By RON G EMM ELL Six tired members of the local YMCA janior basketball team and Coach Andy Van Ot ten hit Salem at 6 o'clock Sun day night. While there were no bands oat to welcome tbem, no rally parade nor eTea a hand ful . of well-wishers, there cer tainly fcbonld hare been. From accounts that have wended their way ,hi office, those kids, defending champions, staged some of the fightlnges basketball ever seen In Yakima before they succumbed to the Yakima janior in an over time tilt in the championship game. ' " . o Height Handicap. While Yakima won the north west title by defeating the locals. Van. Otten says it was he team the 'locals barely edged otrt Sat urday fternoon. Vancouver, that should hare won the tonrnament. .The local Y-ers. mere midgets alongside the rest of the compe tition, beat out Vancouver 43-41 by pure fight and nothing .else, Vancouver's aggregation averaged sic feet in height per 4oy and had 10 ball players of that calibre. But, every time one of the tall Vancouver hoopers would slap in a cripple underline basket, Tom my Medley would drive the leather through from mid-floor. The . locals were down eisht points at halftime, and Medley put .on a one-man show in the last half bitting the winning bucket from the 'side court' with but 30 seconds left, to give the locals the two-point win. Medley Masses Points. After nsing every bit of in testinal fortitude they had in the afternoon battle with Van couver, the locals scrapped Yakima to a standstill the same night in the championship game . p ashing the Applepickers Into an overtime. Yakima led until the final minute, when Salem canght them to tie an the coujt at 29-all. Young Hinges missed an opportunity to give Salem the championship when he was awarded a free throw wltK lint Oft S4fmif1 tn pn hot nearly fagged out by the three-games-in-two-days grind, he missed it. Yakima went on to win in the overtime by but one - slender point, 32-31. Tommy Medley scored 16 points Friday night against Walla Walla, the ffrst game the locals played and won 39-13; he tanked 27 tallies against Vancouver, re putedly the toughest team in the tourney; and collected 18 la ' the final fray against Yak ima. Which fisrorea to be A 1 - points - in three games for 20 and one-third points per. No wonder he was chosen captain and forward on the. all-star se- lection. - - - r Vancouver Best. V an Otten says the new YMCA court in Yakima is a dllly to say the least. Equipped, with glass backboards, the. spacious floor is one of the best he has ever seen. He nnstintedlv rives the nod to Vancouver for being the best team- at the meet, saying his kids won by determmedness and fight alone. Had his team played Yakima earlier in the tournament the Applepickers would have fall en before, his team, Andy thinks, but Vancouver would probably have won the championship. Med ley was the only local chosen on the number one all-star, but both Jim Henery and. By Roman were accorded berths on the second. Clang, Clang! Dodo wants to know whether or not, along with local sports for the time being going to hang, if there is any danger of Salem's name being changed to Pahang? - i Injuns vs. Ducks. . By comparing Stanford's and Oregon's leading scorers season avenges, Stanford should beat Oregon 4.88 points per game. Laisettl scored 208 points in 12 tilts tor an average of 17.33 points per, and Gale hemped 249 tallies In 20 frays for an average of 12.45 per. Difference per game, 4.88 points. i 1938Vikings to Play 1937 Ditto Getting ready for the state tournament, which is but a little over a week away, the Salem high Vikings will play last year's en trant tonight at the high school. Manned by Evan Lowe, Tommy Medley, Tom Hill. Cpston and Wickert. the alumni team already holds a pair of close practice de cisions over this year's viking crew. The .1933 team believes it can hoop out a win over the old sters, however, and plan to open both 'barrels tonight. A small admission fee, ten cents, will be charged tor the game.. ' " --': KC Cagemen Win Over Banker Five The KC's last night sdged oat the US Bank quint 48-4C. with Lit wilier leading the scoring with 14 points. K of C 43 - Utwiner 14 Hoftert It Henderson 11 'Sertot X Wickert 8 - 40 TJS Bank ' IS Lowe I Bertelsoo 13 Wagner 1 J. Bertelson 12 StockweU :' To Close Consulates MOSCOW. Mareh S.-(ff)-An agreement between soviet Russia and Germany to clone all consul ates em each other's territory, was announced officially tonight. I Too Late to Classify 4 RM. HOtTSE. two lota, fro it and berrfe flS. 1 mined, possession. S4 M. Fifth. St Fishermen Out For 2nd Time Long Series of Trips to Tourney Is Broken by Ed Franz' Quint TOCRXEY ENTRIES District 1 Baker. District 4 Sandy.- - District 5 St. Helens. District 8 Myrtle Point. District 9 Medford. District 10 Salem. , District 14 Chlloquin. When the Saints of St. Helens, coached by Eddie Franti, former Willamette university basketball and football star, edged out Asto ria last night 28 to 24 to qualify tor the state basketball tourna ment, it marked only the second time Astoria failed to enter. ( By The Associated Press) Week-end district play-ofls list ed six entries for the Oregon in terscholastic basketball finals. Baker lived up to predictions by knocking over La Grande, defend ing titlist in district 1, 44 to 16. Sandy downed Oregon City, 27 to 23, for district 4 honors. Myrtle Point topped district 8 with a 27 22 win over North Bend. Medford captured the 'district . 9 title Fri day with a 46-24 victory over Ashland and lost a kings-ex con test to Grants Pass Saturday. Chiloquin turned back Central Point. 44 to 21, for the district 14- title. : Salem will compete in the tour nament as host team. In district 3, Klamath Falls de feated Bend. 61-44, to even the playoff series, and St. Helens de feated Astoria, 2 S to 24, last night to win the district 5 title. Sub-district champions blos somed throughout district 13, the following teams qualifying for the district tournament . next week-end at Arlington with the victories listed: Condon over Umatilla, 23-15; Grant Union over Prairie City, 30-28; Adams over Athena. 33-19. Tigard defeated Beaverton, 32- 28 in a district 6 sub-district tilt. Wolves Lose out In Wild Struggle Hand Scare to Valparaiso Quint but Are. Beaten by Score of 57-48 KANSAS. CITY, March 1.-(JP)-Texas. Virginia and New Mexico tonight were added to the list -of states whose entries survived first round play in the National Inter collegiate basketball tournament, and Missouri contributed a second title contender in the potent Warrensburg. Me., teachers. , No so-called upsets were regis tered, although Warrensburg, one of the more highly regarded en tries, received a robust scare when it barely edged out the hard driving Dakota Wesleyan quintet of Mitchell. S.D., 36 to 33. The North Texas teachers also had their hands full, finally tak ing a 31 to 29 last-minute deci sion over Morning8ide College of Sioux City, la., a finalist In a dis trict meet here a year ago. : Valparaiso. Ind., university and Jordan College of Menominee. Mich., were the teams forced to gallop. Valparaiso defeated Ore-' gon Normal in a wild-scoring game, 57 to 48, and Jordan squeezed through with a 32 to 31 win over Ottawa, Kas., univer- Eliminating Jump Has Little Effect ATLANTA, March , 7.-iP)-Elimination of the center jump to speed up basketball and off set the advantage of tall players, has added less than two field goals to score pover of teams in the east, south and midwest. Eastern basketball gained most punch of the three sections under the new rules, its two major cir cuits averaged 38 points a game for each team this year, an in crease of 3.6. . The south' two chief confer ences added 2.4 tallies in lifting their average to 36.2 per team. Western conference quintets aver aged 3 C, an increase of 2.6 points. ,' " " I The Eastern Intercollegiate league .reported fthe smallest In crease. Each of Its members av- axed 38 tallies, or).7 more than a year ago. Eastern intercollegiate confer ence Quintets boosted their scor ing by S.6 points, also tor a 38 average. BarcmVonCimim To Face Charges BERLIN. March 7-(fl)--Bsron Gottfried Voa Cramm. the world's second ranking tennis player, re mained In custody tonight for ex amination ea suspicion of moral delinquencies." ; , - i Authorities were reluctant to discuss his case "beyond admitting he was being lield for examlna tlon. It was explained that he had ' been ,. summoned to ' police headquarters "for classification and examination, pending , which he was held In custody. ? Von Cramm and his Paris cup teammate, i Henaer Henkel, re turned to Germany- th res days ago after world-wide tennis tour lasting six months. Mewns ' - ; 1 ..' '""":!' 1 D.onchin, O'Dowdy on Camera Decides that Stagehand Won Santa Anita Handicap wni i . .i ' .' mmn p " 1.1 '.'''t"!' -'''.l.fuii . .1, ww im,,,, Mnm tmm - m i,mii . - X T " " ' - . ?V i'V- :r.. - t : . V i; I I i SrS - .asss. MfsiiiR4iri "1 - ftlt- m Z&'m m - " 1-yl L3VVV" - ' - i rr ii v?mtA Vt 4rV.-.-.f - y, . Stagehand, Maxwell IToward's phenomenal S-year-oId, winning the fourth running of the $100,000 from Seabiscnit, who was favored new track record of 2:01 3-5 for .uo to win, $3.80 to place and Dallas Wins Over 47 to 26 First Victory of Dragons Is Decisive; big Lead Is Acquired Early DALLAS The Dallas high school basketball team Monday night threw off the losing streak suffered since changing from plain Prunepickers to more colorful Dragons, handling the Newberg high outfit a 47 to 28 shellacking on the home boards. The fore part of the game was a nightmare to Newberg which fell behind rapidly and trailed 2? to 6 at halftime. The game was five minutes old and the score 8 to 0 before Jackey broke the ice for Newberg with a gifter. In the third quarter it was 37 to 12. Then Newberg finally threw off its slump and outscored Dallas in the last; canto. Jackey, with 13, was the only Newberg man to connect regularly. Jackson, Bennett and Doern- becker netted 15, 14 and 13 each for the Dragons. Dallas (47) Bennett! 14 (28) Newberg 13 Jackey Tate Byner 2 Schaod 2 Parrot 1 Louks 2 Anderson 3 Gardner 3 Spaaldinc Williams Jackson' 15 Kroeker 3 M. Peters Doernhecker 13 A. Peters 2 Referee: Max Allen. Change in Dodger Leadership Likely 4 . NEW I YORK, March 7-ttP)- The death of Stephen W. McKee- ver, 8 3 -year-old president of the Brooklyn baseball Dodgers, left baseball circles wondering what will be I the next step in the re organisation of the club. The "Judge 4Ied' earlT taT of pneu monia. James Mulvey, McSeevers son-in-law and vice-president and secretary, Is the likely choice to bead the organization, which has been in tan-almost continual state of turmoil since 1925. Tb heirs of Charles H. Eb- bets, who own 50 per cent of the stock, and the Brooklyn Trust company are other factors to be considered. The trust company, which through mortgages, loans and liens Is said to hold virtus! control of the baseball property. may want to sell it. Its presi dent, George V. McLaughlin, op posed any sale during McKeevers lifetime; - i - ; -' ",- Babies Are Bora STATTON Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boedigheimer are the parents of a son, Ronald Harvey, born Wed nesday, j A sob was bora to Mr. and Mrs. Dewey lively at the local hospital . on Thursday. A 7-pound; son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Scblles at their horn on Tuesday mornlnj. Newberg Defeats. Astoria Santa Anita handicap by s nose ?d In the betting. Stagehand set the mile and one-quarter and paid 93.00 to show to 92.00 ticket bold- Government' Machine Hits Home Runs With Great Ealc; Tests "Dead and "Rabbit" Pellets . e --.. And Proves Balls not Much Different WASHINGTON, March 7 (AP) Government scien tists batted out the theory today that the wallop, not the baseball, is the major factor in home runs. Wheeling their mechanical home run swatter out to Griffith stadium, bureau of standards experts loaded it up with American and National league balls and aimed it at the far flung fences. The very first shot cleared the centerfield fence, soared over the bleachers and fell beyond the wall the longest base hit ever banged out in the American league park. "Wow." exclaimed Edward B. Eynon, Jr., secretary of the Sena tors, "that beats Babe Ruth's best home run!" The scientists fed the federal fence buster another ball. Wham! It was the same story over the garden wall and out of the park. "We've got to tame the ma Shrock's won two games from Valley Motor and Orval'a won two from White's in Automotive league bowling at the Bowl-Mor Monday night. G. Woodry had high game, 223, and high series, 601. SHSOCX'S waSD CASS Woadrr ; 185 223 188 6. 601 535 583 522 468 Cline .178 181 10 18S 178 16S 187 154 148 Welch Shrock .195 I. Wwoary Tbtal , .144 838 965 836 2659 AlXET MOTOB CO. Phillip ; ,, 31)1 181 160 S42 Pulia 1 15 126 477 ColweU US 148 181 439 Awtia i? 185 171 534 Bbarker - , k 186 132 518 HaadUas - S IS Totals 875 857 79 2528 WHITE'S USED CAM , ,, i5A 182 147 168 148 174 1S 117 a iea 180 IH 18S 12t KorV Barker Whit Parker 483 488 46S 532 439 ToUla 81 838 757 2408 OXTAX'g USED CASS 1T9 16 in VicUr ; Ttmaa tiMtvra Nash 507 497 S90 440 470 SS -2 IS -lit 15S 156 159 123 148 130 155 132 158 SS 38 Linditntmd Haaoicaa J60 Totals S25 93S 829 23S9 Set Coast Title Tilts This Week EUGENE. March 7.-VThe University of Oregon and Stan ford university basketball teams will play Friday night in San Francisco and Saturday at Palo Alto for the Pacific Coast confer ence basketball championship under revised schedule an nounced today. The third game. It necessary, will be played Monday at Palo Alto. Bowling rcjsotiktatcsmatt Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, March ;ers. Seablscnit Is partially hidden 1 they crossed the finish line. Stagehand, who was trained by Karl ! Sande, won the recent Santa Anita , leap by Nick Wall, who flew from pnoto. O ' chine down," said Dr. H. L. Dry den, "or it'll bankrupt us." Along about seventh inning time, they came to their first conclusion that the much-talked-of difference between the two big league balls is not enough to count scientifically. Covers and stitches long dis cussed as the reasons for the live liness or deadness of the balls are but trifles in hitting, he ex plained. "The core and the yarn in the ball make much more difference," Dryden added, "and they're about equal in the two balls." Oregon Is Threat Says Coach Bunn PALO ALTO, Calif., March 7. -(JPy-QTegon'B northern division Pacific Coast conference cage champions should give Stanford. southern tilleholders, "plenty of trouble" in the playoff for the conference crown. Coach John Bunn of the Indians said today.' Bunn returned from a scouting trip to Corrallis to prepare his squad for the first game Friday. He said the Webfeet were big, fast, thoroughly grounded in fundamentals and were accurate shooters. Buns said Oregon's strict rone defensa might worry Stanford. The Indian mentor said he had "great respect" for Guards Boh A net and WaUy Johansen, who made him forget the more pub licized Oregon players. Hunters, Anglers Will View Films The Salem Hunters and Anglers club wUl be addressed tonight at 7:30 In the chamber of com merce quarters by Frank B. Wire, supervisor of the Oregon state game commission, and Matt Rlckman of the' department of hatcheries. Reels of pictures on game and fish, life In Oregon, including reel on egg-taking, will be shown as part of the program. Prior to the meeting the speakers will be guests of the club's exeeatlrs board at a t o'clock dinner at the Golden pheasant. Zivic Stops Bland PITTSBURGH. March 7-V Fritzie Ziv ic, Pittsburgh welter weight; pounded his- way , to technical -knockout -victory over Tommy Bland or Toronto, in the eighth of their lO-roaad fight. Ar: mory 8, 1938 by the winner in the above photo as derby and was ridden In the band- Florida for the assignment. UN YM Unsuccessful In Title Defense But Juniors Are Scrappy in Yakima Tourney's Three Encounters wnue tney railed to success fully defend their northwest Jun ior YMCA basketball title, the lo cal Y juniors played some of the scrappiest basketball he ever saw, according to Coach Andy Van Ot ten who returned to Salem Sun day night with his sextet of tired courtsters. Friday afternoon the local team easily trounced Walla Walla, 39- 13. Saturday afternoon it had te come from far back, behind the howitzer hooping of Tommy Med ley, to gain a 4S-41 win over Van couver, and Saturday night lost the championship to Yakima in an overtime tilt that ended 32-31. Medley scored 1C against Walla Walla, 27 against Vancouver and 18 against Yakima a total of 1 points in three games. He was accorded the captaincy of the all- star selection. Summaries: Salem (39) (IS) Walla Walla Medley 16 Page 3 7 MUlerH 1 Ladd Herren Kerns 10 Henery 8 Roman Hinges 2 1 O'Dell S Owens 1 Bowers Salem (4S) (41) Vanconver 11 Wilson f McDonald Medley 27 Page Hinges 10 Henery 3 Roman S Salem (81) Medley 18 Page Hinges 4 Henery 1 Roman 2 23 Pedlo 1 Marshall Hay (32) Yakima Pool 8 Labisner 11 Chamberlin 12 DeWltt Drnmheller 1 Sidmeyer .ir-T O -.4 ' a I M in Finals at PAGE SEVEN Local Shotgun Stars Do Well Snell in Tie for Evcrding Award; Team Perfect in Wire Contest Secretary of State Earl Snell had a field day at the traps Sun day, gaining a leg on a triple tie in the 50-target event of the Hy Everding birthday shoot in Port land by shattering 49, and pow dering 25 straight as his share of the first round of the annual local telegraphic shoot. Tying with Snell in the Ever ding shoot were E. E, Van Nuys, The Dalles, and B. A. Griffin, Cor vallis, and C. G. Hildibrand and C. G. Robertson kept pace with him in the telegraphic shoot by also registering 25 straight hits. The local gunners defeated all four opponents Cottage Grove 0, Heppner 71, Colitr 74, Hills- boro 69, but were only one of sev eral clubs - to register perfect scores. Silver Falls Wins Mt. Angel, with a teanT score of 68, won one match and lost three; Medford scored 75, Coos 73 , Sil ver Falls 71. Upper Willamette C5. Silver Falls tied with Bend, at 71. and won from Washongal with 66. Pendleton with 7C and Mt. An gel with 68. At the Everding shoot in Port land, Gordon Hull of Salem broke 25 straight to win the skeet event. Other scores there were: ,J 16 yd Hdc. 23 20 20 21 22 22 11. 21 18 21 19 15 22 19 21 K. Walnr Salem 48 C. Townsend. Salem 48 C. T. HUtibrand, Salem 48 A. C. McCard, Eugene ...145 William Wolff. Salem ....45 S. J. Yates, Salem .'.45 Tad Shelton. Salem 45 Ken Ayers, Salem . 45 Gordon Hull, Salem 44 L. E. White Salem 44 R. Welty, Salem ..43 R. Gouley. Salem 41 W. D. Carter, Salem 41 Fred VieskOi Salem 39 0. Lee, Salem Callura Canadian Champ TORONTO, March 7-;P)-Jackie Callura of Hamilton, Ont.. won the Canadian featherweight championship tonight by taking a close decision over Frankie Martin of Montreal in a 10 round bout Lions Clinch Second VANCOUVER, March 7.-CCP) Vancouver Lions clinched second place Jn the standings of the Pa cific Coast Hockey league tonight as they withstood a closing rush by Seattle Seahawks to defeat the league-leaders 4-3. W El ' E S M w J? ACE FREEMAN vs. CLEM KIESER SO Mlnntea;, Salem Armory, Tonight 8:30 Lower Floor 50c, Ralroay 40c, Reserved Beats 75e tXo Tax) Stadewta 2Bc( ladles 85e rickets. Cliff Parker's and Lrtle's Ansplces American Legion Herb Owen. Matchmaker AM DISTRIBUTED BY GIDEON STOLZ CO. Tonififlit Curly to Try Villain Purge Took Lipscomb Last Week in Cleanup of Local Grappling Circles The self-appointed broom of the Salem wrestling field. Curly Donchin of the east coast, tonight will seek to sweep the local mat clean of the northwest's No. S mat villain. ' 1 v Donchin battles wild Pat O'Dowdy . in the one-hour main event of Promoter Herb Owen's weekly mat card. Lst week Don chin felled Jack Lipscomb, reign ing meanle and coast middle weight champion, and his victory had hardly become cold before he had asked Owen to give hinT a crack at O'Dowdy. O'Dowdy was anxious to , re venge the defeat which befell his team wrestling partner, but de manded that the tactics Donchin used to lick Lipscomb be barred. The flashy Jew finished the Hoo sier by slamming him backward against the ring-post, following a rousing tussle in the ringside seats. O'Dowdy Wants new Ref O'Dowdy insisted that applica tion of such a device be declared a foul, "it Harry Elliott referees I want it understood that Don chin can't break my back on a post and get away with it. Un- iv3s a. rj i ,uot, aaautBuvc, a. v was e appear. Unless, of course, they appoint a fair referee instead of Elliott." At press time last night O'Dow dy had not received his desired assurance, nor had a new referee been appointed. However," Pro moter Owen believes the Irish man will show for the bout. Fail ure, to do so might mean an in definite suspension. Ganging-np Possible In support of the mala event fracas Jack Lipscomb will battle brilliant Gust Johnson, the great Seattle Swede. The fact that Lips comb will appear on the card car ries potentialities of fireworks, for the villainous Hooaier might come to the rHen' af (TDowiIt if the latter becomes too badly pressed.' In the 30-minute opener Clem Kieser, newcomer from Port An geles, is booked against Ace Free man, popular young New York Jew. Kieser comes heralded aa a logging-camp variety of ruffian. and fans can expect an old-fashioned hoe-down when he clashes with the fast Freeman. - The bouts, which start at 8:30 at the armory, may be beard over radio station KSLM. - Marion Miley Medalist -BELLEAIR, Fla., March 7-( -Marion Miley of Fort Pierce shot a 78, two under women's par, to capture medal honors in the qual ifying round of the Belleair wom en's open golf tournament here today. iL ii N G 1 Curly Dnnchin vs. Pat O'Dowdy 1 Hosr JACK LIPSCOMB TS. GUST JOHNSON 45 Minutes n ma ' l If