The . OHEGON;STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday BIornm&vtoch 1, 1933 PAGE THREE Local Nev;s' Briefi Crash Injures Five When au tomobiles -driven by Rich rd Bushman of Portland and H. I. Coiner, route f onr, collided at 14th and SUte I streets Sunday night, two persons were: treated at a hospital aid three others lightly injured. Doris Hunter. 19. -who lives at 108D Cross, received an; artery cut on tbe forehead, and PhylUs Williams, 1 7, . of 7 1 5 North Commercial, forehead abrasion. Cedrie Baldwin, 19. route four, sustained a lacerated arm. Coiner was held on a reck less driving charge by city police. The city first aid car was called on the case. Junior Board to Visit Gus Moore, hoys -director at the local YMCA. : titans to take 15 or II members of the junior board to Portland" Saturday to visit the Northeast and ' Central Ys. Tbe three .groups ' will have luncheon at Central, and the local boys ex pect to visit club; groups, inspect the. gymnasium work and look over the ; whole ( boys program as it is carried out by the two Portland organizations. W hi 1 e there, the local ,group also ex pects to arrange! tor future -ath letic ' events, including a home- end-home sports carnival.' ? Lots florist, 1276 N 1.1b. Pjn fSSi Aid Men Respond Miss Edna Akron: 1850 South Liberty, for whom city first eld car attend ants were called for aid late bat urday night, underwent an emer gency" operation - for appendicitis Sunday. Aid men were also called to 895 Bellevue "early Sunday morning to kid Mrs.' Wanda' -Hol-n land. - who had been surrenng from fainting spells and had been unable to get- a doctor. .After some difficulty, a doctor was fi nally summoned. Police Nab Four Arrests made by city police yesterday were: Keith W. Fletcher, route seven, charged with failure to stop against a red light and with op erating a motor vehicle without a driver's license; Emerson Run yan, Portland, charged with vio lation of the basic speed rule; Ttobert Hall, route one, and Peter Stevens, 246 South 17th, booked for failure to stop at stop streets. Paint-Roofing. Mathis. 474 Ferry. - ' " Grand Jury Adjourned No date for .the Marlon county grand Jury v to reconvene has been set, ' County Clerk Boyer said yester day. The Jury adjourned last ' Saturday subject to- calL It is ex pected to resume its investigation of rough . labor tactics after sev-. eral cases in other' court Jurisdic- - tions have been disposed, of. - v Heed ' Coming , Here Leonard T. Reed, secretary of the United States chamber of commerce, will be a speaker at next Monday's luncheon of the Salem chamber of commerce, which now is affili ated with the national body, it was announced yesterday by Bar- kley E. Newman, president of the local organization ; School Returns--Dr. L. B. Schoel is back in his office "hera after a month spent In Chicago and St. Paul. At Chicago he , attended the district dental society meet ing which drew 3000 dentists; and at St. .Paul he attended the. Minnesota state meeting and took " special .. work under ' Dr. C. K. Bird of that city. . . - Pabcb Roof s-Elf strom. Ph. C550. Four Projecta up-Contracts for -four- road" projects,? to -Tcost approximately 1160,000 will be "awarded at the next meeting' of the state highway .commission in Portland March-24. A numbeTof ' county . delegations will appear J . before the commission in connec tion with local'j-oad projects. ": - Club. Meets Tonight The Hoi . lywood club 'Will hold- its regular t meeting tonight at -6:45 o'clock at the Black and White confec tionery, 1964 North CapitoL Obituary ,." y -'yfU-Francis " ';V .'. Albert E. Francis 53, at a local hospiul,- February 23.'Late resi dentrbf Pratum. ; Services will be held" from the. Walker & Howell funeral home chapel .Wednesday, March 2, at 10:30 a. m- Interment ' IOOF cemetery.. : , " . . . - I Thorntoa- . Dr. Olin. D. Thornton in this " city ' February-"2'- at the age of : 6 4- years: ; Late resident of Port land. Survived -by his widow, Mrs. Lady Hill Thornton - of Portland, and a brother, L. K Thornton of Salem. Services will be held un der the direction of the Walker & Howell funeral home at the Hope well church at 2:30 p. m. Tues day, March 1. ; . ' ' . ' ' During ; February "" concluding rites were held at the Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum & Cremator ium for the following: .. George M. Munger ' Sara Hamilton : Charles . Wesley Baker " Ellen C. Starr . t ':f--. -. Joseph F. .Sanders . , 'Eveline TuthlU Forta-r rMartha Ik Svaul .;' - .Benjamin Pierce Taylor Maurice-WeUer.-V CHINESE MEDICINE CO. J K at oral remediea- - - f for disorders ot liv er, stomach, glands, skin and urinary system of men and womea. r RemedJe for eas tipatloa, aathma; v arthritia. sugar . dlabeta ana rbeumatlsna, -r ; sn mm tn bus!- ueaa. Natmropatbio physicians. 383.H J Court SC Corner u Den?, ui tSco opea Saturdays jad Tuesdays only. v y AW A w . u - 1 o P. IL to 7. Con mitation .Blood pressure and ariae OolditCkaa lC3W are ireu w -- m.D. - charge,' 1 T.T.1AM s.n. m Coming Events March 8 Cap!. Willard C Bush la lecture, Gree Hell, of Asia," Leslie - aoditorium, V March 4 Ex-Congrefiswom- aa Jeanette HankJii, peace talk at Oldhl, 8 p. m. ' March 25-26 -Fourth annual Oregon high school speech con test, Willamette university. Training Course Members of the Boy Scout training course given for scouters interested in advancement through training will meet every Monday noon at the Quelle for discussion on troop organization and cooperation. The first luncheon meeting was held yesterday. The scouters are work ing towards tbe Scout Master's key. which is awarded after five years of training and active serv ice in scout work. Gilbert' to Speak The three senior high Hi-Y chapters will meet together Wednesday night at the Y, to listen to an address pertaining to the problem of thrift and saving as it is applicable to high school students,- that will be given by Tinkham Gilbert of Ladd and Bush bank. - Ask for Date The attorney general's office yesterday sent a letter-to County Clerk Boyer ask ing that a date be set for a hear ing on objections to c o s t bills filed In the case" of Leo A, Mc Grail company on appeal from a corporation department . revoca tion order. Savings are insured to with the Salem Federal. $5,000 Chapel Speaker Roberto Gnerro de la Rosa of Mexico City will be the guest chapel speaker at Willamette university Thurs- day. He is a graduate of the University of Mexico and a son of a Mexican general and is now con nected with tbe public relations department of Mexico. - ' , May Issue Dupllcat e The state unemployment compensa tion commission has authority to issue a. duplicate check for com pensation ; benefits where the or iginal has been lost. Attorney General VanWinkle ruled Monday. An indemnity bond must be filed. Want Road Surfaced The county court . yesterday received a petition signed by Orsa Fagg and 110 others asking that , the Frnitland-Pratum road east of. Sa lem be either paved or otherwise surfaced from, Meyers corner for a distance eastward two miles. . 1.' '.' - '., ".. Damp . wash 3c. Thrift wasb 5c, full laundry servke. Eagle Laun dry, under new . management. Phone 9450. ' Hall Leaving Allan A. Hall', who came here ; from Tillamook about two years ago, expects to leave Wednesday, for Coinille, where he will continue his law practice. -':; J ' " , To Baniuet The senior , high school Future' Farmers of -Ameri ca organization has scheduled a banquet for tonight . in the cafe teria of the high school The, time is 7 i to 9 p. m. Salem Pair To Wed James Jl. Pettit and Pearl Spillman, both Salem residents, .obtained a mar riage license recently from the Vancouver, Wash., bureau. . Club Xo. 12 Tonight Wesley hall will be the scene of a meet- ng of Townsend club No. 12 to night at 7:30. William McKin-" ney, club president, invites all in terested to attend. : Home From Hosplta 1 Mrs. H. E. Lee has been returned to her home at 745 Ferry street follow ing a three months stay at Salem General hospital.- . ' ; Returns Home M r s. George Tucker, , who has been ; convales cing at f the sanitorlum . in . Hub bard,' has returned to her home on Laurel street; : January Disease Cases Are Fewer Communicable diseases -were considerably ; 1 e s sr-prevalent in Marlon county m January as com pared to a year ago, according to the monthly report, given out at the' Marion county: department of health. There were only 14 cases of flu this year, as compared to 269 a: year ago: 18- cases of pneumo nia hi "January and 3 8 in January, 1937. . There were 17 cases of chlckenpox, 5 measles,. 2 typhoid. 6 scarlet fever for January. In January 1938, eight cases of tu berculosis were reported and only two in 193 7. Venereal disease cases numbered 21: this year and only 8 in January-last year. In January there were more births and fewer deaths in the county than' a year ago. There were J 8 births and C9 deaths and in 1937 82 births and 8 deaths. There were eight deaths resulting from communicable diseases. Last January there was one maternal death but none -this last - month, no automobile accident deaths this year, as compared: to three, last year. ,;v v : . " Bfrthi Parker To Mr. "and Mrs. Paul F. Parker, 10 8 3rd street, a son. Frederick Jackson, born Febru ary 22 at the Salem general hos pital.' '.. -'. .. , . ' Elliott To Mr.' and Mrs. Ray C. Elliott, 330: South. 14th, a daughter, Kay Gervaise, - - bora February 22 at the Salem general hospital. , ,- - lainham To Mr. and' Mrs. Gor don Lanham, 770. South Commer cial, a daughter,' Florence Marie, horn JTebruary 24. " . ; - , - Flyn To Mr. and Mrs. Weil- bur S. Flynn, 2217 Hyde, a. son, Lewis Raymond, born February 19 at the Deaconess hospital. : Emery To Mr. and Mrs. Amil C. Emery, Rlckreall, a daughter, Patricia Arlene, born February 13 at the Deaconess hospital. Guilty Is F1& - - - Of Richardsdn $100 Is Fine but Will Bel1 as to jiniiquidated asseu ! Remitted if Cost Paid; ij Motion Day Looms i The two criminal cases sched- ?f, ,rLlr ltl CZZ f" 1 f - .. 1 .-j j - I cuuri IUUJ ICUlUCt4 UV1U a. . i. a m . a. dant, . Walter L. Stark, and the other by appearance of Royal Dfane Richardson, the other de fendant, in court yesterday. Rich ardson, reversing- his justice court plea, entered ; a plea of guilty to a icharge of reckless driving and the court entered an order remit- tins- had fin. ir th mata n I prbxlmating 350. were paid. Time was givea for payment. sCfrrnl TnHra T. ft Twellfna- will hold motion day In depart - o ...vo , ment two today. Trial of the case oti Ralph S. Harper against A. LC Kestenborder ! and others has ing to a notice filed yesterday by piamiiiis, wno aiSO luea U.repiy I aitu ucuiiuui ivr rtiiuuuua ( IOC .li. .1.1. 1.. J rn I ru6 l,1Ul jUttSlUMU VI V-W UU J5;4 against defendants. Circuit Court State on : relation of Gweneth Mfelke Marshdll vs. O. A.: Mielke: motion for order " finding defen dant guilty of. contempt of court for alleged failure to comply with decree of July 22, 1932, in which he was ordered to pay plaintiff 115 a month to support two chll dren, and sums of 375 and 347.10 for attorney fees and court costs: plaintiffs affidavit avers defen dant has paid only 15 Elliott C. McDougal vs. - Iron mil rirrhftrda inn af TnHrtr.. of idefendanta Will TT ind -- 1 Sheriff a r Dnrv fx. aTt.n.inn I from March 1 to March ts f tin,- for. them to show cause why they I r " ---l should not be restrained from sale of property involved under execution; motions to strike parts of complaint also filed. t. G. Croisant vs. Sophia Croi- s a p. t ; supplemental complaint stating plaintiff a year ago se cured judgment for 33831.75 and purchased the real property in volved for 32931.70 but sheriff's return on the sale showed plain tiff's bid in one place to be $3831.75 and in another, plain tiff allegedly true bid, 32931.70, a.aaaa.i, a.u5 SUtL UAiO a to: issue a date reciting the latter figure; complaint asks that sher iff be required to do so. ; ! Phil E. Green vs. Oscar Hay ter;i motions, to strike part of complaint. . . ! ! Probate Court t.,r" " t"T.T. 8emiannual account of A. J. Bar- ham,! admlnistrator,"Bhowing $675 fJM W PridKrMt;,erPryl8ar' ?iJJ.J?V?l. .egir:..'a Jackson and Bessie- M. Elofson Jefinie R. Preanall estate; ap praisal, , 3 3 3 6 2.2 8, by Rev. T. C Browji, Joseph N. Smith and Lee McCracken Ferdinand Keil guardianship; report of A. W. Kein, guardian. on sale of property to Robert and Florence Emily Terry for .32513 i Glenn Monroe Elerick estate; order appointing Ina Elerick ad minisffatrix of estate consisting of unliquidated claim of approxi - mately 3500 against Jesse L. Hardyi - . . ; ..- ; Augusta ; Walter estate; order appointing First National bank of Portland executor of 38000 es- f . i . . . tate ana naming ti. r Butter - field, Robert. Smith and C. L. Ogle appraisers: heirs-at-law are a t Bft wnii.m r rtn.ot. Wheeler. Kan., and two daueh - ; waa , WW illiuiu Aft WUOVU Ui tflra ' Anno pAhrmonn and vTIav a Stressor of Germany: will leaves AnAA .t.- -i- i .1.. wac-Liiciu vi iue cauiie to uie sun and the residue to ba iiwAA oCinollv . hitvoon rna'twA rfanah. tgrs. -"W; .: . ? " .; tJnTin xtaVMn woitar aaata. w w u mi( mu . m aa.vv.a bflUtbC . vi ii,,r.-.- der appointing Sarah M.' Williams .:iiaiii , atuuuuuauu ui fivuu yenuuu Sdurs, Frank Morrison and W."A. WKins appraisers. A. B4 Francis esUte; appraisal. ln$ appraisers. iii iveim ruweu, augene Courtney and Charles L. Ogle. John iMcKinney estate; closing order, granted Helen M. Guiss and Maude M. Mochell.X administra trices;: appralsal,;34670.83; by R. L Guiss-, U C. Bucbner. and Clark j Robert Browniee. estate'; ' clos ings order granted 4 Albert i I. Brownie, administrator. , ' ' jFrancli W. Ware guardianship; order appointing Jennie L. Trot ter guardian and naming Julia Pease, Fred S. Bynon, jr., and Laurie "Of. Walker appraisers. . j John Nelson guardianship mat ter; petition of H. F. Butterfieldi GI B. Smith, Alfred Ashland and Vern HQl . for appointment 1 of First National - bank as guardian of Nelson;, stating he -4s 80. years of age,. holda. considerable-prop- riy.jr." P" 'osl Pt or it either uj- iai or oy acquaintances se- c i KT nearui et Marcn I Florence 'Drake guardianship; " -viuis .ri t,. vyeng- er, . guaraiaa, to pay certain claims. f -. - i , Ida, Majr Spaetlg estate ; final order. . :',' ' ' . v - -1 John Martin Walter' guardian- Rteiirinlic Pahs K takes more than lust a salve" to draw them out. It takes a "covntar- Irrttaat like good old Musterole soothing, warming, penetrating and helpful in drawing out the local congestion and pain woes rubbed on the aching spots. ,v I : i Muscular lumbago, soreness and stiffness generally' yield promptly. . - i Better than the old-fashioned mus tard plaster, Musterole has been used by millions for 30 years. Recom mended by many doctors and nunes. All druggists'. In three strengths: Regular Strength, Children's (mild), and Extra Strong. ship; order naming First Nation al bank of Portland guardian suc ceeding: "-Augusta-- waiter, "de ceased. " ' ' Mary E. Ackerson estate; or der permitting Alice Cone, ad ministratrix, to defer final settle ment pending arrangements with in Bank of Woodburn,. Burt P. Herlgstad estates or der approving jfinal account of T. H. Arestad, administrator. Mary H. Davenport estate ; ap- tutn a a -AUXUMU. WOV. V, by Lawson U. Hadley, Emit' Mires and Beverly I Townes. wuium crotners eswie; cioij- Crothers, executor. ? ; Marriage Licenses . E. . Michael O. Callaghan,- 2 5, 1 engineer, 590 North Capitol I street, Salem, and Barbara Smith, 21. domestic-. Portland. : , . Tnc4li. PnnW - i Gov O. Pool: riven 2 hours to nlead ta two charres. one of I falling to stop and render aid after an accwent. niea oy airs." Kd VanSanten. DriVate DrOSeCU- I ,- ' - - - . .nnmnhitw wmi- nnH.r tntinenca of intoxicating liquor; givea into sheriffs custody in lieu of post- Clarence L. Young; 1 fine coi, ueiBtu.B . v. -' t t - ' I TtmTv Watta Ir XI flnft and I ....... " ri costs, detective muiner. , . ,41 T,in. n nV- nrollmlnarvl hearing on' larceny charge set for .nmnii at ww tnAav I resumption at 3 p. m. today. . Dlumclpal tonrt iouaru , wu. u of the basic speed rule, forfeited bail of 17.50. Cecll Adolph Olsen. failed to stopr fined 2.50. - I Theodore Hansea operating a motor vehicle while under the in- nuence ot intoxicating liquor, 1 fined 3100. a 30-day jail sentence suspended, operator's license re- Toked for one year and placed oh m 1 . lui u"c rnu J- uvison, Yioiaiiou oi ue Dasic -peea.ruie, nnea ?.ou. , TT y r I - - ...1.1... I fined 325, driver's license bus- pended for six months, committed to jail to serve out the fine Total bail collected on parking tags, 325. Annual Roll Call Set Next Sunday Special Methodist Services Mark Opening Wesley Celebrations Methodists Hvine in Salem and West Salem will observe roll call day in their churches Sunday, t A . a . . A c jm . i 1 and morning-church services. Last year on a similar occasion ihea. This year it is predicted that every, nook and corner of over 2000 Methodists crowded the the churches will be filled and, if necessary, arrangements - are being made for overflow crowds. To this end a call has been issued for every church member and person of Methodist persua tion to be present: Note Centennial The services will mark the be ginning of the celebration by the local churches of the 200th an- I niyersary of the conversion' of I John Wesley, which occurred I May 24, 1738. In recognition of I this event the message from the I United Methodist council held last month In Chicago will be read. The theme of the services at I . A . . t T 1 .... m .in., I o coca sour wui oe i ne Dynamic of Our FaitV or "Are I We the Spiritual Descendants of I John Weslev I . f 1 The Metnodlst ministers and I churches cooneratinr are Rev. James E .Milligan of the First MethnriiRt TTnisoonnl churclr at l. . . state ana cnurcn streets; itev. 1 Lynn A. Wood of the Jason Lee 1 iaemonai cnorcn at ixoriu Tfin - ter, Jefferson and Fairgrounds I . . -. . 5, . - I roaa: Kev. Dean U. foindexter. Commercial and. Myers streets; n ?!.T.;K 9"k ' F?rA 1 ineiuonai cnurcn ai uenu anu mvi , . . . ..oi 1 Tk f HH1 . II r II. IK I hnmtOn Funeral Is Today Dr. O. , D. -Thornton, 64, des cendant of Oregon pioneers of ion, aiea sunaay morning at ws saiem home or his orotner, u. u. Thornton. Funeral services rWill uo neia mis xuesauy nueiuuuu t 2:30 o'clock at Hopewell, - with burial there. Dr. Thornton was born in Yam - hill county April 20, 1873, and attended the public schools and I any prcperty acquired in Port later LaFayette seminary after j land will be paid forout ofrent- which he completed a dentistry course and practiced in Portland for 43 years. Due to ill health, he retired recently to the old family donation land claim and two months ago came to his brother's B0m6 here. He is the third broth er l. l.. Thornton has lost in less than three years. i The only other survivor is his widow, nee Lady Hill, whom he married November 24, 1897.. Have You a COLD? Xoaainc aoaa darin tba aarf Staffat mom at afeatf Bert h ukk sura rtliaf ar rear momww bade. OartaaKaaal Baha arart hal a ar a O URINE NASAL' DALT.l a a M baprar4 type Nasa Drops nada by tke famous Oariaa Cacmbts. m Bin for area IS nan.' A tew dropa ia aack aoatril kriofa iaataBt relief. ExceV Uat for ekildrea does aot kara. Atk aboat the eaiek-acUn Ouriaa Kaaal Balai TODAY. : WUlett's , Canital Drns Store 1 405 State Phoiie Slis I i aoe panay. Church Meets j Here all Day Several Hundred Laymen, Methodist Pastors to 1 Convene, 10 A. M. Several hundred Methodist min isters and laymen from the Port land! and Salem districts Qt , the finf4lv will Ko In uoilnn li.r. tw day jor 4n Oregon conference ed iFIrsi Methodist church sUrtine at iio o'clock this morning. An address by Bishop Titus Lowe of Portland on "The Great Cans," at the :15 o'clock ban- quels tonight will climax the day's gainenng. - Speakers Oa List - ' Tbe morning program will ln- f1" 1'0' Be" ' w5rlh,,p y . j y. . v. v, "iiuuicuo rv- ar- T . w . . .u.M.t. 10:41), Wesley Foundation, Dr. G. Howard. Eugene, and Dr; 4- Mwder. - CoryalUa;--111. '"i, rr. v fL ThnrnVi Portland- 11 -KA "TV, Tu.hi.lnn. nt Modttattnn " Ttr M Varla Par. , SUgene, ntchn Tr- VTTlr r..i.M . " . - . - , , . auetuuwa yrugraui; o ciuca, p'ot- Franklin Thompson Willamette university: .-ftr. a iiM Training," Dr. J, C. Harrison, Portland district superintendent; 2.-40; "Materials and Methods,"? Rev. Edward Terry, Portland Cen- tenarir Wilbnr church: 3 to 4i30. conferences led br Miss Olivia de vriesi Salem. Rev. Terry. Miss SybiS Tucker, Portland, and Dr. Jesse Bunch, Forest Grove, Besides Bishop Lowe's address. the banquet program will include musil by students from five tol 1 i j , . Ai wges uu uuiYereHie inu repwu on itte si. lonis xaeinoaisc youin comerence Dy miss syDii xucKer, Dam Er.XT. Will-11- versity, Elois Gilbert of Corvallis and Yic Goff of Eugene, Sii Foreclosure iuits Filed, City One Decree Entered, one I fJt T" 1 111! vase jjismisseu ana 11 Sales Confirmed Six hew city of Salem improve ment lien foreclosure suits were filed In circuit court yesterday for principal sums totaling I 3164838, one foreclosure decree was entered, anotner action tus missed and sales of 11 foreclosed properties were confirmed. I NamCed as defendants and prin new foV follow! cipal udgments sought in the reclosure actions were the ig: R. S. and Ruth Boatwright land others, 31? 8.96, S205.77, 361.241 Albert E. and Lillie Hurst and others, 3268.15; Lin nie M.f and John Doe Kenton 3140.54; Martha E. and F. D. McCullf, 383.83, 3H0.37; Hope S. and fj. Hugh Pruett, 3224.75J maaoe r. ana uecii I Royal and others, 3154.40, 334.62 Properties involved in the new I actions are located in J. Meyers, St. Elmft, Kays Second and North I Salem : Additions." 1 Decree Granted Decree of foreclosure was granted! the city against O. L. 'IT. 1 V. n J . - f f 1 i uiaiu uu who iui (jumii amount aggregating 3 Z17.03. on the cltyj-motion, the foreclosure I suit instituted aeainBt Mae Flem ing anaJonn -uoe Fleming was I dismissed Orderf confirming . foreclosure sales wefte entered in cases of the i r -u- . 7 , , i city, agamsi me iouowmg princi- I pal defendants: i v. uiccmcc, iui dhuci 131:11- er, r ortj j . uoyd, h. h. corey, I fr-r a -a a k . . tiaroia v.. uoneen, r. n. iiorn- achuch, Elmer Holloway, S. S. Jam, J.I c. ' Tlbblts, James Hi Maden o.,- Inc.; and Dan W. Tarpley. I ' " Portland Building 0fed, ; $350,000 The 3v"drcester building in Port land today : was ..offered., to the state at aj price of 3350,000, in eluding remodeling operations. It is six stories high and 50 years i old The 19l7: legislature author- i izea tne state Doara ot control to i purchase Ar erect a state offiee t building In Portland bat no ap- 1 propriationl was included. ' ) i under che ' board's proposal. als FEVER tmt.Uf Haadacha SO aiiaBta LlOotO, rkklat Salt. Mea. Draw Try "Eaa M Ttaa Wart4 s Beat, v.? vj H laiaiaas ,. - . USB- OtlX tSBaiKIUW ' WHKtfi OTH KKS FAIL CHARLIR vHAN Chiaese Mrrba :, REMEDIES : Healing flrtw has ; beea teated haadreda jyrara for chronlf , all meats Jaoae, throat, alnnsUla, caiar r nears, va. B ra lungs, astbna, chronic cough, stomach, gall atoaea, colitis, constipation diabetla, kidneys, bladder, heart,' blood, nerves, neuralgia, : rbenmatism, high blood preaare. ' xlaad, skin' ore. 'uale female and chil dren disorders. ' S. B. Fonsl 8 years practice ia ' China, ij Herb Sperbkifat, 122 N. Commercial St Salem, Ore. Office ikoara 9 to d p. m. Saaday and Wed. O to 10 a. m. , . . i . eaaeks Ml) Mi) uy 'Spittf Roll Call Heaviest Oregori ' National Guard " The Smith family,' long noted j ror ruling more - space than any other family in telephone direc tories . and - census i returns, . also upholds the Smith tradition by furnishing more soldiers to the Oregon national guardsmen than any other, family.- ; . Fifty-oh Smiths are Uted on the muster; rolls of the ieaerai- I Ixed guard in Oregon, a check of the rolls disclosed it guard head quarters here. Four of the Smiths are commissioner officers ; while 47 carry rifles in the ranks. The Johnsons include. 30 en . " v., ! Officer While f listed men and one the Jones 1 boast of 22 j enlisted men and two officers Qarence F. Hyde w-a-a . - . a - ' n - 111 IPC ; I ;n hnr I Knct ; iV'vJL Jf"x,M- 1 uai Commissioner Nomination inatioi ked; Deino Primary As Donaugh in Race Clarence F. Hyde, Eugene, a - terdar filed with the secretary of state .Monday for' the democratic nomination 1 for state labbr com nflssioner at the primary jelection. . Hyde :has served two ' terms in the lower house ot tbe legislature His:? statement reads inl part: ;,"Ofgbn labor laws should be impartially enforced in suih a way that the public Interest is safe guarded? along with the rights of labors ' I have always supported legislation which would j forward the Interest that farmers and workers have In commoni "Familiarly with both farm and business problems has convinced me that farmers, business men and labor can and should bit down i ii. JL . i. r . , logeijiier at ine comerence laoie and effect a peaceful settlement of theindifferences. i "If elected, state labor pommis sloner t shall always be. ready in this 'spirit and help promote con dilation and arbitration. M Donaugh Files Carl C. Donaugh. United States district attorney with ; headquar ters an Portland, filed with the secretary of state for the office of United States senator at the pri mary election. e is a Democrat. TAi.n.k ..II V . 1 n .1-. 1 J kuuouru hiu no uM7 . , . a . his present official duties and would conduct an active cam- I paign. , His platform favors v -Stabilization ' of labor condi- tions. v - Improvement of the Wagner act. ' soci Liberalization of tbe al se- curity law, Adequate Columbia river de- fense. Development "of the Willamette valley project. Improvement of the Columbia and Snake rivers. ' - Donaugh is the first candidate to file for, the office of United States senator at this year's pri mary election. First Aid Leader Coming Marc 14 : Ralph E. Carlson, first aid and life . saving field . representative for thr American Red Cross.l will to " conduct the examinetship training course for the local! Red Cross chapter. The purpose of the ose of the oior ; i 1 1 e tt as I life to yeview course is to train senior savers for" appointment saving : examiners ' and life saving"; examiners for renewal of their present cards.' All life savers interested in , becoming ex-.' aminers and . all examiners who I wish to reicheck should call the ! Red Cross office, 5911, or Julian Burroughs,1 5505, chairman! of life saving i in Salem. 1- The local chapter is planning on. an extensive life saving1: cam paign throughout the county. is expected! "that this will be only opportunity this spring examiners ito be qualified. organisations interested in iinr such ! as Bov ScoUts. Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, s. send represehtatlves to the iriin- ang - course. A new , Red : Cross text book Complete In life saving methods ' wil will be used' iik tbe course, i Special . .r" ,r i t .; "''; r SNOW TRAIN i CRESCENT Sunday, March 6 ROUNDTRIP Special train leaves' S. P. station at 6:00 in the morning; and. returns from ; Cres-" 'cent Lake that eve? " ning. r - , - ' - - 1 .v f - ' i - o r'-t A k" 1 u;- -'!-'.-Bay ; tickets - early - from" Winter: Sports Stores, or Civic Clubs. Call 4408 for any idded informa tion. ( - . It the for All camp-- Girl holuld LAKE Guv's Importance Is Mickle's Topic Adds Millions to Income of Oregon, Declares in C of C Address "The kingdom of the cow is an ever widening empire, according tn tht "Aaw hlhla" frnm whloli T rx Mickle. chief of the foods arfd dair- dlYtsion at thA ilit ilonarf. meat of agriculture quoted at the I Salem chamber of com merce luncheon Monday noon. Emnhaslslnr tbe importance of the dairy industry to Marion county and to Oregob, Mr. Mickle mAnt1niil. tha thrk 9fl flOR d t i r t! brmera in thn atate. 75 processing plants handling prod ucts valued at o v er 35,000,000 annuallyv 102 butter; plants with production, valued at $30,000,000 a year, j50 cheese factories whose car, low caeese xaetories wnose Payroll j toUls 3375,000 and that ice cream manufacture . amounts to a million gallons a year. He mentioned alsot the ML An gel cooperative creamery with Its two , million pounds of butter a year and its 3600JOOO monthly production,- and the " Interstate Creameries in whichj- 6000 dairy- yes-l,nQ ia20 counties participate, Leaders Are Earned Leaders in the development ot dairy herds in the Willamette val ley mentioned by Mr. Mickle In cluded Ovid Plckard of : Marlon, Ed Carey of Yamhill county who did much to develop the St. Mawes" breed, Frank Durbin of Salem and the IHff and Hurlburt iamllies of Polk county. Describing the cow as the "fos ter mother of the human race," Mr. Mickle declared: 50 per cent could not survive if the dairy in dustry ceased to function. 34 at WU Sign up For School Jobs - : S Thirty four Willamette univer sity men and women have regis tered! with the placement office for teaching positions which they hops to o b t a I n in high schools in Oregon flr the com ing school year. The applicants are members of the 1 1938 grad uating class. ! Last year the place ment l bureau, obtained positions ,or all annilMnta arJH t,n tn I 1 I , I rtafn Via 1 AA nor .ont niu-nl . AVV . The I popular fields in which students are majoring and hope to teach are. English,! social sci ence, 1 foreign language, home economics. , science, physical edu cation, and : music. This makes rm Av Vi vA rha vra sliiotfncr Alaca desiroiis of entering jthe teach ing .iieia. j ...... Immunization Principal Health Office Activity; 5 350 Vaccinated in Week The main activities it the Ma rion county departments of health the pait week were vaccinations and diphtheria immunizations. There (were 350 vaccinations and 81 toxoids given. Dr. Vernon A. Douglas gave 60 examinations during the week and the nurses made 495 Inspections and 47. vis its - to the - schools. . Tuberculin GRAND REPRODUi A ! , . f 7 I ' S ! J ifx i . on all . : V : Your treasured old pictures restored and saved, 'Bruno artistry i will make -, those ' 'prized old 1 photos perfect again. i O -Tintypes iCdn - O Snapshots' Can Be; Enlarged , ' -6; Old .Fadel Pictures Restored; , : O ' Cracks aiid Blemishes' Remove u Olf Specials ; ' ; for a Lir4ited Time ; Only BRUNO i t -.v . : $ V- - 1 . 520 State St - Bligh teats numbered 49 and ;the total number ot people -s ea at tbe health department wai 14t0," n Twelve milk plants were vis- ' . ited. 38 dairies visited, i 12. milk samples taken and S water earn-. pies inspected. During the week two ' home hygiene classes : were held with a total attendance of JC. Fourpubli: meetings on pub lie health were held with an at tendance of 305. . s "Qarence" tolBe Offered Tonight Tarkington Play oil Oldhi Stage; Salem Woman's Club Is Sponsor Clarence, who tootles a ' saxo phone or noisily tunes ja - piano at ' Just the . opportune moment, will exercise his extraordinary talents' on the old Salem high, school stage tonight as the Salem' Civic Players present. Booth , Tarkington's whimsical' play,. j"Clarence, under Sponsorship of the Salem .Woman's club. . r. f The title role is portrayed by Guy Tucker, who has been active . in tbe ' players' productions . for . several seasons. Other experienced .' performers in .-the cast. Include . Clarabelle Burnside, Rilth . Ver- steeg, Elsie. Holman, Dorothy . Renhard and Billy Mudd, all of whom are known to devotees of the legiti f ate stage here as mem- . bers of the cast which presented. fc the Elks' show with outstanding.." success " last December; - Herbert -Riek, who performed so iconvinc- t lngly a "dying" scene In A Mur- - . der Has Been Arranged" which was presented previously, and Ernest Savage. , ; The play has been directed by Miss Beulah Graham. Jack Cher- -rington who has been stage man ager for the Elks' shows; is now pnnected with the players in the,, same capacity. . I The Harmony 'Six of the Ore gon school for the blind will pre sent musical numbers between " acts.' : I . -. 757 Dog Licenses Issued on Monday The two most popular people In the Marion county courthouse yesterday; If they may be judged by the number of callers they bad, were Lee Ohmart, deputy jjcounty clerk in charge ot dog license col lections, and H. William Thielsen, county land , agent. Ohmart with assistance of other, deputies and of tounty Clerk. U.' .G. Boyer issued 757 dog licenses. ' Beginning - todaj j they will charge a 31 penalty for late . applications for 1938 perm its. Ohmart estimated last nigBt; that a total of 3100 1933 dog licenses had been taken out. l Thielsen reported the greatest number of inquiries from j pros pective buyers of county-owned" -lands he has received in the1 last three months. He attributed tbe' sunny, warm weather as the cause . for sudden interest In his depart- , meat. Three sales were effected during the day, two of houses and lots at Donald and one of a bouse -and lot at ButtevtUe. . , .J U . D OPENING By Bruno Photo ; Copying ' y Enlarging & Coloring Be Copied " K Art STUDIO Bldg. Opposite Courthouse,