The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 21, 1938, Page 5, Image 5

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    (The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Thursday Morning, April 21; 1938
Local Nevvs
Masons 'r Banqret Tonight '? - i
Ho-n?.riS the Jsprlng class, Salem
Lodge of Perfection will hold a
banquet" at -the Masonic temple
tonight. The banquet will start
at 6:30 o'clock, followed by the
regular monthly meeting of the
order.: After the disposal of rou
tine business matters the Four
teenth degree will be conferred
on the class by a team headed
by Dr. B. F. Pound assisted by
other members. The present
class is the largest ever to re
- eeive the perfection degrees in
Salem and with the added at
traction of a supper it is expect
ed there will be a large attend
ance.. Frank G. Jewett, vener
able master of the Salem . body
will preside, i
Lutx florist. 1278 N Lib Ph 95St
Dunne to Capital T. Morris
Dunne, chairman of the state un
employment j compensation com
mission, left yesterday tor Wash
ington, D. CM, whre he will pre
side at the interstate conference
"of unemployment compensation
agencies. Dunne 1s president of
the group which includes repre
sentatives of eaeb of the 12 dis
. tricts Into which the nation has
been divided for administration of
the unemployment compensation
law. Administration practices
prevalent in the 23 states now
paying benefits will be compared
and possible - changes . in policy
will be discussed, Dunne said.
Coming Events
: April 21-23 Marion county ;
411 spring show, state fair
grounds; opei to visitors
April 22, 23.
April 22 Industrial arts and
vocational education exposi
tion, shops building, new senior
high school, 1-4, 7-0 p. m.
- April 22 Missouri club, club
. supper, 6:30 p. m., 240 .North
April 23 Quilt and flower
show, afternoon and night.
Oak Grove grange hall.
April 23 and 24 S ilem
Garden flub flower show. Val
ley Motor company display
rooms. '
April 23 Kansas club of Sa
lem supper and dance at the
Fraternal hall, 477 Center
street, at :30 p. m.
April 2H L'nion Label
league card party. Cherry City
recreation' room, 8 p. in. Public
April 24 Blossom week
April' 29 Marion County
Public Health association an
nual meeting, chamber of com
merce rooms, 8 p.m.
April 2-3 Malem district
Epworth league convention.
Jason Lee church.
May 1-8 National Music
Helser ... Case Closes J a 4 g I
Lewelling yesterday took under
advisement the case of J. Henry i
Helser... company against . H.
Hazlett, 'corporation commission-
er, and ordered briefs submitted.
The plaintiff company, ia. seeking
a declaratory Judgment as to i
whether as "investment counsel" i
tit is required to have- a broker's
license. -
Prepares Ballots County Clerk
j TJ. G. Boyer is preparing the offic
ial ballot for the May primaries
for the printer and the copy will
I probably be in the printer's hands
this week. Election notices .to be
posted in each precinct have been
sent out to election board chair
men. . '
Rare Wild Flower C. L.. Mc
Donald. 2490 Hazer avenue, local
mail carrier, Aas amone mnv
wild flowers an exceedinelv rare
form of the native trillinm
double form with blooms having
from 24 to 33 petals. As the
flowers are sterile, they can pro- seea, which accounts for
the scarcity. . "
Donangh Program,- Radio In
stead of the straight political talk.
tudgar Freed, campaign manager
ior carl C. Donough. candidate
for the democratic nomination, as
united States senator, will pre
sent a dramatization based unon
tne lire of Donaugh over radio
station kuin at 9:45 tonight.
Banquet Scheduled -A dinner
at 6:30, preceded by a swim in
tne Y pool, will begin the an
nual father-and-son camn uro
gram of the YMCA tonight. The
Pennies,but not From Heaven
r & ' - - - . .,-
Hoping to focus "attention on hidden taxes, students at Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. YM pledge themselves to pay 25 per
cent of every purchase In pennies. The group, called Tax MCent"in,
els, even have the support of Dr. William O. Hotchkiss, president of
the Institute, who is seen signing np for number one membership
card as Bob Bauman, left, founder of the group, looks on. Merchants
in Troy now either face a feast or famine of pennies in the cam
paign. , .
Choral Speaking Head Here
Miss FTHzaheth f Ten to ha.J
Rummage Sale First M.E. cburcn. the . deDartment t Sa Organizing Cubs -James Mon
Fri. and Satj Church bt. entrance. . " , . roe, scout executive, has heen
nlT, hatlllnfi. """" llc 4 " c fl " couee ln Lebanon and Dallas this week
Permits Granted Log naming I whose verse rdps Vine-: hntr . I .
,. J ...,J, I 1 - I WHICH 6 W l U KHttl U1UC1UI
permu " 'Zl AmT, known throughout the west and about the possible organization
KixTSKSS Pack8 U ve
to haul one load of sawed Urn- ar enons in oenair ol
bers from suverton to aaiem anu " oatem Plastering Next With exter
to V - M. Harris to haul lo on wnere she has been holding dis- 1
the North Santiam highway. Ap- cussions and demonstrations of tually completed, workmen have
plications lor permits nave oeen .p.1U8 4Ur an eiemen-1 turned their attention to the in
received from Kay Hanson 10 nam ana n.ngnsn teacn- terior and next week wIU be
logs from Elkhorn to aienama ana s ju me junior ana senior nign ready to start the ilasterlng.
from C. M. Stevens to haul logs schools. Miss Jenks, who came
over county road 782 and market here following a four weeks ap- Giffem Leaving E. J. Giffem,
gram 01 me YMCA tonight. The AT Tl 11
Era 'SSSSSSL Wew Bradley Star
Scope on Display
roads 17 and 76.
pearance in each Seattle and Port-1 resident here the past 16 years.
land, finishes her Salem work to- 18 leaving for an indefinite visit
- " i Braden i
Mrs. Melvina Braden, 67, at a
local hospital April 19. Late resi
dent of Aumsville. Survived by
children. Mrs. Clinton ' Hampton
of Jefferson, Mrs. Erva De Costa
of Berkeley, Mrs. D. W. Wall of
Eugene, Mrs. Charles Andrews of
Ocean Park, Arthur Braden of
Jefferson; brothers, John Wallace
of Roseburg and Taylor Wallace
of Stockton, Calif.; sister, Mrs.
George Anderson of Montague,
Mont. , Four grandchildren also
survive. Services will be held
from- the Terwilliger- Fji n e r a 1
home Friday at 1 p.m. Interment
El Rey Roofs. Pho. Bondell 8478.
Stage Service Hearing Hpak-
Ing on the application of the
with relatives in and near his
old home at Lancaster, Wis. En
route he plans to stop at Grcncoe,
Largest Reflector Located
in Northwest to Be
Shown, Exposition
A 12 4 -inch reflecting tele
scope, said to be the largest ln
the northwest and one of the most
i powerful privately - owned t e 1 e-
scopea In the world, will be a
part of the display being shown
by the Industrial Arts and Voca
tional Education exposition Fri
day afternoon and night at senior
high school.
Constructed by members of the
machine shop classes at the high
Hull to Consider
Parity on Lumber
State Secretary Messages
Governor His Request
to Get Attention
Courts to Meet Marion and
Union Pacific stages to establish I Linn county courts will meet at I
service on the new 36-mile Pen- Gates Friday to discuss matters B. l. Bradlev. local insurance
aieton-btanneld route will open connected with a new bridge there man h. fi.M.r 1. tnnnnt in
today in Pendleton, Public Util- and to discuss possibility of chang- a Btee, tuDe u inches ,n dlameter
iij uuimisaiuuer vvauacs an- I mg me locauon 01 ine onage.
route is lvll mneV shorter than . Timberllne - C. E. Mc- ?: Tisib the ring, of
the old one. The town of Echo ljean manager 01 Timoerime
on the old route, would not-rel - Hood, was in Salem and brings into view stars which
ceive service provided the com- yesterday making preliminary er- fre 3,005,425 aimes less bright
pany's application is granted Ex- rangements for a Salem day at than the brightest visible to the
aminer Williis West of Salem the lodge Sunday, May 1. naked eye. -
will conduct the hearing. t. fll4. . Tn . H"
Loveall of the Willamette uni-1 mentinc with telescdnes -for s'ev-
SUyton cemetery, H. R. Matthewt by request his home, 1 mUes l.versltj history department will aral years, designing and building
' Kugel
At the residence, 770 Korth Cot
tage, April 20, Stella Kugel. aged
57 rears! husband of Nick P.
Kugel; mother of Edna Kugel of
north Pacific highway, will again
be open for Inspection Sunday,
He s s Here Tonight Former
Senator Henry Hess of LaGrande
! tonight will be the fourth candi-
conduct another of his world af
fairs, forums at the YMCA at
7:30 o'clock tonight. f
Concludes Visit Having spent
the Easter holidays here with her
brother and sister-in-law. Mayor
Salem' aister ot-Leo. Otto, John date for the democratic nomina- "d. Mrs, y ; KuUn, Mrs C.A.
aad ' Mary-' Seamon, all " of Little
Falls. Minn., - and - Mrs; Jennie
Heath of Portland: ' aunt of Ed
mond Kugel of Portland. Funeral
services will be held from St.
tlon for eovernor to annear be- -AJiara yesier aay . .ior .ner
fom th Xfarlnn Cnnntv Ttantn- I uonie u lacvmi.
At . . .ta, . a. a - I
cr.uc - aocify. ine meeting," aa- "onnrfc VI D. Tin nitv Mre-
rancel from Friday, will open m.i WPPa -a,,a4, tft K41 center
at tne counnouse at s p.m.
five of them. Two years ago he
constructed an eight-inch reflec
tor, calling on the high school
shops to help make the machine
to grind it. During the past year
students, under C. A. Guderian
and Floyd Slegmund, instructors,
have been designing and. con-;
structing a mounting for the
12 -inch reflector. An eight
inch reflector lens has been
ground and presented to the
services wm De neia irom si. i tue counnouse at a p.m. earlv last nirht to nut out kMi . n..-ir
Joseph, church, aturday. April Ary Thompson, jidentct the re TVenSe iflfl'
v. " j A" 1 there.
uiucr touvruaiuriai a 1 y 11 u l,
23, at 9 a. m., under the direction
' of the W. j T. Rlgdon company.
Recitation of the rosary Friday,.! would be invited to speak here
April 22, at 8 p. m. at the chapel j before the primary election.
r.r lia w T Rlrdnn rnmnaiiT. I
V& ... 0 I . 9V-1 rf-t-. .a n.. 3
var iiucics tnupi dch uuu
nir-H I Duo aiaier, 10 ana x years 01a
Orville Elton Birch. U, it 1 respectively, were appreneuaea
local hospital April 19. Survived DO,ut a o ciocc yesieraay morning
ii Hnv. Mra Irene Birch: son. - okw b uiu (ii,iimiu,wHui
Checks Go Out Checks for
final apportionments of the 1937
elementary school fund will go
out of the county school superin
tendent's office today.
Fathers, Sons Dine A father
and son camp reunion und din-
Rurreil Birch-" parents. Mr. and car police said they admitted hav- ner will be held at the YMCA
Mrs. Lee M. Birch ; brother, Ken
nth n. Rirch. all of Salem: sister.
Mrs. Rosa Leota Helt of Qanby, I Aioany police to local omcers,
ing stolen in Albany a short time I tonight starting at 6:15 o'clock.
previously. Word was radioed by
At his home south of Salem
Bradley is constructing a 20-foot
revolving dome to house the new
telescope, ana hopes to make a
study of the details of the sur
face of the moon as his hobby
activity. x
The exposition, open to the pub
lic free of charge, will be held
from 1 to 4 in the afternoon and
7 to I at night.
Sues for Fair
Engine Injury
$2566 Held Due Lester
Davis , as Result of
Toy Train Mishap
Secretary of State Cor dell Hull
yesterday telegraphed Governor
Charles H. Martin that he would
consider the latter's request that
American and Canadian lumber
be given parity in the United
Kingdom market under the pro
posed reciprocal tariff agreement
with Great Britain.
Under the existing British Em
pire trade agreements, Canadian
lumber has preference ln the
United Kingdom market over
lumber produced In other nations.
Martin Asks Privilege.
Governor Martin asked that a
provision be inserted in the pro
posed treaty whereby American
lumbermen should have the same
trade privileges in the United
Kingdom as the Canadian lumber
men. Hull said he had referred Gov
ernor Martin's request to the com
mittee for reciprocity information.
" VYou may be assured," Hull
said, "that every effort will be
made in the course of the negotia
tions for a mutually profitable
trade agreement with the United
Kingdom to obtain improved
treatment ln the United Kingdom
market for American export' pro
Suit for 12566.50 damages for
Injuries allegedly received by Les
ter Phillip Davis when ne was
struck by a miniature locomotive,
operated as a concession at tne
state fair, at the fairgrounds Sep
tember 12, 1936, was filed In cir
cuit court yesterday by Charles
G. Davis as guardian.
E: Zielesch'and Alvin Zielesch,
as operators of the concession.
and Solon T. white, as director
of the fair, are named as defend
The 'complaint alleges that the
plaintiff was struck by the loco
motive as he crossed, the tracks.
that he was knocked down and
that the heavy wheels of the loco
motive passed ' over and rested
upon his body,' producing injuries
that have left him permanently
Negligence on the part of the
defendants is alleged in failure to
provide barriers about the tracks,
alleged failure to keep a proper
lookout and to give warning of
the approach of the train.
Circuit Court
Harold R. Tompkins vs. Agnes
E. Tompkins; order sustaining
motion to quash summons and or
der changing place of trial to
Yamhill county.
Edith E. Jorgenson vs. Thor
vald B. Jorgehson; suit for di
vorce on grounds of cruel' and In
human treatment In which plain
tiff states they were married June
9, 1923.
Mark Skinner, superintendent
of banks, vs. A. E. Bradley;
judgment awarding plaintiff sums
of $200.70 and 14575 and $200
attorney fees.
J. P. Lich vs. George Iishida;
motion to strike.
Oregon Turkey Growers, Inc.,
vs. S. J. McKee; motions to make
answer more definite and to strike
further answer of defendant.
State vs. William Shephard and
Raymond Abdich; transcript from
Silver ton justice court of case in
which defendants, charged with
larceny of a motor vehicle, were
bound over to the grand jury and
held in lieu of $1000 bail each.
mand to Grace Neibert from Da
vid G. Drager, administrator, to
comply ; with an order removing
her aa executrix and to deliver to
him property and accounts of es
tate; ; report of Grace Neibert,
executrix, showing receipts of
$1852.78 and disbursements same.
Jacob Seigmund estate; final
account of A., R. and Charles E.
Seigmund, administrator, showing
receipts of $7151.73 and disburse
ments of $2251.15 and order set
ting hearing May 24.
Lee E. Abbe estate; order ap
proving semi-annual report of
Ladd & Bush Trust company as
executor showing no receipts, 75
cents disbursements, a' balance of
Mary F. Gregoire estate: order
approving semi-annual account of
Ladd & Bush Trust company, ad
ministrator, showing receipts of
$960.72, disbursements of
Richard Patterson estate; semi
annual report of Raymond Pat
terson showing receipts $416, dis
bursements same.
Rudolph B. Kreuti estate; in
ventory of David Turnidge, G. W.
Potts, sr., and G.' W. Potts, jr.,
appraising estate at $4209.24.'
-- Gay Hook estate; order setting '
May; 23 for hearing. final account
of - Marlon Hook, administrator,
showing receipts of $605.35 and
disbursements same.
Tosten T. Sorteberg estate; or
der approving semi-annual report,
of Oscar Lee, executor, showing
receipts of $651.87, disburse-,
ments of $549.41, a balance of
Edward S. Porter estate; order
approving semi-annual account of
Edward Clay Porter and Custer'
E. Ross, administrators, showing
receipts $8996.13, disbursements ,
$2890.37 and balance, $6105.76.
Alice Nixon Evenson estate; in
ventory of Julius Aim, Frank'
Wray and George Steelhammer, -appraising
estate at $500. -
Mary P. Shaver estate; final
decree approving account of Helen -S.
Gibbs as executor.
Samuel P. Eckardt guardian
ship; order appointing Charles E.
Ackley guardian.
List 8th Graders
Edith Reed, Leona Stuenburg, and
Juniata Mil ford are the Union
vale eighth grade students.
A. R, Walker vs. Clyde E. Lan
sing; motion for new trial on
grounds that there was insuffi
cient evidence to justify jury ver
dict in favor of defendant and that
same is against law in $288.89
automobile damage case.
Ross E. Moores vs. Ada F. Elgin
and Ladd Bush Trust company;
demurrer. . . ' . . . v
Probate Court '".
Sophia D. Bollier estate; order
admitting will to probate and ap
pointing Ethel B. Bollier as ad
ministratrix of estate of probable
value of $3400 to which Ruth C.
Scharf, Perry dale; Ethel B. Bol
lier, Salem; May F. Chittenden,
Salem, a and. Clifford Bollier, Med
ford, are heirs.-. . - , :" . "'-
Hannah E. Elder estate; de-
f f '
I - I ' T A
t " - - : ! "
Ixwk at this beautiful Westing ho use before buying; oven light
ing, large warming oven and many more features. Regular
$235.00 value now on sale at $149.93.
E. H. & F. A. Terms
2 Door. North of U. S. Xat'l. Bank on Com'L
See our big supply of New Varieties of Perennial and Annual
Flowering Plants . .'. Azaleas in 5 colors in bloom, Red Leafed
Dwarf Maples. We crary only the Highest Quality of Ever
green and Flowering Shrubs at Reasonable Prices.
We Still Have a Supply of Good Quality Fruit and Nut Tree
H. L. Pearey Nursery Co. J
- ' 245 COURT ST.
Calif. Services will be held from
the Clougb-Barrick chapel Friday,
April It. at 10 a. m. Interment
Belcrest Memorial park. Rev.
G rover C. SBirtchet will off iclate
and graveside services will be un
der the direction of Salem lodge,
Charles K. Cranston, late resl
i .t tlV m- irhmr "taEed entirely by male club mem
Salem, at, the home of Charles I r,, ' oU -ftnCft nl-h
South Salem. Local officers said
the Slater brothers, both of whom
were returned to Albany - yester
day, were transients.
Pabco Roof s-Elf strom. Ph. 6550.
Men to Give Program Enter
tainment at the meeting of the
Missouri club, scheduled for Fri
day night of this week at 246
North Commercial treet, will be
Wsvzsi' sSfSSi: rads Kevue tomes
terday morning by city firemen.
River Road Right
Of Way Balks Job
To State Theatre
A personal appearance of Ted
Claire's "Fads and Fancies Revue
of 1938" is slated for the State
theatre on. Friday and Saturday
and the theatre patrons are as
sured of a revue that will please
Unable to sign a contract with everyone. The comedy, dancing
Riches on 'route six, Salem, April t1"' JJ6 the state highway department for nd singing of thi. show ha.
28 it . the a Tof l4years:nr. sergeant, is in charge of ar
Jl A H6? ZfLZ1 'IZJ'EZ.CZS rangements. A no-host dinner will
tti- wt. r .nH albe served at. 6: 30, with the pro-
' sister, Miss Lydia Cranston of Los ram Blnf
Angeies. unerai announcemenis T Repair Dwellings BuUd
1 . . k run. u. tin ww n 1 m wt n ww n i -
ing permits issued yesterday were
for repairing dwellings, .being is
sued to Mrs. D. Leonard, to re
pair a one-story dwelling at 446
h Luw"": ".1 South Cottage. $50; and to H. W.
west iturai sireu nuiuu i wafford to reDair the roof of ft I lne "w leH
Armina Belle Edwards and father eral bureau
In this city, April 2 0, Eugene
R. Edwards, aged 7 6, years, of 260
improvement of the south river either a different twist or Ts Just
road until easements' for addition-. Dlaln & &e average ' to be
al rights of way are secured, the rouna in a show or this sort,
county court yesterday directed Fds, fancies Revue" is
County Engineer N. C. Hubbs. to 4U" VL
speed procurement of the neces- uoI!,ue8, . ' ' ' : . "; ,
sary strips. . " ri
, Under the . proposed contract """r ....
"the right-of-way must be widened S "M,hfea7er,atIlity lB 8eem
from its present 50feet width to ni' "n"e.d-.V
the 60 feet specified by the fed- . jT1
of roads. Approval of .77 VZT
t,w o r,,ntr lone-story dwelling at 888 North I . . , , v I lnK comedy mental telepathy act.
Ui -r- "T ." I Cottace.- 150. Miss Bettv Castle, who won the
of ; sarem, Alien, urvuie ana ar- 1 ,r - - . - :
tin -Edwards of Albany,' Ore., and
Mabel vBiechelr of -Jersey Shore,
- Penn.",' uncle of Wilfred Blair of
. Portland. Funeral services will be
. '. held from the W.-T. Rlgdon com-
. pany chapel ! Friday. April 22, at
10 a. nir Committal services Bel-
crest Memorial park. Rev. Guy L.
- Drill will; of f iclate.
Police Co Xstit-A good
share of .the city police .force
yesterday ' appeared bedecked in
the white caps that it was an-
.n ivrig" ayJ-.i! UU.. of -Mis. New Jersey" in
u rv.Ujw. 1936. is also a tap and acrobatic
provement of the stretch ; from L,,.,.. n, .vA , aa T.v
Roberts to Oroville. thA htn hn nrHt.
The court's haste is necessary of ftf nT,n.n.i n
nounced they were procuring for J in order1 to fulfill terms of thelwbtcQ for a cumax he offers
summer . wear some veeas ago. 1 proposea contract wim ine breath-taking fire eating stunts
Two styles are in vogu. one per-l way department, which, calls for I Ms. Bmi- jot . - BP(,ttT riri hm
r . - . .i .. . r . .1 ..t.j w 1 o-
aavenisemem 01 Dius in june aa as tbe gweetheart Of the dance.
ior compieuuo 01 iuo Bruns .uj offers some clever dance routines.
juiy l. unaer tne coniract ine
OLSON, Florist
Court & High Ph. 7166
forated and the other lain.
Paint-Roofing. Mathis. 474 Ferry.
tl state highway commission -Wed-
i.. -rv Tn. f-vf( th risht of way strips are ob
its on The Dalles-Calif ornia high
way and on the Ochoco highway
tained soon the project may be
pHniC r Jnt .ii Hndoned and the federal gov
from: PrinevUle to, a point six JT-.,,, ,aV aiwt th.
miles east.
money elsewhere.
Dr. Chan Lacs
Natural remedies
for disorders of liv
er, stomach, glands,
skJu. and urinary
system of men and
women. Remedies
for constipation,
asthma, arthritis,
sugar diabetia and
21 years in bnsi- T.T. taM
cess. Naturopathic '
physicians, 883 U Court St.
Corner Liberty. Of
fice open Saturdays
and Tuesday, only.
1VA. M. to i r. x-.
Vt-' i o r. m. to v-oB-v
sulfation Blood
I pressure and urine
" iMti im frit ml
M. D.- eharge.
( r.
L o
La Dou's French Fryer
SpeciaUalng is Chicken and
Ham Dinners.- ;. .
; . Drive-In Service "'ih
H Blkv So. of No. Salem Fire
Station on Fairgrounds Bond
Rboten To Mr. and Mrs. John
Rav Rhoten. 1040 Broadway,
daughter, Rosemary, born April
17 at the Salem General " nos-
Fox To . Mr. and Mrs. KoDin
A. Fox. Route 3, a daughter,
Patricia Ann. born Apru ai at
the Salem General hospitaL
Hambay To Mr. a n d , Mrs.
Paul - A. - Hambay, - Route 6, - a
daughter. Ruth Jean, born April
13 at . the Saiem uenerai Hos
Of Salem
Fraternal Hall, 477 Center St.
Saturday, April 23, 9 P.M.
Admission 25c
Oar Usual Wave, Complete 75c
Perm. Oil
Push Wave, f JM
Complete --
Open Tours. Ere.
by App't.
-, pbone SOfiS '
307 1st NafL Bank Bldg
Mortgage loans
on Modern Homes
Lowest Rates
Hawkins & '
Chinese Herbs
Healing virtue
has been tested
hundreds years
for chronic, ail
meats, - aose,
throat," alnualtia.
e a t a r rlh, ears. a., b, Tomm
longs, asthma, chronic coughs,
stomach, gall stones, colitis,
constipation, diabetia, kidneys,
bladder. . heart, blood, nerves.
neuralgia, rheumatism, h I g b
blood pressure, glaad, sua
ores-anale, female and chil
dren disorders.
s. a. rsag, t yurs sraetlcs la Chas.
Hrk SpacttHrt, 121 K. CmaiMcial
St, aatoa. On. OfM ftears Ml
.m Saaaay aaa- W, S U U ta
IUaURV OEEQElE! (fWgi; '
With extra size, extra comfort, and striking beauty, 3t ll
today's De Luxe Ford cars take you right up into 1 jL n l! j 1 I i
the higher style field ... in everything but cost! t L L . U vl I " f
if Jk
' '
: Tk tdrerti CeSrered Pries sf rrcri k Dt Vat
I Fcrd V8 3 this ti txxa Eqslpzsst
2Saa Vhort
ia clowd an
. , -M 3 Boaiptn;
"i i " ff r
, - -- v--- i r- "
jJ Tl lights
I Elcoric At
.1 -Ik
3 Afh Tr
(ia Slim)
Spate Wheel,
Foot Coacrot .
(with daak im
4Ktor ksh
! ixetm So
lag Wheel
Kosdcw Snet
' W heel Bead
Clove Goa.
Lock tad Clock
BaHt-la Laf
S Coaserr.
e ' '
Cfaofetef .
M VJXM TVDOI SEDAN . . . Itf-iucb ubte&s, 121-iucb sprtrnghsstt, 85 b.p. ...
Diwtgonsl folding cf front uat hack gives tssj access tortar . . . Lagfugt torn
partmtnt rtacbei from outsU . . . iMobair or brotticlotb upholstery.
r .the field of low-priced cars -there
is nothing to compare
, . with this De Luxe Ford V-8. It is
a big car to look at, to sit in,
big even ia its luggage space.
- Everyone agrees it is a striking
car, from its sleek hood to its
graceful rear ... from deep up
holstery to the good taste of its
: , instrument paneL Drive it, and
you find that even its "feel is all
its own. Power flows from a
smooth, quiet V-8 engine. Steer
ing is almost effortless. Stops are
quick and smooth. And brakes
have the safety of steel from pedal
to wheeL Drive it, and you'll ,
agree . . low price never bought
. so much cor before! ' ; 51
for a NEW, FORD V-8 .
National Used Car Exchange Week
was so successful that many Ford
dealers need used cars to balance
their stocks. Why not take your
-present car to yonr Ford- dealer'
today . for ran appraisal? ' Then
drive home a new' Ford V-8,
8 body typts-cholct f 6 colors