j-1 'j. -v ; " Thi OHEGON STATESMAN,' Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning March 20, 1933 PAGE NINE t - Elsinore Film Has Six Stars At End of Trail "Gold Is Where Yon Find It" Also Remarkable , for Technicolor Most' pictures which come to the local theatres boas' tiro or maybe three stars at the head of their casts.' but today's fea ture at the Elsinore is "Gold Is Where You Find It" which has . cone over board with a"" - roster which Includes six outstanding players. - ; x - - -. A Warner Br os.-Cosmopolitaa production in lifelike Technicol or. "Gold Is Where You Find It" co-stars Olivia de Havliland and George - Brent In the ro mantic leads. As It this were cot enough, they are supported by such outstanding actors Claude Rains, John Lltel. Mar-i earet Lindsay. Barton MacLane. Tim Holt (son of Jack Holt) and Marcla Ralston. . . - v Adapted from Best -Seller A : .The story is an adaptation from Clement Ripley's best sell ing' norel by the same same which ran serially In. Cosmopoli tan magazine. .An outdoor drama of gold in. California, It tells of the famous feud between the hydraulic miners and wheat ranchers which threatened to change- the course of the state's history. Said hr reviewers to be one of the most beautiful and real istic Technicolor v pictures ever " produced. Its ' scope" required ' a cast of unusual talent. Claude . Rains, of "They . Won't Forget' fame, plays, the part of the lead ing rancher and father of OlhriaT George Brent 'is a mining en gineer "who in a large measure is responsible for ending the war between ranchers and min ers. ''- - ' - joe E. Brown Star at Grand Brown's Funniest Picture i Cavern-Moulted Comedian I Really Fanny Cast ixt . Soda Jerker Role - Olivia De HaTilland and George Brent who co-star la the technicolor production "Gold Is Where Yon Find It," which opens today at the Elsinore theatre. ' .. Capitol Offering Mystery Thriller 'Midnight intruder9 Filmed " From Action Story of - Channing Pollock "Midnight Intruder," a Uni versal thriller with mystery- laden plot, mores to, the Capitol theatre today. This picture, which was film ed. from an original stoi by the famous author Channing pollock and adapted for the screen by Lester Cole, Is cheeTfoBy calcu lated . to -.keep the audience7 In rapt suspense one minute, and make them rock with laughter the next. Adventurer Finds Action It is all about the adventures encountered by one Barry-. Gil- ?ert, an adventurer with gen tleman's manners, when he roses as the son of John Reitter. a wealthy publisher. The excite ment begins -when he meets the wife of the man he. is Unperson- atlng; the mystery Is supplied when he becomes a sleuth and sets out to solve a warder. Handsome Louis Hayward por trava the role of Barry Gilbert, with Barbara Read as his lead ing lady. Sheila Bromley. Erie Linden and J. C Nugent also feature prominently la ihU pic ture which was produced fey Trent Carr and directed by "Arthur Lubia. ,, I ;.: Louis Hayward and Barbara Reed font the romantic soles la "Mid; Bite Intruder," the featured picture today at the Capitol theatre. The Call a 'ELSINORE . Today Double bill, George Brent and OllTia DeHavil- - land in "Gold Is Where You Find If and Frank ' Morgan and Robert Toons la "Paradise for SV Thursday -Doable, hill. Boh Burns In -Radio City Rer- els and "Prison Nurse" with Henry Wilcoxon, ' CAPITOL . Today Double bill, wMid- night Intruder-, with LouU Hayward and Bon . Baker la "Border Wolves. : Tuesday Double hill, Pat . O'Brien and Wayne Morris In "Submarine D-V ant Kay' Francis la "First Ladr.- . Thtrsday Doable bilUHe Caolajft - Say No" with , Frank McHugfc and The ' Three aaesuuiteers in "uau the Meseeiteers.- : . -.- STATE Today On the stage, "The Bubbling . Over Revu- with Art Reynolds and his . . swing hand and ' screen, ; Anna Neagle and 'Arthur -Tracy la "Back Stage. Wednesday Fredrkk March and Carole Lombard in . Nothing Sacred." Friday Stage, tour acts : eastern circuit vaudeville . and screen, Dick Merrill and Paula stone la. "At lantic Flight? HOLLYWOOD ' Today Bob Burns aad afar- tha " Raye in , "Mountain . Music" with John Howard and Terry Walker. Wednesday Double bill. . "Paid to Dance with Don - Terry and JaeaueUaef Wells - un...M1 far fHm tou vuuov, . - with Otto Kruger, Douglas Montgomery. 4 i Friday Double bllL "Danger Patrol" with Sally Eflers and John Seal and "Out laws of the PraIrieVwtta Charles Starrett. ' GRAND " , Today Joe E. Brown' In 1 "Wide Open Faces." ' Wednesday Shirley Temple .la "Rebecca ef Sunnyhrook :' Farm." ' t v. : - . i , ' ' There aren't many, people as funny ; as Joe JS. Brown caa be when ho ; puta.4.hls mind ' to It. And ho really concentrates in his latest, picture, Columbia's "Wide open Faees." wnica started its local run at. the Grand theatre yesterday. ; ; ,'tV . As a : soda ' Jerker, Joe Is a scream. As an . amateur detec tive, he's Just too . good to be true. At the beginning of the picture, Joe Is , the "Maltre D'Sauirt' (soda : dispenser, -to you) at the Willow SpringsDrug Store. A notorious gangster in the person of Stanley Fields alights from a bus one day and asks Joe to drive him out to a deserted inn. Joo Is Just about to do so when G-ien grab Fields. The story of Fields attempt to get to the old hotel breaks In all "the newspapers of the na tion, and soon gangsters hoping to discover the loot they are pos itive Fields hid in the inn, des cend, on the small town from every section of the- country. Joe, thinking they're Just transients, directs them to the hotel, which has lately been taken over by Betty Martin, a young girl, who inherited the place, and her aunt. Well, a large order of des perate gunmen, each Intent on finding the same thing before anyone else does. Is apt to. bring some fireworks, not to mention some Insanely comical situations. Feeling responsible for the mess In which girl hotel-owner finds herself, Joo sets out to correct matters. Of course, for a tirae he only manages to tangle things more horribly until, toward the end of the picture he proves him self quite a hero. Convicts of Utah . Pen Go Domestic Pretty Jane Wyman co-stars with Joe E. Brown in "Wide Open Faces! t featured today at the. Grand theatre, j:-;' 'i'v '.O "Snow White and Dwarfs" on Way Famed Animated Fairy Tale Booked at Elsinore Opening April 7 "7 . ' . " k '- ; ' ' it, " ' . Will Don Aprons, as new Prison Canning Work . Gets Under Way f r SALT LAKE CITY, March 19. -(P)-Conrlctl at UUh state peni tentiary npne of whom could be classified as a. ."iJantr waist" ; are going domestic. :- . They're "going to don, aprons, get put paring knives - and labor over steam tables. '. . . . .. , ! . The penitentiary Is going into : the canning bustaess.'.;' -. . Warden Owen Nebeker said to day that a cannery would be con structed In the prison yard this spring.' Fruit and. vegetables for the canning win come from the penitentiary gardens.-. ' r The" program has a double barrelled objective, - according . to I Nebeker:. It will provide employ ment for restless felons and it will stock the prison larder with food lor' consumption during the win-t ter months.. . Most of the cannery will be built from parts of the old prison boiler factory. As materials al ready on Taand will be used, cost of ' the cannery - will be approxi mately f 560, Nebeker estimates: Twenty convicts, those most i adept at pitting cherries, coring out tomatoes - and unstringing string : beans, will work la the cannery. When the plant is going full blast. 200 additional prison ers will be gathering, and caring for crops in the prison garden. -"We hope to be able, to can 20,000 gallons of fruit and vege tables A says Nebeker.- Under state statute, ' articles made In the prison cannot be sold to the public. But Nebeker has a plan if canning output exceeds prison .appetites he s going to try and drum up a little business with other penitentiaries where cons don't can. 9 In Review .Li .:.. :A W- . . - . .-..J .r v. t : I- j ' - s,- - i j . . 1 , f A ', S-f - j t ... Mel Ody, one of the most versa tile ;JnggHs of the younger generation,- who stars ia tbe "Babbling Over Revue" which begins a three-day engagement today at the State theatm merce Monday. He wlll v reply .to the recent speech of Franklin T. Griffith on the electric power Question. Zimmerman's subject is. "Rural Electrification." Zimmer man Is a leading advocate of pub lic ownership of light, and power plants and lines. : . R- W.-Hoggof Polk county, ac tive in tha seven-county PTJD movement, win introduce the speaker. ' ... ; mm, D L. Raising of Money Order Is Charged Bob Burns and Martha Baye are supported by a largo and talented cast In "Mountain Music," playing at the Hollywood theatre today. Hollywood Starts 'Mountain Music BROADWAY NIGHTS Crrrigt. ntS. V rctre Syndicate, hte. ' . V - - - a By AXEL. STORM NEW TORKThat busy lady, i Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, has now entered the... lists as a dramatic critic in tact, as a critic of critics and with such sound and sane remarks that numbers of theater-goers have been moved to applaud her. e , Mrs. Roosevelt's provocation was the New York presentation of "Save Me the Walt" and Its reception by the gentlemen who review; plays for the New York papers. If not for the New York public- There were a number of rea- sons wny sroaaway awaitea "Save Me the Walts with keen er - expectation than most plays command. First, it was . the j work of Katharine Dayton, whose play last year, "First Lady,' was remembered with joyous ap preciation of wit - and satire, most of it aimed directly at peo ple in high places Second, an other eminent , satirist, George Kaufmann, was reported to have given Miss Dayton advice and suggestions, he was even said to have l been her collaborator, I a rumor 1 venemenuy aenieo vy both. - Third, "Save Me the Waltz Is a Mas Gordon pre diction aad Mr. Gordon, whose "The r Women", appears likely to. ran on forever, had ,beon singu larly absent from the- rrosdway scene. Anythinr that nr. . Gor don finally brought ti town. It was felt, was bound to be wortn while. . Sees It Twice ' "Save Me the Walts" opened In Washmcton. where It was liked and where Mrs. Roosevelt was among the emtnents wno saw it. Not-onlj had Mrs. Roose velt-only kind words lor me new work by - the ! author of 'First Lady but she went , out of. her way to. attend "Save Me the Waltz" a s e c o n d time at its Broadway premiere. She v aad a nrotejte ia the cast.. It. wss ex- clained. but since the protege appears -lor two minute? in one scene' and speaks ve iibm ia ehorus ; with t ' k r youa ladies, one supposes that Mrs. Roosevelt did not sit - through three long acts ao she could dap once. . " . The New York critics' did not like "Save Ms the Waltx.! D parently - they expected ' Miss Dayton to give then aaother sa tire, and wero disappointed when she didn't, ' although only the week- before "they had : jumped hard on Mr. S. N. Berhman . for giving -them more of -what Mr. Berhman had already given thera It is difficult to please the boys when they get this cantankerous. Anyway, they didn't like "Save ale the Waltz" and said so in no uncertain terms the rext day. It had ao :"sinifkance., t had no "barbed humor." It -wasn't "different," it was - old-fash-foned." 1 - Every ardent movie fan who likes to keep pace with the times will look forward expectantly to the -opening performance of the RKO Radio's - Technicolor pic ture "Snow White and the Sev en Dwarfs,! . whicn comes f on Thursday.. April 7, to the Elsi nore theatre. This happens to be the first time that a Walt Disney ani mated film has stepped out of the two-reeler class into full feature-length! The story sub ject is 'Chosen from the world famous Grimms' folk tales, and concerns the feud between the ' j 1 ..J D.la...a "(inn president of the United States. VmS" tneVvVelgn Tjeaiousy love, tends, shotgiin reddtogs, m. . -1 v vsiuiw wrhtta'a" annArinr beau-1 com pone and pot llkker whicn reading ueir woras aiong wiini" .T . ,. . ty causing ut lunsvi u cuiyt Bob Burns and Relatives "Caperfa Dealing With Fend They'll be comin 'round the mountain the whole troop of 'em -Fud, Snazzy, Hod, Squln cey and all the rest of Boh Burns' famous relatives, In "Mountain Music." a story ; of DALLAS A man giving the 'name of Dean E. Maxwell was arrested by. Polk County Sheriff T. B. Hooker Saturday afternoon at Guy's. Hardware store when he allegedly tried to pass a raised money order. ' The order was Issued at Ta coma, March 17, for, an original sum of $1.48 end had been raised to $17.48. A call to Tacoma was made to verify the original sum. a ' o. . nrn iTne ngnt side of tne cnecK naa At State 1 heatre ? maxl- The man is being held in Polk county jail . here. , , 'Backstage' Opens a million other readers, -r "' nolson her own typewriter and rushed I 0n sn0w White's" side nre "Cover Girl" Stars The 1 o v Interest is main tained by John Howard an Ter- opens today at the Hollywood theatre. It's Burns' first starring pic- a a. m a. .V to the rescue of 'Save Me thelthe forest birds and animals, as e"" h.f w Waltz." What she s;ld made i " be dwarfs of the Lpia-If wi lt.ts.lv with aTLfltonlaTihinr MATSlI UITAA BafhA THSl BwI. mQU I " ' ! . ntMnr. eantlvatlnx In its I success ua mit n iu Mw iww".i..Ti,Mmt as in III drama Sha said she ' wasn't a high-1 thrills a n d laughter-arousing " M m. . m m . I a.-tHAlAa " prow, ,nst an oramary person - of -Sn0lf ry Walker, the latter famous who Hked to be entertained laLJ?! a? AlPrtv,-.,f.SJI Knaraxine cover girl- for whom the theater. She'd been to such "nlversal. designed to captivate Paramount Pictures shows as "Our Town" and had the Imagination of grownups and jffltJf JSHt'tHmVIi .. .. . -vii 4-. - .Kv. I Paramount talent executives had oeen surreo. hut, sne a oeen i i -.rr.iv... M.tr.tt nn She ad I the cover of "a national maga- Normaft- Roca- who made lost track of her, who the model was! Bar- f 1 L. I sine and asked Non Leona lyilgenliacii wen. noted O I the portrait but who Is Hurt in Crash made unhappy, too. not been made - unhappv by Save Me the Waltz." . It was, to quote one' of her adjectives directly, , a . "pleasant" evening. And she went on to say that the reason a great many people went to the theater .was for nleasure. not for nam. ' and she reallv didn't understand whar f LEBANON Leona Gflgen- the Dlar-revlewers didn't inform I bach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the public what i tier was I Pete Gilgenbath, was severely In- aoout ana not merely wnai iney tjarea in an io acciuem thought of it. I Santiam highway last Sunday Just Pleasant (when the car in which sne was Ordinarllv we don't like neo-1 riding with Jerome Lots and Mrs. pie who say, "I go to the the- j Sandra Hneber , overturned and clay save the film folk Miss Wal ker's name and then the search for her began. Vesper Serrice Is Planned at Trinity Musical Comedy Starring Neagle and Tracy Is Dancing Spectacle. Both the Ingratiating tempo of Oriental dancing and the lively, pace of modern terpsichore are Introduced la the . sprightly musical comedy, "Backstage," the Herbert Wilcox production which stars Anna Neagle with Arthur Tracy and Tilly Losch, showing at the State-theatre., Adapted for the screen by Laura Whetter, 'Backstage" pre sents Anna Neagle as an un known chorine who saves the shew when she persuades -the management to- feature an un known street singer on opening night. He has skipped away to the continent with a sophisti cated heiress who has her own designs on the singer who has all of London society at his feet. Anna gets her man in the end for Anna Is a stunning blonde of no mean talent who finally is awarded a starring role. One of the most spectacular dancing scenes introduced dur ing sequences of the musical comedy revolves around a spe cialty number by Tilly Losch. Zimmerman Will Address Chamber Peter Zimmermantormer sena tor ; from Yamhill county, will speak at the chamber of com- Al vTTodaySx , IS Tn ttnfst aDit m stage show to l t U play Salem in years ml I V .W'Bubbling Orerf Revue of Mr I $uShaSm!; 20 PEOPLE 20 r' Well Rex Jlmtnie and and ...... Powell Betty V Vaneta St. Oair and Her WJPreciaiou Dancers 7 1 StKEX4aU ARTHUR TRAC? I ANN NEAGLE A Vl0ac!.stcn3,y XEve. 83cr j SILYERTON Special vesper services will be given Sunday nit lit at o'clock rt Trinity ater to be entertained." but la lodged against a tree. -Lutz and cbch wider th,dfrecUon of this case we think we must Mrs. Hneber suffered from aaocn r "lw"inV four Norse- Waltz' -and had a pleasa t ere- Lebanon kospiUl reports Omar I r " " w. uaiv sxy ning and were glad wo weren1 beinc hectored by garment work ers or curdled by murders or (following an accident on the Lee exhausted by thinking about, our Iyer place; Dewey Wallace, paper soul.; some other evenmg we I mill employe, suffering' xrom a might be in a murdeous or soul- J fractured foot at the mill; Mary fal. mood, as the critics seem I Lee Vaughn, appendectomy. . -to be every evening, but once In j Mrs. Andrew Snyder, Henry wane it is pleasart to find J Friday and Elder C E.-Bennett e- Lebanon kospiUl reports Omar " hotV Vnil it Davis, employe of J. M. Leever ot r Kodney The senior choir wj k- Scio. nndergoiA major surgery g a "vtra. EF(S (DG9CLW a Barney Michels Holds - Record for Mill Years LEBANON--Barney Michels, with a Record of 35 eyars tinned service heads the pspermill workers as recorded a plaa.ua recently placed time clock by the mm company with all names who bare worked fire years or more. ' O laagtae Id For jost a few seats daily, you eaa own a new 1M Kal- viaator tba Chawinioa Ioe-Maker .warUTa asest saodara aadbesa thai rafriierator t Has the astasia new f POLAR POWER" Sealed , Uak that ivee oM-aiakla rmarva 'aaoagabr FTVEordaauTraf rigsfe terst Offsrs seaistionsl new son- . , gives sarer protection, ' as your food dollars o fartnert ncheii. Il l . ryj of eon- 11,1 . - I i A list Of ly'""'''- 4 1 ded on kv J 1 K ' n the f -iaJ S I l-r- 1 Modinr- familiar hymns, atrs. Anderson directs the dolr. Miss Carmen Guettroy Is the organist.- ."- tha theater Just pleasant. Gosh! We were, about to for get Mrs. Roosevelt's mala In junction! -v All right--"Sa7e Me the Waltx"- Is about a little kingdom ; in Europe whose royal family has been exile- by a dic tator. Most ot the family dote oa exile. The king loves cows and the - princess loves bees and the prince loves his piano. But the queen eant rest easy on her piazza without thinking ot the palace. So . when opportunity comes to return to power But I'm not going to tell yon all the story. ' It has' lore la It and laughter and some of the swellest costumes and best acting- by Laura Hope Crews, Mady Christians, John Emery, et al of the season. And well bet youll like it. Just as. Elean or Roosevelt did. - are reported as seriously ill. Today - Monday - Tuesday Contlnaotts Today 2 to 11 P. BI. Wfci kSm HswsjI TsBf WsSnr tttnl by Saawt ftawy ai TW. Mllftt Today . and Mon, r 2 Big leatnres-J- A PLUNGE INTO MURDER- MYSTERY! raaaw aaTaawaaTaaaaaaTanaB-L 1 m mil. wM ; OII-JV HAYIYAftD j f And Hit No. a NOW PLAYING : 2 . SMASH IIITS Men Aaalns Men for Gold! Man Against Man for a Womnnf J ALL IN GLORIOUS COLOR Vim 3Rfi.ifj 1 , asES ' 1 1 JSZltt 1 wHIT NO. 2 Wow I c a Uowll . Imagine Edna May Oliver - en Skis! - ' , FROM ALP TO ALP t Starr Antor i Ftorenco Bice Edna May OUver f Ffl?! C3T TCir CCE TUviaator'iaawSrEEDY-ClJBB Bilmi doae away with let sabs atraggle. ..with wasteful plashing at the sink . Lift lmr-lce- iewt - SAVE $ $ $ . Let us Amm yeu new Kefviastor ' aaa sava saoaey for yea! Con ia and get the whole big aooaoarf starr. see Kalviaator's sxaloeire C3 ia cu:csrc2 at local, electric . rates. . - , . What oOm rafriierator gives row aotaal fgares oa lew oast opera-, tioa? Hera's PROOF of Kelviaa tar's asMaiai oeoaosiy..ROOP that the Caaaipiealaa-Makarglvas yea ere for year saoaey I - ; 1 .Than fad eat aboa: Iba lew, easy term . haw you eaa awa ibis Ckaaipioa Ice-Maker for only a lew eeata a asyt - , cor.iE in and see for youoself. c;s,f lamiltonf urnitig Co: - - Phone H33 349 Cotrrt SL v Whereupon the - wife of the BBBSBBaaaaaannaaBaaaaarnBaBaBB