The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 12, 1938, Page 4, Image 4

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, March 12, 1925
"No Favor Sway Vi No Fear. Shall Awe"
From First Statesman. March tt, 1811
Charles A. Spsague . . Editor ard Publisher
Charles A. Sprat oe. Pre. - BUeldoa F. Sackstt. Secy.
Member of the Associated Press. ' '
The) Aasoclated Press la exclusively entitled to the uae for publl'-A-
Hon or all uwi dispatches .credited to
thia paper.
A Second
Without firing a shot Hitler repossessed the Rhineland
for Germany, He brought the free city of Danzig under hia
nevfvnl Kaid vxrif rmnf r'iv-iner a eVmv- Via V o o mnvaJ Aiiarrvfo if
not through organic tmion. then
zia in control in Vienna. Chancellor Schuschnigg, loyal to, in- J
dependence; had hoped through a plebiscite to set an endorse-1
roenu wiui uerman troops crossing-,ine Doraer ana nazi
armies and hoodlums raising disorders at Graz. and Vienna
he was forced to resign. "Anschluss' which the French pre
vented seven years ago is made
shed blood m vain, for the pressures -of 1938 accomplished
' what the putsch of 1934 failed
from the Vienna chancellery where Dollfuss was slam,
' . Well does one ask, who won
stepped of colonies, of marginal
ment has under the leadership of this queer ex-house painter
thrown off the shackles of the treaty of Versailles and become
the dominant power in Europe. France has completely lost
its post-war hegemony. Russia, busy killing off its leaders, is
now a toothless threat, uermany
complishing what it failed to
Of one thing the world may be thankful : Austria does not
become a second Spain. The peoplejthere are easy going,
friendly. They are accustomed to scant fare-and oppressive
government. Mo3t of them will accept the change with a shrug
of the shoulders and then turn to go about their business of
earning a living and then enjoying life. Vienna will remain a
care-free capital and not be turned into a ruined Madrid.
Hitler's next move may be the effort to absorb Czecho
slovakia, now enveloped on three sides by nazi power. There
he will meet resistance, which easily may lead to general war.
If he goes on to seize the fertile grain fields of Hungary and
the oil wells of Rumania he will obtain the self-sufficiency
that Germany craves and a military strength far greater than
the Old Germany ever had. Before that comes about however
other thmgs may happen. Mussolini may want no overpower
ing rival. France may get a grip on itself. Internal difficulties
may trip Hitler. At present, however, he looms as the greatest
personal force on the European
.Bonaparte. -
Valley Project
Obtaining a favorable report from army engineers for
the Willamette valley projects means that the most5 difficult
hurdle for its attainment has
nw is congressional approval
come, because the congress has
the recommendation of the army
and Representative Mott will
the appropriate legislation through congress.
- While it is dif icult to say
will be. it does offer prospect of
trol and navigation and in improvement of streams for fish
life. Impounding waters in the
i duce the flood damage; provide a six-foot steady depth
in the river below Salem, which is plenty for year-round
navigation ; and increase the volume in summer months so
that the degree of contamination injurious to fish will be low
ered. Possible supplemental benefits are power production,
drainage and irrigation. The project is part of a general pro
gram for maximum utilization
making it capable of sustaining
increasing the material wealth
R. H. Kipp of Portland has
this work. Senator Douglas McKay has been president of the
Willamette Valley Project association which has kept the
thing alive and has pushed for its approval. Gov. Martin has
also been an ardent booster for
Oregon delegation in congress,
ment to date.
California is griping over
more rubber in the Bonneville
Francisco Chronicle says that
" utilities keep their books on a
or private utilities by government authorities, ' talk of yard-
sucks is nonsense.
: But California's new gripe
trick bookkeeping for Bonneville as compared with Boulder
dam, another government project. The Chronicle says: '
a "The basis of power cost accounting at Bonneville dam will
be different from that at Boulder dam. The government has fol
lowed a different rule in allocating to power its proportion of to
tal Bonneville costs. , t
ine paper goes on to report that isouider power users
- are in dire alarm over the prospect that their competitors in
Bonneville territory will get cheaper electricity. 4This is not
oecause it is cneaper to mane electricity at uonneviiie, says
The Chronicle, "but because, the bookkeeping is not the same
in the two projects."
. Regardless of the "double
ernment uses in carrying out its own sweet will, power gener
. ating costs and transmission costs to consumption points are
probably considerably lower for Bonneville on any fair allo
cation of investment. Bonneville
er has to be carried several hundred miles to Los Angeles, the I
great consuming center. What
natural advantage which Bonneville has will be dissipated . i . i -
(inrougn political pressures.
Merle Chessman of the Astorian Budget Is on his way home dis
gusted because government authorities have turned him down again
on jus appeal lor protection at the mouth of the Columbia. , Even the
president -reneged -on a - commitment for improvement- of Tongue
Point This means the Columbia valley remains virtually defenseless.-
Most any day Astorians may expect
nuts thrown by invading Tahitians
The conservative victory In Seattle was greater than Just the
election of a level-headed man tor mayor. The voters defeated aU
commonwealth candidates and rejected all, city measures, most of
wblca aimed at loading up more costs or taxes. Seattle is getting tired
oi aemg regarded as the capital ot
Boake Carter says the state
and have him deported Jn order to
tor. We rarely hear his line: but It
an alien to do as much talking as he
uaitor Kuni or Medlord
other day to women a hats. He confessed he couldnt make anything
out of them. As old as he is he should have learned that a long time
ago. uiuraers are ui oniy ones wno
Portland is going to give Multnomah falls to the state: but the
paper doesn't say to which state. California might make a 'bid, but it
may figure it now nas an tne water
A San Franeisco district "industrial union' council calls for the
court martial" of Gov. Martin. It would probably nominate the NLRB
tor judge ana jury ana Mister Hope
"Russia, thank God, Is not America." exclaimed the prosecutor In
tne trials at Moscow. Ana than
on this side of the water. '
Jim Farley announces the' democratic party is debtless. Yes, but
joov at in ieaerai treasury since
It or oot ottiorwiao credited la
through establishment of na-
a reality. Chancellor Dollf uss
to do: The swastika flag flies
the world war? Germany
territory, of navy, of arma
seems well on the way to ac
accomplish under Kaiser Wil
continent since Napoleon
Gets Approval
been surmounted. Remaining
and appropriation. This should
adopted a policy of accepting
engineers. Senator McNary
be very capable men in seeing
just how valuable this project
definite returns in flood con
mountains is expected to re-
of the resources of this valley,
a much larger population, and
of those who live here.
been the active executive on
the cause. These, with the
deserve credit for the achieve
vs. Boulder
the government's injection of I
power yardstick. The San
so long as government owned
different basis than is required
is over what it reirards as
entry bookkeeping t he gov
is at tidewater. Boulder pow
is feared up here: is that the
to be hit on the head with cocoa-
in outrigger canoes.
radicalism and . Dave becklsm in
department is trying to "get him'
shut him up as a radio commenta
does seem a little presumptuous for
does about America's foreign pol
Mall-Trinune, devoted his column the
It wants.
tor examiner.
cod America is not Russia, echo folk
tne democrats got hold of It. .-
Bits for
2nd Lieut. Sheridan on 3-1 2-3 S
tearing Oregon gare his "
bedspread to a friend; it ,
is treasured in a Salem home: .
(Concluded from yesterday:)
Quoting Sheridan's hook farther:
In no sense. did I anticipate what
war to happen to me afterward,
nor that I was to gain any distinc
tion from it.
I was ready to do my duty to
the best of my ability wherever we
might be called, and I was young.
healthy. Insensible to fatigue, and
desired opportunity, but high rank
was so distant in our service that
not dream of its attainment had
flitted through my brain.
V v
(But Sheridan did hope that he
might get as far In higher rank as
to be a full captain. He had gradu
ated from West Point In 1853.
when he was breveted -a second
lieutenant. He had been advanced
one step In November of the next
year made a full second lieuten
ant, but in all the more than eight
years since graduation he had not
climbed higher. So a full captain
ey looked like a high -rank to
Resuming quotations from the
book where left off above: "When
relieved from further duty at
Yamhill hy Captain Owen, I left
for the Atlantic coast to Join my
new regiment. A TWO DATS
RIDE brought me down to Port
land, whence I sailed to San Fran
cisco, and at that city took passage
by steamer for New York via the
isthmus of Panama, in company
with a number of officers who
were going east under circumstan
ces like my own
At tnis time ' California was
much agitated on the question of
secession, and the secession ele
ment was so strong that consider
able apprehension was felt -by the
Union people lest the state might
be carried into the Confederacy.
'As a consequence great dis
trust existed in all quarters and
the loyal passengers on the steam
er. not Knowing what might oc
cur during our .voyage, prepared
to meet emergencies by thorough
ly organizing to frustrate any at
tempt that might possibly be
made- to carry us into some south
ern port after we should leave As-
"However, our fears proved
groundless; at all events, no such
attempt was made, and we reach
ed New York in safety in Novera
A day or two in .New York suf
ncea to repiemsn a most meagre
wardrobe, and I then started west
to join my new regiment, stopping
a day and a night at 'the heme of
my parents in Ohio, where I had
not been since I Journeyed from
Texas for the Pacific coast."
(That was in 1855, when he was
ordered to report to Fort Reading,
Cal., to join the "military escort of
the surveyors of, the Pacific rail
road, under the orders of Jeffer
son Davis, then secretary of war.
His parents lived in Somerset.
Ohio, not far from Zanesville.)
Quoting further: "The head
quarters of my regiment were at
Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, to
wnicn point i proceeded with no
further delay except a stay In the
city of St Louis long enough to
pay my respects to General H. W.
Sheridan found that resigna
tions and rapid changes had ad
vanced him to a captaincy. He
had told a. Bush, then publisher
ana eaitor ox ine statesman, as
he was departing from Oregon.
mat ne nopea to Decome a cap
tain, and thought he might attain
that rank, if -the . war lasted long
enough. His captaincy was in the
10th Infantry, of which WT.
Sherman had just been made col
onel! Sherman had Just arrived
from San Francisco, where he had
been working In a bank. The two
were soon to be' heard of In news
belting the globe.
From a clear sky, never learned
by him how. he was before long
offered the colonelcy of1 the 2nd
Michigan Cavalry, by Governor
Blair of that state; he was on the
way up. He achieved such victor
ies as. a .colonel that five briga
dier generals wired headanarters:
He is worth his weight in gold"
asaing mat ne be promoted to
brigadier general. The last dav
or 1862 he became a malor een
eral. He was 31 at his nreced
In birthday!
Aiier many victories (be was
never defeated). Grant gave him
ail tne cavalry of the Armv of
the Potomac; he had become
the greatest cavalry leader on
earth up to his day. Dana.
great editor, scholar, assistant
secretary of war, had "sold1
Grant to President Lincoln.
Dana."sold" Sheridan to Grant,
and Grant gave Sheridan the
Job of' cleaning up the Shenan
doah valley which he did, mak
ing Washington nate for the
first time since the war started
making the reelection of Lincoln
certain (which had .-been - In
doubt); leading straight to Ap
pomattox, where were present to
receive Lee's sword three gen
erals. They had all three learn
ed the rules of victory. In Ore
gon. They were Grant, Sheri
dan. Orr.
s w
While Sheridan was so anxi
ously awaiting the da. when he
could go from Fort Yamhill to
the seat of war was the time
when he thought of the Cham
berlins In their mission home at
the agency, about three miles
Dr. Gllsan spoke of the Cham
berlins in his book as "an In
teresting family." He was U.
S. Army surgeon and had Fort
Yamhin far his headquarters
nearly all the time Sheridan was
there.: He became a leading
Fortland physician and city
builder. Glisan itrcrt was
named for him. among other
things in that city.
- S .
The Chamberlins moved from
Grand Ronde to Salem In IS 6 2
In order that the chUdren might
K. SuMir at Hod St., L. . NUr-
, muuiter. Sabbath school. Satur
day 9:45 a. ra. Diriaa worship 11 . a.
8naoa by Glean Pattaraon. Kreninc
acrv:eea Sunday, Wednesday and Friday
mints, ta sabjecti bctac "Will the
Jews Return to Jerusalem and be Con
verted as a Nation I": "He That LWsta
and vaa JXad;" ami "Millionaire (
Corner Korth Liberty and Marion Sts.
Irrias A. Kox. I. O. Pastor. Bible
School B:5; a. m. Morninr Worship 11
m subject "How a Christian Hay
Glorify God." Senior Young People's
Heetint S:1S p. in. Hifh School 6:30
m. Ctnuc Uospel Bemce 7:30 p. m..
aubjert "The A(e at the Kingdom or,
God the Sao Here in Immortal Flesh."
Wednesday, T:S0, Prayer Meeting.
Ferry and South High SU . Reri Arse
Q. Weniger. Pastor. Bible School :45
u. Morninr Worship 11 o'clock. "The
Doom ot Doubt or Failure Through Ua
belief." The ordinance ot Baptism.
Senior Forum 6:30. High School BTPU
6:80. Krening Worship T:S0 p. m.. ser
mon. "The Abandoned Child." Kid-week
rerTice, Wednesday, 7 :30 p. m. ,
North CotUge and D SU.. J. T. 01-
thoff. pastor. Bible School at 9:45 a.
Iforninc Worshiii in German at 11,
Sermon. "The Altar ot Ineesae," ("Der
Ra-iehaltar"). Gospel Berries la Eng
lish at 7. -80 p. m. Prayer meeting. Wed
nesday at 6 p. nv.
Haael and Academy. Sunday School
10 at m. Church 11 a. m. and T:S p. i
Thurady evening Mr. Egdol. misaieaary
from South Amenee, wU apeak at 1:30,
Corner of Center and High Sta.. Guy
It Drill. Minister. Church School at
-0. Moraine Worship and Communion
at 10:45. Senior Mixed Quartet: "Give
Ten Years Ago
March 12, 1028
Mr, and Mrs. C. P. Bishop have
returned from a trip to Hawaiian
Islands. where he represented Sa
lem chamber of commerce at US
chamber of commerce convention.
Homer Lyons, Tom Duffy, Har
old Beechler, Bob Kelly and Lee
Ecker will probably start most
of Salem high games at state
basketball tournament to open
Lt. Archie Rutherford has re
signed his position in. adjutant
general's office to accept Portland
managership of A. C. Hsag it Co,
Twenty Year Ago
March 12, 101ft
"J. W. Thorburn, US inspector
of textiles, is in the city and will
remain here for a month to in
spect all woolens for use of war
department. -
By an order of food adminis
tration given people of county by
F. w. Steusloff, food administra
tor, no sale ot flour can be made
by any dealer in county unless an
equal quantity of substitutes go
witn oraer.
Ross Miles, son of Mr. and Mrs.
B. C. Miles, left Saturday for the
east to sail for France to engage
in Red Cross reconstruction work.
attend Willamette university,
wiucn tney au aia, and are con
neetedewith some ot the lead
ing families ot Oregon anl
Mrs. Olive Chamberlin died
here In 1874, and Joseph passed
away in 1887.
S S .
There will follow, soon, a lit
tle more about Sheridan and
the Salmon, river cut-off.
The writer has the painful
duty of debunking aome history
in connection therewith. That
is sometimes an unpleasant
task, but nothing is good history
that Is not true, and any per
son finding .false history is un
faithful to hia sense of honesty
(ifihe has that sense) If he fails
to expose It.
About All Washed
Me Thy Heart," Bourn. Sermon. "An
other Source of Perennial Gladness."
Christian Eadearor at 6:15. Evening
Service at 7:80. Girls' Quartet. "Leave
It All to Jesus." Stebbins. Sermon, "The
Appalling Horror ot Salem." Midweek
Servica Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
Chemrketa and Liberty Sts. Sunday
School 11 a. m. Church Services 11 a. ra.
and 1p.m. Lwioa-iennoa, "Substance.'
Wednesday service 8 p. m.. includes tes
timonies of healing- in Christian Science.
Sealing room and free lending library
at SOS Masonic temple open daily azeept
Sundays and holidays from 11 a. m. to
p. m. Wednesdays until 7:80 p. an.
Court and Seventeenth Sts D. W.
Daniels, par tor. Bible acheol at 9:45
m. Morning worahip ana JUord s Sup
per at 10:45 a. m. Vocal nolo hy Su-
aannn Hawkins, Xeaaage, "The' World'a
Seed of a Christ-like Church." Evening
service and Christian Endeavor at 7:80.
Musical m oaram. Measure. "Seven Pie-
tnrea of the Cndiacouraged Christ." Mid
week service Thursday at 7:S0.
Corner Shipping and CotUge. H. R.
Thomhill, minister. Bible study 10 s. m.
Worship 11 a. at. Subjeet, "Looking
Back." Young l'sople a Meeting 6:80
p. m. Preaching 7:30 p. m. Subject,
Folio wine Christ."
Song Practice,
Wednesday, 7:80 p. m.
WCTU halt Perry sad Commercial
Sta.. Rev. Lloyd Rica, aupply paator.
Sunder. Sehool :5 a. as. Regular eerv
leea at 11 'clock and 7:80 p. m. Wom
en 'a prayer band Tueaday I i. a. it
lflO Boots Conrmercral. Cottage prayoT
service Wednesday 7:45 p. m. louag
roopl a meeting Friday 7:45 p.
2420 Lea St.
Hood and Cottage Sts.. Merrill 3.
Hooker, Minister. Sunday School 9:45
a. m. Morning Worship 11 t. n., subject
"Constraining Love." Christian Cruaad
era 6:45 n: m. Evankelistie Serviee 7:45
p. m subject "A frescner From the
Dead." Midweek Bible Study, Wednes
day, 7:45 p. m.
Liberty at Center. Robert A. Hutehin
son. minister. Church school at 0:45
Worship service in Grand theater at 11
o'clock, sermon "Imprisoned 8plendor,"
Offertory nolo, "The Lout Chord." Keith
Sherman. Toung people' a atudy and so
cial hour at the Parsonage at t o'clock.
No evemng service.
19th and Ferry. H. C. Stover, minis
ter. Morning worship at 11. Sermon.
"The Disturbing Christ." Evening Serv
fee at 7:80. Sermon by Rev. O. E. Foo
ter, paator of the Eaglewood United
Brethren church in a pulpit exchange.
Sunday school at lu a. m. Christian JLn
decror at 0:43 n. in,
Church and Chemeketa Sta.. Rev.
Geerce H. Swift. Rector. Holy Commun
ion. 7:30 a. nt. Communion and breakfast
for the aewlyx confirmed class. Church
school 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer aerv-
ita and sarman 11:00 a. m. Lent serv
ires 7 and 10 a. m. Fridaya.
Corner Marian and Summer Sts., Rev.
James E. Campbell, minister. ' Sunday
School at 9:45 a. m. Morning worahip at
11 (.'clock, aermoa, "Living Saerifieea."
Tooth Groups will neet at 6:S0 p. bl,
when Mrs. Poet, a returned miaeieaary
from Borneo. Wtnepeak. Evangeliatic
service at T:S0 p. as. Bible study Thurs
day, 7:30 p. an.
Ferry and 18th 8ta-, Bunday Behaol at
9 :45 a. m. enwrca eemee as 11 a. m.
Evanreliatic service at 7:45 n. an. Evaa
gelist Kathleen Belknap- opening a two
weeks eeriee ot special meetings with
services at 7:45 p. m. each night except
Mondays and Saturday. :
N. Capitol and Marion Sts Edwin
Horstman, pastor. School ot Christian
Education and a d a 1 1 discussion class
10 a. m. Worship 11 a, an. "The Help-
lag Saviour." Mala quartet, "I Shah
See Him." Wednesday 8 p. m. Lenten
meditation, "Jeans Snffera Through
Ear, and Jealousy." Friday 10:80
m. to 8 p. m,. meeting at the Evangelical
and Reformed Women's Federation of
the Portland area
433 Ferry Street. Sunday achool
10 a. m. .Jiomina- worahin 11 a.
Evangelistic! aervira 7:45 p. m. Meetiaga
Tataday a a d Tnarsaay at 7 :45 p. at,
Twang People's meeting Saturday 7:45
BOBi'sU. , -
19th and Brcyman Bta. One block
aouth of Center street. ' Sunday achool
9:45 a. aL, claases for alL Morning
worsnip 11 a. m., names at Fire
; Prayer meeting Sunday . ettemeen 2 :J0.
Cntaaders aaeetieg S:15 p. m. Evening
aerviee 7:45. Illuat.-atcd meaaagu chart
talk, prep he tie rabiect. ' Wednesday
T:4S n. m. prayer and praise. Friday
7:45 p. m , chart talk. Ber. Lloyd and
Esther Miller, c-pastors.
HioKUuro rxExss
Highland Avenue at .Church St.. T.
Clio Brown pastor. Bible school at 10
o'clock. Preaching aerviee at 11. Sub
set: "Btewardahip," by Rev. Herman
H. Maer of Scrtta Mills. Christian En-
deavor at S:80 p. m. and evangeliatic
servica at 7:30 p. at. Prayer meeting
Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
South Commercial at Waakingioa St
Miller H. aed Haiel K. Porter, pastors
iibla school 10 a. m. Worahip 11 a.
Guest Speaker. Christian Endeavor 6:80
er meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m.
Meat Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in the
i rateraal Temple, Center street, n e
Lib rty.
Cottar and Chemeketa Sta. Sunday
scnooi 10 n. m. Evening service j:S0
Relief Society Tueaday i p. m. MIA
Tussdsy 7:30 p. as. A. C. Hawkins,
branch president.
Church St.. between Chemeketa an
Canter. Rev. P. W. Erikaen. pastor. 9:45
m. Sunday achool. 11 a. m, Mornins
worship. Wno Checks the Flow
Power t" Incidental solo, Miss Lougine
Brierske; incidental duet, Ronald Craven
and Mias Briotske. Civic male quartet.
"Awake Te SeinU." (Bcrwald). Ronald
Craven. Garland Halloweil. Richard Bar
ton, Don Robinson. Service broadcast
over K.SLM, 11 to 12 noon. 6:30 p. m.
Lutner League.
Eighteenth and Stat Sts.. Rev. Amos
E. Minnaman, a. at. pastor. German
9:30 a. m., subject. "O Woman, Great
Is Thy Faith. ' Eur hah 11 a. m.. sub
ject. "The Precious Goasel la the Word
bout the Little Pet Docs." Sunday
acaool :80 a. sa. German Lenten aerv
ice Wednesday 9:30 a. as. Garmaa Lea
tea serrieea Wednesday 7:15 p. m. Sag
lish Lenten services Friday. 7 :15 p.
(Mlaeton Synod I
ICth and A Sts.. H. W. Greta, sailor
aunoay acaool 9 a. ra. uerman serv
ice at 9 a. m. English services at 10
a. sa. Lutheran Radio hour 1:30 p. as.
over K8LM. Midweek Lenten services
Wednesday at 7:45 p. m.
X. Winter and Market Sta., Rev. D. A.
Cohagan. paator. Suaday achool 9:45
a. nt. Church worshio 11 n. m.. "A Man
and Hia alone." Young People a meet
ing 6:30 p. m. Evnngelistic aerviee
7:30 p. m., "The Judgment." Midweek
prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. as.'
State street at Church, James E. Mil
llgan, pastor. Sundsy school at 9:45
a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
Sermon, "Some Things that Really Mat
ter." Evening sermon, "Jesus Seta a
'ew Standard." University vespers.
Snnict Hour 5:30, devetionala at 4:30
p. m., led by Prof. Herman Clark. Toung
adult group 6:30 at the parsonage, Mrs.
Sarah Louis lesding. High School
league at 6:30 p. m. Intermediate
league at 5:30. p. m., presenting- a re
ligious drama. .
'North Winter, Jefferson. Fairgroaada
Bead. Lynn A- Wood, minister. Church
school 9:45 a. ra. Worship 11 a. nt.
Theme. "Looking at the World." Ep
worth Leagues 6:30 p. m. Intermediate,
high school, aenior. Evening aerviee
7:30 p. m.. Rev. Edwin Horstman, min
ister of the Salem Evangelical aed. Re
formed church will preach.
South Commercial ard Myers Sta.,
Dean C. Poiadezter. minister. Suaday
achool 9:45 a. an. Morning worahip 11
a. m. Thank Offering day for the Wom
an s Foreigf 'Mtaaionary society. Mes
sage by Mrs. Jesse Bunch of Forest
Grove. Junior League in' Leslie hall nt
5 p. m. The intermediate-Senior League
at 6:80 p. m. Young People'a lee rue at
6:30 in Leslie hall. At 7:80 p. m. Dr.
Levis Magia will give a report' on the
"Uniting Conference ot Methodism."
13th and Center Sts.. Leo Webaterr
Collar, paator. S a. m. Christian work
era prayer meeting. 9:45 a. as. 8unday
Bible school. 11 a. m. Warship.' Vocal
daet by Misses Commas and Carmogeae
Hoffer. Sermon. "The Mors Abundant
Life." 6:30 p. m.. Young People's serv
ices la Senior, Junior and Pioneer
groups. 7:30, special Missionsry Sani
tarium service. Duet, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Frieaea. Sermon and testimonies by rep
resentntivea from the aaaitariuau located
St Nampa, Idaho. -
315 H S. Commercial St. Bible school
3 p. m. Devotional 8 p. an. Evangelia
tic 7:30 p. an. Weekday service, Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday aighta nt
7 :30 p. m. Wednesday night cottage
prayer meeting at -Mra. Niekiemi 1112
Mill St, alas toung People's meeting at
mission. Eater Baker in charge. J. C.
sad Daisy Wilson, pastors.
Winter snd Chemeketa Sta., G rover C
Birtchet. O. D.. pastor. 6:30 a. m.
ehnreh achool. li s. nv, morning; wor
ship. Sermon. H. "The Crosa and Fer-
giveaoas." Duet, "O Let Him Whose
orrew." (tMbtaetett), Mra. Hagbea and
Prof. WiTlinm Wright. 6:30 p. as. Chris
tian Endeavor Societies. 7:80 o. m
wsrahip, sermon, "Tie Glorious Com-
Sany ot the Apostles:" L Peter. Tbars
a, 1-80 p. v, prayer meeting. .
" S4S K. Commercial St unstaira in
KP hall. Maaaages circle at 1 .80. Bare
ice 7. SO p, au, Rcr. Lain Middlesterdt,
paator. . . .
Radio Programs
7:15 United Press Kews. t
T:S0 Sunrise Sermonotte. '
1 :45 American FaanUy sceoiasoa.
S :O0 Tall Cora Time at aau, noa.
S:SO Hits of Today.
S:45 United Press ftews.
9:C0 Tha Paator' a Call.
9:15 The Friendly Circle.
9:45 Coral Strands.
10 :00 Oddities ta the Kws.
10:15 Microphone in the Sky. MBS. -
10 :SO Carnegie Tech 8ymphoay. MBS.
11 :0O Community Huuder ftewa.
11:15 Spice of Life.
11:30 Bcaay Venou's Program, MBS.
11:00 Street Reporters.
1J US United Press Sews.
13:30 Hillbilly Serenade.
12:80 Palace el varieties, lxmaon.
. MHa.
1:00 International Bouse, MBS.
1:30 Arthur Wright and Organ, MBS.
1:45 Hollywood Buckarooa. -3:00
Paswho and his Oirh MBS.
3:30 Sammy Knye'a Orch, MBS.
8 :0l Leu Salvo, Organist, MBS.
3:15 Aces High. MBS.
4:80 United Press News.
3:45 Jam and Jive Swing Band. MBS.
4 :00 -Bnmbarger Symphony, MBS. .
4:30 Xevier Cugat Orch.. MBS.
5:00 Pat Bamea Bnrnatormera, MBS.
5:88 rnviUtion to Walts, MBS.
6:00 Dinner Hour Meladiea.
-S a5 Sally, Irene sad Mary.
S:90 8porU Btdlaeyes, nuts.
S:45 Vnited Press Mewa. . v
7:00 Elka' Safety Drive. :
7:15 WalUtime Melodies.
7.45 Chicago Symphony, MBS.
8:15 United Press Newt.
8:30 Abe Lymaa'a Orch MBS.
9:00 Newspaper ot tae Air, ana.
9:15 8wingtime.
9:30 Edwnrde Old Timers.
9:45 Kay Kyaer's Orch.. MBS.
10 :00 Musical Scrapbeok.
11:00 Jay Wbidden Orch., MBS.
6:80 Market Reports.
6:85 KOIN Klock.
8:00 New a.
8:15 This and That with Art Kirkham
9:00 Suns of the Pioneers.
9:15 WP A Band.
9:30 8tyle Chats from BedelL
9:45 George HaU Orchestra.
10:00 Glee Club.
1 0 : 1 5 Rythmairea.
10:80 Classified Ad-Ventura.
10:85 Buffalo Presents.
11:00 American Society ot the Hard of
11:05 Madison Ensemble.
11:30 Meter City Melodies.
13 :0G Merrymakers.
13:15 KOIS News Service.
13:80 Girls Scout Anniversary.
13:45 Waltses of the World.
1 :00 Ann Leaf at the Organ.
1 :15 Gertrude Lntii, Pianist.
1:45 Four Clubmen.
1:50 KOIV News Service.
3:00 Story of Industry.
3:80 Will McCune Orchestra.
S :00 Columbia Chorus.
3:16 Oregon Federation of Music Clubs
3:30 Newspaper of the Air.
4:15 Saturday Swing.
4 : 30 Columbia Workshop.
5:00 CBS.
5:30 Maurice Orchestra.
6:00 This Week.
6:15 Department of Justice.
6:89 Saturday Might Serenade.
7:00 Tour Hit Parade.
7:45 Leon P. Drewa. Orgaaiat.
8 :00 Orria Tucker Orchestra.
8:30 Johnny Presents. '
9:00 Professor Quia.
9:30 Henry King Orchestra.
10H0 Five Star Final.
10:15 Bern Dance.
10:45 Larry Kent Orchestra.
11:00 Paaadeaa Orchestra.
11:30 Joe Sanders Orchestra.
7:00 Sweethearts ot the Air.
7:15 Old Timers.
7 :45 News.
B:OS Radio Column.
8:15 Musical Tete-a-Tete.
8:30 Music and American Tooth. '
9:00 Cbssinf Music Soviet.
9:30 Lesington Hotel Orchestra.
9 :45 Tour Radio Review,
j 0:00 Ketherland Plaza Hotel Orch.
10:30 This Rythmic Age.
10:45 Parker Dental Clinic.
11:00 Stars of Tomorrow.
13 :00 Golden Melodies.
13:80 News.
13:45 Bill Krens and Orchestra.
1:00 Calling All Stamp Collectors.
1:15 Kelaey and Hia M asic
1:30 NBC Pregram.
3:90 Great Plays.
3:00 El Chiea Spaaiah Revue.
3 :30 Press Radio News.
3:65 Sparta Question Box.
3:45 Reliaion in the Mewa.
t 4:00 Kaltenmeyer'a Kindergarten.
4:so news.
4:45 Piano Surprises.
5:00 Piano Surprises.
5 :00 Stare of Tomorrow, to NBC.
5:30 Music and American Touts.
6:00 Al Roth Orchestra.
6:30 Benson Hotel Concert.
6 :45 The Three Pala to KBC.
7:00 NBC Symphony Orchestra.
8:80 eeorge Crook. Organist.
8:45 Hotel St a tier Orchestra.
9:00 Believe Ie or Mot.
9:30 Jack Haley.
10:00 Uptown Ballroom Orchestra.
10:80 Detroit Athletic Club Orch.
11:00 Bal Tabaria Cafe Orchestra.
11:80 Clover Clah Orchestra, .
To IS CompleteWeatber Reports.
g: J0 Just About Time.
8:15 Family Altar Hour.
7:15 Viennese Ensemble.
7:30 Tha Oild Grown Up.
7:45 Swing Serenade. -
8:00 Maids Severn.
8:15 Minute Men.
8:30 Dr. Brock.
9:00 Public Safety Talk.
9:15 Bailey Ax ton. Tenor.
'9:30 National Farm and Home.
10:30 News.
10:45 Home Institute.
Woman's club hall at 460 on Cottage
street by Rev. Thomas Green of Pho
enix. Sundsy, 1:80 p. m. "Willing
Workers." Evangelistic message at
7:30 p. m. Bible study Wednesday and
Priday, 7:30 p. m. ,
(United Brethren)
17th snd Nebraska St,. O. E. Foster,
minister. Sunday achool 9:45 a. m.
Morning worship 10:50 a. as. Solo by
Miss Dorothy Foster. Sermon, "Con
fession." Senior Endeavor, lunch and
vespers 5:30 p. m. Intermediate En
deavor :S0 p. m. Rev. H. C. Stovir
paator of the Knight Memorial church
will apeak ts all young people at 7
d. m.. and rive the evening aermoa at
7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday,
7:30 p. m.
Liberty Bibta achool 9:43 a. m.,
morning service 11 a. m., Arthur Ed
wards, pastor. C. E. groupa meet St
6:45 n. au Eveninc service 7:45 P. m.
' Pringle Bible achool 9:45 s. m. la
efcArra if (1 ktmiL -
. Haresville Baptist Sunday aebool.
10 a. at. Prenehinr'll a. am. by Earl
Shipley of McMinnville. Prayer meet
ing 7:30 p. m. Thursday st rhsres.
t Boscdalo Frienda Francis Ohse, min
ister. - Sunday school 10 a. m. Orphi
Cammark.' anpt. - Mornins; worship 1 1 a.
m.. t. Clio Brews, guest speaker, cans
tiaa Eadearor T . m. Evesing Irsagel-
iatie aerviee 8 o. m.
Balam Hetgata tjommnntty rraneu
Ohae. minister. Cheater SkeJtoa. Aamoay
school sapt. Unified Sunday school snd
ehnreh 10 a. an. Snoeial sneaker.
Roberts Commanity Lawrcacs Gu
Jerina. paator. Saaday achool at 9 :S
A m. Church servrco st 10:0 s. l
"CompanioBship with Christ." , -
. First
Worship Service Sunday
11 A. BL
SUBJECT: . . . . .
"m prisoned Splendor"
! No ETeniHf Service ,
. ... ' MINISTER
10:55 Mctrepoiitaa Opera.
3:00 Kakov's Orchestra.
3:30 Syracuse Hotel Orchestra.
3:45 Year Radio Review.
3 :00 Music by Meek m.
3.35 -Hints te Housewives.
8:30 Press Rsdio News.
8 :35 Levaggiea' Rest. Orch.
4:0 Meaaaaw af Israel.
.4:80 Dei Rio Mar Orchestra.
5:00 NBC Program.
5:80 NBC Program,
6:00 Organ Concert.
6:15 to 8 Silent to KOB.
8:00 National Barn Dance.
9:0J News,
9:15 Horace Heidt Orchestra.
9.29 Ambaaasdor Hotel Orchestra.
10:00 Josef Hornik Orchestra.
10:3 Tha Quiet Hour.
ll:O0 News.
11:15 Biltmore Hotel Orchestra,
11:39 Paul Carson, Organist, i
To 12 Complete Weather snd Police
a a
KOAC SATURDAT-580 Kc - - - -
9. -00 Today's Programs. '
9:03 Co-Ed Exchange. "
9:80 A WS Half Hour. ;
10:00 Weather Forecast.
10:33 The Junior Matinea Newberg
High School.
11:30 What Educatora Are Doing.
12:15 Farm Hour.
1:15 Variety.
2 :0e Science News of the Week.
2 :30 British I ales Travelogue.
8. 15 Toir Health.
3:45 Too Monitor Views tha News.
4:00 The Symphonic Half Hear.
4:30 Stories for Boys sad Girls.
5:00 On the Campuaea.
5:45 V capers Rev. E. B. Hart,
6:15 Newe.
6:30 Farm Hour
7:45 Heralds af Destiny.
8:00-9 Music ml the Masters.
7:45 Pearls en Velvet.
7:55 8kiL-g Conditions.
S:M) West Coast Church.
6:30 Sunday Comics Breakft dab.
9:00 Major Bowes Capitol Theatre
9:30 Salt Lake Tabernacle.
10:00 Church of the Air.
10:30 Foreign News.
10:45 Poet's Gold.
11:00 String Quartet.
11:30 Rainbow'a End.
12:00 Philharmonic Symphony Societj
of New York.
2 :00 Magasine oi the Air.
2 :30 Dr. Christian.
3 :00 Tapettriea in Song.'
3:15 Strange Aa It Seems.
3:ZQ Double Everything.
4:00 Jeannetts MncDeasld.j
4:80014 Songs of the Chores.
Z-.OQ St. Louis Blues.
5:30 Eyes of the World.
5:45 Child Wsys Counselor.
6:00 Sunday Evening Hoar,
7 :00 Zenith Foundation. ;
7:50 My Secret Ambition.!
8 :00 Joe Penner. :
8:30 Leon F. Drews, Organist
8:45 Enchanted Hour. j
9 15 Sunday Newa Review.
9:80 Ted Fiorito Orchestra.
10 :00 Clem Kennedy, pianist.
10:15 Thanks tor the Memory.
10:45 Phil Harris Orchestra.
11:00 Jee Sandera Oreheetra.
11:30 Lea Parker Orchestra.
8:00 Preae Radio Newa. ,
8:05 Silver Flute.
8:30 Sunday Sunrise Program.
9:00 Ray Towers, Trsubadoar.
9:15 Home Symphony.
9:30 Chicago Round Table. .
10:00 AI and Leo Reiser.
10 :1S Henry Busse Orchestra.
10:30 Stars of Today.
11:00 Your Radio Review. ;
11:15 Vagabonds.
11:30 Paut Carson. Orgaaiat.
12:00 Eddie Bwerteut'e Music.
13:45 -Radio Comments.
1:00 Sunday Special.
1:30 Stars sf Tomorrow.
2:00 MaKoa Taller.
2:30 Mickey Mouae Theater.
3:00 Posey Playlets.
3:15 News.
3:30 Argentine Trie.
3:45 Garden Talk.
4:00 Professor Pnsilewit. j
4 :30 Interesting Neighbors.'
5:00 Of fee Hour. S
6:00 Manhattan Merry-Go-Round.
6:30 American Album Familiar Music
7:0f Carefree Carnival. ' l
'7.50 Hollywood Playhouse.'
8:00 Walter WinchelL ,
8:15 Irene Rich. ;
8:30 Jack Benny. j
" 9:00 Night Editor.
9:15 I Want A Divorce. ;
9:30 One Man's Family.
10:00 Newa Flashes.
10 :15 Bridge to Dreamlaad. .
11:00 Whiteombs Hotel Orvhestra.
11:30 Ria Del Mar Club Orchestra.
To 12 Complete Weather Reports.
KEX SURD AT 1186 Xs.
8:00 The Quiet Hour. j
4 :38 Loaiae F lores.
6:45 Bill 8tora Sport Scraps.
9 :00 Prophetic Hour.
9:30 Radio C'ty Muaie HalL
10:30 Command Performance.
11:00 Magic Key of RCA. i
lsM Proper Heuevag.
13:15 8aaday Song Berries. .
tz:su Souyearrs. f
1:00 Family Altar Hour.
1:80 The Warld Is Yours.'
2 :00 Metropolitaa Opera Audition.
2 :S0 Song of Yeateryear. ;
2:85 Kicarde and hia Violin.
a :4a Tear Radio Review.
8:00 Catholic Hour.
8:30 Hsvea MseQn arris.
4.00 Music by Cngat.
4:15 Catholic Truth Hour.
4:80 Peg Murray.
5:00 Detective Series.
5:30 California tVnrert.
6:00 Rio Dei Mar Club Orcbest.J.
6:15 to 8 Silent to KOB. I
8:00 Preaa Radio Newa. !
6.-05 Hotel Ediaaa Orchestra.
8:30 Chea Pares Orchestra.
8:45 News. j
9:00 Everybody Siag. ' !
10:00 Richard Montgomery 'Book Chat,
10:30 Calvary Tabernacle Jebtlee.
11 :15 Charles Runvan. Oreanist.
Te 12 Complete Weather and Police
Mt. Angel Meet
To Discuss Flax
Festival Called
MT. AKGEL The Mt. Angel
Basiaeas ' Men's club wil hold
a special meeting at j 'he city
hall Monday night, March 14.
at 7:30, to hear Sam Slocura
ot Portland discuss plans for a
Mt. Angel flax festival.! Slocum,
pageant director, win outline his
ideas tor the next celebration.
The regular lnncheon-meting
of the organization will be held
at noon Monday with :Rer. Eu
gene Medred. O.S.B., rector ot
Mt. Angel college as great speak
er. . y 1
k. Kimball-Wnrlitzer r ripe r
gan Is being las tailed in the Mt
Angel college gymnasium. Itk
will be electrically controlled and
has orer 300 pipes..
: The
. or1 -.
The Son of God Contes
Back to Earth
First Baptist
N. Liberty & Marion Sts,
Irving Andrew Fox, D J).
Will Christ come again In the
flesh? Will Satan be bound?
When rlll . wars eTer cease?
Is Jerusalem to be grren orer
to the Jews? Will there be a
1000 years ot perfect peace?