The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 01, 1938, Page 11, Image 11

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, May 1, 1933
Gleemen Will Appear to
Benefit Boy Scouts
Plana for the annual concert
Mar 10 at the Leslie auditorium
of the Eugene Cleemen male
chorus, under the, direction ot
John Stark ETans, hare been com
pleted. The Salem appearance, 'of .
the club' will mar kjthe . 50 th for
mal concert of the organization
which is now In Its 13th. year. .
- Demonstrating their 'good win
poller, the Gleemen, a non-profit,
, non-professional singing group
-will donate their services. The.
entire net proceeds of the con-
. cert will go to the Salem ' Boy
Scouts camp pioneer fund.
As an indication of the high
musical standard tnr intained, and
the popularity of the Gleemen,
ther sang their sixth annual" con
cert in Portland in Februaiy to
an overflow audience of over
6Q00 in the municipal auditorium.
Substantially the same program
will -be presented "here Mar 1
wth the addition of Hal Young,
nationallr known concert tenor, as
guest soloist. A
Much credit for the perfection
of the group goes to Cora Moore
Frer a talented pianist and or
ganist who has served as accom
panist for the grouj since its or
ganisation. Ticket sales for the
concert will open Monday under
the direction of Clifford Harold
and may be obtained from mem
bers of the Zontas, Business and
Professional Women, Kiwanis,
Rotary, Lion, Active. 20-30 Clubs
and the chamber of commerce.
They will also be on sale at - the
chamber of (commerce and at the
Bor Scout ( headquarters in the
Masonic Temple.
Miss Haberlach Heads
Northwest Deans
Miss Gladys Haberlach of West
Linn was elected to head the
deans at the Northwest confer
ence of Deans and Girls which
, was held here yesterday with
Salem high and Willamette uni
versity hosts. Other, oXficerg will
be Miss Margaret Kinyou of Cor
Tallls, vice president! and treasur
er; Miss T&je Cornutt of Mc
MinnTllle. secretary!
Dean Hazel Schwering of the
Unlrerslty ' of Oregon spoke on
avocations. Dr. Bruce Baxter, Si
las Galser and Miss Jean Maun-
' ula were - other afternoon
speakers. Miss Janet Smith,
placement secretary at the Uni
versity of Oregon was speaker
in the morning session.
Mrs. Bay M. Walts will enter
tain members of the Tomarco
class of the Fir s t Methodt
church Tuesday afternoon at her
home on West Superior at 2:30
o'clock. Assisting hostesses will
be Mrs. Charles Sherman, Mrs. A.
L. Llndbeck and Mrs.'H. G. Carl.
During Pequot Week !
?mmmwm t ii .hhikjuhiwuwh nfo" nrsi 1 n 1 -1 ir ir--j.j 1 HI I HHIM ' 1 ft
63x108 H.29
72x108 E!.S9
81x108 .. .:E'4Q
42x36 ...
Pequot Sheet
Pillow Cases
to exceed specifications -for
weight, thread
count and breaking
strength as set by
Its purchases of heavy
muslins ... NO LOADING
OR FILLING the alight
trace of necessary finishing
materials guaranteed to av
erage less than 1. .
1 -iMnir II
There fa 011I7 ONE grade ot PEQUOT
sold only under the Pequot I trade-mark.
SFv . Reg. U. s. Pat. Off. i
1 i :
- Appearing as accompanist
for the ! Eugene Gleemen is
Cora Moore Frey, who has
been associated with the
group since its organization
The Gleemen appear in.. Sa
lem on May 10.
'""7 .... i "
Fidelisj Class fleets
At Suppertime (
I The men of the Fidelia class of
the Jason Lee Memorial church
entertained their class at a
"Jlggs" supper in .the Fireplace
room of the church Friday. Lynn
! Wood, chairman, was assisted by
' Herman Rehtuss, Nick Brinkley,
Lester Wahl. Harold Young and
Gall Jones. After the dinner hour
a devotional and business meeting
was held with the president Naomi
i Ice-hf uss, In charge. The remain
i der of the evening was spen play
ing games. Those present includ
ed: f . ... i
Rev. and Mrs. Lynn Wood, Mr.
and MrsJ Stanley Markin, Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Wahl, Mr and Mrs.
Herman -j Rehfuss, Mr.- and- Mrs.
Ray Bufkey, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Thomas, I Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Klemplej Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nu
fer,' Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Ready,
Mr. and! Mrs. George Naderman,
Mr. and Mrs. George Bonner, Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. -Carnegie, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl P Martin, Mr and Mrs.
. Harold Young, Mr. and Mrs. Nick
; Brinkley, Mr. and Mrs. 'Gail Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hunter, Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Wilbur, Bernlce
1 Brewster, Wanda Gilbert, Edna
McElhaney. Donna Bonner, Cleon-
n Bonner, Bob Bonner-and Jack
I Naderman. - . i; ; -:
The Dakota dob, with all for
mer Dakotans welcome, will meet
at the Episcopal parish j house
on Wednesday at 6:30 f ijr a bas
ket supper. ' : 1
J:J: 1
Facts About
I Pequot
LIM construction
in s, u r e s maxi
mum service.
Will T E N E S S
and fine surface
appearance after
repeated w a s h
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en and protect edges
f each sheet.
SHRINKAGE shown by Im
partial tests.
TABS enable quick selection
of correct width sheet right
from linen shelf.
, . . . . t s: :. i.
. . . , . -. :--
:"-v ' V 5. -.::. -: " : - ..' ' t
I : " ''''"' v '''' -'"-.
Stage Door 'to Be Given
Saturday Nieht
' oV '
Climaxing two days of May-
Time festivities on the Willamette
unlrerslty campus,- the Ferber-
Kaufman production, "Stage
Door," will be presented as the
Junior class plar Saturday night
at 8:15 In Leslie i junior high
school auditorium. The plot of
the plar. 1b not the same as that of
the popular screen version br the
same name, however, the cast in
cludes 29 girls and 10 boys. ; . .
The scene of the play is the
Footlights club of New York, a
boarding ana rooming house for
Broadway actresses.
Mary Elizabeth Kells, who is
remembered by Salem audiences
for her work in ""Twelfth Night."
"Outward Bound," and "Mrs.
Moonlight." plays the role of Ter
ry Randall;
- Irma Calvert of Bremerton
plays the part of Jean Maitland,
the glamorous actress who can
not. wait for her dream of a car
eer on the stage to materialize,
but chooses Hollywood instead.
, Melba Riopelle, who is also re
membered for her work last rear
as Olivia ' in 'Twelfth Night,"
plays the role of Judith Canfield,
the. hard.'debunker type of wise
cracker" whose rive brothers and
four sisters at home continually
besiege her with requests for fif
ty dollar loans. Vena Vosper as
Kaye Hamilton plays with sym-
nathv anet rpatrafnt th Yprt nf
the girl who walU in j vain for
me roie wnicn jusi ooesn t ma-
terlalize. Geraldine Parker as
Bernlce Neimeyer and Beverly
Brpwn as Mrs. Orcutt, mistress of
the boarding house, provide many
Bud Kohler and Stan Elan
provide the romantic roles respec
tively as Mr. Ktngsley, who wins
the first part for Terrr Randall,
and as Keith Burgess the radical
young writer whose concern for
the "masses" is soon ! forgotten
when he receives a bid to write
for Hollywood. . J : s
The Tllsr la AirtrteA hv Mn
Chester Oppen and is third Junior
class play since her coming to
Willamette unlrerslty as dramat-
ics director. Tickets for the play
are on sale by members of the
Junior class and will be on sale
the last three days of this week
at Qulsenberry's Pharmacy. '
Accordion Contest Held
On Fridav Night
The qualifying district contest visor; Berndette Broer, pianist;
for the Soprani national accor- Suisane Esau, song leader; Syl
dion playing contest, was eon- via Mattson; white cross chair
ducted Friday night In the Bush man. '' ,
school auditorium. First place In Hoahie Watanabe h'.d charge
each division qualified to com- of the program 'The Highland
pete for two of the 10 free trips Schoolhouse." Later in the eve
to Italy and return with all ex- nig a miscellaneous shower was
pensea paid. Forty-nlte contest- given iMiss Hoshie Watanabe,
ants qualified; each signed an whose marriage will Jake place
affidavit to the .effect that he in May.
had never received accordion les- Guests of the 1 evenig were
sons previously to the contest Mrs. Fred Brixon, Mrs. Gtil Lem
and was a beginner on: the piano mann, 'Mrs. Sig Watanabe. the
accordion. They were required Misses Julia Allen, Helen Strau
to play two memotized selected meyer, Carolyn Straumeyer, Helen
numbers and judged by the score
sheet established by the Amerl-
can Band Masters association.
The ages ot the contestants rang
ed from -.8 to 56.
Tbe winners in the junior di-
Tision were Raymond Ramseyer,
Tilly Matye and Allen Ricuard
son. Winners in tne senior ai- garet Stewart, niorence wiwce.
vision, Viola Moriaritr. Edna and guest of honor Hoshie Wata
Gobert and Mrs. Gladys Mazac. nabe and Elma Hort, hostess.
In addition first place winners' - ,.
have qualified for. the free trip ... 1 " . Vt.
to Italy. To judges for the con St. Hilda's Mission of the Epis
test were Alice Inlow. Gl.n Bur- copal church fn Monmouth, is
right and C. B. Glover.. sponsoring a benefit puppet show
I A short guitar n-ogram : In the Legion hall on Thursday
eluding numbers by the Plectrum. aT 3: 30 o clock. The Madcap Mar-!i,itai-
.inh ami iria' nnartpt ionettes from Salem, under the
followed the contest. I
i i-: :-:
Barbara Barnes Will
Present Students
'. Barbara Barnes will give her
annual open house Tuesday after
noon at four o'clock at her studio.'
;The program will be comprised of
a 45-mInute class demonstration
followed by a short brogram of
diversements. jM
j The program is as follows:
Itumpty Danptr .Joinne TboBii
Spanish Dance (Mantllla)....Gloria Myera
Hons uni Danee.. ..j.CharmioD Hood
i Peasant and Doll ..Colleen Kroner
Jean Holtzman
II j- Lady Is a Tramp Marjorie LtiDdahl
IStmt Dance-.a .SUirley Lnkina
iThey Won't Sell the Farm r
r .,Rnth Elaine Holtxman
jToe- Daae - i..Donna- Savac
Sons and Dance.. Flofa Jane Johnson
Gurland Dance Entire Class
j Miw.MartIn Uzberg' will enter
jtaln alumnae of Alpha Phi Alpha"
j sorority at her home on East Rur
al Monday night at eight o'clock.
A $2.00 VALUE
With Shampoo,
haircut, and la
dividual 1 finger
wave :
or a genuine
I Duart: Oil Permanent
: . ' - ! ;
Only :.
Finger Wayes
Castile Shampoo .....SOc
Ilaircat or Manicure,.. ..25c
Scalp Treatsent4iL.50c
Ogilvie Sisters Scalp ' .
Treatment . 7Sc
All work, supervised
I by Experts
Il ' ' f
. Bnaaay.May i
Miss Melton's studio musical
t 124 North Capitol, 4 j n.
Monday, May 9
Daleth Teth Oimel Mothers
club meet at Lausanne hail, S
Kappa Delta alumnae with.
Mrs. Don Emerson, S p- m.
Alpha Phi Alpha alumnae
with Mrs. Martin Llzberg. 116
East Rural, 8 p. m. - ' '
Auxiliary to Sons of Union
Veterans sewing club meet with
Mrs. H. R. McWhorter 610
North Summer, 2 p,m. -
AATJW drama class meet at
YWCA, 8 p,m; -
Northwest . division of Pres- '
byterUn church with Mrs. Wil- i
11m Moore, 49B North Capitol. ;
American War Mothers bus-
iness meeting, American Luth-
eran church, 2 p.m.
Sigma Nu study club, fire- ;
"place room, library at 2 p.m.
I Tuesday, May 8 '
Highland Mothers - Teachers '
Study club meet at .school,
3:30 p.m.
Initiation, -Order of Eastern i
Starr Masonic temple. -
Yomarco- class of First Meth
odist church with Mrs. Ray
M. Waltz, 195 West Superior,
2:30' p.m. - .
'V Wednesday, Mar
Mart lower guild of First Con
gregational church , meet with
. Mrs. ilay Yocom, 850 E street,
- v- m
Royal Neighbors Sewing club
South division, Presbyterian
church, with' Mrs. C. A. Lytle, :
525 North 14th street. - Mrs.
A. F. Marcus assisting. '.
1 Thursday, May 5
Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae
with Miss Josephine IuC Gil
christ, 695 North Summer
street,7 8 p.m. I
Berean W. W. GT Meets
With MlSS Hoyt
Regular monthly business meet-
ing of the Berean W. W. G. was
held at the home of Miss Elma
Hoyt" on Winter street Tuesday
New officers installed were:
' Florence Wallace, , president;
Beulah Moran, vice president;
Franclse Mattson, recording sec
retary; Margaret Stewart, treaa
- nrer; . Joy Greig, corresponding
secretary: Mrs. Floyd White, ad-
Stewart. Members present were
as follows: , Mrs. Floyd White,
Mrs. Irving Fox, Alemeda.Work
lngAdena Fiske, Joy Greig. Ade
line Pade, Beulah Moran. Bern-
dette Broer, Ruth Engdahl, Lu-
cllle Starkey, Frances Mattson,
Sylvia Mattson, Vera Brock. Mar-
Oirecuon or xara. rraun
bach will present the show. The
Marionettes will be seen In a
group of several short acts and
promises to be an Interesting
hour's program.
Made to fit rour windows in
our shade factory, will last
longer and look better.
See onrx famous Tontine
Washable and Crackproof
Shade before baying.
" i'.
Reinholdt & Lewis
Salem Venetian Blinds
467 Court St. Phone 41 SI
Only 2 50
v Work by Junior
Student Operators:
Finger Waves
alanlcstre or Facia
Permanent Wares
Marcel Waves
1 rnr
I 13C
Beauty Colleges
State bonded and approved.
179 N. liberty
(Over Worth's Dept. Store.)
' PHOXE 141
Many roTamS ''
f . -- ; -
.Will Be Given .
- (Continued from Page 10.)
Friday's outstanding 'program ... . . . . A
Is the Salem school's music festi- f..h,afb.h!t i f, 1 1 U?k '
ral which will begin at 8 o'clock ",W5.U " other
ln;th high school auditorium. the St. CecUia mass
Included will be number, by thi Tl t0 not urpf"
aU-clty elementary band under the !nythr ' KZ";
dUrecUon of Gordon Kinlay; pre- alIt'r 'workf0,neKbr thU yaf
nutlonof poster awards br the .fn Hnl
Salem Music Teachers' assocU- iott. 8 offei?inr will
tion; numbers br ' the Highland De ,tKefl. 0 0
bors chorus, with Miss Carolyn ; . j i
Parker directing; the Bush pri- i r it r'
marjf chorhs; the Washington Annual raU Iriven m
rhythm orchestra; the singing ofpirtlaLj Ttfav 7 j
rounds by. the fourth grades of"ruap: iua ' j '
Englewood. Grant, Highland and ' Among the social highlights of
Washington schools under the di- tbe political season wiU be the
rectlon of Miss Gretchen Kreamer; sixth annual spring bill spon
the Englewood orchestra under sored by the Young Democratic
the direction of GordonFinlay; club of Multnomah county, to
fifth arid sixth grade choruses be held! on May 7t. ati the Ma
from Bush. Garfield, McKinley sonic telmple in Portland,
and RIchmqnd. Invitations hare been! extended
Mrs. David Eason will present to all state clubs of the young
her pupils in a creative music democratic orgaoix at Ion, to
recital on.'' Saturday night, and friends j and guests of the young
Roberts studio will present a pro- political organization, 'and. as
gram of spring "flower pieces" piranta j to political office,
and Mr Clara Tut ti Vntnn win Entertainment will be In the
nresent her student also rm Satiir.
day Mrs.; Bush's kindergarten
wtll keep open house from 9 to
i JZ. v
The Themis studios" wnl prJent
pupils on Saturday at 8 o'clock.
As a closinc feature of the -an
nual campus May day exercises
and National Music week, the Eastern Star will meet Tuesday
Philharmonic choir of Willam- at the Masopic temple. Initia
ette university, a group of - 75' tion will be! held; - also special
voices, will present the St.- Ce-: services honoring "Mothers day."
cilia mass by Gounod on Sunday An inrltation; is extended to all
night, May 8. at the First Metho- members of the Eastern Star to
dist church. Soloists are! Ailene attend.; . :
, . .
f . . . 1 - v . ...
"7- -' -' "a"; v '
, ILL;
Hiptnfstmartntw 7938 buHt-U-tbc-flr tUttrtc
rang witb ttmi-dirtct lighting, matched nmdhmtnt
Ht, StUet-ASpttd Calrod. Full pontUin tmamuL
Here's your chance to
buy a modern Hotpoint
Electric Range at a tre
mendous saving. Prices are sub
stantially reduced on all floor
display and demonstration
models, for quick clearance.
Every range is priced far be
low its normal value. Genuine
Hotpoint quality. Streamlined
beauty, a wealth of modern fea
tures. Select-A-Specd Calrod
cooking units, Thrift Cooker,
oversize oven, table-top work
surface, smart, modern styling.
Early selection is advised, for
the supply is limited.
1 -V
Ask for Our
Free Kitchen
Plaiiniiig Service
Moored Prno: Kendall Tel-
f Tl SPAS' 4Avmw and Tntta Tvsa
ton baritone. Prof. Roberts is or
&nUt and Marx Ylralnia Nolil
sV"TAk s'inAmnsnlof Tn 1sa mt Va
manner of an exhibition tango
and Mexican novel, n amber pre-
!fnted by Bertelle and Raymond.
Portland's well-known dance
" " EddIe
Burke and his swing band.
m-" .: '
Chadwick cSianter Order of the
( r
Hotpoiors ifurienit mew cook
las; unit which provides 5 difereat
'cookiagsund tlw'lccrrictllycor
rect tpced tor rverj coekiog oecd.
Alpha Phi Alpha Mothers
Benefit Tuesday
Slated for Tuesday afternoon'
la the Alpha Phi Alpha Mother's
club benefit bridge tea at the
chapter house on North Summer
street. Playing will begin at 2
o'clock. Mrs. Ray Yocom and
Mrs; Duane Gibson are in charge
of arrangements and those wish
ing reservations are asked to call
either Mrs. Yocom or Mrs. Gib
son. Those who have made reser-.
rations are Mrs. A. A. Taylor.
Mrs. Elmer Daue. Mrs. Percy
Kelly, Mrs. Fred Thompson, Mrs. I
A. R. Thompson, Mrs. Ray Yo
com. Mrs. Duane Gibson, Mrs.
Frank Crawford, Mrs. F. S.' An
unsen, Mrs. Byran Goodenoughr
Mrs. F. D. Foley, Mrs. Edward-
Brown, Mrs. J. S. Murray, Mrsi
Arthur Selander, M r s. .George.
Vehrs. Mrs. William J. Busick,
Mrs. Herbert Glaisyer, Mrs. Eva
Ritner. Mrs.-W. A. Cladek, Mrs;
L. C. McLeod, Mrs. Robert Brsdyj
Mrs. John E. Cooter. Mrs. M. Pi
Adams and Mrs. C. O. Wilsqn. '
The monthly meeting of the Sa
lem General hospital auxiliary
will be Tuesday morning at ten"
o'clock at the YMCA. Members
are asked to note the change of
meeting- place. Mrs. T. A.; Lives
ley will preside.
1 The PLE&F dnb -jyill meet
with Mrs. Earl Burc at her
home on Edgewater "street in
West Salem Tuesday aftcrnooni
I Mrs. J. K. Dngan. Mrs. Abner
Cline, Mrs. A. Lee, Mrs. F. N. Tat
man and Mrs. Vern Cannon will
assist Mrs. Willis Moore as hos
a V3
; IjyjK'lt-i!
. 1 ..
tess to the Northwest division of
the Presbyterian church on Mon
day. " . . !
Turner Eastern Star
Observ'es Birthday
More than 70 members aad '
Tisitors attended', the birthday
anniversarr observance of Vic
toria chapter. Order of Eastern ;
Star, at Turner- on Wednesday,
April 27.
Vivian Ensley worthy matron
and Edward Mitchell, worthy pat
; ron jvere in charge of the meet
ing:. - ' ' ; ' iV
grand secretary was one of the
principal speakers. Grand repre
sentatives present included Mjs.
Byron 13. Herrick ot Salem.
. The program held proved In
teresting in that several genera
tions were present or represent
ed their families.
Those attending from. Salem
were: Mrs. Byron B. Htrrick,
Mr. and-Mrs. J. O. Russall. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Crawford, Mrs.
iBeth Peterson, Mrs. Bertha Berg
man, . Mrs. Steiner, Mrs. Hettle
"Kreikenbaur, Mrs. Alma Thomp
son. -
The flome Interest club of the
First Christian church met on
Friday i afternoon ia the Fireside
rooms of the- church for a So
cial . afternoon.! The next meet
ing Will be at; the home of Mrs.
Guy Drill the last of May.
V -
The Highland Mlthers-Teachcrs
Study club will meet i-t the school
Tuesday at 3:30 o'clock. Silas
Galser, the speaker, will .talk
on supervision.
11 ' Liberal Discount on " J 1
Two 1938 Blodels J I
! Used at Statesman'
. Cooking Shovr
FwU porcelain onamel ... tUjIU-to-the-floor
coRsfrvctfon ... New Selod-A-Spootf
Calrod . Combination Timo
Chlmo and Timor Clock . . . Soml-dlrect
lamp... Condiment tot.. .Two largo
vtinty . drawers and warmer drawer ...
Pilot light ... Largo Insulated ovenT