PAGE NINE lad. What Yon ' Want; Qiiiictly Listed in the The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturdar Morning, April 16, 1938 E Classified. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 ClaMinrd Advertising Slaglo Insertion per line 10e Three Insertion per tin 20e Sii insertions per lia ... 30c Ona month per line ,"' ' f 00 Mintmura charge , " , X5e Copy tot this page accepted vntO 1:9ft the evening before . pttMlcRttac for classifl-atlon Copy -racetve iflw UiK time wilt ' be m nd tha tteaxtina,. "To Lai Cla Ify .: , r - . The assumes no finan cial responsibility for error whk may appear In adverltaementa pub lished In lie columns, and tn eaaae where tht paper at fault wW re print that part of an adeertJaemeiH In which the typographical mistake ocrum - The Statesman reserve tha right place alt advertising under the rroter rfanwtfVrattaa. -It. further reserves the right te te retort auestlf-nable advertising For -Sale- Miscellaneous RABBITS FOR sale, 260 Center. TWO REAL. BUYS 34 FORD DELUXE T Sed. New -ply Urea, Rood shnpe, $308.". , New ABC washer, $50.00. 349 Un ion, Apt l. - ' Wanted- Miscellaneous " For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate WANT WALNUT and flit-art nwat also in -helL State Cafeteria. WANTED. MARKET pory. any quantity, any time TeL 133F2. Lee's Hatchery , i , WILE; CARE for child In refined home. Phone 5419. Miscellaneous HAIRCUTS, tic. Andy'a 182 S. Rich, For Rent Rooms NII'KL? TORN heated rma In mod noma for gentlemen 12 Court LA D IKS PH 687. 696 N Cottage I RM. HOUSE and garage 2 lots! CHOICES BUILDING location on K in W. Salem. 1 blk to school, good to-' Summer St. Haa amall houae, pared cation, 1 050.00. $100.00 down. $15 per street, $1300.00. $300.00 down. ma. with t Int. ' SR. houee oh N. Summer. Cor. lot New I R. hoaae and garage, lot Suitable for service station, $3500. 50x250, North Salem, paring and 1 acre all la cherrte apples, walks in ft paid. Sr0.00, fzeo oown, walnut. R. house, water system, bat easy, terms. - i barn. Abeut 1 mile from Salem on pav- A. C JENSEN or C. O. RICE lag: 218 Oregon Bids. Phone 3414. GRANT-VOSBURG ft Te SELLE Masonic Bldg. Plume S1SL FOR SALE . -fi.l! Vttimnun- -4 ill home, tin usually attractiva Hying ream, aun NEAT. COMFORTABLE AT- room, dining room, kitchen with tile TRACTIVE 4 rma. A bath, ell dr. drain boara, 2 bedroom and both an heater. Elec. ranee water heater, first (low. second floor con be finished Re kt N. E, pay. paid. Only 11100 : it small co-t Nice room to tearment S2& eatth. and oil bun-Lug: furnace. 'Beautifully ROBERT F". BtTDROW Real Estate landscaped yard with terce tree 12 Ladd Bush Bide Phone S6. hrubbery, rockery, poeL etc. Thia "' xoowownwnooowmMw. place la easily worth l,00t but for NICE ENG. cottage on Lee St Strict quick aale ia offered for f S400, reason- ly mod. Oil heat L-D-K hath. 1 bedrm. abl terms. -- down, X bedrmm. -up. Price right with See Mrs. Ellia with ood bsnna.-Ph. 8822. CH1LOS A MILLER, Realtora CARLETON E. LANE 233 State St. 344 State Street Pheoe ZU S RM. HSE1. owner. 55 S. 16th. NICELY KURN. rm. 771 N. Cottage. RMS., GAR., reaa. (OS S. Church. "BUND" ADS , whlcb fJ only a box number ear of Statesman must ' be answered by letter. We cannot give an infonnatloa. as to do so wonM destroy their purpose. ROOMS. 260 CENTER ST. SLEEP. RM, C91 Union at Cot tag-. Livestock 2 LGE. HSKPG. rma. Ranee, lurhta. water, gar. 684 N. 17th. Room and Board BDKU.. CI.OE In. 404 S High. ,M 1 r TOP PRICES paid for eld noreee aad cowi rot tos reed, can sis, eouecu ewaiaeeeaaeaeeeaeeaea FREE WE pica ap dead and worth- leaa horse, cow a aheep. Tl il". collect FREE WE pick op dead and worth less horse, cowa Tel T7. collect -laJTJTJUunyUXTJOltOrV f a DEAD AND worthlea horses, cowa ROOM. BOAR a 21 i S. Winter. DELICIOUS MEAI. Paying gueata, Clone In. Reaa Ph. (767. RM BD. for lady. 141 N. Cottage. LGE. ROOM for 2. 191 S. Church. NICE SLEEPING R. SM . Church. For Rent Apartments picked op free Rh. collect 64 1L Salem i a(shd Heated aaraga A pleasant place Montgomery Read. Wka BABY COCK, lc ea. del. any Wed. Boy ington's Leghorn r arm, Lorona, iw. FRESH JERSEY cow, Tel. I2F1S. Auctions to live 33 Oak St 2180 LAUREL. ST. Just completed,! of tile brick eenatrncUan. latest to- 2t ACRES; 23 ACRES in cult., bal. provements, automatic beat air condi- pasture "with some, timber. Good 6 rm. tioned, new shrubbery, paved street, bouse, electric lights, located south of lot 50' by 198'. close to Catholic and Salem on a paved road. Price $3350, Protestant schools. Price 64600.00, Small down payment, bal. 1185 per 10 down. I year including interest Some chickens iiA t ri5 x nuDr,ni o, -..-v . I arwi wood with the piece. Phone 4109 I 7 rm. house with corner lot In North Salem. S1S00. Will nhnn for nrnn. SMALL BOUSE. West Salem, 3700, J my south of Salem Albanv or Rose. sisu aown, i u a monitu j. rtiuo iur s- i oure. lem house will assume. t 6 rm. house and aaraae. nice lot with A. C JENSEN or C. O. RICE I shrubbery, paved street $1650 with 228 Oregon BWg. Phone 3414. 1 $100 down. bal. 17 per month includ ing interest 2080 LAUREL ST. new 6 room house, fl. attic, hardwood floors, auto matic heat, new shrubbery, beautiful home. Immediate possession. Price 84,- 300.00, 10 down. -HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC Phone 4169 ROSTEIN ft ADOLPH, INC. 110 N. Commercial SL Exchange Real Estate LGE. MOD. - residence In Portland with Income, for Salem home. 675 N. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 58 A I 15th. Ph. 7877. 4 mi. Monmouth, 35 A. curt, bat tim ber, good soil, no rock. 7 A. in crop, I 1 A. ON EDGE of city. Attractive about 2s A. to plant, 1 A. logans, I mod. home. Lge. living room, fire brought S 800 last year, family orch-j place. Wired for elec. range. Would ard, lota of buildings, but old. Springs, 1 consider trade for amall home In Sa nice little dairy ranch. $2500 $1600 I lem. cash or take small house to $1200. Seel COTTAGE REALTT CO. Delano or Lebold, 290 N. Church I 262 N. Cottage DUPLEX APT-. 951 N. Winter. $30. BEAUTIFUL NEW English type WANTED STOCK ranch toward 5 -room home on one of the nicest J the coast in trade for a going business, streets in North Salem. Hardwood I gas station, aaraae. lunch, srrorerv. C floors, automatic heat full basement, j R. modem house, H acre, suitable for awnings, lawn ana shruw in do in i cabins. Only 4 ml. from Salem. On In- front and back, i-ot is 60X137. ltuo I tersection across from school. NICELY KURN. 2 A Inn. apt a Inq. 248 Marion North 18th. 3 ROOMS FURNISHED. Well located. TeL 8884. modern A5?uNH.f.!"r!f; InM 2 ROOM FURN. apt Lights, water. v- is" r, i- v I $2.75 week, irso Oak. Tel. iZit. under mortgage. Bargains galore. . N. l wnrin .n.,-L-Ln-.r,rj-lrLr-l .utj-.-u--.u-j W oodry Auction ataraet. a . . ana , Glenn woodry, auctioneers, ra. u. For Sale Farms ONE OF the best farms In the val ley. 212 acres, 7 ml. S. E. of Scio. Stan. SMALL 1 RM. apt. 250 S. Cottage. Help Wanted 'FURX. APT, 2261 Hazel. 7664. SALESMAN: EX PER. Frig. prod. Splendid oppor. for reliable, man. VaL town. Ret. State remun. exp. Apply Bx. 693, Statesman. Salesmen Wanted GOOD, ACTIVE live real estate salesman. . R. A. FORKNER, 1853 N. Capitol Situations Wanted KXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING. Mrs. Adsitt 1130 Marlon. Phone 9r4t 2 ROOMS and bath. Furnished. 1440 Waller. 4 RM. STRICTLY modern apt, fire place, automatic heat furnished or un- rurn. 14. k. I4tn or can caz. ONE RM. apt, 639 N. Liberty. FURNISHED 3 ROOM apt. Adults. Hawthorn Court 1000 N. Capitol. S-RM. FURN. Adults. 1207 S. ComX WE WANT a good Salem residence around $4000 or $5000 to trade for a Portland house at $2500.00 and pay the difference. 26 acres 14 miles from Salem on Pacific hiahwav : nearly all ia cultiva tion ; some fruit room plastered 1 for 32 cows, hog house, chicken hse. hnnso with water system, elec. lights. 2 I Bunk hse.. machine sbed. milk hse. Ga- cabins to rent on the place: price only J rage, very large barn, all elect Year- $3350.00; $600.00 will handle. Balance I around creeir. BldKa in best or repair bonus loan payable $135.00 a year.1 125 acres In cult. Fully equipped. Would take a car as part down pay- I cariio.n e. lane-333 State St ment 1 Phone 8622 5 nice acres. 4 miles from Salem with room bunaalow. elec. lUrtit-. fine I FEDERAL LAND bank farms. lew. good soil, only $1500.00; $200.00 Priced right. Terms. See W. S. Bart will handle. 1 lett Secy. Treas. 216 Oregon Bldg. Out of town owner says sell nis wen rnon tizi. located 4 room house on paved street ; nice lot ; for $1000.00 cash. Well located 2 family house In East Salem rented for $40.00 a month. Up stairs all furnished; price $2500.00, $500.00 down, bat easy terms. HEATED FURN. 2- R. apt. Adults. Phone 5010. ; . HOUSEWORK, day or hr. TeL 3757. j Church. FURN. APT., elec ranee. Frigid. Some work apply rent Adults.1 1498 N. For Sale Miscellaneous CASH OR trade far used rurnltur. raiutea heater radios, macninery. too. etc Woodry and Woodry. auctioneer fihona S-l-lO leie . Hummer ia o rweod.." ' iJ --' -: J. TT PEW KITKKS. ADDING ma- chlne cash reglftera sold, rented; re paired. Roerw 5 ourv rnone in. COIX1RED FRTS 20c lb. allva. Tel 133F2. Lees Hatchery. CUSTOM HATCHING, baby chick started chicks. IZ ranetiea o-dji chicks sexed TeL 133F2, Lee s Hatch ery EXTRA LARGE 2-rm. furn. apt, I Bleeping porch, $18. inq. 455 & Commercial. 2 It FURN, apt, 645 Ferry. 3-ROOM. APT. private bath. Very nice kitchen. 337 S. 18th. , NEWLY DECORATED: . and fur nished 3-room apt. near senior high school. Tel. 563S. MODERN. 4 ROOMS, garage, auto matic heat air conditioned. Inquire 2310 Trade street 2 R. FURN. APT, 14$ Court VACANCY, 3 P.M. 1S35 State, FURN. ARTS., adults. Maytag. $9.50 23 RM. FRN. apt. 1188 N. 4th. SKR STEWART for power raowsr Full line Eclipse mowers, 251 Court I 0 & up garage, 621 N. Capitol. RART CHICKS. N. H. and W. L. North Salens Hatchery. Phone 6975. j c. PAPER TO sell at 4 discount. net invester 10 $300.00 to $2000.00. Iloms contract Bos liz, -tateaman. 1 & 4 RM. APT, $6 4 up. 1310 S. 13th. 3 R. FURN. APT. Ph. 3723. FURN. 2 R. AND kitchenette. Heat lights and water. 9 So Saginaw. FURN. APTS, $15. 760 N. Church For Rent Houses V ATKINS Prod, 580 N. 17. P. 780a. I ATE MODEL used Leonard re frigerator, only $69.50; terms $3.58 per month. Good Housekeeping Inc., 453 Court St Phone 9611; nnnfi n n n riiin j jnjnjLjuwiJ,i'i "y"' I TRAILER HOUSE, fully equipped. I -t-tvt imnrov c cw-- - " , - j-m ?. t g U Va IWI'U141 av ""III a 7-.JT1 S, cheap. TeL 61F3. Cecil Sr I electric range and refrigerator, high class furniture. Fruit walnut nice yard, water, garbage service. Close in $40. s.o union. gent, h mile west of Liberty. PLANTS, Tel. FOUR ROOM house. Phone 7914. " NEW 4 RM. mod. hse, 948 Norway, Inq. Rt 3, Box 145, on Liberty Rd. S R. FURN. HSE Newly decorated close In. Sleeping porch. Frig. Ph. 619 For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 381 State street Inquire room 100 Tel 3718. YOUNGBERRY 32F1S. pun ft-niTR ranaries. 87.00. Beau tiful German Rollers, $4 00. Hen birds 60c and up used cae lei. WICKER BABY buggy. 332 Water. 3 "TRAILERS 865 S. 21st . APPLES. CORNER N. Commercial U Marion.-Sat only. FOUR H. P. TWIN outboard motor, -rnn.1 condition. 845. Call at 631 N. Winter. I HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs . . mi--mm''- I to rent H. L. Stiff Furniture to. thrbb dakdi used wood range I .- rheu. f CARS .TRUCKS U-li We. Ph. 7045 TRATSTR A RUSH CO. I - Wcktlnghouse Hdqtr - STORE BLDG, N. Salem. Ph. 4516 rvkora North of U. S. INat I. ana m.'m -..w I ""RENT 9 A, hops. Call evening M. COLUM. BIKE. Kew con a. mri iRipptr, route 201. Salem. 50-GAL. HOTPOINT elec. aut. wi; I STOREUKJ. foe rent 1694 N ter heater. Batr 164 Si. commercia.. i Commercial, $20 mo. Inq, 640 2. Cora- TRA1LER HOUSE, e wnwj well built, built-in $150. Rkkreall garage; GRANT-VOSBURG ft Te SELLE Masonic Bldg. For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars LOOK SATURDAY-ONLY 1937 FORD 4-D00R "60" SEDAN Guhmetat color. Was run only 9000 mile This car will give new car service. Most be seen to be appreciated. Our selling price VAIJLEY MOTOR GO. . LOT MARION ft LIBERTY OTTO J. WH-SON --SPECIAIJ5-- 1935 CheiTolet Sedan. $475 $445 1935 Buick Sedan. 545 515 1934 Ford Coupe 285 245 OTTO J. WILSON 3S8 NORTH COMMERCIAL PHONE 51SL Money to Loan CASH If you need money you will find our service to be Friendly Confidential Economical $100 LOAN $6.72 PER MONTH COME IN, PHONE OR WRITE FISHERMEN'S SPECIAL Franklin Sedan, A-l shape through out Six-ply tires (nearly new), motor I good. IxHs of power and plenty or road clearance for mountain trail and you can make a dandy bed In it in two minutes time. Hurry if you want it. Only $95 imr w.rr .!ir ir I 1937 Chev. Sedan, trunk $725 Oi Al Hi r lninLi LL. 1936 Plymouth Sedan, trunk 595 (n,iM. a. urin.,- nrfira. I ora luaor eoan ' t ao, ns.l-.- cl. 344 state street . I ;rr; ; .1 Phone 9261 Lie No. S-2I6-M-222 iuoor aeoan 36 For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars See McKay for OK'd Used Cars WE HAVE SOME 1931 MODEL CHEVROLETS THAT HAVE BEEN' USED AS DEMONSTRATORS AND COURTESY CARS THESE CARS HATE BUN FROM 4360 TO $000 MILES AND ARE BEING SOLD AT DIS COUNTS UP TO $10.00 AND CARRY A NEW CAR GUARANTEE. ., ALSO SOME - A 37 MODEL CHEVROLETS AT REASONABLE PRICES. Co. 333 CENTER - PHONE 3189 OPEN EVENINGS 410 N. COMMEP.CIAL See the New Plymouth Road King AT W. L: ANDERSON, INC. 360 MARION And Also Our Easter Specials in Used Cars 36 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe 625 36 Chevrolet Master Coupe 3C Dodge Tour. Sedan , C45 34 Oldsmoblle DeLuxe Sedan 3. ueooto custom Sedan 380 33 Dodge DeLuxe Coupe nrmwtn ttrernauiea sea an il inteiatlonal Pickup, low mileage 2$ Graham Sedan 395 31 Ford Sedan, overhauled , 30 Forr! Coupe, overhauled S5 98 Ford Coupe, overhauled I4a Z9 Chevrolet Roadster ..$3-5 . 416 . 336 . 19S i9e - its 90 SEE JIM ST. CLAIR FOR TERMS ft TRADES OPEN EVENINGS W. L. ANDERSON INC. 360 MARION S'a'-Ss.a-Sj, gains AT 1927 Oldsmoblle Sedan 175 60 35 ORVAL'S 1937 Ply. Sedan (trunk) $673.00 1937 Chev. Master DeLuxe Sedan, touring, 2 - door. (trunk) 695.00 1936 Ply. Tudor (trunk) 565.00 193S Chev. Master Sedan 545.00 FEDERAL HOUSING loan build I ..rt -hum KnalnMB nrnn. Rates I Abrams ft Elll Inc Maaonie Bias CAtiTEK MUTUK CU. Used Car Lot at 240 Center Street LONG 1936 Chev. Tudor 193a Ford Coupe 1933 Chev. Sedan 1933 Terraplane Sedan 1932 Chev. Spt Sedan . 1931 Chev. Coupe i3i Kord Coach Acrctae CLOSE IN ACREAGE Over 8 acres on Silverton hlahwav. I abort distance from city limit srood North Salem; has basement, furnace I 1- shat-k. huiW'ns; containing some paved street pr ce only $1909.00, $250 i;f"" """ down. bal. monthly. 150 dowI. halance $10 per month. Nearly 4 acre 3 miles No. Salem, I , A tso i i . i d acres cioae in. rooa noil. J-nce nice DUHKdjow, .fncui, clK;wIt1AAn ttK tiAfl : ... . - .:: i mwiuwii ...c-wi . .-umn r light very fine son, shade tree price I llZ. :c," v I secena ioor New Biign Biag. ttm. ii Get the cash you need 'now without m a kers and get set for Spring! Find out how simple It is to handle a loan here. Speed, privacy assured. Loans up. to $300 Eighth year In Salem Personal Finance Co, OF SALEM (Formerly Beneficial Finance Co.) 495.09 395.00 325.00 295.00 285.00 175.00 195.00 195.00 150.00 95.00 85.00 25.00 25.00 45.00 WE HAVE' never paid less J Many others to choose from $15.00 1936 Ford Sedan 1930 Kord Coach 1930 CHEV. COACH, excellent con- 1929 Ford Coupe ditlon, $125. H. Persey, 681 N. 15th. 1929 Dodge Coupe ls.s ronitac uoupe 1 192 Pontlac Sedan financial i92g chev. coach .... than thia rata on savings aad Investment Insured to 5000. Mutual Federal Savings ft Loan Aasn Phone 4944 143 S. Liberty St For Sale Wood OU FIR. $5.60. Phone Holloway. 3678. ft up. Open Evenings .r, ..a. a ,,A. i.a i .-. i o. a a I per month ' "" vw uu"" J See Mr. Bartlett with a monm. t rrrtT t: m. wit.t.pd t..i.. a M F4RI.K ttr TICK BROS. I - . . -....-....., - 20$ No. High Phone 9678. 344 State Street Phone 9261 ! (18 State Street at High Phone 3191 Salem, Ore. I license S-12Z M l 6b ORVAL'S USED CARS Center ft Church Streets Ph. 4792. Lost and Found TTrmwrt t.a ntv?' -tof -.o ..t. -., OLD FIR. 2nd grth. fir. Graen. 8370 distinctive marking Identify and pay iot ao. -ret izii. Pattern Wanted to Rent BARGAINS IN LUMBER I - WANTED MAT 1st. 6 R. mod. house. Direct from producer to consumer. I Call Frank Myers at The Spa- Visit mill and lumber yard at aiunno on main highway between Oregon City I Snlr Rrnl Estate uo.n. w tallvr. Also ahlnale I rOf SBICnrai CStdIC n iiu .-... - 4J . . . Ia fiO- .- f" -.-. -- I just FINISHED new mod. no-ie FASTER LILIES, cut flowers and 1 1S90 N. 18th. See It at one Reason- other potted plant Jay Morris, Flor 1st Phone s.J. able term W. A Cladek. owner. P-one 4277. T.TfiHT OAK roll too office desk and swivel chair for sale, $30. Rt 2. Box 6 6 A. TeL 96FH- LOTS LOTS ATTRACTIVE BUILDING lots loca ted In Rosedale and Kays second addi tion, northeast SKietn. North of Mar- LOGAN. PLANTS. Ph. eve. . UWM. Pgg'ffl "nfcmuC GOOD PIANO In splendid condition, SEE US BEFORE BUT BUY YOUR very reasonable. 1690 S. CotUg ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Fenger-Hall Co, Ltd. Baa Francisco. Los Angele cattle Eastern Advertising Reprn-rntatives Bryant, Griffith ft Branson, Ine . Chicago. New Yorh. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta Kt erd at "lAe l"ofof Mce ef f af. Oreemi. Secmi Clou Matter. Pvft ltkrd every momrxj except Honda. .'ataeaa eflee ars out Commercial W. IL G RA BKX HORST .U REALTORS 134 S. Libei ty St FOR SALE, by owner. 3 72-100 acre 4 large room house, hath, ga rage. Priced to sell for cash. 3rd house on Glenn Creek Rd, off Wallace Rd. ' ' ' n ii-irim i'n.i 80 A. 60 IN TIMBER. 19 ml. from Salem, 1 mi. from paved road, good soil, no waste land, fenced. sz&ov. 129 A. 2 ml. from R. R, 1 ml. from school, on good road, 7 rm. house, chicken house, old barn. 60 A. cult 25 In timber, good soil, $39 per a. nous aown. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT. MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court Street Phone 3723. ACREAGE 3 3-10 ACRES. NORTH 4 miles. S Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used cars. rl ate money at .very low rates. No red tape 1 to 20 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial St, Salem. Ore. Phone 916$ Lie. No. M-152. MONET TO loan on good real estate Charles Hudkin 275 Stats street FHA LOANS 80 ON EXISTING construction 90 on new construction. J. IP. UL.KIUH CO. 362 State Street Phone 8672. l rt v-a -.ii im. I ? h-fiA L Tt TtT . 1, , I - -., . . . . wl. .... . ; ..." r:7!,".?--.x "- "a'.n f". I proved country or city property. Low- I u'l "rrieB. i a.wn, price izsua, est rat,s No brokerage or commission. i i i.inn WITCH tpttst r-o r .. ; .1. , m I .. w. - w . a.wm-. wttuc. 1 1 'i uuirn Ki if I . Knno .. r house, small barn & P. H.. 1 A. strawberries, some fruit, $500 down, price $1500 4 miles out. 40 acres. 7 miles out on raved road. good 5 R. house, water system, barn, silo ft two poultry house 7-A. alfalfa. GUARANTEED DRY WOOD coaL TeL 6000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottag DRY 2nd GROWTH. Ph. 6700. MILL BLOCKS. Ig. Id. $4.50. P. 6833. 16 IN. OLD fir. $5.S0. TeL ... SPECIAL DRY wood. TeL 3354. 16 IN. OLD fir. $5:50. Ph. 82F13. OLD FIR. 2nd growth. Boj 4365. OLD FIR: dry slab, $5.50. P. 7005. No. 5064 NOTICE OF HEARING OP OB JECTIONS TO FINAL AC COUNT. ' - In the County Court of the County of Marion, State of Ore son. In the Matter of the Estate of NETTIE HICKS. Deceased. NQTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that T. M. HICKS, as tha duly ap- wood TRUCKS formerly on Mar- pointed, qualified and acting ad ministrator of the estate of Net tie. Hicks, deceased, has duly ren dered and presented for settle ment and filed in the County Court of the County of Marion, Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and cfty property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins A Roberta 3-A. clover, family orchard, price $6,- I auu win taKe a clear house In Salem i 111 rp e T aii Ay pes oj. Liuaus up to $4000. Se. JAS. D. SEARS, 476 Court Street 10 ACRES NEAR town. 11700 tS25 down, balance $125 year. Clyde Free- tag, 453 jn. isth. FIR LANDSCAPE GOOD DWELLING located on 5 acres on 99E : pressure water Svstem. electricity, can be handled for $500 aown, price 3.soo. One acre with new 6 room hmis. Can be had for $250 down, $25 per monm, price 2ttt)i. 26 acres south. 93350. On 99E. 1400 cash will handle, bal. $125 annually. M. 1 tjrKANT-C. It. SANDERS 529 Court St. Tel. 6744. Suburban SUBURBAN HOMR 16 acres Iwth extra fine set of build. ng good road. 5 miles from Salem. Price 14000 or will sell B acre with buildines for S2600. See these today. -see Mr Mils With CH1LDS ft MILLER. Realtor 344 State Street Phone 9261 Real Estate - Car - Furniture and . Note Loans STATE FINANCE CO. (Chiltls ft Miller Office) 344 State St, Salem, Ore. Phone 9261 Lie. S 216 M 222 ion, now on Water, between Cheme- j keta and center. WOOlALL kinds Ph. 9560. BONE DRY wood. Ph. 6663. FIR OAK. Phone 3380, Ashcraft DRY WOOD. Phone 4964. OLD FIR. $5.50. Sodeman. P. 8593. Personal LONELTT -WORTHWHILE" sweet- ieart husband, wife for you. Bos 376 jom Angele LONELY? WHY not marry? Free detail P. O. Box 2144. Boise, Idaho. POEMS SET TO MUSIC, ARRAN GED for publication. Free examine- tion, report MMM Studio Dept M, Portland, Ore. Phono 7703 A SAFE PLACE TO BUY USED CARS Personally Indorsed al With a Written Guarantee 1937 Hudson 6 Custom DeT-nxe Sedan. Nubby twist upholstering, like new. Gunmetal metallic finish perfect, low mileage. Priced at a big saving. 1936 Dodge Coupe. This car has had exceptional care. Not a spot on the upholstery or exterior fin ish. Very low mileage. Here is your chance to own a better car. 1931 P. E. DeLuxe Plymouth Coupe, good rubber, new lacquer finish. t ome tn and see this bargain be fore you buy. STATE MOTORS, INC. HIGH AT CHEMEKETA HUDSON-PACKARD DEALERS Open Evenings State ot Oregon, a final account of his administration of said es- -tate, and that Monday, the ninth day of May, 1938, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, at the court room of said court in the Marion County Court House in the City of Salem, County of Marion, State of Oregon, have been duly fixed and appointed by ' said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final acount and the settle-; ment thereof. Dated and first published the 2nd day of Arpil, 193S. T. M. HICKS, Administrator of the Estate of Nettie Hicks, Deceased. A.2-8-16-23-30 Gross Word Puzzle Business Directory Cards ia this directory ran on monthly basis only. Rate-: f 1 per line per month. Anticjues AND GLASS. H ml N. Portland Rd Auto Brakes Wanted Real Estate Mike Pa nek. 76 South Commercial WANTED, SMALL home. Willam ette valley. 2 A. beartne- cherry nrrh- i trd. Calif, part navment. Castle. 1663 wourt Bicycl es TTATTC A PTTVPH 1 a m Just right for a small girl to Uast of hih w. fnrL . t , - -" wear ror everyaay cr arcss-up w i mess. this delightful young frock! Miss "Two to Ten" will certainly be proud of this fetching gtyl and Mother will be pleased at the ease with which she can make up Pattern 4752. Do not ice the neat panel, brief sleeres, Beter Pan collar, and two little pockets! All this youthful flat tery is accented by dainty bows and ruffle trimming! Make young Mary-Ann a second Ter- sion. H- C. Shield Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. Resort Property NEW. ALL mod., ocean -view home. 2 hrs. from Salem on const hlrh--tv. wwner, Kockwen, Gleneden Beach, Ore. Bnine Opportunities BARGAIN TN groc. store. Ph. 6491. LARGE EASTERN -tvmnane will help finance man In nw hn,in.,i Tt. too With colorful Tlc-rac I cepttonal opportunity, no selling. A4- BICTCLKS, NEW and reconditioned Harry W. Scott 147 S. Com'L Ph. 4516 Body & Fender Repair i FOR BODY ft FENDER Repair Auto Trim.. Seat Covers, Glass replacement Auto Painting SEE the Herrall Ow ens Co, 235 S. Com'L St. Phone 3169. Brushes FULLER BRUSHES. Phone TSIL Chimney Sweep fELKPHONB 4460, R E. N orthoses Phone 646$. I and a simple neckline. For fab-1 bc statesman. x1 I rt .himhrK nr nlmlte would RP-ARIN-rt CHERRY orch- " . Chiropractors :. 'J- ' serve beautifully for dress-up, Weil and wind-miiL $1000. Ph. 4034. i . Pattern 4752 is arailable in rr children's sises 2, 4, 6. 8 and 10. $250. DOWN, 6 RM. bungalow, base- . taken 24 vards 36 inch ment, furnace, fireplace, close . , X. i i., to bus ft school, paving pd, $2,- fabric and 4 yards lace edg 700. i ing. Illustrated s t e p-by-step $800. Down, nice 6 rtn. English type Bewine instructions. home, c ntas irom niga ik.-iiooi, - . . oak floor basement, iurnace. fireplace, 2 sets of plumbing, nice lawn ft shrubbery. $4500. $300. Down, . S-rm. home, close to school, basement furnace, 2 lot $1C0. - .-; - i . MONEY TO LOAN at PER CENT. MELVIN JOHNSON, Realtor 725 Court SL Phone 3723. '. SOME GOOD HOME BUYS -- $300 DOWN. BUYS dandy 6 R. stucco home, basement ft furnace, good location, N. " E -price only-$2500. Sioee down, mice $330 fine mod ern home, in splendid location, nothing fecal and tttiilUag saggeatleas fax the t OfTnl'RI tT inv RATES. ,. ..i intA. d. ia nM I like tt for nrica. Within Oregon r Dally and Sunday, $1600 down, price $290. location Mo 66 cents; 8 Mo, $1.60: 6 Mo $3.60; rood, (north) ; real home, priced 1 year $5.00. Elsewhere 86 centa per right , f' . - Mo or $6.00 for 1 year tn advance. $275 down. 6-R. boose, small con- rer copy $ cent News taads 6 cent Crete basement comer lot $9S f or tt By City Carrier t 60 coats a month. Look these over before you buy. See S7 20 a year in la Marion I J as. siuaks, Kr-AL,iun and adjacent counUea 47f Court St send nrnxsr cxuts (isc) ia coins ax stamps (coins preferred) far this Anne Adam pattcra. Writ plain ' ly SIZK, - HAKE, ADD -ESS aad STTLB VtTKBEK. Hue's yonr chance te kite a smart Sprint wardrobe send for the' new ANNE ADAMS SPEIKG PATTERS BOOK at eaeei 8m Its great variety ef blight fashions for Miss, Matrea, Kiddl and Junior I Up-te-t-s-nUaate frock and etttflU for every as aad tree . . foe bo it Meralag lelsaxe afteraoea er f estiva avaidaaa. Prao- Phone 1166. brlds . . . the grsdnste att interpret. e4 la stap-e-te-ase patterns t PRICE OP BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. PBICE OF PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS. BOOK AND FATTERM TOGETHEB TWENTY-FIYE CENTS. ' Send year order to Statesman, Pst tera Departawnt, Salsa, Or FOR LEASE, new auto camn ready to open atay ist zx.o a. com L BARGAIN IN an anartment house. S apt. 4 fully furnished, oil heating Plant etc. $2000 w 11 handle. MELVIN JOHNSON, 725 Court Street RESTAURANT. FULLY eoutDoed. down town location. $1300, good bua- iness. GRANT-VOSBURG ft Te SELLE Masonic Bldg. Phone 6161. DR. O L. SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor 156 N. High. TeL Res 1761. Excavattn EXCAVATING OF all kind Base menta dug. Dirt hauled er moved. Dirt tor sal Salara Sand and -ravel tw. Pboae 9406. Florists Money to Loan Brelthanpt 447 Court Ph. ' MO A W. SALEM Florist 1400 Edgewater Laundries THE NEW 8 At. EM LAONDRT THEE WEIDER LAUNDRT 2IS & High TeL till Mattresses PERSONAL LOANS BORROW FROM Salem's oldest ft largest Independent company your problems will receive personal consid eration before and after, the loan Is made. :'- Interest on tinpald balance. No fees ft Quick Courteous Service . W Solicit Your Account General Finance Corporation 116 R. Commercial St. 55a lem. Or, Phone 916$ Lie No. S-133. 1 CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 406 SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattres Factory. NEW MATTRESS made te order, old remade; carpet cleaning, sis tng; ritm rag weaving. & isth ft WH bur. TeL $44 L OTTO F. ZWICKER Est 191L Lime GOLD HILL lima 98. We deliver to I farm. 324 N. Com. TeL 3B28. Nurseries FULL LINE nursery stock. Phone 681 L H. L. Pearcy Nursery Co, 2461 Court st Paintin-Paperhanging SPRAY PAINTING, all kinds: atso pa per hanging. Call F. O. Repine, TeL Plastering NEW WORK 12c yd. Repairing., reas onable. Work fully guaranteed. TeL I 3485. 12 5 21 25 2? 3 HH HI 52 5& 22 3i id HO 35 i I 23 3 S3 6 I4? 27 I H& 16 I 2fl 36 HI 31 2H 7T HZ ? Hr 5H S7 f7 ZO H6 to 32 H3 33 SO 3H Printing 6y EU1NE SUKM'EU FOR STATION RR T . card pamphlets oroaiama, feooka or any kind er print ing. cau The -statesman fruiting ua partment 31$ S. t orn mere UU. Tsie phone 910L HORIZONTAL 47 in attend- Pumps 1 lariat '6 medieval v vessel 9 chart 12 lowest deck of a battle ship ance 49 dirty 52 bring forth 53 born 64 follow BASEMENT PUMPS, automatic. We manufacture. Ph. 7I2. r. r. Scbuett 13 river in Asia 65 free from 14 palm leaf 56 Indian Stoves REPAIRS FOR range Mrs, elreula ter P. J. Heppner. 363 Chetneketa Transfer CAPITAL CITT Tanafer Co. Jit I State St TeL T778. Dlstrlbudn for warding and storage our specialty. Get I onr rate FOR tOCAL or distant transfer stor agef burner oil, eaQ 3131. l-arma. Transfer Co. Tracks to Portland daily McELROT TRANSFER., phone $102. 15 chemical corn pound 16 library custodian 18 bundle 20 French name 21 lofty - mountain 23 ekill in weurht 57 sources of being VERTICAL '. 1 African worm 2 4mpply with weapons 3 light shoo 4 warm weather drink 5 musical drama 6 minute distinction 7 Hebrew month v 8 evergreen tree , 9 composition on a sacred text 10 u&accom : panied 11 device for . peelinjf , fruit 17 ascended 19 top of s , wave 21 beast of burden 22 Hawaiian wreath Zi Bulgarian coin "26 morning receptions j 28 leveled to Herewith la the solution to Tester- tii vtatitkI performance J pue. so correlative 24 4netric .''! . C .. " . ' . neither measure of jpolpgtAlpT1s ear 32 return to 2SSPbUndy IiliEl2--5lA 27 journey in 5 G 5I5.i. Y -Hi S3 monkey tiretiit rIu k ac a L E P 3d unit! 23 nymnha who YLlWOOAVX I UlAsA . work Well Drillin R A. WEST. Rt 1 Bs. 44i T.HIF6 .Wet Basements . GUARANTEED BONE-DRT by the Seal Seep Service, applied insld r oi infonnauott calf Gardner, HI 9. Ret THE ONLY PROCESS Of Its kind Which can be applied under wet or dry i condition against seepage or pres- sor guaranteed. Tel. 7SZ. lnred .mariners 31 reluctant " 35 casts' s ballot 37 approach 38 flower 41 Civil War : general - 43 swine 44 withered 45 more downcast iskfefn"rr r msH n 1 to a Ujlj at k 1s-kJ- 1a . r-efilUM. 11141 k Kiss 36 beetle ' 38 Tnrkish money of . . account r SO rest house in the East 40 tendency 42 rims 45 dagger 46 sea eagle 48 being 60 mire las 51 affirmative