The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 21, 1938, Page 6, Image 6

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    Society .. Glubs
News and Features of Interest to Women
llrs. Goulet Will
Be Honored at
Thursday, April 21
. Marlon County Veteran as
sociation, Miller hall 10 a m.
all day.
Lions auxiliary 1:15 lunch
'at Godfrey'. -
Fidelia class of First Baptist
church with Hr. F. M. Boyt,
Mrs. E. C. Apperson and her
daughter-in-law. Mrs. Norwood
.UMnii nr MrMinnrllle. will en
tertain with a smartly arranged -754 North Winter,
affair at the former's noma in dish luncheon, 1 p.m.
McMinnville Friday afternoon In Hollrwood Merry-Go-Round
compliment to Mrs. Homer Gou- ciub afc Mm. Amanda M un
let, Jr. A number of Salem and - gen 2 p.m. .
Portland .folk hare been invited Ladies' Maccabee club No.
to the 1 o'clock luncheon. The iiz meet with Mrs. George
Informal Affairs
White Home
: The West ; Lefelle street home
of Major General and Mrs. George
MAXINE BUREN Women'i Editor.
Styles Food
Bridge Benefit
Scheduled for
The largest affair scheduled
for this week Is the Salem Daugh-
ftXternoon will be spent in playtng
cards. J . . ' - - -Those
bidden from Salem are
Mrs. Homer Goulet, Jr., the honor
guest, Mrs. Homer Goulet, sr.,
Mrs. Charles Robertson, Jr., Mrs.
C. H. Robertson. Mrs. Romeo
Gouley, Miss Kaye Gouley, Mrs.
Creighton Benton Jones, Mrs.
George A. White and Mrs. Victor
' Guests from Portland will be
Mrs. William Sheehy, Mrs. Arthur
U. Cannon. Miss Ruby Archenbau,
Mrs. Hugh Williamson, Mrs. Wal
ter wnoamson, Mrs. Kevin Cook,
Mrs.?. J. Anderson, Mrs. "WnHam
Aldrich nd Mrs. Perdus Shipley.
,.. . . .
Alpha Phi Alpha Motners
Meet at Chapter House
Plans were made for benefit
bridge party on May 3 at the
aaeettng of the Alpha Phi Alpha
mother's club Tuesday afterneoii
mt the chanter house. Hostesses
for the affair were &
Vehrs, Mrs. Luther Chapln. Mrs.
T. C. Mason, Mrs. Frederic
Thompson, Mrs. A. R. Thompson
. nd Mrs. Charles Wilson. A des
sert luncheon was serred with
each guest bringing her faToiite
dessert and later exchanging
These present were Mrs. Bryan
Goodenough, Mrs. E. A. Brown,
Mrs. Fred S. Anunsen, Mrs. Ray
Tocom, Mrs. Ralph Kletzing, Mrs.
Duane ; Gibson. Mrs. Frederick
Thompson, Mrs. A. R. Thompson.
Mrs. F. A. Kurtz, Mrs. Luther
Chapin, Mrs. J. D. Fbley. Mrs.
George Vehrs, Mrs. Herbert Glais
yer. Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. J. S.
Murray, Mrs. Arthur Selander,
Mrs. John Cooter, Mrs. T. C. Ma
son and Mrs. Charles Wilson. .
Diets, 2493 State street. 1:30
k Sewing club ,of American Le
. gion auxiliary meet with Mrs.
Harold Perkins. Oak Knoll
farm in Polk county, X p.m.
I Woman's Benefit .association
meet at KP hall, 8 p.m., social
f , Kerry Misglers with Mrs.
George Tharp, 1902 North 6 th,
Z -in.
! Chapter Q. PEQ. with Mrs. C.
B. McCuUough, 2S5 West Le
felle, 1:30 dessert luncheon. 1
I Sigma Ka?pa alumnae with
Mrs. Earl Cooley, 2270 Center,
. S "PJDtt. -. -.;
i Woman's Councft of First
Christian ch-urch meet In
church Tmrlora. 2 p.m.
J AAUW begluirtBg bridge
class with Mrs. Phillip Barrett,
X090 North Winter, 7:30 p.m.
I Salem Council; of Women's
organisations meet in city
library, 2 p.m.
L Grant Parent-Teacher asso-
Henrietta White
Interesting Program for
e. Hostesses uranc rareni-reacner aaso- rt 1 ir .
Mrs. George elation meeting at School, 7:30 "Oman S UUD Meeting
p.m., election of officers.
Faculty Women's club of
Willamette university with
Mrs. Ernest C. Richards, 9S6
Center street, 2: SO p.m.
Hayesville Woman's club
with Mrs. J. W. Pentiiey.
Liberty Womans' club and
mothers of school pupils meet
at halt, 2 p.m.
Grange Home Economics
club meet with Mrs. E. G.
Clark, f
Friday, April 22
Barbara Fritchle tent No. I
ritualistic instruction meeting
at WCTU hall, 8 pjn.
Women's Unlta ian alliance
with Miss Gertrude Ravage,
1362 Plaza, West Salem, 2:30
'Disabled Veter 'ns of World
War Old Time dance at Cherry
City auditorium, 7:3C p a.
South Salem WCTU with
Mrs. C. T Hoover; 1398 Fir
Contract bridge class of Amer
ican Legion auxiliary with
Mrs. Myrtle Clark. Polk county,
2 p. m. For reservations call
Mrs. M. E. Ramsdell, 5467.
Fruitland . Womans club,
with Mrs. C. Cernlck at 8
Monday, April 25 .
Alpha Gamma Delta fclumnae
with Mrs. B. B. Bossatti, Dal
las, 8 p.m. Call Mrs. Estill
Brunk for transportation.
Bliss Irma Walker to Be
Honored at Party "
! - Miss Vera Walker will enter-
t tain with a kitchen shower Thurs-
I day night in 'honor of her sister,
t - Hiss Irma Walker, whose mar
I; " riage to Clifford Hanson will bo
. an event of Saturday, April 23.
At a late hour supper will be
I- served by the hostess.
Those bidden to honor Miss
' Walker are Miss Inabelle Creech,
i Miss Mildred and Miss Sylvia
li Tehle. Miss Lucille Bushnell. Miss
i 71it an A Mlaa Thllta Millar
I Miss Muriel Martin, Miss Clarice
I Kobe, - Miss Luella DeHarport,
I Miss Dorothy Rulifson, Miss Jane
wit i V r j . i - . r : . if i-
Barbara Taylor. Miss Jackie mothers 01 Oregon,, state college abot several of the poems in her
Walker, Mist Maude Martin, Mirs. motored to Salem yesterday for book.
Vesper Elridge, Mrs. Lois Sumner, the monthly luncheon meeting At the tea hour Mrs. C. C.
Mrs. Oscar Hanson, Mrs. Cecil H. which was" held at the home of .Geer and Mrs W." F. Fargo will
Walker. Mrs. Aline King. Mrs. Mrs. Dan McLellan. Hostesses preside at the urns. Mrs. U. G.
Dorothy Walker and Miss Vera were Salem Oregon State Theta Shipley held of the tea commit
Walker. J
a. wane is me scene or two ters of the NHa honem tA
smartly arranged affairs this party Friday afternoon at 2
week. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. o'clock at the Marion hotel.
George White entertained a group Those attending are asked to
of Portland women including sev- bring their own cards and table
eral army wives at luncheon and accessories. Proceeds from the
several hours of cards. Covers affair will be used In the Nile
were placed for 18 guests. philanthropic work.
-Today Mrs. ' White and her At the tea hour lira. Joseph
daughter. Miss Henrietta White, - Carter, Queen of Nydia Temple,
are entertaining at their annual and Mrs.. David Wright, Princess
luncheon in compliment' to the Tirzah. will preside at the serv-
national guard wives. Several lag table. The table will be
hours of contract will follow the covered with a lace cloth and
luncheon. . M . centered with a bouquet of daffo
' Covers will be placed for Mrs. , dOs and narcissus in crystal bowl
Thomas Riles" Mrs. Clifton Irwin, blanked with yellow tapers In
Mrs. Kenneth Rowntree. Mrs. crystal holders.
Harry Hunt Towler. Mrs. Thomas A group of the Rainbow jirls
Krerett May, Mrs. W. Wells Baura, who will assist In tie serving
Mrs. Armin Berger. Mrs. William are Miss Anna May GraTenhorst.
. mmf ' x,M 1 m r v. Miss Ann Owen, Miss Elisabeth
wooton. Mrs. B. F. Ponnd, Mrs. Ann Herrlck. Miss Helen May
Labanteeves. Mrs. Joseph Schur. cook. Miss Shirley McCJn. Miss
v,r r? 'r;,1""- w"u Clare Marshall. Miss Jean Burt,
p r i'" LG- Maison, Mrs, Miss Jeannetto Brwn, Miss Nor-'
Richard Kriesel. Mrs. Curtis John- ma Hodge and Miss Marie White,
son, Mrs. Ralph Cowgle. Mrs. A Urge number o: matrons
rSf1 "J Mrs. Thomas naTe reserved tables for the af-
Davia. Mrs. Gordon Stryker. Mrs. fair additional names which
T. Henahow, Mrs. Lee Merrill, nave been added to the list are
eerge a. White and Miss nrM4amM v . m n Mr Far! an if
Frank Halik, Adolph Guef froy.
Ralph Cooley, James Nicholson,
U. S. Page, Huston Wharton. Guy
Bagley, Theron Hoover, John
Bagley, Merrltt Trueax, Robert
Wilson Jr.. Howard R. Pickett,
An interesting ""program has Wren C. Crews, William Tsch-
been arranged for the Salecn opp, Lou Grote; Charles Castner,
Womans' club meeting Saturday Joseph Carter, Charles Sprague.
afternoon at the clubhouse by J. A. Brownson. Ivan Martin,
Mrs. William F. Fargo. The Charles Strlcklin, W. C. Welch,
board meeting will be held at C. K. Logan, Walnard Rippa, Wil-
2 o'clock followed by the busl- Ham J. Buslck. Roger Mythlng,
ness meeting at 2:30 p.m. with Karl Becke. Ronald Jones, Marie
Mrs. C. C. Geer presiding. 'Those Flint McCall, Jennie Bulck, John
attending the state board meet- Poorman. Arthur Knox, C. J.
ing will make; reports. Hooper, Earl Snell, Ralph Wlrth
The program" includes a violin Elmer Berg, R. T. Boals. George
and piano duet by Mts. P. F. Vehrs, Edwin Roth. Leon Perry,
Thomas and Misa Ruthyne Thorn- and Miss Amy Harding.
as and Mrs. Jessie Singleton will
talk on "Verse Speaking Choirs."
airs. Singleton is state poetry EtOtka Cluh Feted at
chairman of the Oregon Federa- , ,
tion of Women's clubs and at the- Gillette Home
present time is conducting a
state-wide poetry contest. The Mrs. S. B. Gillette entertained
winners will be announced at the with an Informal affair at her
state federation meeting In Pen- home- on South Commercial street
dleton in May. - - Tuesday afternoon In compliment
The poetry quartet will read to members of the Etotka club,
poems from the anthology. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. A.
"Homespun." The quartet in- F. Waller and Mrs. Ernest Lee.
eludes Mrs. Estill Brunk, Mrs. During the atte-noon Mrs. B.
Saul Jam, Mrs. George Allen and L. Steeves read a paper on the
Mrs. A. B. Cllman. Two original "Applegate Trail.1' The rooms
poems will be read by Miss were festive with bouquets of
Grace Eliisabeth Smith including spring flowers and refreshments
"A Sea Faring Poem" and "Bon- were served late In th after
nle Jean" which she will sing noon. Special guests at the af
accompanled by Mrs. E. N. De- fair were Mrs. Llnwood Gillette
Prex. and Miss Anita Gillette of De
Mrs. A. L. Wallace will Intro- trolt. Mich., house guest of the
duce the new book "Western S. B. Gillettes, and Mrs. Dora
Windows" and read the forward. Stacey.
The guest speaker of the day will Those present were Mrs. Clif-
be Mrs, France? Holmstrom of ton Ross, Mrs. A. L.cSkewls, Mrs.
Coqnllle, author of "Western Stuart Johnson, Mrs. W. J. En-
Windows.' She will tell and read tress, J Mrs. Richard Erlckson,
Mrs. Daisy Mclntyre, Mrs. E. J.
Donnell. Mrs. Mason BisLop. Mrs.
Ray Clark, Mrs.- P. C. Gitber,
Mrs. E. N. McKee, Mrs. H. G.
Cart. Mrs. Harry Elgin, Mrs. M.
A. Estes, Mrs. Geor&e Sell on,
mnthr including: Mrs. Paul Van tee and Mrs. E. E. Thomas, so- Miss Gertrude Savage. Mrs. B. L.
Scoy.Mrs. W. A. Langllle, Mrs. cial chairman, are arranging the steeves, Mrs. A. F. Waller. Mrs.
Robert Shlnn and Mrs. Dan Mc- decorations. Ernest Lee and Hrs. S. B. Gll-
Lellan. A 1 o'clock luncheon was . : lette.
served, followed by a business Miss Gertrude Savage will en-
meeting. Bouquets of spring tertain members of the Unitarian Mr. and BIrs. John Nelson and
blooms were arranged about the .Women's Alliance at her home, young daughter of Marsh field
A large group of the Portland rooms. Covers were placed for 36 1362 Plaza. West Salem, Friday were visitors in the capital Mon-
and valley Kappa : Alpha Theta guests. afternoon at 2:30 o clock. ... . , day and Tuesday.
Luncheon at McLellan
Home Honors Mothers
! is
of f his 30'pioco su. - slSm90 .
ca g:aUxty soils ioSf
. rxi"- . n
Tan tbi, tie--
,maM Jii.r nr bwi
I!!5L ? ran. re Tl
el ,eu. with oil Z? s
really .. " - ,
Ift Smart U Go Mkrn with Gas!
SEE ANY DEALER or PORTLAND GAS & COKE COUPANY s. High st. - - - rm sot
An exciting Cotton Carnival! Colorful NEW cottons for dressy and sports frocks
. . expensive looking cottons with a "body" to them . . . cottons that tailor
beautifully! Shaggy and smooth' sports cottons, voiles, dotted Swisses swagger
gabardines! Sew your way to Summer chic . . at SAVINGS!
6 P Y You
xh ' "r?. r)
I - SPECIAL! tik 'M
f Regular $105 i
1 1: k m Electric S
r Time on
It takes just as long if not longer to
make up cheap fabrics than It does
good ones. The difference between San
forized shrunk, fast color, fine smooth,
even weaves and the poorly constructed,
shrinking, sleasy cottons Is so great
that one should consider carefully when
purchasing faeries of any kind.
Come to Miller's where nationally ad
vertised fabrics, such as EVERFAST
and A.8.C., are shown in great pro
fusion. Select the pattern you wish and
have It ready when the warm sun
beckons you to the beaches, or out of
doors In Oregon's ,,Air-condItIoned,
climate as we are told In this week's
Saturday Evening Post,
Save Exactly $35.50
on This!
A machine that has everything
in modern electrical features,
smooth-running, balanced
stitching; all attachments, etc'
Beautiful walnut cabinet In
smart designs!
Here's the Machine That Puts
Relaxation Into Sewing
When we say new cottons, we
mean NEW cottons! Colorful
to the nth degree! Designs that
are almost startling! Two,
three, four-color patterns that
are fetching Indeed!
Carnival of Cotton Offers Ton
the Choice of the Finest Fab
rics to Be Had Anywhere at
Any Price! , . -
Thousands of Tarda From.
Which to Choose . .- Butter
ick. Vogue, Simplicity, Holly
Wood Patterns to Help You
Make Your Own!
1 00
. . a liberal trade-in allowance
on your present machine . . .
White Sewing Machine
-100 per i OTHERS AT
M?mf- 1 -.'29c,
i 39C 59c
a . . ...jar m f A.- t M .
.i ; V-I I V- i ; ....
tit m m j-j- -
New WISS Shears
Clearance! Used
Sewing Machines
JUST ARRIVED! "W -kitchen
shears on sale this
week for I Sc. Regularly they
sell it II.3S! '
: A doaen kitchen tools in one! -Scissors,
de-capper, bottle
opener, nut-cracker, etc., te..
(Notions Dept.)
' AtaMJprtBOOt