PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning; March' 6, 1 1938 i ol i in Second Place Salem, Corvailis Tie; at Third Rung; Snider of Salem Wins Crown (Continued from page 7) -185-pounds; Dixon.' Corvailis, decislbned Smith, Hill. Be van 8, Hill, - took an overtime decision from Lb Patapof f, Albany, i : Heavyweight: Hague, Hill, took a fait from Gookins, Salem, 2:30. agt, Tillamook, ecisioned Coop er, Hill. v-V ; - -- i . - Runners-op were: Bob Allen, Salem, 95; Bill Jones, OSB, 105; Taylor Artbnr, Chemawa, i 115; Vernon Afonfils, OSB, 125; Art watson, OSB, 135; Louis Bonner, TlVamook. 145; Clayton Harris, Tillamook, 155; Bill Tripp, i West Linn, 165; Glen Dixon, Corvailis, 1 85 : Ted ; Hague, Hill, heavy weight. . I Semi-final officials were Lloyd Glrod. Don .Hendrie and Roy Mink.. ': ' " Don Hendrie and Roy Mink re fereed the finals. .' Yakima Noses out I Salem Y Quintet YAKIMA. March 5.-;P-No8ing out Salem, Ore., 32 to 31 in over time Unight, Yakima won the northwaet ' YMCA Junior basket ball championship. Salem was de fending champion. In the conso lation flaals, Portland central Y defeated Seattle 42 to 28. : SEATTlt. March aP)-The rampaging S e a 1 1 1 e Seahawks knocked thn Spokane Clippers out of any posflble chance to figure In the NortTYwest Hockey league title playoffs tonight with a spar kling 6 to t victory. k 'j--i SYNOPSIS Jazie Cameron, lovely young newspaper columnist, travels west aboard the Big Chief, extra-fare train, ia search of copy for "The Friendly Corner." Tommy Acker man, staff photographer for the Star-Tribune, tees her off, taking a flashlight photograph for the next morning's edition as Jaxit waves farewell from the observation plat form. She meets Carrie Dade and the latter's two children. As Jaxie stands near the rail of the observa tion car, she almost loses her bal ance when the train rounds a curve, but Kirby Elliott-tall, gray-eyed and humoroas-grasps her arm as she sways precariously. Introduc tions and the discovery of mutual interests follow. - Inside the car, Hose, the porter, tries to pacify Mrs. Sanders, a demanding elderly wom an who shares Section 0 with Elli ott. Jake Weatherby, gaunt mid western farmer unused to luxury trains, looks for "the bed for the extry money" which the agent had promised him.' An unassuming little man in khaki sits reading among his duffle bags, which con tain heavy tools. Marie Bortia, a bride, tells her , overbearing and penurious groom fhat they should have taken a drawing room, i . i f CHAPTER V -Harry Bortin was that dominat ing male of the species who offsets his inferiority: hi the world of af fairs by being ., the head man atH home and tolerating no illusions about it. It was high time to show Marie who was boss in this family, here and now. There had been enough of letting her have her way about spending her. father's allow ance on a -church v wedding and the elaborate trousseau on which she had set her heart. Her uncle's gift of a honeymoon Harry would have preferred to invest more practically in house furnishings, but Marie was intent upon the trip to California which Uncle Jerry had suggested, to visit other of her relatives and to display her Harry Woman still likes to flaunt her power to lead a man to the altar, regardless of who or what the man may be. It is ex hibit number onef or the evidence of her supremacy in the prima con test of feminine rivalry. . ' i Marie had gone with Harry to the ticket office when he made the reser ations for the trip. The agent's experienced glance bad filed them at once as prospective bride and groom. There was no mistaking the girl's eager, possessive hand on the man's arm and the way her eyes adored his plain stodginess; while be was vague and Ci-a tease. . "Dra win groom ?" be bad inquired : crisply, but it was more hkm a cor roborative suggestion. - Ti Harry flushed and stammered, No oh, no a lower will do." His thrifty caution visoued with panic uocit Jerrys noneymoon gift melt ing luce snow la a blast furnace. The agent scribbled ifbnchalantly . upon a strip of pink cardboard and called some numbers Into the trans mitter of. a telephone. It was im material to him whether or not I bride and groom preferred a lower berth or an extra-fare train or drawingroom on' a regular limited. What was the big idea, anyway, saving six hours? He smiled with Inward amusement and lotted down the car and section numbers as they came over the wire, - "May I hold the baby for yon while you get the little boy ready for bed?" Jaxie's voice inquired above the din of the rumbling train and the baby's howls. Carrie Dade's troubled eyes looked op into the girl's shining ones, and ' she smiled wanly. "That's awfully kind of yon, but she Isn't very good about going to strangers. X doirt know what's the matterwiih herr she's always so rood at home," apologetically. "Of eourse,,she is. But she's all tired ent, precious darling; end to are yon. Let me try perhaps she - will come to me. iiaDiei always do. The mother consented with re luctance. Jaxie took the squirming, kicking little body into her arms and Tillamo h by; c u - Here . tis 31 arcbi meaning -that It's time for a couple hun dred golfers to start training for the annua city tournament. In view of the Increased number- of men playing golf la Sa le bi this year, there ought to be that many entries. ; Haven't beard from the Active club, which has ; sponsored these tourneys in the past,:; but the city tournament is by this time a fix ture and there's no question but that it will happen, starting some time in April,, which is; just around the corner. This is the tournament in which! golfers who aren't members of the Salem Golf club have exactly the same privi leges as club members. Doa Hendrie is the defending champion and a number of. the low ; scoring boys Ihave ,been looking Don's gajne'ovrc to aee whether itfaer is any ctuue of .' J breaking In there. But the golf : ers who shoot : fa the 80, 90s and 100s also hare' as - much ahead of them In this event lor It's divided "up Into flights of 10, then flights of eight with everybody staying ,ln for the second round, and ( he less ex pert flights j battle: for prizes : Just as valuable as the top aotchers. This is the seasori when sun shine is at a premium, and the boys are taking full advantage of it when It comes or even gray days that aren't too wet. The course is in excellent condition. The high school hoys always get, going first. The; qualifying round for the Saleini high team was played Saturday, with Farmer turning in low medal of 73. Comstock and Woods tied at 76 but Comstock' Won a play off; Carrey' was fourth with 78 Lo I EXTRA FARE" By EDNA ROBB WEBSTER held it quietly and competently. The cries ceased suddenly and round tear-glistening eyes inspected the stranger. Jaxie smiled encourage ment. The flushed little face relaxed into a cherubic smile land became alert to this new friend whose arms were so gentle and eyes so bright. Jaxie turned a triumphant smile upon Mrs. Dade. "Isn't she the darling?" j! "I'm surprised. She never will go to strangers." j "Oh, we're good friends, already: aren't we, Adorable? You run along now with that sleepy little boy, and baby and I will sit in my section while the porter makes up your berth. I'm Miss Cameron, of the "Not THE Jaxie Cameron who writes -; lame. ... ;;. Star-Tribune. Yon 'needn't worry about baby and me.1 Carrie Dade stared and. rasped. "Not tke Jaxie Cameron who writes 'Our Friendly Corner?" - "The very same.7 laughed the girl fit-, i "Why I'm pleased to meet you. Miss Cameron," the woman offered timidly. "I'm Mrs. Dade, and this is Junior and you are holding Patsy." . . J----II .ri - "I like yon an." Jaxie declared. "But I am afraid yon are going to nave a pretty difficult journey with these twot alone." i ' .-. Mrs. Dade smiled ; wanly. "Yes, she admitted, "but that isnt the wont of it. If I were going on a pleasure trip, it would be quite-different. Yon aee -my mother well. they think she Is dymg. "Oh, I'm e sorry.f Jaxie. was all concern. "She lives in Los Angeles?" "No. She and my father, went there this spring, after they had saved and planned all their lives for the trip. They had been there only a month when mother was taken ilL and she's been getting worse right along. Now she has asked for me and father wired me yesterday to come as fast as I could. That is why I am paying eirtra fare to try to get there before-, . her voice faltered. ' Jaxie . looked away and amused toe baby. "But I cant impose on your kind, ness, Miss Cameron," Carrie ob jected presently. - 1 i - "Are you afraid to trust your baby with me!" she smiled rentlv. "Oh, no of course, it's not thatl" - "Then run along and do as I tell yon b3.oe Patsy decides I'm not a go . rir. after all." the ursred. , Crr e Le?d. and trotted junior down the aisle by the. hand -to the dressingroomi comforted by the younger woman kindness. - a. t 4 s i6 and those four, barring later upsets, will form the four-maa team. Malson, Randall, Nelson, . Sherman and Liphart were the other qualifiers. I 10th in Ro Won By War Admiral MIAMI, Fla., March 5-tfVt7ar Admiral sailed Into this tropical port with his 10th. straight vic tory today In the 150,000 Widener challenge -cup race -and sail he did. 1 t. . . . - The mighty mite of the horse world; running over the treacher ous racing strip of Hlaleah where favorites have been; biting the dust of defeat for .41 days, made his field , of a dozeni rivals look like Belling platers. Prom I lagf all to finish;' it-was jJl taer Admiral. His margin as heTcrpssed the wire was a length and ; half over Mrs. E. H. Baruetfa zeTson, with war Minstrel third V Don McNeill Indoor Net Wins Title NEW YORK, March 5.-;P)-Don McNeill, 1 9-year ' old Junior at Kenyon college in Gambler. O., today flashed all of the brilliant form that makes him one of the nation's most promising young tennis players as he defeated Frank Bowden of New j York 9-7, 3-6, 6-4, 7-5, to win the men's national indoor tennis champion ship, i The women's singles' title went to Virginia HollingerJ 21-year-old redhead from Dayton, O., who is a det9nsiveplayer pure and simple. Jaxie nestled the soft, warm little body close and stared thoughtfully out the window at the flying dark ness which was pierced at intervals with pricks of light ..'; ' The woman should have a room alone, she pondered. ; Probably couldn't afford it, having; paid the extra fare wjiich she hoped would, purchase time for herj to win against Death. No sooner had the thought touched Jaxie's mind than she reached over and touched the bell for the porter. : i Mose appeared forthwith. There followed a hasty consultation, grins and smiles, nods and an exchange of folded banknotes. The baby closed its eyes and slept warmly egainst 'Our Friendly Corner'?" gasped the girl's soft breast. Mose bustled away and entered drawingroom A. at the end of the car, with an arm- tul i zresb linen. -j ' When Mrs. Dade reanoeared with the pajamaed Junior in tew and clad hastily in her own dressing gown, Jaxie met her frightened. glance at the emptiness of section 7 with, f I hope yon won't resent my " interest In your comfort,' Mrs. Dade. Yon see. I happened to notice that drawingroom A was not occupied. sol had the porter move yonr things in and make op the berth there for yen. I thought yon and the children would be so much more comfort able." ' . j- ' - - ButMiss Cameron I can't af ford..". ".V : "You don't understand, 'perhaps, Mrs: Dade. After a train starts and the space is not all reserved, yon can get better - accommodations for practically nothing. Wont yon please accept that little from me f or Patsy?".'-.-:-;(:. '. ' Carrie's appreciation was oatfcet- - k. "Why Miss Cameron how can I ever thank you?" r. - "Don't," advised Jaxie. Just take the babies in there where the air is better and yon wont have to worry -about their disturbing anyone else, and get a good rest Your mother ' will need yon to be rested when yon -arrive in Los Angeles, Tm sure." - "You are so kind , . taking the sleeping baby. "1 doiopeyou rest Well, too." ' - W- - i .-,-..:'- "Oh, I ahalV Jaxie ' promised. "Nothing ' ever keeps me awake. -Goodnight, Junior," stroking the tired, bewildered youngster's hair.- Be a good boy and sleep tight, and well see a lot ef beautiful things in the morning. Good Joight, Mrs. , Dade": ; .ft.s ; (To be continued) '' ' ' Linfield Again In Conference Northwest Faculty Croup Admits School; Will Revise Schedules PORTLAND. Ore., March 5-Wj-Faculty representatives of the Northwesti Intercollegiate confer ence voted today to accept the ap plication pt Linfield college for reinstatement after 14 months as a non-member. Conference coaches revised the IS 3 8 football schedule to provide for participation by Linfield, which will compete also in base ball, track; and tennis this spring.' Normals Not Accepted The conference voted against expanding' to" take In Washington State normal schools at Belling ham, Ellensburg and Cheney. "It was decided that at present the athletic progress of the con ference ofj privately endowed col leges would not Justify any expan sion in the .membership of the eon rerence.". I President William R. Davis of ;hitmaa collego eaid." The -.conference sow includes Whi t man r,col le ge, College' of Ida boy College Of Puget Sound, Wil lamette .and 'Pacific universities and Albany , college. Albany does not participate in football or base ball. . Girls Challenge Former Players MT. ANGEL The girls' bas ketball team of Mt. Angel Acad emy and Normal have challenged the former players of the pchool to a contest on the academy floor Sunday. The game will egin at 2 p.m. The academy sextet has estab lished a record this year taking six oat of seven games played. Tho one defeat was handed the local girls by Turner February 16. Among;: the alumnae players, former stars on the school team, to tangle ; in Sunday's game will be Dorothy Schwab, Agn':s Gros jacques, Henrietta Saalfeld, Hel en Piennet, Adele Zollner, Ar lene Simson and Florence Versch weiler. POLLY AND HER PALS TOOTS AND CASPER , ' ; ; - - .i ; - B - "nRE. ANSB-'S TPrS.I'VE DE- "TMEWE USED "X Lk I IL 1 S nje'n.H-ll. Il Ma Uh I JzZi --ODED n"S TIME SHE GREW UP HYPNOTISM AT SOME ) V Jl C A?V V &SSlXO ESOVEP 1 IT Art Cl i OL O YVHEREVUH V rrv"-" COLLEGES. IVE 1 WMInl SKCfcPi iT.ll GC1N' WITH T. VO HIREOTHJS WABOLD, ) 7 D . rlbSfa g JD j BIICKEY MOUSE You Asked for It! j By WAIT DLSNEY j . I ' J !; :1 o- . 1 " J ' .-' . J 1 I C SO PT NO FBTCH ME M' , rfl r&O. THE OUt MA.N WfcNTS B-'iHP rSQU-LS COMB. UP MIGHT V "l tT wo HQ THftt't 1 rAi L 13 jP . VWEfrTHBRi r i t SMELL "EM ( TEfX CUPPtR V ) CP ' I lUTTLE ANNIE ROONEY The Top of the Mornino; BY BRANDON WALSH SOME TTUTl tl M AUrULtaMG I - jtegg SHJCOt AtMCr IN THE WHOLE WORLD HAPPy l - jj " 7," ' ' ' A " l ' THE NERVE OP CASPER "TO DASH OFF TO WORK WITHOUT KISSING ME IT! " V 4DOU0TE : THIMBLE THEATRE Beginning a new A ST0Rx HAMBURGER SHARKS AND SEA SPINACH" (Continued from page 7) nament by 10? to IS .' . . it was slowed to a walk, however, in winning the championship of the tourney in the: final game, 80 to 30;. . . Thurston, the team picked by- this column to represent "B" district 16 in the state tourney, and which played Lowell last night id Eugene for that right Beaman and its nickname is "Pan si es" . . . so what? . . . is coached by Mrs. Genevieve Six Records Fall In Columbia Win NEW YORK, March 5.JP)-Slx meet records were smashed, to njght as Columbia university's athletic array snatched team . tri umph from their Manhattan rivals in the final event of the Intercol legiate AAA A - indoor track and field championships, at . Madison Square Garden, .Colombia retained the team-, title "with 27 points to Manhattan's 24,. . ; Ben Johnson,' negro king of the indoor sprinters, and his. team, mate. Herb Weast, clinched the meet for. Columbia by finishing 2-3 in the broad jump, the final contest, after running 1-2 in the 60-yard dash. Vale, which had been picked to give Columbia the closest tussle for team honors, finished' third with 18 points. St. Helens Ties , Astoria Hoopers "ST. HELENS, Ore., March 5.-(iP)-St. Helens high school defeat ed Astoria, 28-25, tonight to throw the two schools Into a tie for the district 5 championship. They will meet again for the title Monday night. Seaside defeated Vernonia, 39 to 21, for third place.' This afternoon Astoria defeated Vernonia, 43-25, and St. Helens downed Seaside, 48-11. OREGON CITY, Ore., March 6. -()-Sandy defeated Oregon City 27-23, tonight to become district 4 representative for the state high school-, basketball tournament at Salem. Starring Popcye VEBV SMALL CRAFT ABOARD I j. ,, r - , " r - uiuiu a m 7 HE HASN'T SENT ME ANV -V ( CANDY OR FLOWERS FOR A 7 SAILS A VERY LARGE ME. F1K4D OCEAN" ; HIS SWEETIE OLrVE OVL, UlNlNGON CAkkoTo 3 r ' Corbett Is World Champ, California SAN FRANCISCO, March 5.-(ff)-Young Corbett, the! man who licked j' the man , who licked the champ, was recognized ; today by the California state athletic-commission as world's middleweight boxing champion. George Payne of San Jose, chairman of the commission, said recognition was accorded Corbett because he scored a 10-round de cision lover Fred Apostoli of San Francisco here last month. - Previously Apostoli had beaten Freddie Steele of Tacoma, the uni versally recognized ' champion, by a technical knockout. -The Apos-toli-Steele bout was of the non title variety. One Foul Chalked Against Roseburg j ' - ; ROSEBURG, March 5-5)-Ed-ward Sindt has been known by various nicknames but never like the one he carried today. To liia friends on the Roseburg junior high school basketball team he was ''Dirty? Sindt, He acquired that cognomen after his team set some kind of a record Friday night by beating Ashland, 38-16, and Committing only one foul. Sindt (was the guilty player. Packard's to Meet St Helens Quint PORTLAND, Ore., March 5-P) -St. Helens and Pacifie Packards of Portland reached the finals in the state AAU basketball tour nament tonight, and will meet Jor the title tomorrow afternoon. St. Helens grabbed a surprise win from the strong Mantle club team, 50 to 46, and the Packards defeated Multnomah club, 45 to 40. i Dallas and Newberg to Compete for Top Place And Tournament Chance DALLAS The Dallas high school basketball team; will meet Newberg high at the Oregon Nor mal school gymnasium Monday That Maternal Instinct I HAVE A I Cure for Carplessnpss J t i ft. itiifiirv nn mnirv PLACE EVERY SO OFTEN -7 I .Wimpy Likes His Rare! THE CRAFT I ' 1 : 111 I I III V -AND WIMPY VJHOSH APPETrrE DEMANDS POPEVE AMD FOOD OTHER. CARROTS - - 1 r72J . I the Jeeps V V evening to see which team will compete in tho district tourna ment which will be held at Lin field college at McMinnville later in the week. I;"--.:'- Dallas is the Polk county run ner-up and Newberg is the Yam hill runner-up. . British Columbia Oarsmen Win out CORVALLIS, Ore., March 5.-fP)-Universify of British Colum bia oarsmen defeated Oregon State college's lightweight crew by three feet today In the closest finish seen here since the inaugu ration of the sport. The visitors speeded up their stroke to overcome a Beaver lead at the halfway mark and avenge their defeat at the first meeting of the two crews last year. Maxie Wants , to '' Avenge Brother LAKEWOOdTn. Ju Maich 5.- (iT'J-Max Baerwanta to avenge brother Buaa'- ucatng - at the last hands of : Gannar ' Barlund night. ' -Vr-: y i .' Max opined today he'd be ready to tackle the. Finnish: heavyweight any day after next Friday., when the former heavyweight champion has a date with Tommy Farr. Johnny Revolta Win in . St. Petersburg Tourney ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., March 5.-i!p)-J0hnny Revolta, former PGA champion of Evanston, 111., won the St. Petersburg open championship today by defeating Chandler Harper, 23-year-old Portsmouth, Va., professional, two strokes in an 18-hole playoff. Revolta had a ?5 four oyer par. Flood Contra Project At Burns Is Under Way BURNS, Ore., March S.-(JP)-Thirty men and two trucks were at work today building ; levees; to prevent threatened property dam age from the overflowing Silvles river. The work Is being done; as an emergency WPA project. TO PUT HIM IN HIS WHENEVER HE STARTS TAKlMirl t yt5E FOR ZrRANTEt -DO frLU SNAP urn su 1 . OF ITi AND EU6ENE.THE JEER (WHOSE MAGIC POINTING THAW i FOOT IS uUVDiNO THE PARTY HOMEWARD - Mrs. Caldwell Is Hostess to RNA BROOKS Mrs. Stella Cald well entertained tho Labishj camp, Royal Neighbors of America lodge in her home Tuesday afternoon. A.' very interesting report was given of the advisory board meeting by Mrs. Pearl Harris. 1 Thej Labish camp sewing club" met at the home of Mrs. Iva Med d is Wednesday afternoon to onilt. Plan Easter rarty J t o Jicmuuiai uaaies' Aid met Wednesday a f t e r n o o In the church for It3 regular, meeting. Plans are being made to bare & silver tea., and Easter party to be held inr the church - the Wednes- u-j oeiore taster.' The afternoon was spent sewing. Billy Cottew, who has been ill in a Salem hospital, u recovering satisfactorily. George Campbell, who has been in a local hospital, has been brought home and is improving. . Bank at Heppner To Ya$ Divideiiia HEPPNER, March S-fJPh'. U Gault, ' receiver for the First - Na tional ban k of Heppner. -aid an i per cent dividend for de positors was assured by transfer of the Coal mine property to tho government. The payment would be in creased to 10 per cent if other land holdings were disposed of at a satisfactory price. Gault said. bringing total returns to about 85 per cent. Eitenman First to Hear Goon Charge Sentence; Is Given Year in Jail PORTLAND, Ore., March 5-. (P)-Chick Conrad Eitelman, 24-year-old tr-uck driver, was the first saspect in the Portland po lice drive against alleged labor terrorism to receive a sentence when Circuit Judge Robert Tuck er ordered him to serve a vear In the county Jail. Eitelman pleaded guilty to three charges of assault and bat tery, growing out of alleged at tacks on motor company em ployes. By CLIFF STERRETT I rTHtNK VLL COOK UP SOME . MISCHIEF AND MAKE CASPER JEALOUS NOW, NOW, I'D BETTER SOMETHING TO OCCUPY MY MIND AN IDLE. BRAIN IS TUF nCVlL. Ifaoi - - - By SEGAR NOW GO ON WITH THE 5TORV f GORSH! JEEPM