The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 20, 1938, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Saleo, Oregon, Sunday Homing, March 20, 1933
Local -News1
. Pboto Class A tivc Elaborate
preparations are being made by
members of the WPA adult edu
cation c 1 a b i in photography
which meets at the old 'high
school ; on Tuesday, . Wednesday
and Friday -nights. M o t b 1 e
screen and backgrounds are be
ing constructed In preparation
for a study of, the ' special," topic
of portraiture, according to Earl
Litwiller,- county: supervisor.1; A
battery of high;, powered lights,
arranged on an ndjustable frame;
will add mnA to the -posfeibili-tles
for securing proper lignting
effects. This course is one r of
many sponsored by the Salem
schools and the state department
of education. Any adult interest
ed in this fascinating subject is
inviteS to ' enroll. There if , bo
charge- for tuition but one must
expect some expense for ; neces
sary chemicals and " other sup
piles. '
Special sale on 1938 Coldspots.
Just arrived. See - James McMul-
lan, Sears Roebuck Co., Salem.
Legion ' Honors Commander-?-Many
members of Capital post No.
9, American Legion, and Capital
unit of the auxiliary, of Salem,
will go to Portland Monday night
to be a r an address at Benson
Polytechnic school by Daniel 2.
Doberty, Legion national com
mander. The meeting will start
at "8 p. m. The school is located
at 546 Northeast 12th ssreet. Fol
lowing the mass meeting the Le
gion will hold open house and a
dance for all members of posts
and auxiliaries at Navy hall, 128
Northeast Russell street.
Luti florist,. 1 276 N Lib Ph 958
Adams Files, Constable Earl
Adams, filed declaration of candi
'dacy at the county clerk's office
yesterday for the democratic nom
ination for constable of the Salem
district. He will complete hisTirst
term in this office next December.
County Commissioner Leroy Hew
lett is expected to file his notice
of candidacy for the republican
nomination to his office this
week. The only other candidate
out to date for the commissioner
ship is Harley Libby, farmer lirr
lng near. Marion.
Some people believe the depres
sion Is over and are paying cash,
while others not so sure are buy
ing now and paying within 20
weeks. In either case, Frank Doo
little's. service station is the place
to buy tires, tubes, bicycles and
radios. ' Ask to see - their . budget
. man. V::. :-.';).t--l " '
: Schur - Paid Honors The Ad
jutant general's office here was
closed" Saturday out of respect
for Lieutenant-Celonej - Joseph V.
Schur, United States disbursing
officer, who died in the. Veterans
hospital in 'Portland . Thursday.
Schur had been a member of the
- Oregon national guard for 27
years and was attached -' to the
Oregon military head Quarters In
Salem."" Funeral service - were
held in Portland Saturday after
noon. " --i . '
P.tMo'Roof Elfatrora. Ph tSSff
- 502 Traffic Convictions There
were 562 convictions for traffic
law. violations in Oregon in Feb
ruary of ' which four cases ln
volved -non-residents" whose right
- to operate motor, venicies - nao
been revoked, Secretary of 'State
Snell announced. Nine motor ve-.
hide' drivers' licenses "were refta-
stated In" "February on recom
mendation of the committing,
magistrates. ' '
Bay New Residence Edward
C. i Roberta, employe of the Ore
gon Pulp A Paper company,- has
purchased the new house nowun-
. der - construction -. by . W e sley
Schmnar.., In - the r fast-growing:
community near the Four Cor
ner a east ot Salem. Mr. and. Mrs.
Roberts have already, taken pos
session : and will ; complete -con
struction while ' occupying . the
house.- .
The. Salem Federal pays four, per
cent on insured savings. .
.Will Baptize Ten Baptismal
service for ten persons will be
observed, tonight at .7:30 o'clock
at the First Baptist, church. Dr.
. Irving A. Fox will rse a large
chart in illustrating his sermon
on "Dispensation of the King,
discussing the rebuilding of Je
rusalem.' and the thousand years
of peace on earth.
- Finishes Jail Task George W.
Zerr, Portland locksmith and safe
expert who is well known in Sa
lem, has Just completed lnatal
tlon ot a new set of lockarthe
Clackamas county Jail,' he report
ed while in this city Saturday.
; . Pool lable for sale must have
bids by Wed.' nighty Chamber of
Commerce. -J .-; ; - j
- LantermaiTi Betsro a J. H.
Lauterman, proprietor of the Ho
tel Argo, has Just returned from
an extended tour or tne east in
eluding trips to Cuba and eastern'
Canada. -3.- . " ;
OLSON, Florist
Court & High Phone 7166
Natural .remediea .
for disorder of 11 v . .
er, stomach, glands,
skin, and urinary
system of men and
women. Remedies . .V
for c on a tipatlon, 1 i
at-thma, arthritis, "r
sugar diabetes and " fk
rbeamatism. . " "
21 yeratn bnsi- T
ness. ; Naturopathic , . . .' . 1
physicians. . S93U Court St.
Corner Liberty. Of
fice open Saturdays
V 1 and Tuesdays only.
A 1. tn. a 1 n. m.
1 - 6 p. m. to 7. Con-
V saltation Blood
I pressure and curiae
: tests art free of
M D. - charge.
Coming Events.
' ' March 24-27 Missionary
convention, Christian andMls
.sionary Alliance at WCTU halL
March 25 Missouri : c 1 a b
meeting at 248 S. Commer
cial, 7:30 p. m.
March 23-26 Fourth annual
Oregon high school speech .con
tot, Willamette university:
Marrli 20 Salem ; Caledo-'
nian : clnb Scotch projrram by
' Clan Slacleajr of Portland, Fra-
ternal temple. ' - V '
' March 30 League of Orejon "
..Cities meets in Salem. r;.
- April 7 Statewide Y oqbs
Democrats rally, Salem armory,
'Meat,: Klwanis Topic Devon
Port .R. Phelps of San Francisco,
western representative of the' na
tional livestock , and meat board
of 'Chicago, will be the speaker at
the Salem Klwanis club luncheon
tuesaay noon, lie wm give a
lecture and , demonstration on
meat eutting. "
F. - A. Doerfler & Sons .Nursery.
Rare, choiee stock. Phone 3SF3.
The only car radio that is built
to fit' any make of car is the Mo
torola. It can be changed to fit
your new car . for $2.50. Frank
Doolittle's service station - sells
them. Surely you can pay for one
between now and the end ot sum
mer. Come in and - ask for a
demonstration. , '
Four Arrested George Henry
Weaver was charged vrith "one
am dfiTing,-" Casper H. Baker
Of Freewater with pas.irg anoth
er driver without sufficient clear
ance, Joseph Sullivan and James
Zigler with drunkenness, on the
city police blotter Saturday.
'A Files on Water Edward Hat
field, Hillsboro, has filed applica
tion, with the state engineer to ap
propriate two second feet of water
from I. the Tualatin river for irrigation-purposes
in Washington
county. . .. -
Paint-Roofing. Mathisi 474 Ferry.
Ministers to Meet The Minis
terial association will meet Mon
day morning at 10:30 at the
YMCA. After a business session
a talk on the situation in world
politics will be made by -- Prof
Iran Lovell of Willamette.
. 'V - '
Taken, to Portland Alt ord
Dumbar, 19, arrested here, on a
Portland felony warrant,, jpas re
leased to Portland ' officers jearly
Saturday morning by Salem po
lice - . '
Wet wash 3c, Thrift 5c, full laun
dry service. -Eagle Laundry, lta
and 3 Sts.xPh. H5s
Flint to Bnlld A. J. Flint re
ceived a permit to build a ' one
story dwelling and garage at cost
of S2500, at 535 Belmont street,
from the city, building inspector.
Rate Is Reduced
Traf fic deaths - in . O r f g a n
dropped - from '1 Tin "-February,
'K3?,"t6 seven" in February, 1538,
while traffic accidents decreased
from 1542 to -2439 during the
same period, Secretary of State
Sn ell reported Saturday.
Since December g, 1937, traf
fic accidents' 'have dropped more
than g per cent "when compared
with the previous year. .There was
a' decrease of 31 per,-cent in traf
fic deaths during the past' four
months r-i' '
Snell said ' there had been a
steady decrease in traffic' deaths
and traffic accidents during the
three months ending February 28.
Hayesville Club f
Convenes in City
club was entertained at the home
of Mrs. Frank Marshall in Sa
lem. Mrs. Earl Bed well assisted.
Mrs. Lilly Winslow, WPA art
instructor gave a brief talk. Mrs.
S. A. Baldwin gave a paper on
Guernsey Island. The memo a
observed the tenth anniversary
of the founding of the club re
calling the various activities the
club has engaged in. -
Carnine J
Louise Carnine, 57, at the res
idence, $25 North Church street
March 18. Survived by two
brothers,' George Parris- of Con
don and Arthur Parrish of port-
land; half-brother, stepfather
and three half sisters; also step
daughter, Mrs. Doris Pnrdin. Ser
vices will be held from the Walk
er ft. Howell Funeral home Mon
day at i p.m. with Rev. ' M. J
Hooker officiating. Interment
IOOW. cemetery.
Francis Jennie Halstead, aged
84. passed away at the residence,
509 North 2 4 th street, Saturday,
March 19. Survived by daughters
Mrs. Bessie Batson of Salem, and
Mrs. Bertha Snipes of Grand
Junction, Colo.; ' grandchildren
Ilona and, Vernita Batson of-Sa
lem. Mrs. Lucille Pond of Grand
Junction, Colo., and Mrs. Mary,
Jane Hall vol Boise. Idaho; two
great ' grandchildren Funeral an
nouncements later by the Clough
Barrick eompany.y :
Mausoleum Entombment
. (indoor Burial).
' and Cremation
(The Two Better Ways) :
Death of Beck;
Basis for Suit
$10,000 Damages Asked
' of Sherman, Driver of :
- Union Group's Car "
A f 10,000 damage suit based
on the automobile accident at
Habbard last October 5 that took
the life of David C. Beck, 4St of
Vancouver, ' Wash.,' northwest or
ganizer for the ' International
Brotherhood of Pulp and Sulphite
Workers' union was filed in cir
cuit court yesterday by Anna - G.
Allard, who was named in probate-
court as administratrix of
Beck's estate. John Sherman, -of
Port Angeles, Wash., internation
al vice-president of the same un
ion, with -whom Beck waa riding,
was named defendant in the 'ac
tion. - - -. . ,
Sherman suffered fractured
vertebra and severe cuts and his
wife received a fractured skull in
the . accident.- Two Dallas young
people were , severely injured in
the" same accident. . .- " .
Cireuit Conrt .
State ex rel Lyle J. Page vs.
Earl Snell, secretary of state; de
murrer. E. Hollis Townsend vs. - Claude
V. Townsend; parties, married in
1917 and not in 1937 as erro
neously stated in first report of
this action for divorce. '
Sheriff's returns on certificates
ol foreclosure: Union States Life
vs. John H- and Carrie" B. Miley,
property sold for $1595.45; In
termountain Building & Loan vs.
Levi B. Mu tier and others, prop
erty sold fpr 31312.30; -two re
turns in cases of Intermountain
Building & Loan vs." Maurice M.
Wagner and others, property in
first case sold for $2988.48 and
in the second $2528.24,' v1
Sheriff's returns on executions:
Oscar Gingrich vs. Mabel Morley,
returned on request of plaintiff's
attorney; . Caroline Ether Edlond
vs. Henry August Edlund, $2 S re
ceived; Benjamin B. Cole, Inc., vs.
B. H. Knensting, nothing made
on execution; William B. H. Smith
and others vs. Elva " Duncan,
$57.10 made on execution. '
- Probate Court
John W. Stanton estate; ap
praisal,. $819.04, by Doris How
ard, Carle Abrams and Dorothy
Holman. v
- Alex Moisan estate; report fix
ing total value of estate at $14,
155.02 and taxable value at
$9339.89, with five beneficiaries
receiving non-taxable shares of
-$1867.98. each; heirs are Eunice
Heckman, Arthetta B a r e h u s,
: EdytheCary, Alberta Lanlus, Lena
Kirk, and Hart T. Moisah. -i ,
. Henry State estate; order .'au
thorizing John Stute, executor, to
pay claims for administrative ex
penses. ...
John Davis estate: appraisal,
, $1000, by Ariel Van Fleet, W. E.
Keyes aad F. S. Lamport. . . ..
wilMam'M. Murphy estate; fi
nal account of Emma ', Murphy
Brown, administratrix, showing
$1323.85 paid out and- balance
of $4555.42 remaining.
W.-H. Dancy estate; order au
thorizing Jessie C. Jones, execu
trix, to accept $2500 compromise
death payment on disputed $5000
accident insurance poHcy held, with'
Illinois Commercial Men's asso
ciation of Chicago. .
Anna M. Shanks guardianship
matter; . petition of Florence E.
Buckles for her appointment as
guardian of $9000 estate consist
ing of $4000 In real and $5000
in personal property: .hearing set
for April 23; subject of proposed
guardianship Is 8? years old.-
John Nelson guardianship:. or
der naming H. F. Butterfield.
Robert Smith and Alfred Ashland
appraisers." - . v
Ferdinand Kefl estate; order
confirming sale" of real r property
By A. W. Keu, guardian, to Rob
ert and Florence Emily Terry for
$2513. ' - : . 7V- '
Marriage Licenses . v
George I Richards, 23, car
penter's helper, Marion, and Pau
line Herren, 23, stenographer.
1568 State street, Salem.
Justice Court
Julius Schaffer; plea of guilty
and $100 fine on charge of hit
and run driving preferred by An
thony Fred Huber; Schaffer com
mitted to jail in lien of paying
fine..:- .-, v,,,. , .
Clarence E. Jorgenson; $2.50
fine, driving -without operator's
license. ; v '
Federal Sale of
Liquor Protested
The Federation" of Evangelical
and Reformed Church Women of
the Portland area, in all-day ses
sion Friday at Bethany Evangeli
cal and Reformed church, Salem,
voted unanimously . to . strongly
urged senators and representatives
In congress to support the bill pro
hibiting government liquor bust
ness, and to oppose HR 8115 per
mitting the sending of liquor earn
pies through the government
mails. The vote, by more'than 100
delegates representing 10 congre
gations, . was, taken after listen
ing to a stirring address by, Mrs.
Fred Tooze, Jr.
Other speakers on the program
for the day were Mrs. A.- F. E.
Schierbaum 'of Mt. Angel, who
gave the ' devotional . message on
'l came to minister, and not to
be ministered unto"; Mrs. Chris
Seely of Salem spoke on the sub
ject, "An Army ot Peace and Mer
cy," explaining the ; nature . and
work of the Salvation Army; Rev.
A F. Llenkaemper - ot - Portland ;
and Mrs. Melyin Johnson of Sa
lent spoke -on the work of the
Salem Council Jf Church Women
In behalf of the Japanese mission
at Lake Lablsh. v .
Oor Canal , Wave, Complete 75c
Perm. Oil S i JOO
Pnsb Wave, ;
Complete l V."
Open , Tbura. J'Evn.
. by Appt.
"" Phone 8663 ":'
30? First National Bank Bldg.
Salesmen Join
Russell .Bright, left, and Curtis Cole, right, have been added to the
sales staff of the Gevurts Furniture company store In Salem, it was
announced Saturday by William Gwynn, manager. Bright will be ta
charge of overstuffed furniture while Cole will supervise the. floor
" covering department. . Manager Gwynn points out that these staff
additions complete departmentalization of the store, each depart
ment being headed by a specialist in that type of furniture. Both of
the new men are experienced in interior decorating and will : be
. available to assist customer in any problem of decorating or room'
.arrangement.; . ! ' . ' '
Martin Will Join
Salem VFW Post
Oath to Be Administered
by National Official
Here on April 5
Governor Charles H. Martin
will take the oath of membership
in the Veterans of Foreign Wars
in Salem Tuesday, April 6, when
be will become an active member
of Marion post No. 1 6 1. The oath
will be administered by Com
mander In Chief Scott Squyres
when the latter will be the guest
of Marion post, upon the occasion
of his official visit to Oregon. A
large class of initiates from all
over . the valley. Including many
in the Salem area, will take the
oath at the same time. State Com
mander John Snellstrom, ot Eu
gene, ' will present " the menfber
ship emblems.
The evening's entertainment
will open with a dinner for the
distinguished', visitor, members
and guests of honor, and be fol
lowed by a business meeting when
the. initiatory ceremonies will
take place. Besides Governor Mar
tin, guests of honor will Include
Secretary of State Earl Snell,
State Treasurer R o f u s Holman
and other state officials. Large
delegations are . expected from
VFW posts throughout the valley.
Music will be provided and, be
side the message to be given by
National Commander Squyres, ad
dresses will be made by Governor
Martin and others. .
Convention Topic
Commander in Chief . Seuyres
visit will mark the' official launch
ing of the campaign for" the U38
state department encampment of
the Oregon' organixaU,6ri, to' be
held la Salem, July 1 to 13, in
clusive, probably the first organ-
zatlon meeting to hare been held
n the new - capitol v building,
scheduled for completion about
June 1. The Marion' post encamp
ment commission, uftder the gen
eral chairmanship ot Onas S. Ol
son, is rapidly whipping the pro
gram of entertainment Into shape
and this year's convention ' gives
promise .of being the largest in
the .history of the state body.
Dallas post No. 3203 plans. to
hold a big carnival Match 25 and
A; L. Koch,' representing the post,
has extended - an - invitation to
Marion post to attead and par
ticipate in the festivities, which
invitation will be considered at
the regular meeting of the local
post next Wednesday night Gen
era! Chairman Onas S.v Olson, of
the encampment commis
sion; hopes' to take up the com'
plete ? program for the five-day
convention at the next meeting of
the commission, Thursday night.
March 24. f v
Income Tax Total
Is Ahead of 1937
State Income tax receipts tor
1938, up to March 18, aggregated
ll.173.9SO as compared to $1,-
037,000 ro.' the same date a year
ago,-state, tax officials reported.
This year's payments are based
on incomes for the year 1937.
Total receipts from this year's
Income taxes were , estimated at
24,500,000 as against 5,200,opo
in 1J37. ! '
The law: provides that returns
involving this year's income taxes
shall be filed with the state tax
commission not later than April 1.
Second' half Installments are
due October 1." Interest and pen
alty. accrue on returns' not filed
prior to April 1. :,r
r unas oenvea irom mcwiuc
taxes 'in Oregon are used to off
set property levies. " . . .
Attention , Property r Owners!
A surprisingly simple yet suc
cessful, economical p r o e e s s
halts unwanted : entrance ol
water through "walls of stone,
brick,, stucco, concrete, cinder
blocks. v " '
No Job too large or too smalL
Call at 725 Locust St.
Mortgage Loans
On Modern Homes
, . . ' . t t ."-- -:--?-
hottest. Rates'. .
' ; Hawkins &
Roberts ' ,
Gevurtz Stafi
I . .....
Filings for State .
Offices Coming in
Weatherford, Linn DA, to
Ran Again; Fnhrer in
Race for Housed v
J. K. Weatherford. ir., Albany.
filed .Saturday': for ' renomihatlon
for district attorney of Linn coun
ty at the democratic primary
Other filings: . : . .
J. D. Perry,. Deer. Island, dem
ocrat, fOr state representative.
2nd district, Columbia county.
O. L. , Moore, Tigard, republi
can, for state representative, 4th
district, Washington county.
Clarence Et Ash. Astoria, re
publican, for state representative
1st district, Washington county
Clarence E. ash, Astoria, re
publican, for state representative
1st district, Clatsop county.
Walter Fuhrer, Salem, repub
lican, for state representative
from Marion county. . .
Carl Hendricks, , Fossil, non
partisan, for circuit Judge 11th
Judicial district, Gilliam, Sher
man and Wheeler counties.
. Virgil H.' Lantry, Redmond
democrat, for state representative
28th district, Deschutes county.
v. S. Howard, Madras, demo
crat, for . district attorney Jef
ferson county.: "
E. W. Klmberling, Prairie City,
republican, for state representa
tive 30th district, Grart and Har-
ner counties. -. . , , :
J. H. MeCloskey, Normay, dem
ocrat, for state .representative
ICthdistrlet, Coos county. .
Gty to Obseirve
"Air RlaaWeek9'
Period of SUy 15 to 21 Is
iSet Aside 'as . Service
: Gets US Spotlight
Postmaster' H. R. .Crawford "an
nounced yesterday that plans are
under, way locally for observance
of National . Air .Mail week,. May
' National - Air Mail week has
been' planned . .to ., Intensify ' the
American .people's consciousness
of aviation and the air mail,, but
the more immediate objectives of
this movement, which' has .the
full .support of the postofflce de
partment are: patriot and, prac
tical: To commemorate the 2 0th
anniversary of the inauguration
of air mail service that waa start
ed ' by the postofflce department
on May 15, 1918; and to educate
citizens in ' the use ot air mail.
. , North Carolina Celebrates
The national observance -will
be given . Its greatest historical
significance in; North Carolina,
for It was Kitty Hawk, N. C.,
that the famous Wright brothers
made the birthplace of aviation
with their first airplane flight.
Postmaster Crawford points
out that a special and official
cachet for air mail has been
authorized for Kitty Hawk for
air mail week by the postofflce.
department. This cachet will
commemorate the first flight
Each city and town ' over the
country wHJ also be permitted
a special cachet during air mail
week.",. ' ; '
;. ' , ' New - ' ; ;
(Shanghai Cafe
121 S. Commercial f St. i
Real Chinese Chow Mein and
Chop Sneyr All Chinese, and
American Dishes.
Chinese. Dishes OYder to Take
Oat Anytime, Day and Night
fT-i Phone 7083
Special Sunday
Chicken 'Dinner.
Merchants Lunch 25c :
: ' Regular Dinner 50c
Chinese Herbs
. Heailnf virtue N
has : been tested
hundreds years
for chronle an
meiti, . bom,
throat, sinusitis,'
e a t a r r h, ears. s. b. Twi
Innes.. asthma, chruu cwhmn
stomach, spill . stones, . col it la,
constipation, dlabetis, kidneys,
bladder, heart, blood, nerves,
aeuraljrja, rheumatism, high
blood ' prensnre - gland, akin
soi-en male female and cbJJ
dren disorders. -a.
B. Fame 8 year practice
1st ChJsav; Herb SpectaUst,
122 S. Commercial St, Balcm.
Ore. Office bonrs to 0 p. m.
Sunday and Wed. to 10 a. sn.
V7atkins i Here as
Moose ! Organizer
Coryallig Blan Holds High
Off ices, in Order; to
Have Assistants
i ..'.. -j:
1 nwn- - . .
Membership Director Tobe
Watkins has , taken personal
Charge of the . work of organis
ing the new Salem Moose lodge.
Phil .Schaef er who has been in
charge , of the work has been
transfered to other territory. -
Mr. Watkins,' who I is In the
service station business at Cor-
vallia, has been., associated with
the Loyal Order of Moose over
20 years, "during which time he
has " taken care of organization
wofk in Iowa, .Florida ; and other
places, .coming . to Oregon twelve
years ago. . :r ' --X . - " '
Beside being : lembershin direc
tor for , the Oregon lodges. Mr,
Waikins is secretary of the sec
ond degree " or Legion of the
Moose, and secretary ot the con
ferred degree of Fellowship which
is conferred on -members ot the
Loyal Order of Moose in recogni
tion ; of outstanding ; work. . The
Oregon Fellows is an association
of 66 members of the Oregon
Lodges .who have this degree. Mr.
Watkins , is also secretary-treas
urer of the. Oregon State Moose
association and directs the annu
al state conventions.
-The following-organisers will
be associated with Mr. Watkins
m compieungme wora ot or
ganizing Salem: L. R. Herring
ton; Ai L. Mullendorf, F. J. Mul-i
lendorf, C. A.Soliday, Al Weso-
lowskl and Walt Wesolowgki.
Camp Is Planned
Marion County Quota Set
at 30; Five Already
Applying, Stated
A Citizen's Military Training
camp will again be held at Van
couver , Barracks. Washington,
this summer during the period
from July 9 to August 7. Over
500 boys from the fire counties
in southwestern Washington, and
the entire State of Oregon will
be entertained at the camp. The
quota for Marion county has been
tentatively set at SO boys. The
county quota maybe increased
depending upon the number of
applications received.
CoL Carle' Abrams will again
act as Marlon county chairman
of the Military Training Camps
association. ' -'
The following named physi
cians have volunteered their ser
vices to act as medical examiners
of boys who- apply for attendance
at camp: La ban A. Steeves Sa
lem; Veraw. Miller; Salem; B.
P. Glesy, Auroras J. 0. Van Win
kle, Jefferson; A. J. McCannel,
SUvertonr Edward Scboor, Hub
bard; C. J. Eboer, Mt. Angel; R.
J. Vair: Cleave,1 ML Angel ; G.;B.
Smith; Woedburn. .
- Anion jr the boys wh- have, al
ready applied, for attendance at
camp" from Marion county are
Your tyes ; to be
normal, .Kay e to
come up to a pre?
ii cr.i bed stan-
dard-r-Haye an
examination fre
to re?
' lieve present and
avoid future eye
. . troublef . .
This o l i e t i$
well equipped to
quickly; and; eco-
homically give
you lasting eye
; ; comfort. "
U o Optometrist , 2
r444 State St VPlu 5521
MqW; 1H3:Iqoq
t ..- . . . : . ; . . - , ... . . .. -:. - t .
"'.. Friday, April 1st
. Will Be Instituted That Evening
- i '- '.--.-...:.
If You Want to Slake
. :
' : vV ' the Preliminary Meeting . . ' .' " ; A
Prctcrai20'inr:Pri'j Gusnlno, Uzish GG
- All Brother Moose and Past-Moose Invited .- .
' ' "-i: . ; : J .- TOBE WATKINSrMmbersiip Director,'
Moose Official
1- .
John R. Schults, William A.
Eentsou, Charles M. Tlngley, El
ton E. McGilchrist and Freder
ick D. Thielsen, Jri all of Salem.
To attend camp a boy must be
at least 17 years old , in good
physical condition, of good mor
al character and able to read and
write, j. , ,. - ' .'' , :
Officers Elected
. By Silvertoii IEU
S SILVERTON Delbert R. Bow
en has been elected chairman of
the Silverton local of the Indus
trial employes union. . J.v H - Mc
Cullough: was elected secretary
treasurer. ' . .v. - ' ;,
Members of the ' conference
committee in addition to Chair
man. Bowen are A. Noren, E. A.
Finlay. W. H. Schuster and C, E.
11 traporlcmt oxdamv linr .1
.ckckiTtlT harphil V. rlsloi.:.IavaaiaU . v..;;
tho odnmtages el UNTVIS Eocala for yourselt .
r- -r Optometrists-Optician - - V '
379-383. Siate : SfJ-i ,'V; - : ' Salem, Oreioa
a Fine Investment, Blake
Get on the Charter
Speaking Tourney
Is Next Weekend
State Extempore, Oratory
and Interpretation 3
Events at WU
Final preparations are being
made for the fourth annual high
senooi - contests ; . in extempore
speaking, " serious ' and humorous -interpretations
"and original ora
tory, which will be held on the
Willamette university campus Fri
day, and Saturday. Hosts for the
tournament are - the university
speech department, Tau Kappa '
Alpha, Theta Alpha Phi and Lit- .
tie Theatre Guild and Professor
Herbert Rahe, head of the speech
department, - who will direct the .
To date 20 schools have regis
tered making - approximately 80
students participating. Schools
who have entered are Sheridan,
Estacada,. Forest Grove, Dallas,
Gres ham, . Amity; Franklin . hih, ;
Portland; Scappoose, Mill City,
Parkrose, Portland; Salem. Taft,
Corvallis, St. Helens, Colton, Can
by, Oregon City, Independence,
Eugene and West Linn:
Last year the first place win
ners were Bernard Shevach,
Franklin, in extempore speaking,
Marjorie Waters, Dallas,. In hum
orous interpretation, and Paul
Sams, Dallas, serious interpreta
tion. A" new contest this year is a
original oratory. :
: These contests will be held in "
Eaton and -Waller halls and are
open to . visitors and students.
Registration will begin Friday at ,
3:30 p.m. and at 4 p.m.' the rules
of the contests will be" explained -to
the entrants. At 5 . p.m. the
first round of extempore speaking
and the first round of oratory will
take place.
& -TP
ApplicatiorJ at Once and
' ' ' ' '
-.. - - - - . - - - , ... .