" The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday. Morning; April 1, 1938 PAGE SEVEN r, re 3ion Society To Serve Supper X ( Public Invited to Fruitland Church' Event Saturday - From 6 to 8 p.m. i FRUITLAND T h e Women's Missionary society will genre a chicken and noodle supper Satur day night,' April 2. The proceeds will go towards the church defi cit. The supper will be served be tween and 8 o'clock', at tha church with the public Invited. Mrs. R. G. Lively Is in charge of the program to follow. Fred Gerig who has been oft from his work on the S. P. rail road since the last of January has started back to work in Dallas. Roy Slocum has been ill for quite some time and shows little Improvement. Makes Improvements William Schultz who bought the Andrews farm has taken out a good many trees and has made many Improvements in the place. Lloyd GIrod has bought an acre age from his mother here and will build on it soon. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe I Woolley celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary March 30. Full House out For Temperance Drama at Dallas .DALLAS - A capacity crowd was present Tuesday night for the temperance play, "Death Takes the Steering Wheel." which was presented at the First Christian church at Dallas under the direction of Haywood Johnson. Johnson played the part of the defense 'attorney and other char acters were taken by local clti sens, with principal parts taken by Rew F. A. Lenz, Rev. John A. Linn, Rev. Walter Duff, jr.. Rev. Harvey Larson. Rev. O. D. Harris. Rev H. E. Widmer. Mrs. Walter Duff, jr., Mrs. Joy Rob bins, Ivan Ickes. The play was sponsored by the Dallas Minis terial association. Martins Are Remodeling Cottage to Bring Final Modernization to Farm MACLEAY H. E. Martin and son are remodeling the cottage on their farm which will make all their farm buildings modern. The Martins constructed a modern dairy house and dairy barn and a modern horse barn Mothers Guests At 4H dub Tea NORTH HOWELL The 4H cooking club at North Howell school recently honored their mothers with a tea at the school house. Guests were Mrs. Pete Schmidt, Mrs. Louis Mayte, Mrs. Earl Rickard. Mrs. George Mc Ilwain and Mrs. Stnchlick. A special ' guest was Mrs. Becker from California who is visiting at the Stnchlick home. Recently the North Howell school girls were invited to .pre sent a program at '- the Wood burn Eastern Star meeting. Har monica and chorus numbers were much enjoyed by the Woodburn group and the French minuet by eight little girls in old time cos tumes was especially applauded. Mrs. Hilfiher directed the pro gram. The Rautenberg family, who went to California about three weeks ago. are ba k again and is living in one of the Ditchen houses. a few years ago and last year they erected a new modern dwelling. THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE AT WESTERN FOOD, OF COURSE! - SHORTENING HERSHETPS Assorted Cube Flavored Per pkg. o Tidbits rer uoz jpjpn Reg- suLchQ) 7oc Per Dozen MEDIUM IVORY 5(3 Each Lighthouse White Naptha Reg. Size Bar a fr 2 LARGE LUX FLAKES SCOTCH GRANULATED 23-oz. pkg lC Tall cans, minced 2 tor 25c PEA S No. 2 Picn tall can:. AV Size Del Monte Early Garden 3 for 25c Kaf e Hog 1-lb. tin iXsDCS OOK3ES Fancy cello, wrapped. Just the thing for lunches. Regular 29c value, 1-lb. pkg. ...... Oregon Brand, cans ...... 3 for 23c 22c Milk Kraft -American or Brick lb. loaf AIPIPILIS dJOJIKSE per qt. QUICK COOKING 2pi25c , FREE With Coupon f r T7f5 Choice of Moth VVjJ jt Jl M ers china, cup and saucer, Oven Serve, Carnation premium regular. s as Henooai?gaffanae pounds for ss Bings Crackers M& The kind you like, to munch on 10-lb. fcag ............ 59c 1-lb. pkg. &d) 25-lb. bag ......... . 1.43 : 100-lb. bag 5.49 Cipplcd Wheat pg Agm V" Pancake FLOUTl - XiS Hungry Jack CJ7) U. S. No. 2 r- - Hardwheat bag ? A2 ClY V 'LTnO Per barrel . .. $4.98 - 3V lb. bag t-yJS EVER RIGHT l Orecron An lb. 731 1 w-isLiri a ii l BUCKING HIGH PRICES Per barrel : $5.09 RED WHITE AND BLUE 49 ib w . : $1.43 KITCHEN QUEEN. Every, sack sold with money-back guarantee. 49ib.bg $1.39 INDEPENDENT GROCERS 100 Home Owned Isaak Bros., Owners 1S7 South Commercial Street - Phone 7311 1 Lamb Installs 200-Gallon Reserve Tank to Irrigate Filbert Orchard MISSION BOTTOM Farmen of this community itill believe in orchards. A. L. Lamb has put up a tower with a 200-Kallon re erre tank and installed a pump to throw 350 gallons per min ute for irrigating his 30-acies of filberts. Lamb will be master builder for the three-story, 6 Ox 10 0-foot filbert plant, to be erected in Sa lem by the Salem Nut Growers' association. Lamb has also pur chased a" quantity of agricul turated lime for his Cenrals ranch ' and has Wen his home here a coat of Mudusa white, water-proof . cement. : Crelghton B. Jones has pulled out Unprofitable fruit trees and is replanting Barcelona filberts. This makes his planting about 4 acres. . Laf e STownsend is setting out some 8 to 12 acres of filberts and improved vari eties of peaches. Mt. Angel Group Coming Here for Laymen's Meeting MT. ANGJCL Father Alcuin will head a group of 100 Mt. Angel men and the Mt. Angel band who will take part in the rally of Catholic laymen at Sa lem Sunday, April 3. , The caravan, accompanied by police escort, will leave here Sunday morning to attenl the 8 a. m. mass at St. Josenh's church at which Archbishop Ed- wara u. tiowara or Portland will officiate. After the services the entire gathering will escort the archbishop to the Marion hotel for breakfast and an interest ing program. Father Alcuin will be one of the speakers. Oregon Products Talk Draws 64 Women From Unionvale Community UNIONVALE Sixty-four worn en of Unionvale and surrounding neighborhoods attended the Ore gon seafood, vegetables and fruit demonstration and talk by Peter Mudie, of KOIN, who is cooperating with O o e r n or Charles Martin, ex-mayor George Baker and Mayor Toe Carson of Portland to urge more guneral use of Oregon grown and canned goods. The event was held at the Unionvale Evangelical Ladies' Aid room Tuesday afternoon. Grand Island sent a delegation of 16 women. Poultry, Dairy and Fox Feeds Your chicks will thrive on K. K. Chick Starter, Crown Chick Scratch Garden Seed in bulk or pkg. Lawn Seed, Field Seed, Seed Potatoes, Fertilizer W. J. LEE & Son 849 Ferry Phone 0418 Eat More Meal Hoffman Meat Market Quality Meat at Low Prices Tel 5563 150 N. Commercial LOIN PORK ROAST . . . lb. 19 SLICED BACON lb. 32c Lean, rind off. SHANKLESS PICNIC . . . lb. 22c MARK m Regular Prices State Inspected Pork Sausage" 2 lbs. Sc With that delicious flavor. Just like Grandpa used to make. Crx Ton I aw nr. A Tn tw lit W " - lb. IPi?t Eastt itsq Very Lean No Shank lb. JPEE CEIOIPS 5TQ Loin lb. BeeO StteaEis Hg Your Choice T-Bones. Rib or Sirloin lb. " GcoimimGil BeeO f?)(2 No Water or Cereal. The Best in Town 1 lbs. 4r Leg O' Pork Roast EQ(g nDuHn psgMgs qt. hog We believe the way to satisfy Is by price, quality and service. Fri.-Sat.-Mon. April 1, 2, 4 847 SUte SU G. Reiling A Son Lirtdy Peas soa-. 3 cans for 25c Crown Pancake Flour. 9-lb. bag 43c Carnation Oats .... .Large Size 19c ALBKR'S, quick cook or regnlar. Coos Made Cheese ........ .lb. 19c DUNDEE CORN 3 for 25c Cream style, 803'. Fresh Daily FRUITS & VEG. April 1. 2, 4 Friday Saturday Monday CARROTS - TURNIPS PARSNIPS - RUTABAGAS 7 ' 10c MUSTARD GREENS 3 bunches for 10c ORANGES . ...... . .2 Doz. for 17c LARGE OTJICT GRAPEFRUIT ....... .6 for 15c ROME BEAUTY - , APPLES 10 lbs. for 27c- Sugar Is Found In Tractor Tank SCIO A farm tractor which had remained unused on O. A. Hall land south of Thomas c r e e k during the recent rain pell, refused to operate Satur day. Investigation revealed that it large quantity of. sugar had been placed, in . the fuel .'tank, necessitating' changing several gallons of fuel oil at consider able 1 expense and delay.' The tractor is the property of C. J. Kerr, who had contracted to plow the land tor Hal Sclo postof flee btands . sixth in the third class postof f ices of Oregon In point of business, ac cording to a report received here a few. days ago. " All features of the business are oa the Increase, it la stated. A liberally-signed petition was circulated in Scio a few days ago requesting H .A. Renninger. in cumbent to enter the campaign for a fourth term as Linn coun ty commissioner. . ' CORNER COURT AND HIGH STS. This store is open from 7:80 A. M. to 10 P. M. every day. In cluding Sundays and Holidays. NEXT DOOR TO GRAND THEATRE Low Cut Prices on Nationally Advertised Products . . . Shotting You a 60c Alcaroid 49c 70c Kruschen Salts 47c 60c Syrup of Figs 45c 60c. Sal Hepatica 49c 60c Resinol Ointment 43c $1.25 Absorbine Jr 79c $1.50 Agarol $1.09 $1.25 Penma .98c $1.25 Petrolagar 89c Large Citrated Carbonates 89c Pint Rubbing Alcohol ..i 19c Quart Russian Mineral Oil rrfTTo9c 60c Alka-Seltzer .....yC. 49c 70c Sloans Linament 58c 35c Vicks Vapo-rub 27c 100 Hal Liver OU Caps $1.19 $1.00 Ironized Yeast 67c Pint Beef, Wine and Iron 79c $1.00 BABY BROWNIE CAMERA 79c EASTER BASKETS Baskets filled with Easter Goodies, 10c, 15c, 25c. See our window. RINSO SOAP POWDER Large size. 18c Meads Pablum 50c Size Fresh Stock Hygia Nipples One or Three-Holle All Colors for Qg GREETING CARDS For Birthdays, Anniversary, Sympathy, Convalescence, Showers, etc. PLAYING CARDS Bridge size, 39c value for 23c BOOK MATCHES 50 books to the carton. 9c ST. REGIS WATCH 98c 60c Mar-o-Oil Shampoo..... 65c Pond's Face Creams 50c Mavis Talcum.... 50c Ipana Tooth Paste ... 25c Lovalon Hair Rinse 60c Drene Shampoo.... 25c Coventry Perfume Wildroot Wave Set... 55c Lady Esther Face Powder $1.00 Pacquins Hand Cream.... 50c Santiseptic Lotion 36c .35c 39c .39c .19c .49c .10c .10c .39c .79c .45c Dependable ALARM CLOCKS 98c 3TQIS)S5 Union Leader Tobacco 10c Size . $ or o)(g Sunfreze All Flavors Pint carton Kotex 12s regular, super or jr. 2 for 39c 20c Kl eenex I EASTER BUNNIES Plash or dressed, nice ass't. 49c and 90c See Onr Display Sandwiches Plain or toasted Corn Beef, Cheese, Tuna Fish, Deviled Egg, Minced Chicken AT OUR FOUNTAIN SALADS Freshly made. Potato, Shrimp, Combination, Fruit, Tuna 10c 10c SOUPS Tomato, Vegetable, Bean & Bacon Clam Chowder, Chili Beef Noodle 10c EASTER GREETING CARDS 2 for 5c 5c up to. 25e each. - new, stock Let Us jJjfoj I I- n I $1.35 Value, New Buy F rf Italian Palm Dispenser and Balm Both for tsPSP? Molle Shaving Cream SQ Dextri - Maltose NumL 85cof e , i "iir las ag Magnifying I MIRROR Large size. 29c 2 500 sheet, 1Q all colors ... ftUC 2 for 55c 5 hool Co m i ng Statesman Cooking Salem Armory April 27, 28, 29 MISS MAXINE BUREN ; - , - . .. - Statesman Home Economics Editor in Charge ? Mark Your Calendar Now So That You Will Be Able to Attend All Three Days of This School , j Bigger and Better Than Ever u