: PAGE FOUR The UREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, March 2, 1338 (Steaonjpatemau "No Favor Sway Us; No Fear Shall A ice"1 Frora First Statesman. March 28. 1851 r Charles A. Spr ague - f" THE! STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. Charles A. Spragne. Pre . - Sheldon f. Sackett, Secy. i Member of the Associated Press .-Tha Associated t'rrsa Is excruatvely entitled to the nam for pubM-a-tion of all new dispatcher credited to It or not otbarwlae credited lp .this paper. -. , .' . . i . On "Required RcadingT List j , - -. It is reported oot of Washington that Thurman; Arnold's new book The Folklore of Capitalism' is -required reading" for the Cohen-Corcoran brigade the theory Arnold advances about political arguments in a camrjaien: thevare "actually addressed onrv to the side-fori which they are made .. ; Thus aeries of eneersiin which ast side strives to "build up morale." The book ought to be made required reading for the anli-ftew dealers. It will be something like putting their noses to an emery wheel; but after all an abrasive is good for the soul, and sometimes for the mind, -v.:- v , -r: -j - Arnold is a modern Voltaire in his skfll at ! peeling the cuticle off of conventional ideas. even when it hurts. His thesis is itself with a cultus of law and tors, and even professors are the thinking man whom he regards as only amyth. Men of scholarly learning are. often obstructionists: i . C; ' A most significant effect of our scholarship and learning . - about government today is to remove from actual participation In gorerning most of the kindly and tolerant people who might oth erwise be a more Important factor. According, important Boclal changes often owe their Impetus to quacks. In a contest between experts in governmental organiiatlon and political machines, the latter usually win. t Again he writes: "Liberals and intellectuals usually (ail as political organ izers because they desire their slogans to be accurate and logical - rather than political! When they try tc become politicians, a feel ing that they are betraying the great truth of intellectual integ rity makes them confused and inef fectire. They are the very worst kind of combat troops -because they are constantly siding with the enemy, - j 1 . Arnold does an excellent job corporate reorganizations : and truth in what he1: calls, taxation which the wolves of finance fleece the lambs. He attacks the theory by which corporations are in tne protection pi tne iutn and the constitution, knd Justice Black followed his line of argu-1 merit in a. recent minority orjiniorL. If this should be adotJted I mrnnnifinni! TPhri of tor- all oro would have scant protection property. 1 To be sure every system creates its myths and legends! and its creed. Communism f or creed of any political faith. Naziism glorifies "blood and soil'! j i j- t iTi t i m -a i 1 1 tV ahetn! riawoAo ; I nnir - nm nvnhAhlt knn lftnn a with 1 nnrt i St am'- m t more oi liDerty man any oi tne tnnoa Put Airml4 .4naa o- rrrJA .v, iv ' and his analvslo n f ha olemonfo " IU.C UiCXi y : r. iiauuia la uatc- b cjiuiuu way uie aiiu i demagogues win While the "moral and "intelligent" forces often fail. It is something like DODular elections. 1 . . I Fresh Purge Stalin orders the harvest of of them the former premier, Alexis I. Rykoff, another Niko-1 Iai Kukhann. leading theorist With 1Q Athora nf MowtiAta Thooo msn a friol foxr Jn. I cludir some eminent doctors w-v W Vv kj v VkJJX. UVVV jKrKy and two other heads of .... : . and the danger the state faces it -.t uuuuuui IX UJCIC M SX1JF UbUC: oiooa-ierung.wouia De toieratea. a hips, r ; theatric effect to warn the public of the crime of Trotskyism But Russians seem indifferent to cruelty. Long have they ivan IV. gumamed ruthless methods, A DOT ! 13 went torn to pieces by hounds. 1 A.V. - m . 1 ll I ana kiic mELTLiDOiixa.Ti oi tne rnurcn m nwitnr inn in ft tit xjt i punishment on the city, of Great Novgorod, destroying the comes ana Duiiarags. putting fury. Withal Ivan was a deeply lcal lettter of the Monastery of th rhiirrh fnr tho viime n-f r2a -TV '7- ' I Even Peter the Great, wha cackward Itussia, was a man. cruelty and treachery; He ' applied the knout to his own son, I who swooned and died. The whole history of the rulers of Rus- a was one of oppression, with infrequent intervals of benign Kuvctiuueui. 0uuui s v11" juitw oiu paLLeius, wincn mayiiooa enofugn to save the ltvea of be native to Russia, or may be its legacy from the - orient l the others, -they returned f ound Whence many of its oeoDle came. 1 More Timing ? ; The spy scare story was go device: and one was needed more war fever and .help along the navy bill. -Of course the government wouldn't indulge in such ''timing'; but wny did it delay for several days the report of the slapping of an Am-j at a ranch near Mission San rer erican diplomat by a Japanese sentry, synchronizing the news f oando. Haniy ' himself wrote in rplease with the rnptsao-e repommendino naw exnanaion? i Three nersons are arrested, Vjj n, - icu-ucoucu. iuc uicit ic saiu vu uc muius, iuc u-umu wuuj made the arrests said they came just in time to prevent the I sell-out Of secrets about the Panama canal zone, Atlantic sea board defense, and navy shipyards. That sounds like a big or der for two dub privates and Pictures of two under! arrest The spy business is always menti N ot long ago there was crets bv a discharfired seaman Government oneratives from a0;r,ll- f vwwivuuj ifj . -i ran iv; M. veuiaiice. mere is naming tu cent piCK-up. ' , l Federal Aid fres. Kooseveit proposes to fKo onm rrf XJISS Oort ftOO f n years. Money would be used tt aining, etc But at the; meeting of educators in Atlantic City lAf vvTAalr raontf xxraTa lnitlma fr firlmca fQiitiAn ViafAra aniAmLi irttr ih nrocTam. What is feared is federal control of ednca - tion. The educators are glad to they do not want too much interference from government- Government, cowever, likes to run things. Above all it likes to run the schools and pour its brand of history, econom- J nnkms were always held on Feb ics and in some countries, religion, into youth. There is al-1 ruary-4. the date of deliverance. w ays the the argument Bryan used Tenn bills has the right to say what course, oi insuring uie wuuuuautc ui icacmug vnai, me wuriu is naw Greta Gar bo and Leopold Stokowskl are reported as the is!e of Capri. Now that's a romance for you and Capri surely Is a spot to encourage it. Greta,; the her own name of Louise uustauon. .les as plain Miss Gustafson? of new dealervDerhaps on Udau schoiirs and board 'round political debate is in reaUty a which ast side strives to "build up its own His writing style is engaging 1 that capitalism has protected I theory, of which lawyers, edi-l priests He scoffs at the : of exposing, the' "ritual' of there is a large amount of by private organization, in regarded as "persons" with iourteentn amenaments xo inef irrnimg nf inixntliiaU I against confiscation of their I examole has the most binding! . ! current politico-economic aoc- iaV w oKrtr?tTP wAm wtiiA nf ! t. j.farrotmt nf th tw. nf th miii J rhof lia .olla "rnlit?ral Hv-I u .rT . . u u1 i i: , ,. . jf . 1 'The Prince" done in terms of in Russia a fresh crop of suspects, one and editor of boishensm.' alone- who are accused of poisoning aiVO 4Uk4AJ. v w . acA wuaji a t government departments who I from the "wreckers." It isi i. i. : , , UltUlUJ WlWie 3UCU UXldlC Wi I even in the fascist dictator- J the terrible,- maintained his power by ne nad the cnief Of ms rovem-l He sent relatives and princes V J it .jlwltAla itaiw-lf Anait aVatMMrvaa people to death in six weexs of I religious man, and in a synod-1 St Cyril asks the prayers of hia niirroo file 1if timtiharc I , v 1 . 1 brought many reforms to I of cyclonic rages, and given to 1 due. It is always a sure-fire jin at the moment to whet up - o T " I and. as usual one is a female.1 u ia; rpL. r t, " a drab hairdresser to handle. are unexciting. brisk in seasons oi unsettle- a flurry about sale of naval se- out of southern California. time to time Dick ud susnects Vr, cnr. , avu ;VJUUW ou- x 3 : 1 . xi get awtrmea awui over we re - I - . V I for Schools enlarge federal aid for schools Ko TTMndd nw- f he TMrf si y for new buildings, for teacher take the money, if it comes, but in the Scopes trial at Dayton, is taught That is one way, of visitors to news story says, is traveling under now iar wouia sne. get in tne mov j ,Bits for j 1 1 Breakfast, 4 1 Bt R !l HENDRICKS mienbeckerj Is still S-2-J8 at -work with the forces ! -which are marking tha old " ' Oregon trail In Kansas state: ..! s s s j. . - ;( Concluding from yesterday:) -Quoting still from the first chap teof the Manly book;. !. f'The school was taught in win ter by a man named Bo wen, who managed 40 scholars and consid ered ll a nonth, boarding him self, pretty If air pay. In summer some smart girl would teach the anion the families. -. ' V - : i S ' V PUJZv:,VZr ?5 - off t 4a U,wtft, fti mf list of all :hla property, land at antrther the taxes fell due. A farmer who! would value his prop erty at $2)00 or 300O would ftnd'he bad to pay about 86 or 87. pAU the money in use;- then seemed to bis silver, and not verr much ot that The whole! plan seenea to ne to nave every ram- ily! and farm self supporting . as fail as possible. I have heard of a note being ; given payable I in a goM cow to be delivered i at . a certain time, say October; 1, and on j that dajflt would' pass from hoase to house in payment of. a debt, and ait night only the . last man in te list would have & cow more than his neighbor. , j tYet those were the days of real independence, after all. Every man worked hard from early youth to a good old age. There were no millionaires, no tramps. and! the pborhouse bad i only a few, inmates . . . The; winter ashes, made from burning so much fuel and gathered from the brush-heaps! and log-heaps, were ; carefully sajred and traded 'with potash men; or sold for a small price. Nearly every one went bare foot! in summer and in winter wore heart leather moccasins made by the Canadian French who lired near by." So end,; the eXCefptS IXOm that Chapter, eettihg the western fever in 1828. Ther went to Ohio, then to Michi- gan. in 1845 he got the "Oregon fevet but did not succeed In "tt UttLJrard tne ne ultimate west t&ftt year 3 "I !; in 1849. i however, he made at a rt YtaAdA fnr r'aTI fvra im am dlscofery. At St. Joseph, Mo., he tP.r aTTc inni . 1 saw an 18 year old Negro boy auctioned off. The. highest bidder was dne of jthe Rubidouz family. famous frontiersmen, hunters. traders and I trappers, fonnder of Int. . r . . , . si. juoeyn. ids successnu ma was 1 1800.1- . V Reached Fort Kearney! July 3. Soon encountered many buffalo i herds Saw. a band of Sioux In- dlans at Scottsblnff. Passed Inde-i pendeace Rock, came to Pacific priBgs, wnere tney saw tne nrst wier. urmiamg 10 me jraciHC Haockies: ! umrailj j i . , . . . . . j . " LflieJ,5m,BIt' no!e5 1 . U . . I e..f. fl- ZL.A .Jt Ult Tko- And tha nsh imtn. lzed eomnany struck southwest erly, boptng to enter the early "Utera settiemenu about on 1j:rS. IIZT"' - The Jxvhawken named n labyrinth of hen, fa which the to v7 s.uuu UCiuit;tic w ik. 4... m.V -4M.K1 e it la. ri7e borne: At a most desperate somt ot their aw- f ni experiences. Manly i and an- oler we ! omutu young man wer ui money the starving survivors had. )uilll till iam ..lr n 1tmw awav for 'hein. The two eonid have easily saved themselves, but iny wre ;unwuung to ao so, 8 jTc 1 1116 stiii as death even in ueain vauey: i . "V A shot; brought the living skele tons to life, for those who had any breath of-life left. About the 4th ot February. 1850. the saved JKflS ZzSl Ind .t lUrtu ml rn ii7; party began; rts march, Under the nl books m . 1 - - 1." iww I apw account of the Ueath Valley experience of the Jayhawkers could not have been obtained for this work." (Meaning, his book.) This Is what friend Eltenbecker is attempting. The result i will no ' doubt be complete an account as could pos- sibly be gathered now. !!. I ine iunt-sanches "Short His- W4..viuri". " ""g "1 BIOTJ OI the lOSt par- mm In Ilaath VaTl .irl 1 ' ' r , "-" 1 saving by ? the unselfish heroism 1 01 aianiy and Rogers ot the starv- 1 B - j ing remnants, has this concluding "The story of Jayhawkers. i mt or swnuam uvu Manly, I regarded as a classic among the Vi2!!.0;. -r tnFovlni vi I Vaa , ' A i . . l homes, held a reunion each ear. beginning m 1872. tisuallv . atl Galesburg, J) Illinois, where the company bad been made up Is me springs oi IB is. These re-1 ln 1S" reported that not ZSZwStotoS of Mrs. Juliette w. Brier la Lodi, California, the survivors having dwindled td three members. And I now even 'the organization has become a memory. . The' ' book just . quoted refers to several others by their names - ' Can't we at Least PartiallylBind him? . " ' " lit"" tui.. . j . i J . .1 Hrnfhors which have more or less matter on the Jayhawkers and their experiences in Death VaUey. Parts of Death Valley have of late years become popular for winter resorts, appealing to well- to-do people in California, Ore- on and froni near and far places throughout the world. March 2, 1928 H. H. Corey, member ot the public .service commission, will announce his candidacy for of fice of secretary of state imme diately following his return from Klamath Falls, A non-decision co-ed debate between Willamette and Linfield held last night. Mrs. Edith Star rett and Miss Bernice Mulbey represented Willamette. and known for his ymca work XUi UitfUn IkUUlIB. BtltAI SCKUCST fcere and in foreign lands will be a visitor here and will speak to Salem - high students. Twenty Years Asa r -. i i i March 2, 191ft An ultimatum has been hand ed to the Russian Bolshevik gov ernment by the German comman der who has given the Russians 31 days la which, to aign the peace treaty demanded by Teu tons. Basketball team of Salem high won championship of Oregon last night when it defeated Washing ton high in Portland by 29 to 17. Luther J. Chapin has bought some additional acreage adjoin ing his farm oa South Prairte. This now gives him 100 acres. Postpone Sewing dub ; KE1ZER The meeting of the Kelzer sewing club scheduled foe Thursday with. Mrs. H. W. Irvine has beea postponed due to illness of the hostess. ,. , 1 Hague Relaxes w i I , I ; f New York newspaper expose of his regime as boas of Jersey City fails to daunt the vacation pleas tires of Mayor Frank Hague, who Is pictured during a game of golf Miami Beach, Fla. . . S;vCl" ijjr V i I yk "-CS !i Ten 7cm Ago j' ! : . By d. hJtalmadg 11 11,111 !"" 1:1-1' ! , 1 I Skge o( Salem -. ; j Sjeciilates ;";, ' I 1 II I I I I TROUBLES Trouble! come to one and all, Everybody I has em; ! In some if oiks they're calm affairs. In other folks a spasm. i f ;- , l -Reckon Itwould be pretty duU - If folks bad no troubles; Life wold not seem natural Without groans and grub Dies. Wouldn't be much news to print In th daily papers; i AU would peaceful be and sweet. Life devoid of vapors. Guess H'a all right as it Is, Little good to ponder;! Troubles fmake the hills to climb. Views are grand up yonder! "Give Ine! the1 man who aings at his wprk," says a poet. All right, consider him given; to you, I have nl objection to the man who -alngs at his worki As a matter oft fact. I Ilka him a heap. But it mist be admitted that fee is not In S accord with nature.. I have heard -maay a robin sing. but I hav never heard one sing while he was looking or worms, I had a cold in my head Sat urday, j TO i banish this ! cold I swallowed a fairly sizable dose of quinine, a sovereign I remedy for colds when I was a 'kid. It was the same old story. The qui nfne went to work in its usual way, playing at Intervals upon my eardrums the sad sweet song ot other nose-wipea long ago, Thus I was not in the best of condition tp look at and listen to "The Baroness and the j Butler" film, which, I essayed to; do that evening at the Grand theatre. In this film SAnnabella, the latest French sensation, William Pow ell. Henry Stephenson and Helen Westley present for all there Is in it a Hungarian political story that will b of intense Interest to a smaU number of people, , but not to the -majority, ra a story. AnnabeUa'sI French accent I found distinctly troublesome, due to the quinine largely. Moral dont take foreign accents and quinine simultaneously. Z presume: a time comes in the lives of most men and women when they y - f'somethtng tens me I am almost at the end of the course. Life Insurance examiners accent this ms significant in the case of an lderly applicant for life insurance, more particularly when he or she gives evidence of being more than ordinarily ear nest in the i matter. The average person of Indulgence senses with fair accuracy the waning of his strength, ReiMndf ul of this Is the Incident recorded in the news dis patches within the past few days from the bedside of General Per shing. The doctors were the best that could be "procured. They were sufficient' In number ; to j provide for consultation at any moment. Tet the general told a friend in a lucid interval "I have known the truth from! jtb beginning. My heart is worn out. I hope May (his sister)! win continue to be lieve the doctors' stories. They may give herf some comfort." '4- : ' - However,: XsrecoUect that . Bin g Slattery, back on Crane creek, was in frequent communication with ' "something" on his inside that told him he was wen nigh through, washed up, finished Bing became pretty well acquaint ed with this something of his before he drifted away, into the unknown, having; been in more or less 'continuous communication with It for somewhat more than II II Figurei of speech; Faulty eye- sight Is not always so faulty nor . - i t is defective hearing always so de-1 fective. You wouldn't believe it, lot. 1 course, bnt a Salem business man locked his place of business cjne nigm it weeav ana- went dsck three times to reassure himself that he had not forgotten to lock the door.; Not, much that's Tunny in that, but there's the flicker j of a smile In the fact that on the! third trip ha entered .the nlace to get something he remembered he I had left, ! and when; he departed. latter locking the door aeearely. ate left his kera in the leek. The bey and girls come in ota the akl. trails, with fully; as arxed a tan as they bring ora the seashore in the- coed old umxaerrhne. Paners earlv in the Week report a eerieus! accident en a ski course, and people who have been patiently waiting te-aayf'X told you so" since the first fall jot snow in the mountains now are experiencing a sense of relief. Looking at the Jumper in some J Of the news weekly! pictures at the theatres, aarticulaxly that ! fjrom Brattlebero, Vt. oaa won ders- why there are; so few acd- aents. Presumably; the snow Dreaas tne raiu real Such Gil! So Frit Some of us will likely 'never bei Proficient performers on the ski,! But we sense the motion, light ' - and trL ! ! ' .1 And rather enjoy It,-you and mi Still. I am not entirely without winter snorts record. I once fell from the roof of a two-story . i . . . ... . nquse rnxo a snoworirt. hi 1QUB eaten to Death . v-:-'-:;'.-:::: v-.v':-'.--:o:-:.v: :v..-..; ' i . ..:-:..;.. ' m :::; v.- : , ' - -!, y r:y' J J - --I . Chicago police faced a new mys-, tanf In the alaying of Dr. Max; Eammett, 42, German war hero! audi physician, found beaten to death, the body discovered under a porch on the West Side. i Dr. Sammett, said to have come to the tJnlted States last September, was doing research work in dan usxrjr at imiTeratrjr ox ZUInoia. Bobbery apiiarenUy was' tb motive, as a watch, ring and 114 I lions ta Sponsor Clever Musical Production of 'Pirate GoU Here on 'April 1-20 Arranrements have been com pleted by Salem Lions club with John B. Rogers Producing com pany of "Ohio for presentation nere Apru is ana sum u new High scnooi . auauoriuxa their -latest Minstfell Kevue en tlUed "Pirate Gold.! This Is a decided novelty minttrel - revue and wul eclipse anything; seen on the local stage. The major portion pi tht show and the one from which It oe rtrea its name represents a most Irretentions medieval 'pirate ahip. gorgeous In color of Its. purpie and. green sails in bold relief a gainst a blue background, of sea. The characters are a -Pirate Cap tain (the interlocutor who en gineers the ship's activities), bis crew including Pirate, (the Sing ing Clrde),-Bold Bad Men (End Men). Roustabout!, Captives WPony Chorus). Stowiways. Dan cers, etc. All are lntrpducea into a novel Minstrel Program, differ ent entirely from lines heretofore portrayed. The remailidet ot tne show is devoted to clever and snappy revue , acts, i headed , by Dr. Crank's Tourist Agtncy' th Tourists searching for amusement, meet- Dr, Crank, head Of the agencyi who conducts them through the realms of Jail, Mu sical Comedy and I Danceiana that they may i decide! for them Belves which is the mst preferr ed type of entertainment. Variety, hpantv. humor characterize this new Minstrel-Revue tc be staged under the auspices cf a a i e m Lions Club and the accrued pro fits will be used to further the club's charitable work. Committees in chafige of the how wUl be announced later. Four Decrees of Divorce Ciianted Callaghan, Fox,. Doty and Kimple Cases Decided in Circuit Courts Three divorce decree! and one order for temporary support mon ey were granted here iyesterdayJ bv Circuit Judge L. G. LewelUBg In the case of Margaret I Cal laghan against John H. Callaghan, the wife was granted- divorce, custody of the childrei, 850 a month support money and 100 attorney's fees. The ourt de- ti ratlfv TirnrwrtT BAttle- ment with the result, attorneys 2 Radio Programs aLi-WXIXSIAT--ia70 Kb T:16 '1 7:19 ttaariM Senaonatt. t T :aS Amaricsa iWly Bob&soa. 8:00 Tha XarryiBaliart. j S:8l To4y'i INtnea. 1 - tvU Nawa. ' f:0e Tha Pastor's Call. S:li Tha Triendljr Ctrcla. ! 0:S StreaaOiB wia. I 10 OS Cum Sobiaao Backaaa, MBS 10 :SO lml onaatiam fiervioa. MBS. 1 :S Tka Vatca at xperiaac M.mm, ll:ee 4!w. I 11:1a Vacal Varialias. ! ' ' 11 J0 WiUamatta V'airanity CkapaU iiS ' Batweaa tha naakenaa. ll.-OO Tka Vahia fana. ii as . i itb Muni Maamariaa. i a:a BC SyaBphaaj. UBS. 1 1 :QO rarvnt Taaraen jwaa, amm. lilt Wast B Matir, asl I 1:30 TopaUr galnta. I ,. 1:4 Baak-a-waak. atBS. 3;00 Mart Un aa4 Orsaa, MBS. 2:1 Oragaa Blind SehanL i 1:0 Kata aa tha Ktja, MBS tri Tka Jakaara raaiiljr. i I .-OO ramtaina faaeiaa, MBS. I S:S0 Mfrtia Buraadt. M3. i J:4S apieoalUlai 4:00 Faltoa Lawia, jr- MBS. 4 US Kims'. Jaataca. MBd. I 4:30 Kkamba Bfertaa. 4:45 Raaia Camava. MBS. J & rt) Ckaral Btmnoa. j 5:15 US Xsriao Band, MBS. J S:SO Haarfa Wins. MBS. . 5:45 Tka rreskast Thiac Towa. :0 Siaatr Hon Ml4tt. ;15 Tka Vhantoia rilet, MB& 6:30 SporU BnllMTCS, MBS. S:45 Kava. .1 T:0 Tkoachta mad Melody. - T:SO Wattatiaa. f 8:00 Harmony Hall.. f :! Sows. , i e-.SO Coacert Claaakfl. MBS. , 0:00 Tka Kawapapcr ( tka Air.iMBS. 0:15 Hillbilly Sereaada. ; . n V J tA fin.rl. :45 Jack BasseU's Orck, MBS. loloo-Tho PUybay. mbs. t I i..iiAn X.l.in . Orel. MBS. ::::r:k , oich.. mbs. 11:00 Jaa Oarber'a Orck., MBS. . : i X0A0 WXDITESDAT 550 O OO Todm-r'a FrecTsmt, 9:03 Tha fiomemakera Hoar. -oi-"TiBM Oat." 1 n -firi V.ather Jfar-catl. 10:15 Story Hoar ior Adalti. 11:00 School oi taa u, 11:00 ewa. 13:15 farm Hoar. 1:16 Variety, 1:00 AACW Half Hour. lU.Tnnl'i Madia Bericw, a .is Tha II. a Kavr as s Career. 8:45 Tho Monitor Viawa the K?s. 4 ;0O Tha ejBpbo&ic ilan nooi.i 4:30 Stories for Bora and Girls. S-4S Vaaoars. ef. H- g. Benneib S:15 ftewa. A-aoFKrn Hoar. ;IM U.ni-in.I Affair! "Th iar ai Municipal Homo Bula in Oreroa." Wayaa Woodminnea. 8:15 Book of the Week. 8:30 Albany CoUece. KX WXDBXSDAT 11 B0 H j 8: SO Jut About Tice. 8:45 Family Altar Hour, T : 1 S Croascat a. 7:10 Flaaarial SerTicc. T:45 Viaoacae Enaembla, 8:1 Popnlar Walae. B:ia Dr. Brock. 9:00 Tinso for Tbon(bt. 0:15 Three Pala. 9:80 NaUoaal Farm sad Home. 10:80 News. 10:45 Home lnititnte. 11:00 Karate Trnili. 1 1 :1S Let'a Talk It Orer. 11:10 Clela D'Antrey, Orranift 11:45 U. & Dept. of AfTicnltnro. 11:00 toat aad Found Items. 18:01 Continental Vanetiaa. i 11:35 Himla to BovaewiTes. 11:80 Xewm. 11:45 Market R porta. i Diace Hi". . ... j. t 1 -iwk n, Oni.t Haar. ' i 1:30 iiatianal Parent-Teackert CeS- gren. " J 1:00 Nershborell. - 3:10 Deaa Fowler, Orcssist u - 1:15 Don Winalow. I 3:80 Financial and Grain Beports. I 3:35 Radio Robe. ' . i 1:15 Your Kadia Review. - -. f 1 -.00 America'! Sehoota. ? 8: IS BUtmora Hotel Orcheitra. . . i l:tO Freaa Radio Aewa. I 3:45 riaa.r coert. J i Gasette. March. 5:00 Rot Shield Rerue, - Guard Is Slain HP' ' : v : . 'X: . J. " I v - I ' : ;1 i: Killing- a guard and wounding a ; fellow convict, Robert Sterling, "Los, Angeles negro robber, be low, was shot by Guard A. C ; Derrington. ' after the negro ' ' went berserk wielding a! pick in the lower yard at Folsom pris on!. The slain guard was iVUlard Johnson, who attempted to stop Sterling from attacking Charles McKnight, convict, above, with a pick. Sterling was re sentenced to life seven months after he was sent to Folsoin in 1028. He went berserk and klllrd a convict named Ic Far- land. II X photo. t ir said,! that the husband remained the jowner of an approximately one-third Interest in Beltirest Memorial. park properties. ! Decree of divorce and restora tion of her former name, Charlotte C. Culver, were given Charlotte C. Fox in her suit against Earl ! W. Fox. i ; M ' Winning a divorce decree: from Wayne Eugene Kimple, Marjorie Kimple also received an order for custody of their son and $15 a month support money. - f; ! Default divorce decree! was: al lowed by Circuit Judge L. H. Mc Mahan in the case of Mary ;(Duty against Henry Doty. r SJ Judge LeweUing also awarded Verna Mehr, defendant in I di vorce action brought by David Mehl. 125 suit money and $16 a month temporary Bupport mOney. Mehl had protested the application for jthe allowances, aUegln he had provided a home but defend ant refused to Uve with him. 8:15 Speed Gibson. , 5:30 to S SUeatt KOB. 8:00 Land of tha WhaUiW 8.15 Lam sad Abnar. S:80 Ambaaaador Hotel Orchestral 8:45 Neva. I :00 Maaia Orapha. ,9:15 Sparta by BUI Mack. 0 :10 Wrertlin Boats. I 10:30 81 fmi Hotel Orca. ' it 11:00 Sews. . , .1 11:15 Tmil Canoa. Orcamiat. i 11:30 Clarar Clah Oachaataa. i- Ta IS aaanJato Weataac am4 raUce;. .1 - ' Rayorta. xaw wxnsoAT sse 1 Mit- Croaarats. -. 'f 1:U U1S Timers. - & T:45 ewa, . 1 T 8:S0 Marcvt at Castlaweod. S:l Cahim at Croearaada. 9 tar. at Today. 8:45 Gaapat Slaser.' . 9:00 Kar Trarara, Traabadaar. 5 Th 4, ' jiaJUa. . 3! 9.3- Campma Kida.' ' . " S 8.-45 Tear Radio Reriow. i 40:00 mora- ad Taday. . 9 10:15 31ra. Wifcs af Cabbaso raica.5 10:80 John 'a Other Wife. 1:5 Juat riaia Btlt I 11 :0O Graca od Udia. I! 1 1 :0a Mnaicml Jaterlnd. ' 1 11.00 Halljwaed .awa riaiaea. i 1 1 :i raie aavytamie At. . 11 :S0 How t hw Chrmms. if lli-UX, Boy Bine. ' J 12 : Pepper Yang's rssrily. i r 13:15 Ma Perkins. , i 11:80 Vie and Sado. 1S:4A Tha Uuiaims UshW 1:00 Kefroahmeat Time. , t, 1:15 Story ot Mary Msrlia. ! I 1 :39 Ko,h Hugheu, Conrmentatar. t 1:45 Dr. Kate. . f 8:00 Martha Meade. . i 1:15 Vacabonda. - l I 2:30 lady of Millions. ; 3:45 Harry Kofea Urchestra. I 3:15 Top Hattora. - j.. 3:80 Woman's Xatrnxine at the Air 4:00 Dvrathy Mcheaxia. 1 4:15 Uorbatone (ran. j 1 4 :80 Oveswniaa-News. , . . 1 4:45 Eaay Aeea. ' ; f ! 5:0O Stara sf Today. ! 1 5:SO Tammy Daraar, Oreheetra. 6:00 The World Goee By, . f 6:15 Vic Ardea Orcheitra asl Guet B:0 Thnllt, ! ,: t. I 7:00 Year Hollyvood Unrnd. i' 8 :tO Amos n'i Andy. I ,' i - a 8:15 Uncle km' a Kadi Station. It 8: SO Hawthorne. Hon te. i v ; 3f :00 Towa Hall ToaigbtV I 10;0J New, Fuahea. ; $ 10:15 Hotel Btatler Oreheatra. i 5! 10. -SO Biltmoro Hotel Oreheatra, ' HI 11:00 Ambaaaador Hotel Oreheatra. 11:30 Uptown Ballroom Orcheitra U w ! NBC - I ' .. . , - Tc 12 t'ompleta Weather Reports. ..-..... a- a a . h ! KjOIM WrDJTESDAT 940 Xs. . ' 8:30 Market Keporta. i I 8:35 KOiS Klock. i i 1 80- Sew a. .. ' -t 'St 8:13 Thu and That vitk Art KirkhamJ 9:00 Mary Margaret MacBride, radio i! ': f'.'C-.-eolunniti --.--..-I - - :. I 0:15 W win C. Hill. , 8:30 Romance of Helen Trent, a :45Oar Gal Sunday. , I 10:00 Batty aad Bob. 10:15 Betty Creckar. ! 10 :io Arnold llrimm's PaoghterJ 10;4i l:lljrwod la Person. . ! 11:00 Big Bitter. 1 11:1S Aaat Jeaay'a Seal Life Sterir 11:00 American School ot the Air. is:qo aos of the world. t 12:15 KOIS Kewa Service. ll'Jo National Education. 12:45 The Uawlyweda. i 1:00 Myrt and Marc.! ! 1:15 Pretty kHty aaliy. . l:3o Jade and Jn. ' ! 1:5 liomemaker's InMirute with Jeaa- . r ."aetto Cramer. ! . 3:00 KOM Newa Sereiro. i 2:05 Convert Miniature. ! 8:30 Sews Thm a Woman's Eyes. 3:5 tlitltap Haneo. r:0O-Tka Macie Carpet. 1 8:65 Dear Teacher. i - S:t54tar8 Halt Oreheatra. ; S:3o Newapaper of tha Air. . ' 4:15 Herbert Faote. Organiat. 4:80 Aeolian Trio. h ' 4:43 Loon F. Drewa.' OrganVat. i 5 :0O Maarlco Oreheatra. 5:30 Chartio Chan, 5:45 Bosko Carter. ! 8:00 Andre Kefatelaaets' Orcheit a? e:30 Ge- Bernie. - , - - TO Ganf Boite.. , I:0 Hobby Lobbr. :0O Scattergood Baines. 8 :15 Ua and Abner. . .il-. 8:8&-Sddio ObIot. i , 9:00 Cavalcade of America. f 1 9 :30 Karthwestom Electric Campaay. rue eiiar iaau 10:11 Year YVitneia. . i ll:00-4-Ted Fiorito Qrcbettrs, 11:30 Phil Harria Orchestra. J--- iO .yeara. j y ; - -" ,