The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 06, 1938, Page 16, Image 16

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, March 6, 1938
Legion, Heads
Visit Dallas
State Officers Present at
Fenton Post's Session I
Thursday Night
DALLAS A - nnmber of state
officers of the American Legion
and auxiliary were guests cf the
Carl B. Fenton post at the meet
ing Thursday. ; '
"rtie aaxiliarr meeting was pre
sided over by the president, Mrs.
'William Donfaschorsky. v During
the business meeting, Mrs. Ray
Scott, chairman of the child wel
fare committee, reported j that
two needy veteran--families had
been given assistance daring the
past month. "Mrs. Harold Rich
was presented a past presidents
pin by Mrs. Domaschofsky. It
was "announced that the next
sewing meetlag would be held
at th home of Mrs. Clifford
Helgerson on March 15 with
Mrs. Albert Bennett and Mrs.
Jack ' Hare as assistant host
esses. M r s .. Fred SUnnette
chairman of th.e .- membership
committee, announced one new
member, which makes the Dal
las no it . above the ; quota as-,
signed 'them. - " -,. . . '.'
' ' Room Given C8 Flan - T:
: Mrs. William Mott stated the
auxiliary had presented flag to
cne' ot the rooms ,ln the ele
mentary school, as did the aux
iliary of the VFW and the La
dies of the GAR. A letter from
Mrs. John Cerny. was read by
Mrs. Walter Waite. Mrs. Cerny is
a member of the Dallas unit
but is bow making her home in
the Philippine islands.
Mrs. Frank IT. Waters ot Sa
lem, department president of
the : auxiliary, was a guest at
the meeting and was introduced
by ' Mrs. Domaschofsky. She
made a short talk in which she
urged the members to attend a
meeting In Portland on April 6.
when- the national president
vsould make her official call to
Oregon. She also announced that
on March 21 the national presi
dent of the Legion would be in
Portland ' and . that the auxiliary
would hold a conference in Port
land that day.
; . Mrs. Harry F. Snyder of Astoria,-:
department rice-president,
was then Introduced and told
briefly of - the progress of the
membership drive tor this year,
stating that she Is sure that
Oregon .will reach Its Quota be
fore the state convention at Pen
dleton this summer.
1 Mrs, Jones Speaker
Mrs. Lloyd Jones of Sherwood
national committee woman, who
had recently returned from
Washington. D. C. where she
attended ; the national defense
conference, gave an excellent
talk bringing out some Interest
ing facts about the defense of
the United States in comparison
with other countries.
- Mrs. James Turnbull of Sa
lem, a member of the national
legislative committee,- was also
present. . She told , of some of
the legislative measures whte't
the Legion and auxiliary had
sponsored in the past and some
of the bills -which they hope to
have passed by- congress.
Mrs. Otto Hejder of Sherdan.
finance officer, was Introduced
by Mrs. ' Domaschofsky and gave
a- brief talk, as did Mrs. Jack
Eakin, of Dallas, department
treasurer and Mrs. Otella Mar
dis, of Dallas." president of Dis
trict 2, Mrs. M. E. Palmateer of
Salem 'and -Mrs. Frank Miller of
Forest Grove.
' Legionnaires Also Meet
Albert Bennett, commander of
the Carl B. Fenton post, pre
sided at" the : Legion, meeting.
.The following guests were pres
ent for the meeting and were
Introduced - by the commander:
Lloyd Jones of Sherwood, James
Turnbull: of Salem. Jeff Olson,
past commander of the Bonne
ville post. Otto Heider of Sher
idan, Harry Kuck of Portland.
H." ! Morton of Po 'tlund, Frank
Waters of Salem, Major Hamil
ton of Portland, Stanley -Baylies
of Independence, Frank Miller of
Forest Grove. Mose PalmaU-er of
Salem, who is department com
mander and Carl Moser of balem,
department adjutant. .
Following the business ses
' sions. a : Joint meeting of the
auxiliary' and Legion was held.
A short program was given
which included a solo dance by
LJovd Domaschofsky a-d two
vocal' solos by Hubert Spring
steen accompanied by Miss June
Domaschofsky. Department Com
mander Palmateer ' was Intro
duced by Commander Bennett
and gave a short talk. . Mrs.
Frank Waters," department presi
dent of the auxiliary, was Intro
duced by. Mrs. Domaschofsky,
and gave a brief talk. Mrs.
Lloyd Jones also told something
of the national defense program
of the organisation.
' A social: was then enjoyed
end refreshments served by the
Grangers' News
i. MONMOUTH ' County grange
visiting night held at Monmouth
Friday drew out a large attend
ance from Rickreall grange, and
several from other grange com
munities, including Tillamook and
Hood River. l ; ; v
The program Included violin
numbers by MrsI George Walker;
skit by W. L. Smith and Ed Rog
ers; quartet j numbers by the
Rickreall group. W. C. Leth,
Tolk county agent spoke on prun
ing flowers, jj. : .f i
: Ralph-W. Perry of Hood Riv
er, a candidate lor state master,
poke, his theme principally con
cerning the 'proposed People's
Power utility measure. A brief
talk was given also by the mas
ter ot Falls City grange.
' Mrs. Dora Goodman, lecturer,
presided. Luncheon as served,
and dancing occupied .the .final
half ot'the evening. Buell grange
will be host -jt6 county, visiting
night, March 23.
-. : p i
J. G. Roner new
Now Teacher Lane. County ;
! Other -Posts . Filled;
Qnbs j Convene
TURNER -The Turner school
board elected J. G. Roner school
principal for next year. He is
teaching this 'year in Irlndle
Lake school j in Lane ; county.
Also Mrs. Edna Allen of Jeffer
son was elected assistant high
s c h o o 1 teacher for her third
year here, and . Miss Gertrude
Roenicke of Salem, to- her third
yeak. Any other places to be
filled will be taken care of later.
The Women's Missionary so
ciety of the i Christian church
met the middle of the week.
Mrs. Susan Girardin conducted
devotions with discussions on
missionary work : following.
present were; Mrs. Frances B.
Delzjell. Mrs. j Chester Wilkes,
Mrs Ruth Larsen, Mrs. H. R.
LeeD, Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. Ha mm.
Mrs. Forest Bouchie, Mrs. Fred
Erown, Mrs. Frank Parr. Mrs.
W. ' F. Weddle, Mrs. P. Down
ing, I Mrs. Crockett, Mrs. Irene
Davis, Mrs. Clara Gisse, and
Mrs. j Girardin.
- Home and! Garden Club
Thie 'Better Home, and Gar
den blub met all day Thursday
with I Mrs. V. I A. Goode of the
Staytbn Goode floral gardens,
giving pruning demonstrations
at the homes of Mrs. J. S. Mc
Klnn4y, Mrs. Auna Smith, Mrs
Frances Whitehead, Archie Ran
kin, J. E. Whitehead,' sr , Mrs.
Elizabeth and, Mrs. Mary Ball
and H. R. Peets.
At I the . business meeting it
was Voted to j en ter the Garden
club show to be held in Salem
in April. The noon lunch was
served! to 22 members and
friends at thel home of Mrs.
Elizabeth Ball. On Wednesday
Mins Helen Peetz and Mrs. Eliza
beth Ball directed by . the club.
planted donated shrubbery on
both" -! Turner I ; and Cloverdale
school I grounds.
Grange Workers Meet
The grange! work club met
Thursday with Mrs. Bert .Pee
bles. The usual club dinner
was served to members: Mrs.
Bessie Colrin, Mrs. Bernice Rob
erts, -Mrs. Alice ' Little, : Mrs. A.
B. Webb, Mrs. Eleanor Titus.
Mrs. Nellie Hamilton, Mrs. Rosa
Webb, Mrs.. Hester Crume, Miss
Mabel Walker. Mrs. Carrie Mitch
ell and Mr si' Peebles; guests.
Mrs. Thelma Norris, Mrs. Maud
Bones, Charles: Colvai, Jim Irwin
J. M. Bones and Bert Peebles.
Detroit to Vote
On School Bonds
nPVrn OTT The school board
recently authorized notices post
ed ' asking for a bona election
of the district for $12,500, to
be used In erection ot a high
arhnol tmlvdtnr - here. , r
The election will be held
if arch 22 : at the schoolhouse.
Mr.; and Mrs. Jack January
have returned from Molalla
where ! thev ... visited reletlves.
.LloydJ Jack's brother,, accompa
pted them home and ' the two
mon in - rone tr : work at the
Bud -Harris logging camp near
virion Forks, falllnr umber.
Mrs. Alble Fisher has -been
quite ! HI suffering -rith sinus
Infection. .
Sneunerd Recovering ;
GATES William Shepherd,
v.ho has been HI at Stayton hos
pital for a month, was recov
ered sufficiently In be removed
. m knni Thursday. Mrs.
Jteryle DoyUi ha returned, from
tue hospital wL?re she was
Miller Residence
Is Opened to Club
WACONDA-Mrs. B. J. J. Mil
ler entertained members of the
Waconda community club at her
home this week. Following a cov
ered dish luncheon at noon, four
tables of "500"! were in play. High
score went to Mrs. Ward Luudy
of Fairfield and Mrs. Van O
Kelley. . i :
. Plans ' were made for the an
nual party to: be held at Fair
field grange hall Saturday night,
March 26. Chairmen of commit
tees appointed include: Program,
Mrs. Lou Eppers; refreshments,
Mrs. Berta Becker; cards, Mrs.
B. J. J. Miller; coffee, Mrs. George
Lemery. "1
Invited guests at the- regular
meeting were Mrs, Jack Imlah of
Salem. Mrs. Arthur Goffin and
Mrs.'Ward Lundf. The next meet
ing will be Wednesday, March 16,
at the home of Mrs. C. C Russell,
Mission Bottom.
Rev. Heifcert Speaker
Helbert ef the local church was
guest speaker for the World Day
of Prayer - meeting held at the
Dallas . Presbyterian church Fri
day noon. -
Teachers Honor
Nelson and Bride
Calvin Sheppartl Injured
as Horses Bolt, Hitting
Him on Knee
was an
JEFFERSON Teachers of
the;, Jefferson high and I grade
school j were entertained Tuesday
evening at j the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Looney, honoring Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Nelson, recently
wed. Tripoley was played, and
refreshments were served.
" Present were the honor guestsr
Mr. and Mrs. Nelsonj Mr. and
Mrs. A. At Haberlv. Miss Jose
phine Getchell, Miss tiflian Ir
vine, Miss Doris Beight, Miss
Dana Logan, George Bailey, Mrs.
Emma Whedbee and Mr. knd Mrs.
H ' : !:.
Doyle of South Pasadena,
overnight guest Wednes
day night ! at the home! of Mrs.
George C Mason. He was on his
way to Washington on a business
trip and will stop on his return
south and Mrs. George Mason will
accompany! him home for a visit
with ner son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and' Mrs. Doyle. .
Hurt as Team Bolts :"
'"Calvini Sheppard. who; lives in
the Panrlsh Gap district: was in
Jured this week "while unhitching
his team. The team- bolted, strik
ing his left knee, but not frac
turing it He was treated by the
local physician. . i
W. L. Jones has had a man and
team grading and leveling the
ground at the side end back of his
business I and apartment building
on Main street. He plans! to seed
it and plant it in shrubs and
flowers. I . !
Enos Korb arrived In Jeffer
son vv ednesday from ! Jewell
county, Kansas for a visit at the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs.', Dan Korb and brother Ivan
Korb. H4 plans to leave soon for
Toledo where he will hate em
ployment!, j !
Only One Case 'Pox:
There is only one case of small
pox in Jefferson. Mrs. C. L. Cham
berlain is quite ill at her: home
in the north part of town. Mr.
Chamberlain has recovered from
the disease; but the family Is still
quarantined. Several people have
been quite; ill this week because
ot vaccination. - r
Mrs. Claude Armstrong of Liv
ingston, Montana is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' I H.
Knight, and brothers, Harold and
Elmer and: families. She plans to
remain two weeks. H
sionary Club
Zena Gathers
ZENA-t Mrs. Pruitt. Mrs. Vic
tor utterback, Mrs. I. R. Utter
back and j Mrs. Ben McKlnney
were hostesses to the Spring Val
ley Home! 'Missionary i society
Thursday. Mrs. W, D. ; Henry
presided and gave an interest
ing review, of the first chapter
of the book "Congo Crosses"
new project for the group.!
Refreshments were served to
Mrs. Fred Muller. Mrs. A. M.
Patrick, Mrs.. Charles McCarter,
Mrs. T. J. Merrick, Mrs. S. W.
Atkinson, Mrs. R. H. Scott. Mrs.
Walter I Kime and daughter.
Norma, Mrs. Maynard Simmer-
man and son, Richard, Mrs W.
D. Henry, j Mrs. E. C. HIgglns,
Mrs. WJ W. Henry, Mrs. W.
Frank Crawford, Mrs.: Chester
Newton, i : Mrs. Milton Stephens,
Mrs. James A. French, Mrs. C.
M. Purviner Mrs. Elwood Coop
er, Mrs. I Celia Walling, Mrs. Al
fred Bell. Mrs. D. R. Ruble, Mrs,
S. D. Crawford, a n d i Gladys,
Mrs. S. D. Godlove and Bill,
Mrs. Clarence Merrick,' Mrs.
Brneei Murphy, Mrs. ' W. N.
Crawford and the hostesses.
Dallas Debaters
Down Corvallis,
Now Are Second
DALLAS The Dallas high
school debate team. Miss Mildred
Voth and Miss Betty Smith, won
a 3-0 decision when they met
the Corvallis high school team
composed of Gramn Stevenson,
Ilas Florence Mae Roshitt. at
Corvallis Thursday, afternoon.
Judges for the debate were from
Albany college. The Dallas team
was coached by Ralph Murphy.
Next week the Dallas affirma
tive team will be hosts to the
Falls City negative team, while
the Dallas negative team will de
bate the Salem affirmative team
at Salem.
Salem is now leading In the
Mid-Willamette district i of the
Oregon High School Debating
league having won 16 and lost
two, with ' Dallas second having
won 15 points and lost 3.
Independence Star
Plans big Affair
ter No. 34 Order of the Eastern
Star will be the hostess chapter
Tuesday night, March. 8 at the
Masonic hall for a district meet
ing of Chadwtck. Nuomi. Rho
dodendron and Adah chapters,
with 200 guests expected.
Mrs. Hazel Ingrahm, worthy
grand matron of the grand chap
ter of Oregon, will be the spe
cial honored guest. Many other
grand and past grand officers
are expected to attend the meet
ing. Adah' chapter will have the
opening and closing ceremonies,
Naomi chapter, Dallas, escort
duty, Rhododendron chapter,
Falls City, balloting, and Chad
wick chapter of Salem will con
fer degrees.
Mrs. Howard Morlan Is chair
man of the social and refresh
ment committee.
Wfflard Program
Presented, WCTU
. . . - . . ..- .
Mrs.! Levi Sleighter Will
Entertain ! Cloverdale
Unit in April .
WCTU met at the home of Mrs.
Louis Hennies I Wednefiday for
an all day meeting. Club dinner
was served.-- j . f -
The nroeram was dedicated to
Frances Willard. Deyotlonals
were led and the program read
hv Xir Victoria. Downinr. Mrs.
Mabel Sleighterj and Mr. Lydla
Schifferer are, the program com
mittee for April. 1
The union voted to meet early
in the afternoon Jrom nw until
nexf falL.c. ." "4. . I '
Mrs. Downing was eleted as
sistant .devotional , leadef . . Ger
trude Hennies sang a Solo ac-
companiea oy Aierie neags. Airs.
Loul Sleighter will entertain In
April.; " i- -! - ' "
. Attend Portland WedcEiug
Mr , snd Mrs. Georsre Pember
ton drove to Hood River Sun
day where they attended ; the
m,fitAinr nf hl vonneest danrh
ter. Helen" PembeTton, to beorge
MiHs t Portland, ;- - ;
Albert - Gerntholx. of - Seattle
has been -visiting ' his (K)usia,
Arthur Kunke for the? past
week.- Gerntholf clans to o on
to Alaska from here. - .
Woman From Montana
To Open Beauty Shop
At Woodburn Shortly
Pollock will open a beauty shop
in the Duncan building across
from the postoffice, formerly oc
cupied by Ralph Skopil. Mrs. Pol
lock has been in business In
Montana and her equipment ar
rived here recently. The shop will
be named the Joi Belle.
Miss Delia Straus of Wood
burn and Miss Harris from Port
land will assist Mrs. Pollock.
Busy Days Start
In Fanning Atea
1 . i
busy days wLtbthe farmers? who
are sowing winter oats, cover
seed, preparing ground for
planting strawberries. Some
fields on Lake Labish caijs be
prepared to set lettuce and beets
next week. ! 1
The high water washed! the
lumber used to bleach the cilery
to the road crossing near James
Tada's packing bouse, requir
ing considerable labor to i re
move. Orchards and grapes are
being pruned. Spraying ?wlll
follow sson. 'i
Airlie i Folks Learn '
Of. Nephew Death
AIRLIE Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Turner were in Lafayetts Mon
day night at the Raymond Wil
liams home where they learned
of the death of their, nephew,
Darrel Williams, who was drown
ed while Iflshing.
Mrs. Erie Brown and the
twins! Marleen and Marlin j are
111 with smallpox at their home.
Mrs. Robert Young! of Portland
came ! for; a visit with her sis
ter, Mrs. i Glen Hadley.
Here's Why Yoii Get
Clean, Healthful
':.- ' with
i Heat Tffy)
Eacy Terms
Pay as Little as 50c Week
The dcujcl Bats
Credit Jewelers I
443 State Phone 5510
j"'-V-iS-y , J x '
Streamlined Radiator and
Combustion Chamber.
Down-Draft Flue Type
3. t Air Insulated Inner Jacket.
4. Heavy Gauge Combustion
Chamber.' "
5. 1 High Efficiency Warm Air
Chamber. ' j
6. 1 Draft Diverter. i
. -:. -:- -r . j
7. Streamlined Bottom.
8. Removable Steel Register
9. 1 Handy Positive Valve Con-
nl - X t :
10. Pyrex Class Peep Hole.
11. Large Cold Air Chamber.
12. i Cas Pressure Regulator.
.13. High Efficiency Bunsen
" Burner., jj j
145 (Blue FUme Safety Pilot.
These outstanding features of
the Coleman Floor Furnace as
sure you dean, healthful, trouble
free heat at less cost. It sprays
heat throughout your rooms on
an average of three times every
hour. Maintains I an even, com
fortable temperature from; floor
to ceiling. No sweated walls; no
dirt or ashes. Install a Coleman
sow for greater wintertime com
fort and convenience.
Let us demonstrate !
: ; 111 i !
i , II p-- 1
s j
: f j t i i -I it
S39 N. Commercial St,
Phone 4822
Arrests Are Made
... : i ..
In Stavton Area
SXAtTON i-' Within the last
few days state police have arrest
ed six people in Stayton. The
majority were gravel truck driv
ers. : ' ' i. .
Otto Adolph Boetticher, sr..
was fined $10 for operating with
out a -chauffeur's license, lo 5
fc: failure to stop at a J s t o p
street, i Francis Austin Eastburn
was fined $10 for a defectiv
muffler and will a p pear on
March M : on the following char
ges: nci PUC permit, vno chauf
feur's license, and failure to stop
at a. atop sign. Clarence Augus
tus Layton will appear March 5
for a defective muffler,: and no
chauffeur's license. f
i Others arrested were: j Lloyd
H. Corey, ! failure to stop at stop
sign; fined J 5 ; Robert i Tether-
stone, lined J 50 for I reckless
driving J and Frank L. Harts who
was given no days suspended jau
sentence for not bending a minor
tochool.l ! . -.,
o o
. tier
. ajj :
. t :
For Wipers -
4 No Small Scraps or
" '. " Stockings Accepted ; , j
$7485 Q
' : i - . .1.3
Beautifully proportioned 3-piece . suite, with hand
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purchase Fashion Flow 'furniture by the piece,
until you have the complete ensemble you want I
America's smartest furniture! Modern, livable.
Generous, heavy plate mirrors; smooth
waterfall contours; hand-fitted drawers; hand
rubbed woods, cherry, walnut and mahogany
with blond maple tops.
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;:": ': ..v-'" " 'irr:!:wi
REGULAR $99 j ' !' ' ' j .-.
r.lodcra Living Room Guite
liarmon's Biltwell floor sample and pne-oj- K(i
a-kind sets. Vclour and frieze; covered... J.. yUytwU
i" - - ' : - '!;- I 'A- 'I j l ; v.j '
REGULAR $12.75 . Vi , ' j. .'. . 'y '
Walnut Occasional Tables f
Walnut tables. with black glass tops, and Chip f JO
pendale patterns with hand-rubbed finishes.. vO
Roomy buffet, extension table, arm, chair Qr ff
and 5 side chairs in walnut veneerU U VweCIU
Fall or Twin Cisc Bed
1 mattress, and sturdy metai Dea. oave
"Salem i
Albany :
. sAvertori .
Visit Our Complete
New Display, of
Fashion Flow .
treated- for a serious onrn on
. her aria.