"h OREGON STATESMAN Salexa. Oregon, Friday. Morning; April 15, 1938 PAGE, ELBVEN vl Gap tain Hebert Inspects Camps Captain Clarence A. Hebert, of the Vancouver barracks, CCC district. Inspected Camp Min City, near Silver Creek Falls and Its two side camps this week. Camp Mill City is a . fire, fight ing camp for Marion, Linn and Clackamas counties. - It main tains a side camp, of 25 men. at the North Fork Ranger Sta tion, about 12 miles out of Mo lalla, Clackamas county rnd an- omer side camp, of 25 men, near uates in Linn county. The CCC work -the winter is preparing roads into th ' 1m passable forest entanglement so thai fires may be reached quick ly In the summer. Capt.". He bert was formerly commanding officer ot both Camp Arboretum and Camp Mill City and is fa miliar with the district: The Oregon state forestry, un der the supervision of ; T. D. Pomeroy, has charge of the work project. Lieut. James S. Har rls Is commander of Camp Mill City. - - . Gty Camp Mill Man Promoted Junior Forestry Foreman Wil liam T. Foust, of Camp P-214. received notice from the US civH service commission, that he had been appointed as a caterpillar operator with the federal gov ernment and was ordered to re port to Fort Peck, Mont., for service. Foust has served In the CCC's In various capacities, first as an enrolls then as local experienced man and finally as junior for estry foreman. State Forestry Educational Adviser Ralph South wick and Camp Mill City Edu cational Adviser Frank Drake assisted him in qual?fying for the position. The federal gov ernment is building the largest dirt dam in the world at Fort Peck. Pioneer Caravan Lands at Original Colony V. w - i 'i 1 : - t. ) ) y : V ;:i - i state house, the inference being that the sculptor pointed out that spot as being most suitable. It announced that the capitol grounds will be graded and land scaped by July 1. The Circuit Rider statue will add to the beauty and impresslveness of the spot where it shall be derided to place It! The matter is ot slight Interest to the public ex cept as a subject for idle specu lation. mime,:'.,,- -tt'.. cw.-c--i-WMfrofm-w-ooc.y-,' Marking the 150th anniTersary of the settlement of the northwest territory, a WPA-sponsored caravan dnpliratlng the first pioneer company arrived at Marietta, O., above, after making their way by cov ered wagon and erode hoaseboat from Ipswich. Mass. Thousands were on hand at the first Ohio city and former capital of the northwest territory to greet the "pioneers. Camp Boys Put Out House Fire Four CCC boys, of Camp Mill City, did themselves proud Thurs day, in putting out a fire at the residence of W. D. Ri kett. near the camp. When Mrs. W. D. Rlckett found her house was on fire, she ran to tbe edge of the camp and screamed fire. The Dixie toys were there with their fire buckets and in .a jiffy out went the fire. The heroes of the day were Leader Sam Quarls and enrolees, Gerald Yar borough. Emory Mus selwhite and William Urqu Quality Meats at Low Prices We Offer for Your Easier Dinner Strifes Premium, Ar mours Star, Valley Packing and Eastern Hams Hoffman Meat Market Quel Tel. 5563 ity Meat at Low Prices 150 N. Commercial Sage of Salem Speculates By 0. H. TALMADGE As to That know we know we - J don't That we know. That we don't know we know, That that that we calll a that May or may not be that that, And that that that's not that that Does us not much good to know, At any rate, it seems so. It has been a cold and back ward spring. A cold and back ward spring is one when you ask a , man on the street what was the score yesterday he says he doesn't know. A place for everything and everything in its place. Good old rule. I recollect that was what Cud Kipper said when he punch ed Gid Pelty's nose. Street talk is mostly rumors, Here, there and eve:ywhere,- The air filled full of rumors, The rumors filled with air. The Circuit Rider If rumors were ti be dpen4ed upon the statue of "The Circuit Rider," the bronze memorial to News eomes to me from a private source (the announce ment has probably appeared in the Hollywood syndicate stuff. of which there is such a plenti- tude, but it so I. missed it) that Mrs. O. O. Mclntyre, widow of the late New York columnist. has chosen Ned Sparks to lm personate Mr. Mclntyre In a forthcoming film, having Id do with his career. Not a very hap py choice, I would say, but she probably knows what she is doing. i" J jf c o i u m aT'f lit KM&J. 1 8 by Robert A. Booth of Eugene, a good piece of work by A. Phi mister Proctor which I have ever thought to be very good, al though certain of the pioneer critics have found some fault with its details, of little or no importance, would be engaged in galloping from place to place. instead of resting peacefully in a spot near the southwest cor ner of the state house grounds, to which It was removed follow ing the burning of the state house In 1935. I have heard ru mors that the statue was to be ultimately removed to the Wil lamette campus, that It was to be placed In a spot west of the new capitol, that it would be re moved to a commanding position on the State street side, tnat a place would be made for it in the new grounds to the north. But the Rider, eyes ever Intent upon th? open book in his hand, still plods patiently alonj; in the old spot and arrives nowhere. However, Mr. Proctor rs in Sa lem a few days ago, in consulta tion, it is understood, as to the most suitable place for the lo cation of the statue, and now a rumor is current that the statue She Told the President Amongst the thousands, or perhaps millions, of things said by President Roosevelt during the past few years. Is this: "The only thing to fear is fear it self." A short time ago Mrs Eleanor Patterson of th- Wash ington Heraid-Times. who is, I believe, a daughter of Joseph Medill, owner, publisher and edi tor of the Chicago Tribune for many years, called on the presi dent and asked him to say sf mething that will banish fear and aid, at leastin putting bust' ness back on its feet. The pres ident retorted.-according to Mrs. Patterson, "All right. You go ahead. Write out exactly what you think I could say that would banish fear. I'll dare you." Mrs. Patterson took tho dare. Wednesday of last week an open letter from her . to the p-esident appeared on the first page ot the Herald-Times. In this let ter she said. "Fear is depressing industry. With due Tespect, you should concede the obvious. This fear is fear of you." Letters in a . flood from all parts of the country have been pouring Into the Herald-Times office since the publication of the open letter. All enthusiasticaly endorse Mis. Patterson's sentiment. She says she is astonished by the ava lanche her open letter started. I wonder? his jtather presented to the state is to have a place east of the ': r.r . .. . -, . : r : : : I gather from timid glances at the women In the street that ears are becoming fashionable again. Would you consider It a fav orable Indication or otherwise j when a person loses Interest in the daily comic strips? This query comes by wire from a half-dark office In the next block. Perhaps favorable, per haps not. Have you had your eyes examined? I wouldn't sacrifice quality for economy - Afoioai aiaed trie, Airway's thrifty price may b the big attraction when you buy your first pound. But once you taste its glorious freshness. ..its deep mellow 8avot,..good' mrss keeps you buyinit And whaljabuy it ist Airway is blended from choice, top-grade coffees, popular the world over. The price is low only because Airway requires no costly container, no extra handling. It's rushed straight from roaster to grocer... sold in the bean... tore ground. Few coffees can match Airway's quality at Air way's price... and we'd like to prove hi On our snoney-back guarantee, won't yon try one pound? - x - - - s' - ' xsX? ' - -iff r - - r - -if ' ,' ' " ' - ' I i t -v; - I. ' ' " - , - - - - - ' W L , , - -v ''- ' -' -"V The morning newssheet of this dav and date carries 15 or zo portraits of individuals who chance at the time to be in the public eye. The only one in the lot, the subject of which failed to respond to the photographer's "Mir we. have a smile, please?" was an Austrian army officer who committed suicide, and who was probably contemplating the act when the picture was iaten. The man who feels things in m vmea was sitting on tne doorstep yesterday morning when T returned from breakfast. He says there will be a number of nmrises of a political naiure during the coming several mnnth Shncks! I can feel that much In my own bones. There Is a point at 'wbich words fail. A gentleman was speaking ot women's hats when ha eaM thls I reckon I am lackine in something or other. see nothing wrong wun wom en's hats as now prevailing. The longer stays tne ciouay SDell. The brighter seems the sun shine; The longer stays a chilliness, The welcomer Its aecime. More Dixie Bovs Get Certificates FEATURED AT TOUB NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER SAFEWAY Caprtifkt 19 t, Dwlfht UwvU Cwfor Seven more young men have earned educational certificates at Camp Mill City, bringing tne to tal number, for .he Dixie boys. up to 79 graduates. Tnere nave been 195 southern ooys a.-. ia rmn? over 40 per cent of them 1ita completed some definite amount of educational work for which they have receiea a writ ten certified acanowieagmem. Over 89 per cent of those, now In camp, try taking up some kind of self Improvement work. Firemen Sponsor Aumsville Drama AUMSVILLE The town fire men are sponsoring a comedy. "Nothing Up His Sleet e." a seven-act comedy. Also a snort skit. 'The Mountain Boys Came tn Town" which win ne pre sented . Wednesday nl-sht, April SO. in the school gymnasium. An admission fee will be charged, which will help to swell the fund being raised to provide adequate fire protection for tne community. Dr. Chat Lacs CHINESE MEDICINE CO. - Natural remedies for disorders of liv er, atomacb, glands, skin, and nrinary j st em-of men and women. Remedies f r constipation, asthma, arthritis. agar dlabetls and. rheumatism. -' St years in bnsi- ness. Naturopathic physicians, S93H Court St. Corner Liberty. Of fice open Saturdays and Tuesdays only. 10 A.M. to 1 P. M.J S P. M. to 7. Con-I raltation Blood pressure and nrine I D. charge. ATT IOW IPEBCESSS Special Easter Prices Effective Friday and Saturday, April 15 and 16 Schillings Whole Cloves ESSm Natural Pineapple Juice Vl? 2gQ I-Yesh from the factory, 1-lb. pkg. DolesPincapplt; Spears 12 long spears Serve with your Easter Ham 2's taO tin US Asparagus ill a uc -- Bjjnjj Palmolive SoapH This Coupon and E5 Good for S Bars Friday and Saturday Only I M MM imJ alley All Green tin SIPnWA.(5IBI Magic Valley All Green Special Free from grit - 2H'a fin n Dulaney Sweet Potatoes 2' I rj TTl 1 Ocean Breeze San Jnan fanciest Sf y4 iJ No " the lowest price in y tins Del Monte Sweet Potatoes 2 Whole Kernel Corn Del Monte or Del Mais 12-oz. tins for IBimi? Ha (SBfls9c pkg- 31 Burch Sea Food Crackers Spiced Just right. pkg. Armours Corned Beef No. .Watts 12-oz. tina as (T M All Its Goodness uu vyi w uu ir u v u Locked 7n 14b, tins a Pacific Choice Peaches Hj S(g)t3: ITSoocne oTa s rolu Date or Petite Prunes 2. H ay X W 1L large pkg. ES inucoap nppicd, uua i7t Fancy C Grade Wrapped Cucumbers 4 for 25c Oranges . . each lc Fancy Med. Size, Fnll-o-J aire . This week tec are featuring SivifCs P.re-Cooked II ams. Don't forget your sample. ; BAKERY DEPT. Easter Cah cs . Two layers, pink and white, with Krtter tcibs and Easter decorations. CroccBunc dz30c FILLED WITH MIXED FRUIT Damascus Ice Cream ,i29c With Special Custard Easter Center U. S. Government Inspected Sausage '2 lbs. 29a Pure Pork, Country Style - Pork Chops k-2Sg Center Cuts Boiling; Beef esg .- - Lean and Meatyi Sliced -Bacon . - 25g "THERE'S NO BETTER PLACE" i - i 2CO N. LLBERTT - 1 " - PHOXE W2