The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 20, 1938, Page 10, Image 10

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    SS .
, i.'' V.J' ' - . ' . . .ft
, aim ncyduh toage . xfo. . l,
.... will bold a regular business meet-
Ins' at 7: 30 on Monday ' in the
" lodge rooms" of the Odd Fellows
' ball, with all Rebekahs invited to
w attend. - Aslt is regular; "iiTita
. tlon night," the degree vill be
exemplified. - The second tabola
tion of the princess, contest wilt
be glTen during lodge and an of
ficial count of rotes vill be made
. following meeting.
Miss Bahlhurg
To Be Feted
At Parties
- The Women's anion of .the
First congregational church will
meet at 12:30 on Wednesday in
the church parlor for a covered
dish lunch with Miss Oda Chap
man and Mrs. Mary Bayne in
charge. The apron committee.
beaded by Mrs. F, E. Neer,. will ceremony,
hare work outlined. All inter- Monday
ested - women are invite 1.
Grain ger Concert Will
, .--Begin Busy .Week in .
usical Circles
. . TO MODEL (left) in the Bet Sigma Phi style show
on Wednesday: are" Mrs. Charles Claggett and' Miss Barbara
Bell., " . :-
CAST! AS LEADS (center) in the two performances
: ... ...... -v. of ilolanthe" on Friday and Saturday are Bill Benson, Jean
The Business and professional Buirtf Gloria Cottew and Hughie Allen. The play will be
Women's club of Salem 111 hold given at the high school - . - V .
SiSPScJ't Meredith Hoggins
at 6:30 o'clock. Professor Frank- (Frances Doobttle) who was married yesterday afternoon
iin Thompson of Willamette uni-f fn Minneapolis where the couple will reside.
L; v.- : V a.. -
-t( - A - C r j
, . ....-. !..... r - y-,-t Ml- T
. The week prior to her marriage
IS a. busy one for Miss Jean Babl
burg who will be the honor guest
at, several affairs; the next few
days,: Miss Bahlburg will become
the bride of Dr. Wayne J. Page
of I Dallas Saturday evening at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Bahlburg, at an eight o'clock
night . Mrs. George
This will be a busy week for musically interested Salem
Tersity will be the speaker of the
evening and has chosen for his
subject ""The European " Situa
tion." Miss Alta Kershner, chair
man of. the International Rela
tion's committee, has charge of
the program. Miss Betty Starr, a
Willamette student, .will gtye a
(Kennell-EUis photos.)
Fletcher and Miss : Marcelle De
Mytt have invited a group of Miss
Bahlburg's friendsito an infor
mal bridge party at the apart- .
ment of Mrs. Fletcher on Court
street. , . : ,
Following several hours of
cards a bathroom shower will
honor the bride-to-be. A late sup
per will be served by the host
esses. Spring fibwers will provide -the
decorative note about the
Those bidden to honor Miss
Bahlburg are Mis Helen Board
. man, Miss Victoria , Schneider,
Miss Madge Reid, Miss Jeryme
Upston, Miss Ruth Geer, Miss
Ethel Redden, Mrs. Ray Lafky,
Mrs. Kenneth Lee, Mrs. Lawrence
. Engstrom and Mrs. Clarence Pet
ers. ; . ;
i :. , Sinner Thursday
Miss Ruth Geer Is arranging a
no-host dinner for Thursday night
at the Golden Pheasant for the
p 1 e a 8ii i re of Miss Bahlburg.
Guests wUl include board mem-'
hers of the Junior Woman's club
of which Miss Bahlburg is a
A red a white color scheme
will be carried out in the table
appointments and placecards will
be miniature bridesmaids holding
Covers will be placed for Miss
Jean Bahlburg, Miss Marcelle De- .
Mytt, Miss Lois. Riggs,.' Miss Helen
Boardman, Miss Irene Windsor,
Miss Willa Ames, Miss Olga Jan-ik.-Miss
Nadine Linn.' Miss Ruth
Geer, Mrs. Clinton Standish and
Mrs. Ivan G. Martin.
Miss Frances Duke
and another just as full will follow, with the Monday night Sroupof musical numbers
A. V J Vga CeAUCrA VV1IVVA V OO bllV 111PV ililVl VeUb V A-1 b J a,AI V
.' Percy Grainger To Play ' .;; '
Fortunate mdeed are Salem folk, m being able to hear "7"aI Qof-ii-rrlaxz
Percy Grainger, one of the world's greatest contemporary ' W e(l OttlurilUY
H Seen and fleard
RAIN, SXOW-AND WIND . . . A number of the Portland
mothers also came down for the
- I s : ; . - W 8 V affair'. . . In one groap Mrs. Diyid
- t - , . ? V -'T htt .;;P Wright in a new a prim dress.
O O.IC 111 X1M.I -XO bandanas the main .wearing ap- w Ynnnm hU(.v nU. n,
parel , . .In aplte of theweather per8lan Umb trim Mrs. rrank
numBer oi wj,ui Neer and Mrs. Fred Anunsen ,
Beta Sigma . 'Phi " ' FasKion : ted at Party
Bridge Is Calendared
For Wednesday Night
composers,; in a piano concert on , Monday night at Leslie '.; ' '" " ' '-,"1"-. '
auditorium. The program, under the sponsorship of the Salem ; . n 4g t 3 fil.'A"
MacDowell club, will be -the same as that presented to his , . ....... . .
'v". v ik uuiv.iw , .vvu j . -i- - - mim imncei uoouixie. niuis- . n v
. . FoUowing the Grainger "concert a reception will be heldter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank' tKawlTA TirtT&nlltx Bcn ln aU W"knd pke bonnt asked to. bring their own Uble
in inn unrarv nT rno nniimTiir- I na'ATTQir-ia t n no inrnrmni AiLLie.- uvt&iiits luc uuud ui iucic- -t - 11 i t . 1 11 .
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Duke en
tertained with a surprise party
for the pleasure of their daughter
Frances Friday night at their
home on Bellevue street. Pinochle
was ln play during the evening
with prizes going to Mr. Ivan
McCIain, Mrs. Eva Black and
Mrs. Jessie Foil Is. Mrs. Black
; Slated for Wednesday night, is the large fashion bridge assisted the hostess informally
for!, which members of Beta Sigma Phi, national education 8u4p,per our- T,he at"
nl ayta1 informal affairs tre- - iy
ceded the tournament games . v . . rAMZi; sorority, will be hostesses. The affair will be held at the "
It wouldn't be the tournament tt-'!ng Btraw hat and gardenia in her Elkstemple with, tables reserved, for both men and women. Those present were Miss Fran
tb .north'. etlon:,.waantfiIle4 -1,W' vnntli-PhM. ebl VhA 'volM-nit tn rnaVo rrv9't?A 'tnr 'tfoVAta "af4'"aeVt'' ces Duke. Mr. and Mrs. Iran Mc-
w th-theaame graupof matrons ln a wiM ,ult with grey accessor- frt ..oil C rlrffa (Ula, ?R :-.BfV,rf .nl Claln. Miss Molly Schwabbauer.
wno ni mrougn an za games . . . , -,t1 vi...v4Hi. n,ri.t.n. vv..r : .r. K
will be i In play and guests are
Miss Agnes Bayne. Mrs. Jessie
Follis, Mrs. Eva Black. Mr. and
m.mK.. t IV. fr4ni A.mA4- ht . aim uuggins, win .01 but. ana. . ua o.n 4n rtv
ger.In; the receiving .line: will ; be: Miss. Julia Query, Mr. fet SpiVrcere'mtSy JaU ti" "frTwrnSm
Gmnger.-Mrs-Charles HMartm,.Mrs'IuraJ,Rand Terril. yesterday afternoon in Minneapo- pninlp8 ln grey Vlth pink acces-
-Aasistirnr will h Mrs. ; Andrew DnnAnnJ Mrs. David -lis where the groom, is now .re-..
Fnnn' M TWtnn MUnnrnWPoa MJ r-Tb .owi wera "changed bln--.. , Do WB a little ! ?.'?5fi J . Ml-P.iT LLau. Misa Caroyl Braden, Miss
Zl1'7-ALT..V rt1 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon in fn;th-r Mr- wnilam Bwsick with "Tm8 " e1"" Accwr"lil -Maraaret Slmmf.- Miss Patricia
Noonan. Mis. Cynthia- DeLano
lv" .i. r.i'r' I. .vl and . . Mtoa . Barbara , Bli.- Mrs
Mrs. Walter Smith and Mrs. W,
Speck. .
Miss Laon Watklns, who. attended
high school here where' she was
prominent in - dramatics. Is now
- asxea onns iir own -TT "R JT -' V - Mrs. John Duke. Mr. Marvin Me-
-by the fashion show. v ' - ' "W?n TT ' '
k win rresiae
Modela for: the show wHll be
Mrs; Charles Clagajett, Mrs.' Wil
liam Hammond. Misa Mary-Jane
rvi v:r. rnw- t.-; s ivr-u:i. vi :n " further. Mrs. wmiam Btisick wun
x,iuivco .iwij. ucwvuiii uic iiiuii win wui tne cnapei or ?itne episcopal d-nrBter Jeanne at several of
At Affairs
church. .
f the games . Mrs.: Merrill Ohling
Miss Betty. Setienk; of Roches- in blue with, beige felt
page, she was chairman v of the
decoration committee, of the fifth
Scales heads the directorate in
be Mrs.. Bruce Baxter and Mrs.: David- Bennett BflL
. a , ?.- - ' . ? : "; ,j
dW?elc?3rt Perprmances, :, , :. V- tn Minn., a cbusln ot.the bride,-gether were Mrs. George Weller vanitT viS& fJJVwih caarge of the affair,
dress- over a' blue snorts dress. Mrs.
and 'Breyman Boise and. Mrs. John J.
'William Utley Will
Sing in Recital
' William Utley will present bis
-Junior voice recital at Waller hall
alumnae' of Alpha Delta " Pi were .
hostesses a week ago at the Wash-
A series, of - fellowship lunch
eons, and" dinners are being ar- on Wednesday night at 8 o'elork.
ranged this week by the board Mlar BHe Brown will be at the
Among, those who hare reser- members of the YWCA. , The pur- piano.: -
rations! are Mrr.. George Mor- pose of these affairs is to ac- Inelnded on his program are
-r,: TVio rijxflpxj y4 5?alm Vio4iT are 'nrMnlmcWa her OBlr attendant.' . ,
.. ... ;-..! .- : , . ... Th bride wore a smart di
rn. A ' nivn, '. "ininwrnA - if n w w . . init.ii i . . .
irf -VIvVh v? Jnaker suit .witff, blue, .skirt and Breyman Boise and Mrs. John J. -'JnVn-Athletic ilnh -The Seci bead; Mrs. -Lynn Xambeth," Miss quaint member, and friends of Beethoven's -Adelaide." "II Mio
nexVFjriday and, Saturday, mghts-m thehlgb; school; a aun . beige-with Upels EUloU i Lookin; vary Amart .. SfcW?d6'at tft--bXVln Ftekar Mr., and Mra.r Ken- the TWCA with the present ac- ?e80ro" by Mosart, "Beating, up
I.UIIU1H, vm: iuuiucu,ciu--8"Oiwju-.ue uiuuucu iu uic mo uiac. - h-vu iv .mv was-wrs.-tvaipn vuieuiu ui mu hlte sorority colors and the'
cast, tnd twosets of leading characters have, been choseni'MTyib.lue ?iCfle' nd cor- .with buck accessories, orer from A, B Delta pj diamond Mated m
fpr the main; partsf - lighta from behind the orchestra;
. . r ,ir t i.v m v - . , . . , -. '.- coupie -ieii ior a snori game group Mrs. -Lester Barr - .. .- r
. "Iolanthe-eontams ome. ofjthe mo . .
composed oy liuDerx ana. sum van, aitnougn- tne opera is less , at nome m Mi-meapons wnere red feather m her hat . . . Friday r eaerai An v lciory .
known thanTinafored theka glimpsed .Mr. and .M". tv-- Mnilav v l 1
iJTiimlvintiinV.WrnMniric, t r
7 rr r ? T" .T"w-r rs. Huggms, popular mem- watching the games, the latter ln - - , - . . . ,
ters.une cnorai music OI tne fairiesjs especially melodious, iber of; the younger set of .the. a grey suit . . Mrs. Edward Scheduled for Mpnday night, at
the march tunes Of the peers are catchy and the famous caplUU attended Salem schools Kranti ofiSt. Helens whose bus-' o'clock at the.TMCA. is the
patter song of the lord chancellor is among the most memo-nf i8!!;" cached hU fir'.louTmve,lt I'ar Ari ?SS ' Ail VwSr. fd
,'l.u. if -ti 41, rtT-o - - - ne wa mem"er Of Alpha Chi -team this year . . ; Other basket- , center, aii woraers ana
' . ? i COrniC operas. v,,;v.-j.,,yvv : , r - Omega sorority. She was a mem- ball enthusiasts . Dr. and Mrs. helpers who have aided la rals-
Student committees, from various deDartments. assisted ber of the sninsters. Mr. Hurrins- t p.ti uf ur. v.ri ing. funds for the proposed cen-
by faculty advisors, are in charge of the stage, tickets, pub- also attended Oregon State col- Snell and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolf ter are, inrited to the. dinner.
H.lfw nvA motrAnn Xfisa' Ala -rio.i, i f on.i4- lege and is member of Phi- . . .:tb the balconr Alice Sieck Special guests will, he Dr. Burt
netbvPotta,: Mrr and. Mrs. -Robert tivitiea and to interpret the work the Chaanel" by Sanderson and
Joseph,. Miss Heleu Boardman, of the organisation. . - .. "Visions" by SJoberg. Miss Brown
Miss Mabel Dotson, Mr. and Mrs. The flrtt affair will be Tues- and Clayton Wheeler will play a
Edwin Armstrong, Mrs. ..Garlen day : night at; ;30 o'clock at the sroup for two pianos during the
Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. William YWCA and' will be a buffet sup- concert.
SchHtt. -Mrs. Tyler Brown; Mrs. Ter for business women of the
Don- Roberts,- Mrs. Karl Becke, city. Hostesses for the affair in-
Mrs. F. W. Poorman, Mrs.. Edna c elude Mrs. A. E. Utley, Mrs. Ron-
Rowland, . Mrs. Carl Collins, . Mrs.
DC X. Beechler, Mrs. Vernon Per
ry; Mrs. Rex Adolpb,- Mrs. David
Wright,' Miss Esther. Balrd. Mr.
and . Mrs. F. E. Mercer, "Mrs. L. A.
Blaisdell. Miss - Mildred Meaney,
aid - Frlxiellr- Mrs Frank H.
Spears, . Mrs.- George King, Mrs.
B. E. sisson, Mrs-.' Lynn- Purvine
and Miss Helen Bocker:
The Richmond Parents-Teach-era
will sponsor a benefit card
party on Wednesday night at 7! 30
in the Cherry City recreation
room. Reservations are being tak-
. Luncheons, scheduled for Wed- en by Mrs. J. E. Berwick at 3079
nesday. and Friday .afternoons.
Mm. J. W. ".Harbison; Mrs. Olirer 111 be held at the home of Mrs.
Huston. Mr. - and Mrs. Robert w . n Uitmn Mn nw nn-
licit and makeuD. Miss" Ola Clark is failtv,rnaTt ki nL l .me??er .or the balcony Alice Speck- Broom. Miaa ; Doreno-parw. Mra. ?etf HilL Mrs. .William J. Busick.
and Mrs.Merwin-Fldler at 716.
Funds are to go toward the' hot
lunch fund for the achooL -
.i.i. n.u. it., u....i.. ... . j.. Krown mrtr. vice-Tireaiflpnt or
charge of seat sales, and.Miss Lena Beire Tartar . is dir Oregon, Mr.
Of the ODera. . . - , counle plan to come to the coast nt ..urii tuih.h- , i . Dienbocker, federal art direc-
V - " , lUHJ UWrrM k k W V W . . .. mm . -
to- make their home, f ' VMr , . - -. - lr or wasmngxon, u.v., ana Mr,
J. Ai Krebe, 'Miss Dorothy Krebs. Mrs. Ira L. Darby, Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Laban Steeres, Mrs.. Frank Brown, . Mrs. Ray Yocom, and
H. Spears, Mrs. Russeu uauin, Mrs. E. B. Daugherty.
Danish, regional art director of
- SELECTED . from SO contest- sn rrnrlpo
ants to dance, the' Viennese wait tt r. nvMm'hik writn nm
was rinvia nnwns AnnvTitpr nt I 1 Z.Z ivromer, airs, xvaiyu buui
was ,lavia Downs, daughtetof Tict0ry poems and a song which Howard Maple. Mrs. John Fick
linMrs. Homer Smith, Jt., Mrs.
Howard Adams, Mrs. Earl Cooley,
Mrs. Richard Kriesel, Mrs.' L. V.
UT. .Mrs. v A. Jjowns, wno will ha reA th dinner XTr.
Alicia McElroy Ensemble
Next Saturday night, the Alicia McElroy ensemble of n ., ri t n ,
Portland ' will play a spring concert at th Roberts studio. nde-llect . Honored
xaxs ia auk auuiuaiiLr: ui iriiia in uailai viuuu in lioiciii : - a liiiiivri - . ... . ' - -
since their presentation by the MacDowell club several years . , ' wiiTVarticifatVin Quest glhTs- Inwi,'!!
f?: Stve 1 the cians m the ensembleareembers ySmSSST: piaT nwd 8tge pro"
decorations and Mrs. L. I. Pear-
of the Portland symphony ; Gladys Johnson in the first violin
at the Cooley home on . North f,0 011 WDlcn 18 , ? on niine is furnishing the .flowers,
section; Esther Hare Furnas, principal in the violin section: 22nd street at a miscellaneous ?JS ?!ollowin.5L he dmner. t.7:io
f j? Fisher, second oboe flayer ; poria'ildmani ow" c19 .They onSboTS Z Si
flutist; Margaret Munson Mason, i violin, - and tmca to elect officers for the ft"",
O'Reilly,; 'cello, are, frequently, heard over: the; radios Miss -Su?!?.". naffodiia. nfr -SSefSS? WhTw R cer' ,B"kwvin pre" Hendr
,McEh;oy,is pianist andjihter of - Sfomemto0 Vt! "d M
josepmne. AiDerx apauiamg ?m sing-a group during "ow'-',;'ir.-;Vwi Atoned witU'drop abonider and ; tend the Percy Grainger concert
the evening,.- ' - . U,enc ivr'Blowy-akirti, Flavto'a partner- . - -
- ' Thprogram includes soke of the.finestchambermusic
known and each instriimerrtwin-be Alumnae
csitionsnd the cekste on Tue8. Give Luncheon f ' i
mcn.rroi, ttooeris:wui.piay xne organ lor-xms numoer, : rZ,: yVXTiZnZl day's calendar waa the tea for
with Florence Hutchinson of Monmouth at the piano
Mts. Henry. V. Compton, Mrs
Lyle Page, Mrs. Al Petre. Mrs.
Harold Ollnger," Mrs. Sydney
Kromer, Mrs. Ralph Klnier, Mrs.
Assisting the hostesses will be
Mrs.' Karl Becke, Mrs. Harold
Ollnger, Mrs. Carl Guenther, Mrs.
Dan J. McLellan, Mrs. William
Gahlsdorf, Mrs. A.'. M. Chapman
and Mrs. L. E. Mosher. -
Mrs. Kicnara jwriesei, ivirs. u. v. xi . T
Benson. Mrs. LA. D. Woodmansee, MlSS lireitnaupt Leaves
For Vancouver, B. C.
Alumnae of Kappa Delta enter-
Salem Women Attend
State DAR Meet
i Mrs. I, if. Schannep, Mrs. A.
E.1 Austin, Mrs. Seymour Jones,
Mrs. Frank Settlemeier and Mrs.
Miss ' Helen , Brelthaupt en
trained yesterday for
Seattle to sairfor Vancouver, B.
C, where she will attend the
Northwest Florists convention . at
the Vancouver, hotel tiCay, Mon- ..
day and Tuesday. Included in
this division will bo . representor
tlvea from Oregon, Washington,
Idaho, MonUna and British Co-;'
lumbla. . - ' - - '
. Monday night Miss Brelthaupt
will aeslst ln the florists school
Yates- Misa Harriet r Jwockllnr. Lttr iei
;:,"-..,.UIm"Vf.', ttiri..- MlM -In- ." . iieti VH . . . . 7 7" T w n P.vt. amnnr those - .vi.i. .k. m A.mnn
j i r i . ....... .v- -i,n. - taineo wun an miormai innrnenn , wun .. -
f Hinjna ana patronesses ior me concerx are. uovernor Peek, Mrs. Carl SeUers, Mrs. E. "7"" ;;" 7 Iv": Satnrdav noon at tha Golden rom Salem attending the state strate corsages and . Uble dec.
and Mrs. Charles H. Martin, Dr. and Mrs; Grover Birtchett,' Wr Cooley; Mrs. Lawrence Reasor, JJJ, IteaS -S!rinV K7nnft ri;i DAR conyention. in Portland this orations. Mias Brelthaupt . alonf
w . .. ir...- n . - lt ti... u. Vll.. -..""'.. i"ibij ivhcij - . " -
. In tv. ..f v. , rirla whn Bra finm fmm rtTavtn
Mr. and Mrs. U. r . bishop, filr. and Mrs. William H. Burg-; , v : . . In the hall were pink cama- girls who are home from Oregon
hardt Mr. and Mrs. Max O. Bnren. ?Mr. and Mrs. David L0?: Mrs.Mabel Ross. Mrs. Lyle bouaueta ot daffodils ' m- SUte college for the spring va-
Eason, Mr: and Mrs. Andrew DuncanMK and Mrs. H. j1httSdt M' rtTand nPrag?n and baskets "tl0B
. Albert,3Ir. and Mrs, Sydney Kromer -JMr. and Mrs. Frank Caniiis? Slfyron CooWy an" tllllYS
. v !n... n- j t r oi , j t: . !,. t.nn.. ' drawing room . . .The long tea -B Juuiei. 8 m8ry tl0U tte tribnte. and
table in 'the, dining room brought Drlggs and Misa Margaret Steven-
forth many exclamations
son of Myrtle Point,
Lilburri, MiC and Mrs-B O. Schucking,' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Misa .Hasei.xtoea,
li. waiiace, air. ana wrs. a. v, i erguson, iirs. tiniora , - -Brown,
Mrs. J, H." Hardin, Miss Sally Bush, Mr. and' Mrs." Af:Qft ti AnnMr ?n
Robert Hendricks, Mrs.; Hallie Parrish Hinges, Dr. Helen 1S:xTr-L ,?P . ?
Pearce, Mrs- Walter D.entori, Miss Margaret J. McFadden,: ivecital in Lalifornia
Ji". Ahem B.FrmelVMr, and Mrs.:Kr of Miss EUtabeth Lew- ZtK?'?? f ' SHl 'i!!? Katterina. w. Powell.
wrs, vvmiam wVyer,ir. ana irs. tester uox, wr. ana daughter of Mr. and Mrs. c. J": t?rtJmc TrUr
witb th Portland delegates loin.
! Memorial services . were held j Seattle- representatives on
at St. Stephen's cathedral Thurs- the boat ; v - "
1th Mrs.; Boon . ......
state regent, paying -
tLe tribute, and Mrs. William t. C;w. WPTTT Plana
HorsfaU, state chaplain.' conduct- oi6i""
Centered with hyacinth blue' Coyers were placed for the fol- 'm; .nT;; hW- iUSUlulc AW"uaJ '
nge- lowing alumnaet Miss Ann An- Mp- Kmmfl. Demnser
" candles,- at either end arrange
ments- of camellas, " Japanese
quince and blue hyacinths inter
. , - w . . . . v. . . MX. . . " " r
aerson. muw win iggs, miss Algood, Miss Lillian Applegate,
Agnes Eramell, Mrs. George Bag, Mr, 0ra Cosoer and Mrs.
. An " afternoon and evening in
stitute will bo held by tha Iota
Sigma WCTU ln the hall on Com
mercial and Ferry streets begin
ning at 2:30p. m. MondayMarch
Mrs.- Brevman Boise. Miss Elizabeth Lord and Miss Harriet ALewis. brilliant younc .Salem. 5"AnT.i : . ":.:"0?rS ! Betty Ix Sbawrer, daughter of . tu The program is aa follows:
, - afii aun iiiiiihl awn iia i- rn wniTB . w l uxm nuaiii v. dj i na ii n raasa ib r . w r w v vv
nianist and teacher, -will he In-I. . T'? "r"" ---------7-- . r. u n. i.oy ouwcr
Lanny 'Ross Sings
Easily available to Salem audiences are the three con- pUpU f oiga steeh, international-
hAvta f ainvAvaa f a n U Im Ta)ib sVtasrlln n A Vf OU.w . . . .
trested to hear that ahe has arw 7 -v'-j- v Ma a - CJiemawa, nas Dees seieciea- i
I2ei.ri Jf etT w:- center two tall blue Upers.. . Stanett.-A. -:. tba Ud !n the Llnfield col-
"-.'"rr"!! . table decorations were done - .-u ; ". " i r V - -ihW, TH.h Rose."
rh invited .' "I. . ' . . . " 1 whlrh will h runtr4 . for tha
. , i i i " . 7 . pupu ot uigt siCVD, uiieruauuBic p1IMt. Intn'tha Minlnv vnnm - '; JUTS. '-' aiarlO 11HS . IS T.- - -
certs of Lannv Rossi DODular vounsr American tpnnr xohn w known roncert'nianist. niaved ZV?-ZZ -5. .K.ioom '.".Kiiii 7n mv onnnf n.i first .time by an amateur cast.
ritfM thrA nnrprt in .t'rin-ra1W..)ti ninwul.-the Griea ' concerto, with Mlsa.--Pi. llTlT J.i an!b Mr.8- rent trln at the meetlnr of tn Mia Shawter, who. Is a
he makes an appearance at the gymnasium in Corvallis on fv pIaJm? orchestral parts at Hodge, Mrs. Frank power, ail
the Oregon State college campus; on Saturday night he .ft'ffiS aSSJSX
sing In concert under the Emson-White auspices-at the public ii she win appear in reciui at tn til A Antntr rnitm ' 1 Mm Wn.
auditorium in Portland; next Sunday Eugene will claim him the steeb Fine Arts auditorium. ium p. lauviin a dainty print . . Jannary' Februry'
in recital in McArthur court on the University of Oregon She. 13 Pla.nnla erem programa Mrs. a. A. Schramm here from b8erTed- - . ,
nn nF rofnrn- tn Kaiam tm anm- n ti . . ... i M .:. . - -
... . v.orTauis tur ian iiir ia now-
mer. . . ' - 4 r ; . ' ered nrint fashioned . with 1aVt
" r - ' . Miss Lewis is a former nnntl of . . -Mm nt Pittnn tn hiv
Mrs. Onas Olson has as' her Miss Gretcbea , Kreamer . and Mlss'Frances Vireinln Melton and , ft . . Un. Gnra nttn in
- -:- .
tion; Mrs. Tied CmUod.
S:00 Butinesi. ' ' '
8:80 Ckilarra's fan hat, Mrs. Grant
,i 'Wikoff. 4irtor. -
4;P0 Lfiltfon, Mr. Fr4 J. Toosa,
, Jr. -
A .On -U.mltmliin VrL- J. J. , KSBU.
cent itlp i mng at .
White Shrine of Jerusalem being; -J ir' T 1 1 7:30-8onr wtvUa ad pyr. PciU
held on Monday night at Masonic ft Salem , high achool and was . ...V -
temple. Charter members are to last year an entrant in the north- t:oc "Eriy.Iif of rrtaett WiHar."
be honored and birthdays of "wet speaking contest In Tacoma. ' - e M- fi "
and -March . . . ' " ; ' , eer iiwtor.
Mr. and Mra. Michael Sillier of - ' "Ta
Portland, sailed for Honolulu on" . '
i . Friday from San Francisco aboard 'Mrs. Roy- Byrd was hostess to
The' Social afternoon clan of the S. S. Larenia They will re- group at luncheon in, Portland
the Eastern Star will meet for, turn after several weeks on the ; and at the matinee of Faust in
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Recent : Bride Mrs. Konnan
tinsu rno(. hpr nice. .Miss Mrs. Mabel Powers Were among has slaved in .dimt rnnrrt in Marir tar tnit Mm UTirni r.,ui. . r ........... ' . .... ... enmna rtiti Sirini ntmu l
. o "- nrfi..i a " y Ti,r, . wu- Mmp id v tmii, Af oocaa at victoria. Mrs. Miner is rairicias oirinaay. 'iu uw-pww- - - ... rvri.i
Elaine Murphy and Miss Valeria P08 no motored to Portland -Oregon. In addition to her studies wood wearing red, satin with thur Moore is ehalrmanr of the the former Winifred Goas, daugh- were Mra. Priae Byrd and a church ceremony at the Lnrisi
n'Ponner of 9t Helena Tha rial- to ."tend the i . tnatineo. of Faust in Los Angeles she is also accom- black -velvet Jacket ... An in- social committee. All visiting ter" of Mrs. Verna Roberts of Sa- daughters. MUm Betty. Byrd ' and Lutheran church March 13. -l"
o Conner or ttv Helens. Tne vm- and the evening performance of ;panlst for the Marlborough school formal afternoon with musical members in the city are Invited lem, both Mr. and Mrs. Miller Miss Janet Byrd. Jack Powers couple will reside - in Salem,
tora are here for the tournament. Carmen. . for girls. numbers giren by the house girls to attend.. ...... are formelr . Salem residents.;.'; and Dean Byrd. - . . (Jesten-Mlller. photo). ..,