The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 06, 1938, Page 8, Image 8

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    The, OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, .Oregon, Sunday Morning, March 6, U938 r
;A New
Dramas! and Rioto.nis Comedy Feafarjed at TJbeatres
Elsinore Has '
" "Buccanneer"
; In American Debut j
Grand Offers
Orient Story
Shanghai's International
Settlement Is Scene of
War Thriller
Quartet of Comics Who Make a Riot of Laughs
Powell, Myrna
Loy Co-Stars
'Double Wedding now at
State Theatre Proves
Delectable Comedv
1812 Romance; Frederic
March in Role of t
Dashing LaFitte
Fredric March plays the part
of the- swashbuckling pirate kins,
Jean Lafitte, the man whose de
Totion to the United Stalct help
ed win the war of 1912, in Tbe
Buccaneer," the Cecil B. DeMille
epic production which opened last
night at the Elsinore theatre. ' .
A New Orleans belle. 'Margot
Grahame, is in love with March
. bat tells him that they can never
Marry until he gives her respec
tifeility, something she ; values
above all his riches. f
Unknown to Margot, her elop
ing sister perishes on the "Cor
inthian," and the only survivor
is a beautiful Dutch girl, Fran
clska Gaal. whom March makesl
maid-of-all-work at the pirate
stronghold, sot knowing what
else to do with her. She is in lore
with him but he can, think of her
onlr as a troublesome child.
When the British, who axe.
bout to attack New Orleans, try
to buy; the aid of March and his
crew, the patriotism of the pirate
chief rises and he offers himself
to the governor of Louisiana in
stead. At first he is repulsed and
: his settlement destroyed by the
Americans who are misled by a
traitorous senator, Ian Keith.
General Jackson, responsible for
the defense of the city, accepts
march's offer and releases ' the
pirates from prison.
After the British have been
defeated in the Battle of New
Orleans, March is the hero of
the day. At the victory ball
Margot hails him as a respecta
ble citizen at last, but. her joy
turns to- horror when Franclska
suddenly' appears in the finery
of her sister who has gone down
on the! "Corinthian." Faced, with
thjs evidence, March admits that
he is responsible for the crime,
even though it was done .with
out his knowledge.
General Jackson ' stops the
crowd from lynching March and
gives nim an hour to make his
escape.! He sails into exile for
' life on his pirate ship, with
Franclska, whom he for the first
time sees as a beautiful woman,
' standing at his ide.
Capitol Feature
Is Human Story
"I Met My Love Again" Is
Given Sympathetic Cast
of Capable Actors
From a purely romantic novel
or thei women's magazine serial
type Walter TV'anger has fash
foiled- -a warmly . human picture
in "I Met My Love Again." which
opens today at the Capitol the
atre. - - ;
JFashioned thu of the stuff
that long has been standard
screen material, and demonstra
bly successful.- the story Is en
hanced by sympathetic perform
ances, outstandingly by Joan
: Bennett and Henry Fonda : in the
The 1 picture's title expresses
the 'story more clearly than the
criminal "Summer Lightning,"
which graced it when it i was
published serially. "Ives Town
er" and "Julie Weir." residents
of a small college town, are en
gaged when "Julie" meets, is
fascinated by, and elopes with
"Michael Shaw," playboy and
superficial writer. The marriage
Is unsuccessful. "Michael" is
killed and the chastened "Julie,"
after ten years, returns to the
town and the home of her aunt.
"Ires." who has become a moody
college professor and research
student, refuses to gTeet her on
their old basis but is jarred from
his introspective mood when he
perceives, in the unwelcome at
tentions of a young girl stndent
'In his class, a parallel to the
adolescent Infatuation or "Julie"
for "Michael." He determines
to marry "Julie" but succeeds
only after difficulties interposed
in countless and unsuspected
quarters are overcome in a hur
ried climax.
. Lockermen to Convene
CORVALLIS, March 6 -JPt-
The Frozen Foods Locker associa
tion of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho will meet March 14-16 at
Oregon State college. t
Thanks for
-.- .--.-.w - .-. -:- .. ....
Cary Grant sets the perfect gentleman even If the Tounj lady with him
Uhi ex-wife flayed by Irene
Lovely Franclska Gaal, star of the
her debut oa the American screes in Cecil B. DeMiDe s i epic "The
Buccaneer," which is showing today at the Elsinore theatre.
-IN - J
. .. . ? i ' . - - i -
Joan Bennett and Henry Fonda provide the romantic team In "I Met
My Liore Again," featured on a
atre. i. - - i t
Copyright, 1937. Mint
i NEW YORK The visitor to
New York these mild winter
evenings can see just about ev
erything he wants In the way of
entertainment in the theater with
the exception of the big girl-and-music
spectacle of the sort
made famous by Flo Ziegfeld.
: There are i musical shows on
Broadway Ed Wynn. funny as
ever in "Hooray for What?"; an
operetta, "Three f Waltzes;" the
novelty produced by the gar
ment workers, "Pins and Nee
dles;" and of course Mr. Cohan
in the good-natured satire, "I'd
Rather Be Right." ;
Here is variety in rlen'y. but
nothing of the quality of sump
tuous beauty: that once enticed
the tired business man . to the
Winter Garden a n d the New
Amsterdam Roof l and gave birth
to the hackneyed phrase, "the
bald-headed row." Which is not
to say that beauties and bald
heads cannot be found on Broad
way, la numbers and in prox
imity. ... i t !i
I They are not, however, in the
theater, but In those gargantuan
combinations L of vaudr ille. sa
loons and dance halls which, tor
want of a better name, we ' All
night clubs. 1 1 refer particularly
to such night! clubs j as the Inter
national Casino and Billy Rose's
Casa Mananaj which are to "21"
or El Morocco, in size at least,
what the Queen; Mary is to a
rowboat. - f ; U ''
i Here one may dine, dance and
look In settings that are -the
nearest approach, yet to Holly
wood's conception of New York
night life. Four r five bars,
the Mde
Dnnn la "The Awfnl Trnta show
.. : -P-
Hungarian stage and! screen, makes
y. yv-.:
double bin today at the Capitol the-
" f
Featun - t Syndicate. Inc.
dancing on stage for the audi
ence, a pretty good table d'hote
dinner for two dollars and a
half, all and anything you can
drink, and girls, girls, girls." .
I recommend our Casinos; a
visitor to New York! should make
one visit to them compulsory. A
second, unless he Is a glutton
for the glorified, i sure to be.
; . j
The nicest thing I about "Once
Is Enough, Frederick Lons
dale's comedy, is Ina Claire, and
one of the nicest .things about
Ina Claire is her) wink. She
winks just once in the course of
the play, but it's almost worth
being bored the rest of the time.
The most exciting moment of
the week in our life was neith
er a play nor a nijght club but
a motion picture, t'The River."
"The River" was not made in
Hollywood, but by, the United
States government
Actually it was made by Pare
Lorentz, who produced a prev
ious picture for thei government.
"The Plow That
Plains," the story
Broke .the
of the dust
bowl and a lesson
in conserva-
tion of natural resources,
"The River" is likewise a con
serration ' picture j In that it
drives home our national sin of
ravaging the la ad fori quick
profits. But it Is: much more
th. -i that; it mis the beauty of
poetry and the excitement of
melodrama; plus a quality of
great sincerity you! will find In
no picture made for ! the box
office. i
"The River" was
for the boxoffice.
not produced
Although It
privately to
has been exhibited
the president in Hyde . Park and
to actors and writers in New
York's Players club, and al
though It has likewise been
shown in I schools, (churches and
other institutions throughout
the country, not until last week
would a New York exhibitor
touch It, w h"e n the Criterion
booked It in with a "feature1
picture and discovered to the
management's surprise, that the
great draw, was "The River."
Stumps Will Return
r To Farm at Monmouth
: 1
-MONMOUTH Mr. and Mrs.
Darrel, Stamp, former- Monmouth
resident, ' now living at , Tempo,
Arizona, near Phoenix, ars plan
nlng to return to this community
to make their home. According
to reports they will raze an old
nonse oa j the Stamp property
near the west city limits, and
build a new bouse. Stump will
reengage . s ' farming rn the
Stump farm. They moved to
Arizona shout 12 years ago in
the - Interest of Mrs. Stump's
health which Is bjiw much im
proved. ,They bars t sons, Ar
thur, bow attending college; sad
Telling the timely story of daring-
Americans swept overnight
into perilous adventure behind
the barricades of th Orient's
amazing city within a city, "In
ternational Settlement." 20 th
Century-Fox's picture jj of the
hour, opened yesterday at the
Grand theatre. " .
Taking place right in the
midst of today's danger zone, the
thrill-teeming story on "Interna
tional Settlement" features Do
lores Del ; Rio, George Sanders.
June Lang: and Dick Baldwin, de
tying every nation's warning to
"Get out of danger!"!.
Del jRJo Glamorous
Each has a reason tor Ignor
ing the warning . and remaining
behind the ; barricades where ref
ugees from the rtrick en metrop
olis desperately seek safety. The
most beautiful whits woman in
all China, Dolores Del Rio, is a
glamorous 1 figure of mystery
whose motive is to live danger
ously. An American soldier of
fortune, George Sanders, in the
far east as a flying, instructor,
remains to tempt death.
Dick Baldwin is a daring news
reel cameraman, darlrj the fly
ing destruction of the bombard
ment to get his pictures and to
find romance with June Lang,
beautiful American tonrlst who
proves a champion under fire.
Their tangled lives and lores
In the battle area, aghlnst a
background of all the color and
drama that pervades the east to
day, gives!: the picture of the
hour & hundred big momenta.
Eugene Porde directed, with Sol
M. Wurtsel executive producer,
the screen I play by Lou Breslow
and John Patrick.
River Fl6od
- Survey Meets Approval
A resolution by Senator McNary
for a flood control survey by
army engineers on the; Pudding
river In Oregon received approval
of the senate commerce commit
tee. ;
The Call Board
Today William Powell and
Myrna Loy In "Double
Wddinar "
Wednesday Double bill,
" Frances Farmer and Ed-
ward Arnold In "Toast of
New York" and George
O'Brien in "Wind Jam-
Friday - Stage, four acts
Eastern circuit vaudeville,
1 Irene Courtney and Wei-
I don Heybuan in "The 13th "
Saturday, midnight preview
Jeannette MacDonaia
and Allen Jones in "The
Today "The Awful Truth"
with Carv Grant and Irene
Wednesday Double bill,
Gene Autry in "Spring-
time in the Rockies" and
"The Wrong Road" with
Richard Cromwell and
Helen Mack.
Friday Double bill, "Sud-
den Bill Doran with Buck
- Jones and "Living oa
Love" j with James Dunn.
Today Dolores Del Rio,
George Sanders and June
Lang ; I n "International
Wednesday "Tarzan's Re-
yenge"! with Glenn Morris
and Eleanor Holm.
Saturday4 "Sally, Irene and
Mary"! with Alice Fays.
Fred Allen, Jimmy Du-
rante and Tony Martin.
Today Fredric March In
"T h e j Bucanneer"; and
Charlie McCarthy comedy.
Thursday- Double bill, Joan
Crawford and Spencer
Tracy In "Mannequin" and
"Born to Be Wild" with
all-star cast. .
Today Double bill, Henry
Fonda i in "Met My Love
Again" and "The Singln
Outlawf with Bob Baker.
Tuesday-J-Double bill, Bette
Davis ' and Leslie Howard
In "It's Love I'm I fter"
and John Litel in iAlca-
" tras Island."
Thursday; Double bill,
Wayne . Morris In "The
Kid Comes Back" and The
Jones Family la "Borrow-
" lag Trouble.
" . v--. sad -"- 4
John Beat, TCHIhua Powen,; Myrna Loy, Florence Rice in "Double Wedding,"! form the hilarious quar
1 tette who contribute to the laughs and tun of this comedy romance playing today at the State, theatre.
...-.. vV..:.;
''Get out of the danger ronei" warned all governments, but Dolores
Del Rio and Georee Sanders defy
Americans in "International Settlement." featured today at the
Grand theatre.
Hollywood Offers
The Awful Truth'
Comedy Proven Success
in Runs Everywhere;
Dunne Is Star v
Irene Dunne,' the Theodorable
screen comedienne, scores might
ily In the year's choicest comedy
role es Lucy Warriner in Co
lumbia's "The Awful Truth,"
which opens today at the Hol
lywood theatre. Irene merely
scratched the : surface of her
comedy capabilities In "Theodora
Goes Wild." It remained for her
hilarious clowning In "The Aw
ful Truth," to reveal the treasure-trove
of talent in her inim
itable personality.
This gay, madcap story of the
Warriners, played by Miss Dunne
as Lucy and Cary Grant as Jer
ry, is so uproariously funny It
should make the annual ten best
list in a walk. The fun starts
when Jerry and Lucy decide to
separate with the only bone of
contention the i custody of Mr.
Smith, their wire-hair terrier.
Comedy Tempo Fast
The court allows Mr. Smith to
Lucy but permits Jerry to visit
the dog. Thus many of the
film's outstanding comedy scenes
arise out of Jerry's visits to
Now Playing
A Mightyj
ruuicisu tut
charlie McCarthy
"AH America Drawback"
Continuous Today 2 to 11 P. M.
. -w i - w r j if.- . jr
v A
? Charley Chase in
"Calling All Doctors
Musical Revue and News
m. s
the command with other oaring
Lucy's' apartment while she is
entertaining Impatient suitors.
Le Affairs Warriner takes Its
most ludicrous turn, however.
when Jerry announces his en
gagement to a flighty young
thing with a social register back
ground, Lucy, . determined to
UIn Jerry back at all costs, at
tends the sumptuous; engagement
party, j posing as Jerry's sister.
and by actions totally unbecom
lng a lady, manages to have her
self and her "brother' thrown
out on their collective ear. "Co
lossal" was coined for just such
a scene.
Irene and Cary, ; teamed for
the first time, are, of course, su
perb. ! Ralph Bellamy gives
deliclonsly hill-billy flavor to his
Oklahoma oil tycoon. The vet
eran Cecil Cunningham plays
Miss Dunne's dour Aunt Patsy,
Alexander D'Arcy is excellently
romantic as the French vocal
f"" ' ' ""'Ti Mrrr-1 11 1 .1 1.. 1 1 . 1 mtwmmmmmmmmmuMmmBJMlumfrssm il
A Few Volumes Left
; Slill Lejl
11 I i - : !
a w m
II 9
Statesman Publishing Co
t f0 - t
Albany Sash Col
Runs two Shifts
ALBANY The Central
and Door factory reopened
week with a full force.
majority ; of the former work
men were put back on their
In addition a night: crew
being run. It is understood that
orders! have been accumulating
during the past several : months
and that the factory will I run
Girl' Is Born to
Arnold Phillipses of
Union Hill Territory
UNION HILL Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Phillips are the parents
of a girl born March 2. This is
their second child and first girl.
O. W. Downing of McAIpine,
who has been ill for some time
past is greatly improved at this,
B. E
Bower entered the Dea
hospital Sunday fcr a
Toa'U Thrill and Cheer With
These Two Young Lovers1. . .
i .Miisn -
a .
An Education at Your Fingertips
It was left for the inir itable
William Powell and his charm
ing - colleague of the screen,
Myrna Loy, to .immortalize the
trailer In celluloid. '
Thl3 is the combination i! which
co-stars for the seventh Ume in
"Double Wedding? at the State
theatre. The picture Is Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's
adaptation of
Ferenc Molnar'a international
stage bit, -Great ILove." !
They have the support ' of . an
unusually able cast, Including
Florence Rice andi John Beal, as
the principals In the first wed
ding, Jessie Ralph, Edgar Ken
nedy, Sidney Toler, Mary Cor
don, Barnett Parker. Katharine
Alexander and Priscilla : Law.
son. It Is a hand-picked cast.
Richard Thorpe, i the director,
proves his versatility for H was
he who directed the -stark pic
ture, "Night Must Fall.'
Powell Is Artist
The producer was Joseph Man
kiewicz, one; of Hollywood's
youngest executives, who earlier
produced "Fury, "The Gorpeous
Hussy" and "Love on the Run."
Powell appears as a penniless
artist who lives in a trailer. Ar
riving in the city Le encounters
a lovely modiste, manager of a
fashionable shop, and falls in
love with her. Far from being
In love with him. she agrees to
pose and that marks the end of
her resistance. The fellow Is Ir
resistible. But in the interim,
you will see- some of the most
humorous sequences taat have
yet come .to the films.
Extend Electric Power
Line in 'Green Section
HAZEL GREEN The Electric
company has taken over the line
to Louis Garberino's home on
the Van Cleave road. The line
is being extended to Allen Loon
ey's property. East of Pudding
river. W. G. Davis and Mrs. Alioe
Aspinwall have installed electric
fences. , : I .
A Triple -Threat Cow
Puncher Rides the Danger
Range . . . . .
Pete Smith
tax mow at the HoUvwood theatre.
wicora in nigh school. ;
W i - i