I -7 , I Art Appreciation - - . . . . . ; r Hundreds of Statesman . readers have taken advan-: tege ef the exceptional of fer of fanou paintiag re productions as nominal cost - ; ' -x Veatbcr If Rain today and Thursday, mo change la temperature; . Max. Temp. Tuesday - 59' Min. 42, river 0 feet, rain 42 Inch, southerly Wind.; EIGHT Y-SK V ENTH YEAR Salem, .Oregon, Wednesday Morning, March 2 1938 ; " ; - - ! Price 3c; Newsstands 5c No. 291 1 tb Block t I ' I . . ' I Bi - V ; a: ,!. 3 i1 s - - - .. -H . . , - 1: -: -:.---. ....... :, i a - - .:v' ' w ,' m i in i av "laiaann w . a a - i . - wi ar t - - ii i t . t-w ' j' '..:, " - POUNDBD. 1651 . I , .HeimweliF '" ' 1 ' " - ... r '. .. .Revivec ia .Nazis ' ' :. ' S ..-.(" It r 1 . Si CIO Seeks to- Block Lumber Of AFL Mills New jTie-up Is' Approved by Longshore" Union; ' . " Reprisal Is Aim . Claim Boycott ' Enforced . Only in Bay Region, ; not in Northwest SAN FRANCISCO, March 1-J) ' -The distill council ef the -Maritime Federation tonight approved a resolution adopted by the Inter- national Longabor emen's and . Warehousemen's union (CIO) " asking that all maritime . unions r yefuse-1 to" transport, load or un ;: load "AFt lumber." .? ' 1 " : : ; ; The resolution',' passed Monday ' night by the' ILWU, asks that the federation "seriously consider the ; advisability" of refusing to handle AFL lumber in this port ' v..'; .: . -Thefresolutiott, It was said,' was in protest to a boycott assertedly - placed by the carpenters '. union (AFL) international " officers ! on CIO lumber 'from .the ' P a c i f 1 c ' northwest.' " - ' " . " ' j "' Henry Schmidt, president i of the iLiWU, and other CIO lead- . ers appealed to Mayor. Angelo J. Rossi yesterday rto Intervene I In " an effort to stop 'the : boycott of - CIO' mined lumber;' ; Schmidt' declared' the boycott - had -been ; ordered- by the ear penter' officials "only: for the 1 Bay region, whilerCIO lumber is " - freely- used in building construe-? lion in the noTthwest.' y Late, today James ".'Tickets of - the building trades council (AF - L) phoned t Mayor Rossi; who .:. had . been attempting C, to have ' both factions meet, 'hat 1 local - carpenters' nlon - leaders would - not discoss the - lumber : boycott -with- CIO off "rials.-' The mayor : was told the carpenters' officials.' -would explain"" their position -In a. -letter;'- fV"' r- ' Schmidt' asserted retail lumber C dealers had- been terrorixed In to refusal to handle the CIO lum- Meanwhile, it' was annoanced r that" CIO lumber union ' represen tatlves froia the - Pacific north J west, who. arrived he-e several days ago, were forming plans- for at vigorona protest' against the boycott or CIO lumber. . . f i , . .. . Ex-Convicts Questioned ' In-Slaying -of Kinnedr . : PORTLAND, March l-(ff)-Two ex-Oregon convicts were " arrest ' ed today) and questioned in ' con : section with the. slaving of Wil liam KichearV service station' op-' erator. ia a robbery. February 21. One was held on a larceny charge and both were , accused of carrying . weapons. ; . v . d J i t i ic o in the Neu$ v KANSAS C1TT; March l-ijfy . Mrs.; TJ. S. Epperson couldn't go T to the- Philharmonic ; ncert ao r ; the concert went to Mrs. Epper-, v- son. " . .' - "' Mrs. Epperson, one of the wo men most responsible for the or-, ganixatlon i of the Kansas City orchestra, has been-unable .to at r tend concerts for - two yearg be cause f . Ulncsa.-i.'';-2.'.'i-' :.-" : Yesterday Director Karl : Krne ger, took '140 musicians to the Epperson", home . and. played 10 symphonic' selections for Mrs, pp- neraon and! 55 guests. ; - V. MlAMlfcL Fl March. l-(jp- A .mass elopmeat of six nnder-" - v by- raai .jiartcn ewer avenue ; -j probation 4 offker. --Tney had s- planned "toiwd,i n-Alabama,--? v-v. C'5f artrns aald the mothrr.rOf,." one ef the mtenoed UMes cos coveced a 'saitcae filled with Jotliag Uddcjt In shrubbery Inf tier-yard "and reported. w," . HI tnveetigatton le4 to the r ' .- . unfuwnr w . au eix: eoapies.,. - : i Th C intenfied- 'driver f r h - earwas held and the. others were-released in care' of .then' .5-V-pirenfar '!'".r.-ir-' f ; ."'1Ajcceof the'yoanarstet rang-? iV.e4 ;frOni. 13 -.to H7. ' Martens -- withheld, thtr- nantea. '. ' - .CDQPERSTOWNt N." March -J-5pAfter, traviling all the way from paavIUe, III., t to , hfsr first pastorate here ' without automo- bile license plates, the Rev.; Ar " thur..W.: Mlelke," J5,- breathed i sigh of relief today as he placed New York plates on his ear. .- " Mr. Mielke said he was . not stopped during ; the 1 ,D 0 0 - mile - trip In his newly purchased . -.sed car, although-he had a letter, of explanation from the Danville ' police just in case. , V. Before starting - he had writ ten' the state; motor vehicle bu reau at Albany, N.Y.; asking that plates be mailed him. He arriv ed Just In time to preach his first sermon at the First Presbyterian . church Sunday and found- the plates had been 'Uen. here. Takes up new Task Of University 7 Dr.,Donald M. Erb, recently elected president of the University of Ore gon succeeding Dr. C. Valentine ! Boyer. Formal installation will ' await tb eommeneemeni period in Jane, bat Dr. Erb began his da- ties this week and Dr. Boyer tamed his attention to the tasks of dean of the school of arts and partment. -. - Drake Case Taken Under Advisement Status of Autfiorjity JpiYeii ; to Tal-ViMecUpiU Held Mooloint'Sli .The i state's lirceny ; charge V gainst 1 June . D. - Drake.' Silverton photographer, - was 'taken i under. advisement by,- Judge -Miller. B. Hayde'n V. 5 p.m. yesterdky.af ter . defense and . prosecution . co unsel .had concluded their r ex tended; and. frequently postponed presentations of witnesses and legal . arguments in 'Salem justice court, i Judge ' Harden . said ' he would attempt to .hand down, an early decision as Jtb whether .the charge should be "dismissed or Drake J be bound "oxer" to j t h e grand Jury. " " ."" ' . I -. " The I only" testimony presented yesterday ; was in" the form of an oral?! transcription by Blanche Ferguson,1 court '. reporter, .. of notes , taken recently when at torneys for both sides questioned Mrs. Eliza Hathaway, 8 7-year old mother of the late Frank Coff- man, with the larceny of whose collection of bid currency Drake is. charged.' ' . 1 Judge " Hayden indicated that with? many pieces of testimony conflicting, he was i -ore inter ested in the legal phase ? .of s the case, as to whether or not Drake ODtainea tne collection wun m tent : to . steal or in good faith took It believing he had author ity - to L do so under , an . order signed, by Coffman while the :lat- Aiuiu iu rase , uu m ... ts- V Norblad Scouting , ..Walter Norblad. .Clatsop conn' tyv representative, - visited . Salem yesterday. He is scouting the po litical ".field -.with, a c view; to be coming a candidate "for-, repabll- can nomination-: for .United.' ?taies 'senator, He, has already announ ced he '. w.puld. not ' run for, re-, elections and t several eandidatea are .' coming- forward -".to-j compete ror nis position rW-W- jTf- '-j i.. Walter's" father, - termer -; Got emor A.".W. Norblad, -is-leaving on , a" trip . to Europe o last, se v- eral, months.-'- V ' .'r $1QO000 'Federal FunaWfor The .federal .bureau .of ; public TOula wJH -spend 75 hL-irJ proVement of the North-and South Santiam. highwayg rdnrce.flgk,,,,, egineprj:wlll Include thff eai year beglnniagjiejit July if the present proposediederal aid ap propriation or 1,1ZS,U00 for Ore gon Is finally, approved in. Wash ington, D. C, .according , to a re port released from the administra tive office of the Willamette, na tional forest at Eugene yesterday, - The report pointed . out that 14Z5.090 out f the total alloca tion recommended for Oregon would be expended on roads in the Willamette national forest. The; other 1159,000 -is destined to work on the Willamette highway, which is destined to give Eugene a shortcut route to southeastern Oregon points. r ' ' - With actual allotment of ' the lands to the states still subject to presidential approval, the Oregon delegation is understood to be bat- as President . . Succeeding Boyer letters and head of the English de j ' . ' . . Dissatisfied Demo Support Is Asked Republican Group Drafts 'Statement Inviting in.-.' aUini . Agreement ! CHICAdCv March ltThe itenuoiican T program committee today mbved to obtain the sup port -of .dissatisfied democrats; i Members' of the' groan 'assign ed to the task of shaping a "state ment of policy on current affairs adopted ' a resolution Instructing the committee , to "keep in mind all the desirability of a field of common ; thought on which -. all elements in agreement with " the political- and economic, principles that- we consider .Vital to the de fense and development of Ameri ca's free institutions may unite. " Chairman Glenn - Frank ; told reporters the new move' stemmed from a' discussion- anenfc the fea sibility of making an attempt to form a coalition with dissatisfied Or . disaffected democrats. . "It is probably lneviUble, he elaborated,- "that sooner or later (Turn to Page Z, Col." I) to rt Innocent Member Organized -labor In Salem may Contribute funds to defend mem bers .against whom - criminal Charges have been brought in con nection with the "current investi gations of alleged labor-.terrorism but no individual cases have been discussed, , H. .E. .Barker, executive secretary of .the Salem Trades and Labor. council stated last night In answer, to questions put 'by a re- L f.-VlAbor vwUl1 support, any: jn em bers who ,te. Innocent,- Barker til. he is proven guilty rsv -.;ix I .Ah kwiz line 4a eor .councils or Other local -' anion . eraanixatlonk f bad;cbnsidered' coming, to the aid. of sUe-UiSllm'Ilenry,, busi nesa agent for the-Salem Building xraoje council who races a charge lai PoikT-county -ox; nttenipttnx-to compel a person to. ioln a -uaion. -r jwuE . scaieo. empnaticany that . . ... . . . . . . . j... ; w. s. voi. s 1 ping. for ordersigranUng.the ap- prjnrtttf kioasorlglaally. drafted. tVThe Santiam'.highwayprojecta. fenrfae.iag pf-17 miles of the North Santiam. road above -.Detroit and grading of. two miles of the South Santianv above Tembatone aum- jnit. The state .highway commis sion has ay one-third vote as to the allocations Involved. I The North - Santiam highway surfacing would consist, of a ma cadam treatment with a prelimin ary oil topping, Baldock said. The Eugene report said 1100,000 had been allocated to this Job, which provides for Improvement of the dubgrade constructed in It 32 and 1933. j Several large cuts will be made and old slides removed on the Seven-Mile mountain section of the South Santiam highway if the present allocation of f 175,000 re- Suppo JL X Salem yilflngsl ions of - T - -I ameLoop Maynard and Parker Set Pace ior 33-19 Win ; on Enemy Floor f - ' Early. 8-0 Lead Is HeW by llaukmen; spartans 1 ' Full Game Benlnd ?j 15. 4 MIfO-NAME LEAGUE j 0 " Final Standings f .. . Polnts . J , W LPct .For Agt. Salem 8 ! 2 .800 288 223 Corvallls .7 j t i700 258 20 Tillamook .6 j .550 25 240 Ore iron CI tv 5 I 6 .500 283 272 Eugene " i . 5 .444 334 295 McMinnville , 0 10 ,.000 19S 327 EUGENE, March 1. M Special )- K . . . Salem high , school's -Viking court warriors walloped .. the . Edgene Axemen here tonight, 33-19, to walk off with championship fhon ors In the first, year of the flay ing of the "No-Name" league circuit. ' ; j ; . ..' ' i Ji: . Taking an early lead, behind the firing of Dick Parkers and "Weery" Maynard, the Vikings were, never headed. Their i zone defense was too much for the Axemen , to . fathom, although 'Whiteyf Austin played weU for the losers and big Jim Stevenson found the range for three 'field goals and six free throws, for 12 points.- v-., -! i.-""- The Vikings had eight points before the Axemen tanked agift er, and held a 10-1 first-quarter advantage. They pulled up at the half with a 14-6 lead, and Were far in front at the third-quarter naark, 25-11.- ; ' . ly- Maynard slithered hemp . front the. floor lour times and hoisted three from charity lane to amass 11 points, Parker : getting tour iieia goais ana one conversiort zor nine counters. .7 ... T . i . , The victory gate the Vikings t : (Turn to Page 7, Col. 7) ;,- -. ' Workers Favored , InMexiciiii Ciik i MEXICO CITT, March l-C The labor section of the Mexican supreme eourt today . upheld Ian. arbitration board award, of in creased wages and benefits to oil workers and thereby presented the 1400,000,000 foreign indus try with the Question of abiding by" the decision or making good on threats to abandon operations in Mexico. L 6 ; Four justices of the seetlon unanimously rejected the appeal by. 17 American, I British and Ne therlands ' companies from the award which they contended would Increase their yearly costs by 112,000,000. The board esti mated the increased costs at $?, 200,000 annually. ; The benefits would go to lf, 000 workers in the industry. 1 Unauthorized Vet ; Brought Back forj : I iParole :Violatioii H.;D.- "Doe' Ray, who solemnly told Circuit "Judge -McMahan he was through . 'with the business of dlagnesing the ailments , of chick ens and selling "remedies therefor; if as brought" baei from Washing ton county toface the court an revocation of : his parolOrom six-mohths:iAll sentence. Roy Jar sen, bper a tivirf or the " state" live irtock " derjArtken" declared' Raf had been caught practlcing-as ; 7 Ray was v originally nrrested liear.'Wobdburn fon a 'charge ' of r praeUOTgvecermaTy ; medicine and r sargerr '.without. a,t license. Dist'Atty. Lyle 'J. Page said Ray and a companion .had. been going atbout the country t n s p e c 1 1 n g farmers' "chickens and then, purt porting to find t them " suffering from .various ailmenQi.had- pre apribed a work remedy of-hls own concoction -' whlchj eoit him'V 75 cents and-was sold, by him Tbr4 - Judge. McMahan- retekedthe parole but indkaledi he would, let Ray off with a three-months Jan term-- - ;;;'A;'"f ;--'p-?'i T. 'Br Williamson v Called by Death i ALBANY. Ore March lP) Thomas Benton Williamson,- 81, president of the Bank of Albany, died of apoplexy; while trimming shrnbbery'at his home today. - Williamson, who crossed the plains with an ox team .lnl64, attended Oregon State collegefn 1876 and farmed! for 49 years in northern Benton county.- He mov ed to 'Albany in 1919. Surviving are three children. . Champ TVT TPaT American Leads Formosa Attack Vincent Schmidt, 80, American soldier of fortune from Mine . ola, NY, la reported to have , been the leader of the aqnad - ron of Chinese planes which re ' cently bombarded Formos a,, . Japanese troop base. Erwin and Paine In Governor Race Multnomah Coroner Runs as Democrat, .Lane ; Realtor COP EUGENE, Ore., March Charles L. PaineJ realtor ana runner-up In the 1936 National Republican Committeeman ; race, announced today his candidacy for the Republican" nomination for governor.- " " : Paine- aaid he would seek no mination " through conciliation and town hall demo- cracy'V.. "Our problem Js one of human relationships, and ' It cannot be solved ' by force or by advocacy of force " he said. PORTLAND, March Three political candidacies 'were announced today, including that of Dr. Ralph H. Erwin tnr demo cratic nomination for governor. ; Dr.-Erwin, Multnbmah county coroner, said he wduld make a formal declaration of his "plat form later In the week,' bat add ed: 1 can say now, however, and without equivocation;, -that -my candidacy is -not inspired by. di re c t antipathy to r. Governor Charles" H. Martin. Bather, I be lieve - my reason for running can best be explained as a move to (Turn to Page 2j Col. 1). Haworth, Giriiiiit n.? 1 - tiJ. at 83 luaer, uu CLACKAMAS, OreJ March 1.- WVThe Rev. L. M. Haworth, 83, early-day circuit rider and pastor of Methodist churches; atWater- vllle, t Wilbur and Hartllne, ;jn eastern;: Washington: Sequim and Dungeness on the' Olympic -peninsula, ! and . at Marion and Falls City,.Ore.', died today. . He homesteaded near Newberg, Ore., In 1882,. and later, entered the . mercantile-.busineBa.; there.1.. SuTvlying.are; two, jdaughters. Mrs. .-a. m. v- uane, . roruana, ana Mrs- Mv G. Stone, Seattle. OeHoco' lttensiori -Asked l4Vi5HT(iN;,Marh .AniutO; aao-loo.uua acres; or fores tfclahd and 3 0 d' acres of agricaUural and range land to vtheQchgco : national fferest .was introduced' today br1 Congressman OTatteW. Pierce.',' J : h. mi - 'LOS ANGELES,' March v- 4 Wednesday ) -A transport- Tvlnecrninc nine persons has S been lost . te radio'- contact": for'.J snore, loan inree nourton n J flight from San Franclsc to .Los,, AngeleaV TranscontlBefttatT. Western' Air. aainoancedVarly ' TThe plane's last reported poi - "dt'n"was'nbrth of Bakersfleid '- iJ r " . v . ' ? I 'J J ? ,1 " w : v't j v b A : --" ?- U 9:10, p. in." rPSTJ, vrhere It . .was V flying' at an altltnde : of 10,000 feet after havlag! turned . hack frojna crossing the Tehach npis becanse of ice conditions.'' ; The TWA d lspaCeierat Union : air . terminal ; here In- struct ed the plane-to land at Bakersfleid if possible j Pflot I John D. Gravca avcknowleda . ment was ' the last ' word ' re I ceived. ;- i Z'- X 'V . .J . I The crew of three included I First Officer C W. Wallace I and Stewardess M. MC Wilson. The list of six passengers was Inot Immediately available, hot 1 one was known to be H. M. ; Salisbury, a first officer jof the line, who waa riding on, 4 pasa I ' ' Wi IT " : I! I WW ts Taxation Bill As Recessive Profit and Capital Levy Retention ! arid penalty . ' Tax Are : Assailed ' -i Baruch Claims Business . as Well las Officials Must' Share Blame WASHINGTON, March Seven republican legislators, de feated in an attempt 1 to kill the tax revision bill in the House ways , and means committee, con demned the iheasure tonight on grounds . it wOuld continue . "rep- resseive taxation" of business. .The minority members of the committee t issued a vitriolic 4 000-word 1 report dealing with three "outstanding, lundesirable features." j They said these were: v 1.- The j retjention Of the .vi cious and indefensible principle of the nndistiibuted profits tax.' which they said should be repeal ed-outright. '-" ' 1 - 2. The imposition of "an' un warranted, and disc rlminatory penalty tax" on closely " ild or family owned corporations. : ; 3. Failure to limit the taxation of capital gains in such a way as to encourage -capital transac tions and the investment of new funds in productive enterprise. - WASHINGTON, March 1 -IPy-Business has riot done its share in combatting the recessioin, Bernard M. Baruch, friend " and advisor of President Roosevelt, frankly. told the senate - unemployment com mittee today. j - y Appearing for the second day as a witness in the committee's inf quiry, the sllver-haire financier also reiterated! his previous con tention that tax yevisiori, is neces-K aary- o xeegferr. , i. l -rr-, ! HU advocacy of ? tax law changes was seconded Iby, Robert W." Irwin. Grand RanldB. Mich-.. furniture manufacturer! who urg- (Turn to Page 2, Col. 3) . - W:CoUai-Facing -: Grandnjrro1,e ; Originaliy charged wlh assault and battery; upon ' a 16-year-old girl, Willard Cellar,-. 31,' found a, Charge of ttlempt '-'to commit felony facing him' before" he was finished with a preliminary hear ing before Judge rMIlleir B. Hay den In Justice' court here .yester day afternoon.' The court changed the charge after hearing testi mony in the case, . bound . Collar over to thn. grind Juiy . on. the more serious eoujnt and raised his ball from 35jl tO: $10 90, which Collar failed to furnish. ' , : The girl testified thjat Collar, taking her tor a motorcycle ride Monday, night, l ad stopped and attempted to attack hev near the city incinerator site. She resisted and; In the ensuing altercation," he was bitten on! one cheek. .The girl alleged Collar finally agreed to bring her back to the city bnt Instead headed: ijeastwa'rd' at a high: rate of speed.- She said she managed to jump off the motor cycle near the state prison annex and . walked' back to townl. Her (parents then' called for police: aistancel- -'r-; " t: yf vi February Poitti Trade Salem- n'ostal .'receiota for Feb- th"Febi Pstmag- bruary 1 torgedrahead-" of rnaryr 1937, , recotdT.by according,; to reuorioi tef ttR.'Cr'arord; R Reeefpts the DCB7QTJE, ja MarchT; ltiffy- Tourrpund5Mtghter "buC-trther-rwlssL-lfyle' : thelworeei for .his llr l dentomli. a v little , tlaclf f anawhiterOf ox trrfer: slept; hafc puy on a duluaci ntr.ui juiKii was a ' far I cry from the dark,4 tils Ttrm tea cobuvtulsis sea damp crevice' In ft 'Aax den from which he had heen j rescued this afternoon by ft determined Jtand of rescuers led by j his! master. Emmet Simon,. Farley, Ia, farm er. ' The , rescuers had worked -In day and night shifts; for l days. ' For 259 long hours fSpotty, the " little Mog, had livd In s cramped underground ; tomb 25 feet below the surface with bare ly room enough to walk about.? . He ' was .trapped a week ago last Friday afternoon by k falling rock which blocked the passage way behind htm after he had chased fox into ft hole ftt the IVliiiont v Hi l past month- were s 1 5,599.2 2; com- y mendaon of itne state's . 1 oared rto : 324.860:49 inrthe cor-ttion. 1 however Is ornri -respondlnV.perlod:; yaego. .lowedA ; - 'A'.r:' i-f:fL "SpoiiffiResciieti; Ten-Dsn- HiMerifes i I Inmraz; Minis Warniii&Bmddtapt er of ; Interior Visits Scene of Disorder, Troops to Break up big Procession ; German Field Marshal's Statement Is Viewed as Notice jCzechs, . GRAZ, 'Austria, March nazis pafaded noisily by-torchlighVthrpught Graz tonight as: - anotner oostacie repvai ; 01 force rose" on; the bath of Austria.! Many wearing rman . shouting nazis welcomed a Visit from Arthtr Seysz-Inquart, " the Hitlr-apprqved minister of interior. 1 ' ' .- j : j They, demanded (a speech from him, mt all ; they " jjot ! was a proclamation, read-by other leaders, tsaying i"a repre-" sentativi of our leader who is Hitler is witi us." ' " 1 v Grai authorities offered no resistance to the demon-," strationj Soldiers and gendarmes remained fa their barracks,! j Seyz-Inquart gave the nazi salute from a window as tht j Five More Guilty Pleas Are Heard d Hardin First to TVial; Date for. i- f - - -.-' ings Sought , PORT ND. March. IriffV-Two arrests and eight pleas, -five of guilty and three of innocent. In connection! with acts, of alleged labor terrorism,, were recorded by police todsjy. ;srf j - William iThompson, CIO lumber worker, was ' e h r g e d- in two. counts .with malicious destruction of personal property in connection with alleged' window smashlnr'at the AFL Teamsters' hiring- hall and the Columbia Brewery.- - r Henry sivlft. president Of local No. 16f, AFL Team sters, was charged lntwo counts with mall clous destruction of property" in volving alleged breaking of stench, bombs In two establishments. ' . Chick Eaelman. Leon V. Wl iingford and William E. Martin. AFL teamsters who last night de nied assault and battery charges, pleaded guilty today to " assault and battery on : two motor com pany employes December 10. Eltelman land Harold Belts pleaded guilty to assault and bat- . (Turn to Page 2, Col. 2) . 1 " Fisk in line for . Collector, Qaim : . Reports emanated from Eugene yesterday to the effect . that County -Judge Fred Fisk, : demo crat; of Lane; county. has received the reeommeindation of - the ; Ore gon congressional delegation- fer appointment I to the. position ot collector-of the customs at Port land which- Iras - left vacant" re cently' bf the- death of MUton A. "MiUer;: ; Judge i Flak's term ; as Lane Judge' expires ne'xt'-Jannaryi I -Judge' Flski and; Av'MV'Dalryra ple Qt talent 1 were"- among ' the candidates f off. the office; propose ed by yarlousf groups '.throughout ;thTaHey; d : t rTheEugenes report pointed but . that President Jooseye!t hud yet tomake the formal recenrmena- tion of Judge OMsk la tbef senate: Pthe: appolstlng'body. -Ta tecom oetega- fob' rbase of & bluff on sthe Caster Baker farm, waere Simon, lives. .WheA fescners removed7 the roek whrekbro6gbt;llghtand- as-' surahe Of life,; 'Spotty' 'wagged his tail feebly, and whrmperedi? Simon, who ;had. dlfetted the rescue work from th'e startl car- ried Spotty to the smffaco where' ft bowl : of warn . mu k a u first food In 11 days waited him. Spotty lapped away while a crowd of 100 -gathered at rthe mouth of the shaft cheered wildly. Res cuers . leaned , wearily -oatheir shovels and smiled. --' 'j Then eame the real excitement. ; A few miles afay Spotty's little mistress, seven-year-old HBda Si mon, fimmefs sister, was in her classroom at St Joseph s school in Farley. She had been in tear ful suspense since her pet had been trapped, i ' ' It was to her I that Spotty was . (Turn to Pae 2, Col. 7) . ; Klein an i Go oil -'Heir i- Fatade 1-9 .1 - - : -r , : Iake 6 Move to Schuschnieir Britain and France tne neimwenr as a political ' nazi ambitions to dominate' storm trooper uniforms, the : otorcnugnt procession wouna past; . while the nazis seethed bnpe-i tently, elements throughout thai country mobiled ifi the support of ' the government's 1 i g h t t maintain Austrian independenceJ ' MaJ. Ema I'ey, former Viensft' chiefta.ln of &e fasclstic hcim-j wehr, careened into the limelight! again. with call for former helm wehr members to; join him la' fighting "for the administra tion, and for Ahstria.; . . The ,heim,w4hrjt once, the pri vate army of Prince Ernst RndW ger .von Star hemberg, .waa dia banded In 1938. ...(, . . i Another, factor, entered the pic ture when it was announced that thousands - ot .peasants -under Josef Reiter former minister - ef agriculture, were planning a big rally to demonstrate their back ing of Chancellor Kur t.Schu- schnigg, ' -v.5 ' y ..: -. ". While armedi units i maintained strict order throughout the coun try, radical nazis lxl Graz drew up five - rdemandsf with - which - to confront Syi-lnquarC Tha e mands were:"' . ; - 1." .' Permlssioil: to enlist; aenv bers freely. - -.3 - ' ' t -: f 2." The goverjiment c must en- , aider results of the nasi membeiv 3. Federal and provincial gov- j ci umcuu . uiuvt joe ' organizeer on . a basis ot the membership earn paign." ' ' .' - 3 - .... ' : :. .4.' The ' eonstStutlon of 1934,-v guaranteeing free speech, must be -carried out. '' - .5. Socialists ftnd communists V should not be entitled to organ-. ise.. - 1 . '"'- ' Grax nazis, claiming . 92 1 per cent of the provincial . govern- ' ment officials and 82 per cent of the city : officials, 'vowed they would not compromise lnC their" f drive for more p4weri - ; BERLIN,; Mach j - 1-P)--Geri " many's only active field' marshal, -Hermann-WFilhelni 3oering, today -rattled the saber Sn best Prussian V fashion- as he- warned that ' the reich'i . nir force war ready - te V mans on Ohr ordeC,- ":.-f f-1 It Premier; Milan HedxaV bi Cechclovakla;.wh4cna 0(T ; Germans;' ' and" Chancellor : ' Krt.- SchuschhJgr'-"Of r AnstriaV Lii Tnrntb;Pag 2CL lkr? tT?':C; .Jr.- . ' 1 ....;-. . ' : V.-.;.- r 'BELLING HAM& Wash1 Vaidhs-l-WHIyde.Anable-won iaowyr case In police court - this after - i, tooon.. He-was" charged with" ever" Umev parking. Maglsfrate'jehai T- T P McGlinft asked in the routine r ' way:. - v -1 . ' - x . '4 i VHave you anything' to' say i your. own-defeMe??viv . ."Mr wife.' waa bavins; 1 nW.?. L Anahle: explatoedt't '''t r F i "Wtrs von OTilrnA Wdr V' i for overthne ..parkitfgr-',.. " " v rtea, 4 s ft 1 d Ana WV rhout i throe -years , ago.-; ; '".-. i; ... i. What delayed youi that tinseTt i TMy wife-wa having'a. saby." , .'.Good, afternoon, Judge Me- ' Gllnn said. . "See yoa agala ta about three years." ' t : ALL ADC of TOD Ay E; R. a Men battle valiantly to save the life of some jsmall : dog that's valued only :as ft pet; end so despite this selfish world's strife, i there's some thing noble about human na ture yet. ;u : , ' " ' ' , . "S ' .--' rv