Citizen Girls - , ! SI. -. 11- ! " ' ! - Honored at Meeting The f otfr good citizenship pil grimage girls were guests on Sat urday afternoon of their sponsors, members of Chemeketa chapter. Daughters of the American Rev olutlon at the meeting at the lrotne of Mrs. Fred Ritner. The girls introduced by Mrs. C. C. Ctark, chairman -were Miss Mary Ellen Dalton of Dallas. Miss Ilith Neal of Silverton, Miss June Har ris of Jefferson and Miss Eliza beth' Steed of Salem. Each girt gave a- short talk. -.. ; - Mrs. A. E. Austin, regent, pre sided at the meeting,' Mrs. U. G. .Sfefpley led in prayer, and read thfevrscrlptnre. The Eulogy was read- by -Mrs. ' Fr W. : Settleinier. Miss Dorothy Smalley gave a vio lid solo accompanied by her mo ther. She is a member of a Jun ior citizen chapter. Miss Phillip Gosser directs the two Junior citi zen chapters, James Otis and Fat rick Henry. There were represen tatives -from both chapters at the meeting yesterday. A memorial service was held for' Mrs. - Catharine ; Powell of - Woodburn. Announcement - was made of the date of the state DAR March 15, 16 and 17 with the Multnomah ichapter j acting as hostess. The' memorial services will be held at St. Stephen's Epis copal church. Various reports ; were given by Mrs. F, W. Settle : mler, conservation chairman, Mrs. W. F. Fargo, chairman of Amer ican Indian, ' and Mrs. Herbert Ostlind, scholarship loan. Mrs. James Kltzmiller, first pil grim to go from the state to Washington, D. C. in 1936, was present and talked. Mrs. Austin appointed the nominating com- niltlM ' Xtrm f C fMrlr Mm W It VV) .m.w.- v. W " ... ... H. Byrd and Mrs. Oscar Hayter. The chapter voted to give money to the battleship Oregon. Guests present were Mrs. Dal ton of Dallas, Mrs.' M. A. Gough nour and Miss Dorothy Benson of Silrerton, : Miss R h e t a - May Schulda and Miss Deze Schuldt of The table was centered with a bouquet of daffodils and acacia, guarded by yellow tapers. Sham rock cakes added to the decora tive scheme. Pouring ' were Mrs. C. C. Clark and Mrs. A. E. Aus tin. Hostesses were Mrs. Fred Rit ner, Mrs. Edwin Jory, Mrs. Le Roy Hewlett, Mrs. Hj G. Smith, Mrs. Homer Smith, Sr., Mrs. Ruth Rulifson, Mrs. Charles Sprague, Mrs. J. C. Sell and Mrs. George Roberts. .'I 1 i . , t ( 4 "1? i is' if ? -, : ' r i ' i " ft I " ' I ' ' " s ' '- r v- 4 If i! usical Events n Calendar Lead for YOUNG SALEM DANCES at the annual DeMoIy ball. Legt, Marine Holt shows ' m a : i a . , . . . nr 3 i?i m her preference for American beauty roses, but Bruce Van Wyngarden likes Talisman iipv best Center, two members of the committee talk 6ver the affair with their "dates.M f JJg Victor Gibson and Alicia Mae bautter are on the left, and William Mudd and Maryanne Owen. Right, on the steps of Salem high school a group of students chat about the dance. T a. ITO I Tr!T T" t 1 a.1 1 1- T TT n J U.x'. iu icont are out lnompsgn axiu cjueeu xrauison, ana in ine oac& are nou xiuci u ouoiic White. ' . s lr jt ! f f i f " l . i - v ' 1 ' " ' i t ' i ' ? 3- j i i- L - ConiiiigiWeeks (Kennell-Ellis photos.) Seen and Heard Eteri Class Enjoys St. Patrick's Party A St Patrick's party was en- The coming week is to be rather quiet with no large social functions planned but the f ollowinjri weeks will be busy with several large parties and benefits. (Notable among; the affairs . are several musical events and an ! intensely: interesting garden lecture. j The f irt event on the calendar is the lecture sponsored by the Salem Garden club on Wednesday night, March 16,! in the First Congregational church when Misai Edith Schryver will give an illustrated talk on Spanish gardens. She will use! the hand-colored -pictures taken by herself and Miss Eliza-! beth Lord when on tour. j ' Joyed by members of the Eteri , a t? i j 1 T class of the First Baptist church under the direction of Henry A. Frost, landscape instructor Friday night in the prayer meet- of Harvard, visiting the outstanding gardens of England, log. room.. of the church. Large Italy, Germany and Spain. As many private gardens, not green horseshoes decorated the ordinarily seen by tourists, are opened to groups f rom spe- cuu aciiuuia ui uuiuscape gaxueiiuix, iiiia tuur was an es pecially complete one. They sailed to the Isle of Majorca in the Mediterranean sea and spent a week at Falma, the capital city, which was one of the special treats of the trip. But as they were early in the season, few tourists had been there and gardens were in better shape. The group visited aummer Night's Dream. The char- 'the old patios and gardens of the 12th century in Toledo, aciers were inieaoe i. rs. v. ju smce ruined in the war. Walser; Pyramus. Leo Relman; ... 0 , T j 1 j . jester, Floyd Miner; wau, Chris Both Mi ss Schryver and Miss Lord are graduates of seeie; moonshine, vera Zobei; the Lowthorpe schooVof landscape gariening. ieer'RT InrIng FM; li0B' RT The pictures being shown will appear here for the first Refreshments were aerred at time, having ;been displayed twice in Portland. The lecture with the st. Patrick's motif used is openito the-public, with only a small admission! tickets in the decorauon. Rounds were obtained from members of the Garden club or at flowered satin gown In shades of meeting waa held, followed by the derotions, led by Mrs. Walter Ar thur. Mrs Guy - Weaver . sang "Shadows:"''-. ' X:-'' ' Games were in pUyr followed by the presentation of a skit "Py rtmui and Thiesbe" from Mid- . By JERTME UPSTON ! 1SIT1XQ in the capital last weekend ... Eugene List, 18-year-old pianist, who appeared with the community concert aeries Monday and his sister, Sheila List of Los Angeles, who came north to be with him tor the concert . . . They were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Downs, who en tertained at dinner for them on Sunday and also following the concert . . . They left Monday night for the south where Eugene wUl spend fire days with his par ents before going east again . . . This is the first time he has been home in two years . . . Sheila is 16 and attends Junior" college in Los Angeles . ' ter, orer from Corrallis, and Mrs. Dayid Wright, past presidents of the senior club, both talking about their young grandsons and Mrs. McCallister showing a snapshot of hers . . . Mrs. Jessie Singleton la black velvet with lace, on the sleeves and Mrs. Clifton Mudd In blue velvet fashioned with Jacket. GUESTS 'were many at the Town club formal a week ago . . . A gay affair for the younger set and an array of good-looking people and gowns ... A few of them were Mrs. Chandler Brown, a picture in a quaint gown of black taffeta fashioned with full skirt, square neckline outlined in lace . . . Guests of the William Miss Smith Wed ToSalemMan Saturday olay Spring Dance to Be Event ol Friday Night at Armory Calendared as an outstanding affair of this week is the 14th annual spring dance for which members of Che meketa chapter, Order of DeMolay, will be hosts Friday night in the armory from 9 to 12 o'clock. J Flavimr for the semi-formal dance will be Jack Shen- a wedding of interest to Salem! ard's orchestra from Oregon State college and by an inter- fMV which -wmm ftoiemnlzed In ! sorority trio will sing. Tickets Portland yesterday was that of may be obtained from any of the Miss Barbara Smith, daughter of! DeMolay members. Mrs. Grace Church of Portland, ! Master counciler, Ernest Green and Michael E. O'CaUaghan. Jr wood. appointed William of Salem, son of Mrs. Michael Mudd as general Chairman of the O'CaUaghan of Duluth, Minn. Thai dance. Assisting mm are victor GiDson, wuuam: sneu, timer Bridge Party Held At McElvain's attractive blonde wearing a long bob .and at the concert wore a pretty white chiffon dress jwjth, full skirt with aplique flowers In shades of pink and long black velvet evening wTap. ; RECEPTION on Wednesday for members of the American Associa tion of University Women and their escorts in the Carrier room of the Methodist church ... An Informal but delightful affair . . . A short program followed by mu sic and the reception . . . Mrs. Phillip Barrett, the president, greeted the guests and wore a Dunkin, here from Portland, the latter in chatrense crepe, a nice foU for her Titian hair . . . With. sung at the table and an orch estra composed of T. L. Walser, violin; Floyd Miller, saxophone; Mrs. Walser," piano, playing dur ing the supper hour. Covers were placed for 105 guests. The com mittee in charge included Mr. and Mrs.. Floyd MUler, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Seeley and Mrs. Wal ter Arthur,: ' - - Legion Birthday Party On Monday the florist shops. ; : Grainger To Play I When Percy Grainger appears in piano concert at Les lie auditorium on March 21 under the auspices of the Salem MacDowell club he ; will play one of the "most interesting programs heard this year. ; j Symphonic studies by the German composer Schumann contrasts i the I romantic and athletic sides of nersonalitv and is one of his most beautiful W r.rir ia hoetwl Knrnrpmn fnllr mplrvlv and is nn charge of the dining room, wore delicate blue and pink . '. . An attractive spring serving table . . . A large bouquet of daffodils and Jonquils centered with violets, the arrangement flanked by four, tall yellow tapers in silver holders . . . The pourers. Dr. Helen Pearce, wearing a good-looking gown of raspberry red crepe, and Mrs. Bruce Bsxter In black creoe with the composer's pretty flowered top and sash . . . Works. Ballade Mrs. Milo Rasmussen, who was in vowa were read at noon in the: parsonage of the Freemont Com-; munity Methodist church with; only a few friends present in ad dition to the family. Rev. Harry G. Humvhrey performed the cere- She is a very Hammonds, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil mony. The bride was given in marri age by her brother, Philip Church Smith ani wrtr hrnwn wnnl Josephine McGilchrlst and Peter co,tume ,ult trimmed with bar- ??v:lL werePr.: nTd Mr RoMer unduki, a brown straw hat with Atkinson (Betty Jane Barr) of nisty pink trim and a brown vett. Portland, who were married in Her corsage was ot pink rose- ?u "I.. a ra wor. wir ud. bouvardU and forget-me-wlth white top ... A spring like noU print worn by Mrs. Charles Helt- j M 8uMn Campbell was the sei. a ourgsnay iigure on oeiae brwVi only attendant and wore"uw' a1",,": background . . . Irving together llgftt biu; .hirtmaker suit witaMart, Honorable and Mrs Earl Mr. and Mrs. Howard Adams and Z.-Z ki.,- mi.. Snell. .Mr. and Mrs. Clifton B. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Perry, the lat- O'CaUaghan served as 'best man ter rearing a good-iooking floor ?or brother, i length cream brocaded wrap over j Mr. aBd Mrs, O'Callaghaa left tn lu aQ,, ?,.red 9tUtt. " immediately after the ceremony Mrs. CUrence HamUton carrying a for a gtt0rt weading trip and wUl nosegay i vioiets ana rose ouas xturn to Salem to make their Scheelar. Loren Hicks. : Wilfred Hagedorn, LeRoy Bright, Bruce Van Wyngarden, ; Robert Pound, George Alexander, Ed Bishop and Don Seeley. . The armory will be festive with clusters ot balloons around the lights and in the corners. The DeMolay emblem! will be above the orchestra "pit with palms, ferns and flood lights completing the decorations. Carrying out the St Patrick's ' motif, green paper hats ' will further decorate the halt : . -- !'-' V i . Patrons and patronesses will be Governor and Mrs. Charles IL Mudd, Mr. and Mrs. George Alex ander, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Green wood, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. R .D. Bright, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Rasmussen, Mr. and Mrs. George Rhoten, Mr. and Mrs. are what I is called "unnatural 'harmonizations' or those in gether were Dr. and Mrs. Chester which the chords, although harmonizing from moment to Luther and Professor and Mrs. TAmr .tm'th. r.W nf thi me.tiAv - An nnt! rrrv nut the Earl Brown and in another group of this composer's greatest works for the piano. In it there thread h a in r coffee to- Turfnr the remlif business ira urisfiia rnlloxl Mtirin5itnrnl'hirrnATiiTJtinna nr thnsp and social meeting of the Ameri can Legion and auxiliary at Fra ternal temple on Monday nights J" "j lIa- la:l j It.. Llli-j Miss Beryl Holt and Mrs. B. B. , the birthday anniversary will be mnerpni; narmoiuc suKgesuons cunuuueu in uie uieiwuy. Boylan, both smart in all black celebrated. The program will in- Then! Grainger will play "Shepherd's Hey" set by him- ..i A chatty group. Miss Mildred elude numbers by the high school self from ian English Morris dance tune. A "hey" is a figure nd Mi8a :&oti Christenson, "band under the direction of Gor- . - H - I Mrs. Frank Deckebach and Mrs. lnn rinliT . Th Tarinn nnirtot " VC UanCe. ) ' :- lVn5it1 Vniin, faa Crura will sing, Helen Tyson Pray will Another Of Graingers own Works to be played IS lullaby Elizabeth Smith with her mother, scnooi. flirs., wiara fomeroy is ra R. J. Hendricks Arts League Speaker R. J. Hendricks wUl talk to members ot the Salem Arts league at the regular meeting in the Fireplace room of the Pub lic library on Tuesday night at MIchelson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Legari, Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Shanks, Mr. and ; Mrs. John R. CaughelL Mr. and Mrs. Jt. O. Rus sell, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ball. Mr. and Mrs. E. Peterson, j Mr. and Jg Observed Mrs. Lawrence Fletcher and Don ald Pou Jade. . In another group Mrs. Robert h; A. sirrth Tlt -WalUr Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Don l ii . . w " " ------ UlAlkaTaVM Ua , . CTZvm aa Mr. O'CalUghan attended Oregon James Walton in a flowered print sute college where he was a . . . Out-of-town guests, Mr. and member of Kappa Sigma fratern Mri. David Thompson of SUver- ity ton and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dye i e of Astoria (Genevieve Thompson). Antique Silver Tea Scheduled An antique show and silver tea wilt be given in Miss Merl Dlm ick's first grade room at Bush school on Thursday afternoon at 3:15 untU 5 o'clock. The object Is to raise money for visial mate rial for the school. Mrs. Vernon Perry is In charge of the tea tables and wlll .be as sisted by other mothers of the The first of a series of card parties scheduled by the Veter ans of Foreign wars was held on Friday night at the home ot Mrs. E. L. McElvain. High, scores for pinochle went to Mrs. RnsseU Mudd and Lester Jones, in five hundred to Mrs. Floyd Headriek and Ward Wolfe. Mrs. Cyril Na- ' don was in charee ot arrange ments, and was assisted oy Mrs. -McElvain, Mrs. Frank ' Hrubets, Mrs. Herman Lafky, Mrs. Rus sell Mudd and Miss Fern PfohL Present were Messrs. and Mes damea Herman Lafky, Wayne Greenwood. O. I. Paulson, Hans Hofstetter, Ouas Olson. A. C Case, Henry Sim, Ward Wolf, Floyd Headriek, H. F. Perkins. Fred Williams, Russell Mudd, Lester Jones, S. G. H Inkle, Mes dames Leon Hansen. O. I. Paul son. Dorsey Reeves, G. Clark, Sylvia Kelly Furlough, -Frank Hrubets. Jri, E. Lents. E. R. Owens, Cyril Nadon, William Rash. Effie Wetsel, Miss Fern Pf ohl, Ben Anderson, C. R. James, J. L. Locke. 9 - , - World Day of Prayer i Mrs. Bern Burr of Spokane ar rived in : the capital yesterday to be the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Victor R. Griggs for several days. Mrs. Griggs went to Port land to meet Mrs. Burr yesterday g O'clock. He plans to teU Orlef- where th has been sttendinr the ly why he wrote his latest book Blg regional conference ot about the characters of Generals Glr scouts. Mrs. Griggs has in Lane, Sheridan and Russell and Tited few frlends to her South other actors In the drama of in- with street home on Mondav at- red hearts Jean and give readings and numbers will. f mm fTrihutA ttt Foster" which was insnirprl hv his mother's Mrs. WilUam D. Smith . . . Judge dtncfnTsch?oLby Ed crr singing of Foster's f'Doodah" as a lullaby. Grainger wrote md "ihew"' Gerge Rossman The refreshment committee isr ; Jhe cral work in ..1913 and based it on this Foster piece, covhctdksck that the an- Mesdames Harold Perkins, Fred In the imddlej r f ive solo' voices Sing a lullaby accompanied nouncement party-of Miss Jean i Gahlsdorf, Herbert Jirak, R. D, by a t host of musical glasses, and it is this shimmering Bahlburg on Friday night was the Woodrow, Glen Seeley, Klony gig yund that IS transcribed for the piano. i birthday anniversary of one of 'SUSnSSMS: k: A,c. composed for voi: with lute jwiS..IS mittee: Mesdsmes Lyman , Mc which is typical of a certain school of composers that flour- guests th0ught the p a r t y was Donald, Alfred Williams, Charles ished in England late in the 16th century (will be on the honoring Helen as several Duvaii, Glenn Porter. program. This is also arranged by Grainger. brought her gifts . : . At the sup- i 0n Mfhv16J0 x Irthda - , The Jutish melodies arranged by Grainger wHl conclude f" nw 7" cnpostsugnouTt: and b a coUectionl of f ive melodies. He will nation. The celebration 'will com- 'aiso -piay ; compositions Dy uacn-JUiszt, xiowaru naiison aau ) memorate ine caucus vi aiui gMuicyucu. - - Scan soldiers in Paris where the ' . Mrs.; Charles Sherman is manager , for the MacDowell ! Legion was formed. Dances and .1.ih nrl innntTnroe i goIa rsf HlrA of KooHhiim'g oil rri.Q 9 AnAi4Al nm Aitfa In wstt1Ia alifl nn. . . i i x irate wUl be planned. A nation- i I. j wide broadcast is scheduled to ( Glee Qlub SHeduled -a . i .m i. r . . Annnimcpitipnt: has hwn tnarle this week of the swhei. Legionnaires of the radio and uling Of the Famona CJollege Glee to appear at tne Salem Dunbar, nrst vice-president ot me screen will participate. The hour's hi,h r.hnnl nnHitiirium on Werfnesdav niflrhtJ Anril 6. under general federation, of women's EMter? sTandlr'fttoe. midnl8llt' the sponsorship of the Crescendo club, musical group of the high school. This is the fourth of , the series of attractions. offered under the sponsorship of the club. charge of the old Jewelry, Mrs. J. Patterson will direct the quilt ex hibit, Mrs. John Forrlstel the dishes and Mrs. B. S. CJarke wIU be in charge ot the miscellaneous antiques. Miss Margaret Cosper will pour the tir$t hour, and Mrs. R. J. Hendricks the last hour. Anyone owning antiques suit able for the display is asked to bring them. The public is invited to the tea. i - . - t - ! jMrs. iViaa Plane entertained dlan affairs in early . : Oregon.; These were later great leaders In the Civil war. ! Mr. Hendricks will tell, of his search tor the warwhoop of the American Indians ot the west ternoon to meet Mrs. Burr. Sirs. Victor E. Griggs will en tertain members of St. Paul's guild of St. Paul's Episcopal and ot his copywriting It so that church Wednesday afternoon at saiem will noia ownersnip xor ner nome, t soum xugn street 27 years. v-i. ";.'(:;at VA9 o'clock. ; A: V tn nrZ vi j j Royal Neighbors Sewing club on ' vr-rtM-. hfnndT Wednesday. Those present were: plates ... Jean, a striking blonde, kneciai wnest . Mrs L now Mesdames Dora Pratt, Zola Pet. wore a new spring print lor tne W X n . .ir'n.rilr On. GUdy. YOUngblOOd,' Ruth low V n e c k and three-quarter . - ... "nl . length sleeves. ; r - DISTINGUISHED GUESTS at the : Junior Woman's club recep tion Monday . . . Mrs. Saldie Orr ; Fashion Bridge Will Be j Event of March 23 One,of the larger events sched i nled for March is the second an i nual fashion ' bridge for which I members of Beta Sigma Phi. na I tional education sorority, will , be i hostesses the evening of March I 25 at the Elks'temple. Mrs. i George Scales heads the direc torate la charge ot the bridge i torate in charge of the bridge ; benefit. clubs and national president elect . . . A very charming person to meet and equally; as charming to see in her gown of sky blue lace Hall; Faith Morris, Bertha Love- land,- Irene Speed, Addle Rogers, Sarah Peterson, LucUle Prultt, Carrie : Bann, Florence Hofma, Julia Gregory, Edna Shepard, Bertha Prltchard, Sibyl Roberts, Laverna Fiala, Efdlne Weltsey, Hazel Elliott, Linda Butler, LU lian Cummins, Olive Anderson, Laura Noyce, Leona Wettel. Car ri Chaffee, Mary Aekerman, Ger trtde Walker. - -; . , ,f - 1 I". . ' i,' ;h 7!':7 The American Lntheraa ruUd is meeting at J o'clock on Wednes- This organization of male singers includes 32 voices, lTet trln?. nd.coI8af ? and is; recognized as one of the f inest ensembles of its kind tye0t Se president, wori black on the coast. The director. Ralph IL LymanJ was formerly creDe with turauoise lace bodice at the University Of Oregon Where his work met With (US- and Jacket and rosebud corsage day at the church,' with Mrs. A.,J. tinctive success. . i - There were a number ot Olson in charge of devotions, and Snecial intPrPt is hpintr Mtnressed in this concert br suesU tn having a. mm. R.I H. Horn in charge of lea- ". Peci4 ullI"e,st 13 ,?em2 .expressea m tnis concen Dy chance t0 meet the honored sot .study. The program will in- iwnspeopie ana me auaience is expected to ue excepuonauy . gaesu . . . Lois Rlggs, junior club elude several numbers auag by 1 -: Ji- i. a.5 . i ' .. . . . n . . . - president, wore a aariing uueui me jueuoveu cut ino. nosi prlnt of varied colors on a yellow esses . are to be Mrs. William background ... The serving table Brietike, Mrs. Carl Bahlburg and all in yellow, daffodils and acacia .Mrs. Emil Sandau. and matching tapers ... Pouring I ; j ; , large and enthusiastic Tickets will be on sale this the home of Mrs. W. E. Hanson, week and may be obtained from $20 North! Church street, at 2:30 any of the members. Playing will . o'clock on Wednesday for study besrin at S o clocK to do iouowea ana a aiiciuwu. . hv the fashion show. Both men denominational book, "Oar High- The' Missionary croup of the : The Slema Na stndy club wiU Women's union of the First Con- meet on Monday! at 2 o'clock in gregational church wUl meet at ; the fireplace room of the Salem public library with the new offi cers presiding. They include Mrs. J. A. Brownson.) president; Mrs. Albert Gragg, vice-president, and Mrs. Carl Guenther, aecretary- and womea have been Invited to land FUng." which deals with life treasurer. Topics'; to be discussed Brekke in gnf the affair. A number of of the ; Tennessee mountaineers, are "Aboriginal Peonies of India' velvet girdle rervatlons have already been will be reviewed by Miss Con- by Mrs. Charles Heltsel and "In- Fletcher in ro at either end Mrs. R. P. Risgs in Madonna bine and Mrs. S. H. Boardman In black chiffon with colored flowers at the neckline . . r Among the servers Miss Jo Brekke in green chiffon with rust Mrs. George The Missionary society of the First . Presbyterian church wiU hold a meeting; at 1 o'clock on Wednesday , at the ebnrch with, Mrs. AJ F. Marcus in charge of the program. Mrs. John Trachsel from China will talk.' Mrs. O. E. i V -A Some 209 women ot Salem and vicinity gathered on Friday at It o'clock to observe the world day of prayer with a program under the sponsorship of the .Salem Council of Church Women. There' were 26 churches represented at the meeting. :. The program was made out. by Mrs. Alice Henderson in New Zea land and was. identical to those used throughout the world. In ad dition, Prof. William Wright Bang. Mrs. Robert Fromm gave an ac cordion solo, Mrs. Marlon Curry presented a reading and Mrs. Irv ing Fox gave an impersonation, t Luncheon was served at noon, and afterwards Mrs. Walter Post, missionary from. Borneo gave a talk. An additional guest was Mrs, Stanley Clemes, returned mission ary from India. o t l . . : ." v : X . .-. V ", ' : ' - - . . Sunday School Class ' Honors Teacher I t , Miss Emily promley of Eola was riven a surprise n a r t v br : members ot her ISunday school class on Thursday at the Eola schooL She waa presented with a picture ot the class. A program and : games occupied the group during the, evening, i i -, ' Present - were - Miss Cromley, Ruby Hayden, Mrs. Charles His ler, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lange, Mr. and lira. J.' Lewis, Mrs.; Noah Kessel. . Mrs. - William . Antrican, Mrs. Ed Antrican,' Mrs. Nick Her reL Mrs.; Alien Sanderson, Mrs. James ' Sanderson, : Mrs.-' Derrell HewHa, Tom. Cromley, JMaxlne Ferguson; Esther- McLarh, Kick Herrelv Jrv -Lawrence, Dorothy, Wayne, Robert, Kenneth, John, Frances, and Rita Kessel,' DerreL Virginia and sniriey Lewis, cor don and Beverly Nyberg,; Donald 'Antrican, Richard Hewitt, Billie, Eoger, Arthur and Johnny Lange, Minnie and Pauline Hisler.Ray, Maxine, Roberta, Margery; Elliott, Jean DeLapp and Billie faik. : Mrs. William E. Kirk will give a play review at the regular meet ing of the Beta Chi Mothers club Tuesday afternoon at the State street .chapter - noose at z : 3 o O'clock. Mrs. F. C. DeLong is chairman ot the tea hour and as sisting hostesses will be Mrs. made and it is expected over a stance xvaauier. a wniauuu as uoa -un4g VJ 100 tables will U in pUy. . extended to anyont Interested. ler. - Mrs. Oscar Cut- PPTRf!Y fin ATNfi'E'RJ rftTnriosr-Tiianlst- who trill arjuear f . t royal blue velvetand Ccdlt to in charge of devotion. ; . ... ,,,irftr,n nn rrAreh9A iinrlpr the ntisnices of the iZt. vm v.'. mi lace collar . . . Chatting la tne and Mrs. Charlea Pratt is nostess " t!m Ti 'iT 7' 7,. JC V" lounge rooms lira. Mark ucCailu- for the tea hoar. Salein IkcDowell club. Mrs. Harvey Parker.