H1 ilmiHfl1 -4 tate: Classified Ad Buy. iihd. - Statesman ; : Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Achrwttol Single insertion per line - 10e Tares insertion! per 11ns Sli Insertion per line Ob month per line Minimum charge bPy for this pas "i? :3t b T-ulf)B bsfurs pubikntloB roe lssiricatlo. Copy receiver after this tlms will be roa oridei ths heading. Tos Lats U Claa- The statesman aasutnoa no rinan rial responsibility fot errors which may ippnr in advertisements pub lished In its solemn and In case Jrf tlit papsr ta at fault will rs pfml thai l -art of an advert Isomer' la srhlcn I ha typographical mlstakt secure. The Statesman reserve the sbi ta -retort qoeattooabl adverT1lr. It , furth reserves ths right tc place all advertising under tb proper eiasatfUaKloaY. For Sale Miscellaneous $65 TTPEWR. $18. 29J ST. Cottage. REPOSSESSED RADIO " S-TUBE MAJESTIC, balance due $18.65. tarma $1.00 weekly. See Mri Jam. GEO; C. WILL MUSIC STORE TWO iTTHEEL trailer. HIS 8.11th. CHOICE ROASTING Hens. 840 8. 25th. ! t ' - 1 ! USED RADIOS 26 USED CABINET -models. $5.00 to $1950: term $1 00 weekly. GEO. C WILL. MUSIC STORE FOR SALE 2S00 choice gooseberry plants, phone 92FS. - SALE FRESH cow, 1615 S. 22nd., POTATOES. CANADIAN Queen seed, Bnrbank table 60e. Bring aacka. John Wirt h.'K. , uai tra. ULF4.eyenlnga SEWING MACHINE, drop bead S12.S0. I110 Madison. "BLIND ' ADS which kite only a box number ear ot Statesman mast be "answered by tetter. We cannot give any Information, as to do ao would .destroy their purpose. Livestock TOP PRICES paid for old horses and cows for fox feed. Tat I38. eerfnB",-,,', FREE pica Bp dead and worth less horses, cowa. sheep. TeL 4149. eol- Wrxjnlru ,., , , - "i r. -' -i n n - r - - FREE WE pick up dead and worth ies horses, cows. TeL 7979. collect. w.rumjm-nruMM wriir.-m - - - -DEAD AND worthless horses, cows, picked up free. Ph. collect 64 1L Salem. Montgomery Rend. Wka HANSON LEG. U; S. certified chicks, sexed pallets. '3 catalogue. Twin Oak Poultry Farm. St. Paul. Ore. iOO BOXES CHOICE Roma Beauty apple. 60c box. Bring boxes. i PURITAN ULUH.K nUKlUS I ; i West salem Help Wanted Male FOR SALE Just received a sblp- m.nt r rnml vnrk horses - IS head from 3 to 7 yrs. old ; 7 heal from t to 12 yn. old. Come and see them hitehed ao reasonable offer will be refused. John Muir, 402 Tooze St., Woodburn, Oregon. Help Wanted Female MAN AND WIFE to run local cof fee agency. Earnings up to $240 ta a month. New Ford Sedan given produ cers as bonus. lsend complete outfit Tmi ttnn't risk a Denny. Details free. Write ZANOL,lt91 Poplar, Oakland, r. r. - - wrwTfM WANTVT In alterine dress es can earn up to 121 weekly besides srttine vour- own clothes KiSti io Investment. FASHION FROCKS, Inc Dept T-4363, Cincinnati. Ohio. WANTED WOMAN sell famous brand of cosmetics. Unusual demon stration Of - removing embedded dirt from facial pores has resulted in thous ands of-ordera. Wonderful opportunity for real workera Give experience. Ad dress: Director, 207 Westport, Kansas City. Missouri. 4rmnrsi pnsWARDS AT HOME. We pay 2e per card. Everything sup plied. LtiAiL.a riu.b uwduim ,sm- tnetics, B-607, Hynes, cam. . 2-WHEEL FURNISHED trailer house. $33. 1440 Waller St. -4 Money to Loan I: Money to Loan Exchange Real Estate Acreage Quick, Private Loans .34 Per Month WANT INCOME property in Salem to trade for fine acreage with fruit TAtnrs r-ARE CIV' ATX. - CHARGES ON A LOAN OF $188 : OTHER "no. iiwrw. jmce PROPORTION MAT PE HAD FOU THUS, ernwu AMOUNTS IN SITIES. 3 . i CLEAR. 1(0 ACRE farm In Kansas, I EIGHT S ACRE tracts on Crolsan also clear, farm in Minnesota for prop I creek with some fine timber. erty here. Clear, bouse near Center 1300.00 per acre. Terms, street. tfade for acreage near Salem. - I Listings wanted. i ALFRED OUMBECK. 147 N. CofflL KIL'M L. KE1JIASX, 157 S. High St. CALL, WRITE OR PHONE WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor Personal Finance Co. ; (Formerly Beneficial Finance Co.) of Salem 6"8 Ai STUMP AND Dasture land rented for 4 years. $1400. Will trade 1 7-A. alfalfa, 3-A. clover, running wa- 320-ACRES PRICED TO SELL ABOUT 95-A. cult. Fine lot ot tim ber, fine pasture, springs. R. bouse. barn 24x58 garage etc. This place only $800 S2000 down. Only 14 miles oat. Better hurry. J ANOTHER GOOD ONE 1 40 -seres, mostly bottom land, has Second Floor New Bilgh'Bldg. Rm. 11$ ' 518 Stats Street at High Pbbns Sll . Salem, Ore. : License s-xil M-ie ! For Rent Houses PERSONAL LOANS Iter, family orchard, good 5-R. house wun Dam, toiiet. water sysiem. gooa barn, silo, a dandy place, 7 miles out on paved Mgnway. price J5S0O -IJ600 down. fed. loan for 12200. : J AS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 476 Court St Phone 84 6 Suburban i LOVELT HBUNGALOW court cot- BORROW FROM Salem's oldest A tage.i modern. rUrn, nrepiace, etectnc i ,argMt independent company you t reXrJg, garage, 2o. TeL S4IJ. I nroblema will rscelvs Dsrsonal eonsld - - i . f t- I uiaum. HAl WKireair.n. otyie x.. Br. !..- nn nnnald halanca HOtTSEHOLD FURNITURE for 6 rooms for sale at a big- sacrifice. Phone ; 731$. 1561 Third, W. Salem. In Capitola addition. Beautiful setting. i; Chnvk Pourtaoua Serrles nar Saiem, with growing crops. Priced Close to store ar Phoae OFll.TlBO. 1995 N. Capitol. ' 1 w, S Tou" mMM!)le- M,Kht consider late model sale, 4900 or w General Finance DAFFODILS 10c a do. 20 SO Cherry. Italian Prune Trees Special 4-S AND C- FT.'. 2-4 ft filbert and walnuts. Good variety of fruit treea. 260; Center Frultland Nursery ! A. J. MA THIS, TeL S250. Over 30: Years in Nursery Businesa CHEERFUL! 4-RM. btmgalow. gas furn;, gar. Inq. 1JJ S. Com, or P. 3282. VsasWSsaaSSsissaaasasesaSsSsaasS FURN. TRAILER bse 1320 Lewis. i - ' FOR RENT J 23 House, Jt. 3-bedrm., furnace. 30 Mod. .5 rooms, garage. $35 Mod.U Ri, bedrms. FURNISHED- SV.50 4 R..i bath, rarae, lk Apt. rlighss, water. Seie BECHTELj S41 State Street S RM. FURN. hue., close In, 25. Inq, 710 N. High, i ( for lot fir home m Salem. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR I 477 Court Street For Sale Farms j FEDERAL LAND bank farms. Priced right Terms. See W. a Bart- lett Secy. Treaa. 21 C Oregon Bidg. a mwiiw e-.a 4 I t SUBURBAN HOME 7 A. ONION LAND. H. A. Dittman. I i ACRE TRACT with extra fine, Sherwood. Ore. R. F. D.. near Onion I modern S room bouse, oak floors, fire- Creek, r I place, built-ina, etc.. beautifully land- iamn.smi. I scaped lawn, shrubbery, pool and va TWO; FARMS, one Cs A., one 24 A., rlety of fruit trees, good chicken house. and bus line. For quick ill accept small : house car as -down payment. Write owner, I In baietn as part. t SK mjs. t:uis witn r CHILDS MILLER, Realtors I Box 10 4", Jefferson, Oregon. Corporation 1357 A. FARM 344 State St. Phone (70S. VCT? Cttf th w firmi In thu val-1 G RM. MODERN house lust Autside 13S S. Conunsrpla - Salem, Or 1 ley. i:t A. In good timber, on pave-I city limits to trade for larger t house rww i . mb. - i ment. iz mi. . ot saiem. tois must i in city ana assume oiiierence. b a rh ul tn settla an tate Anvl FKDEoAii housihu loan ouuo reasonable offer will be considered. refinance homes, business prop. Rataa Abrams uili, inc. aiasonie bio MONEY TO loan on good real estate. Charles Hudklns, 275 Stats street Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED CARLETON E. LANE, 333 State rnone 2Z S A. 2 MI. N. OF town, 4 R. house, good barn, chicken house. 2 brooders. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 477 Court Street I Resort Property BEACH LOTS at Wecoraa near Dev 250 hens, 1 A. of loganberries V, A. I Hs Lake. 0 ml from Salem. Salmon boysenberries family orchard. On paV- ed hwyii Price SZ500. riv. cut-off. $100.00 and up. i Piped water and elec C. S. McXaugbt 30a - M . mm . i iuivi aa naff iAwniwida PWnif'k'l . T I JR .A 1 F.ll TTWK1- nil. 1 . . . . . I k -tm a a. ak t"- r T " tis I miwisx Tif ouy new or uca cm.ru. i ? muue oos t runi4 zna noor apui waitr, taxage, f ioi priyat msneT t V4trr low rate. No! wmmwmsaisjm . 2a& 1p4 pats Vr a awiM 1 al& f Ills!. I . . . . I T-y- T- n a v rr-r a w-vn sin a a s"1 CARLETON E. LANE 333 State Street I Henry Bidg, Portland or Wecoma Sat urday and Sunday. See caretakei soon. 145 Miller, a :rotim( GAS ranee tn kitchen. FRESH CARROT juice every Mon. I S40 parrish St; Tel. 8818. G. A. Wood. MODERN 4 i ROOM bungalow with garage, full basement elec. refrlg. elec. : range. Jusi newly finished at 298 West Miller for ssu.uu. upen aunaay. and Frl. PURITAN CIDER WORKS f j WEST SALEM red tape 1 to 20 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons lit S. Commercial St, Salem, Or. Phone IU8 Lie, No M-152 FOR SALE OR TRADE 300 ACRE farm and stock ranch, six miles from Oakland, Oregon. J. H. Fisk, R. F. D. 1, Oakland, Oregon. Btiftiriess Opportunities FULLY EQUIPPED restaurant Sacrifice price, JaOO.OO. Owner In ho 10 Ai GOOD BUILDINGS, mature P'ee us at on GENERAL MOTORS Console "Air Cell" Battery set complete with batter ies,; 929.50. H. L. Stiff Furniture CO. QUICK A : Way to Raise CASH 6 ( ROOM FURN. or partly furn.. clos4 in. 600 S. Church.. TeL 737. fruit tnees. 5 ml. east Owner. A. P. Branson, K. c. Box Z58. 12 7S-100 A. OF FRUIT nnt or chard located one mile west of the Kei DARN I ELLE BROS.. REALTORS 1988 North Capitol CROSLEY SHELVADOR refriger. a tor and Eaw washing machine, 2135 lii. Haiel. Tel. 863. S-RM. HOUSE strictly mod. When you need It In a hurry Is to call at the FURNITURE STUDIO v. i " -r , - vuuvu i s.rrri tinner liat .j ..$JO.O0 ALL NEW equipment & good bus tness. Luncn. beer, confectionery, on xer schboL A very good, modern plas- main highway and main business tered house, good water : the outlook 1 street, xtennng irom ousiness, must is for a very good crop, prunes, cher- I sacrifice. Very low price. Come see For Sale Wood DRY 2nd GROWTH! Ph. !700. 41, SPECIAL. SEAS. ash. $6.25. P. 970 J. It OLD FIR. IM1. Ph. 945. 16 IN. OLD fir. $5.60 cd. 8035. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 968. BONE DRY WOODi Phone C663. DRY SLAB and old fir. P. 7005. 4-FT. DRY slab, $1.5 cdV Ph. 8033. Wooil Sawing WOOD SAWING. Phone 945t. FOR 236. PROMPT woodsawlng. Pn. Lost and Fount! STRAYED OR stolen young female Shepherd doe last Jan J Name "Becky." M E. Reed. Route 3. Cox 316-A. , LOST! POINTER dogs, white with brown spot, 9870 or 41 Mission. Personal UlNKl.tT -WOKTHW Hilar- sweet heart, husband, wife for jrott. Box 875 Los Anarrles. i ? Psycholagist - Psychoanalyst M r a Martin, fav. known, depend, adv. 6460, READER ADViSER. He looks at your bands and your eyes. For appoint ment call Senator HoteL Room 303, Hours It a. m. to 9:30 p. m. Ph. 4151. Consult with .professor i Apgar. CHASE AWAY loneliness. Marry wealthy. Free det Box 2144 Boise, Ida, For Sale Used 1 Cars 1931 FORD MODEL A DeLuxs Town Sedan, 4-door. 1147 N. Com'L SELL CHEAP4- OAKLAND SEDAN, okehed by Portland inspection. Zs M. Z4th. 34 DeLX. FORD Cpe $233. P. J849, LEAVING TOWN, 'will sell '3 V-8 DeLuxe Coupe, $68.00- down and loan SZJ5.00. llZS S. Com'L . . . . . . . I i . .ao . c. . -r rr i wvn . i nea. uiDerts. neacnea aouies pears. iu iuo x. nrsi oireei. Aioauv, vi c ?'rl itjiJlLEi u finance L0 Also a large garden spot with berries, I w"w.,w 9x12 rugi breakfast set chest of draw-j;5.rnf house. Strictly mod. furn, ers. etc. i Call 666 Thompson St., betU.rm . V. duDlex. turn. ana pv m. I RICH L. REIMANN, 161 S. ign at. 27.59 50.00 25.00 PEDIGREED WIRE-HAIRED ter- f MOlSERN 5 ROOM house, garage, rier. TeL 6248 or call 665 Shipping StI182S. N- capitoL T UNIVERSAL HEATER, beds, dress ers, tables, gold fish aquarium and oth er articles. Phone 3388, 185 & 19th. For Rent Farms SMALL FARM : with good income. ESEW PLUMBIWU llxtures cneap. isaod house, electricity otner con CaH 447! Ferry St Wanted Miscellaneous venfencea. $400 cash rent paid in ad vance. Immediate possession. F. H. WEIR, 212 0res. Bidg. Ph. 9411 We win pay ALL BILLS YOU Pay only one place. REDUCE PAYMENTS ON YOUR CAR OR FURNITURE by using our complete and convenient LOAN SttRVXlJii Remember the name and address PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rm. 201, First Nat l. Bank Bidg. Salem. Oregon S-213 State License M-220 For Sale Real Estate grapes,! lawn, flowers shrubs. KKMIK FOLSOM Rt 2, Box 105-A Acreage BEER PARLOR in Salem, good in come. Good location. $600 will handle. Box 3(, statesman. FOR SALE i SMALL BUSINESS showing good returns on the investment of $1,000. Ask us about It. ; SEE Mrs. Ellis with t CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors Phone 6708 i $150 DOWN i 2 ACRE3. 4 ROOM house, garage, 24 Rovai Anne cherry trees, raspber rles, blackberries 4 miles from Salem. 344 State St'eet Price reduced to $1400, small montmy payments. ATTENTION RESTAURANT oper- SEE ''. Mrs. Bartlett with 1 ators I have for sale nearly all the CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors peter Pan equipmenLUf you are going 344 Stte Street Phone 6708 to set up a new place I would be glad WANTED. MARKET poultry, any quantity, any time. TeL 133F2, Lee's Hatchery. For ' Rent ti irnp' s nnwv i mr mo I NEW 3 ROOM house. 10 acres of ACKliz uuvvn. $7 per mo. ... . ,, nnua r. . .eK'. - 88 - r3" V . W- 18ta maTkerToadnrlclToO. S400 cinh. ONE OF north Hollywood's nicest 10 PT m,"tn. to, show you these fixtures. ERNIE FOLSOM Rt. 2, Box 105-A LUNCH AND confectionery a real " WANT WALNUT-and filbert meats. also in shelL Stats Cafeteria. rro tti e,.- trt modern 6-room homes. All hardwood ? ac? es loatea lu. r em. line w paying business for two people, Uooo u-rriv. ..Y" 1 n,. -th f!rni. Thl. 1 suBCiviiie on gooa Toao. mce terma Miscellaneous FILMS DEVELOPED. Eight prints and hand colored, enlargement, Zc Coin only. Oregon Picture Co., box 4292. Portland. Ore. Inquire room 200. Tel 3713. r, uuwu.rwr... J'- see ALFRED DUMBECK. 147 N. Com. BECHTEL or BRASHER. 341 STATE HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel cnain a .u'"' 1 n-ovioHirn irRimi: to rent H. L Stiff Furniture to. !, , . nn otr.Zll 2H k. NORTH. MOSTLY in cher """V. I , jt. , ,.tfa.t Dam, i LuriiLBueu, wiuic u, cidiuulu, - - CARS .TRUCKS U-Drivs. Ph. 7045 asSssSasassaAssssasaSasMsi DOWNTOWN SHOP location, 40x60, $25 smo. Phone 1S. c ' a on Ira c Truf mnrlorn rimiAA. ! Ii'vl? nUand banj- "Ke. 1 j miles south of Sa 213. Portland, Ore. hemi Ph. 713U I SERCE STATION IN SALEM A FINE STATION and good loca tion shown by appointment only. GROCERY stock and fixtures a sar.irvr wra mnma Knh k nr I machinery, cow, chickens, ready to go. good business ill health reason for . " ' ... I .,.;a, i j-. . Kl Im. than rnr ..nina l FILMS DEVELOPED. 2 prints each good negative, 25c, Film Co., box 4 no- a. -i. til i trrrrr. -it limits $260. down. bal. less than rent selling, i.;, Vo ;hrrv g n,n other C. J. JACKSON, 341 StaU St R. A. FORKNER. Real , Estate fruit Close to 4 rm. school, grocery a bus service. Owner going east soon. inq. 1026 N. Winter. Zf ACRES $200 DOWN : c FULL PRICE $1500 1853 N. Capitol FILMS DEVELOPED. 8 prints and 2 enlargements 25c Coin only. Quality Co. box 3 1 3, Portland, Ore. ADDRESS ENVELOPES home for ii ftood Day. Experience unnecessary. Wonderful opportunity. cverytnins supplied. Nationwide Distributors, 401 Broadway, N. Y. - For, Rent Rooms NICELY FURK. heated rma tn mod. home. .For gentlemen. 1420 Court EASTERN MFG. of women's; wear Las opening for dist mgr. Splendid opportunity to build profitable bus iness without large investment or hea vy overhead. For Interview phone fac tory representative. Rm. 434. Hotel Senator. - i Salesmen Wanted NICE ' LGE. sleep, rm., privilege light hskpg. 892 N-Winter. Ph. 6715. RAWLEIGH " ROUTE now open. Resl opportunity for man who wants permanent profitable work. Sales way tip this year. ( Start promptly. Write Riwleigh's. DepL ORC-187-K, Oak land, Calif. ' HEATED SLEEPING room close to I v1t onH mnk. m a rash I InK restriction, many new homes being I. SCA X..Vi i:k I 1 v I M.A4a,1 a k(ei lmak a rtrl manV Ull SA'iwui. f v A vi twu evu4 597 ROOM FOR one or two with or with out board. 507 N. 19th. , SALEM EN t SELL advertising novelties,- calendars, fans, thermometers, ' etc.. -for nationally, known firm Lib eral commissions stanwooa Miiison Corp. 265. High St, Brookline, Mass. Situations .Wanted KXPERlENCED DRESSMAKING, Mrs. AdRitt 1130 Marlon. Phone 9441 HOUR WORK. Capable. Ph. 3757. PLASTERING, PATCH work. 6107, . GIRL WISHES place In dental office while learning- the work, ttox ml ye Statesman. , t-. For Sale Miscellaneous CASH OR trade for ossd fnrnlturv ranees, beater, radios, max m nary, tooia. etc Woodry snd Woodry. auctioneers, phone 5-1-1-0. 1610 N. Summer id Hol lywood. . TYPEWRITERS. ADDING ma chines, cash registers sold, rented, re painted. Roen, 456 Court Phone 677 J. F. H. A. MODERNIZING IjOANS LET US arrance everything. Ne dn. payment No red tape. Pay $5 mo. Ma th is Paint Rt. 474 Ferry. P. 4642. AVON PROD. Mrs, Culver. P. -3388. ATWATER-KENT CABINET radio, Tath talking m h. with 220 rec ords, lit; record cabinet $3; upright player plane. 125 records, $225 and ma .l.. oahinet. tt: kitchen sink. $5: 2 doors, $1.6 each: kitchen-cabinet $3 : heating stove. $5. -Qotlt tops, $1.80 acb, roll of fenc- "g iir. T Model Ford.1 good1 con dltlon. t5. Loss, of husband reason of . Mrs. Marlon TJeppen. 16t5 N. Fifth QUILTED QUILT tops quilts for sale. Route . box i : ROTTEN FERTILIZER for 9650. - , T. -i- -aan - .n -i rufTr-rL'Bin arssrkrtar-ai-M'tvrrni-i TEXAS I" CRYSTAL wax Bermuda onion planta, Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. For Sale Real Estate LOTS WE HAVE thxeo good lots tb trade on good house or small apartment, one or all. ' SEE Mrs. Ellis with iCHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 I State Street , Phone 6708. a bnnu HntTSP Km wmnt furnace. RMJ BATH for man. 161 S. 14th. Rarage, large lot some fruit trees. Cheap at JZtao. lei. oioi. BRAND NEW 4 room home not yet finished, hardwood floors, fireplace creek lot Back off street Close In. Price $2900 PHONE 5580 i k I' , i A I k A i Kc.r.rt r ran m i nv UNFINISHED house. gOOd Cirnrvrv In S?alem i.3000 barn J targe chicken house, garage- 3 Beer parlor, city .. i.. $3000 acres Orchard. 20 minute drive of ba- h. P. GRANT-C. H. SANDERS lem. Nar school and store. 529 Court Ph. 6744-8320 BECHTEL or BRASHER. 341 STATE I saWSMssaSa1Sa1'asaaSWa1as I Albany ! Host for Youth Meetings ALBANY Over 125 delegates. oming from; Portland. Salem. Eugene, Corvallis, j and other alley ' points, were in Albany Friday for the three-day Oregon Christian Youth Fellowship meet. The sessions are being held In the I Church bt Christ. Misa Doris Weber, Forest . Grove, president of the association, pre sided. : j Miss Lois Ely, missionary from China, spoke .j at the Friday eve ning session,! and other inter esting speakers appeared on the program . Friday evening wl banquet was served, Saturday a luncheon featured, and Sunday a - 1 o'clock luncheon is on the pro gram. ; The imeetings closed at 2:30 Sunday; afternoon. Loans Wanted MODERN 7-ROOM Englewood home. Block from school. 4 . bedrooms. 2 LOANS WANTED on farm and rlty LADIES. PH. 5678, 696 N. Cottage. I Jfi ACRES. PACIFIC HIGHWAY SERVICE STATION building. Dan- JrX.i. vir.r,!.- fn kL dy 5 i rtn. modern bungalow, fireplace, property. Before borrowing Inquire at ment, large lot with trees and inclosed Barn, About 18 A. In cult. 1 A. timber, Hawkins ft Roberta i 1. .h i j row ettickens. wood. etc.. all go. Sick- I .'w.'ov-,. $4000 ' Phone 5580 ' " ness Irt family. First time on market WANT LOAN of $1000 on first JT,:- - - - - -u-njnnnru- Ifcandiea. Total $3650. See my mortgage. Property worth at least T OTSI OTS'IJTS I agent ! 1 $4000. 6 Interest i iaa .T1T tfr, -Tn, v.T: v..nj TUTPH-TTTT. r TtTtASHER. S41 STATE DARXIEIJ.E BROS.. REALTORS rfuu a;u ur rs in uur a iiuc uuiw- - - i -. . . . -. . . . . I 1 lnt.H In th nnrthrait nnrt nt I - I 18118 .IN. LSpttOI -lei. 311. RM.1 BOARD optional. 1547 Court i . . -,i rtjA - . . i , . . . . . i - 1 XL ' WITH 4 KM. noUse. nOOK. ai- I mi&m have a five room house badly in need yout city in that fast-gwtag secOon , H A. vviiH 4 Km. nouse, WANTED $4000.00 ; . Lablsh i - i ji.tAHi.A 2.A n,vMi ann i Miwccn luier ana uiii sLreevs nurm i . , i . . . walka In. Several oak trees in yara. i oi .-i wnreu rw .. ' X. , offer. J. TT.mrCT rrt Ttealtors DESIRABLE SLEEPING room. TeL 1 381 1 s'taU' Slreet , Phone 8672. constructed at this time and many more will be started within the next ten days. Drive out to this beautiful community and we are sure you will want to buy a lot and live in Rosedale KilnnrA like rent. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor IS . 477 Court Street beaver dam and upland good security. Box 7f, statesman. Room and Board I OVBT CkV THhSE THTNGS tAnu un(c fumiahx NArth I Addition. Reasonable terms. n u iivw.ut u. - i . . ni .Mrr tm. 1 See U. H. GRABEMHOKST. JK. chtneTDinln T -e't eic. $U0 $S50 1 With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. dowin. PHONE 5580 REALTORS 184 a Liberty Street BDRM.. CLOSE In. 404 & High. EXCELLENT RM.. bd. 745 & .Com. FTJRNISHED KEIZER DISTRICT 2i ACRES. 6 ROOM house, barn. par, v mithuildlncfL House fullv fur nished. Also 1 cow, chicKens ana equip- I FINE NEW 5 R. house, unfinished attic, basement, furnace, fireplace. hdw. floors, very nice, $4Zo. isuu win $1009 BUYS PARTLY finished house and "one acre. Elec. water system, j 11 acres. 4 rm. house, barn and chicken heuse. Elec $2000. 29 3 acres. 5 rm. house, barn. elec. water isystean, paved road, $4750. 100 meres t rm. house,- barn. elec. Phone 6468. paved iroad, $55 per acre. This is a R; PA. FORKNER. Real Estate 1833 N. Capitol Financial LGE. BEDROOM. 254 N. Church. l-IiO to 30 lae cherry Uees and I .V.. e,l. 1 TKA nrrtl.huH 1 "(! nn- ALSO TABLE board, doss in. 1 I flirrti-hed I Bellevue. Phone $767. RM., BD, 163 N. 12th. Ph. 5425. RM. BD. for lady. 841 N. Cottage.. 0mj00K00nm BD.. ROOM, 1271 Chemeketa St BD.-RM., VERY close in. 6587. For Rent Apartments SEE Mr. Bartlett with !CH1IJ)S ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street i Phone 6 1 OS. ! SOUTH SALEM si tmnsis. t basement, furnace. finest view in city. Easily modernized. I old Price $4500. small house as part SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors $44 State Stree. j , Phone 6708. Have buyer for 2 lots Joining, prefer trees, good location. Mr. Noves. with C. J. JACKSON Real Estate 341 State Street $100 DOWN BAL. $15 PER month will buy this ten acres, with 2 acres of plow land, bal. pasture and brush, small stream. unfinished nouse. Darn, met : ?- VERT ATTRACTIVE 4U. A NEAR N. EUGENE city limits. 5 walnuts, cherries and berries. New it R. modern house. Two 2 -story cMckefl houses and brooder house. Room tor 1600 chickens. Can be bought at a great sacrifice. lit A. 3 mi. east, new house, garage and w&odshed, $1400: small down pay ment, asy terms on baisnce. 1 0 A. on saiem-Aumsviue roau, nrw 1TTSHEK AFTS-l furn. and unfur nished. Seated caraga. A pleasant place to Uva SSt Oak SV JUST FINISHED new mod. bout r 15S0 N. ISth. Beo It at ones-. Keason- ILIUISIICU IIUUK, Vni U. A I . . .. - ,. , $1400, located 5 miles south, near the nouse a. prunes, a. ,, t AnapriAa rvn in otraa . vssw n v iiir ( i im uci QAHjr tf ' LX 1 fj fllgnWWy I W O" mmmmM.mmmm. w r - " " W- H. GRABENHORST ft CO. rles ff-" Q RICE ! navaxu.una Jvi7 " Hi Phone 6468 1 zs va. omf. y 4 WE HAVE never paid less than this rate on savings and Investments. Insured to 5000 Mutual Federal Savings ft Loan Assn Phone 4944 .142 S. Liberty bt For Sale Wood OLD FIR. $5.50. Phone Hbllowsy. 3673. OLD FIR, 2nd grth. fir. Graett, 6370. saSaaaSBS'aoaMSSSSSafas DRT FIR. oak. Ph. 3380. Ashcraft GaTARANTEED DRY WOOD coat Tel. 6000, Salem Fuel jCo. Trade and Cottage. LARGE SECOND growth. Ph. 137F3, FOR GOOD WOOD TEL. 6542. xixrtnjTjtrtjiju'v " 134 S. Liberty St SPECIAL DRY WOOD. TeL f $354. li AND t R. FURN. apt Clean and warm. $46 Ferry. MOXA 2 RM. around apt, atr cond. I Hot! water. Gar, Adults. Z4o state, 1500 DOWN WILL buy house con- ablw tarma W. A. Cladek. owner. Phone I verted into 2 Urge furnished apta tea ana m gooa conuirion. vwu idea tion. PrW-84000. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 477 Court Street Business! Directory! Infant Is Saved ' A v JtC -flf as I - Mnw KebaDm snd Ubyi ' - '' 1 ' ' v t 4 " h'f - - - - " - i :;-..-.-.. f V- .y.-.-jt.- -yy. w ,i .. . sf v - Wf - '-' -1e ' $ f.ji. ".'.-.:-: :- . '- :yjr& '' vlJohAiKel5Sl Because Mrs. Elaine Kebalk4, ot Detroit, noted a curdlin; in the milk she was preparing fori her 11-month-old baby, the baby shown with her above, is alive, and the father, John Kebalka. 19, also shown above, isn't accused of murder. The father, according to Detroit police, admitted adJiinf poison to food 'intended for the boy. Police say he told them, "I didn't want to kill him. X : just wanted to make him sick." ; Ac cording: to police, the father fsaid he added what he thought -was peroxide to the syrup the baby drank with milk to "create Sym pathy for him so my wife's par ents would take care of the kid.. The Kebalkas are separated.. Keezer at Capital WASHINGTON, March Z-(JP Dr. Dexter M. Keezer. president ot Reed college, was here today to attend a conference! called by the secretary: of labor! on social problems of unemployrflent. Francis Krieg's Home Is Opened to Bridge Club For Play on Thursday INDEPENDENCE Mr. and Mrs. Francis Krieg entertained their bridge club at their Jiomt Tfinrfiilii Tilbt ' i Members ot the club aret Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fratzke,' Mr. and Mrs. Lor en Mort, Mr and Mrs. Lex Wheeler, Dr. and Mrs. George D. Herley, Dr. andi Mrs. C. A. Fratzke and ths Krlftgs. Cross i Word Puzzle i SM. FURN. AdulU only. 2183 State.! DUPLEX APT, 95,1 N. Winter. $30. nJXlfJrrxrsJlrrrlJllllll 'i'i' 2 RM. APT. 445 & Winter. 21! AND 3 R. APT, 444 S. High. ENGLISH STYLE HOME American t Convenience LAST WORD ta comfort 7 rma luxurious master bedroom automatic oil fur nace priced 1 for quick sals 85000. terms. Mrs. MAR TIN with WM. BLIVEN, Realtor. 215! Masonic Bidg. 7906 or 82F1S, Sun. FTVrc ROOM HOME LOCATED ON N. 20th St. good lo cation with east front Price $1i00. $90 down, bal. $20 xier month to in clude int . See, W. H. GRABENHORST to., REALTORS 134 a Liberty St Phone 6468. Cards la this directory run : n ia monthly basis only.; Rare: ft per line- per month.! THE NEW SALEM LAUNDBT THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 18$ S, High TeL 9128 Antiques NICE 2 R- APT. for man or woman. 255: Center.,;' :- -j NICE LOTS, West Salem. $5.00 ANIXSLASS. H sat N. Portland Rd. down and $5.00 per mo. win ouua iu suit NEWLY FURNISHED, 25. North, CootmerciaL 897 4-RM. TURN ateam heat refrlg, I aicAfto S200 00 down. garage. 2380 Fairgrounds Rd. Tel. 7532. j 4 g2 N. 18tb, t Larce corner lot rood bouse, reduced 5; A. CLOSE IN. $1000.00. $250.00 1 to 32000. Easy terms. Don't rent Bee down. 1 me about this it s gooa. 10 A, $1750.00, ssza.oo down. 1 I coast ranch, owner sick, win irauc Real estate, 1 lor Salem or Portland property. H. C. Shields. Oreg. Biog. m. Auto Brakes Mike Panok, 378 South Cooimerclal Bicycl es CHEERFUL 2-RM, unfurn.. lights. water and Maytag. 1620 Ferry. $ HSKP. RMS., garage. 1010 Oak. STM. HEATED and furn. 1235 State. 8 R. PARTLY FURN, $9.00, adult. Hollywood dist Call 1005 N. 22nd St :ftnm( MODERN home, hardwood I ma 1th STREET rirnla i automatic - heatmaTI tssna wit.'. Tttiv thia S room nome. plant beautiful yard A shrubs. Wlthtn j basement, furnace, garage, must be it blocks-from Taae, nign ana jr. ansa cash. school. Phone owner, 3373. , See, W. H. GRABENHORST CO., ..ix. I REALTORS B 1 RMS.. BASE;, furn.. gar . $1700. 1S4 S. Liberty Street Phone t4t8 a rma, new w now, avv. BICTCLKS, NEW and recondlllsnod Harry sw. Brett. 14T s un i m 4! rma.. ear- north. Da v.. $2100. Sirms., base;, turn., pav, $300 cash. GOOD t R. HOUSE on lot 75x150 on Sacmaw . St . reduced to $1400 for S1TRNISHED 2 ROOM apt -Every- Bali terms on allJF. Griepentrog. 194Qnulck sals. tkin'. hmLM l?t HaseL TeL 7664.1 Molinv Rt - Ph 49S4. I A C TR-VSITV nr C O. RICE ..m.- 1 w.wwwmwww izjj Oregon Bidg. ra. S RM . BATH. fum.. 1st floor. 1440 J , LOTS'LOTS'LOTS ...wi.. Body & Fender Repair! UK IHiHi KKNKKH Kofailra. Aoi. rrhn. Seat Covers, tsiass repbireineai ulo Painting SEE ths H errs II Ow ns C-at 838 S Com l St Phono 8169 Brushes Waller. y ADVERTISING " - -. Western 'Advertising Representatives ranaer-HaU -Co, Ltd. . . Saa Francisco. Loa Angeles, sattlo '' Eastern Advertising ; t - ReprfesenUtlTei " Bryant Griffith Brunson, Inc, - Chicago. New York. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta . , Kafcred at rottotttc at Sattrm, Orroii, s Ssemirf Class Hatter Psfc tike4 svsrjr morning estmpt Monday BssiasM s4c sS wUh Comswciai StrttU eS-"1- -r.jiJ SUBSCRIITION RATES t A Mall 1 ubscriptioa Rates tn Advance Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo. McenU: 8 Mo. $1.50: t Ma $3.60; I year $5.00. Elsewhere 59 cents per Mo. or $6.00 for I year In advance. Per eepy 3 centa News tands 6 cents. By City Carrier: 60 cents a month, 97.20 a year tn advance ta Marios and adjacent counties. 3900.00 TAKES A FINE building lot located six blocks south of State BA L. $20 PER SS2th-wra buy this FPUjR BRUSHES. Phons T66t NICE FOR 2 people, hot cold wat,! St On S. Uberty St, pavement walks, j 4 room home with east front on Pfved I HonsE Droduef. p $74 ; 1V. bath, heat fum. 148 a Com'L . elec. and water in. $100.00 down andi.t, located In E. Salem. Price $175-lwnu tiwuaa, proaucta r. , See, W, H. GRABENHOKOl 4t w. i STRATTON , APTS, 570N. Winter, S rm. turn, apt Ph. 3842. .. 50 00 ner ma. $7,50.00 takes a line wt m iouin ca- R APT, $74 N. CHURCH. lem. pavement paid, paved walks, 1 134 s. Liberty 3t $1250 takes a ifine, close-in corner Phons 8468 1 Chimney Sweep 2 KM. FURN. ant, 430 N. Liberty. BEiTTTim. 1.REDROOM home. In ihnth f t m I Tuavml S 1 00 60 dOVD I flillv nuubrn Rvrffllent eondltiOn. K- and $20.00 per mo. I cated 1520 North 17th, $3650. Very 1760.00 v-tll buy a iinevounajng h reas. terms. Drive by pnone ior a. i, ait.li xw run. iui ruver du lauxts. mmtu o. ijiku mm iui nuor.ni r. ouunun, i-vavwwww ii streets, both streets paved, casn. I lz Ladd Bush Bidg. rn. 9 A 'A Vt A VPS S17 KO Tfwv - Kl IK (Kin oa 4ka in nt the finest view I: --.'.-...-.i...- - '-' twees il and 4 Sunday." 2330 South! lots 4n Fairmount Hill overlooking the! t R. HOUSE, BEAUTIFUL lot riCLKl-HONK 44SI R. HV Northnoaa . r 1 Chiropractors DR. O.; L. SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor 256 N. Hlgh Tel Res 8783. . , ! CommerdaL Ph. 899L Excavating FURN. APTS, 440 Mm. jjjt- jiriJ-i i 1 1 i ili jxru NICE 1 ROOM furn. apt, first floor,: ISO N. 21st TeL 420$. .' l,sessajssarsaaaaaliraao ; 2 R. APT, 265 S. Commercial. - i city, 150x1 50. Beautiful oak treea lo-1 75x159 fu well located and warning cated on Lincoln ; street between r air- l distance. $1400, - ..Trtjo UWUI.V OIIU I ' - 1 . . . . ... I . t I M B W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, 1529 Court v Pnone aA-iiu we "" spu Tnpj . I ..... i ments due Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt 124 3. Liberty St" Phons 8468.1 NICE MODERN t room home, Eng-I for sal Salsm Sand and-Gravel Co, I Hsh type, good location, nas i"""1. i mow ;. live i furnace, itrepince. iics . , FOR tt.liS YOU can bnv MnmiMtta.. nn St 91 wt at Pinr all I ml i wt nrtca 1 4 ? 00 1900 down. 2 R. FURN. apt, $18. 1188 N. 4th. paid. .Small down payment bal. $10 a I NEW 3 -room house with large giass- oatn including interest. v zi. I ed-m naca porcn new Ka-raBo i Florists NICE FURN. apt, 17$ Union, Court Ph. 8904. For Kent Houses THIS SIX room modern- nome with S bedrooms, full cement basement 3 tinueo ruKNisntu nousea. i rnrnaoe, lire place, garage in basement. i MELVIN JOHNSON 73i Court . i Phons 723j T-RM. FURN. auvsrtoa. Inquire 256 Division. ' SSWWSS I IJ IIIV IWAAiS IUIV4 CW M OVsadi r 1 fU-U UCVA lVI V SB, SMG " " I c CARLETON E. LANE, 333 State St lot (North f. Price $1920.00, $650.00 Brtlthnupt a, .44? - ; - - - - - 1 - C U- ol ltW I I tl I ! CLOSE IN HOMES r I. jaSL D. SEARS. 47t Court Street I W. SALU Florists, 1400 Egewater. A REAL LOT BARGAIN GOOD CORNER lot with both sts. Lime nrf. V riAAM ..i. a i .... . ic&r I .i.M I , e - TTla-K fit. vvrlco ffiiirc- Ann ian tmni I -ca .k I GOLD IllLL aunerfins lima. 98 cal See, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, I See, W. H. GRABKJtHUKSl W, cram vruer eany. wr - s REALTORS I . REALTORSt I to five Um Iota or mora. W. B. 8ulU- 184 8. Liberty St. Phone 64(8 184 a Liberty St Phone $468 'van. 324 N. Com'L TeL 8828. T Laundries Nurseries 1 FULL LINE nursery stock. Phons 6811. H. L. Pearcy Nursery Co, 346 Court St :$ , Painting-Paperhanging FREE ESTIMATIONS, TsL 7683. Private Detective NEWELL WILLIAMS, P.' O. Box 721, Ph. 8719. f - r Mattresses i SALEM FLUKF-RUO and Ms t tress Factory. NEW MATTRKSS mads ts srder, old remade; carpet eleanttig, sla tag: fluff rug wearing, a IJth A Wil bur. TeL 844 L OTTO F. 2W1CKKK Est 191L . ! . CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone .406. Printing FOR STATIONKKT.'-eardaV-pstnrmlets progiama books or anymd ef print ing. caH Ths Statesman' Pi int In g Do partment 2118 CotnosrctaL t Teh pbons 9I0L ' - . Shinslmgv L. C KING. PHONE 7361. Stoves REPAIRS FOR ranges, htra, drcula tera P. J Heppnsr 262 Cbsnteksta Transfer - CAPITAL tlTY 'Tansfer Co 224 Stale St TeL 1771 Distributing, for warding and storsgs ear specialty. Get our ratsa. . v.-v..!-. ' FOR LOCAL or distant transfer stor airs. burner oIL call. 8I3L Lsrmef Traasfar Co. Trucks to Portland dally Well Drilling - ft. A, WCSi. Bt. f. Bx, 448. T. 1I8F6 AZZZ L 77"""" '1 ; 7T - Z3.-Z-Z.1Z. hi 1 YWM I 1 M- I n HORIZONTAL 1 Cradoal 1 f.TUny j ft 4,840 square - ' Jxds tO refuse after ; - presaisg fruit i 14 kstittg 'broad Tt otrtofths expanded Up, way - of shells 72 eoaeeptiea IS deep, loud 7S-ever of Mi slender 62 white poplar -. 64 peat 6t walk 69 series of col I smns at regular nrtervals 2 -plant yield- 21 objective of mrmedici- "she i nal rum 24 pulled 8 ' constant 1 ; forcibly quantity in ' apart ! , an equation 26Wrndition 4 Jook fixedly 28-afreah " ery . 18 scent IT maxim ( -lS-interrens - , 20 pome fruit 21 term In.) , mininjr t 22 uncanny - 23 allots , ' 25 bulging pot - 27 close .23 tailless ; monkey " SO ottered by i, ! - the meuta : $3 having . existed long S4 ChUesalU r petef S8 sustain 1 -38 Semite i ., 42 without end ! 44 ease : -' 46 nt on ruard U 47 stringed : instrument 4J Urlike . -u'ltowar '! -y-SO devour ' 62 direction of . ' sunrise . . 54 onit of work 55 Scotch cap . S3 ' cryptwa- mous plant - t malarial character' 74 blackbird 75 abound - 76 equal 77 make correc- spiritless tiorainlit- 11-e-idolize exary work 12 colophony VERTICAL X -device for ; producing :!. light 29 fiber of i century i- plant .'f 31 with great ability f 33 platform of lecture roorx -35 sea eagle 37 tract of ; 1 - earth'. surfaca s - -39 having good memory ' 13 brief presea- 40 aiiert ij tation of : I 41 great miss essential i of ice doctrine : 43 tdnrins- voice 19 substantive 45 recent ', 48 rest 5-imakeiika fish 1 6 elaborate melody for sinris voice 7-4-grievein ; sympathy . S4-musteline . animal 9-1 orior ta 104-Jje dull and Herewith i$ the solution to Sat-51 Yerily rdavannx2la ; 4 ; : S3 eraftr 3lNlOlBBA0T0 55 silent 66 habitation 57 skirmish 69 degree ol - progression CI province in British India S3 rich vege4 table mol4 o ammai oar ing antlera , 67 tne f im Garden S easrrltiaVlttt. kr 8 be in process of adjust-: . ment . . : , 70 doxa 71 100 square ta. tsa. .- Bseters ' -