Tht OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, February 25, 1938 PAGE THREE US Navy to Veil Pacific Activities War Games to Get War Time Secrecy; Press Reporters Barred WASHINGTON, Feb. 24-&)-The bitj's forthcoming -war games in the Pacific wm mToiTe a, "highly confidential" problem nd will be carried out under war time secrecy, officials disclosed Wednesday. They said that because of the confidential nature of'this prob lem, Secretary Swanson had de cided to bar newspapermen . from the 150 fighting craft which will maneuver over & 12.000.000 square mile area from Alaska to Samoa and the Panama Canal for six weeks during March and April. - Newspapermen Barred It was disclosed that the ma neuvers would be an attempt to solve "fleet problem No. 19," but no hint of its nature was given. The secretary's decision to maintain absolute secrecy, offi cials said, was reached after con ferences with Adm. William D. T no itr uhlcf nf nnPratlnnfl ATI A Adm. Claude C. Bloch, commander-in-chief of the fleet. . During the 1936 maneuvers no newspapermen traveled with the fleet, but officials said -.this was the first time in peace that repre sentatives of the press had been flatly barred. Only interviews with Admiral Bloch before and after the maneuvers will be per mitted this year."- TURNER, OREGON MAN ENDORSES" GREATVAN-TAGE Mr. C. L. Sprungman, of Route 1, Suffered 20 Years Witn oassy stom ach, Caused Awf ul Pains AH Over His Body. Now Praises Van-Tage for Great Relief. Nickel Bounty on Rats Provided by Bremerton Mayor BREMERTON, Feb. 24 Rats, said Mayor Jesse Knabb, "are almost ea-Jng things up" in Bremerton. So the city executive, who has been unorthodox before, announ ced today he would do a pied piper stunts, but not with music, instead he declared he personal ly would pay five cents for every dead rat brought to his office by Bremerton citizens. It promised to attract as much attention as the time Knabb lumped Into Puget Sound to ful fill a campaign pled -e, or the time he challenged a critic to a public boxing bout. "I'm going to have a cleaver in my office and 1 11 chop the tail off every rat brought in," he announced. "That's because I don't want to have to pay double. The five cents a head offer is good until March 1. By then I expect we'll have rid the city of 6.000 rats." Stripped Klamath Forests Are Seen Exhaustion in 20 Years Warned by Sermon in Talk to Farmers KLAMATH FALLS, Feb. JM- (y-Private timber m y be .ex hausted In this region In 20 years if cutting continues at the pres ent rate, Harry Semon, chairman of an agricultural economic con ference, told 100 Klamath farm ers Wednesday. Assembling to study the eco nomic future of the area, the farmers heard a forecast by Se mon that an increasing tax bur den on farm property was In prospect because of the likell hood of a decline in the asserted valuation of timberlands. Semon urged the farmers to study the possibilities for develop ing marshland, hill and eutover timberlands to provide additional valuations when timberlands lose their value. - V The conference's land use com mittee criticised the present pol icy of restricting grating permits on public lands and contended it would lead to a sharp reduction In aheep population. Young Asks Post As Representative Bernard A. Young, Koseburg, yesterday filed in the state de partment here for the republican nomination for state representa tive from the 15th district. Doug las county, at the republican pri mary election. Young is now serving his first term in the lower house of the legislature. Other filings today: J. T. Mahonev. V'letx. democrat. for state representative from the ninth district. Lincoln county. Rnvd R. Overhulse. Madras. democrat, for district attorney of Jefferson county .. Harold Pritchett Due; to Quit US ! Visa Expires February 28; GO Leader Is Denied Another Renewal WASHINGTON, Feb. 24-JP)-The temporary visa on which Har old Pritchett, president of the CIO International Lumber Work ers of America, is in America will not be renewed, officials said Wednesday night. ! The American consul at Van couver, B. C, has denied his re quest for a new visa.! Officials said the consul found Pritchett was not admissible un der the laws governing entrance of foreigners. They said the con sul decided Pritchett was ineli gible under the laws permitting residence in the United States. Pritchett, it was learned, has evidenced his intention of com ing to Washington to Plead his case. He muit be out of the country, however, by February 28, on which data his visa ex pires. Fire Alarm Once Closed Saloons THE DALLES, Feb. 24 Employes of the state liquor store showed signs of agitation when Fire Warden L. L. Mohr exhibit ed an ordinance requiring saloons, taverns, grog shops and the like to close their doors on sounding of the fire bell and remain shut until the fire, wherever It was, was conquered. The ordinance was passed after a fire which caused a large loss but that was years ago and, the warden said by way of calming his llstners, the law has long been repealed. Highway Changes Are Suit's Basis Por danders. Claim Damage Done Their Property by Recent Work on the theory that plaintiffs ara entitled to the benefits of an act passed by the 1937 legislature. The state highway commission contend that benefits under the act are not available to plaintiffs. J. M. Devers, attorney for the highway commission will defend the suit. Class Plans Banquet SILVERTON The "99" Bible class of the First Christian church is making plans for a banquet to be held, March 15 Gus H. Huthman and wife who own property In Portland near the Ross Island bridge nd fronting on Grand avenue and Brooklyn street, Wednesday sued the state of Oregon and state highway commission for 210,000 damages, which they alleged they sustained by reason of change of grade. The changes of grade on Grand avenue and Brooklyn street -ere made in connection with the con struction of the highway from khe Iron Fireman plant to Union ave nue near the Van Dozer mill prop erty. The action is being prosecuted with guests from Woodburn and Scotts Mills. Fred Schmidts Expected From New York in Spring SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Schmidt, .Bess .Cowden), of New YoTk City are expected to arrive at Silverton this spring for a visit with Mrs. Schmidt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Schmidt's graduation from the Cowden. Following Mrs. University of Oregon she taught in the Silverton high schools.. Morgan Partner Dies NEW YORK, Feb. 24-(fl)-Sey-mour Parker Gilbert, 45, partner , ii J. P. Morgan & Co., and an in ternationally known authority on finance andcpnomlcs, died in the Doctors hospital today of a heart "My ailing condition was by no means a recent occurence for I had been in poor health for the last 20 years, and although I had tried In every way I knew to get relief from my suffering, nothing seemed to do me a bit of good, until one day I found VAN-TAGE r MR. C. L. SPRUXGMAN and the way this Great Medicine helped me is nothing short of wonderful!" said Mr. C. L. Sprungman, of Rural Route 1, Turner. Oregon (about . 10 miles Southeast' of Salem), while talk ing just a few days ago about this Amazing New Medicine which is being introduced to the local pub lie at the Fred Meyer Toiletry & Remedy Shop, by a Special Van Tage Representative, direct from The Van-Tage Laboratories. Mr. Sprungman, who has been a resi dent of this Immediate "vicinity for "the last 7 years, is a -well-known farmer and member of the Masonic Lodge. Read the rest of this" Prominent Local Man's state ment. Continuing, he said 'Van-Tage. DidEverything iucj vaaiiu irui, lit My stomach seemed to be up set and gassy all the time and I had terrible pains dub to so nxach gas in my system. These awful pains would shoot all through my body from my limbs clear up Into my head and then everything would- turn black before me and I would get so sick and dizzy that I would have to go and lie down I had no appetite and what little 1 ate didn't do me any good, for It Just laid there in my stomach and formed ' this awful gas and so much sour acid that a bitter water brash came up into my throat and mouth and made me terribly sick. I had to take a strong physic almost every night f or my constipation and I felt sluezish and tired and worn out and ; had no pep throughout the day. "Then I started taking Van- -- f fa sn1 T IrvtAv fAnt riv emrw A CkU RUW WW VU1 tU J W w M experience that it does everything that is claimed for it It had a wonderful action on my gassy, up- nt mt rm o anil nnw T A.t mw meals with a real relish-and my , food digests fine ahddoesn't sour or cause that awful gas and acid like It did. The terrible gas pains and those sickening dizzy spells have been relieved, too, and I'm not bothered with the sour water brash .coming np into my throat and jnouth. Van-Tage also had a fine, laxative action on my si ug . W-sh bowels and now they are act ing more normally and I don't have to take strong physics all the time. I want to recommend this Great Medicine to others who suffer like I did, so I gladly give you this public statement" A Special Van-Tage Represen tative, direct from The Van-Tage Laboratories, IS now at me rreu Meyer Toiletry & Remedy Shop, 170 N. Liberty St, Salem, daily meeting crowds of people and in m ill CANNP fruits 11' MX 0 -Li' 0 O U W STOP I LOOK I and READ I Did you EVER tec such values in Canned Foods? Only Ssfcway's economical dis tributing methods, and efficient operation make these savings possible. It will py you to stock up regardless of how much j Fruit you have on hand. Buy liatf dozens, dozens and even cases. The more you buy the more you save. STOKELEY'S NO. 300 CANS Muneaipiple N U79 3 cans HILLSDALE BROKEN SLICED 1 ill . TYTfff "ILi.-i Tid Bits or Crushed, Del Monte Full o Gold Halve o Gold Halves o' Gold APRICOTS PEARS APRICOTS Whole Unpitted Selected Bartletts Lucions Halves Stokeleys Grapefruit JUICE SOO Size t15d Halve 6 Gold eaches 2N- S Ao 12 Cans $1.45 Combination Offer: SPECIAL VALUES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY TO MONDAY FEB. 25 TO ,23 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , , , , , , iiitiir-- OTHER CANNED FOOD FEATURES PORK & BEANS 10c 29c Van Camp's No. 303 tall can. MINCED BUTTER CLAMS ?annd 10c HOMINY aw cans 15c Doz 39c Van Camp's No. 300 Cans j SAUERKRAUT cans 9c CORNED BEEF LIBBY'S 12-oz. can FANCY SPINACH 2 for 25c Alma Brand No. 24 cas. DICED BEETS fn 10c ASPARAGUS CORN Hillsdale, 8-oz. can.... 10C 2 No. 303 fj 0 cans Doz. Country-Kist Golden Bantam 89C Del Monte Corn No. 2 Cans for No. 303 Cans Whole Kernel 1 ' Ox r-ana 25C 10C 2 for 25C PEAS Del Monte Early Garden' 2 f 25 c PEAS Tiny size Picnic Ting 2 for 25c SALMON Dei Monte Red, No. 1 can 25C 1 Ige. pkg. Mai-I'Mom Pancake Flour and 1 pt. Sleepy Hollow Syrup Both for 35c Marshmallows, Fluffiest, lb. Package 2 for 25c Calumet Bkg. Pwdr lb. can ....19c Swans Down Cake Flour Ige 25c Westag (Imit) Vanilla 4 oz. 10c Albers Farina, No. 10 bag 49c H. O. Oats Large Pkg- :..28c Hershey Cocoa Lb. tin 14c Small White Beans 10 lb. bag 39c Bird Seed, Claremont, pkg 10c Fluf fo Shortening.L..4 lbs. 43c C.H.B. Pickles, 6-oz. jar......10c O. K. Soap 4 bars 19c Par Gran. Soap, lge. pkg. ..25c Spry, 3 lb. tin ....l-....53c PalmoliTe Soap, cake.J! 1 - 5c Comfort Tissue 4 rolls 25c COFFEE Airway 15c, 3 lbs. 43c Nob Hill 21c, 2 lbs. 40c Ea wards, lb. can 23c, 2-lb. 45c Fl our Airtight 49 Lb. Sack 57 "S$r 57d)D J 49 Lb. Sack J L Robin Hood Fine Quality ges Full Cream Morton's Shaker MJ8 JellWei Shredded Wheat Br i el I 0 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY SPINACH New shipment Texas dark green spinach. Full of iron lbs. 15c NEW PEAS The first crop is always more sweet and tender. Lb A VIZ NEW POTATOES From Florida, wonder- eaUng. 4 lbs. 5 SU1VKIST LESIONS Large 360. size. Finest thing in the world for colds. Stock up at A this price. Doz Zr Oranges 220 size. Contain more juice than anything we ve ever seen. 2doz. for 29c lrioTay and Saturday only. Imagine strawberries in February, llicb, red, f nil-flavored berries and only, per box as APRICOTS lJ2 Us.,29c PEACHES 4.2 lbs. 23c BLACK FIGS, 2 lbs. 15c PRUNES ... .5 lbs. 25c MEAT DEPARTMENT f fw77m A fr" Cut from Quality beef, a Sunday f S lL lSidlAS steak dinner you'll enjoy. Per lb ... iiU IPfiGN ECS Armour's Sugar Cured, Ibl... . EQg i Quart GaueffliffQat fo LbS2c Grade A. U. S. Extras, large. Doz. -n i r l i i i i i i i i NU troducing and explaining this Re markable Compound.