The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1938, Page 6, Image 6

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    Society Glubs
St. Anne's Guild
Entertained At
Humphrey Home
The "Fairmount hill home of
Mrs.r James Humphrey was the
scene of ' an Informal affair yes
terday afternoon when members
of St. Anne's guild gathered for
a business meeting and tea. Spring
flowers were used as the decora
tire note.'' ... .;, .
- -Assisting Mrs. Humphrey were
Mrs. Robert Herrall, Mrs. Ted
Paulas and Mrs. Rex Adolph. '
Those present were Mrs. Ray
.mond Bonesteele, -, Mrs. Harry
Wolfe, Mrs. JoBeph Darby, Mrs.
Homer H. "Smith, jr.. Mrs. Robert
Herrall, Mrs. Theron HooTer, Mrs.
William H. Hammond, Mrs. Ivar
Hanson, Mrs. W. -&Wells Baum,
Mrs. Charles G. Robertson. Mrs.
Breyman Boise, Mrs. ""Vernon
Perry, Mrs. Clayton Foreman,
Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs. Walter
Socoloisay, Mrs. Harold Olfnger,
-Mrs. Richard Allen, Mrs. Donald
J, Young, Mrs. George Weller,
Mrs. James R., Humphrey. Mrs.
Sydney Kromer,1 Mrs. HA. Sim
monds, Mrs. Ted Paulus, Mrs. 1.
' I. Kellegg, Mrs. Allan. Carson,
VT r . Farmpr M r Jnnn J Elliott-
, r. 7;"" J ' V..
Peters. Mrs. Charles Wood, Mrs.
r. a t.u tlc. , n. -
G. Edward Blssell, Mrs. - George
Hoffman, Mrs. Chester Zumwalt.
Mrs. Donald McCargar, Mrs. W.
F, Byers, Mrs. Henry Mason and
Mrs. Homer L. GouleL. -
Croziers Entertain .
For Mrs. Johns
Mr. and ,- Mrs. FransT Crosier
ntprt.Ttf1 . a rronn . of their
friends on the occasion of Mrs.
Stewart Johns' birthday. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Ideen,
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hansen, Mr.
and Mrs. Carol Conrtnier, Mr.
and Mrs. John Boening, Mr. and
Mrs. James Hartley, Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Shields, Mr. and Mrs. Stew
art Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Robinette, Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Mehlholff. B. Snyder, Miss Carol
Snyder. Mr. and 'Mrs. -Vera us-
trander, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman
Miller. Mr. ana Mrs. wunam
Reld,- Mr.4 and Mrs. Earnest
Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tharal- 1
, George Peochle, Mr. McGee. .
. Ouidwick assembly. Order; of
Rainbow for Girls.-will meet lo-
r,t at th Mt tmr,i Sne-
cial guests will be members of
the Woodhnm aaa-mhlv who will
Mn wh h.m th rnwihrnv."'
nring witn tnem xne traveling gav-
el. Miss Anna Mae. Grabenhorst
wIU preside at the meeting and a -
program and refreshments win
A really exciting frock this
refreshing Anne Adams . model,
for It's not only Just what you'll
: be needing; for spring and sum
mer afternoon, wear, but you'll
' find it. easy .as-A B C to make at
, home! You'll look your very best
ln the dainty V-neckllne that's ac
. , cented by & feminine bow,- at
tractive v yokes, and demure
t puffed, or flared sleeves.: What's
1 more, you've ... a graceful flared
; skirt that adds the final touch of
;.harmvto this delightful frock.
; Can't you Just picture pattern
47 JS stitched up In a soft triple
sheer, inexpensive flowered syn-
thetic, or for . warmer afternoons
i In shadowy chiffon?
; Pattern 4735 la available in
misses and women's sizes 14, 1(,
18,. 20, 32, J4, 36, 38, 40 and
V 4 2. Size 1 6 takes 4 H yards 39
: Inch fabric Illustrated step-by--
step sewing instructions included. .
sn4 .trrxrjai exsrs (ise ia ,
(oiaa ax ataaip (eoia prfrr) for
thi Aaap Adana - pattern. Writ;
plainly tirg, NAME, ADDBISS and
SXTXS aUilSEH.' - - '-
What flothaa art- amartant fa.
Sprt"?t Th new ANNE ADAJCS
Order - tuc ,.ccpT . and. Ual.
practical insgeationa (or yoar '.ward-..
robel Oainty afternoon frocks, trim
oita. and snblnl ' Flattery for taa '
llairon . , . Aa allorinf trouiacaa for
the trida ..... Graduation armet for .
tha Junior! Kiddia aotfita, too. All
from af-to-ni -pttmt PRICE Or'
- Sb4 yonr order to Statcaaiaav Pat' -tors
DepartBMat. Salaia. Or. . ..
William Utley, wbo will appear
to recital at Waller ball to-'
morrow ! night.
William Utley to
Sing Recital
Waller Hall '
William ! Utley will present his
. - .
JMwr retitai m waller hail on
- vr iM k
8 0 clock. He will be accompanied
by Miss Belle Brown in the fol
lowing program to which the pub-
lie is invited:
Adelaide .BeethoTea
htkm' 4ein wnj' Jtnien
S Wer dia Sahn.neht Kennt
. . ' . TicBikowokr
Ciei e Mr j (La Ciocoada)
ii '. .
n vj t n; Bi.,,.,11
Hoapi 01 araby
he Pf d'Aimea 4a Koi Jan
.Saint Saen.
Dance Eipagael.
Shorlnia' Bread.
Two piano Bell Brown and Clayton
Wheeler ' I -
j J
Bam Vp th Channel
The Heart Bonr .
" ""Fr-t-
"fr -it"i'
VJ W Members tnjOy
r-i D-., "
rL - r.--
er f "8n ars
auxiliary, held the third to a
erie of card parties Friday at the
f1 m nnie
!?ores wen 1 Mrs. Cil Nadon,
"--: wU Case, ; Russell Mudd
W lv : r
' '
Those jlaylng were . Mr. and
Mra- Le ster Jones, Mrs. W. R;
Howard. Mr. and Mrs.
Hdd PeHlr Heckman, Irg. Woolpert Hostess
Mrs. Cyril Nad on. Mrs. G. Clark. . ... r--K-Mr.
and Mrs. S.-G. Hinkle, J. L. To Auxiliary I
Locke, Mrs. Ef f ie Wetsel, Mrs. .
Dorsey Reeves. Mrs. E. J. Kirch-
off. . Miss Mary Carroll, C. R.7
James, Mr.- and Mrs. Russell
uaa, aim. oyma jveuy r ur-
.lough. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hend-
rick, Mr and Mrs. Covil Case,
Mr. andJIrs. Harold Perkins, Mn
and Mrs. C. R. Castle. Mr.-and
Mrs. Onas S. Olson. Mr. and Mrs.
Ward Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Wolke, Mr. -,and Mrs. Charles
ium. iwuiu xiumpurey,
Evelyn: Castle and Mrs.
Frank Nieswander.
...... . : -
Tillicum Club Dance - v
Event, of Tonight
A gala affair on tonight's cal-
'endar Is the Tillicum" club "dance
af Castillian hall! The spring
motif will be used in the decora-
tions.with baskets and bouquets
of varied "colored 'flowers ar-
ranged about the hall. Barney .
Cropp's .orchestra will play for!
-daneing.-Mr. - and' Mrs. - Ea r I
Fisher jind Mr. and Mrs. Arthur'
Knox- are- making arrangements'
for the dance. -
.-Several informal affairs will
- precede the dance. Dr. and Mrs.
Frank Prlmt and Mr. and Mrs.
L.V.Benson have invited a nnm-
' tll.U M.. J. I- "
fnmiBi o,.. . ,. tj -
on State street before the dance.
. - r-
-. 'fen.. TI T.. .
their auxiliary will meet tonight Vernon. Mrs. Herbert Bailey,
at the home ot Mr.i and Mrs. Mrs. Stanley Krueger, Mrs. Her
E. P. Perrine at 775 North Cot- man Hille, Mrs. Ralph Kletzing
tage street for a no-host dinner Qd Mrs. Stewart,
anil aulol a.nln TV .11.... ... - , . ' -'
begins at :30 o'clock.
-. Tnesday, March 22
Social afternoon club of OES
meet at Masonic Temple, 3
p.m. :
' Berean WWQ covered . dish
supper, C:30 p.m. with Joy
Grieg, Sylvia Mattscn hostess.
Fidac study group, with Mrs.
Walter Spaulding, 172 C Court
street, 3 p.m.
' DAV auxiliary card party
with Mrs. Leon Hansen, 1(0
Miller street.
-:' fr;::,J-. j,:
Wednesday, March 23
Women's Union First Con
gregational church, 13:30,
covered dish lunch.
' Thursday, March 24
General Aid. First Methodist
church, Carrier room 2:15 p.m.
Presbyterian Aid society, at
the church 2:30. Election of
officers. . . .....
ThnrsdayMarch 24,
Evangelical and : Reformed '
church Ladles' Aid, Mrs. A..
Barth hostess at 9 SB Gaines,
2 o'clock. .. .. - i ... . -'
. Town and Gown club. 2:30
' at Lausanne hall.
" Brush College Helpevs, with
Mrs, Earl Beckett, 24 25 Hazel
VFW card party. Cherry
City recreation room 7:30 p.m.
AAUW advanced bridge class
. with Mrs. A. G. Nowles. - 555
Rose street. 7:30 p.m. Reser
vations 3528.- -i
Merry Minglers with Mrs.
Fred Scharf, route 7, 2 p.m.
Friday, March 25
Carnation club, with Mrs. w
L. Rockhlll. 2405 Center street,
no-host lunch at 12 o'clock.
: and -
Mrs. Walton Fetes
Alumnae Group
Monday Night
AJamnae . members of Alpha
- Chi Omega were entertained last
sight at the home of Mrs. James
Walton. Miss Marjorie - Marcus
was the assisting hostess.
A desaert supper was served by
.the hostesses and guests were seat-
ed at: small' tables.7 A business
meeting was held followed by an
Informal evening and cards.
Those bidden were Mrs.. Burfon
Myers Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Mrs.
Paul' Bale, Mrs. Howard Barlow,
Mrs.. G F. Chambers, Mrs. Wil
liam Cole, Mrs. Monroe Gilbert,
Mrs. Vernon Gilmore, Mrs. Gard
ner Knapp, Mrs. Theodore Mad
sen, Mrs. John Minto, Mrs. George
Moore, Mrs.-Carl Pope, Mrs. Ho
mer Richardson, Mrs. - Robert
ShinnMrs. ClaudSteusloff. Mrs.
w&mea iuuug, jars, narrj iitu
frew, Mrs. Gordon Hadley, Mrs.
Harry Buckley, Mrs. B. K Gray
bill, Mrs. Keith Maguire, Miss
Dorothea Steusloff, Miss Mary
Jane Adams and Miss Claudine
Gueffroy. -5 s . .
Escalera -Girls Give
Sunday Tea j
' Members of the Escalera club
of the VWCA entertained with an
informal tea at the YW Sunday
afternoon in honor of young bus-
Iness girls. Receiving the guests
were Miss Dorotny Jennett ana
Miss "Margaret Dunnigan. The
.uso .Wu. ,-c.DHIO
bouquets of spring, flowers.
Club members assisted inform--PonehieJii
ally about the rooms and presid
ing at the urns were Mrs. H. G,
Maison and Mrs. Floyd Miller. Mu-
sical numbers were played by Hel-
en and AHre-Knrth and Eileen and
Maxin GoodenougB.
Hostesses were Miss Stella Boc-
Miss Frances Kyle, Miss.
Mary Cashin, MISS Marian WJ-
man. Miss Dorothy Rulifson, Miss
Margaret Dunnigan, ' Miss Doris
Dean, Miss Dorothy Jennett, Miss
Helen Bocker - and v Mrs. - Helen
Goodenough. . J iz.'2':s..:
Guests were Miss Mildred Thor
klldson, .Miss Lucille Dunnigan,
Miss Verda Sjovangen, Miss Vir
ginia Storek, Miss Caroline Stroh-
maier, Miss Helen Strohmaier.
Ut..t.. Ml.. BnH.
vurriX ui w m
gfW" Miss Gladys Milhr. Miss .
Helen MHler. Miss M a yb ell e
Min ifnl1!' -
Floyd Miller Miss Norma Foster,
Mrs. h. u. juaison, miss Alice ana
Miu nin Wnrti mi Tavin
:Trt" vt. "r, nAy,
?" la voooenougn anu
-argarei pscnies.
Mrs. Tyner Woolpert was host-
ess . to Hal Hibbard auxiliary of
United Spanish" War Veterans on
r naay. mnnaays were ceieuraieu,
among them that of Mrs. Helen
Southwick, a charter member of
the organization.
Present- were,. Mrs. Sherman
Nelson Mrs. J. H. Arnold. Mrs.
J. J. Chagniot, Mrs. Clyde Mc-
Clung, -Mrs Charles M. Green
jars. m. vv. uuier, mra. x itu
Thompson, Mrs, Kathryn Stryker,
juuiu iiumiiuicj, mio.
Southwick, Mrs. E. M: Bumgard-
ner. Mrs. Lela Kuhn, Mrs. Flor-
ence Buckles, Mrs. B. W. Walcher.
Mrs. Arthur Welch. Visitors were
Mrs. F. H. Wilson and Mrs. Joanne
Swallow. The hostess was assist-
ed by Mrs. Mary Moynihan,, Mrs.,
Dick Churchill, Mrs. C. T. Har-
Tlngton and Mrs. Margaret Wieser.
tj - p f Tnrlav at
""70? ran7 oaay ai
Stewart-Hdme '
. '
Mrs. L. J. Roy Stewart will
preside' at an informal affair" to-a
day . at her Market street home
in compliment to a group of her
friends. A dessert luncheon will
be served, followed by several
-hours of cards. Daffodils and
-iiuurs 01 cvraa. uauuuus mu
niAV .nfTn rr VIAnmB wfll Ka null
i th. ..ntnn. -
. Covers will be placed for Mrs.
Ralph Bailey,-Mrs. Richard Carl-
mnr, Im TV Dnln.m Ht Va.l
Methodist Women Will
Meet Wednesday ' v
. . Itj v -
r..v.ji. v .
iucmuuiiL tuuim win meet u-
.us i r, rorri
o-iv .V ' t r -
ele acUng as hostesses. Mrs. Helen
Southwick. who is 80 years old,
aovorai ftthpra whn ar tn h xo.
and all members whose birthdays
r.n in uraroh win w hnnorri
Mr. Walter Snanldin ia in
charge of decorating the tea U4
Mm- n tw vrri. a Ta- .nri
a un.no4wiii m
Gordon McGIlchrist will sine sev-
eral numbers.
Tbe Tawanka group of Canip
. fire girls - met : Thursday at 'the
home ot Genevieve-Wlnslow. -
Members ' present were Myra
nrntvJ. t tr.-fv 'i r
IV llMiU9r ValV alllbVVl UCUC"
TvieveWinslow, Margaret South
wick. Barbara i Blrtchet, Patsy
Ryer, Vivian Webb,' and the
guardian, Miss Genevera Selander.
. -.v:if --
Mr. - and Mrs. Robert Baldock
J(Elizabeth Vaughn) of Corvallls
'were; weekend guests in the capi
tal. - ,v'-:- i
Doal Wt lova and ronsanea paaa yon by. Men
liha girla with lota ai poa aatt iiwiu.
8o atart taktar time-pro ren Xydia T.
Pinkham'a Vajrtablo Coapotia4 and aota
to diffareaea. Fink ham's Compound, mad
pencil of wmn iroa vhotcaom acrba
aad roof. Mips Natnra tea op your ayatana
a ad taoa calma Irritabia acrraa and gitraa you
Bora pep to naily anjoy lija.
For twr 60 ycais ona womaa baa told aa
othar how to to "arailinc thru" diatroaa frora
fi fawtrioJ disorders with f iakhai'a
Compooad. liM it help YOU1
of Blterfest to .Worn
?. (?,
Style - Smilei
- rr
-., , , 1 1 11 . . ;
- - 11 ij 1. 11 r ? - mmc. i -.: -..i:-- ?y
'She and her husband are dreadfully frugal. They never spend more
than he
Sounds drab to our hostess, who is
i . .
ceiTcs guesis in a oiaca crepe negligee on wmcn tulips glow iiae arc
lights at widely spaced Intervals. Sleeves droop a heavy chartreuse
cord from the shirred kimona shoulder line. A snappy little suit on
her visitor. Navy French worsted
detract attention from curved pockets and curved seaming at waist
line. Copyright, 1938, Esquire Features, Inc. '
lii die Valley
WOODBURN A quiet wed-
ding took -place at Vancouver
March 17 when Frances J. Bell,
danrhtAr nf Mr. and Mrs. 3. W
K.n f Jt. An i Warn I the
. . . . "I" - - - "... .
a 01 Haroia K .
daughter OI Mr. ,nd Mrs. Lester
R..Gmert of Woodburn. The
W6ddlDJ was performed at the
parsonage of the English Luther-
an . church with Rev. Kuniman
.i..t ... j . r.
""'"""R- "cuu""t
and Mr8. George Erlcksen or
Brooks. Mrs. Walter Irwin and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferris enter-
tained informally at luncheon
yesterday noon at their apart-
ment at the Fisher. Guests were
Mrs. Sicney Stevens, Mr.
a ii. m o..iti.
and Mrs MarrEL- Fortier ' -Mr
and Mrs. Geddes have been the
Mr f tiiir
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ste-
vens. Mr. Geddes -returned north
,B! Mr- o-drlea1 will
remain for several weeks.
.... Mrs.' Walter T. Jenks has in-
.TJted a rronn of friends to her
North Summer 1 street home this
aiiernoon ror an miormai tea in.
compliment to Mrs. Paul ,Fol-
Hard - of California, who Is en
route to Cleveland, Ohio, to make
her . home. Mrs. Ralph Porter
stuller (Edith May Jenks) of
Portland Twill come down for the
affair. Mrs. i FoUiard and Mrs.
stuller are old school friends.
v ::; - ' ' " '
The FL clnS is . sponsoring a
benefit card party tonight at the
' Oddfellows hall to raise funds
for the Salem Oddfellows float
- at the Tose festival In Portland.
Contract, . auction, five-hundred
and." pinochle will be In play dur-
ing the evening. Reservations
are being made at 8958 or 5277.
The announcement of the en-
gagement of Miss Esther McDUff
&&tiiti. i iuu, jjovuci mtiyuii
flf Flllff-pnA Snit .Tfl(V Rpftflpld fntN.
mpriv of saiem. waa maria in v.n.
gene on Saturday night. Salem
folk attending the party given In
Ul 11 O Till tt'm liminp wan, tH
Dunn, John Dunn and Bud Mor
iarty. '
Salem members of the Disabled
American Veterans end auxiliary
who drove to Portland to hear
the state commander. Dr. Roy
Reynolds, were Mrs, Vern Os
trander. Mm. P Arm an TjifVv
Mra. ntta shieM. .nrf IA - ,mt
Mrs. Paul Thaniann.
Misa Chm r.iiWv f.. petnrned
Oregon SUte college to resume
her studies after spending the
spring vacation as the guest of
hr Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Gilkey. ;
. All mothers of Grant school pn-
pils are Invited to the Grant study
club to be given at he home of"
Mrs. Lief Bergsvik. 1090 North
n .11. . . i m . a m t j .
vui.Lage aireei ai x: o ciock to-
day.'. -
. a .1
Mr. and Mr. Rdward Frantx
have returned to their home In
st h1mi foiinwin.-. a r,r,i
riavV at., i tlh- .Vi .71
tendlnr the tonmampnt ramea.
, w ; w
: '
Mr nd Ir. Lewis Griffith and
the,r ehlldren spent the weekend
'a Eugene as the guests of Dr. and
Mrs. John' Griffith. -? . . ! i
Doa't Neglect -.
Your Quid's. Cold
Don't let chest colds or eroupr
coughs go untreated. Rub Children s
Musteroie on child's throat and chest
at once. This milder form of regular
Musteroie .penetrates, warms, and
stimulates local circulation. Floods
the bronchial tubes with its soothing;
relieving vapors. Musteroie brings re
lief naturally because it's a "count er
irrf tafrf NOT just a salve. Recom
mended by many doctors and nurses.
Three strengths: Refular, Children's
(mild), and Extra Strong.' .
Women's Editor-
t ? t
- - - futck
anything but drab herself. She re-
1 1 . ... . . ...
with a ridged weave, No collar to
Social Realm
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert! were also
present. They will reside at 449
Hardcastle avenue, i
. ji .- . . .v. mi
v-i v . " V o " .J 7 v ! 1.
"UUU 111 UUJlur Ul
the newly married couple, the
23rd wedding anniversary of the
Gilberts and alao the hlrthdav
. anniTersarle9 ot Dottt Mr. and
Mrg. GIlbert.
E. Irwin, .Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell
- .
Mr. and Mrs. A J. Davis, all
and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davis, all
of Portland, Mr. end Mrs. George
Erlcksen and daughter Evelyn of
Brooks, Mrs. Speckater and W.
E. Gilbert. of Albany, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Relllng, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Rolling. Mr. and Mrs
Harold. R. Gilbert and Mr. ana
-a a- - w- i a. .a
JF.VPlT.BSSnM ThA tinm nf
Mr. w j t.t wa th n
of a pleasant gathering Thursday
afternoon -when neighbors and
trUnAm m.f A hnnnr Mm Warrv
Oldenburg, who recently moved
lnto tbe Green8 Bridge district.
The afternoon was spent lnform-
ail r r.n. r,A nnn.
n.a Oldenburg won prizes In con-
T " ,,
SnrttnaiS r
"!htt,r0,1"l Ma.5S!rt Z"
. ,7. .' r
Paul Smith,. Mrs. Hugh Billyeu,
Mrs. D. M. Glllenwater, Mrs. Eva
lyn Wall, Mrs. Ruth Davis and
the hostess, Mrs. Looney.
- . ,
WOODBURN The "birthday
anniversary of Mrs. ' Lester R.
Gilbert was celebrated with a
dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Relllng Saturday
night. Three tables of cards were
ln - play after the dinner with
prizes for high score going to
Earl Gib bens and Mrs. W. E. Ir
win. Norman Reiling and Mrs.
Frank Proctor won low score
-i . ,
Present were Mr; and Mrs. Les-
KG"ber. Mr; .ad- Ml?T'rt.?aJ
Giboena.- Mr.-. ud.Mra. Norman
Rellmg, Mf. an3 MH. t
iivwwi Ail vii. vvwuuuju ftuu in...
and Mrs. W. E. Irwin, of Port-
lend. .
PIONEER Mrs. Burt Curtiss
was honored with a stork shower
Friday night at the Dallas Chris
tian church. Sponsoring the show
ev were Mrs. Hulda Smith, Mrs.
Clyde Gibbs, Mrs. Frank Dorn-
hecker, Mrs. Grover - McDonald.
tit rN...k.. tti-..
Mrs. - W. Effengerber, Mrs. Elmer
Ray, Mrs. Vergil McPherson and
Mr- Robblns. An appropriate
Dr0JfJ.,n l
1 The gift table was decorated
with . a large howl with a , water
lily and frog and a storkr atand-
ing near the water among datfo-
- i
AMITY The members of the
; East Side Sewlng club were en-
wiwui um ovij Bnc.uwua.fc
a . 1 a 1M mi, ' r.. hn.aa mm m rt awm a m . m m
the home of Mrs.- Theodore C
. Rich ter, west of town. Sixteen
members were present, v Guests
prt were Mrs. RIchter's motlw
er. Mrs. meone i ttoDinson ana
Mrs. Nettie Waldo of McMlnn
. Tille, , M- MUdred Stephens Of
Dayton, Mrs. - Frank Thomas of
Salem and Mrs. - Will Richter ef
Amity. ... ' '.. - !!-.; i
. Demonstation!
Mrs: Mary B. .
-Wells ; .;;
will be at i Miller's
all this week intro
ducing the - famous
Rubon jKIops
and Polish
and how to simplify
jl Jl Jl f
Europeans Know.
About Sauces,
; The French are good cooks.
known tor their earef nl season
ing, flavorful sauces and excel
lent desserts. Here is one of the
latter," very French and j very
good. " ' ' " "
If, a rice pudding that ha. a
caramel sauce on the bottom, i teaspoon (.Worcestershire sance, The season Is ne of wild col
whlch . appears when the dessert spread with 2 tablespoons catsup, or, skirts contrast Instead of
la removed from the mold. It's
a nice dessert to serve company. Jen VwJ J Zj: Zktt art 8tU1 aooer eolor; eery tm
yet inexpensive enough ioP in! -h-ta .25w! !5bie :,lable-
elude frequenUy on family
menus. ; . ' . '
Pnpvm Ttrrv r-Kv
x ST - o .
M . M
. voos; h cup rice m z cups
each milk and water, ir a dou-
ble boiler for an hour. Add L
cup sugar cook for 10 minutes
lonrer and Z f I
n f
iA .f S i :;,,n-a?0-Ta!":
la and the: stiffly beaten eec
whltes Carmeliee 1 run mm
Jour "into rTSot old tfo un to
vvur . iuw a noi moia, up up to
poat tne mo H , wll - and nnnr In
f? "..m. i-TL." "ii 5 ln
we yutuuig, oitrdiu iur x nour.
Cool in -the mold, then Invert
and garnish with whipped cream
run through a pastry tube.
"The Russians have several ver
sions of an Easter dish that uses
cottage cheese. Here Is the rec
ipe for:
4 cup cottage cheese
enp sour cream
cup butter
eup sugar
1 ..cup chopped almonds
cup candled orange peel
" cup raisins, chopped .
Force cheese through a fine
sieve or a ricer, add butter and
mix well. Add remaining ingre-
dients and mix to blend. Line a
mold with cheesecloth, fill wfth
the mixture, cover" with cheese-
cloth and put a weight on top.
Put in the refrigerator for 12
hours, nnmold and serve with
One company pats out a new
unlt for the kitchen that includes with tiny, cheese dumplings that Qtes until done.
a bin end -several drawers for have been cooked right in it. t "'-
vegeUbles and other foods that x large platter of well chilled Mate Berries -Go Lonff
do not belong In the refrigerator. poUto ZaaA,, garnished with to- LuaK5 Demcs -"Pg
Jellies, pickles and salad oil mato wedges and stuffed eggs will Tay in Desserts
should be cold but not froien and make a handsome centerpiece for At' least strawberries can be a
such a unit takes care of them. tne uble. Endive, water cress or sarnjgn for -company desserts
; finely chopped spinach mixed with theM , ear, .prlng dayg eB
Salm TTiVlita Cardan lettuce wUl make the green. Dili f ,t must still be imported'ahd
Salem Heights harden, plcklea sWe j wl9nt navor to prIce8 mt9 Tet hJglu MaBhed rtraw.
Sewing Clubs "Will . Meet the salad. . berries will top e cream, custard
"- ... desserts or gelatine mixtures. x
An attractive dish begins with . STRAWBERRY DELIGHT
SALEM HEIGHTS The Little a border of steamed spinach ln Mash the contents of a box of
Garden club will meet at the a baking dish and continues with strawbefties, fOld'Jn IS marshmal-
home of Mrs. Frank Miller Thurs- a pile of corn ln the center A lows that hare been halved, mix
day. strip or two of plmlento wlll and stand overnight or for several
The Social Sewing division will complete the! dish which Is to be hours, then fold in pint whip
meet Wednesday, March 23, at baked only A until heated well ped cream Just before serving,
the home of Mrs. John Croison. through. " ..
-Tii plan
mar solve
Aaaatl Knt After
lam SYeara SthYaar
2$ $UM $91-10
- 21 8.70 83.40
23 47.90 9SM
23 40.05 -98.10
24 M.C5 100-50
25 slO 103.00
24 ttM 105.10
27 W .95 107 M
28 55AI 111.10
29 SIM 1U.40
39 585 117.70
11 00.75 UIM-
12 62.75 ItSJO
33 640. 1.00.
34 67.05 134.10
35 69.40 ' 1S8.80
.34 11M 14SJ0
-37 743 14S.10
38 77A5 154.79
t 80.35 160.70
. '. - a-
4 49 83J0 167.00 v
41' - 86.95 1730
.42 .90.45 180.90
43 94.35- v 188.70
44 9S.S5 , 199.70
45 109,65 905 JO
44. 107J5 914-50
47 111,05 ' 94.10
48 117J15 tMO
49. UIJ5 945JO
59 : VOM ' 957.90 .
AIm isaawNf . ' - .
v mtmoSl U60
3nauirattrp-CLlfliittimttr nf Amennt
Today's Menu
. ocitv cuuou BLca. njiu m j
name today with this menu:
, Jellied cranberry salad
- Viennese steal: ;
' " ; (cubed) - '
' " . Hashed brown potatoes
Buttered beets ;
Lemon chiffon pudding
r? : S3
r fl 1 : L a. A - - 111. 'ti.
lT on slices -ot bacon ana cook
A J A HaJM A V k Ham YJ4m
tog- i -
TpIIipiI Plums Have
m . tri;,-.,
arl riavor
Those little' cans of greengage
Plnms that appear on most market
sauce. They make excellent des-
ey Kaw ei .u-
serts . because or tne aisuncuT
d ratner langr naTor-Here !"
JBiiieu ueueri iua k "
i ii. tfn
1 package lime gelatine
1 cup fot water
1 cup Juiee from P"""---
1 cup canned greengage plums
Dissolve gelatine in hot water.
Add plum Juice and chill. Whn
slightly thickened, fold In plums.,
Turn into individual molds, chill
until firm and serve plain or with
whipped cream. Serves . .
; '
Mis Marnn Kavaire la snend-
ing the spring vacation in Salem
from her studies at the Univer
sity ot Washington.
goup gaJ Make
, r
Luncheon Menu
' . .
A , good big bowl of soup, a
salad and "a slice of angel cake
with orange sauce will make a
luncheon menu for the family or
for a bridge party at noon. Serve
aonn that's extra nice because
if. your own mixing, and top
PROBJLE3I: You need more life
insurance than you feel you can ;
afford at present. But you have rea-
son to expect larger income . or less
expense in a few years.
SOLUTION: Our lifetime policy
; with premiums first five years only
half the rate thereafter.
This plan ivill help you
: to start right now
. " . - j . . . .. '- - -'--t i
Consult agent,hone local office or write
Nome Office,
Styles.. Food
Individuality Is;
Costume Detail
v It's no longer a matter of what
the .town's "smartest dress shop
says is the high color of the sea
son, or even what cousin Ethel
wears for costume Jewelry,' the
. Important thins is io express in
dlvidualltv in color combinatlona
- - -
CB W ccentIn
match with blouses and jackets
. ' -
nyimng goes. r
There Just lsnt any "the"' col-
or this spring. Here, for Instance.
is . one smart combination; gray
suit with a plain blouse of dull
rose, navy felt hat trimmed with
a swirl of rose. naw calf, shoes.
bag to match.: and gloves of a
deeper gray than the suit,
Originality shows in the i
orative accessories In cost
J"", "". veBw-
tabMs and flowr are Prt c
orations- even Indians Tanl Ra-
- - - -
vere and Fulton's steamboat have
appearea in some eastern snops.
birds made of feathers.
doga. ben8, M and miniature
musical instruments arc some of
exQUc decorations for Upel
of throat or baU
. . - w,..
L.OOKies r ITlltea Wlta
.Applesauce will be used In this
fruity cookie that makes en In-
pae8,Te "weet for beefen
-up shortening
1 cup sugar
1 cup applesauce
1 teaspoon soda
Va teaspoon nutmeg, ninna
rmon, cloves and salt " ',
2 cups flour
1 cup raisins
1 cup raisins
1 eup nuts a,
2 eggs -' :
Drop by spoonfuls -on a greased
nan and bake 'for about 15 mln-
to the Ccmpatry -: