The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 03, 1938, Page 9, Image 9

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    Tie OREGON STATESMAN,' Salon, Oregon, Sunday' Morning, April 3, 1938
Penitentiary" Tells Prison Romance Jgg Rrowil IS
In Town Again
Grand Shovying!
Prison Drama!
Warden'g Daughter Gives
Young Trusty new Hope
in Unusual Story .
Grim In Implications but un
folding a poignant romance of
young lore on a prison threshold,
the tense, dynamic drama, "Pen
itentiary" .opened at the Grand
theatre yesterday. Jean Parker,
John Howard and WalterCon
nolly, are featured in this Colum
bia picture. Here is one drama of
the prison world that does not
lean on the usual jailbreak tor
thrills It is the story of a differ
ent sort of Jailbreak a psychol
ogical one. ; '
"Penitentiary" shows . the es
cape from moral disintegration of
a young prisoner undergoing a
severe punishment for an acciden
tal crime, Not only convicts, but a
girl and the warden himself are
the accomplices to the "escape."
t .nVf John Howard, Jean Parker and Walter Connolly are pictured above In
the despair of sordid surroundings 1 ,....,' ,, , Cl n a
by Connolly, the man instrumen-
. 2 ... '
Hollywood Brings Laugh
Star in Fresh Comic,
"Fit for a King"
The new Joe E. Brown comedy
'Fit For a King," which opens to
day at the Hollywood theatre pre
sents the wide-mouthed comedian
in one of his funniest pictures.
Joe is cast as a chump newspa
per man. when a story breaks
about attempts on the life of a vis
iting nobleman, Joe's editor as
signs him to stick with the intend-
- V 3 :
y ? -
' f
by Howard Simon
Gervais Seniors
to Present Play
Benefit Supper Arranged
For Wednesday Night .
By Church Group
"Shall Louis XVI. King of i pected. When Robespierre was ex-
France, die by the guillotine?" ecuted, David, his friend, narrow
les: me answer rang om in iy escaped the guillotine. He was
the People's Convention, and one j thrown into prison and kept there
of the most determined voices was ror months Hia wife and two
that of Louis Jacques Darid, daughters, who had left him be
painter. The Reign of Blood and cause oI hj8 violent political views.
i error uu reacneu iia mmw. returned sow to save him from
David had come to revolution I his threatened fate.?
tnrougn art. ine subjects or. jus- Visited bv Napoleon
kit? C&UU AlUCll HCI C im ill liiai bUl TimrlA'm 1 - fnvrw
.... . :. . Vim Ihrn...). hi, ot,.J. f k. .1... umma ipupuidi o" icmmcu
ea vicum in tne secret nope mat m" 7 wJl Napoleon, now in power, was a
the assassin may make a mistake. Ic- HIs ldeal s the harsh Ror .ts,tor at hY, Btn(,io. Ab(1
Tne trail leads to an ocean liner ""u David was fascinated bv the bril-
and Joe stows away, to find later i- His father had been killed in & i liant oersonalitv of the Deoole's
I m . . . . I
inai a rival news service nas as- auei wnen me ooy was 1 1. i oung hero
signed Patsy Kelly to cover the I David had inherited his passion-
same story. I ate and violent and stubborn tern
By the time the boat docks in
tal in his conviction: how, as a I
trusty, dally contact with the war
den's daughter 'Inspires patience
in the wait before he can tackle
life with a new . interest; how
crime - hardened companions re
spect youthful integrity when he
stands fast by the "code" of the
Big House though it shatter hopes
these are the dramatic circum
stances from which Director John
Brahm has fashidned an Inspir
ing tale. '
No one but .Walter Connolly
could bring out the wallop-in the
- private drama . of the ambitious
warden and his decision to wreck I
his own career rather than let the
.man his daughter loves be crushed
by the law. -Jmn Howard has his !
greatest djrm a t i c opportunity
Bince "Lost Horizon." As the op
pressed hero with long-awaited
freedom within grasp, yet ready
to Nforsake it rather than break
faithtwith his Involuntary com
panions, he delivers his most
memorable performances. Sincer
ity shines through Jean Parker's
loveliness and makes touchingly
understandable the growth of her
love for the convict.
Penitentiary," dramatic picture now playing at the Grand theatre.
J y y i' - ri'i f
Manning Boy Undergoes
Third Operation on Leg;
Boil Starts Infection
France, Kelly has taught Joe a
few tricks about news covering
and. Incidentally, had him con
fined to the brig for the greater
part of the trip. When the two
learn in Paris that the object of
the nobleman's visit was to bring
back a princess, Kelly again
scoops Joe despite the fact that
Joe had spent the previous eve
ning making love to the princess.
These situations then turn out
to be only the build-up for more j
hilarious excitement which fol
lows rapidly. A plot is discovered
to murder the princess, is foiled
by Joe, who is also able to beat
Kelly to the wire with the story.
As Kelly curses his luck, Joe
gives her the final bit of news.
The princess is returning to Am
erica to marry Joe.
Cantor Comedy on
State BiU Today
"Ali Baba Goes to Town"
Gives Eddie Badge
of Talent Scout
It is enough of a distinction for stern Roman classicism
ft juuug man or woman 10 rise
from obscurity to the heights of
Bonaparte became emperor and
David became his painter. The
emperor commissioned four" im
mense paintings. Only two were
completed and these were paid for
only after constant dunning.
In the company of the emperor.
David had taken on the manners
and stamp of a lesser dictator.
There were those who were irked
by bis everlasting rules and sum
mary laws, and he made enemies
enough to prevent his being ap
pointed to the directorship of pub
lic instruction in schools of art
He had earnestly desired it when
he had applied for it, and felt the
disappointment keenly.
Hid Paintings
The emperor's sun went down
and David was filled with anxiety
He transported to the coast and
hid there, many of his great epics
in paint that had for subject the
trinmnha nf VariolArm Rut Nnn-
siuaeni naa irieaana lauea io oo- vId became a commander of the
lam ine rr ae uome ne .rvu Legion of Honor
U1IDBC1L lur mice uaa in uu eiiuii i , ... . ,
to die. A friend found him in his His career, like his emperors
weakened condition and convinced "S,n IiarTera Allf,r " lue
him it was worth while to live. de.luSe- He was exiled to Brus"
More Roman than Romans j ' a
I Tho Mnw tn the ninfpr was
In 1775, at the age of 27, he set ,,,- iie.,p. hv ih Wftrm wel-
out for Rome. Almost immediate- come he received from William
ly he became more Roman than th p, t H waa content to work
the Romans, forsaking the gay in Brusselg and nere, in his 77th
sensuality of France and adopting . he dipd
Acquit Heiress
GERVAIS The senior class of
Gervais high school will pre
sent a farce comedy entitled
Aunt Tillie Goes to Town" at
the school auditorium Friday
night, April 22, with 11 of the
if inemDers or me ci&ss taxing
part Tatricia Jewel Is direct-
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will serve. a benefit sup
per at the church Wednesday
night, April 6, beginning at 7:15
to which all are invited. ' New
window shades have been in
stalled in -the auditorium and
some other items purchased. Re
ceipts will be used for these.
The past matrons of Gervais
chapter, OES with their husbands
and some neighbors gave a house
warming Thursday night for Mr.
and Mrs. Charles J. Hooker. The
time was spent socially and , In
playing 500. High scores were
made by Mrs. J. P. Aspinwall
and William Allsup. There were
36 present.
Mr. and Mrs. Hooper came
here from Reno. Nev., in Janu
ary and bought the modern home
and acreage from Mr. and. Mrs.
C. T. Brixey two miles south of
Gervais. They are ' making ex
tensive improvements on the
place. '
The French refused the request
of his family to bury him in Paris.
John Wayne, John Mack Brown, and James, Craig are appearing in
"Born To The West," the Zane Grey romance opening today at the
Hollywood theatre. These players all are former gridiron stars.
ST. LOUISA Francis Manning. I Medf Or(l DefeatS
jouogtai boo ui a-... sua. mib.
Alex Manning, was operated on
last Friday morning s ': St. Vin
cent's hospital.
This Is the third orcration he
has had performed on his leg
since last Jun'e. .
He has an infection in his leg
which apaprently resulted from
aboil. Francis is an eighth
.grader in school and attended
'school until his second operation
during Cfcristmas week.
Dallas Debaters
Contest Is Close; Team's
Record for Season Is
Highly Creditable
The Call Board
DALLAS The Dallas high
school debaters lost an inter
district debate here Friday af
ternoon when they met the Med
ford high school team. The de
bate was closely contested with
Medtord winning by a two to
one decision of the judges.
The Dallas team composed of
Miss Mildred V o t h and Miss
Rlne and Joe E. Brown in Betty Smith upheld the atrirm-
"Fit For A King," with Hel- ative side of the question. Re-
Today D onble bill, Zane
Grey's "Bora To The West"
"with John Wayne. Monte
en Mack and Paul Kelly.
Wednesday D o u b 1 e bi 1 1,
Wheeler and Woolsey In
"High Flyers." with Lupe
Velea and "Some Blondes
are Dangerous," with Noah
Beery, jr., and William Gar-
Laughary Funeral
Conducted Friday
Back in France the tall, strong
fmo n,,t w . o ofQ wvjly-built painter, with a face dis
- ---- i n t Asa v w m wtavAv vavr n n n
thinks not only of his own success. ""su,a"c"' V J . I (The self-portraits in this en
but makes every effort to help " . "TJ ' tire series of newspaper stories are
nthnra or-hio-ca thatr mhllnn luoneu wnu uiaiasie ai """" I j .
. v u . u... M.wai..wuo. I.. . . . . . . I UriULCU L 11 1 IJ 11 K. 11 LUC WUl LCOI Vfc
That Ktar in Ertn rntnr. aoir suDjects painiea oy ms con- - B t,,hi7
w - . , f I IUC X UdiUUIl A WiU uuu O
whose first Twentieth Century- Goldaheider's book. 500 Self-Por
Fox hi-de-hilarious musical spec- His marriage was a short cut to I ,-it. Th slf-nortraits are dsv-
tacle, "All Baba Goes to Town," wealth for his wife was the daugh-1 Chologically Interesting, because
. m mmm . . .. n . I . . 1 1.1... A ..V U&.t XJIol. ....
leaiunns lony jnariin, riowiana i ier ui iu nus I they show the artist s conception
xoung, June J-Ang, Louise Hovlck iatner-in-iaw was generous as wen o( himself)
ana an unusually notable cast, as ricn ana nnancea anomer irip
opens today at the State theatre, to Rome. Here, within a year, Da
Eddie Cantor is a self-appointed vid completed his first master
talent scout without even a badge piece, The Oath of Horatio. It was
or letter to show his authority, a sensation in Rome. The world of
Native of Nova Scotia Is Each year he takes special pride art and letters. Cardinals and
Polk County Resident
for Many Years.
in bringing to the front an un
known and making him famous.
Friday Double bill. Jack
solved: That the several states
should adopt a system of uni
cameral legislation, w h 1 1 the
Medford debaters. Mis Barbara
Hamson and Burton Daugherty,
upheld the negative side.
Gilbert Schneider, president of
the Dallas high school student
body, presided at the debate and
wow In "TriDDtd bv G ludsres were from Linf ield col-
Men" and Buck Jones in lege and the Oregon Normal
school at Monmouth.
The Dallas high school debate
squad has had a - very success
ful season winning tLe cham
pionship of the Mid-Willamette
district, and also winning the
first inter-district debate when
they met Roseburg high earlier
in the week.
"Law For Tombstone.
Today "Penitentiary,
Walter Connolly and Jean
Wednesday On the stage, the
Morgan Family and, screen,
the Jones Family in "Love
on a Budget
Thursday "Squadron of Hon-
or" with Don Terry
Saturday "High School Girl.
TodayDouble bill. Kathar-
ine Hepburn and Cary Grant
In "Bringing Up Baby." and
Arsene Lupin Returns"
with Warren William.
Wednesday W alt Disney's
.11 A .... A finn
: Rev. Lyman Takes
Pulpit m Salem
STAYTON Rev. W. H. Lyman
has accepted the call to the
Court Street Church of Christ in
Salem, and will assume the pas-
White and the 7 Dwarfs." torate within the next 60 days.
Matinees. 1:00 and 4:00
a ' am1 Avanlnra C'K
y. 111. uu - - -
MONMOUTH Funeral services
were held Friday afternoon at
the Christian church for Mrs.
Frank Laughary, 68, who died
at a Salem hospital Tuesday, fol
lowing a heart attack.
Jessie Maude Adkins was born
in Nova Scotia, April 3, 1870.
She and her sister came to Mon
mouth many years since, and
operated a millinery and dress
making, shop. She was married
to Frank Laughary, well known
locat farmer who survives, also
one daughter, Mrs. Henry Adams
of Los Angeles, and 2 sons; Ivan
Laughary, Boise; and Frank. Jr.,
Los Angeles.
Mrs. Laughary was active in
grange and church work, and
the Elkins' Woman's club. She
served as the first Parent-Teacher
president of her , c 'mmunity.
Interment was In Fir Crest
cemetery here. Graveside serv
ices were conducted by the lo
cal grange. Smith-Baun mortu
ary had charge.
Townsend Groups
At Lyons Meet
LYONS The advisory board of
the Townsend club met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R
Stephens Friday night. The eve- once more
Princes crowded his studio to see
it. To crown its success it was ex
hibited in the Paris Salon of 1785.
Today It is difficult to under
stand how its hollow forms and
cold color could so have stirred
the emotions of the people, but its
effect was electrifying, and as
moving as a splendid revolution
He followed the furor with an
other canvas that represented
self-sacrifice for the
The above painter is among
48 great masters represented
whose pictures are offered In
reproduction form by, this
newspaper 48 Masters of Art
in original colors.
They are divided Into 12 sets
of four, one set each week for
only 80c and a coupon from this
newspaper. Each week's set
contains a lesson in Art Appre
ciation and persons who obtain
all 12 weekly sets will get a
free collector's portfolio.
Clip the coupon on page 2
Copyright, 1937
Building Activity
Picks up Rapidly
provements are being made on
properties here. W. L. Joaes la
having four garages built at the
back of his apartment building
on Main street for the families
living in the building. Pierce
Jacob is doing the work. At the
home of Mrs. Lydia Hoyt and
sister, Miss Lou Miller, on Sec
ond street, a bathroon has been
added, and rooms redecorated. A
new composition roof is being
put on the bouse of Mrs. Crab
tree's on Second street. Mack
Hamby is having a lirge hog
house built on his farm north
east of Jefferson. H. E. Jones
is doing the carpenter work.
The third and fourth degrees
were conferred upon seven new
grange members at the joint
meeting of Callamette, Grand
Prairie, and Morning Star grange
at the grange hall three miles
west of Jefferson. A play party
was held at the grange hall Sat
urday evening, April 2.
republican ideal. With the show
ing of these canvases, leadership
was thrust upon him. In the tur
bulent pre-revolutionary days of
1789 he -was invited to head the
new Insurgent group of the aca
demy. He was the champion of
Mill at Mill Gty
Down, Log Scarcity
and 9:00 p. m.
Today Double bill, "Bulldog
Drummond's Peril" with
John Barrymore and "Roll-
lag Caravans," with alltar I
Tuesday Double bill, Edward
Arnold in "Blossoms on.
Broadway," and Kay Fran-
els in "Confessions."
1 . . rtn.-iVilit Kill "rtvr
the Wall," with Dick Foran
and "Where the West Be-
rins.M with Jack RandalL
- i -
'':' STATE "'"
Today Eddie Cantor, Jane
Lang and Tony Martin In
"All Baba Goes to Town."
Wednesday Double bill. Jane
Withers and Walter Bren-
nan In "Wild and Wooly,"
Warner Baxter in "Road to
- Glory." '
Friday Four acta eastern cir-
cult vaudeville and Claire
Trevor and Donald Woods
In -Big Town GirL
Saturday midnight preview--
Jeanette Mac Donald and
Nelson Eddy In "Naughty
Rev. Lyman has been the pas
tor of the local Church of Christ
for eight years. He announced
to his congregation here last sun
day he believed the field for his
work was greater in Salem, than
in Stayton and he belfeved he
should accept a post where he
would be able to do - the most
good. The members of the con
gregation deeply regret the Joss
of Rev. Lyman. j
No arrangements have been
made for a successor to Re. Ly
man owing to the unexpected
call, but efforts will be made at
once to fill the vacancy.
Knute Gregerson Files
For Silverton Recorder
SILVTRTON Knuta Greger
son was the second candidate to
tt ,uu,iIm nf Ct1r(nn XT r
ana F r e d r i c March and G erton WM also tne aecond
candidate to me ror any xocai oi-
P. W. Nof sker filed for the
same office earlier In. the week.
unci imm
s-mj.Mi, i - .
V LlTi,-if " PARKER
Now! Added
1 "L
Charlie McCarthy - Edgar
Bergen Comedy
MILL CITY The Mill City
Manufacturing company mill has
closed down for a few days on
account of shortage of logs, the
rain having made the logging
road impassable. The camp Is
being moved farther np on the
The yearly business meeting
of the First Presbyterian church
was held Thursday nieht. A
dinner was served at 6:30 after
which the reports for the church,
Sunday school and Missionary
society were given. The same
officers were reelected for the
church. The Sunday school off!
cera elected were: Superintend
ent, Mrs. Stockwell; treasurer.
Mrs. Edith Mason: superintend
ent primary dept. Mrs. CUo Ma-
fcon; organist. Miss Virginia Ma
ning was spent socially and re
freshments served to the follow
ing: Mr. and Mrs. Alva Wise,
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. John Caldow, Mr. and
rMrs. Jack Cornforth and Mrs
Floyd Bassett.
Mrs. Joe Weitman is In the liberty
Deaconess hospital at Salem Fashion imitate Him
wbere she underwent a major At once he became the leader
operation. amnnr nftlnter. and initiated a
The Lyons Townserd club new BCh00i that took for its model
neia us oenem card party at the Grecco-Roman classics. His
tne George Hubbara borne Wed it,0. ittwi in m
nesday night with a good at- Women wore tne costumes he rep-
- ",8a c"res 7l " resented, and chose chairs and ta
lLnllS??H2Z,ld??Zf: bles that had been made to Imi
,lXrsjrUng Prl26 their hairdress wa, . variant of
The;T.adi' AM met nt the the "Rom&n matrons'
home of Mrs. Paul Johnston Wed- David continued to paint mag-
nesdav afternoon. The r "ternoon nificent portraits and heroic can
was spent in discussing the bet- vasses. yet he gave himself unre
terment of the aid. Those ores- servedly to the revolutionary
ent were: Mrs. Paul Johnston. 1 cause: he was elected to commem-
hostess; Mrs. Art Ayres. Mrs. orate in painting the celebrated
0. L. Lolland. Mrs. D uglas Go- Oath of the Tennis Court. It pro-
vette. Mrs. Mert Garette. Mrs. Tided that the members do not
Earl Wagner. Mrs. May Swank, separate until the Constitution
Mrs. Don Huckabee, Mrs. Frank was established
jonnston. Mrs. r30D hcnroeaer, Ko.m mtmw f the
Mrs Clyde Bressler Mrs Glen Jacobin club wticn had for its ob-
: u7r58 l',.?iei f1; Ject. the comradeship of those
ruua nuuai usuu, mis, maun
Continnons Sunday 2-11 P.M.
Two Features
mnct radlffllltr nnnosd to the
Trask. Mrs. Tinsdall and Fannie Monarcny. In June of i789 he was
Nature Movies Will Be
appointed a member of the Com
mittee of Safety and here voted
the death of his King.
He was even elected for a brief
Shown at Grange Affair term the President of the Conven-
I 0& lm rm
If J rsrsmownl Ptdvra
John Wayne - Marsha Hunt
John Mack Brown John Pat
terson - Monte Bine - Laden
Littlefield - Jflck Lakats
' $ V
It '' i i
A wealthy woman ranch' owner
and one of her cowboys were
acquitted in Willows, Calif., re-,
cently 'of charges of conspiracy
to commit murder and solicita
tion' of a crime. The woman Is.
Miss Leonora Simpson, 55, heir
ess cattle rancher, who, with
her ranch hand, was charged
with plotting to slay H. W. Mc
Gowaa, former Glenn county
district attorney. The prosecu
tion attempted to Prove that
Miss Simpson paid an ex-convict
to kill MtGowan. IIX
5000 Bronze Mammoth
Turkey Eggs Incubate
at E. M. Maxwell Place
DAYTON E. M. Maxwell now
has 5000 mammoth bronze tur
key eggs in incubation and the
first one thousand are scheduled
to hatch April 17. The sunny
days have induced a much larger
supply of eggs from the 500 tur
key hens he has kept for the in
cubation season. His booked or
ders are equal to production.
At Wards! The New
Lto u l L-
land grange will hold a basket
social Tuesday night, April 5, at
the Wheatland community hall
Mr. Lancaster of Portland will
show moving pictures of birds
and Oregon scenery during the
evening. The' public is invited
to attend.
Reign of Terror everyone was sus-
Two Grnasb Feature c
-iitlLUtOS I
v JX,.Sh : J
Jb J . HIT NO, 2 "
It's the cockeyedest . . . fun
niest . . . most riotous picture
ever made ...!!! It's got
more laughs than "Deeds,"
Thrnman," or "Awful Truth"
f'DninGinGsup oncu"
-HTX NO. a-
An American G-Man Matches Wits With Arsene Lnpia
IUY Point, Varahh,
Kooflna, WaRbrd,
MSwort, Dean, Wt
dowi, CioM, BkHcoI
FUtor m4 Wlrfafl,
SvBdcn Nardwar, -
taro Oatfitt,
Wotw System, Ko
Wotot HHn, Pw
mac. Bo3m Phtwfc
ha, pmd EUaric Meleru
Now You CAN Afford to
n Modernize Your Hornel
All you responsible citizens who
have postponed modern im
provements in the heating,
lighting, or plumbing of your
home, or delayed alterations on
house or barn . . . while waiting
the necessary cash i-V: here is
your opportunity!
In Wards tie-in with the
F. H. A., even the money you
spend for labor can be included !
Your total-purchase call be any
where from $100 to $2500. Pay
ments as low as $3.19 a month.
(The smallest carrying charge.)
And Wards regular low prices I
155 N. Liberty St. . Pk 3191