb. Quick sal aes. .rn. siss. EXCELLENT BASKET weave baby carriage. II Interested pxtone ii.- - n iirTi n iiisrs',i"'i,'i,' -- HONEY BEKi, healthy. L4 Brown ing avenue. ADVERTISING Western Adsertislos RepresenuUve Farurer-Hall C Ltd. Saa Tr.nciaco. Los Angeles, emttle I faatera Adertlal&: RapresenUtlsee Bry'tnt, GrirfttB Bransoo, !ne CUlcaxa. New Vers. Detroit. t BMtrm. Atlanta A K-arereal mf IS .'i- - Sit mkint ers MM escrpe at h-HsMes ic eva 0uth Cestmercfcrr SI'ssL sirnst-RHTION RATES t . . . . . (...( h Bt In A A trm frV' Ifcitly and Sunday. MoV i cehts; M $!: Mo $2.6 rcr $ 00 ElsewneT ct.i per Mec or 4 06 for 1 year .-In advene. Pec P eenta. New lands 6 cota 17. earrler: 60 Cents a month. tt !i a rear ta advaac la Martn .10e 20c 30c .25 For Sale--Miscellaneous REG IN A VACUUM cleaner. 4 mo. old," good condition. Dusting tools and demother. Reasonable. Phone 17 SI. BAftNTARD FERTTLIZKR and ehickea fertiliser. Jas. Fry, Roberts station, route. 3. bos 333, Salem. FOR SACK JUlis Chalmers S-ft. a!I crop harvester with sacking attach ment and extra cutter bar. 'Used only two weeks season 1937. Price 1700, or might trade. Owen-Peek Feed at Grain C', Astoria. Ore. GENTS BICYCLE. $7.50. Trailer house, furnished. 791 N. Com'l St. RED CEDAR shTrtieles" and roosts. Get our prk-es bef're buying. Phone 3500. lirown. 714 S. 21st. RKEP CORN. Select Oregon yellow dent. East i on Center. Charles F. Raetz, route 6, bos .643. MAUTiin; L ALL metahouse trailer. Smith street Fairgrounds, - TRAILER. .$1 2. Ph. 6196. 991 S. Lib." 30 CATERPlLLAHi tractor, wide i track model, $1000. In good condition. would take good team as oart pay ment: jr.- i ue h arpport J 1140 Madison, aiem. i ei. ; J i GOOD WORK mare. I Sale cheiro or iraae tar good cow. Phone 221 ONE GREEN enamel lars-e ran witn cons nna water tank. 1151 V al ler. TtLi 4$0. ' TRAILER i HOUSE. I 7x16. L. J Shrake. rt. 6. box 6030. V, mile north 1 ana 14 mile west of Pen 4 corners. Wanted Miscellaneous KANT WALNUT and filbert BMU else 1 shell Ftate Cafeteria. WANTED ORCHARD discing. W. C Kelley, R. 4. Bos 309. Top of Ankeny mil. ' I : Miscellaneous FILMS DEVELOPED. S erints and 2 enlargements.Jic."Coin only. Quality uo., box 35 J J, I'ortland. ore. , WANT INFANT or small child to board. More for company than profit. Kt. s, box .zi. Pen 4 corners. -R. O. Olson. t - . 1 . ! 1 nnnnnnftnnnr--- FILMS-DEVELOPED. 2 orbits each good negative, 25c. Coin only. Portland GOOD BUILDING and location for I auto repair shop. Hollywood. Stegner, ise w. (joramerciaL FILMS DEVELOPED. Eight prints and hand colored enlargement, 2 5c Coln only. 1 Oregon Picture Co- box 4292, Portland, Ore. ; I For; Kent Rooms LADIES ! Pa H7t. 696 N. CotUge FURN. RM.. desirable. 446 Oak. Phone &34. DESIRABLE SLEEPING room, pri vate entrance, close in. Tel. 6977. NK-Kl.l r UKN heated rms In mod home For gentlemen 14 20 Court. RM. BD.. optional. 1547 Coui LGE. SLP. room. "64 S. Commercial. ""DESmABIJB SLEEPING room Gentlemen, i 83.5 N. Liberty. SLP. ROOMS? 2009 Center. 8529 SLP. RTH)M. 296 N. Cottage. 3072. NICE RM. 691 Union at. Cottage. FOR RENT, comfortable sleeping rooms. 441 1 N. High, street. HOUSKEEPING RM. 260 Center Room and Board DELICIOUS MEAI.S. Paying guests Close in. Ress Ph. 8767. NICE. SLEEPING R. 254 N. Church. SGLE; DBLE., 360 N. Capitol. 7926 ROOM AND board. Private home. $20 per month. 1285 waller. For Kent Apartments 4-RM. FLAT. fum. 1090 N. Fifth. KliSHKK Alrl8, fura and nnfur- nlsbed ilested garage. A pleasant place to Use -M 4 Oak St. DUPLEX AHT til N. Winter. $$. FURN. APT. 2261 Haiel. 7664. 4 RM. STRICTLY rnndern anU fire place, automatic heat, fumjaned or un dim. I4 rt. itn or can iiii. . HEATED FURN. X R. apU Adults. Phone- 010. S R. FURN. APT. Ph. 2723. 2 RMS. and bath. Furn. 144 Waller. S-ROOM APT.. tipsUlrs. Furn. or turn. 455 a 18th. LGE. 2-RM. Clone In. 312 Water. xrxrxrxn nruv y i i Liui ii m.n ri 1 - 2 RMSi opirtaJra, 44S S. Winter. ctj.. FURN. apts.. 1 and X room. cis m. Aduit u Femr. 2-RM. FURN. Rea. 1935 Center. NICK FURN. apt. 870 Union. VACANCY. MODERN. 1335 State. J-RM. -. APT. Garage, lights and I VFRY FINE modern 3 -room furn I P- T"'" '. 1 trt nn. 1411 I S-RM. FUK.!. apt, available May L N. Liberty. I - ir - r r - ir " r r,n I TO 4-ROOM apts, furnished or unfurnished. 110 8. 13 tht Siss strffckaahsasiasssissiisssesisasa FURN. APT. 83$ W tr. J.RflOM niRN. sot. Hot wster bat. Tight, garage. $28. 155 N. Capital. 1-ROOM LOVELY apt. Elec range. refrig. Adults. $98 S. 12th. l-ROOM FURN. apt. Heat, water. light furnished. 815 N. Winter. CIjOSE IN apartment to alutr with refined- lady. Tel. 4542. TWO 1-ROOM furn. spta. rricitlalra. private balk.. Adults, ts . Bummer, Pttone- sss.. MOD. 1 RM. act. Prlvats bith. else. range, r rig gar, innnci ni n tec. S. PTaa Til a. NICELY FURN- clean. 4 rro. apt. Private bath, electric refrig. Monterey apt. 623 Ferry. CLOSE IN 4-room fura. Private bath, garstre. 104 S. CommercUI. VHT.LT FTJRN. Dt. Prrvnte bath. 1 or adultx Garage. 48 N Capitol. NICE, i NEW art. Refrig-, privt lbta. , all .outside rooms. 2322 State. NEW 2-ROOM furnlsbe.1 apartment. Electrically equUpped- 31 Lelie R. - jVj.t.UUij.LfLr-r.- - -u-juu-j-.---. 1- CIjOSE IS 4-rooro furn. Privet hath, garsge. 1617 8. Com me rt-in!. NICE J-RM. furn. apt.' 6288. ROOM AND brxird for 1 r 2. 1149 Union. Plion 49.. . 2 AND 3-ROOM apartment. Fnr- ; I nlshed. "5 S 14th street. FURN. APT. S39 Center, street. PIJKA8ANT 3-lRM. 1S8 Center. 8ML APT, gar. Adult. 818 Stat. For Rent Apartments VERT DESIRABLE 4 -room apt tn duplex. Sou til Salem. Phone 5314. : For Rent Houses 6-R. MOD hM. Inquire 387 Mission. FURN. 6-RM. bungalow. Garden, fruit, walnuts. $25 N. Salem. Ph. 6194. MOD.. FURN. 3 -room house. Adults. Anderson court. Phone 5010. , 6-RM. FURN- corner, double ga rage. Near capitol. Jni. 791 N. Com'l. $25 FURN'. bungalow. Louis Becn- teL Call 341 State street j ; 4-R1I. FURN. house. Electricity. bath, fireplace, basement. S acres with prunes, family fruit and berries, $2a. wlnme PETTiJOH.y, Realtor 477 Court Street ? ' 5-RM. HOUSE, strictly mod. Furn.. $50. 5 -room duplex, close in, $27.50. is -room bouse, close to new state house, double plumbing, good for boarding and rooming house, $35. 5 -room modern house, close in, $30. Rich L. Reimann, 1678. High Street. N EW. MODERN 8-room brick house. $40. R-room houw, $27.50. Hot water furnished. Tel. 5623. 1 . ; 1 For Rent OFF ICR ROOMS. 281 State street Inquire roam 200 Tel 8712. i HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rent. H. L .Stiff Furniture Co. CARS TRUCKS U-IHIve. Ph. 1046 DESK SPACE. 211 Oregon Bldg. DESIRABLE OFFICE room to share. U. S. bank bldg. Phone. 2962. Wanted to Rent WANTED TO lease before July 1. 3-bedroom home, near grade school. Must be very modern and attractive. Will consider 1,- 2 or S-year lease. Ap pearance and surroundings more im portant than price. P. O. box 709. For Sale Real Estate BEAUTIFUL NEW English type 5 -room borne on one of the nicest streets In North Salem. Hardwood floors. 1 automatic heat, full basement. awnings, lawn and shrubs tn both front and back. Lot is (0x137. 1700 North 18th. 1 JUST FINISHED new mod. ho- 1694 N - 18th. See It et once. Reason able terms W. A. Cladek. owner. Pene 4277. 5 ACRES with brand new modern 5 -room home. Commercial filberts. cherries and strawberries, good water system, doable garage. East of ba'era. Price $4400. Phone 5580. -s LOTS. LOTS ATTRACTIVE BU1I-D1NG lots loca ted In Rosedale and Kays second addi tion, northeast S-lem. North of Mar ket sL, on paved t- $500. Off pave ment. $2s0 $10 down, $10 per tnontn. SEE US BEFORE BUY BUY YOUR LOT. V W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. REALTORS 134 S. Llbeity SU Phone 6468. I hi A. BEARING CHERRY orch ard. 1 ml from Salem. Fine location Weil and wind-mill.' $1000. Ph. 4034. ILoolk At 20SO and 2180 Laurel avenue. Two lovely modern homes, automatic heat and hot water. 10 down, in quire of HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC. Phone 4109. . t ; 8 ACRES of Salem's best view prop erty. Overlooking the city. Ideal home sites. $3500; good terms. Phone , 55 SO. 6 ACRES, 6-room unfinished new house, secluslve drive, on river bank, 1nt nf ahrubberv. 145 new fruit trees. creek, fine spring. . Sacrifice tale, as owner Is going to Maine. Only J25 cash. You will have to hurry.. Hawkins A Roberts Inc. -Phone 4109. $5500 HOUSE FOR $4200 7-room bungalow, well built and in A-l condition. Easy terms to right party. See Mrs. Ellis with. CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9261 SPECIALS IN LOTS Your choice of 3 good building lets for only $550. See Mra. Ellis with CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9261 ONE ACRE Of fine Kelxer bottom son, planted to a variety of tree fruit, I -room ga rage house, electricity, splendid auto matic water' system. It is priced to sell at $1000 and $Z000 ; casn will handle. Better see IC Ses Mr. Bartlett with . CHILDS k MILLER, Realtors 344 Stat Street Phone $261 BARGAIN Close In on State street.. 5-room, modern home,- lot over 300 feet deep, Hardwood floors, fireplace and fur nace. $3900; $800 down. Phone 5580. REAL ESTATE Bargain In i-room, modern hou st 92a N. Summer street. Chaa. Had kins. 275 State street. Phone 9494. ' SUBURBAN ACRES for sale, close in on paved road. Grand view arte. Located across from the beautiful Bel crest park, city side. Look, live, own your little love nest. Out from high taxes, geod land, mixed bearing ' or chard. Be Independent. Will give 44, acre to the one that builds the moat modernistic home. Easy payment, little down, low as S a tnontn.' Owner, Mathilda Oakman. rt. 3. box 145. Salem. , v - l - ' 5-ROOM MOD. bungslow. close In. 9800 down, balance terms. Owner, Box 726. care Statesman.) ,-n-n. L-in.r -i.--.rn.-j WHOLE BLOCK, trees, paving paid. blocks to capital and university. Site for court or apt. $3300. Terms. Owner 765 Rural. TeL 8854. NEAT. CLEAN. 5-room house north. pavement, bos. Only $1800. Good terms. R BASON En ( certainly ) s5 Is. High NICE. MODERN 5-room home In Englewood district. Beautiful lot 6 Ox le, garaen ana iruu gaiore. m. REAL BUNGALOW BUT 22800. New S-roorn. hardwood floors. double garage, northeast port of city. It's the plsce you -want. HrnaU pay ment down, balance like rent. Let Bechtel show you the best buy in town. Office 341 State. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN home, north. New. Terms Hk KHA, bargain. Let me show yon. Carle Abrams, own er, 411 Masnnte bnllcnng. 5-ROOM HOUSE, semi medern, plenty bnilt-tns, completely furnished. Lars lot 86x126. nice shrubbery, aids- walks and paving all paid. Full price $2150; $65 down, balance by montn. F. H. WEIR, 212 Ores. Bldg. Ph. 41L HOME BARGAINS - 8450$ mill buy tUia new. moJern. S-roorn nous with unfinished attic Uvtng room and dinerte finished mahmraoT. excellent condition. 4-reom. pla-rtered house wltiv lights. water. Price $17- ; $20 down, $1 ner month. s-room. plartered hou?n located hi N. Salem, with attic. Prlc $2154); $254 down. . 8ce G. H. Orabenhnrat. jr. ' W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Raltora i 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 646$ NEW HOME Just being completed In sr:iet location. Consists of 18x1$ living rooanu 10x12 dining room. lxll k-xrhen. 2 11x12- bedrooms, ftre- place, hirdwood flivirs in balls, livltut and dining rooms, floored attic Price $4. Fboo 744. For Sale Real Estate "jy STREET 7 rooms, .all modern, large lot. trees snd shrubbery. All dear. Price $2750. Make me an offer. CARLETON E. LANE ' 833 State St. TeL 8622 or 4075 FOR SALE Owner will sacrifice 5-room house, 4 large lots.. View spot, 955 Hoyt street. . 2 A.. SALEM Heights -district. Vari ety fruit, berries and shrubs, 6-room new house, fireplace oak floors, bath, electric water system, garage, chieken house. $3250. ' - - WINNIE PETTYJOHN Realtor S-ROOM PLASTERED home to ex cellent condition, well located ; north. zz0. Good terms or wui.iasje auio part payment. Beautiful new home of 7 rooms ana breakfast room, gumwood finJsli. double plumbing, tile bath and kitchen. fireplace, oil burner, aoume grarage. Owner transferred and must sell at once. $5850. . WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor V . 477 Court Street PORTLAND ROAD 6-room house. 3 bedrooms. Vt acre. Paving in and paid. A very good buy. CARLETON E. LArsK ... 323 State St TeL 8622 or 407 THIS NICE new 6-room house. NE. Gas furnace, all hardwood floors, pav ing paid, double garage ana only $2800; $300 down, balance like rent. C. J. jauksua, 341 state street. $5800 AN -EXCELLENT 6-room English type home in new district. TUe , - - s iv am b5f.rfe-!"? i1, 2$i1 down. 1 1 $3700- 6-room English type home 6 blocks from high school. Oak floors, basement, furnace, fireplace. On - bus line. $500 down. Immediate possession, i $3000 $500 down. 7-room English type home, oak floors in living and dining room a. Basement, furnace, fire place, 4 bedrooms. $250 down. 6-room bungalow.. Base ment, furnace, fireplace. Close to bus and school. $2700. Monev to Loan Fire Insurance MELVIN JOHNSON, Realtor ' 725 Court Street Phone 3723 ONCE' IN A LIFETIME 7-room, plastered home. Basement, laundry trays. Near school and bus. Was $3275. For quick sale $2700. Only $200 cash. A bargain. ROBERT F. BUDROW, Real Estate 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Phone 5965 234 Al, SWEET HOME, to trade for suburban or city property. 250 A. stock farm, 13 miles from Salem, $75 an acre. - ,' - 14 A.. 3 miles east. S3900. 5 A., Lacomb, small building, $650 cash.. New 5-room house north Salem. $2800; $300 down. Easy payments. 5-room house, lot 60x250. $950; $150 down. . Beautiful suburban home. ZM. A, all in fruit and berries, 7-room modern house, garage, chicken house and barn. , W ill take good car or truck as part down payment. " 1 , A. C. JENSEN or C. O. RICE 28 Oregon Bldg.- Phone 3414, 'ArRCT7vFTHMES $3250 ; $750 down 4 rooms, all hardwood, bath, dinette, large glassed in rear porch. laundry trays, base tor fireplace, lot 55x150. fruit, nuts, large weeping willow, garage. A cute" home. NOKTH Of MARKET STREET $2800; $500 down, $25 month New rooms, gas furnace. Located in new district. Immediate possession. Double garage. H. P. GRANT - C. II. SANDERS 29. Court Street , Office 6744 DVIDON'S Located on S. 12th street. Marked with flags, signs. Has. view creek. frontage on two paved roads, natural drainage, adjoins city schools, bus, electricity, city water, low taxesv Sold on convenient terms. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. Drive out and Inspect. Representative on tracts 1 to 5 p. m.. for information. H. P. GRANT - C. H. SANDERS 529 Court Street Office 6744 . SUNSHINE AND HEALTH In the Valley of the Sun, 2 V ml. NW of Phoenix on paved road. 157.5 feet frontage 2 A. tract, all -level. irrigated. With almost new modern house, - five rooms, two porches, beau tiful interior' stucco walls, hardwood- floors, tile dralnboard, . electric water heater. . Garage plus apt. Ail clear. Want Improved tract on 99E north of Salem. Brokers and owners submit description and pictures. DUNN REALTY ESC. Realtor 216 T & T Bldg. -Phoenix, Arizona HOUSE AND 2 lots. $650 : $75 down. $12 per month. G. B. Free tag. Real Estate. 482 N. 18th street. - VIEW HOME IN KINGWOOD TERRACE Here - Is a complete small colonial horn in a lovely setting of fine, trees and landscaped grounds. Modern m every . detail such as automatic oil beat, oak fleers, fireplace, tile bath and kitchen drain boardv electric water, heater. laundry trays, etc. This 1s a seven-tenths acre tract, and de lightfully combines the restful quiet of country living with the conveniences of the city. For sale at $450. or will trade for coast property. For informa tion or appointment call 8502. Exchanze Real Estate EQUITY IN apt house for sale, or trade for farm. Box 714, car. States man. EXCHANGE Wfll take car as part payment -on neat 4-room hoase. oak floors, fire place, ' 2 bedrooms., built In kitchen and nook. Good cement foundation and garage. Nice black sell. Street paved. Prlc only $!. See ft today. See ' Mrs. ,lls with -.CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 344 Sta)e Street Phone 261 TO EXCHANGE J-room plastered house and garage. Nice corner lot In West Salem for larger bouse in SaJem 7-room house, with 2 aoartments. Rfenta for $40 per month. Price $2500. Exchange for smaller house. 80 acres, about 20 acres In cultiva tion, balance open pasture and timber, spring water, -small set of buildings. Only 6 miles from Salem. A real buy for $3600. Easy terms. ROSTEIN tk A DOLPH, Inc 11 OH N. Commercial St ssSSiSSfcsietssasasasgsesesssaSjsss EAST WASH, street. S rooms and bath, full basement fireplace, nice 5na, V eiy Mtnmg oeacn. won yard. Improvements paid. Will trade erful y"d. 1fj f children for 2 or 4-room house. CARLETON E. LANE - 333 State Street : Tel. 8622 or 4075 For Sale Farms - FEDERAL LAND hank farms. Priced right Terma Se W. 8. Bart- lett Secy. Treaa. 216 Oregon Bldg. Phone 7127. i s' A 4 mllM fY-ooi Salem. 4 -room aetBl-modern house, ether bnlldings. Mixed variety of fruits. $2500. Reason- . sble terms. , I orarU ernX j timber, partially completed service j station. Price A3300. Easy terms. See! DELANO or IJCBOLD. 290 N. Church, innn-m-iAr -j-.nTji.ixr . 121 ACRES on Pacific highway. 41 cultivated, balance open pasture. Old . bouse, needs some repair. This Is a SERVICE STATION on Portland choice location. Prlc $5500; $1104 road, north. 6-room house. ,aJl equlp caah. See I ment. room for cabins. Pries $4000. ALFRED IKIMBECK. 147 N. Ceal St. J 8eU on contract. Hawkins A Roberts, A REAL farm north- of Newberg. , AJ"1"' ,' '''''' 99 A, 7 cultivate", 26 timber, pasture, j WIXX, SELL for cash, established 2 houses With electricity and running rout 6 cent candy bar vending ma water, " barns 40x60 and 34x59. large chine. Box 729. Statesman, chicken house, hog house, shop, electric wwiiwwww))wW power, tractor, thresher, silo f Uler. ail I FILLING STATION, well located, kirrds , machinery, 11 cows, younc; Priced right In Salem, stock. 2 horees. Kverythlng goes at". R. A. FORKNER 1862 N. CapltoL $19,000: H rash, balance 6 per-cent. JACKSON or NOTE.-?. 341 State 8t 49 ACRES, all WlUamette soiL 32 acres In cultivation. acres good tim ber. 6-room modern, plastered house. . electric water svstem. 30x40 new barn. -"500. Terms. R. A. FOiUCNER 1852 . Capitol. For . Sale Farms 20 FARMS for sale. All sixes. Prices from $675 up. : N. J. Lindgren or Clifford Harold 176 S. High Street Farms for , Sale Oregon Land Co., Woodburn, Ore. Acreage GARDEN ROAD HOME. 5 acres, 2 tn filberts, good house and other build-. Ings. Consider part trade. Owner, route 7. box 123.. . j . . ssSaSaSWySaSWasesSSs 80 ACRES, $1000: 1J years to payv At Gates. Oregon. F. f Klutke. , ACREAGE . New 3 -room : house, garage, good well, H acre of fine; soil. Near pen corners. Price $900. i 5-room modern house, acre ' in young cherry orchard, automatic water system. Price $3650 ; I $850 cash. See ALFRED DUMBECK.0.47 N. Com'l St. THE WELL-KNOWN McKinney stock ranch of 255 acres, cash rent. Immediate possession. ; - ' !F. H. WEIR, 212 Ore. Bldg. Ph. 4 II ACREAGE BARGAINS S A. tracts located .3 miles from city center, all ,in orchard, on good gravel road and power line. iTice sou down. io per montn. one-third acre with- good 6-room hoase. cement basement, water i sys tem, electric lights, double garage, lo cated near school, store and bus. Price $2600:. $100 down. S25 per month 3 H A. located 4 miles from Salem with 5-room, plastered house, garage. " vis win, uraoici iitmac. fsxi easier, and welL Price $1875; $100 down and $20 per month. This is a bargain. See It. See . H. Grabenhorst, lr, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors ' 134 S. Liberty Street - Phone 6462 FOR SALE $50 down. $15 per month will buy 10 A. of "strawberry land. Alt plow land and In grain crop. Will furnish to ngnt party ..'(JO of building mate rial to construct a small dwelling. Lo cated 8 miles from Salem. Price in cluding building' material $1500. - $50 down. $10 per month will buy & A. located 3 V4 , miles south of Salem on good gravel t road, all in bearing orchard, .electric .power line. Excep tional buy at $ 50. 24 A. of bearing cherry orchard located on good road, close to P. H.. electric power line, mall route. Will furnish to right party $200 of building material to construct a small dwelling. Price i Including building material, $1250. $100 .down and balance $15 per month. $10 down. $10 per month will. buy 5 A. of good plow land, located 5 H miles from Salem, first clasa for fruit and general farming. Price $750. $100 down, $10 per month, will buy 6 A. with 1 A. of bearing straw berries, about 2 V, A. of timber and pasture, located 5 Vi miles from Salem. Price $800. $a00 down and balance terms will handle 10 A. of creek, bottom land, year-around stream, located 6 miles from Salem, good road, power line Price $1250. , $25 down, $10 per month will take 2V A. of fine dark prairie land lo cated close to Swegle school. Garden Road district. Price .$750. IF IT IS SMALL ACREAGE F0R WHICH YOU ARE LOOKING. SEE us. W. IL GRABENHORST : CO. ' Realtors 13,4 S. Liberty Street Phone ti468 ACRE TRACTS. $250. 1 mile north city limits. See Munkers, 210 Masonic building. - NORTH OF SALEM 350 acres, 225 in cultivation, 5000 cords of wood. A bargain, for someone. CARLETON E. LANE 333 State Street I Tel. 8622 or 4075 ONE ACRE, 6-room house. All in cultivation, cherries, apples and lots of berries. . Prlc- $1500. Easy terms, CARLETON E. LANE 333 State Street Tel. 8622 or 4075 129 A.. 2 miles' from railroad. A cultivated. 7-room house, good chicken house, family orchard, good soil, 25 A. timber. $39 per acre- 31000 down 20 A., 4 miles from Salem. 5-room house, barn, chicken ; house. 14 A. In crop, 2 A. in orchard, all ear creek, some timber. $2950.. ';- 14 A., 1 mile from Salem on paved road. 7-room bouse. bath, lights, all in nuts and fruit . $1850; $400 down. . money to Loan Kire Insurance MELVIN JOHNSON. Realtor 725 Court Street Phone 3728 ACREAGE FOR SALE 1 acre north or Salem. $300 per acre, very easy terms. Will furnish lumber for- small house. 5 acres on Croisan creek "with fine timber. Terms. Price $1500. Listings warned. Rich L, Reimann, 167 S. High Street " i"'i'i'i-ruarcous, FOR SALE or trade. 4 acres In ber ries and fruit. 6-room house, rim-n Good chicken- house. Price $2100 ; easy LCI J; F. ULRICH CO. 362 Stat Street Phone S67S Suburban SOUTH RIVER ROAD About 6 miles from "Sa-lem. 1 acres on highway and river 4-room , bunga low, electric lights, ; garage. Priced very reasonable. CARLETON E. LANE 233 State Street Tel. 8622 or 4076 ,Jfc --- - " - - A COUNTRY HOME with all the convenience, half an' acre of ground. iota ei rruit close to highway. ' south. Just outside city limits. Owners- mov- ing away and must selL Priced at $3650. Same terms, I ' A very, modern home, new 6 rooms Immediate possession. $4250. For further Information phone P. H. Bell, 121. or ivz. - Wanted Real Estate 11 FORD to trade towards lot or acre. 801 Monroe St.. Oregon City. Ore, I HAVE cash buyer for ou acre .or less with buildings. See Louts BechtelJ six oiate. Room 4. yv ant listings. Resort Property RESORT ACREAGE- 113 acre. mile frontage on ocean. Also water frontage on SUets bay and Silets river Safe anchorage for all types of water witn open access o ocean, nay Many beautiful building snots Suit able for convalearant home, hotel, club, nome or hunting lodge, wster fowl, near game country. Fresh water and salt water fishing, clams, crab. Noth ing equal to It along h coast AB kinds of water sports. If you wsst I something exclusive and i different that can't be duplicated, get some of your friends and have an, individual colony or ciud. Adjacent acreage avauabie. acxtiice price or $30 per acre, income from tt cares for taxes. . Addresa Mrs L. M. Lankford, 441 N. High street Salem. Ore. .! - ; ' Birsiuess Opportunities , !. GSOCKRT STOCK and fixtures on coast, II1M. Good buslnesa. A. C JENSEN Or C O. RICE t. Oregon Bldg. i Phon ,8414 AN. APT. hWse. 6 apta. 4 fully furt tshed. Good location. At a bargain. MELVIN JOHNSON, Realtor 725 Court Street . Phone 3723 1 GOING BUSINESS, very low- rent. I $650. WiU buy- stock and futures. Box .20, .Statesman, Business Opportunities FOR SALE, auto1 camp, service sta tion, 4 cottages, 7 lots. Coast highway. Clear. Part cash, consider ranch. Fred F. Pacey. Seaside, Oregon. WANTED SMALL store proposition. Grocery, variety, confectionery. or what have you. Salem or vicinity. Cash.' Box 727, care i Statesman. Money to Loan . Loans ; To Help You PAY" UP OLD DEBTS MEET EMERGENCIES REDUCE INSTALLMENTS 1 PAY TAXES J BLT THINGS YOU NEED '- OVERHAUL YOUR CAR ' REPAIR YOUR HOME The easiest. Quickest, and most busi nesa-like- way to solve your financial problem Is to bring -your troubles to us. BUSINESS APPLY TODAY NO OBLIGATIONS t- People's Finance Co. Rm. 201, First National Bank Bldg.' !! Salem. Oregon- Phone 4446 S-2I3 ' State License . M-220 SEE F. G. Delano, 290 N. Church, for Benjamin Franklin loans to re finance, build, modernize or purchase. The most popular loan in Oregon. MONET TO loan en good real estate Charles Hudklns, 27 State street. LOANS WE MAKE most any kind of a loan thatyOu would want Furniture, auto. real estate, livestock' and note loans to salaried people. ; - - -i-- - 1 1 . : " - -You - practically make your owe terms. Let us prove this to you. STATE FINANCE CO. ? i CChllds 344 State St Phone 9261 Miller Office) Salem. Oregon Lie No. S2I6-M222 KKIiERAL MOUSING loan a nulirt reflnsnc homes, business prop. Rates Abrams Ellis Inc. Masonic Bin MORCGAGB LOANS on well . lm proved country or city property. Low est rates. No brokerage or commission LADD BUSH TRUST CO. Auto Loans , CONTRACTS RE1F1NANCED MONEY TO buy new or used cars. Prtvat money at very low rates No red tape 1 to 20 month to repay. ! Roy H. Simmons 136 S. Comnierclal St- Salem. Ore. Phon 9168 Lie. No. M-162 Set the cash rou need now without co -ma kers and get set for Spring ! Find out how slmpla It Is to handle a loan here. Speed, privacy assured. A Loans up to $300 j Eighth year In Salem , Personal Finance Coi ! I, -. - OF SALEM Formerly Beneficial Finance Co.l Second Floor New Bllgh Bldg. Rm. 119 518 Slate Street at High Phon 2191 . Salem. Or f . License S-122 M-I65 PERSONAL LOANS BORROW FROM Salem oldest largest Independent' company your Droblems will receive personal consid eration before and after the loan 1 made. Interest on unpaid balance. No fees A Quick Courteous Service - We Solicit Your Account General Finance " f Corporation 136 Sr Commerclsl St, Salem. Or. Phon $168 1.1c No. S-138 $1600 TO LOAN. Louis BechteL $1000 TO LOAN. Louis Bechtel. NORTHERN LIFE INSURANCE MONEY I - . 2 . l! - t to loan, low Int. rates. Jiest of terms. 1 KUMrl . i See Us Before Borrowing CHILDS A MILLER. Inc 344 State Street Phon 26l SAFE INVESTMENT FOR YOUR SAVINGS: BUT First mortgage loans on REAL ES TATE. Loans now available - in amounts of $500 to. $5000, nets you 5"i to 6 per cent semi-annual interest payment Examine the security your self. - - CHILDS at MILLER. Inc 344 Stat Street Phone $261 Bu s i ness Card la this dlrtory rum a monthly basie oUy. Ratet 91 per llae per moath. Auto brakes '- 1 , lifk Paoek. 7 toutb Cmmrctat Bicycles BICYCLES. NCW and reconditioned Harry W. Scott. 141 S Com ! Pb, 4614 Body & Fender Repair FOR BODY A FENDER Reparra Auto Trim.. Peat Covers. Glass replay went Auto Painting SEE th Herrall Ow ens Co.. "26 S. Com'L St. Phon 2168. Brushes FUIJ.ER BRUSHES Phon 1623. Chimney Sweep rElJCPHONK 446. H E Northne Chiropractors OR O L. SCOTT. PSC. Cblropract' 114 N. High. Tt Res $763. Excavating EXCAVATING or all ktnda ' Has oseet dug. Dirt hauled er tneved. in it for a I, s lens sang ana uravei we. Pneae tit. : , . (Florists Brelthsupt'a 1(1 Cosrt Pb. K4 W. SALEM r-terlsts. 144 Cdgwatt Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WKIDKR LAUNDRY 24 a Hlgk, let 3126 Lime GOLD HILL lime IS. W dlrr farm. 824 N. ComTL Tel. 3S2B. 01 For Sale Used Cars SPECIAL 193 . Ford v Toddr - Touring GOOD CONDITION i y Motor co. ' Lot- IMarioh & Liberty - GET A BETTER USED CAU NOW AND SAVE! Ivtte 1931 Ford Sedan, sloping windshield, new tires, new paintTmotor first class. 87. DeLuxe Plymouth Touring Sedan, low mileage...-. , , .. '. r, . $726.00 34 leiUixe Plymouth Sedarf. new blue paint, new-pistons , , ' - 3!S.OO 33 DeLuxe Plymouth Sedan, new dark blue paint , , ,., -ass no . 36 DeLuxe Iodge Touring Sedan, perfect In every -r 5 00 37 International i -Ton gickup, low mileiie-o , 550 0 si ; tiKismonue C uel.oxe'Sedan. ail overhauled .i.of 33 DeSoto "uatom Sedan, reconditioned ".. "SO l0 31 Ford Standard Coupe, new tires, new 30 Ford Closed Cab Pickup 29 Chevrolet Roadster, ... 29. Buick Coupe, real value. 30 Chevrolet , Sednn;.. SEE JIM ST. CIAIR FOR: TERMS A TRADES W. IL, Anderson: Inc.s 360 Marlon f 37 WILLYS de luxe. $45'0. Will take trade in. Taylor Dunn ranch. Dallas. Phone 22F31 Da 11a a ' . ssssS,fNe '36 FORD V- COUPE. TeL $103. ! EQUITY 1937 Ford 85 coach. Phone 6171. '31 BUICK small coup,- 6 wire wheels, -A-l condition. Sacrifice. Own er. TeL 6971. . Money to Loan FHA LOANS 0i ON EXISTING construction 90 on new construrtlon. - J. F. ULRICH CO. 363 Stat Street . Phon 8672 Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing inquire st Hawkins Roberta . WANT $2600 loan on highly Im proved suburban .home. Phone 7481. Financial WE HAVE never paid less than tlrts rat en saving m . - . .., U &sos Mutual Federal pavings a Loan Assn Phon 4944 1 a. uuervr o. For Salti Wood OLD FIRl 2nd growth. Bole. 4$ 65. OLD FIR; dry slab. $5.50. P. 7005 16-INCH old fir. $5-$5.50. Ph. 9456. "OOD, $3.50 cd. up. 2380 Broadway IFIR OAK. Phone 3380, Ashcraft DRY 2nd GRTH, O. F. knots. 6760 iDRY 2nd GROWTH. Ph.-137F12. MUX BLOCKS. Ig Id. $40. P. 6831 SPECIAL DRY wood. Tel. 3354. OLD FIR. $5 60. Phone Holloway ---- WOi TRUCKS formerly on Mar lon, now on Water, between Cheme- OLD FIR. $5.50. Sodernan. P. 8591 DRY WOODj all kinds. 9560. GOOD 16-IN. old fir$5.50. Ph. 5023 GOOD. WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 6542. DRY WOOD, all kinds. 6663. PHONE 4964 for low price wood. OLD FIR. 2nd grth- fir. Orseft 6370 r.niRANTEEI) DRT WOOD coal Tel. 600. Salem Fuel Co. Trad and Cottage. . ' r Personal LONELY" - WORTH WH11JC" sweet rveart. hukhand. wtfe for yon. Bos 876 f -ne Angele, LON EXT? WHY not marry 7 Free detalla. P. O Boa XI 44, Boise. Idirtin WANTED ORIGINAL poems, songs for immediate consideration. Send poems to Columbian Music Publishers, Ltd., Dept E28, Toronto, Can. Directo r v , Mattresses SALEM FLUKr-RUG.- snd Mattres Factory. NEW MATTRKSS made u order, old remade; carpet dean In a st tn ; ffUiff rug weaving s nth. wu bur. TeL 8441. OTTO W. SSWICKKH Est 111. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phon 40. Nurseries FULL LINE nursery tk Phone 681 L H L. Pearcy Nursery Co.. 14 Court 8t Paintin-Paperhanging STRAY PAINTINO. alt kinds: alsene per hanging. CaU K. O. Reuln. Tel 871. . j '-.... Plastering NEW WORK 12c yd. Recnlring. res ooabl. Work fully gttaraeteed. Tel 8486. . - Printing FOR STATIONERY car's Mmphiets prugtama noons or aay Sinn r print Ing. call Th Statesms Printing D pnrtment 1 1 6 S ComtneectaL Tel phone 8I4)L . Radio Service RAT MOORE, 463 Court Phone 1 1 Stoves REPAIRS FOR range, htr ctrcul term p. j flppnr. 233 Cberaefcia Transfer CAPITAL CITY Tahafer Co. 22 Stat St TeL 1773. Distributing, for warding and storag our specialty. Ge rrr rstea FOR IjOCAL er distant tmnafar tof ga burner o1L call . 213 L I jirme- Trsnsfer Co. Truck te Portland dally Well Drillinr- R. A. WEST. RU 6, Bs. 446. T. 116F6 LONESOME? OTHERS are too. An types personalities Box 826, Palo Alto, Calif. : For Sale Used Cars green r,nt 1 1 . - 1 14". '10 "0.00 105.00 150.00 Phone 7701 l1rfclllJYaVarVV-WW A SAFE PLACE TO BUY USED CARS Rersonally Indorsed With a' Written ; Guarantee 1936. Btudebaker President Custom Se dan. Has" new General dual ten tires, -Phllco radio, heater and. defrosters, fog light, cigar llght- er, all steel body with solid steel " f"top, large full ' sized chromium disc -wheels, extra large trunk, -- basket weave . broadcloth uphol stery, "-dark blue lacquer finish. Owned! by-prominent Salem busi ness man and only driven .21.230 -miles. , STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON-PACKARD DEALERS ' . - HIGH st fjHEMEKETA Open . Evenings Weekend SPECIALS 1936 Pontine Coupe, radio. In very , good shape ....$595 1931 Ktudebaker DeLuxe ' 4-Door Sdan. trunk, radio,' heater. perfect shape , 1930 Diiraht Sedan,! In excellent sfiape .... ...j... $125 1926 Studebaker Cotipe $ P0 "929 Plymouth -Sedai, runs good $ 95 Wallace Bonesteele, Inc.1 240 S. High hone: 7666 Open Sundays Join the throngs at Salem Auto Co.' s Gigantic $5.00, Doivn Sale. Get your Car Note! 1930 Chrysler Stedan, 27.000 miles $245 1928 Hudson Sport, Coupe, low -mileage ... 3 5 1828 Pontine Sedan very clean 75 1929 Ford : Coach, very good . ,, , ST,, 12S 1-ord Coupe, runs fine- 1930 Durant Sedan . "S 1929 Whippet Sedan ; "5 1926 Studebaker Sedan .... 50 1927 Chev. Sedan, extra good 45 FOR LATER MODELS HERE'S A FINE ASSORTMENT 1936 Plymouth DeLuxe Tudor $"65 1S3S nymouth Jelix Sedan , K"5 1925 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan B25 1936 Oldsmobile Tudor ., 6" 5 1137 Chrysler Royal Sedan " 845 A FEW MORE OF SIMILAR VALUE T jDT Cm , r af rk,ipfti ' Sales A Service 435 N. Com'l open Evenings '- ' i ' : r I: IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THB UNITED STATES FOR THE .DISTRICT OF OREGON. - No. B 23167 In the Matter of Clyde C. Gil bert and -Gertrude K. . GtHrt, Bankrupts: ' To the creditors of Clyde C. Gilbert and Gertrude K. Gilbert, -of Salem, In the Cotrnty of Mar lon and District aforesaid, bank rupt, i ., ! . . NOTICE I S HEREBY GIVEN that on the 2 St h day o Varrh. the said Clyde C. Gilbert and." Gertrude K. 3il'Tt were duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the first meetfni. of their rredit or$ will be held at Room 225 In the ITnlted State Postofflce.' In the City of Salem, Oregon, on the 11th day of May, 193. at 1:45 o'clock In the afternoon, at which time the frald c.etitors may attend, prove their cllms appoint a trustee, xamiie the, bankrupts and trr nitM ncli other bnsjne8 a may properly come before sail me"tlnj.. WILLAIID I.. MARKS, Ml ; Referee In Bh-iaraptcy. IN THEL DISTRICT 'OllKT OF THB UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF ORLGON. No. B 23208 In the Matter of Charles Ilatn merschmldt, 3ankrupt To the credit'rs of Charlc Hammersehmldt, of ."-ottg .Mill, In the County of Marlon and Di trlct aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOTICE IS HEREBY tSIVKN that on the 12th day of Airll. 193$, the said Charles HanunVr schmldt wa dul. ad.ud.i ated bankrupt and that the first meet ing of bis creditor" will be ty"ld si Room 525 In the rnite.LSiites Poatofflce, in the City of Salem. OreRj-n. on the 11th day of May, 1938, at 1.3 o'clock in th- afternoon,- at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt and ransct, such' other business aa may properly- come before taid me'tlns:. - WILLARD L. MARKS, M 1 Referee in Bankruptcy. vnd adjacent oounUe.