The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 05, 1938, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday llomlne, Blarch 5, 1938
Society .. Glubs
Music ,f .
.News 'MiilTeiaturl-of i Interest' to Women
MAX1NE BUREN Women. Editor.
tyles.. Food
Miss Bahlburg to
Wed Dr. Page
March 26
; At the Informal bridge party
was hostess last, night she told
a. dozen of her friends I of her
betrothal and the date for her
forthcoming marriage to Dt.
Wayn-"Jef f crson Page, son of
Mr. and Mrs. E- J. Page of Dal.
las. The wedding wUl be an
, event of Saturday, March 2 6, at
the Bahlburg home on South
. Chnrch street.
Miss Bahlburg. wno is me
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Bahlburg. la' well known In the
capital. She Is a graduate of
Salem schools and a member of
the Junior Woman's club. She
is now employed at the county
. assessor's office.
Dr. Page is a graduate af the
University of Oregon Medical
school, and a member of Theta
Kappa; J isr, iraternuj.
nor practicing in -Dallas.
annAunMment waa ", re-
.- .ld mi -th kntvoer ; hour .with.
, miniature red ; tearts bearing
the names " of - the couple and
. were concealed under each plate.
Spring flowers provided, the dec
orative note about the rooms.
.Following several hours of cards
supper was served by t a host
ess. , ;l
Those bidden to hear the news
were ' Mrs. Lawrence Eng3trom,
Mrs. Virginia Peters, Mrs. Rus
sell Fuller, Mrs. Ray Lafky.
Mrs. C sorge Fletcher. Miss Vic
toria Schneider," Mis Jeryme
Upston. Miss - Helen Boardman,
Miss Ethel Reddin, Miss Mar-
-eelle DeMytt. Miss Ruth .Geer
and Miss Madge Reid.
- -
Bride-Elect Alumnae Group
- Entertained
Thursday 1
Bridge Club Tonight .
At Campbell Home i
dean of girls at the Lincoln high
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Campbell school, and Galen pean of Seattle,
.m Av-i a graduate of Willamette univer-
wni entertain members of their , takm tA ,tTlp
Mrs. Willard Marshall and Miss bridge club at an informal affair frpshman rlee tonlrht.
Elolse Buck entertained alumnae tonight at their State street real- ' i
of Kappa Alpha Theta Thursday . ' , " ! I ?
Kee and Mrs. Rex Cobb were ; ap
pointed to assist the - hospitality
committee for' the year.
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs M.
J'EPFERSO N The March E. Stand, now of Salem, formerly
meeting of the Mothers club of ot Silverton, are announcing the
the" Methodist church was enter- marriage of their daughtef. Miss
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. -Downs have T , "I X 7 11
their weekend guests. Miss JJX tH(5 V cllleY
ibel Downs of Portland who Is i J
Social Realm
SrSS Ara: by the .rS-'tilud the home of Mr.: Harry Eleanor Standi; of Washington.
late hour- supper wa served by r - qnet 1 for tonight at the Qolden McKee. A1 general discussion was - m viemy uuuiey oi opo-
the hostesses. During the evening. Guests will be Mr. and Mrs.'L. V. Pheasant at 5:30 o'clock pre- held on "Aims of the Primary De- kane. and Washington, D. C. The
the ;roup sawed for ithe j Salem, Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer V. -ceding Freshman ; Glee. Covers partment? Mrs. Paul Fryrear lines: were read February 19! at
General 'hospital; ' i Wooton, Mr, and Mrs. R.A. Mey- will be; placed for, visiting. alum gave a book review, -You and Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Zum&ey
- Those present Iwere Mrs. George ers, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Lieta. nae, members and pledges. Miss Your Child," and Mrs. E. BV Red- will make their home in Wash-
Hug, Mrs. H u h Rosson, Mrs.tDr "d. MrsJ Verden E. Hockett Marjorie Jonts Is in charge of teond," president, gaye a poem, ington, D. q. Mrs. Zumney jat-
Uhariea Heitxei, isirs. Joseph uar-nr. ana Mrs. uampDen. arrangemenu. Mrs. Fred Barna, Mrs. Harry MC- tenaeo scnoois at auvenon..
by. Mrs, Henry Mason,; Mrs. Don
ald McCargar, Mrs. William Bod-
ner, Mrs. Frank Chapman, .Mrs.
Mrs. Guy Vincent
Josephine : McGil-
Miss Jean Bahlburg, who ; an
nounced her . betrothal to Dr.
- j Wayne Page- of , Dallas, last
James Sears,
Smith; Miss
christ. Miss Jance. Pollock, Miss
Eloise Buck
Mrs. Willard
Piano Recitals I Given
In Monmouth
I ' RatnrdaV ilan-h H V
: Woman's Relief i Corps meet "A group of Salem '.students of
in Millers Hall, a p.m.r; e Mtss Virglniel Melton .will play at
i Officer's club, Pythian Sis- an afternoon Jconpert today in the
ters with Mrs. Earl Burk, 642 -home of Mrs! J J D. Caldwell in
Edgewater street, 7:30 p.m.
j Monday,' Starch 7
! Daleth Teth Gimel Mothers
club at 'XAussane hall. 8 o'
clock.. - " - ' . : "
i Daleth Teth Gemel Mother's
club, Lausanne : hall, 3 p. m.
AAUW drama club, 7:30 at
YWCA. - . '
"' -, .' .t '
75c 1 -lb. box i ACfC
Spa Cboeolatea.
ftJW a-ih. boa (
Spa Oiocolaira ; .V
flOe Ponnd Vaztrty P1cL.
1 H -lb. Box VaHy f.
l-lb.-Box ChocohU rudgl
Mrs. Owens Hostess to
Club Group
Tuesday, March 8
i , Junior TJuildi of St. Paul's
Episcopal chureh, with Mrs.
Carle ton Smith; 960 Parrish
street. ' " : .
j Loyalty class. Calvary Bap
tist . church, no-host dinner in
the t hurch, 6:30 p.m.
! -
Wednesday, March 9
Literature section, AAUW,
with Mrs. Dwight Lear, 555
XoHh 20th street, 8 p, m.
: The Ladies' club ofj Maccabees
o. 122 held its regular meet
ing on . Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Donald Owens
on North 15th street.. Covers 0 ',- i n tvj:11
were placed for: MrsfKatheryn All OChOOI Dance Will
Stryker, Mrs. Miltonl Steward, TT0i0 Tonio-ht
Mrs. Louie Smith, Ms. Robert rOllOW triee AOI1Ioul
Parent, Mrs. Neoma Beebe, Mrs.
P. D. Smith. Mrs. H. Owens,
Mrs. Elizabeth Enger, Miss Max-
Monmouth. Mrs. R. D. Elliott will
assist the hostessj j
Those from; Salem" who will play
are: Jean Claire (Swift, Mary Ann
Brady, Jean pidler, Evelyn John
son, Jean Fowler J Genevieve Win
slow, Shirley jThcjmas, i Doris Har-
' old, Betty Peetx and Margaret
Barrett. - Missj Melton will review
tbe book "FTom Jehovah to Jars-'
by Holes Kaiifmann. The recital
Is invitational 1 j
On Tuesday night a recital in
Campbell hall, jMonmouth will
feature Elaine Lehman, Carolyn
Brady, Margaret ta . Ruttchman,
Betty Lou, Elliott, Betty Peetz,
Evelyn i J o h to s 0 n, Jean Claire
Swtft, George Bwft jr., Margaret
Wonderlick, Margaret Siegmund,
Rosemary Galserj Margaret' Bar
rett, Lois Plumber Schmidt. -
' . . Ai'..'
YWCA Committees Are
Active This Week -
I '.The house committee of the
jTo celebrate both the victors YWCA met Wednesday -to discuss
and mili stream losers of fresh- and outline policies of the house.
ine Enrer. Mrs. - Homfer Robin- man glee all four; classes of Will- I. L.ynn Purvine is cnairman
ette, 2 Miss- Winona - Roomette.
Mrs. Jack Gilson, Mrs. Claire
Kilgore; Mrs. George Diets and
Dolores, Mrs. E. N.; Brooks and
Mrs. Donald Owens..
regular meeting will
17 at the home of M?
Zonta Club Entertained
By Mrs. Rosecrans
amette university
will Join forces and sisli her re Mrs. Dan Mc-wui-join
lorces Tllft M ,K TTtUv .Mrs
for an all school dance tonight George King, Mrsl W. W. Moore,
in the old high school gymnas- Mrs. .Mary Bayne and Mrs. Ray
The next lum. Vice-presidents of the four Yocom. T h ;-
be March cla88S who are making arrange-u.JU.BWi MfnUTe
rs. riomer mot,- v- th A inHnd MJs i me a " yf
. , ,. c...w. E. Kirk, bublic affairs chair-
anne Curtis, junior; Miss Dorothy: to ?clr Sr
Feldhahn, freshman. months countrywido. tour for the
HOBrji liel1,!Lfronl Mtional toaiil of 'the YWCA' to
10 tO 12 O'clock With Church Ud .ntl.ilu, Wil r n a rt
Airs, aiargarei uu vZr ,T,n -weir atniuas , on cmrreni issues
Miss Lillian McDonald entertained clas - members and. vtelUng pertaining to Ipeaoe and wan Miss
Zonta club members with a treas- alumni are invited to attend. Bocker and Ms. Kirk were lunch-
ury party Thursday night at the Patrons and patronesses will e eoa .guests of ! the Portland YWCA
former's home'.' on Chemeketa Professor and Mrs. William Mof h- board following the conference."
street. A dessert' supper was professor and Mrs. Chester A - -t,b.- ( i ;
m .i. t ..ul Anther. Dr and Mrs. Charles - r . ' - - v
censed" SU'Sl dodlll 8hm.n and Coach and Mrs. Roy LUDCheonperved by ;
Miss Mildred Oleson entertained S. Keene. . Mrs. GrabenHorst
the group with several book re- : .,-'',). j ': 1
Tiews. i imvm m i r ' Mrs. George Grabenhorst enter
Covers were Placed for, Mr. I LilUD 31eetS at tained members pf the Pringle
Jane Stacey, Mrs. Winifred Her- xrn-. TTnmJ Pleasant Point social club at
rick, Mrs. Dora Stacey, Dr. Marion rvnox nomci ! luncheon on Thursday, Mrs W. L.
Follis, Mrs. Mabel BrownelL Mrs, K . -! wft !vft.tM. Potter was assisting hostess.
LaVerne Winkler, Miss Helen llrtll -KCKT etab ' Psent wereMrs" George Jud
Bocker. Miss Helen Yockey. Miss to members of theKCKT club j n ( 0rsb M
Mabel Savage, Mis. Helen Barrett. , rotmertul .trlS Mrs. Maud Wilmer.
MUs Mildred Oleson, MIss-Doris- Jome on JJort S C mmer cial street s po,n
Riches. Miss Habel Cook. Miss n Thursday afternoon. The tea . r ,
nuu mo flateae nus jncuouwo . ... . t . HOODS, additional RuestS. Mrs.
and Mrs. Rosecrans.
Miss Winifred Byrd, nationally
known pianist ; who Is a former
Miss Maxine Clark and Mrs.
Clark assisted the hostess,
ley, Mrs. Frank Clark, Mrs. Ho-
.., ul.. Moir mer Harrison, Mrs, E. C. Coates,
Special guests were Mias lar.., , i, , T nr
and Mrs. R. E. Clark Members t" " ' r, i. "
resident of Salem, was awarded present were Mrs. Roy Wassami ;wrXBWt MmTi w r1
membership in the MacDowell Mrs. Clifton Ross, Mrs. E. J. Don- T ms? Rue Draper Mr?
Colony ague of Mthern Call-
l0ln-U'fC.0rl15.t0.7rd, rec.ei:d 5fiL,ll5err- Jl: tl1 Mis. race Robertson. Mrs. L. w!
UCICi illlDB JTIU iajCU v a b LUC iUIB A A Via WS y as. itanv;
MacDowell festival recently in Pugh, Mrs. Mary Rogers, Mrs.
Hollywood, where she now makes Hattie Given, Mrs. Ray Clark and
her home. ' ; Mrs. Nellie Knox.
Today Is Last Ghance to
Enter Gake Contest
-.---- - v - - - ' . -'.
' FpiySixi Awards" :
, Tojday marks the last chance for all good cooks of Salem
and vicinity to enter cake recipes '. in " The Statesman-Uucoa
contest. Entries postmarked up to midnight will be in line for
the prizes offered. - . i j
Those sending in the six best recipes usingNucoa will re
ceive baskets of groceries including a two-pound carton of
Nucoa, a quart jar of mayonnaise O : ;
and five other Best Foods items, j i "Color has little or nothing to
- Yon can. send in just as. many do with eosV- i says ,Mrs. ,Bux
recipes as you wish, only be sure ton, "yet carefully chosen -hues
and include the flap oft a carton : can do , a , great, deal to make
f Nncoa for each recine. Here are. an- inexpensive - garment ' look
Potter and Mrs. George Graben
horst. j j ; .
Miss Rankin jHonored
At Dinner Friday
Miss Jeabnette Rankin of
Washington, D. Ci, was the honor
guest at a dinner last night at the
Spa preceding her lecture at the
Salem blgn scbool auditorium. She
is the house tguest of Mrs. Marie
Voa Eschen.'l ,
- Covers' were placed for! Miss
Rankin, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Downs,
Mr. and Mrs.j Roy Hewitt, Dr. and
Mrs. Lloyd L. Hockett, Mr. and
Mrs. C W ; Stacey, Mr and Mrs
Ivan Martini Miss Mabel ! Downs
of Portland, Mrs. Ora F. Melntyre,
the simple rules:
tigh priced."
' Arrangements i
for . the - meet-
1. Clla the' flap, off a' carton of inrs are r being made . through
New; Nueoa . .(end with Good, the office of H. L.. Riches, coun-
Homsekeening seal) and send In ty agenU, I
Artichokes are best bet for fam
; ily - meals - over I the . weekend ' be
cause they are plump and green.
Color in Clothing
Lecture Subject
with each . recipe.
, 2.-Have recipes for cakes, using
Nucoa In -mail by March S,' Satur
day night. A : .' -: !-
3.1 Write on-; one side of . the. pa
per only.- one recipe to a sheet. :
4. No 'recipes Jwill be returned. -
-5. All those entering Tecipes for with moderate price, and at the
cake4 made; with Nucoa will re- height of their season.
mi & hrnklt. "Cakes and Cook- - New oeas'and potatoes arc com
ies With Personality." . ' Ing in 'stronger. .
i ...... ' Tomatoes look redder and cu
, cumbers remain as a luxury vege-
" T .' table, -r'". ;
. ' Carrots, turnips and beets are
i - the chief root vegetables offered,
Several meetlnes have been Greens include both spinach and
riannftd tor this district at which innstard greens.
, " Mm irnn Perdna Rut ton. act- , For salads there . are: Chinese
inr - aneclaliat in . elotAlna and cabbage, white and red cabbage
tertiutnf nrsmn stata cnllera green onions, lettuce, green -or
- will speak. The first meeting wniie ceiery,. reu ,ana wnne raa
will . he held March S in . Wood-' ishes. - f . v;.-, - , - -
burn.. then '.March in the fill- '-Squash are still with ns, the
' ' '1 - - ; k 1 a .'r . a L. Jt t
verton armory and March 4 n wmier ama, ana a new summer
at the Red Hills rranre hall, varietiea appear!, occasionally.
Mrs. ' Uuxton wtU stress the Fruit displays show grapefruit,
-...(.'.u" -.aIah tn ths. oranrea "and lemons Jn abnndanea'
kill yJ l VAUW V . ,
" tressed woman. Sheni dls- -Bice limes.. There are lots of good
cuss ; correct colors sulUble to bafianas, boxes .and boxes ot ap
vartou "tvnes- and complexions plea, some pears."' . ". '. i
and tell how they affect the v Rhubarb is here to stay, and .Is
COIOr 01 tn SUB.wr umii,- wu vuiui turn un iuii
D. W. West M.
Dorothy Asman
Mrs. Walter Post, a missionary
from. Borneo, was the speaker at
the meeting of
society r of-j theF;
B.1 Stegner and
the . missionary
lrs t Christian
church on; Thursday. Mrs. Ethel
urooxs .ana lrs4: A.' D. Wagner
iook ieaamg parts in. a playlet,
"Women la andia--Mra. Rd
Drill was in charge of devotions.
Those serving at .the tea hour
were Mrs. A; J. Flint, Mrs. C. A
Eppley and Mrs. A. D- .Wagner." 'r
The . weddbag f of i Miss ' Maude
Rlackweir and DrTH. C KPley,
both of Jerrerson, the latter form
erly, of Salem, has been an
nounced for', next , Wednesday
nignt, , touowing ; Ihe Townsend
club " meeting at the Masonic
temple',' TheRebekah club' w i ll
honor' the couple after the cere
mony. ,). - . . ;
Mrs. R. H. Varley and Mr. and
Mrs. William G o o d e have re
turned from; a month's trip, in
California. Mrs Varley .was - the
guest ot Mrs. C. W. 0'Fllng ; of
Fullerton, .Calif., 1 for several
weeks. - ' I
- Bin. Vern'Ostrander, state com-
manaer or tne. woman's Auxiuary
of the Disabled - American Veter
ans ot the World war, will leave
for Forest Grove Monday to help
with the membership drive. ,
- Miss Margaret Xann of Seattle
arrived ia the i capital last night
to spend the' weekend with her
mother, Mrs. J. J. Nunn, and to
i attend freshman glee tonight
See .the. new Printzess .coats atMiller's, inTs
aspired by yncess Oblenskj. j New Glama
lures, Corduras, etc!, in all I the season's
wanted shades ! . "
Donna Lee wash frocks at $1.98 is the fea
ture of our newly 'opened COTTON SHOP
on the 2nd floor; ; Good quality wash frocks
that have style! tailoring and color for a
V i . Mf 11" - ' i JC w i '
i 'Sry r- I 1 OftalCON x xp
R Vn Pun'r Frocks " Sffld
-Mfexh jm oo y ou Lvon t .
Klhr) ow Where 1 CM I
Mk I ' O . DCS If! - - - FABRICS ... Donna Lees are P'lfwfo
.; 7 :tM : -
But wait! Don't give way to that impulse to rush
out madly and buy just anything! You'll dribble
away your funds on a Spring wardrobe that might
become passe in a few short weeks Choose your
new clothes from Miller's Spring fashions-with a
future . . . clothes destined for a long Spring run!
'Stake your first claim to chic on a tailored suit
follow through with gay accessories. But that's
only a start see Spring's most exhilarating fash
ions all exhilaratingly.priced at Miller's.
Mu n
s i n s
Foii hdati
.... -j . , - -, . . j -
;; 7 7
' i ' lO OU fr-
Only once in manyv many months are we .
enabled to capture a sale like this .one. Gen-
$2.98! Many, of these you: will recognize, as ,'
regular 6.50 values. A little flaw or per
haps a slight discoloration makes them 'sec
onds '.' . hence the low. price!. Foundations
and girdles in both light summer -models .
: and medium and heavy. weights, for now.
'Have yours expertly fitted today! - i"
Last Day of
Free Facials
Cosmetics Sections
FABRICS . . . Donna Lees are
made of high quality fabrics
such as Calient e and Del
Monte fabrics, Pic Pons, Cot
ton rajahs, English prints,
batistes, etc. All fast color
and pre-shrunk. .
DESIGNS . . . The Big Red
Apple, large tulips, air
brushed S daisies, pajinted
fruits, old-fashioned garden,
Flock-dots, coin spots, Chintz,
and modern or nautical pat
terns. '. ,
FASHIONS . . . Two-piece
frocks, one-piece with basque
effects, swing styles, panelled
skirt styles, special sleeve and
neck-line fashions, etc Also
smocks in the modern man
ner are included at this low
are to be found in Salem ex
clusively at Miller's. Examine
a Donna Lee and note the full
seams, wide hems and fine
tailoring throughout.
1 1
T u....Mji.m- Ml. m MS W : m w
'-J- l' ' .
It's moth season! Look out! Kill them now!
Take the first .step In moth control by in
arrivals . are ' the last word in moth proof
See the, new ."chest on wheels," a low chest
'made. to fit into small space.' ' '
Double r Door Closet
. Imperial Closet jivith. wood . frame..
Odora . Glide Closet... .
-Odora Drop Door Closet... ...
Odora Drop Doot jumbo) : .
1 .... 4
Odora Chest, 3$d4xl2'..,.
" , ' f ' - .
Low Chest on Wheels..: . ..LS.$29
Imperial Chesty Iargevfor storage..: :ll.$i.59