... The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon; Wednesday Morning, March 2, 1SSS PAGE NINE TTtV .4 irlacje to save; Jr ! -1 tlie Here's "TTT ' m il - -Statesman' T Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per! line l&e Tare Insertions per Ituo 20c Six Insertions per Un 30c On month per line $100 Minimum charge j j -25c Copy for this pS: accepted ont :3t the eveulng before puWIartioe for classification Copy - rtcftvK after trrta time will be i naa tmdet the heading. Too Lato to CUs mil,.' - - r - The Statesman assumes no flnan rial renpensiUUtty for errora which may appear in advertisements pub lished In its columns, and In rsw where ttits paper is St fault writ re print that part of an advertisement in which the typographical, mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to relert quest lowrble advert isinx It furlhej reserves the rfcht tc place all advertising under tr proper c la unification. Wanted -Miscellaneous WANTED, MARKET pouUry;ejiy quantity, ear time. TeL 133F2, Lee's Hatchery. I '... , , y WANT WA LXTTT m-nA nitmrf also in shell. State Cafeteria.- s"sassai "eeesassesiasjpwseaassss I WANT TO buv a few milk cows. Jersey. Guernsey or -mixed. IS. A..wrrEN i5 S. High, Ph. 3353 For RrnI Rooms NICELY FURN. heated fmi. In mod. home, For gentlemen. 1424 Court. i ' . "BLIND" ADS which gi re only a box nnmber ear of 'Statesman must) be ""answered by letter. We cannot give any information, as to do so would destroy their purpose. KFW A T HOirSl substantial and! PACTFIC HIGHWAT-15 (Wei attractive. Cement basement, furnace. J smaB poultry bouse, other bids. Ideai fireplace. Hardwood in living room. I service station, camp site or aereaga Beet type plumbing. Price $Zeo.0 t sub-uiviston lor .flutes: a uoo.ee aown. i i i casn. . DARNIELLE BROS REALTORS I 15 A, improved. Possession , (500 88 N. Capitol a j , Phone 3511 1 down, j m ' ii SPECIAL. I '19 ACHES New bunding, , $300 i NICE MODERN room home In down. cthiXSalem to trade for Portland OREGON LAND CO. WoWburn, Ore. 25 ACRES alt in cult, good black 7 A. ALL. IN cultivation. H ml soiij suitable, for garden truck r beans, frontaito on hlirhway. Price, reduced to All can beVr-aatk ! Price $150 in- 420O.eO. A real buy. SI-EEPINQ RMS. 19 N. Cot..3072. SLEEPING ROOM. 2183 State. eluding 4 cows. 1 horse, and about i0 octh or lumoer. - ; - HlOtt N. Commercial Streetl LADIES, PH. 6678. 696 X. Cottage. RM. & BATH for man. 161 S. Hth. PLEA S ANT RM. in mod., private heme. Furnace heat. Ph. 7192. K1KUWOOD HEIGHTS. 7 beautH view i lots, water, arte; elec. I Lots 5UXI40, good ro. price Sla to 2U0j Good terms. i s CARLETOS E.NLANE Coo Sf Phnn SG"il Konm anil Board Bl'RM CLOSE In. 404 S. High. EXCELLENT RM, bd. 745 S. Com. J" A I RG ROUNDS,' 2" ROOM cettage an ; attic move it away yourseii price 850. , i v j. uinagren or vHiiora Maroia 73 SS. High COMFORTARIE ROOM and board. close in. Phone 397. LGE. BEDROOM. 234 N. Church. Livestock! ' TOP PRICES paid Tor old horses aad cows for Cos feed.! TeL SlIS. FREE WE pick op 4ead aad worth less horses, cows, sheep. TeL 486. col- -sect. : 1--,r, ';:"-,-,;- ;" FREE WE pick up dead and worth less horses, cows. TeL 77. collect. DEAD AND worthless horses, cows. Sicked up free. Ph. Collect ;S41l. Salem. HANSON LEG. Ui S. certified chicks, sexed pullets. '33 catalogue. Twin Oak Poultry Farm. St. , Paul. Ore. . TEAM TOUNO black ! mares and harness, cows, 6 wigs, brood sow, 60 Barred Rock pullets. D. K. MeGinty, R. 2, Box 97, 1 mi. north of Keixer schooL Call after i:30 p. ra. Auctions! ' . Artrriok SALES AUCTION THURSDAY night. 7:3. also Saturday afternoon. 1 :30. V N Woodry's Auction! Market. 1610 N. Summer. Radios, dav. chair, beds. springs, mattresses, dressers, ex. ta bles chairs, linoleum 1 rugs, wool rugs, rockers, occasional ; chairs and other miscellaneous articles. '. 25 W. L. hens, !2 trailers, furniture, etc. oft Saturday. Free prizes each sale. - Woodry tc Woodry, Auctioneers - - Phone 5-1-1-8 l iTtONT RM, twin beds, with or without bd. 69 N. Liberty. , ALSO TABLE board, close In. 313 Belle vue.1 Phone 8i67. RM, BD., 168 N. 12th. Ph. 5425, RM, BD, for lady. 841 N. Cottage. -swsiaWssissesawaa-a BO., ROOM. 1271 Cheraeketa SL For Kent Apartments F1SHEK; APTS- fum. and unfur nished. Heated garnae. A pleasant place to live lii iMi SI- FURNISHED 3-RM. cottage, Edge- water Court, elec. refne., garage, (25 Phone 8413. 1 AND R. FURS, apt. Clean, and warm. 64 ferry. NEAT 4-ROOM furnished apartment Pleasant, quiet. Garage. 105 River St. ROBINWOOU. 1SS3 Court. Attrac tive 3 -room apt., turn. Adults. Phone 7294. a. m. 2-ROOM FCRN. apt 1440 Waller. HEATED BF.D sitting room, kitch enette, bus. woman, i4a N. Church. HOD. 3 RM. ground apt, air cond Hot water.: (Jar. Adults. Z4a5 State. Help WantcoV Male ' ABLE MAN to distribute samples.' handle coffee route. Up to $45 first week. Automobile given as bonus. Write Mill, 1601 Poplar, Oakland, CaL Help Wan teci - Female WOMEN ADDRESS and ma)! ad Tertising material for us at home.' We supply everything. Good rate of pay. Ko selling. No aexperiencis necessary., MERCHANDISE MART. BOX 523 MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN . APARTMENTS, $12. 355 Bellevue. gar., garden, 815. F, L. Hansen, KL'l gox 153. Salem. 2 ROOM; FURN. apt., private bath Newly decorated. 7a terry. LGE. 2 R. HTD. Furn. 312 Water. SM. TURN. Adults only. 2183 State. COURT FURN. apt.. 2 rms. and prl te bath. : laundry, washing machine, garage, ;bu service. 1S05 Lee M. itnatidns Wanted EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING, Mrs. AdaltL 1138 Martoiw Phone III. HOUR WORK. Mrs. Bowersox, (It N. Church. Phone 8042. ( HOUR WORK. Capable-; Ph. 3757. PLASTERIN13, PATCH work. 6102. For Sale Miscellaneous BASEMENT.;' PUMPS automatic. Ph, 1783. R. F. SchuetL Salem. R. 2. CASH OR trade for used furniture ranges, heater, radios, machinery, tools, etc. Woodry and Woodry.! auctioneers. phone fr-l-l-e. icie I, summer in Hol lywood. - , f . . "1 ' TYPEWRITERS. ADDING- ma chines, cash registers sold, rented, re painted. Roen,l 420 Court. Phone (773. F IL A. MODERNIZING LOANS IJ2T US arrange everything. No da. payment. No red tape. Pay $5 me. Ma te is nut K oi e4 ferry, r. AVON PRPD; Mrs, Culver. P. 3388. PEDIGREED PEKINGESE popples, ( rki, pure white, ex. strain, r. Jii ' B. O. P. TJeLUXE CAR radio. Ex cellent condition. Cheap. Ph. 3266. , USED LUMBER, doors, windows and brick. 207 N. FronvSL - 2 R. FURN. APT.. 532 N, High. sssssskssssssssssssesjsssswssaysss 4 R. FURN. FLAT. Lights, water, fuel. 1211 Broajway. SM. CLEAN furn. hsk, rm. Lights. wat., gas, fi wk. , N. commercial DUPLEX APT 51 N.. Winter. $30, 2 KM. APTV 45 S. Winter. 2 AND" 3 It APT.; 4 S. High. NICE 2 R. APT. for man or woman, 26 Center.! ; NEWLY ! FURNISHED, North Cprr.mercial. $25. 897 For! Rent Houses 3 MODERN FURNISHED bousea MELVIN JOHNSON 725 Court i Phone J723 FRN. MOD. 5 rm. hse., adults. (1944 SMALL FURN. mod. house, firepl very close,- water. $22. Rear 66$ N, FronL ( RM. MOD. house, newly decorated throughout, lrge lot. shrubbery, wal nuts, fruit,; $zi.o.. 540 fkortn lata &v 3 RM. HOUSE, garden spot, 1 mile west Liberty store. TeL 51F22 MODERN 5 ROOM as attic, $32.5 1138 Jefferson. For Sale Real Estate For Sale Farms DARNIELLE BROS- 1988 N. Capitol' REALTORS - I Phone 3511 Acreage BEST ACREAGE, 81(00 will bur. 100 down, bai. $15 month, within 12 ilem. No agents. wrw,e tu i. 2, Independence t ON ACCOUNT OF !5fF?KVESa I imw nNMiirhwa near Dal ian. U mi. to school and cnurcn. iquu Tri sttQnlhiites- jsooo will handle. Gravity wa- . . t. I . " ' 7 ..X -- ,. N. u, Lter system, mw a. cuii.. twi. NICE LITTLE home. 6 A., 6 R. bun- and pasture. Will trade equity for good ea low. elec.. bam,' var. irutt, 4 miiesicny prupriu or iu renti Immediate possession. -HC J. JACKSON. 341 fetate SSL acre, terma listings wanted.' RICH L RE1MANN, Vahtcd Used Cars For Sale Used Can Vey Motor 1937 Ford "85" DeLiixe Sedan, 11,000 Miles Valley - i 1 otor Co. LOT MARIO N LIBERTY - sssssssM4SarfMstMMsl USED CAR -l - .- . -tr. o - airgamms B LAB bank. $2000. $25 cash. bol. likel If interested la a real Mrgam. wu i ana see us. j ' a r jpvse or i:. u. nn-t- 8 Oregon Bide. Ph. 3414. AT 8-9-sACRE TRACTS on Crolsan I Creek I i$ A. HOWELL PRAIRIE land. 5 With some fine timber. $300.p perlrm. house, flectric lights, barn otn- HcKAYS i 192$ Durant Sedan 192 8 Chevrolet coupe il ATTRACTIVE VALUE i U A., 4 R. MOD.: HOME near Liber er outbldgs.. fenced, some fruit, ex ull.nt knll til SO 167 & High St ji A.Howell Prairie. 2 A. Royal i$j Ford Tudor Anne cherries, excellent soil, perfect l 1931 Ford Coupe drainage, $3500, $500 down. . 1 1930 Naph Sedan (0 A. in Polk Co. 5 rm. bouse, good 1934 Eord DeLuxe Sedan ty-tJefferson June, i $2100, $500 cash, I barn, fenced, good drainage,! some fruit, 1934 Chevrolet Spt Coupe 2$Jmo. CALL AT ONCE. I $475$. $758 down.- I - 1934 Chevrolet Coach !H. P. GRANT-C. L SANDERS MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR t34 Pbimouth Sedan 29 Court , i ! . -. PH. 6744. 725 Court St Phone 3723. 1935' Chevrolet Coach i! - - ! i $3 1 00. ENGLISH TYPE liome, 6 rms. 41 nook, hardwood iloors, Dase ment furnace.) fireplace, cor ner lot paving jpd., on bus line. xerms. Suburban i ALWAYS HIGH AND DRY ' 1 ACRE NICELY located short dis tance out 5 rooms and bath, house IS 36 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1936 Chevrolet Coupe . 1927 Chevrolet Town Sedan 11937 Chevrolet Coupe i3 tancoin zepnyr $2100. Duplex house, 2i three rm. apta,! nearly new. The price is reasonable at bathrms., electric stoves, well 112700. furnished. Income $40 Ber mo. I STRR Mr. Rartlett with ienn irnrtih hAn. a hika frnm - -iiTr.rQ Jt Vfit.T.KR. Kealtors niKd scnoot.-iarKe living rm. c sit state street i xiiiuhb . dining nook, bath on first floor, j toilet k lavatory upstairs, nice lawn. A . J hMELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 72$ Court Street Phone S723 it ' ! - STRICTLY MOD. 7 rm. house, 10 A. fine soil, 3 A. f ilbertsi. Ek. view. shrubs. Good terms. t ROBERT F. BUDROW, Real Estate 12 Ladd Bush Bldg. : Ph.. 6965. i Exchange Real Estate 5 WILL EXCHANGE! smsll borne In Sbi Calif, for lota or for substantial equity in Salem home.' : NELSON, Rt 7 BOX 14 Wanted Real Estate WANTED S TTAVPl n - HTO M H R a for ches houses & small acreages, $1,000 to $2. 600. Mostly east ft north of Salem with a small down payment ft smaii mommy payment. ! C. E. LANE. 333 : STATE j STREET Business Opportunities new senior high school. Phone 6977. HIGHWAY LOCATION 1 ACRE. SMALL grocery store, good 5 room house, also 3 room house, ga- f McKAY Chevrolet co 333 Center Ph. 3189 430 N. CdnVL ppen Evenings 'Til 8 p. m. ifeii n rvR tr inp Ant ihnuaA S I rare and other buildings, good business 1 SEpts., Z furn. Close in. well ' located. I location, irw inumira urn. ' " r- . . 1. ii aims uUi AAA An i1nn Take close in mod. suburban home. ! I WILLAM ETTE REAL ESTATE La? S. Uberty . . Ph. 7113. sell at $4500 with $1,000.00 down. SEE Mr. Bartlett wttn PHITJ3S tr MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708 FULLY EQUIPPED' restaurant 6..rir M rr-im I .11 ft ntl f lvnM In nOS- ! HiT r5fl 1 vrmr"KTV ranch onlnitaL Re ua at once.' -" Biiell-Sheridan road. I mL NJW of Bu- DARNIELLE BROS.. REALTORS' ell Call 3334 evenings. I - 18S worth capttot GOOD! 1930 PICKUP, $75. 34f S. 18th .Street. 1933 CHRYSLER COUPE, medhan Icalljf perfect Must sell. Ph. 9934J 1932 -cIhEV. DeLUXE S e d aji. 6 w. w., motor and body perfect Cheap for easily Cottage 6, Fairground C ourt. 1921 FORD MODEL A DeLuxe Towft Sedan, 4 -door. 1147 N. Com L j For Sale Wood " OLD IR. $5.50. Phone Holliway. MILL BLOCKS, Ig. Id. $4.50. P. Mil OLD FIR. 2nd grth. fir, Graen, 537$. and alley intersections the ex pense which will be assumed by the City of Salem. Oregon, by bringing said "portion of s a I d street to the established grade. constructing Portland Cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said, street with 4t six inch Portland cement; concrete pavement. 25 feet in width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, which $ (S.oo j were adoptee by the Common 4&,oo i uouncii on reoruary 7, 1935, now on rue in the office of the City sa'oo Recorder, and which are hereby 343.00 referred to apd made a part iim hereof. The Common Council herebv J?J-z: declares Us pnrpose and. in ten 545 00 1 " ,w uw ius ouc-ucsvriiM;u 67L00 ImproTement by and through the Street Improvement Depart ment of the City of Salem, Ore gon. - ! By Order of the Common Coun cil of the City of Salem. Oregon, this 7th day of February, 1938 A. WARREN! JONES. , City Recorder, Salem, I Oregon. F 2 2-2 3-2 4-2 S-2 6-2 7 M 1-2-3-4-5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ii ' : Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, .by an order of the ion, has been duly appointed as executor of the Last) Will and Testament and Estate! of Martin L. Whitesell, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such executor. All persons having claims a"gainst said jestata are I hereby notified to present the For Sale Farms .r.,:,.,:,:.?: "J!..:..":: X., Oregon PuUdlng. Salem. Oregon GUARANTEED DRY WOOD-coaL within six months from the date TeL 5000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and I D( this notice, FEDERAL LAND bank farms. COMPLETE RESTAURANT rWrt rirht. Tcrmx Sea Wl 8. Bart-1 DOINO NICE business. $350 invest- lett Secy. Treaa 216 Oregon Bldg. led. For cash today, $600.' CALL AT Phone 7127. 1 I I ONCE. , -. i . .,, ff A. ONION LAND. IL Al Dlttman, 529 Court. St Phone 6744. Sherwood. Ore. R. . Creek. .- " f D near Onion I Pattern Money to Loan LARGE SECOND growth. Ph. (I37F3. rWrVwArVAAAAAMMMMMMiMWM I FOR GOOD WOOD TEL (541 SPECIAL DRY WOOD. TeL 1 3354. MswsAssssissiassMMjasaMaaMaWSMa DRY . 2nd GROWTH. Ph. (70. SPECIAL, SEAS. ash. $(.25. P. 9703. Alters British Foreign Policy ' . I - . r-t- , ft fh M . - , x v': r 1 1 " - - k i .;w s I , V ' - ' ' I I ! 1 j 4j Vlseoqnt Halifax la Doslnr Street 3 0 In sharp contrast o Anthony Eden whom he succeeds as Great Britain's minister x foreign affairs, Viscount Halifax Is conserva-, tire, and favors trade agreements with Italy and Germany. He is a member of .Yorkshire's most important family, was educated at Eton and Oxford and served for a tune as viceroy ox incua-jjong leader of the pro-German bloc in England, Halifax is popularly known in political Circles as a compromisor without peer. Several months ago when f he returned to London after conferring with Cnancellor Hitler in Berlin, he announced "Now that the door has been opened, it will remain open." . - j 79tH Anniversary Of Sabinaj Lulay Observedi by Kin $ ROOM! PARTLY furnished house at 1308 Market St for $30.00. i t 5 room nous and around 1 acre pf good garden ground, 1 mile No. of Salem for $20.00. ; ! - -Modern bungalow at 298 West Mil ler, jnst completed, tile bath and kt chen. ElecJ ref rig. ft elec stove, j Just for two. $32.50. -' j. S. M. EARLE or VICK BROS. ? 20S-3NO. High f.00".?!!8- NICE, CLEAN room modern house, also 3 rooms in basement close .In. 434 Union St ! . ' ZENITH CONSOLE Vtube auto matic dlaL Sl.eo down.-S1.00 per week, full price $19.50. IL L. Stiff. Furniture CO. -, - ! - 6 R. FURN.. $25. 960 N. 18th. OLD BUILDING contains about 15. S ft. good j lumber. Montgomery Ren dering Wks.1 Phone 6411. , STRAWBERRY PLANTS from young paten. TeL 51F15.!. . ( ROOM. MOD. house 4 rm, fnrnj house P. H. BELL Phone 8121 ..$40.00 30.00 For Rent PEDIGREED WATER-G L U C K E rollers. Beautiful song aad alLcoIora' Including white, reasonably priced. Member I. R. C B. A. Velma Hartman, 7239 N. Betawara Ave, Portland. Ore. OFFICE! ROOMS. 381 State street Inquire roam 200. TeL 3713. HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rent H.1L. Stiff Furniture Co. . PLANO AND radio, $25 each. $1$ N. Commercial. Phone 68(0. " ATWATER-KENT CABINET radio. $35; Pathe i talking mch. with 22$ rec ords. $10; record cabinet U: upright player plane, 125 records. $22S and mu sic cabinet SIS : kitchen ' sink, f a ; 2 doors,. $L50 each: kitchen, cabinet, $3 : heating stove. $5. ;- , i . -Quilt tops, $1.60 each, roll of fenc ing. . i c i-Ar t Model Ford, rood con dition, f 65.1 Loss of husband reason of Mra Marion Deppen, IMS N. Fifth TWO WHEEL trailer. 3115 a 13th. PRACTICALLY NEW. i battery ra dio. air cell. $1 5.30. J. C Thompson, it 6, BOX 131, Salem. f - ADVERTISING Wf stern Advertising fRepresentatiTes ; ? ' Slknmp.HaU Co Ltd. Si Fraricisco. Los Angeles, eatUe Eastern Advertising . Representatives ; Bryant Griffith ft Branson. Ine, 'Chicago. New lork, Detroit, Boston. Atlanta : Wmtrnmrnji ml III PoatOttiC t Slt Orepoa, o Btcond CUut Afafier. Pafc KskeW er morning cept Monday. Brnin pffic v nth Commercial Street. crTt5f?RrvTION RATES: .": Mall ubscriptioB Rates to ; Advance Wtthin Oregon na suaj, Vfn. E ,.nra: S Mo. 81.50: ( Mo. $3.50 1 year $S.00. Elsewhere $0 cents per Mo -or- $100 for 1 year - In advance. Per copy cents. News tanda $ cents. c nw rarriw! (0 cents a month. S7.20 a year In advance Itt Marion CARS .TRUCKS U-Drive. Ph. 104$ STORE ROOM In Hollywood, i Pb, 450$. For Sale Jteal Estate NEW 4 R. UNFINISHED. 2 bika to 4 -cor. bus. $995. $15 down. Owner. Box 634, Statesman.., v 1 I 1 ILook! AT 430 SC. 24th ST. Forced ; sale, appraised at $6,750.00. $ rms., mod ern, 1 lots! mcniaea. spienaio invest ment-Price 3iW.u. wne-natr casn. HAWKINS ft ROBKKTS, ISli r l Phone 4109 .. . I " fi. 21st STREET - ' NICE SR. BATH, plastered ft ga rage, paved A paid. Let 60x108, price $1125. I -- -- " ' ' i :-! Phone 8623 JUST FINISHED new mod. hoi.ie I5 N. 18th. See ft atfpnce. Reason able term a W. A. dadekfowner. Phone 4Z77. ! it-.-' : ....... . ,j (sssssSfcssWwasassssafcs -ACRE- S2S DOWN. S7 net- mo. C Freetag. Real Estate. 482 NJ 18th. SALEM HTS (rooms, bath. S arrea. Gaa ft elec.. 1 mL from citv llmita Appro. 40 cherry, $0 prune, I other fruit Close to 4 rm, school, grocery ft bus service. .Owner going east l soon. tn. itris . vtuiter. ----------- inrirLnnjuu-ij .VIEW PROPERTY WELL BUILT 7 room house, base ment furnace, good plumbing, i extra large lot witn tine view or citar and mountains, i Price- $4230. Will accept small place as part j SEE Mrs. Ellis with ' CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street- .". Phone; (70S. APARTMENT HOUSE J SHOWING GOOD Income on an In vestment of $550. Will accept -clear property as part payment Can be shown at your convenience, v r r SEE Ira. ED3s with rHii.rtt MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone; (70s. i :Ay. 01?. s'.,5-.: ? 6A: It IN. OLD fir.$5.50 cd. 8033. . iRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. (9560. "Quick,' Private LoansV : When you need estra' cash nsevotn simple borrowing plan, ah ; you neea Is to be able to make small regular Mtymenta ion can arrange to repay i pttoi nor j.e imivi ,t v in amounts that will not strain yourlnj N c, N Howell schL T. M. Marx. pockathook. for Instance : I ; r ; J- $50 Repayable io.ox J"er uonm $60 Repayable $6.03 Per Month 37$ Reparable $7.03 Per Month AUTO l)ANS - PERSONAL LOANS $10 to $500 All PUna Personal Finance Co. of Salem t Formerlv Beneficial Finance Co. Second Floor New Bligh Bldg. Rm. 119 51$ Sute Street at High Phone 3191 Salem. Ore. v License 8-1 2 Z M-165 WWMWWMMMsVMMMAAeeVAAAAa FEDERAL HOUSING loans, build refinance homes, business prop. Rates Abrams ft Eiua, I no. Masonic tsiag MONEY TO loan on good real estate. Charles Hudkins. 275 State street. SUBLIMITT Uri. Sabina Lu lay was honored on her 79th birthday Sunday, at ,he hall when her relatives surprised her with a dinner. Seventy-sit places were set at noon dinner.! Those who helped, Mrs. Lulay to make the day pleasant. were: Sis- Testament Iter M. Antonina and Sister M Martin L. Marcine of St. Maryfs of the Valley. Whitesell. Deceased. IBeaverton; Rev. Clement Frank. Date -of First Publication: March i08 Mt Angel; .Rev. Jos. Scher- 2 1931 i onus, air. ana mrs. wacuu i nui, Date of Last Publication! March Mr- nd Mr- Joseph Breltensteln, Dated ' at Salem,' Oregon this first day of March, 1938. E. 0. Sarff, Executor of the Last Will and and Estate of Herberger and family, Leonard Lulay, Anna Lnlay. Velma. Lulay, Camilla Lulay. Orville Lulay, Ber nard Lulay, Donald Lulay, Stella Lulay, Ruth Lulay, William Lu lay, Margaret Lulay, Joan Lulay, Clement Lulay, Cleone Lulay. Joyce Lulay, Roy Lnlay, Adrian Lulay. Gilbert Lulay, Delmar Lu lay, Gladys Lulay, Francis Lulay, Louise Lulay and Bernard Schirf. Serving the table werejMiss El eanor mzel. Miss Rosena Hart- man, Miss. Mary Mack and Miss Ethel Riesterer. J jWood Sawing 1WOO0 SAWING. Phone $456. I Personal (LONELY T -WORTHWHILE aweet- 30, 1938, ; DWIGHT LEAR. ! - . Attorney for Executor", . . 202 Oregon. Building, f - - .- Salem, Oregon M2-9-lG:23-30 ti NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OP EXECUTRIX Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lulay, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Lnlay, Mr. and Mrs. William Lnlay, MrS and Mrs. Wal ter Lnlay, Mr. and Mrs. Ay Lulay; Lawrence Frank, Marcella Frank, Agnes Frank.- William - Frank, Leonard Frank, 5 Walter Frank. Mr. . and Mrs. Amanders Frank and family. Mr. knd Mrs. John Frank 'and family, Joe Breiten stein, William Bneitenstein, Wal heart husband, wife tor you. Los A age lea, as $75. Notice Is hereby given that x- j a i a .a 1 lw Breitehstein, Edward Breiten Wumi u, o vu.J , Ilmfln TtrAftanatAn Ml, County of Marion. asWcutrlx of SnS&t f ?2 the last will and testament and Si11" L ' JSiS t i.'rSro! t.t f 17 v rarir drari brt Lulay, Ralph LuUy, Doro- f SSl JSIFtx tirt & has 'duly lumi Lulay, Mr. and Mrs. Nick j OP TRADE STREET OIED- I IATELY NORTH OP IbLOCK : iKGood at rty Staged by Attendance Card Party Woodburn Guild Group r" WOODBURN Eighteen tables were in play at the tlard party sponsored by the St. Mary's Epis copal' guild held Friday night la the American Legion rooms In the City hall. Mrs. Ray Glatt won the prize offered for women's high score while Albert jOtterstrom won the men's prize. Consola tions were won by Mrs. W. H. Broyles and J. W. Bnsch; fifth prise, Mrs. Harold Miller. Mrs. George G. Miller, Mrs. Henry MiUer and Mrs. Keith O'Hair formed the committee for the affair which netted ' nearly $40. : PERSONAL LOANS BORROW FROM Salem's oldest ft largest Independent company your problems wiu receive personal consia eratlon before and artsr the loan la made. Interest on unpaid balance. No fee ft Qtilck Courteous Service We Solicit Your Account . General Finance Corporation 12$ 8. Commercial Phone 91 (8 1 8ft. ORIGINAL PLAT OF THE I CITY OF SALEM,' MARION f COUNTY, OREtiOX. i NOTICE IS HEREBY. .l-that the Common Counc City of Salem. O -gon, deems it necessary and expedient, and hereby! declares Its purpose and intention to improve thai portion of TRADE STREET immediately north of Block 36, original plat of the; City of Salem St- Salem. Or Lie. No. S-138 WANT $500.00 We lend eah to resoonslble people on their awn sumature and security I Furniture Leans Character Loans I Livestock Loans up to $300. Auto Loans up to $50C. All business strictly privsts no other signers no embarrassing Investigations. KASI TKMS TOMPLET1S UJA.l SERVICES if as such Executrix: all persons ha vine claims arainst the estate of said decedent are hereby noti fied to present, the ' same, duly ! verified, to me. at the office of X "altar S T nmfrln tlt uttniUCT. GIVEN, 20s Oregon Building. Salem, 1 Marion County. Oregon, i witntn BIX muntns xrom lue (uaic vi iun notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 2nd day of February. 1938. HELEN MJ PARK. Executrix of : the 'last will and testament! and estate of W. E. Park, Deceased, WALTER S. LAMKIN. rbss Word Puzzle Marlon County. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent nroD-1 Attorney for Exacutrix. erty owners, except any street j Salem, Oregon. F 2-9pl6-23 M 2. Business Directory (Jarda Un tlUs dlrwtorj rust a ! monthly j basis only. Rate ft pet tin perl month. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. I Antiques 101 First National Bank Building ! - SEE US when yon need money. Salem, Oregon S-2 IS State License M-2I0 f . Auto Loans. CONTIMCTa RKITTNANCES i MONEY TO 3wy new r used caa. AND GLASS. 14 mL N. Portland Rd. j Auto Brakes Mike Paaek, STS Soutk By ANNE ADAMS Nothing can get you Into a gay spring mood quite as fast as pretty flowered dress like this one from Pattern 4725. And if yon I Private money at eery low rates, no want flattery, too, then it's un-1 tape 1 to st months to repay Questionably the perfect style for j tioy Hj Simmons f you. Soft, simple lines, which al- j u$ a Commercial St. Salem, Or. ways come into their own at this Phone St ($ - Lie. Ke, M-152 Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW end reeamlHIawea. Harry ;W. bcott 147 & CofnT. Ph. (tis Body & Fender rim Htt ft rtCNitKH rtaatre, Aut time of year, are found In the gracef nl, flared sleeves and in the prettily draped Jabot. The - dress may be made to- look equally smart with puffed j sleeves and : a bow at the neck. Attractive Xutt- Ixans Wanted rrlnv Beat Covers, inaae ut Painting the mm 13ou t8f S Com l tl Brashes LOANS WAMTIcn mb farm and eltVl pre pe rty. Before borrowing Inquire sail FULLER BRUSHES. Phone 7182. ; uawkina a- Kotorrta, Commercial Repair replacement Herrall Ow PlMn $,ts uvinu uj liic iwuuut-iuwi( ;vu, istow. interest - s . The panelled lines of the skirt add I . darnielle BRO&, realtor WHITgROUSK products. P. (734. height to your figure and seem to take inches off your hips. il, Pattern 4725 Is available In women's sizes 34. 36. 38, 40, 42, 44. 46 and 48. SUe 36 Ukes 3 yards 39 Inch fabjrlc. Illustrated step-by-step , sewing instructions Included. ; . ' 4 ' ' " 298$ N. Capitol TeL 3511. j TEIJCPHONB 445. $t fe 3ortlHvs8, Financial 1 r-f Say WHS HAVE never paid lean. I OR, Oi- U SCOTT, km ,hi rata .n aavlnca if ana in vest men lb. tnsuma w v asaoa - s !- Mutual Federal Savings ft Loan Agfa Phone 4944 - 14$ a. UDerty os- 35 NJ Chimney Sweep Chiropractors pscJ Rea lj' High. Td Chtropractot Excavating j Send FIFTEEN T tjllKTS 15c " la. :eoiai er stamps (cam preferred for, this Aaae Adams pstlera. Write plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDHESS and 8TILK iKCatBER. .. 8priagtine aev clothes tlata. jPlaa a dsahtng tMrab bow from tthe new ANNS ADAMS PATTERS BOOK for Spring! Its imvj, simple desisns skew yea haw easily yea esa jlook chle oa soany afternooBS. festive levenines, stay-at-aeaie BierntncI Sseeial sliaimia( patterns itsr tbs matrosl : retching .designs for) kiddies, the irl Grsdaste, the Bridal Latest Ubrie tips, ttiw, - PRirr nr . nuc rtrrrfv iTEES CKST&- BOOC AND PATTERN TOGETHE TWESTY-PIVE CESTS. I Send yoar order to The Statesman, j Patters Department, i Salem, Oreg-oa. Lost and Found LOST BLACK' Persian eat. 2I S. 23rd reward. Phone 7371. , BUCCA V ATI NO or all 1Mndm Raae- tnents dug Dtrt hauled Or moved. Dtrt for sale. Ha. 1ms Band and t3ravei.ee. :$4oa Florists I t act pun r viassH in tan case. near TUCA, Kewara. vsus w,.a -i wtohwh-. ard Rush. ,-.-s I LOST PAIR lady's black kid rlovea. tn or near i Leslie ScbooL Fri day ovening, $ Maple Ave. " -' 44T Court rh," 6S04. Laundries 652 LOST PEKINGESE, female. i. Electric. 447L . t - - -' ' i LOST LONO cold chain near home. Monday, reward. Ina, Reasoner, ;66s ti. High, - - : . - - '. THIS NEW SALKM LAONDRT THE WEIDER LAUNDRY SIS A High Tel. 1121 Lime GOLD i HILL superfine time, $ t cal cium. Order eaxrv. Delivered at farm LOST BUNDLE of 10 peach trees. I in five" ton lots or more. W. B. SulU- TeL 9703. reward, i i van. iz . wmt let. iis.. iiiBjerieS FULL LINE nursery Stock. Phone 6811. H. L Pearcy Nursery Co, 245 Court fit . . PaintinpPaperhanging HERBERT B. WOOfX Tl (126. .- - M, D. JACKSON, PHOtB (447. FREE ESTIMATIONS. Mattresses TaL 1633. i i yy. x I 1 I 1 hrt SAIJE3 FLUKr-RUa land Maltreat Factory. NEW MATTRESS inade UI seder, old remade; carpel cleaning, Slav . ing i inrri rug weaving, av ista wn bur. TeL $44 L OTTO F. ZWICKKK Est 191L - ' 1 CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone Prinling FOR STATIONKHT. earda pamphlets oroxrama booke or ear kind f Dtlnt-I ing, call Tno sistunnsi rrtMtng D parunont 2 1 s ti. tomtaereiso. Teie phone 8IL " t ' t.. HORIZONTAL 45 symbol for 1 -beamaars neon . 6 fume . 46 limb - ii reddishi blue-red 12- hndrlcal r9-4rlsk 13 bitter i -' nergy . vetch I. ' 60 follows th 15 emit of; track of. weight for 2 4n?eeehles 4 long-legged . bird 3 first not In Guide's ' scale - 4-noked back of a Pig 6-rmemberf a 16-eoBlrolled jkuropeaa 1 moral principles It subdivision ; of the con 1 1 steRation : !l i' Arm .xi 13 consumes Repairing SMITH'S REPAIR -shop.' bsacksnttth wore wetdrng shop tocatrd uaai St H blk from WUlameUe river. Look for the rtoe cmiiivator sign. Stoves REPAIRS FOR rangee. btre, etreula P.. J. Heppner if 3 norneaeta Transfer CAPITAL CITT i Tansfer Cai-I2l SUte St TeL T773L Dtatrtbtitlnc. for-1 warding aad storage mtr japaclalty. Get ossetoa. ,:.- ,- :-, . i FOR IOCAL or distant transfer stor age, burner oIL call 31 $L Mrmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. Well -Prilling" R A. WEST, Rt ti Bs. 4 T. Ill Fa Wet Basements GUARANTEED BONE-DRT br! the Seal Seep Service, applied Inside, Fori Information call Gardner. $67. Rati i precions --. x stone : ' r IT sunken ' . -"fence i - " -IS Chinese r ; measure ' If enveloped r 21 pronoun, r i 12 decorate 24-carth . . t goddess'- ; 25 sea animals 27 -sooner than 23 Greek letter 29 genus of-; ; i ducks J A:, 30 repulske -: S3 rib lightly for cleaning 34 lava, j 35 elongated ' fish ; 37 receptacle '. - forfiowera 38 by a 39 accented - : syllable of V a foot 2 41 kin of Bashaa 42 venerated s4 game rips VERTICAL 'X ridicul : .2 beast of - t " burden - race. - look at fixedly 7 measure out 8 -therwis 9 New - ' Zealand' parrot - Herewith is the solution to yester day's puzzle. , . ' N Die lf'Hlil 8LHTm sIm6rson U18. ky I br rule 19 kuidef ,8 grapnel or M drag - 20 stupid -23 species of - : Iris ..'.:.: , 26 gtorms 28 negative 29 three-toed ? ' sloth 31 brother of . .. Odin : 32 eymbol for , s - tantalum 33 bets $6 fabrics ' 87 unit of :s f electromo , t tive fore $8 cease! . ; . 39 nest of a i bird of prey 40- clan 43 wide- V . '- mouthed ' . . '1 :" pitcher 44- respit " ' 47 hiatus 1 1 49 through $1 symbol for cobalt '- 63 note of the ' seal . j -?. ad adjacent wuou